Becoming His Personal Assistant

By Miriam Malou

Published on Jan 19, 2017


Becoming his personal assistant - Part 3

This is a work of fiction, the forced sissification of Patrick, turning into eventual acceptance and appreciation. If this offends you, please read no further, as there will be explicit acts of forced sexual intercource and the like.

I woke up for for the 4th time in a single night, this time however, it was actually because of the alarm clock. The other 3 times had been my clit straining against its cage so much that i couldnt stay asleep. And each time i had laid there for about 30 minutes before it had calmed down again, and i would drift back to sleep. I lay there for a second, considering if i could maybe call in sick for the day, as i really couldnt face Roland today. I didn't give it too much thought however, as i simply didnt dare. My hands started running over my body, feeling my completely shaven and soft skin, before bumping into the metal cage surrounding my clit. I was calling it my clit and pussy permanently now, since Roland had texted me on my way home last night, that this was now their names, and any slipups would result in punishment. Having received my fair share of that the last 2 days, from what i would consider small things, i had now decided to think of them as purely my pussy and clit in order to avoid accidentally calling them the wrong thing. Imagine that, not too long ago i had only male body parts, but how quickly i had accepted my new fate.. And my new pussy. And a pussy it had been just last night, Roland made sure of that. Sure it was my first time being fucked like that, but i think even a real woman would be walking funny after that treatment. My finger ran down between my legs slowly, investigating the state of my pussy. As i reached the hole, i winced a little. It was very sore, and swollen slightly, though it did feel like i would be ok. It felt slippery, and i realised i was still oozing a bit of Rolands cum from last night. I almost brought my finger up to my mouth, but quickly snapped out of it, cursing myself. Roland would expect this of me at all times, as he had made very clear, but dammit he wasnt around now, and its not exactly something i enjoyed. Even so, i now clearly recalled the taste of cum, of which i had had plenty, since yesterday. It was entirely possible i recalled the taste, since there could still be some on my lips. I was more exhausted than i had ever been when i came home last night, and had basically flopped into bed like a dead fish. The smell of sweat, lube and cum was still on me i realised, and i crawled out of bed, and jumped into the shower. I spent 30 minutes in the shower, cleaning myself over and over, never feeling quite clean. No matter how many times i checked myself in the mirror afterwards, there was still nothing to see. Then why did i feel like anyone could tell just what i had done last night, and what was left on my face and ass. I had to look away from the mirror though eventually, as the cage and my collar just kept bringing back the events of yesterday. Time to get dressed and get to work.. When i got in, i found that i had been moved to a new desk, just outside Rolands office. I was now his full time assistant. I got the standard congratulations, even from those i knew were jealous, and wanted the position for themselves. I wonder how they would feel if they knew how i had earned that "honor". Sitting down at my desk, there was a nice little basket, and an envelope from Roland. I opened the letter and started reading, nervous anyone had examined the contents of the basket before i arrived. Who knew what would be in here..

"Hi sweetie

Thank you for last night, i really needed that. We still have a lot to work on, and this letter will describe some of those steps, while others will of course be more hands on. For now, just follow the instructions in this letter. In the basket you will find a small canister, with a delicious little cocktail especially for you. One will be provided each morning, and it will help you alot in this process during the coming months, with some added benefits of making you more limber, and you skin more soft and sensitive. Drink it now, and continue the letter"

I looked in the basket, and found the canister, which contained a white liquid. I opened it and smelled carefully, not sure what to expect. It didnt smell bad, kind of vanilla and sweet, maybe some honey? I knew this wasnt just a dessert, or a nice fruit smoothie, something was up here. But what exactly was i going to do about it. I'm sure it wasnt going to hurt me. I was just worried it would drug me and impair my judgement even more than it already had been from Rolands treatment. I stopped thinking about it, and started to drink up, wanting to get it over with. It was thick and milky, and surprisingly tasty. And as i was drinking, it actually seemed to wake me up more than anything.

"I expect you very much enjoyed the taste of that, the recipe came highly recommended. Now back to business. In the basket you will also find a pair of white stockings, a small white g-string, and a garter belt to match. After reading this letter, i want you to go put this on, and then immediately report to my office for inspection. But put them aside for now. I will now give you daily assignments, that you need to complete each night before you go home. A general set of things to do, and then i will add to that as we move along:

You will start to wear stockings, garterbelts, thongs and panties at all times during the day, i will provide these for you later today. Basically whatever lingerie i present to you. You will perform an enema every evening before anything else. Follow my exact instructions, and it will be perfectly alright. You will start to wear a buttplug at all times, which will be provided at your inspection You will go to the fitness center every day, for an hour of specific exercises, dont worry, they will have your schedule when you go down there, free of charge for employees of course. You will start to tan, wearing the same thong each time. I want a nice tan body, with clear lines from your skimpy underwear You will begin to wear your 3" heels at all times during the evening when you are working. Start to let your hair and fingernails grow out, we will want a more feminine look ASAP Start to act and talk more feminine. Practice your girly voice, and preferably in a submissive tone, though we will make sure of that regardless. I will provide makeup, and photos and instructional videos. I want you to learn to create your slutty look to perfection. Learn to love that lipstick sweetie

For the next week or so, i dont want you to shave your body hair at all, but make no mistake, this is not a permanent solution. But for now, let it grow back, the little you had anyway. Now go put on the lingerie ín the basket, and come see me in my office."

I read the whole thing again, in disbelief. These... changes seemed far more invasive, and permanent than i had thought. How would i be expected to go around the office, people would start noticing. I was not too fond of where this was all headed, but i was too far along now to do much about it. I looked into the basket and found the lingerie Roland had left for me in a bag. The delicate little g-string was soft and practically weightless, the tiniest amount of fabric in use. I took it all into the bathroom, found a stall, and started to undress. Once naked i picked up the g-string, and stepped into it. I had the pair halfway up my legs when i stopped to think. Did they go on first or last, when wearing a garter belt. It looked more right first, but then how would i get them off. I pulled them up the rest of the way, and felt the string slide between my cheeks and slightly graze my pussy. I would be lying if i said it didn't feel nice to wear them, and unfortunately had to admit that my clit was covered just fine in them. I then took out the stockings, bunched them up like i had seen my mother do, and started rolling them on one leg at the time. I then ran my hands all the way from the feet to my thigh, making sure they were properly in place, and then realising just how girly that must have looked. I quickly shrugged it off, after all how many ways were there to put on stockings correctly, and went for the garter belt. Once i had it in place and clipped into the stockings, i put my regular clothes back on, and double checked nothing was showing. I stepped out of the stall holding my breath in fear that somehow, someone would notice, and anxious about my inspection with Roland in just a few minutes. But there was no delaying it, eventually i would have to face the man who had buried his cock in my throat and pussy just yesterday. And was now molding me into whatever he saw fit i suppose.

