Becoming Daddys Bitch

By Paul Vanden boogard

Published on Jan 28, 2022


I want to apologize to all of my followers for the long gap between chapters. I've been rather busy lately, and can't wrote as much as I'd like to. I also want to thank you all for your comments and your support, and or urging me on. I have read a number of very intriguing stories here on Nifty, and am glad to support this platform. Please consider donating to Nifty at:

Becoming Daddy's Bitch -- Chapter 9

I knelt in my place at his feet, my gaze planted firmly on the floor as I crossed my arms behind my back. He was on the phone to Gary, giving him instructions for the projects for the next few days. Bringing his conversation to a close, he set his phone aside., then opened his trousers and pulled out his cock. Even soft, it was at least five inches long.

"Piss hole."

I quickly obeyed, crawling between his legs to wrap my lips around just the head of his cock. I knew that I had to, that I'd be punished if I didn't. I felt the hot jet on my tongue and started to swallow, surprised to find that I could barely taste it.

"That's a good bitch," he stroked my head. "Whether you like it or not, you know what a worthless little bitch like you deserves."

The smell of his crotch filled my nostrils as my eyes followed the length of his beautiful cock from his curly patch of pubic hair until it disappeared between my lips, his hot piss filling my mouth again and again. He was right. Like it or not, this was what a pathetic slave deserved. More importantly, it was what my Master deserved.

"Turn around. Face down, pussy up."

Sucking out the last few drops, I quickly obeyed, positioning myself as close to his chair as I could. I felt his finger stroke my asshole, then the drop of lube as it hit my sphincter. I groaned aloud as Master's fingers slipped inside of me. Then I felt something spread my hole open wide. At first I thought that Master was going to fuck me, but it didn't feel right, and just when I thought my asshole couldn't open any wider, my sphincter closed itself around it.

"Do you like that, bitch?

"Yes, Master!" I replied honestly.

My bowels were cramping a little, but it felt wonderful. Then he was kneeling over me, his chest pressed against my back as he growled softly in my ear.

"I bet you do, though I bet you'd rather have my big cock."

I gasped and moaned, gyrating my hips to move the plug around inside of me.

"Yes, Master!

"Well, if you're lucky, I'll fuck you later, but for now I'm going to keep my pussy plugged."

He wiggled the butt plug and I groaned, thrusting my hips back as he pushed it in deeper.

"Do you understand what I'm telling you?" he purred softly in my ear. "That's my pussy. It's not an asshole, and it isn't yours. It's your Masters. It's mine! And that is how you will think of it from now on. Master's clit, Master's pussy, and Master's sweet lipped little cock hole."

The butt plug was rubbing on my prostrate, making me gasp and groan, and I felt my ... clit ... hardening in my cage.

Master's clit.

And Master's pussy.

I wanted him to fuck me so bad.

"Yes, Master!"

Grabbing my hair, he pulled my head back, reaching around to push the ball gag into my mouth. Once he had it secured, he hooked a leash onto the collar, pulling me to my feet as he stood and giving it a tug as he led me into the kitchen, the chain between my ankles forcing me to take three steps to his every one.

From there I was given instructions; how coffee was to be served, or tea. How to serve my Mistress her wine, and how to mix and serve her drinks. Where I was to stand, and how, and what I was to do once they were served. Then I was led into their bedroom, and was told what her expectations would be; what she would require for her bath, where her wine and glass were to be placed, where to set the towels and what toiletries she would require, where to place her slippers, and how to properly turn down her side of the bed, my Master making me perform each task as the leash dangled between us. On occasion he would reach out and wiggle the butt plug, or reach between my legs to fondle my balls ... his clit ... or he would pull me back against him and pinch my nipples as he growled his instructions into my ear.

"What a sweet little bitch you're going to make," he cooed into my ear as he pressed me against the kitchen counter, his powerful arm thrown across my chest as he slid his finger up next to the butt plug and into his pussy, his nose buried against my neck. My eyes rolled heavenward as I leaned back against him.

"Do you want my cock, little whore?"

I could only nod and grunt, my hips squirming against his thrust.

He chuckled and released me, and I struggled to pull my thoughts back together so I could pay attention to his instructions.

