Becoming His Personal Assistant

By Miriam Malou

Published on Sep 30, 2016


Becoming his personal assistant - Part 2

This is a work of fiction, the forced sissification of Patrick, turning into eventual acceptance and appreciation. If this offends you, please read no further, as there will be explicit acts of forced sexual intercource and the like.

I look up at the clock, terrified in what will happen in just a few short hours. That same clock i have been looking at every night for almost a week, waiting for my late nights to be over. Suddenly during the daytime, the hours were rushing by.

This mornings events were still fresh in my mind, having gone over every small detail, over and over again, trying to figure out how i could have possibly gotten out of that. And why i had submitted so easily, to a treatment so humiliating that i hardly knew how to process it. Apparently it was just a warm up for tonight's events, as Roland had so strongly hinted. My mind kept drifting back to the crate near his desk, and all the "fun little toys" Roland had bought. Most of which i didn't really know about yet.

Every step i made around the office, did remind me of a few of his toys though. The well lubed buttplug, that had been in place for roughly 6 hours now, grinding my p... Butthole, the small panties, open in the back so as to freely expose my butthole and sore cheeks. And lastly, the scariest part of it all, the pink collar around my neck, locked in place by Roland. It had the inscription "Cocksucking Cumslut" on it, something i had earned just this morning, though mostly through force. Mostly..

I feel a small stab of shame, as i remember the popping sound of his cock leaving my mouth, only possible because i had been sucking at the time. "Good girl" he had said as he prepared to shoot his cum on my face. My face went red again, as it had done so many times today. The taste of cum seemed to return again, at the memory of him blasting into my mouth, and me cleaning up every last drop. Why did i even have to do a good job at that, was i really still that eager to please my boss. I mean, couldn't i have put up just a little fight.. Turned my head a little?

I buried head in my hands for a moment, afraid i would start crying again, like i did in the bathroom. I mean, it wasnt my fault really. He had used fear and intimidation, and completely shellshocked me, threatening to end my career, and life as i knew it, and a moment later i was slapped across the face, only to have his cock shoved into my face. But there was also the moment where i dropped to my knees.. And crawled all the way over between his legs. I could have run for the door, i could have called for help, i could have..

"Hey you ok Patrick?" asked one of the other assistants

"Yeah, just these longs hours i guess"

"Roland can be a real asshole huh" he said, giving me a sideways smile.

I look up at the clock again, evening approaching ever faster. I really hope i don't get to find out just how much of an asshole.

"Have a good night Patrick," Lisa smiled to me, the last to leave as always.

"Thanks" i said and smiled back, trying not to look and sound too nervous. But the second she was out of the door, i turn around, eyes wide. I didn't even know if Roland was still in his office, or what to do now really. Just pretend like nothing had happened, and keep filing papers?

"Patricia, my office for a sec," Roland said from his office door. I felt my pulse rise, thinking yet again of the last time i was in there, and what he had done to me

"Now Patricia," he said, and i jumped into motion, once again obeying instead of running away.

"grab that box on the desk and follow me" he instructed, and i quickly move to grab the box. As i go by him, he cups one buttcheek and squeezes quickly, before going out the door. I grab the box and follow, dreading every second of what is about to happen.

We go into the women's bathroom, a nice big room with full length mirrors on just about every wall.

"Place the box on the middle of the floor, and start undressing sweetie. I want to see that adorable little butt of yours again." Roland goes over to the sink leans a little, and simply stare at me, waiting patiently. My brain is working overtime, coming up just as empty as it had done all day in trying to escape my situation. I finally surrender, not wanting to keep him waiting any longer, and start to slowly undress.

"Take all the time you need darling, it won't really change much, i can tell you that," Roland smirks, as i "fumble" with my belt. I eventually get off all my business clothes, and am left in just what Roland provided.

"In those panties, i can hardly see your clit from here. That's quite impressive, seeing how small and tight they are. Now get over here and place your hands on the table."