I knocked the office door, and waited a second before being asked in. "Hi patricia" Roland said with an all too satisfied smile on his face. "Did you sleep well dear, i assume you were quite tired." i still hadnt looked him in the eyes, and was sort of staring at my feet as i told him about my uneven night. "Poor thing, we will have to see what we can do about that. But for now, step over here, so i can make sure you have learned obedience." I walked over to Roland, which i suppose was an upgrade over having to crawl on my knees, though the day was of course far from over. Roland picked up a remote, and with the click of a button, the office door locked. "Take of your clothes sweetie, show daddy how pretty you look in his gift."he leaned back in his chair, as i slowly started to undress, dreading where this might end up. As i dropped my pants and stood naked, apart from Sirs gift, he twirled his finger in the air, indicating that i should turn around. As i did, i came face to face with myself in the mirror, the same mirror i had looked into yesterday with Sirs cock deep in my pussy. My clit gave a small twitch both from the memory of that whole.. Event. And from how i looked in the mirror, absolutely adorable. And so very sexy. If i had run into someone like the person in that mirror, i wouldnt be able to control myself, i would have to.. To what. I was locked up tight in my cage, my clit almost completely limp. But even if it wasnt, it was nowhere near the size if Sirs. i looked back into the mirror, and realised that i would never be able to fuck the girl the way she deserved. Oh god what was i thinking, i had just basically admitted that i'm only good for getting fucked, and someone like Roland was the one to do it. Someone with an actual full sized cock, where i would come up short, so to speak. I felt so inferior standing there, and at the same time i felt sexy. I wonder what kind of thoughts i would bring up in a real man, if he was looking. I didnt have to wonder for long, as Roland reminded me that he was also in the room. "Yeah sweetie, i dont blame you. You look every bit as hot as i would have hoped, dressed in that. But i couldnt help notice that something was missing." Missing, what was he talking about, i had put on everything he had said. As i turned to look at him, i saw he had a buttplug placed on his knee, lubed up from the looks of it. He was holding it in place as he turned the chair. The buttplug was larger than the first one he had pushed inside of me, and i knew it would stretch me. My pussy started twitching, knowing full well the invasion it was about to accept, and i was suddenly very aware of how sore i still was from last night. My bottom lip started quivering, as i put on my best set of puppy dog eyes, hoping he would have mercy. "Oh sweetie, those eyes are having the exact opposite effect i'm afraid. Now i just want to see you squirm and moan even more, as you push yourself onto the plug. Now come sit. Dont make me ask again." I walked back over to him, trembling slightly, as he just leaned back again, holding the plug in place with one hand. I started to crawl over his knee, pulling my g-string to one side, and steadying myself on Rolands shoulder with the other hand. My breathing picked up, as i started lowering myself down, aiming the tip at my pussy. This day was starting much rougher than i had expected. Or hoped at least. "Thats it sweetie, dont rush it. It will get there in time. Make sure you let the lube spread nicely, before taking the plunge."Honestly Roland could go fuck himself, i wasn't exactly in any hurry, and he knew it. I hated how much pleasure he was taking from humiliating me like this, and all my nervousness was replaced with anger for a moment. That moment ended just as fast, as he slapped my ass, which once again rang out in the office. "I can be nice, but if you want to keep me that way, you should really start to consider when not to test me. Now get going" he growled. I landed the tip perfectly on the hole, the instant he was done talking, now taking deep breaths as i prepared myself. I started dipping down a little, and going back up, the lube doing its job of lining my pussy. The plug was still large however, and my sore pussy protested as i started pushing back down on it. I cried out slightly, though kept going as the plug kept expanding my pussy. And then suddenly i felt it, the widest part of the plug had passed, and in an instant i felt myself land on Rolands knee, my pussy gripping the plug as if thanking it for no longer hurting. I let out a girly half grunt half moan, that turned into a gasp, as i realised it wasnt only wider, but the tip reached deeper than the previous one. My pussy grabbing on tight, forced it to stay buried deep, and i was now sitting there trying to adjust to the intrusion. Roland playfully bounced his knee a few times, which forced a few more audible gasps from me, then placed a hand on my ass. "Not bad sweetie, we really opened you up last night, didnt we. Remember that, remember how my dick felt as it exploded in you," he said mockingly. I had learned my lesson, and quickly responded with a "Yes sir". He squeezed and and fondled my ass, as he continued. "Did you like that, what i did yesterday, did you appreciate how i made a girl out of you?" My face turned red. Being called a girl, and having to relive yesterday, while sitting on my bosses lap in lingerie, with a fairly large buttplug in place, was like torture, and my humilitation felt like it would go on forever. "Yes sir, Thank you sir", i managed to stammer, as i looked away. Roland started moving his leg, rubbing the plug around. He ordered me to lift my legs, my toes barely touching the floor, so i was completely impaled on the plug, gravity doing all the work, as he kept moving the plug around. My pussy was on fire, and i had gone into a whimpering moaning state, because even with everything going on, and the pain, i could feel tingles all over my body, familiar and ... welcome. Roland stopped abruptly though, and ordered me off his leg, like it was my idea to be on there in the first place. I got to my feet, as he brought out a bucket full of ice. I looked at him in confusion, as he brought out a canister with the words "Create-a-mate" on them. He then took out a mixture in a bowl and set it all on the table. "Now sissy, what i am about to do might seem like a punishment, but i assure you it isnt. You have done very well today, but there is just no way around this. Now take off your g-string." I fumbled with my g-string, while staring nervously at the contents on the table. I had to unclip my garter belt to take it off, and a quick remark from Roland, let me know always to wear thongs and panties on the OUTSIDE of my garter belt, in case i had to remove them very fast. They dropped to the floor, and i stepped out of them, and right away Roland grabbed a hold of my cage. I froze in place, as i knew first hand how much pain he could deal if he wanted to. But instead he pulled out his key, and unlocked the device. I was quite relieved for a moment, thinking i might now be free, but it was short lived. Before my clit had a moment to enjoy freedom, icecubes were being held directly against my balls, freezing cold and making me jump. I pulled back making a sort of "Yuip" sound, but Sir held me in place. I started tiptoeing, trying to stay silent, but it was nearly impossible. And as if that wasn't enough, Sir then suddenly slapped my clit hard, sending a flash of pain through me. I started tearing up, begging Sir to stop, but he gave me two or three more slaps, icecubes still melting all over my balls. He suddenly removed his hands, and grabbed the canister and mixture from the table. I looked down quickly to survey the damage, and saw that my clit had shrunken up even more, without a doubt the smallest i had ever seen it. Before i had anymore time to look, he put the canister over my clit, and poured the mixture in at once. "Dont move a muscle for at least 3 minutes, or you will be very sorry," was all he said. So i didnt, standing completely still for 3 minutes, as i could feel the mixture hardening up. When the time was up, he gently pulled the canister back, and put it on the table. My clit was still as small as i had seen before, and as he put on my chastity again, i could see that i wasnt quite filling it as much as before, not in length, but even more so in girth. It had fit fairly well in length when he first put it on, but there was always room for my clit to expand inside it, and now there was alot more room. Roland pulled out a small string, and ran it around the base of my clit. As he tightened it decently around my clit, without cutting of circulation (whew), he took a marker and drew on the string. I had no idea what had just happened or why it had happened, and just stood there, not sure what to do next. Roland pointed the canister at me, showing me the hole from where my clit had just been. "Look that that little thing, so adorable. I'm glad we even managed to get a mold of that tiny clit, was worried when it started shrinking. Ok darling, put your clothes back on, and go clean some of that off when you have time. I wont be in tonight, so you have the place to yourself, to act all girly, and think about me when i'm not here." he winked at me smiling. "Now, you have your instructions, please follow them, every single one. There are a lot of cameras in the building, and i will be following your progress, so dont skip a thing understand?" i nodded, and quickly followed with a "Yes sir", as i began dressing. What a relief. This weird little incident might be all that was required of me tonight. As i left the office, i saw Roland collect the canister and string, whistling a little happy tune. A little too happy.. i was now worried once more.

A full week had gone by since my last meeting in Rolands office. Every day i had a new set of underwear to put on, a little cocktail ready, and most days a buttplug, sometimes wider, sometimes longer. And sometimes just pretty like a piece of jewelry. One had a pretty pink stone at the base, and the inscription "For my sweet Sissy Patricia". Regardless they all went in, and with an increasing ease. Other than that, and my routine every night, walking in heels, tanning, working out, even following video instructions on how to apply makeup, and appear ladylike, i honestly felt like things had returned to normal in the office. Roland didnt call me into his office for another humiliation, didnt stay late to check up on my progress, hardly even talked to me honestly. It was business as usual.

Today had been a little different, as Roland had provided a corset on top of everything else, with instructions to tighten it as much as possible while still being able to breathe. It was white, which was quickly becoming my favorite color for underwear, and had nice patterns. It was frilly at the bottom, and was an underbust type i suppose, leaving my chest framed and out in the open. I swear, once i started tightening it, it almost looked like i had tiny breasts. I had to breathe a little differently, but my waist had never been so tiny. Everything else was white and frilly as well, and the stockings had two big bows at the rim. I hated to admit it, but it made me sort of happy, and i imagined Roland had picked this because he knew its what i liked.

The panties were crotchless (most of them where), meaning that my entire butt was exposed, nicely framed by them and the corset. On top of that they were open in the front, which was new, leaving my caged clit out in the open, barely framed by the small amount of fabric. I had a feeling i was looking prettier than ever, and i couldnt stand the thought of having to wait until evening to see. I was in the mens bathroom, in one of the stalls, and was deadly afraid that anyone would see me. But i had to get a glimpse of what i looked like. I knew no one was in in the bathroom right now, and figured i could sneak a look. I unlocked, and stuck my head out of the stall, to check that no one was there, and then stepped out. I quickly ran to a mirror, heartbeat going crazy from fear and excitement. As soon as i saw myself, i gasped, completely stunned. I hadnt looked this pretty yet, and with my nice tan and the white underwear and new corset, i looked so sexy and sweet. My eyes quickly caught my chest and nipples, which indeed looked a little like breasts. My nipples seemed larger, something i hadnt really paid attention to, but i assumed it was just because i never really looked at them before. My hand found its way to them, slowly circling before gently flicking the tip. I let out a soft girly moan, which made my face heat up. They were more sensitive than ever, and the second i had touched them, they hardened a little at the tip, while staying soft around it. I tiptoed a little, trying to imagine what i would look like i my heels, and ran my fingers over my nipples again, before squeezing them both gently. Multiple waves of blinding pleasure ran over my entire body, and i gasped for breath, made a little more difficult by my corset. I heard a noise outside the bathroom, and the doorhandle moved downwards, which made me jump in fear, as i bolted back into the stall. I quickly locked it, as i heard voices laughing and talking about whatever. I couldnt really focus on what they were saying, as i was trembling with fear, trying not to gasp loudly. That was a little too risky, what the hell was i thinking. I quickly put on my office clothes, checked that you couldnt tell what i was wearing, and went back to work. My shirt was still grazing my exposed nipples, and throughout the day, were often getting hard. It was both making me hornier than i had been in a while, and making me worried that people could see my nipples poking through my shirt.