Grabbing a beer, he went to watch the news, leaving me in the kitchen to start his supper; a pot roast with potatoes, carrots, celery and onion. Sliding it onto the oven, I went to kneel beside his chair as I had been instructed. Dropping the footrest, he spread his feet and pointed between them, and I quickly crawled into place, tucking my hands behind me as I sat back on my feet, my chin on my chest and my eyes fixed firmly on the floor. I was terrified of my Mistress returning home, but found a strange form of comfort in my submission to my Master.

My Master.

I didn't even think of him as "dad" anymore. He wasn't "dad." He was my Master.

Reaching behind me, he unlocked the ball gag and set it aside, then cupped my chin and pushed his thumb into my mouth, playing with my tongue until I started to lick and suck.

"You've been such a good little bitch today," he addressed me warmly. "Do you think you've earned the privilege of sucking my cock?"

I didn't know if I had earned it or not, but I wanted to have earned it. I wanted nothing more than to have my Masters cock in my mouth. Still sucking his thumb, I nodded.

"Back up!"

He stood and dropped his pants as I scrambled backward, pushing them to his ankles before he relaxed back in his chair. I only paused a moment before crawling forward to wrap my lip s around its head, moaning as its warmth and girth filled my mouth.

"That's a good bitch," he muttered as he placed his hand on my head to guide my up and down.

"Now pay attention, because I'm going to give you a few more rules."

I didn't pause, but kept on sucking, perking up my ears to catch every one of my Masters words.

The first rule was that if my Mistress was at the table for a meal, I was to stand behind her chair instead of my Masters. Aside from that, I was never to be on my feet in my Mistresses presence unless I was serving her or my Master directly, and if my Mistress entered a room that I was in, I was to go to my knees immediately, regardless of what I was doing, and crawl to the nearest corner and out of the way, and remain there until she left the room or I was told otherwise.

"And you are never, ever, to speak to her. Your Mistress has no interest in you whatsoever, and will only use you as a convenience."

I sucked and moaned my understanding, squirming beneath my Masters hand as it guided me up and down his cock, Masters pussy clenching eagerly around the butt plug.

Yes, Master. Thank you, Master.

I knew what I had been told, but all of my attention was focused on his big, beautiful cock as it slid between my lips and down my throat, my little clit swelling hard inside its cage. I was Masters good bitch, and would be a good bitch for my Mistress, too, if only to please my Master.

At last he released my head, and I licked my way down his shaft to is balls, burying my nose between his sac and his thigh as I sucked one his nuts into my mouth, his manly scent filling my nostrils. I couldn't believe how happy I was, how grateful I was. It was such an honor to be sucking my Masters nuts, and being allowed to please him. Grabbing my hair, he guided my mouth back down onto his cock.

"Hold. No tongue."

I held my head still, and had to consciously keep my tongue from licking his beautifully shaped cock head, my eyes fixed on his massive shaft. It was a beautiful sight, jutting out from his thick, dark patch of pubic hair, the cords and veins snaking trails up to my mouth, where it disappeared between my lips.

The television went on, and he picked up a magazine, setting it on my head as he flipped through the pages until he found an article that caught his interest.

I sighed, wondering how long I would have to keep my position, but still happy to have his cock in my mouth. I squeezed my sphincter and felt the butt plug push up inside of me, and was suddenly even more grateful to be my Masters slave. Then I realized that Masters cock was starting to soften, and a minute or two later I felt the first splash of piss on my tongue. I only had a moment to swallow before he let loose a blast, quickly filling my mouth. I swallowed and swallowed, not even thinking about the taste; slightly salt, dry and bitter, but still happy to have my Masters cock in my mouth.

Why shouldn't Master piss in my mouth?

Master should piss in my mouth. He had every right to piss in his slave! And I should be grateful for it. It was Masters piss. Coming from Masters cock!

I started swallowing it more eagerly, disappointed when it began to slow to a dribble, and delighted when one strong squirt followed another. Then he was done and I found myself sucking gently on his beautiful cock head.

"Thank you, Master."

I let it slip from my mouth only long enough to utter my gratitude, parting my lips wide to engulf as much as I could without gagging, cradling it lovingly on my tongue.

His only answer was to turn the page of the magazine, leaving me to hold his cock and take in his manly scent, his pussy clenching and unclenching the butt plug as I squirmed between his legs, my little clit swollen painfully and pulling on my balls.

I was glad he didn't acknowledge me. I didn't want him to acknowledge me. Master shouldn't acknowledge me. After all, who was I? I was just a naked little slave bitch, shackled and plugged and caged and collared and serving my Master.