I start to move, the buttplug once again making its presence very known, as my buttcheeks rub against each other, now out in the open.

"Good girl, now place your hands on the table, bend over slightly, and spread your legs for daddy," he instructs, as he moves over behind me, slightly to me left. I feel my lips start to quiver, feeling completely powerless, and start bending over as i spread my legs, presenting my ass too him.

I look into the mirror, and lock eyes with him, and in that instant, i feel his exploring fingers

touch the buttplug embedded in me. I tense up, involuntarily grabbing on to the buttplug with my butthole, but quickly relax my muscles again. Wearing it all day has loosened me up so much, that i cant put up any fight against the intrusion. Roland grabs the base of the buttplug, and start pulling it out. I feel my hole expanding, but not uncomfortably, as he takes it out more and more. He then stops at what feels like the widest part, holds it there for a few seconds, and plunges it back in.

I hate myself for it, but a small moan escaped as he does so, and i break eye contact only to close my eyes, as he once again starts to pull out. He puts a hand on my back, and i lay down on the table biting my lip, worrying where this is all going. Every time he pushes in, the curved shape of the buttplug, sends a whole new world of sensation through my traitorous body. I grip the table, as he starts to speed up a little, going into a steady rhythm.

"We really managed to loosen up this pussy of yours, look at you go. You'll be ready for real cock in no time. Aren't you excited?" The thrusting continued, my breath staggering as i was being humiliated in the womens bathroom, feeling my legs spreading more and more almost by themselves. Tears where forming in my eyes, but this time from a mixture of anger, pain and bliss of the incredible feeling from my pussy. Or butthole... whatever

I suddenly recoil in pain, as Roland slaps my balls with a flat hand, and yanks out the buttplug. I start sobbing, obviously in pain, but also very confused. I had done what he said,and worse, i had somewhat participated in what just took place, so why?

"I asked you a question slut. Aren't you excited about getting ready for real cock hmm?" Roland stood over me as i had slid to the floor. In my daze, i hadn't responded to his question quickly enough, and my balls were aching as a result. I whimpered out a small "yes sir"

"You never forget your fucking job slut, this isn't about your pleasure, it's about mine. You live to serve cock now. In the daytime, you are Patrick the office assistant, at nighttime you are Patricia, the office slut. My office slut. Now clean up your mess"

I look up in confusion, as Roland simply points to the floor. I had apparently oozed quite a bit of precum while under Rolands care, right on to the floor of the bathroom.

"I'm sure the floors are perfectly clean in here, but either way i dont really care. You're gonna clean cum up with your mouth from now on, including your own slut. Now get started, and when you are done, have a look in the box. I left instructions for you, i'll be back in a little while to check up on you."

I start licking it up, trying to pretend its just cream, but not fooled by the taste. After the spot is clean, i run a finger over my clit to scoop up any remaining precum, sucking my finger clean. I didn't have to do that, Roland isn't even in here right now. But i'm simply too afraid to cross him at this point.

I go over to the box and open it, looking inside i find a pair of high heels, shaving accessories, some bodylotion, a wig,a crotchless full fishnet bodystocking (with an opening in the back that will expose my butt of course), a small pump like thing with a nozzle, a bigger black buttplug, with an attached pump to it, and a small metal device i dont recognize. I take it out to study, and a chill instantly runs over my body. It has the very familiar shape of a penis, although very small, and i can easily imagine its purpose simply from the shape of it. A small heart shaped padlock keeps together, what seems to be two parts of a chastity device.

I drop it back in the box in horror, as i once again try to absorb my new reality. First the collar, and now this? I can't be seen wearing these things, how can i even have a life. Is it even SAFE to be wearing any of this.. And what will happen if i get an erection. What if i meet a woman, how could i ever explain that.. Though that hasn't really happened yet.