Evening had finally arrived, and everyone had gone home. I had the place to myself yet again, and was going through the checklist. Start off with a workout, wearing my heels. Nothing that was bulking me up, but simply tightening specific musclegroups. Mostly my ass and legs, as well as a toned back. Most of my workout consisted of limbering up and repetitive tasks that obviously mimicked fucking motions, like bouncing up and in in a cowgirl position, and flexing properly while in doggy style position, arching my back. I never took the time to workout at all, and even if this was humiliating, and quite clearly meant to make me more girly, i couldnt deny the benefits. Afterwards a quick tan, a shower, full enema, applying makeup, while following a new video, and then back in the lingerie, wig, and heels. As i entered the womens bathroom for my walking exercise, a dildo had been suctioned to the mirror at the backwall. The mirror had lipstick writing saying "Suck me for 3 minutes, all the way down, every time you get down here". Had Roland been here while i was working out? It would be the first time for a while if he had. But who else would it be. The dildo wasnt huge, but a decent size, enough to make me gag i was sure. I instantly thought of the blowjob training a week ago, that had resulted in my first breeding session. After a week of those memories, i wasnt so affected by them anymore, but the humiliation was undeniable. He had made me nearly choke on his cock, before ramming it into my pussy, and fucking me until i was completely at his mercy, and once again i had put up no fight at all. And now here i was, about to practice deepthroating again, well knowing that the only purpose is to prepare me for Rolands cock. I sighed as i started walking towards it, hips swaying as i've been taught, the plug in my ass making itself more known as a result. I reach the dildo, and kneel in front of it. I start licking the imitated ballsack with my painted lips giving them a kiss, before snapping my head back. This wasnt a real cock, there was no one here to impress or appease. I felt shame once again, as my natural instinct had betrayed whatever was left of my manliness. This was just another workout, and i was gonna treat is as such. I put my lipstick coated lips on the tip, and slowly started working my way down, until it hit the back of my throat. I left it there for a moment, adjusting myself to the sensation, before pulling back. Constantly aware of my teeth and making sure to suck hard. I push back down on it and it again tickled the back of my throat. I attempt to relax a little, as i gently push forward, instantly feeling the gag sensation. I pull back a little, settle down and push back down again, this time a little harder. It still wont go in, and i move around my tongue trying to find some sort of technique. I pull out, and ram back onto it, much like i had done that night. It got down a little further, and at the same time i tried to relax

the back of my tongue, while pushing it out of my mouth. I suddenly felt the head of the dildo disappearing into my throat, and in my excitement, forgot to focus. I choked and gaspes, pullling the dildo out the whole way, as strings of saliva connected it to my red lips. I composed myself, caught my breath, and went down again, this time determined to maintain focus. The head started to disappear again, and i was breathing steadily through my nose. I felt resistance, but no gagging, and decided to power through. I was gonna do this dammit. I kind of had already, though not as relaxed. The dildo plunged down my throat as i pushed forward, and my lips touched the base of the dildo, for an instant before i quickly pulled back out, gasping for air. My mouth was swimming in saliva now, a natural reaction it would seem, from all the porn i had seen. My 3 minutes were up, and i stood back up, wiping a little drool of my chin, as the dildo bounced slightly from my attention. I swallowed and turned around to work on my walk. My hips were swaying more than ever, and i was breathing like i had just done a small workout. The plug in my ass was once again apparent, starting to feel really good. I reached the far wall, and turned in a little twirl. How did i even know how to do that. I see the dildo hanging on the wall, and i knew that part of me wanted to conquer this, wanted to do well, and show that i was capable. As a result, my pace back to the dildo was a little quicker, though very sultry and feminine, judging by how i looked in the mirror. As i reached the dildo, i quickly dropped to my knees, and took the dildo back in my mouth. I had 3 minutes to prove i could do this. The dildo went back down my throat, and almost made it all the way down, before i decided to pull out. Better to stay composed, than to gag. For the next minute or so, i plunged down deep enough that the head went into my throat, before pulling back, keeping a slow rhythm. I decided to go for it, and forced it all the way down my throat, reaching the base, and then pulling out. I pulled all the way out until the head was resting on my lips, saliva dripping down, before i plunged its full lenght back again. I was able to do it 4 times total, before gagging. I forced myself to stay on the cock even while gagging a little, to see if i could regain control, and it almost worked. In the end i had to give up and pulled out again, coughing a little. Huge strings of drool were hanging off it, and i slurped back down on it, unconsciously starting a sucking motion. The room had been full of the sounds of a sloppy blowjob for a few minutes now, and my body was vibrating with arousal. It had been nearly 14 days since i had any kind of release, and right now i was honestly horny as fuck. My hand found its way to my sensitive nipples, as i continued sucking, and resulted in a jolt of pure pleasure, and i rubbed them both, and squeezed, imitating the slutty pornstars i had watched so often. I i suddenly plunged back down on the dildo, in pure instinct, and started pumping it in and out, while keeping it in my throat. Tears were streaming down my face, and my hand slid down to my clitty, still trapped in its case. The sexual frustration was simply too much, and i pulled and pushed on the damn thing, hoping i could jerk it inside the cage. I couldnt feel much, but kept going. Suddenly i felt the cage slide off a little, and pulled off the dildo in shock. I was gasping from the ordeal, and looked down quickly while catching my breath. The cage was still holding on firmly to my balls, but the clit had come out a little. I pulled again, and more came out. I quickly hooked my pinky beneath my clitty, and pulled. It popped out, looking smaller and softer than ever. And even if there was a little stubble reappearing, i was still very smooth. I didnt for a second think if i could get it back in, think of the consequences, or anything else. All i could think of was how horny i was and that my clitty was now free. I took my thumb and index finger, and started jerking it it slowly, letting out a long drawn girly moan, as the sensation was overwhelming. My clitty didnt start to go hard as it usually did, and only firmed up a small amount. I didnt care, and kept jerking it with two fingers. My other hand found its way to the plug that had been teasing my pussy the entire time, and pushed down on it, rocking my hips while doing so. I let out a moan and a grunt, as i looked over at the dildo hangin on the wall, still covered in saliva, and streaks of red lipstick. And for an instant i had an idea. Something more than the plug. Maybe just the tip, while i jerked my clitty. I felt my legs move, preparing to stand, rearrange myself. And then i heard the door slam.

"What the fuck is going on here Patricia!?" i heard Rolands deep rumbling voice. I panicked, breath caught in my throat, and tried to turn my body, while trying to push my still soft clitty back in the cage. My hands were shaking far too much to accomplish anything useful, and honestly, it would have taken hours to get it back in. I started crying and pleading, as i heard hard footsteps quickly approaching. "Please sir" i whimpered, "i didnt mean to, it just sort of happened while i was training". I started to turn, while staying on my knees, making sure to be as submissive as possible, and saw Roland towering over me, eyes filled with anger, and a big vein in his neck. And for a moment, i stopped in my tracks, as there were to middle aged, attractive women behind him, in very professional nurse like outfits. I was quickly looking back to Roland, as he pulled me to my feet, almost throwing me over to the sinks and threw me over the table, bent forward. "You are going to regret that you ever fucking did that. I was gonna go easy on you slut, let you get used to your new life. But not anymore". He pushed my face down onto the table, leaving my ass completely exposed. "This is gonna hurt me as much as it will hurt you, but you left me little choice". In moments he had his belt off, and i was sobbing, begging for mercy. Trying to tell him how good i had been at practice. How i was gonna do better, how i was gonna do everything he asked me. It stopped the moment the first strike landed, and was replaced with a wail, that i couldnt believe came from me. It was quickly confirmed as the second strike landed, and the room once again echoed with my cries and the slap of the belt. He was not holding back at all. He got into a rough rhythm, all pleas ignored, and with no consideration. My begging eventually turned into sobs, and i simply started crying "sorry master", after each slap of the belt. The force of the slaps were lessening after the first 20 hard slaps, but by now my cheeks were hurting so much, that even the lighter slaps, felt just as painful. Time seemed to stand completely still, as he worked me over, and i have no idea how long i was receiving my punishment, legs trembling, sweat covering my body, as it had no idea how to react. He eventually threw down the belt and used his open hand, slapping each buttcheek multiple times, before settling down. His hand slowly rubbed my ass now, the pain less than the slaps, but still enough to make me squirm. I was still just repeating "Sorry master" while sniffling and sobbing, and finally his hand left my ass, and started stroking my sweating back. I could hear his heavy breathing, and was afraid that it was arousal more than exhaustion. I couldn't do this, couldnt adjust to this type of treatment. I would do anything to not receive this ever again. My legs were continuing to tremble as he kept standing behind me, terrified that he would start again. I felt all the blood that had rushed to my head, and how tight my collar was, how sore my throat was from the practice, and how quiet the room was. I remember now, that there were two women in here with us, and that they had witnessed all of it. All of me, dressed up, feminized, and punished harder than ever. I was so humiliated, knowing that someone else finally knew about me, and what i was doing. But i was exhausted from the punishment, and still terrified, which made it less of an issue. I stayed completely still, head as low as i could, ass as far up in the air as my heels would allow. "I wasnt going to start this until at least a couple of weeks Patricia, but you leave me little choice. Ladies, if you wouldnt mind retrieving your gear from the van, so we can get started". I could hear my pulse in my ears again, as my imagination went wild. What gear!? The two women left without a word, as Roland asked me to stand. I slowly got up, wincing from the pain, and turned around, head bowed. "You look lovely tonight Patricia", Roland simply said, and i started crying again. "Thank you for the underwear sir, it looks wonderful", i sobbed. For some strange reason, it felt exactly like i had betrayed him, like i was in the wrong here. Why couldnt i just have stuck with the instructions he gave me. "I hate that you make me do this Patricia, you really need to learn to obey", he said as he moved forward, and i was half expecting another round of roughness, but instead he just hugged me. I pressed myself against the man who had just slapped all sense out of me, sniffled. "Yes sir, i'll do so much better, i promise". "I know you will sweetie, we will make sure of it. Dont you worry your little head anymore. When they return, we can get started". **********