This was when I was happiest, when I had Masters cock in my mouth. This was what I wanted, what I wanted to live for; sucking Masters cock and licking Masters balls and kissing Masters feet. All the other things in my life had never made me this happy, and I almost couldn't believe how lucky I was. How could my Master have known?

But he had known. He had known all my life, and had raised me just for this purpose. I didn't understand how, I thought my life was pretty much the same as all the other boys I knew, but it didn't matter. Master knew, and he had turned me in to what I was meant to be.

Even lost in my thoughts, I was aware of Masters cock in my mouth and his butt plug deep inside his pussy, and was surprised when he moved the magazine and tapped me on my head.

"Go add the vegetables."

I couldn't believe that over half an hour had passed with Masters cock just resting in my mouth. Dazed, I went to the kitchen, completely lost in being nothing more than Masters slave. Even scrubbing and chopping the vegetables took on a whole new meaning to me, and I found myself wanting to cut them up just perfectly for my Master, even though I knew he would never notice, and certainly wouldn't make a comment if he did. I took extra care to set the table, and when I returned to his feet, his pants were back around his waist and his feet were propped in the air.

"My shoes are dirty, bitch."

I didn't like licking Masters dirty shoes and dirty boots, but then I realized that that was the point. It didn't matter what I liked, it was whatever pleased Master, and being made to do what I didn't like just re-enforced my status as his slave. Going to all fours, I pressed my tongue against his sneaker and started to lick.

They really weren't that dirty, just a coating of dust from the garage floor and a little bit of grit stuck to the bottoms. I licked until my mouth got dry, then hurried away to get a drink of water, catching Masters scowl from the corner of my eye as I got to my feet. He didn't say anything, though, and was back to reading his magazine when I returned carrying a glass of water. I took a quick sip, then returned to cleaning his shoes.

It was a lot easier getting them clean with a wet tongue, and though I didn't like the task, I still wanted to get them good and clean. I wanted my Master to be pleased.

"Take them off and get my slippers, then wait in the kitchen until my supper's ready to serve."

Finishing his meal, he pulled the butt plug and sent me to wash it and clean myself out, after which I could eat and clean up the kitchen. I grunted as he pulled it out, and hurried off to obey, finding myself eager to clean out my Masters pussy. I wanted him to fuck me, to feel his enormous cock pleasing itself inside of me, for Master to please himself inside of his pussy.

I wished I didn't have to wear the cock cage, but I knew that it belonged there, as did the shackles around my ankles and the collar around my neck. I was Masters now, Masters possession and Masters slave, and they were there to remind me of that at every moment.

Flushing myself out a final time, I hurried back to my Masters feet, setting the lube and the butt his robe, he didn't speak as he flipped though the channels on the television, and I found my eyes wandering between the floor between my knees and his feet. He must have noticed, because after several long moments he asked me if I wanted to kiss them.

"Yes, Master." I answered meekly, slightly embarrassed.

"And what should you do when you want to kiss my feet?"

I froze, thinking. Had I been told what I should do? I didn't know what to answer.

"You ask for my permission, you stupid bitch!" he told me, a hint of exasperation in his voice.

I ducked my head and blushed. He was right. I was stupid.

"Yes, Master. May I please kiss your feet, Master."

He kicked his slippers off, and I started to go for them, then stopped, realizing that he hadn't said I could.

Warmth returned to his voice as he spoke.

"Good bitch. You're not quite so stupid, after all."

He set the control off to the side and settled back into his chair.

"All right. Go on."

I buried my face in his feet, licking and sucking eagerly, my trapped little clit filling its cage immediately. I belonged at Masters feet, and was honored to be licking and kissing them. He chuckled, then dropped the footrest, reaching out to grab my collar and pull me between his legs. Lifting his semi-erect cock, he pushed it into my open mouth, my tongue licking his bulbous head as I bobbed up and down on it.

"That's a good little faggot."

I moaned my gratitude, pushing myself farther down onto his cock, wanting to take in as much of it as I could. He watched me a moment, and I could tell that he was smiling when he started to speak,

"Damn, but I did a good job at training you. All I had to do was strip you naked and place you at my feet for you to understand where you belong. And you do understand, don't you bitch?"

I watched my lips slide up and down his thick and nodded.

"Yes," he chuckled, pushing my head even further down onto his cock. "Your nothing. You're a piece of property and my slave, and the only consideration you deserve is the consideration I decide to give you."

He released my head and let me suck on my own, and laughed as I started slurping greedily on his cock.