As i stand there panicking over the latest blow to my masculinity, i see a note in the box, from Roland"

"Take a shower, making sure to clean all over over your body. Give yourself an enema with the included device, so you stay nice and fresh for me. Then shave your pussy and clit, and make a nice little triangle above your clit, i love that. I included hair removal for legs and arms, and well everywhere else needed. DO NOT miss a spot. Once you are done, rub lotion all over your body, so your are nice and soft, and put on the wig, bodystocking and heels (careful sweetie). Wait with the clitty cage.. I want the honors."

I look at the note, going over each step once again, still trying understand what i'm about to do. Wait, there is a shower in the women's bathroom? Not important right now silly.. I grab the lotion, and shaving accessories, and reluctantly also the enema kit. I find the shower and get started.

Around an hour later, i'm struggling with this stuff. The enema was not what i would call easy, and i had to calm myself down and think a little. "Luckily" my pussy was loosened, and i managed to clean up nicely. The shaving however, was not so easy. I had used most of the hair removal cream before showering, but instructions told me not to use it near genitals etc.

I was a little too nervous to "feel" my way around with the razor, so i had brought a bowl of water out to the main bathroom and sat down on the floor, facing one of the mirrors. I looked at my hairless body for a second, before spreading the shaving cream around my cl.. COCK, and started shaving very carefully around my balls and as close to my pussy as i dared. Once i felt smooth all over, i turned around on all fours, looked over my shoulder, and tried my best to spread my legs so i could shave my pussy. This was not an easy task, and i had a hard time seeing what i was doing. In my focus, i hadn't noticed the door opening, and was shocked when Roland showed up in the mirror. I froze, embarrassed to be caught in that position, face turning red.

"Go on Patricia, like i said, dont miss a spot. I see you're working on arching your back, that will come in handy later." i started to move the razor again, shaking it in the water a few times. Once i felt like i was done, i ran my fingers over my ass a few times, grazing my hole as i felt for any leftover hair. I then wiped down with a towel, and started to stand as i looked over at Roland.

"Dont forget to use lotion after a shave like that, you will thank me later."

I picked up the lotion and started rubbing myself over the shaved areas, and as i did, i see Roland licking his lips, his eyes fixated on my body. I slowly apply more lotion on my ass, and smear it slowly around, spreading my cheeks, and making sure it's absorbed nicely into my skin, the lotion making me feel nice and smooth.

I suddenly realize that i'm almost putting on a kind of show, and yank my hand away, as i turn to face Roland, a little disturbed in myself. He looks up, approval in his eyes, as he starts to walk towards me, I turn my head down and away, completely naked in front of him, and now hairless all over, except for the small feminine patch of hair over my cock. Roland takes my hand and pulls me over to the box, and we both look down.

"Well the bodystocking is next sweetie, then the wig, and then the heels."

I pick up the stockings, seeing how to put it on, slowly start to pull it up over my body. Once again i naturally wiggle my hips, as the tight outfit falls into place. I'm embarrassed again, but less so. Considering my situation, there are other things to worry about.

I put on the wig, it doesnt look very expensive, but looks real enough to fool most i guess. Its a blond straight wig, down to my shoulders, and a quick glance in the mirror, sends more shame into me. I look kind of pretty.

"Just the heels doll, and we are almost there. These are just starters of course, at 3". You will soon work your way up."

I grab the heels, and put them on one at the time, tightening the straps. Somehow he managed to find a perfect fit, at least as far as i could tell, and the ferrari red heels lift me high enough that my eyes are looking into Roland's chin.

He moves in close, and runs his hand down my back all the way to my butt, as he starts caressing it. He suddenly grabs it firmly, which makes me lose balance and i stumble into him. i put my hands on his chest, as our bodies collide, and he puts his arms around me and grabs a hold off my ass with both hands.

I turn my head away from him, as he continues to fondle me, not letting me push away from him. I eventually give in and put my head on his shoulder as he rubs my ass.

"Good girl.. See, It's nice to play along, you will come to love this." He then runs a finger slowly up my crack, circling my hole a few times, knowing i'm fully focused on just standing.