Roland had ordered me to fix my makeup before they got back, and i was just about done when they came through the door, with large medical bags. Roland came over and grabbed the clitty cage firmly as it dangled freely. He then unlocked it and removed it completely. I looked up questioning. "Dont get used to it", he simply said, and ordered me to take my clothes off. I had to remove everything but the collar and my heels, and lay down on my back. "For the next couple of hours, you do exactly as these two women say, and trust me i will know if you dont. They are from a very nice company, helping me with this little project, and they are here for your next phase. We will need many treatments to make this all permanent, but they have been instructed to go over your entire body tonight, until there isnt a trace of hair left". As he finished his sentence, they pulled out some pen shaped devices, connected to a large base station. A type of hair removal it seemed, and my nerves calmed a little. I had imagined alot worse just a moment ago, and i didnt have much hair to begin with. Although it was permanent, as he had said, the word still ringing in my ears. How long until the point of no return. My clitty was free for the first time in almost 14 days, and it made me realise just how much i had grown accustomed to the cage. As the two women were getting ready, i looked down between my legs. It was still just as tiny, as when i had just gotten it out myself. And i still hadn't had an erection. Not so strange with the treatment i had received, but, even before that. I gulped down as i kept looking at it, almost trying to will it to move, or firm up. One of the women chuckled mockingly as she saw where i was looking. "I must say, i didnt know they came in sizes that small. Cant blame him for locking it up, no one is gonna get alot of use out that little thing". My mouth gaped open a little, and i was just about to protest, though well knowing that we were both looking at the same tiny clit. I closed my mouth again. She had glasses on, and they were monitoring my face closely, almost as if to see what my reaction and response would be. She smirked knowingly, and i sighed in defeated shame, trying to look away. "Eva, would you mind starting with her facial hair, while i take care of this little stump. Shouldnt take long by the look if things", the women with the glasses said to her colleague, who quickly moved up. "This might sting a little, but its completely harmless", she smiled. "Well not for your hair obviously", she chuckled, as i felt Glasses lady grab my clit, with a jolt of surprise. Evas cleavage was right in my face, as she adjusted herself, and began to take aim with the pen device. I felt a small stab of pain just over my penis, and my legs jerked. I wasnt at all happy i couldnt see anything, but Eva quickly grabbed my face with her one hand, looked me into my eyes, and calmly but firmly said "Dont move a muscle, or your master will hear of it", before continuing. I froze up completely, as they both began delivering their little jolts of pain. I can only imagine this is what a tattoo feels like, but i've never had one. It went on for hours though.

I had somewhat adjusted to the pain, when they appeared to be done. Just about my whole body was red and glowing, and i could feel my skin tight and uncomfortable. "All done sweetie", Eva said. She seemed to be the nice one. "You might need a little follow up on the hair removal, sometimes they come back, but not to worry, you will see us again regardless. Now we just have one final thing, before we can present you to your master again." They pulled out needles filled with a clear liquid, and Glasses lady gave me an evil smirk. My eyes grew, and my lower lip started to shake. "Stop being such a girl, she said, we arent doing anything new. Just rushing it a bit. Now stay still". They both grabbed a nipple, as i gasped in both pain and pleasure, and stuck each needle around the soft tissue of my chest, before the last prick just below my nipple. "Or didnt you notice any changes yet", Eva said innocently, while running a rubbergloved finger in circles on my one nipple. I let out a moan, and my body spasmed a little. Glasses lady quickly slapped down on my clit, making me yelp, and look at her in confusion. "We cant get her excited before the fitting, you know that". Eva looked up, "Did she get erect?" "No of course not, just look at it. But there is no reason to take any chances here. Besides, i dont want this little bitch to derive any more pleasure from her pathetic little clit. Let her master instruct her on how to get off from now on. Now lets get finished". They pulled out 2 more needles each, and rolled me over onto my back. They starting injecting along my hip area, and covered up all of my buttcheeks, before injecting a few times on my inner thighs, and once each near my pussy, just below my balls. "Ok all done sweetie, we will do this again in about a week, but for now you can get dressed for your master. I think he has a surprise for you". They both chuckled as they started packing up. It was embarassing putting on lingerie in front of them, with them both knowing i was going in to see Roland, but i didnt have many secrets left from them. As i was putting on my corset as the last piece, Glasses lady came over. "Here darling, let me help you", and before i could say anything, she tightened the straps harder than i was ready for. I had to grab the edge of the table to not fall on the floor, and she simply kept pulling. She finally fastened the straps as i regained my balance, and smirked at me in the mirror. "Youre welcome darling, now just remember to push out that butt of yours. Show off the goods", she said as they both left, and i was catching my breath. I had to admit, it looked good in the mirror though, even if i couldnt keep this up for long. I wobbled a little, and then made my way to Rolands office, hoping to find him in a better mood. I knocked almost inaudibly on the door, but after a few seconds i was instructed to enter. I entered the office, head down, and stood in the middle of the room, legs together, knees naturally bent inwards, with my hands folded in front of me. "We're all done sir", i said and waited for a response. "Move over here Patricia, let me get a good look". I quickly ran over to him, as quickly as my heels would allow me, and stood with my hands down by my side. "Very nice, so very smooth now. Keep applying skin cream, and you will be as soft as any girl ive ever touched", he said as he ran his fingertips over my thighs, just above my stockings. "You've been through alot tonight, and i wont put you through much more, but you forced this on yourself you know. I was gonna space it out a little. I actually came to give you a gift, for all the nice work you've done, so you can imagine how disappointed i was". I felt awful, all the work of the last 14 days, ruined by a moments weakness. "I'm so sorry sir, it will never happen again, i was just horny for a m.."Roland suddenly grabbed my clit and balls, and started squeezing, i instinctively steadied myself on his shoulders, and spread my legs a little. My tiny balls were like small birds eggs in his hands, so fragile. I could feel the dull pain as he was squeezing, but wanted to show that i was submissive and in his completely control. He stopped squeezing and held firm, as he looked into my eyes. "How many times did you pull that thing out and jerk off in the last 14 days, and dont fucking lie, because ill know". "Not once sir, i swear", i blurted out. "Not once since you caught me that first night, i promise", as my lower lip started jumping again. He held me there for a moment, not pressing harder, but not letting go, just enough that i was very uncomfortable. He then let go, as he put a wrapped present with a big bow on the table. "Open it, i had it made especially for you". I sighed in relief, and reached for the present, starting to unwrap. As i opened the box and looked in, my heart sank a little. Waiting for me was a new chastity device, though very unlike the one i had before, and i tried to make out all the details from the base ring, to the tube itself. So small, and in a candy cotton pink, with sparkly glitter in a rubber like material. "You see Patricia, this is the best of the best", Roland started. "Its a flexible metal mesh container coated in the best rubber for the purpose, meaning you will hardly notice its there. Light metal, with hinges on each joint, so it can move and bend", he picked it up and squeezed it flat with two finger, and when letting go, it expanded to its original shape. "The rubber will prevent pinching, and cleaning will be so easy. The metal construction will make it flexible, but not stretchable, so dont worry about that. And have a look inside, thats the best part really. And not a moment too soon apparently". Inside i saw several spikes and felt a chill run down my back. "Let me give you a friendly tip, dont put your finger in there. It wont be easy getting it back out", he chuckled. "The spikes are all connected. Once you put anything in there, and try to pull it out, a single spike catching you, will ensure that all the other spikes grab hold. Think of it like a fish hook, or a sharks mouth if you will. Now the spikes arent that pointy, they wont break skin unless you pull fairly hard. So try not to do that". I felt tears forming in my eyes, this wasnt exactly the gift i had hoped for. This seemed more like a torture device, though i suppose it wouldnt hurt me unless i made it. "Only way the tube cant flex, is too far upwards. There is a little give, so it can bounce around nicely, but thats about it. And the base ring it connects to, has a perfect form to generally force your clitty into its natural soft downwards angle. Heck, you could probably tuck your clitty away if you wanted to, with this thing. I bet you'll wanna try that in the mirror some time". I tried to find words. On the one hand, i wasnt eager to ever take it off again anyway, after the beating my ass just took. But to never have the option. Besides, this one is tiny, will it cut off blood supply?. "But sir, dont you think its too small for me"? I said, trying to sound genuinely concerned about that. "Dont worry sweetie, it will be a perfect fit. Remember the mold i made last week? What did you think that was for. This thing is completely custom made for you. You're right, it does look absolutely tiny, same as your clit. Now lets put it on baby, i wanna see how you like it". I was exhausted from all the events of the day, my body still aching from everything it had endured, and i simply couldnt find the strength to even try to get out of this. And nothing would sound too convincing anyway, and would potentially anger Roland. I wouldnt want that at all. "Yes sir", i said meekly and went down on all fours, expecting him to want the same position as the first time he put something on my clit. "No jump on my desk, sit on the middle, and turn towards me. Spread your legs as wide as you can, and lean back on the table. I did as told, and he rolled his chair over between my legs. "The exercises are really working huh, i cant believe how far your legs can stretch now". I said nothing as i sat on his desk and exposed my clit willingly to him, almost like he was some gynecologist giving me a checkup.Though perhaps i was dressed for something else. Once again, he grabbed a handful if icecubes, and pushed them to my balls and clit. I didnt say much, deciding to tough it out, and just get this over with. Maybe i was adjusting a bit to being handled like this. He kept it on a long time however, and i eventually started squirming, as i felt the cold melted ice water running down over my pussy lips. After several minutes, he pulled the ice off, and i sighed a relief. "Look down on it sweetie, and you might understand why we are doing this. And also, it will be the last time for the foreseeable future, that you will see it like this". I look down to see my poor little tap, that i couldnt really feel that well anymore, the ice having numbed it. It was glistening with water, looking mostly like a childs penis, and like it had never been hard in its life. The skin was soft and unstretched, from being denied even a nightly erection for weeks. It was just there. I felt so embarassed, and felt my acceptance of the chastity that Roland was now grabbing. The device now suddenly looked like it might actually fit, if only just. He maneuvred the base ring onto me, and i felt it fit snuggly into place. It wasnt going anywhere, and almost felt like it snapped into place. Ronald then pulled out some thin fabric, like a stocking, but with a tiny tube, that could just narrowly fit over my clit. "This is so we can pull it all the way into the device you see". He tucked on the fabric, and it had a firm grip on my clit. He then pulled the end through the chastity device, and out through the tip. "Here we go, This better fucking fit, it was very expensive". He started pulling the fabric, while pushing the small tube onto my clit. I could feel him twist it into place, turning it from side to side, moving it around. I could see that he was making progress slowly, but it wasnt easy. I could feel the small bumps of the spikes on the inside of the tube, sliding against my clit. He made one final push, while tucking, and it slid into the place, completely surrounding and grabbing hold of me. He then quickly picked up pliers, and clicked the tube into the base ring. A small like metal rod was slid through the connector, and the pliers were squeezed down hard, making a crunching sound. No key i noticed, to my horror. That crunching sound, had been the lock apparently, and it only went one way. He grabbed a bottle with some smelly liquid,and poored over the cage, and i saw the fabric disolve, like it had never been there. I stared at it for a moment in disbelief. I would never be allowed to jerk my little clit again. Never allowed to feel the orgasm that i was so used to. Never allowed to see it erect, the only thing giving me the slightest confidence that it wasnt actually "that small". I felt a tear run down my cheek. Roland squeezed the tube a little, and i could feel my clit being squeezed throught it, he then bent it around a little, before flipping it upwards, watching as it bounced back into place. "There. Perfect fucking match. Worth every penny". He pulled me to my feet, and had me walk around a bit. I could hardly tell i was wearing the thing, even as sensation had just about returned after the ice. He turned me to face the mirror, and pushed the tube in between my legs, tucking it away, so only a small amount of pink was visible. "Adorable. Absolutely adorable". He grabbed his crotch and moved his hand around a little, before sighing, and pushing me down to me knees. "I'm not gonna reward you with a blowjob today, but i have been holding this in for a week, now, and i cant wait another second. So i'm gonna need you to look up into me eyes with your mouth open, while i take care of this". I was a little surprised, but not really about to complain. He pulled out his big veiny cock, and started stroking. "Look up at me slut, and tell my how much you want this. Tell me what i want to hear. Use your imagination". This was almost too much, too embarassing. Too intimate. I could suck his cock if he wanted me to, but sit here, and beg for his cum. Turn him on with my dirty talk. How was i going to do that even remotely convincing. "Get started slut".