"That's it, whore. Work to please you Master, and hope that I'll fuck you as a reward."

I was almost crying with both joy and shame, opening my throat to take his cock even deeper into my gullet; ashamed at being so proud and honored to have his cock in my mouth, and knowing that I couldn't be happier. My little clit hard in its cage again, I moaned aloud as I licked and sucked his bulbous head. He ran his fingers through my bangs, then pushed my hair aside, watching I sucked his cock and squirmed between his legs. Then in one sudden motion he pulled me off and hefted onto his lap, my kneels spread to either side of him and my feet on his thighs as he held his cock erect and plunged his pussy down on it, spreading me open and forcing a painful groan from my lips.

"Now ride that cock, bitch. Show me what an eager little whore you are."

My eyes closed and my mouth open, I started bouncing up and down, the pain quickly fading to a feeling of hunger, my hole needing to be filled again and again by his big, gorgeous, wonderful cock. I could feel my balls pull up tight, and I looked down to see clear, glistening drops of fluid fly from the tip of the cock cage and spatter onto his chest, my little clit throbbing with the need to cum. Scooping a drop from his chest with his fingertip, he pushed it into my mouth, and I sucked greedily on his fingers, tasting my own precum for the very first time.

Masters slave and Masters whore.

Masters huge, glorious cock.

I grabbed the arms of the chair, hefting myself up and down the entire length of his shaft, until the head nearly popped from my hole before spreading it wide and plunging in deep again.

"That's it, whore. Look what a good little cunt you make. You know that that pussy belongs wrapped around my cock, don't you, bitch?"

Unngh...Yes...Master," I gasped.

"Yeah," he grabbed the collar and started pulling me down as he thrust himself up. "And don't you think you should be thanking me for that, bitch?"

"Yes, Master. you, Master. Thank you for...fucking me, Master."

"I'm not fucking you, bitch, I'm fucking my pussy. Do you understand? You don't mean anything. You are nothing. You're just my slave and my bitch."

Pushing me off him, he dropped me onto the floor and onto my back, grabbing the chain and forcing my feet above me and my knees to my chest. Lining up his cock, he drove himself back inside of me, grabbing my hips as he pounded against me mercilessly.

"Aggggh! Yes, Master. Thank you, Master. Thank you for fucking your pussy, Master!"

"You have to realize it, bitch.!" he emphasized each word with a hard thrust, his face hardening as he let out a mighty groan, his cock emptying itself in throbs and pulses as he drove it in as deep as he could.

I couldn't think or feel anything, only the sensation of his massive cock filling my insides, my breath coming in short gasps as my mind spun around and around.

Masters pussy. Masters slave.

It was only when I felt him pull out that any semblance of thought returned to me, and it was a few confused moments before I realized that Master was in his chair, still heaving as he glared down at me expectantly.

Masters cock.

I rolled onto my hands and knees to crawl quickly between Masters legs, licking gently at his cock to clean it, his pussy still gaping and his cum leaking from it. I cupped his balls with my hands to lick them clean as well, whimpering gratefully as the smell of his cum and my pussy filling my nostrils.

Thank you, Master. I love you Master. I love your cock, Master.

"Go empty yourself and return."

I didn't want to. I didn't want to leave my Masters crotch, but I had to obey. Crawling away, I stayed on my hands and knees until I reached the toilet, eager for my Masters hole to empty so I could return to it.

"Turn around, face on the floor," he said as I crawled to his feet.

I thrust my ass into the air, moaning delightedly as he pushed the butt plug back into his pussy. Turning myself back around, I found his foot being pressed against my face, and I spent the rest of the evening licking and kissing them as he sat back to watch TV, leaving them only once to fetch him a beer and get myself a glass of water. When at last he said "bed," I crawled deliriously to prepare his coffee and get myself prepared, then crawled sleepy and exhausted onto my mattress.

"Not there, bitch. I want you in my bed tonight."

I wasn't sure if I heard him right, but stumbled to my feet, my heart beating wildly as I followed him down the darkened hallway and into his bedroom, just a single side lamp lit next to his bed, which I had turned down for him. He motioned me in, then tossed aside his robe and crawled in after me. Turning me onto my side to face away from him, he pulled me against his chest, pressing his cock into the crack of my ass as he spooned against me. Reaching around, he clicked off the light, and I basked in the firm warmth of his body pressed against me as I slipped into sleep.

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Next: Chapter 10

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