He then suddenly slaps my ass, but not hard. More of a lovetap kind of way.

"Walk back and forth a few times for me, get used to the heels baby."

Happy to be free again, i start wobbling in the large bathroom, past all the stalls, and back again. He urges me to do it again, and the second time i'm much better. I continue for a few rounds, catching myself in all the mirrors as i walk. My pace quickens, and i start to feel like a runway model, as the heels echo throughout the bathroom.

But just as i'm feeling most confident, i stumble in the middle of the room, and fall over. I lay sprawled on the floor, and instantly fear the punishment from Roland.

"Stay down there." is all he says, as he starts to walk over to the box. He picks up the chastity device, and the inflatable buttplug and moves toward me. He can tell i am about to panic again, starting to stammer a feeble objection, as i try to stand up.

"Stay down there you fucking slut, how many times do i have to tell you. You don't get a say in this, and i'm getting really tired of having to explain this to you. Now get on all fours, and present your fucking ass to me."

The slap to my balls earlier may not hurt anymore, but i remember the pain just fine, and i almost jump to attention "Yes sir," and turn around on all fours, arching my back and legs slightly spread. Roland comes down on his knee behind me, and i feel his large hand cup my clit and balls. I then feel cold metal on my skin, as the ring part of the chastity device is being worked over first my balls, then my clit is eased in with some discomfort. I try to look down under me to follow along, but Roland quickly grabs my balls, now extra tight with the ring in place. I snap my head back up, trembling slightly. I then feel the cage part being pushed into place, covering my clit, and pressing tightly, feeling almost a little too small too fit,

"CLICK" the unmistakable sound of a padlock, and my clit is now trapped, at the mercy of Roland and wherever he likes to keep such keys. He lets go, and i feel it dangle a little heavier than usual, but no bigger. In fact, as i sneak a peak while Roland goes over to the crate again, it looks even smaller than before. The cage length has made my clit look tiny, and with barely any hair except the triangle, i couldn't recognize it. I snap my head back again, both to look away from myself, and because Roland is now returning with the buttplug and some lube.

"Can you believe i found a perfect match for that little thing? I just had to get the smallest cage they had. Maybe after a few months, we can go even smaller," he chuckled.

A few months?! This was crazy, he couldnt keep me prisoner like this. People would notice if i started acting strange, and how could i not, with that thing attached. People might even be able to tell i'm wearing it, even through all my clothes.

Roland moved around behind me again, but i was too busy flipping out over my new predicament, to notice. Until he put his hands on my ass again that is. That got me back to reality really fast, because i was very much aware of what he just picked up from the box.

Roland spread my cheeks a bit, then stopped. I felt strong hands pushing my back and shoulders down, and i rested my head on the floor, ass up in the air, awaiting his treatment. I had gone into a state of acceptance at this point, or maybe more a feeling of lost hope, that i would somehow get out of this. It was clear that i had to adjust to a lot more abuse and humiliation at the hands of Roland. I was mentally preparing for my pussy to be stretched out, and any pain that might follow, so what happened next, caught me completely off guard.

Roland once again spread my cheeks, but then a soft tongue hit my quivering hole, slowly digging its way into me, lapping away like a bear reaching for honey. I cooed a little at the pleasant surprise, before biting down on my finger to shut myself up. His tongue started wiggling around inside me, going in and out at the same time. I felt my pussy relax fully, a small whimper escaped my lips, and then a loud moan, as not one, but two fingers dug into me. He was still using his tongue on the outside, but was now fully fingerfucking my ass in a steady rhythm. I could feel my caged clit dangling around, and pleasure surged into my entire body.