I cleared my throat, as i looked up at his face, with his cock furiously being masturbated inches from my mouth. God, it was so massive. Of course i was comparing it to the little clit we had just locked away, which then made it look absolutely gigantic. "Please sir.... Please cum in my mouth" "I want it so bad sir, please shoot your big load" I put my hands on his thighs, and moved a little closer. "Give me your cum sir, give me all if it. Please let me suck it out of your cock" I moved my mouth up to his cockhead, tongue out, as i quickly flicked it on his tip. He looked down and pushed my head away. "You didnt earn that today. Now start talking like a slut. I know exactly how much you want this, but i want to hear it" "Please sir", i started again "Please shoot your huge load into my little mouth. Cover my tongue and my lips" "I need it sir, empty your balls" "I want to drain you completely sir, its my duty" "I'm your cumslut, your personal whore" "You Cum belongs in my mouth"

Roland started grumbling, talking mostly to himself. "You dirty little whore, you want this huh? You want this you little slut?"

"Yes sir, i want it so bad, please!" My hand moved up to one of my nipples, trying to play the horny slut. I moaned the girliest moan i could,and honestly, not all for show. I still hadnt cum for so long, and it felt so good. "Cum in my mouth sir, make me choke on it", i said as my other hand found a nipple. I was now grazing both of them, moaning softly, as the slapping sound of Roland jerking off, was filling the room. "Oh god sir, i need it, dont tease me anymore" "I'm your little trained cumslut, your pathetic sissy slut" "Use my mouth, make me clean you up"

"Oh you'll get it alright" Roland said to himself, "And you'll fucking swallow every drop whore".

"Yes Sir, make me your whore. Whore me out, make me suck cock" "Ill do whatever you ask, use your little whore"

I was rubbing my nipples furiously now, pure pleasure spreading through my body, no longer concerned about the load i was undoubtedly about to receive. Purely focused on myself, and how i look as i sit there begging. "Your little trained whore. In my small panties and girly stockings. Ruin my lipstick and makeup with all your cum. Humiliate me, turn me into a girl, lock away my little clitty forever. Fuck my pussy whenever you want, use me, use your little slut".

Roland Suddenly roared, as i moaned along with all my dirty talk, and firmly grabbed my hair. I opened my mouth wide like a baby bird being fed, as he started shooting large ropes of cum into my waiting mouth. He moaned and grunted, as he kept jerking, and i felt a few drops land on my chin, the rest shooting into my mouth like he was an expert. 6-7 seven large shots, followed by a few smaller strings of cum, until a single drop hung from his tip. I licked it up, mouth still full, as Roland quickly looked down. "mmhh, ill let it pass.. In fact, swallow that and clean up my cock, make sure you got it all". I gulped down the massive load, Roland wasnt lying. He hadnt come for a week like he said. Of course my own cumloads had never been that large, when i was allowed to cum. I swallowed an extra time, and put his cockhead into my mouth, while jerking his cock with both my hands, making sure that all his cum was out. I swiped his cock down on my chin for the few drops, then back in my mouth. Roland then pulled his cock away, leaving me sitting there, still horny as i'd never been before. A mixture of satisfaction and frustration had rolled over me. Helping sir cum like that, had actually given me a little pleasure, though brief and unfulfilling. "Lets consider this a fresh start, shall we Patricia"? "Yes sir, thank you sir", i said as i got on my feet.

