Becoming Daddys Bitch

By Paul Vanden boogard

Published on May 11, 2021


This is purely a work of fiction.

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Becoming Daddy's Bitch - Chapter 3

I was starting to have a really hard time in school. I was having a hard time concentrating and everything just seemed a lot harder. We started studying chemistry in science class, and even though I'm usually really good with numbers, the formulas just didn't seem to make any sense to me. In English we were given novels to read, then were told that we had to write book reports on them. I was almost never able to finish a book before the report was due. I could read a little right after school, but I always had other homework to finish, too, and I only had an hour before I had to help my dad with supper, and after supper dad would always put me to work helping him with his business. By the time eight o'clock rolled around, I was always too tired to do anything, so I'd just watch TV or play one of my video games, and by none o'clock I was usually in bed.

The worst part was gym class. We started out with football. Beside the fact that I had never played football before, and I didn't know anything about it, I'm only five foot eight, and only weigh about a hundred and twenty pounds, and I'm not anywhere near as strong as most of the other boys my age. Having no idea what I was doing, I got knocked to the ground really hard twice the first day, and after that I refused to play. The gym teacher yelled at me, but I just shook my head and sat on the bleachers. All the other boys teased me about it, calling me a wuss and a weakling and a pussy, but for the rest of the semester I just sat in the locker room for the whole class. I didn't even change into my gym clothes or shower, and I didn't care that the teacher told me I was going to fail the class.

About a week after the last time my dad and I had had sex, I started getting really horny, and every night I'd lie in my bed hoping that my dad would come into the room. I wanted to jack off really badly, but I didn't just in case. Then my mom was going on another one of her business trips, this time all the way to Japan, and I thought that dad would come into my room again for sex. I even stopped wearing my underwear to bed, and would lay completely naked on top of my covers until I got too cold, but it was a whole three weeks before I finally heard him enter my room.

I crawled up against him as soon as he laid down, but before I got a chance to do anything, he pushed me down to his crotch. Taking his thick cock in my hand, I wrapped my lips around its head, but he said, "No. Balls first."

I buried my nose in his crotch and took a deep whiff as I licked, my cock hardening instantly between my legs. I loved the smell of his crotch, deep and musty and manly, the smell of soap and sweat, and maybe a little bit of piss. And the size of his balls, and the feel of them on my tongue, was incredible.

"Yeah, that's a good boy. You have to earn your way to sucking my cock."

I don't know why, but when he said that, it made me even hornier, and I wanted to do even a better job at licking and sucking his balls, my hand stroking his big, thick cock all the while. I even dug my tongue between his ball sac and his thigh, trying desperately to lick every square inch of his crotch, my cock throbbing so hard I thought I was going to shoot my load at any moment.

"Now suck."

I dove down on his cock with zeal, pushing myself down until I took almost half of its whole length and trying my best not to gag. I pulled myself up and licked around his head, then tried to swallow as much of his cock as I could again as he moaned softly above me.

"Oh yeah. You suck pretty well for a beginner, boy. Have you been sucking other cocks?"

I stopped and looked up at him, and shook my head.


"That's too bad."

He pushed his cock toward me, and I went back to sucking it, wondering if I might ever get a chance to suck another man's cock.

"Just the head."

I rolled my tongue around it, feeling the shape of it in my mouth, how it bulged out from his thick shaft like the head of a mushroom, and how it swept up into a "V" underneath. I even tried to push my tongue into his piss slit, sucking lightly as I licked and licked.

"Yeah. Now go down on it, boy."

I tried to take as much of it as I could again, feeling it entering my throat as I went up and down, and even starting to gag a couple of times. My cock was so hard it hurt, and I couldn't help reaching down to squeeze it and stroke it as I sucked and sucked. I was getting so close to coming that I had to stop, and that was when dad grabbed my head and started pushing his cock in and out of my mouth. He was gasping and groaning, and suddenly I could feel his cock swell between my lips.

"Swallow it, boy."

I barely had time to react as his cock filled my mouth with his cum, almost choking at first as some of it leaked through my lips before I was able to swallow. Spurt after spurt pumped onto my tongue. It was warm and thick, and tasted nothing I had ever tasted before. It didn't taste bad, just tasted...different.

A moment later, he pushed me off, and I sat back on my feet, my cock sticking straight out in front of me. Reaching between my legs, he started to stroke my balls, then slid his finger up inside my asshole.

"Jack it."

I grabbed my cock and started pounding on it, his finger moving up and down inside of me. Suddenly, he touched a spot and I groaned loudly, my whole body tense, my balls pulling up as my load shot high into the air. Laughing, he pulled out his finger and walked naked from the room. Panting and gasping, I collapsed onto the sheets, not caring that they were wet with my cum.

It was Saturday when I woke up, and dad was already gone on a job. Eating cereal for breakfast, I stripped the beds and remade them, then did my chores around the house. As soon as I had the chance, I jumped on my bike and headed toward town, hoping to hook up with Collin. When I knocked on his door, his mom told me that he was off with his girlfriend.

His girlfriend? He hadn't even told me he had a girlfriend!