My clit tried to get hard, but quickly gave up, though the wonderful sensation kept coming. A third finger entered me, and i felt myself lean back into it, now panting wildly. I open my eyes, looking sideways into a full length mirror, and i'm hit with another jolt of pleasure, combined with all the shame and guilt my view is causing. In the mirror i see a slut, much like those in my favorite porn videos, lost in herself, and completely submitting to the strong man behind her. I think about resisting, trying to will myself to pull away, or at least feel disgusted in what's happening. I'm not supposed to be enjoying this, what the hell is wrong with me. I look underneath myself, and see my small clit dripping precum like never before. I close my eyes, letting it continue for just a few more minutes, what could be the harm.

The three fingers slide out of me, leaving me empty as cool air hits my gaping hole. I look up in surprise, before panicking again. Did sir say something, what had i missed? I dont think i could take another hit to the balls like the first one, and i feel myself pulling away from him in anticipation. Roland calmly grabs a hold of my cage, making me freeze instantly, then slowly starts pulling me back towards him again. I Feel tears form in my eyes, this torrent of emotions too much too handle.

A cool glob of lube hits my pussy, then another. Then he puts the bottle up to my hole, and literally squirts some of it into me, making me jump from the cool sensation. I don't go far of course, as he still has a hold of me.

Then i feel the tip of a rather large buttplug begin to enter me slowly. Roland twists it in a circling motion a few times, and applies more pressure. Its much bigger than the last, but finally start to slide into me. It goes deeper than even his fingers before it, and soon is fully inside me, as my pussy feebly grips a hold of it, only to relax again. Well that honestly wasnt so bad i thought, maybe i was finally adjusting.

"Clean up in here, don't leave anything behind, and when you're done, come into my office. Start with that." He pointed to yet another pool of my precum, and without hesitation, i started lapping it up from the floor. It's not like i hadn't done that once already.

Once everything was taken care of, i took the box, and started moving towards his office. I could stall a little, but honestly he would know. There wasn't that much to clean up. I knocked quietly on his door.

"Come on in Patricia, just put the box over there. Now go stand in front of the desk, i have a fun little game for us to play." i put down the box, and walk clumsily over to the table, still not used to my heels.

"Now, the game i want us to play, will be both education and punishment. You see, i haven't forgotten that you once again disobeyed me, when i asked you to stay down for your clitty cage. But i have to start training you as well, so you can reach your full potential. So here are the rules. Hand me the pump."

I had forgotten about that, my moment of panic as he brought over the cage. In a state of pure defeat, i reach behind me and grab the pump attached to my plug, and give it to Roland.

"Now, you might be a cocksucking cumslut, but as much pride as you take in that, you haven't actually given me a REAL blowjob yet. One with all your heart and soul in it, of your own "free" will so to speak, and that is about to change." He pumped a few times, and i felt the plug swell up, inhaling sharply at not only the feeling of it, but the thought of this thing expanding inside me. Exactly how big was this gonna get.

"So these are the rules. You will now drop to your knees, pull out my cock, and give it the royal treatment you think it deserves. If i dont think you are sucking hard enough, i will pump once. If i feel teeth, i will pump once. And if i dont think you are doing your very best job, i will pump 3 times. Now if you dont mind, please start whenever you are ready."

I couldn't believe this. How was i expected to do this, i had never actually done this before. And it was one thing to receive all this abuse, enduring his treatment, following his orders. Now he wanted me to please him, while he stood passively by. This was by far the most humiliating part of the evening. I would now have to kneel in front of him and take his cock into my mouth. No man should ever have to do this. I looked down at myself, naked, shaved and in stockings. My tiny dick locked in a metal cage, my knees pointing inwards almost like a girls, and my high heels.

I felt defeated, utterly helpless, and i knew i was broken. He was gonna win, and what a victory he was about to receive. I sniffled a little, and felt his hand on my shoulder. It didnt push me down, but the meaning was clear. It was time.