3 days had gone by since my last ordeal. My body now felt somewhat normal again, though smoother than it had ever been. Obviously a big part of that was was the removal of any hair that wasnt on my head, but the skin itself seemed different. I could lie in bed for hours when i got home, just running my hands over my body, my thighs, my ass.. My budding breasts. Because it was becoming clear now, what was being done to me. My nipples where growing in size and sensitivity, and i suspected the injections had accelerated this process as well. And around the nipples, small perky breasts were beginning to show their outline. My ass and hips had always been a little girly, with a narrow waist, but things where obviously changing now. My ass was ... more plump and soft, while still staying firm from my exercises. It was girly. It was the same with my thighs and hips. Putting on the lingerie for the last few days, i stared for longer times in the mirror, looking at the attractive young girl in front of me. My eyes occasionally dropped to look between my legs, the former place of my most manliest. Now nothing more than a pink glittery stub, a small limp clit as i had learned to call it, more a proof of my feminine state, than anything else. I hadnt felt so much as a twitch down there for all 3 days, no sleepless nights over frustrating denied erections. Because they simply werent possibly. I no longer had an escape from this frustrating infuriating horniness i was feeling, no easy way to relieve myself, and it was driving me insane. I needed to cum, needed to feel that sweet pleasure, that inner most desire resolved somehow. But i didnt know how, didnt know where to turn. I had been rubbing my still more sensitive nipples each day, but that wasnt enough, if anything it made things worse. And yet i kept doing it. The most pleasure i seemed to get was from the daily insertion of my buttplug, that sir provided each morning. That and putting on whatever lingerie he had ready for me. I could hardly contain my moans as i slid the panties on. I knew i had been manipulated into this position. I knew this is exactly what he wanted. And i simply didnt care. So he wanted me to feel good, to look in the mirror and smile. To feel like i was finally good at something, was that really so bad. My thoughts in the last couple of days had been many, and most revolving around Roland and his cock. The one he jerked off, into my mouth not too long ago, almost mockingly displaying how a real man gets off. Into the mouth of a slut. My mouth. Once again i sat in the stall looking at the outfit Roland had picked out for me. But it wasnt the outfit i wanted to wear. It was nice, sure, but i needed to feel extra pretty today. Extra sexy. So i left the stall to collect the lingerie i had worn 3 days ago, when i was overcome with desire, and had been caught and punished. And i found my plug with the jewel and the inscription, the one Sir had bought especially for me. After putting it all on, and feeling better than ever, my heart was racing. And i knew why. I hadnt exactly planned anything. But i knew today was different. I could feel that i was about to do something, cross some line, and act on desires that until a few weeks ago, i didnt even have. I NEEDED something, and one person alone could help. Or i might just go insane. I got back to my desk, grabbed a bag that contained my wig and heels, and sat around for about 5 minutes, just waiting for no one to be around the general area. I was trembling slightly with nerves and excitement, and as soon as i was in the clear, i quickly grabbed the wig and heels, and ran over to the door, and knocked. "Come in", i heard, in that deep calm voice only Roland has. I quickly jumped inside and closed the door looking down Roland sounded surprised "Oh Patrick, why are y.." i quickly corrected him "Actually its Patricia sir", as i turned around to face the door, and slowly dropped my pants, bending over, with my legs streched the whole time. Too late to back out now, it was pretty obvious that i wasnt here for anything work related. I assumed he had gotten a nice view of my plug, the special one he got for me, and my legs in their nice stockings. I kicked away the pants, and slipped on the heels, before beginning to remove my shirt and tie. Once they were off i quickly put on my wig and turned slowly, heart pounding, i was going to do this, there just wasn't any other way around it. I looked at Roland, who had his palm on his forehead, half smiling, half shaking his head. "Well Emmanuel, i didnt exactly want you two to meet like this, but i suppose it had to happen sometime." i made a weird confused face, before my blood turned to ice. "Quite alright mr. Tanner, i am very pleased to meet this young Patricia" came from the couch to the right, from the person i hadn't even registered as i rushed in. A tall mexican looking man sat there, eyes darting up and down my entire body, taking in the sight. My hands went up to cover my face, as i tried to undo what i had just done, by simply hiding myself. "Well Emmanuel, this is Patricia, the office slut i had mentioned briefly. I left out a few details as you have no doubt noticed, but i hope you dont mind too much". "Absolutely not Mr. Tanner", Emmanuel said in a thick accent, as his eyes fixated on my caged up clit, in its little glitterbox. "Only few smaller details, nothing that would cause issues. I look forward to getting to know her". Roland got up and so did Emmanuel, as they both shook hands while i stood there, cursing myself for even getting out of bed today. "I think i would even like you to start tonight, if that is at all possible. Just come up when you are done, we should be just about ready". Emmanuel agreed, and turned to me. "Till we meet again Miss Patricia" he said, and exited the office. As he closed the door, Roland burst out laughing, while my face was red as ever before. I stomped in my heels, while trying to let him know that it was not funny. He eventually calmed down, and looked me over again. I swallowed quickly, as the look in his eyes changed, and in fact his entire mood. "Thats not the outfit i had selected for today", he said, his eyes drilling into mine. I could vaguely remember why i had come in here in the first place, and stammered out "No sir ... i ... i wanted to look pretty for you, and i love this outfit". "Pretty for me? Well i appreciate that, but i liked what i had picked out just fine". I fell to my knees swallowing again, as i crawled over to where he stood. He was silent now, just watching my, waiting for my next move. "I ... want to practice some more sir... " i said as i started to undo his belt. "A.. Alot more actually". Roland didnt object, and as i pulled down his pants, he simply stepped out of them. I looked up at his cock, and licked my lips, both as a preparation, and as a gesture to what i had in mind. The cock was still hanging like i had no special effect on him, though i could see it jump from time to time, starting to wake up. I suppose something of that size didnt just spring to attention like i did. Or used to at least. "Well practice then, he said as he put his hands to his side". And so i did. For the first time ever, i willingly put my hands on a mans cock, and leaned in to give it a kiss. A kiss quickly became several, and in not too long my tongue was slobbering all over his big heavy ballsack. I made small moaning noises, as i dug in, licking underneath it, getting a musky, and salty taste, as his big cock was firming up, lying on my face. Was there a better image of a submissive girl finding her place, then at the feet of a big man, running her lips and tongue all over his big fat cock. If there was i couldnt picture it. I ran my tongue all the way up underneath his shaft, and licked the tip gently, kissing and twirling my tongue on his cockhead. I would be lying if i said i didnt enjoy the taste more and more, as well as the feeling of his soft cock head. But i wasnt here to enjoy, i was on a mission. I needed him to feel great, in the hopes that he would eventually make me feel great. I needed to give him a perfect blowjob, and show that i could do it. So i plunged down on the cock, feeling it smash against the back of my throat. I quickly felt the sensation of gagging, and pulled back out. I pushed down again, goingh more slowly, and rearranging my tongue as i had taught my self. But Rolands cock was bigger than the practice dildo, and it would be harder than i thought apparently. I pulled back a little, starting a good sucking rhythm, to give his cockhead some nice attention, while using one hand on his cock, and the other on his balls. No more than 10-15 seconds however, before i tried to plunge it down my throat again. I was more relaxed this time, and as a result, i felt the cockhead go down my throat. I pulled out as i felt the gagging again, gasped with the cock in front of me, that big magnificent cock, strings of saliva hanging from it, before i quickly drove it back down my throat. This time it went nearly all the way down, before i pulled back until i felt the cockhead in my mouth, ran my tongue around it a few times, sucked hard a few more times, as i felt it engorge. And then i rammed it all the way down my throat, with the loud moan from Roland. "God dammit Patricia, easy now. You want the whole office to hear" Roland said with a ragged breath, though he didnt exactly sound so convincing. And i completely disregarded it anyway, as i pulled the cock out of my throat, for only a moment, before driving it back down again. I rammed so hard down on it, that my nose mashed into his belly, and my chin felt the slap of his heavy balls, as they swayed. And then i did it again, going 2-3 times down on the big cock, before coming up for air. I was getting some through my nose, but not nearly enough. I slobbered all over the shaft for a moment, wondering where all this extra thick saliva came from, before going back down on it. As i did so, i grabbed Rolands hand, and put it behind my head. He quickly got the idea, though didnt control me as much as he followed me. Soon the other hand joined, and i put both of my hands on his ballsack, caressing it as i offered up my mouth as best i could. We went on like this for a few minutes, my throat loosening up more and more, as the gag reflex had become a thing of the past. My breathing through the nose had improved as well, and the breaks were few and far between. Roland had picked up the pace now, and was legitimately facefucking me by now, all control had been handed over to him. The balls were slapping onto my chin at a furious speed now, and i suddenly felt the shaking of his legs, as he moaned out loudly, and slammed his cock as far down my throat as it could go. He kept it there, making small quick jerking motions, while he groaned in pleasure. I could feel the signs of suffocation, as he didnt allow me to pull off, so i squeezed my thumbs in the palm of my hands, as i endured. I hadnt come this far just to give up now. He suddenly came to himself, and must have realized that he was keeping me trapped on his fat cock, as he quickly let go, and i started to pull off him. Needing air, made his cock feel extra long, and when it finally left my throat and mouth, i gasped and coughed for air, sputtering as i did. I swallowed a few times, but didnt get much taste of cum. Roland had shot his big load directly down my throat, pulling out when he was done, and not a moment sooner. I still jumped back to clean his cock and balls of all the saliva of course, as he patted my head. "Good girl.. Such a good good girl", he said, and i could have nearly burst with joy. My fingers once again found their way to my nipples, and i moaned quietly as i licked him clean. "Skip the workout and tanning tonight Patricia, and come straight to my office once you have cleaned up, dressed and put on your makeup. Emmanuel will be here, but i dont want you to act differently just because hes there. Tonight you're Patricia. "Yes sir" i replied as i licked the last of his now clean cock, before helping him put his pants on again.

The clock could not have gone any slower in approaching 5 o'clock. I hardly got any work done today, waiting for whatever was in store for me at the hands of Roland.. And Emmanuel. I hadn't planned anything, but i sure didnt expect company regardless of the outcome today in his office. I was terrified that another man would see me in "action", but it could not beat the arousal i was feeling, and had been for many days. When the last person left the office, i rushed into womens bathroom, and cleaned myself thoroughly. Suddenly i was an expert with the enema, and had it all done in no time. I took extra long on the makeup, wanting to look my very best, and had created a nice eyeshadow effect, making me look like the best of the pornstar bombshells. I took a last look in the mirror, my eyes inspecting every last curve. I ran my hand down over my clitty, feeling nothing in particular, though a few tingles through my body. I Tucked it and crossed my soft sexy legs, and looked. I was in so much trouble once i entered that office, with those two men. And i wanted it so bad.

I knocked on the door an hour after everyone had left, and waited patiently for about 10 seconds. I was about to knock again, went i was asked to come in. I looked around, and on the couch sat Roland and Emmanuel, enjoying a drink. They both smiled as they saw me, Emmanuels eyes widening as well. I swear i saw something move in his pants, the first place my eyes had gone to of course. I stood there trying to look sexy and submissive, before being asked to come over. Roland patted on the couch, between them, and i sat down. I felt smaller than ever, as i squeezed in between them, and in an instant, Emmanual had a hand on my thigh. "Its very nice to meet you again, Roland tells me wonderful things about you. Wonderful". I cleared my throat, and turned my head to smile shyly "Its nice to meet you as well sir". We sat there awkwardly for a few moments, before Roland got right down to business. "Why dont you show Emmanuel just HOW nice it is to meet him". I wasnt quite sure what to do, but started moving my hands to his crotch. He was wearing sweatpants, so i decided to just go for it, and wiggled my small hand underneath the elastic band, and grabbed hold of his cock. "Oh haha, yes very nice. She doesnt waste time does she Mr. Tanner". "Indeed she doesnt", Roland said, as he turned me over more towards Emmanuel. "Patricia, why dont you rearrange yourself a bit, i want to see that pretty pussy, while you welcome our friend some more". I put one leg up on the couch, as i presented my pussy to Roland. Meanwhile Emmanuel started to take off his his pants and boxers, and i was presented with a nice brown big cock. Not quite as long or quite as thick as Rolands, but almost. And he had a massive cockhead. I lowered my head down towards him, while pointing my ass up in the air, and began a nice soft blowjob. Nothing too fancy at first, just nice suction, minding my teeth, wanting him to feel really good and relaxed. I was quickly rewarded with the taste of precum in my mouth. It seemed he was in plenty of supply of that, and i had a constant taste of it in my mouth, as i continued to show what i could do. "Oh god yes", i heard him say, as i cupped his balls. "If you are not careful, i will cum soon sweetheart", he said, as if that would stop me. I felt my buttplug being pulled out while i was doing work on the cock, and quickly replaced with two lubricated fingers. I moaned out loud, with lips wrapped around a cock, making Emmanuel moan as well, as i plunged further down on his cock. Roland put 3 fingers in my pussy now, loosening me up nicely. He then started fingerfucking me in a steady slow rhythm, and for the first time in a few minutes, i pulled out the cock in my mouth to moan loudly. A hand quickly pushed it back down, and i continued my work, finding it harder and harder to focus. "See", said Roland, "this is why we practice. So you cant get so easily distracted". "Yes sir", i replied, which pleasure dripping from every word. I started sucking Emmanuels cock more fervently now, as i closed my eyes, focusing on the cock in my mouth, instead of the distracting fingers probing and stretching my pussy. But it was a nearly impossible task, that left me moaning and whimpering as my tongue darted around on Emmanuels cockhead, before plunging down, to attempt deepthroating as a distraction. Roland then suddenly slapped my ass, though not hard. But the shock of it made me lock up my jaws, as to not accidentally bite Emmanuel. "Ok sweetie, thats enough of that, time for a show". I was a bit confused, i had expected this to be the main attraction, but apparently not. Roland pulled me up, and i quickly locked eyes with Emmanuel, who looked as disappointed as i felt. Roland pulled me over to a selection of dildoes on the table, that i hadnt really seen earlier. "Pick one", he said with a smile on his face. They were all realistic dildos, complete with balls and a suction cup. But all very difference in size. I looked at them, and settled on a dildo smaller than the real ones on Roland and Emmanuel. Roland then took some lubrication, and grabbed my hand as we walked over to the full length mirror. He breathed on the mirror and stuck the dildo in place, as he threw the lubrication over to me, and walked back to the couch. Him and Emmanuel both toasted with their drinks, and settled back in the couch as they watched me. I breathed slowly, calming my nerves that were slowly building, as i was expected to put myself in a very vulnerable position, while they watched from their couch. The taste of precum was still in my mouth, and on my lips, as i ran my tongue over them without thinking. My spectators seemed to enjoy that a great deal. I kneeled down and put the tube of lubricant on the tip of the dildo, and started applying a generous amount down the shaft. My hands ran over it in a jerking fashion, as i made sure it was well lubed. I had been using various buttplugs for quite a while now, but this was another thing entirely. Roland had fucked me roughly once, and there was a considerable amount of pain involved. I had honestly dreaded the second time, and was a little surprised it hadnt happened yet. But here i was, about to put a dildo against my pussy, no doubt giving my spectators all kinds of ideas. And i knew this was the likely outcome when i offered myself to Roland earlier today. I had wanted this, or at least some version of this. I looked at myself in the mirror, as my hand was working the dildo over, and all i saw staring back at me, was a girl in the sluttiest outfit imaginable, screaming to get fucked. And i had put this on. I had dressed for the job i wanted, not the one i had, so to speak. And now i was getting my wish fulfilled. So i turned around, put one hand on the floor, as i positioned my pussy entrance against the tip of the dildo, guiding it with my free hand. I spread my legs a little further to adjust for the height, and started to lean back gently. I gasped lightly as the head of the dildo started to spread my little fuckhole, and began to invade my pussy. Unlike a plug, the thick part just kept coming, expanding me further and further. Even with Rolands warmup, i could feel the strain. I quickly had other things on my mind however, as the dildo had gone halfway in, and i could feel resistance. I pulled out slightly, and tested myself again as i pushed back down on it, still feeling slight resistance, and faint discomfort. I started to bounce gently, in small jerks, as i let out a moan at the sensation deep within me. I put both hands on the floor now, and quickly found a rhythm as the room filled with the sound of my small moans and sighs. I focused on relaxing my pussy, alternating speeds and depth. I pulled out so the tip was just inside my, and pushed back in, seemingly going a little deeper this time. I repeated this for a few minutes, until suddenly i felt it. Upon pushing back on the firm dildo, it was as if something gave way for the dildo, and all resistance and discomfort disappeared, as the dildo drove deep into me. I cooed and moaned in a high pitch, making high girly and squeaky noises as it happened, and i pulled halfway out in surprise. I then quickly got to my senses, and plunged back down on the rubber cock. To my amazement, i now felt the cool mirror touch my buttcheeks, as the base of the dildo pressed against my pussy. The imitated ballsack touched my clit, and i pressed back as hard as i could, feeling completely full and satisfied, as i moaned. I quickly looked over my shoulder to see my accomplishment, and saw my gorgeous ass impaled by the dildo, as my eyes looked sort of glazed over. And then i turned back around, and began fucking myself like the slut i suddenly felt like. Starting in small jerks pressing against the mirror, they soon became longer thrusts. My breath had gone ragged, the sound of my buttcheeks hitting the mirror, and leaving with a slurpy sound, as lube had spread during the fucking, was all that could be heard in the office. I was in another world, finally finding some sort of release for my pent up sexual tension, and had forgotten about my masters, sitting in the couch and watching. I turned my head to look, and was meet by two very serious faces, expressions burning with pure lust, while their massive cocks where at full attention. I could see fresh precum running down Emmanuels cock, and could almost see it pulsating. I kept ramming myself on the dildo, as i looked up into Emmanuels eyes, and as they met mine, i rammed extra hard back on it, letting out a very girlish squeal. "Argh, i cant take this anymore", Emmanuel cried out, as he jumped off the couch, and half ran over to me, kneeling as he was nearly there. Before i had time to register what was going on, he was guiding my mouth to his cock with a firm grip on the back of my head. Giving me no time to prepare, he forced his cock into my mouth, and down my throat, leaving streaks of precum on my lower lip and chin as he did. I barely had time to relax my throat, and breathe in a big gulp of air before the invasion, and did the best i could not to cough and gag, as the oversized cockhead entered my throat. He instantly pulled back, giving me a second to catch some air, and regain control, before he plunged back down my throat, letting out a satisfied groan. His hands were still firmly on the back of my head, as he started to facefuck me in a steady rhythm. He made sure to plunge me back on the dildo as he pushed forward, and pull me back again, though most of my attention was to be on the cock in my throat. After no more than a minute of this, he pulled his cock out, with a loud pop, as i breathed heavily. "I want that fucking sweet ass slut, turn around for me". I looked up at him, and was met only with with that same expression of lust, and no concern for my wellbeing. Right now he wasnt thinking about anything but fucking whatever hole i presented to him. So i