I felt myself kneeling down slowly, as i positioned myself in front of Roland, his pants already tenting a bit. I put both my hands on his legs, to steady myself for a moment, and moved them up to undo his belt

"Good girl, that's what daddy wants," he said as he stroked my hair slightly. I get the belt unbuckled, and open his pants, and once again i witness his massive cock, slowly sliding out, growing semi hard. I let his pants fall all the way down, help him out of them, and look back up at his big veiny cock with its massive cockhead. I cant believe how much bigger than mine it is. I look up at Roland, who calmly waves the pump tauntingly at me. I sigh, the last willpower leaving my body, along with whatever is left of my manhood, and grab Rolands cock.

Its so warm and soft, yet rock hard, throbbing in my hand as i lift it up, giving me room to nibble and kiss lightly at his balls with my mouth. I soon start to lick him all over, and eventually slobbering all over them. I suck one of his balls into my mouth, then the other, as i slowly start to jerk his fat cock. I can hear slow grunts of approval, and start to slide my tongue along his shaft, wiggling it around as i go. I reach the tip, and cup the balls with my other hand, as i look at the cockhead, oozing precum inches from my face. I close my eyes, and put the cockhead into my mouth, sucking it like a lollipop. It turns into a sort of kiss as i pull back, and swallow the precum, before putting it back in my mouth, applying a little suction. I then let it slide slowly into my mouth, and i feel my jaw straining. I pull back slowly making a slurping noise, as i do. Roland pumps one time, i feel the plug pressing against my pussy, and i look up. Our eyes meet, as i sit on my knees with his massive cock going into my mouth.

"Watch the teeth sweetie, keep going. Show me how much you want it." i plunge back on his cock, and start sucking, feeling the head of his cock in the back of my throat. I start a steady rhythm with my hand and mouth, twisting both my head and hand as i go up and down on his cock. I'm making a lot of cocksucking noises now, slurping and sucking as i coat his cock with my saliva. Another pump. This time the pressure in my ass becomes uncomfortable.

"You need to suck harder baby, its not enough to simply keep it in your mouth.Otherwise you'll never get your reward." I once again plunge down on it in frustration, Jerking harder, and sucking until my cheeks are in pain. My fingernails are running lightly over his ballsack, and my tongue tickles and swirls his cockhead each time its pulled back far enough, before ramming it back in my mouth.

I suddenly cry out in pain, as master pumps 3 times slowly. I cant believe Sir would do that, im doing EVERYTHING i can. Any man would be lucky to get my blowjob

"Sweetie, you're just not convincing enough. Any cock hungry slut would have tried to fit my cock all the way down their throat by now. You're taking the easy way out."

I grab a hold of Sirs butt, as i RAM his cock into my mouth, all the way back into my throat. My ass is on fire, from the now huge buttplug, and i can't take it anymore. I sputter, and gag, but compose myself and slurp up all the saliva i left on Sirs cock, and plunge back on it. I alternate between a furious sucking, and forcing it down my throat as fas as i can go, making a violent throat sound each time. Tears are streaming down my face, both from the plug, and from assaulting my own mouth and throat, but i dont stop. I HAVE to make this work. I feel my throat starting to adjust, and taking his cock becomes easier with each thrust, though i cant keep it down for more than a second at the time.

The room is filled with the sound of a messy deepthroating blowjob as i feel Rolands hand on the back of my head. He isnt pushing, simply following my rhythm which almost seems to intensify. I gobble up his huge cock one more time, feeling it plunge all the way down my throat, and at this moment, i feel Roland holding firmly on the back of my head, not letting me pull away. I start to gag and sputter again, my eyes wildly looking up at him in fear, his huge balls resting on my chin, as spit runs down it. I can feel myself starting to run out of, as i'm force fed cock, and spots appear in my vision.

Suddenly Roland yanks me away from his cock, now completely covered on my saliva, pulls me up and throws me over the desk. I gasp wildly for air, coughing a little as i'm moved around like a limp doll

"Spread your fucking legs and bend over slut! NOW!" he screams, as i try to regain control of myself. I lay bent down over the desk, spreading my legs instantly, feeling my legs shake from being on my knees for so long, and now having to stand on my heels. Roland quickly deflates the plug, and pulls it out with ease. He twists one arm behind my back, and starts rubbing his cock up and down my crack, over my hole a couple of times. He positions it at my entrance, and moves down close to my ear.