didnt waste any time, and quickly pulled off the dildo, and turned around, pushing my ass towards him. He grabbed my hair from behind, and positioned my face against the dildo that had just left the depth of my ass, as he placed his cockhead against my pussy, and started driving it into me. "Get that fucking thing down your throat, you filthy fucking whore! Show me how much you are enjoying this", he grunted as he pushed his cock all the way into me, while forcing the still warm dildo down my throat. I could taste the sweet strawberry flavored lube that i had just used to fuck my own ass, as i was now to be spit roasted roughly between the two. My eyes bulged as the entire length of his cock drove into me, and i let out yet another in a long series of moans in the last 30 minutes. My chin reached the balls of the dildo, as Emmanuels slapped into mine, and then he immediately began a rough fucking, pulling all the way out, and plunging back into me, with so much force that i had trouble breathing. The dildo down my throat didnt help, but regardless of this, i gave no resistance, as both my holes were being ravaged. The most amazing sensation was rolling over my entire body, even as i was receiving a rough fucking, and had trouble taking in every detail. But i was staring into my own face, as i was being force fed the flavorful dildo, and saw the streaks of mascara run down my cheek. The sound of slaps as our bodies met, was filling the room, along with Emmanuels grunting, and occasional remark, directed at me clearly, but mostly said with a muffled hissing whisper. "Take that cock, take that fucking cock you little whore". I could feel Emmanuel quickly picking up his pace, as he surely was reaching climax, and i tried to tighten my pussy lips every time he was pulling out. He let out a surprised groan, and a few seconds later, let out a roar, as he planted his cock deep in my pussy. I could feel his cock jerk rapidly, as he started cumming hard, and felt the hot cum pulse into my ass. My whole body was tingling with joy and pleasure at the thought of it. I had just been bred again, and the feeling was incredible. I still had the big dildo forced down my throat, and had to lightly tap the hand resting on my hip, as Emmanuel was slowly moving in and out of me, eyes closed, with a blissful expression on his face now. He quickly snapped out of it, and realized that his fucksleeve needed a little air. I gasped as the dildo left my mouth, then cooed a little as i wiggled my hips. I smiled at Emmanuel through the mirror, who smiled back at me, running a hand on my back, and squeezing my buttcheek, his cock still depositing my reward for a job well done. I was in no hurry to move, wanting it all, but Emmanuel turned his head at that moment, and simply said "Mr. Tanner, ill take the job, no question". I had forgotten Roland on the couch, and was instantly hit with panic. There were expectations, duties i was supposed to perform, and i wanted this night to go well. I slid off Emmanuels cock quickly, and turned around to swallow the entirety of his cock. He jumped in surprise, before beginning to chuckle, as he saw what i was doing. "What a well trained young girl" he said, as i began cleaning his cock. I could hear Roland leaving the couch as i sucked and slurped and ran my tongue all over the cock and balls in a furious speed. "Welcome to the firm Emmanuel, now if you dont mind sitting down on the couch, i believe its my turn". I looked up at Roland, while my hand still caressed Emmanuels cock, before he pulled it away. And all i saw was a warm smile. I smiled back at him, as sweetly and innocently as i could, and said "Yes sir". He began to kneel behind me, but i stopped him quickly. "Wait sir... i .. i want to see it" i said, and turned to pull the dildo off the mirror. Roland moved around behind me, both of us facing the mirror now, and firmly grabbed my hips to pull me back about 6 feet. I slid on the floor like i weighed nothing now, and landed on my knees and elbows. I immediately lifted my ass in the air, as high as it could go, as my head was close to the floor, offering myself completely to my master. Roland placed his cockhead at my entrance, and gave me a very firm and hard slap on my butt. I gasped, and instantly began pushing back on him. Emmanuel was a large man, with a large cock. Larger than most i had seen. But the length and girth of Sirs cock, as it started sliding in, wasn't something i was prepared for regardless. My mouth was gaping as i felt inch after inch disappearing inside of me, expanding my pussy as it drove into me. I knew i would be stretched to my limit now, but i somehow also knew that i could take it. I relaxed my pussy, and pushed back on him, and just moments before i was about to question if i really did know, i felt him against me. I looked into the mirror, as this this large man had completely dominated me, taking control and manipulated me into being a willing fuck for him. My eyes attempted to take in every detail as he grabbed firmly at both my hips, digging into them with his fingers. And felt him slide slowly out of me again, to about half way. And then he slammed into me, with more force than i had expected. I made a high girly sound, that i hadn't heard from any human being before, as he impacted on my ass, and i could see the ripples roll over my plump ass. He pulled back out, and drove back just as hard again, forcing another moan out of me, again slamming into me so hard that both ass and thighs rippled. And again a third time, as he pulled out even further now. And i had been wrong earlier, when i said that there was no better image of submission, than a girl worshipping a cock at the feet of her master. Because the image in front of me, as Roland now started fucking me harder than i thought possible, with my soft willing ass in the air, on my knees and elbows, moaning in pure pleasure, was the definition of submission. I was completely in his power, as he started increasing the speed of his relentless fucking. Waves and waves of pleasure started to roll over me, and i had begun to meet his thrust, loving the sight of my jelly ass shaking violently with each thrust. Only a real girl had an ass like that. My hands found their way to my nipples, as i was still resting on my elbows. They were hard as a rock, and pointing straight down. From this angle, i could just see the tips, and simply had to touch them. I whimpered between moans, as the touch sent electricity through my body, and i felt the first spasm of an orgasm like sensation. I gasped in shock and excitement, and quickly pinched both nipples, as my body gave a violent shake. I looked beneath me, and could see my tiny clit dripping with precum. As i looked up again, i see my entire body glistening with sweat, as Roland is still powerfucking, occasionally slapping my ass hard. But it didnt feel hard. It felt right. Roland suddenly grabs one of my arms, and pulls it behind me, quickly grabs a hold of the other, and pulls back hard, as he rams forward. My upper body now hanging freely, held up by Roland. I turn my hands, to feebly hold onto his wrists, as he lifts my upper body further. My clit comes into view in the mirror, flopping limply up and down, as he increases speed. The outline of my breasts are now more visible, as my entire body is shaking, my large nipples pointing outwards. Lifting me up a little, changed our angle, and Sirs cock, is now driving directly into a pleasure spot that is sending fireworks through my brain. I cry out loudly, as i start to see spots in my vision. My legs and ass start to shake violently, faster than any brazilian dancer could. In the background i can hear Roland yelling "holy fuuuck", and my entire body starts tensing up. The tag on my collar is jingling away now, like a little bell ringing for the newly born sissy. And then i have the most incredible orgasm of my entire life, as i can feel the cum shooting out of my tiny clit. My body spasms violently, and my pussy clamps down on Rolands massive cock, going still faster and faster. But unlike anything i have tried before, it doesnt stop. The powerful orgasm dies down a little, but with small intervals i still experience a full body orgasm, as i jerk and spasm. I can hardly breathe as i am in pure heaven for what most have been a full 2 minutes, and finally i hear the sound of Roland succumbing as his cock roughly jerks deep inside me, with an onslaught of curses and groans from him. He continues to impale me roughly on his cock, for the entirety of his orgasm, before finally releasing my arms. I flop down to the floor, resting my face, as my arms simply fall limply beside me, my ass and thighs still shaking out of control. I leave my ass in the air, making sure Roland finishes completely in me, as we both catch our breath. I refuse to move a muscle until i feel his cock stop jerking inside of me, and honestly cant seem to find the strenght. His cock does eventually stop however. And as his good girl, i start to pull myself off him, before turning to look at the monster cock that just gave me so much pleasure. Its absolutely covered in cum from both Roland and Emmanuel, dripping down from his large ballsack. And i waste no time putting the cock in my mouth, to clean my new best friend. I greedily suck a few times, getting the last few drops out of him, before spending the next 5 minutes going over every inch of his large shaft and balls. As he pulls it away from me, it feels like something is being taken from me. Regardless, i look up at Roland, with tears forming in my eyes. "Thank you so much sir", i say, honestly meaning every word, as my lower lip once again start shaking. Sir runs his hand around the back of my head, slowly petting me. "Youve been such a good girl this evening. I'm so proud of you. I want to see alot more of this from now on, you understand?" i nod vigorously. "Now clean up this mess, and ill see you in the morning ok". Before he has even finished his sentence, i dive for the floor, running my tongue over all the salty spots. Still dripping from my pussy, it seems like an endless task, but i keep going just the same. Behind me i can hear Emmanuels voice. "You think i can just get another quick one in? That scene got me going again". I prepared myself to open up once more, exhausted as i was. "No, lets give a her a break tonight, she is still not fully trained you have to remember. But god dammit, if she hadnt drained me this morning, i wouldnt have lasted half the time just now. What a fuck". I beamed with pride and joy, as i continued to lap up the remaining cum.

End of part 3

If you made it this far, PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE leave me a comment on with anything you can think of, pics, comments etc. <3

This is the first thing i've written of this nature, and i am fairly new at writing lengthy stories, so please don't be too hard on me.

Love Miriam

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