"Youre mine now bitch. This is your life from now on. Now moan like the whore your are."

He steadily but forcefully drives his cock halfway into me, my eyes almost popping out of my head, mouth open in shock, and i let out a long soft moan. He pulls back until his cockhead is just at the entrance again, and this time plunges all the way inside me. I let out a gasp, but have no time to recover before he rams it back into me a second time, moving the desk slightly with the force of it. He picks up speed a little as he starts to slowly fuck me, with deep and hard strokes. I feel the balls against my clit, his pubes scratching my now soft butt, and the maddening sensation once again, as something stirs inside me.

He lets go of my arm, and i quickly grab the side of the desk, as he picks up speed, now fucking me hard. The desk starts to shake with each thrust, and rattles each time. I find myself moaning uncontrollably, as he now grabs my hips, and fucks me so hard i can hardly breathe. He slaps my ass hard, once, twice, and finally i stop counting as he takes possession of me.

He grabs me suddenly, cock still buried deep in me, and places me on the floor, ass up high, and face pushed down. I put my hands behind me and spread my cheeks, not giving it a second thought, as i moan in a high pitched voice with each and every single thrust. More slaps on the ass, as he pistons in and out of my pussy, sending fireworks throught my brain with each thrust. My pussy is now almost sucking him into me greedily, and gripping as hard as possible on his way out, though not capable of doing much at the moment. and then finally Roland grabs my hips firmer than ever before, and violently thrusts into me, grunting loudly. I feel the warmth spreading in my pussy as he shoots his cum deep inside me, cock throbbing as he slowly thrusts a few more times. I'm panting hard, body shaking out of control, as he runs his hand on my back.

I lay still, feeling his huge cock pulse, knowing i've just been bred. My pussy slowly being filled with his big warm load of cum. My hand goes to my small clit, still firmly locked up, but is quickly slapped away by Roland. I can feel how sweaty my body is, my breathing still fast, but now steady and calmer. My pussy lips feel raw and used, and yet tingly and relaxed.

"Such a good girl, you did great sweetheart. I can tell this is gonna work out great for us. Just stay like this for a minute, make sure my seed goes deep into you." We stay like this for a while, my mind picturing vividly the amount of cum being deposited in me, as i lay willingly in complete surrender. Roland picks me, like i'm a toy, with one hand under each leg, as i'm still impaled on his cock, walks us over the to the mirror in his office, and stop in front it.

"Look at yourself slut, and tell me you werent born for this". I look up slowly, still in a daze, still focused on the twitching throbbing cock in my pussy, and see my self held up by Roland. I look at the cock plunged deeply into me, and my small clit in its cage, a long string of either precum, or just pure cum dripping from it. Roland orders me to scoop some of it up, and i do so in a slow motion, but without delay or hesitation. I suck my finger clean, while his eyes are drilling into mine, not letting my mind rest for even a moment. He then lifts me off his cock, with a satisfied plop, and cum streams out of me, down the entirety of his cock and balls, and onto the floor. He helps me stand on my feet, my legs more wobbly than ever before, and simply lifts an eyebrow.

Without hesitation i once again drop to me knees, and start slurping up my mess, cleaning every inch of his cock and balls. I suck on the cock to make sure its completely drained, jerking it firmly with my hand to make sure i get every last drop

"Good job Patricia, get it all, that's it. Didnt i tell you this would become your favorite meal?" He chuckles and pulls his cock out of my mouth.

"Ok thats enough, make sure you clean the floor before you leave, i want my office spotless when i come in tomorrow.

He walks over to the door, after putting his pants back on. "See you tomorrow slut" he says and leaves, as i'm cleaning the floor.

Next: Chapter 3

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