Despondent, I biked down to park by the river, hoping that he'd be there with her, but I didn't find him, so I just biked around the town until I got bored, then went back home. Collin was my only real friend, and now that he was seeing someone, we probably wouldn't be hanging out much. Throwing my bike in the garage, I went to my bedroom and pulled out the dirty magazine. When I got to the picture of the one guy fucking the other one, I imagined that it was my dad and me, my hand digging into my pants to stroke my now hardening cock. I wondered what my dad would do if he came home and found me naked. There was still some dishes to do, and with my mom gone, I could do it naked. I knew I'd be embarrassed when dad walked in on me, but the thought of it turned me on.

I didn't dare to, though so I pulled down my pants and started to jack off, imagining my dad walking in and seeing me, then stripping off his clothes and pushing me to my knees to have me suck his cock. That alone was enough to make me shoot my load.

After that, I wasn't horny, and didn't really feel like doing the dishes, so I spent the rest of the morning wandering around in the woods out back.

I jacked off again that night, and the next night, too, flipping through the magazine, but all the while thinking about my dad's cock. I hadn't liked it at all the first time he had fucked me, but now I seemed to want it all the time.

It was a whole four weeks before he fucked me again, only this time he didn't come into my bedroom. We were watching a show on TV, his arm wrapped over my shoulder like it always was, when I noticed that he was stroking his cock through his jeans, and I just stared at the huge bulge of his hardon. Glancing down at me, he lifted his arm and stood up, kicking off his slippers and pulling his pants and underwear off around his ankles before sitting down again, his right arm now draped across the back of the sofa. When I looked up at him, he just nodded his head toward his swelled, massive cock.

Not sure what he wanted, I reached out to take it in my hand and stroke it, feeling its shape between my fingers. I couldn't believe how big it was, and I could take the whole thing inside of me. My cock wasn't even half the size, and I was starting to doubt that it was going to get much bigger. His balls were huge, too, and pretty soon I was caressing those with one hand while I stroked his cock gently with my other.

"You like that cock, don't you boy?"

I blushed a little. "Yes."

"That should be 'Yes, Sir.'"

He paused and waited until I replied.

"Yes, sir."

"You're almost an adult. I expect you to be respectful to me."

I felt as though I was being admonished.

"Yes, sir."

He leaned back and let me feel him and fondle him, I loved all the hair in his crotch, his hairy balls and the thick patch of fur above his that trailed up to his belly button, then continued on to cover his chest. Leaning against him, I took his right nipple into my mouth and started to suck.

"Yeah, good boy. Get up into my armpit, too."

He had worked all day and hadn't taken a shower, and it was dank and musty, but I didn't mind. His cock and balls were in my hand, and my own cock was rock hard and pushing up my sweatpants. Reaching over, he grabbed it and squeezed it, then slid his hand inside to stroke it.

"Now suck me," he whispered in my ear.

I slid off the couch and crawled between his legs, but went first to his balls, knowing somehow that if I didn't, he would tell me to anyway. Hefting them in one hand, I began to lick, pausing now and then to take a deep whiff of his crotch. I suddenly felt lucky to have a handsome, sexy dad, with a huge cock and massive balls who liked to have sex with me. I licked and sucked until he pushed his cock forward, then ran my tongue up its shaft to wrap my lips around its head. Instead of going down on him, I teased it with my tongue for a little bit, then started pushing down on it, slowly taking more and more of his cock into my mouth, licking the head some more with each up stroke.

"Damn, you're getting good at sucking my cock, boy."

I was taking a full half of his cock into my mouth before he suddenly pushed me off, turning me around to lay me flat on my stomach. Yanking my sweatpants to my ankles, he laid on top of me and pushed himself in, grinding slowly and softly until his whole cock was deep inside of me. Propping himself to his elbows, he fucked me, making me grunt and moan in pleasure until he shot his load.

Our interest in the TV gone, he shut it off and sent me to clean up and go to bed, but I didn't go to sleep until I jacked off, remembering his warmth and his weight, and his big cock inside of me.

We had off of school that Friday for parent/teacher conferences, and when my dad got home, he wasn't happy. Not only had I failed gym class, but I had failed English and History as well, and was only getting C's and D's in my other classes. Except math. I had a `B' in math.

"I've pulled you out of school. You're done. You're not making anything of yourself, so I'm going to make something of you."

I stared at the floor, not able to say anything. It had been a long time since my dad was this mad at me.

"And don't think you'll be going anywhere. You will not leave this house unless I tell you to. Do you understand?"

I nodded my head.

"Tell me. Do you understand!"


"Yes, what!?"

"Yes, sir."

He walked me to the kitchen table and told me to face it.

"Now drop your pants."

My eyes widened. I knew what was coming, but I couldn't believe it.

"Drop them!"

I opened the button and the zipper and pushed them down to my knees, dragging my underwear along with them. I heard him pull his belt out from around his waist, then he pushed me forward to lean over the table. Clenching my teeth, I waited for the first strike, wincing and groaning with each one, and nearly sobbing once he got to the tenth.

"Now strip off your clothes and put them in the laundry, then start your chores. I want this entire house spotless, and you're going to do it naked in front of me."

I was so shocked by this, I couldn't think. I had just imagined my dad coming home and finding me naked, and now he was going to make me clean the house naked. Pushing off my shoes, I pulled my pants and underwear the rest of the way off, then scampered to the laundry room to finish undressing, my ass still burning from the whipping I had received. I didn't understand why he wanted me to clean the house naked, and I was really uncomfortable when I stepped out of the laundry room and went to the kitchen to start washing the leftover dishes. I heard him walk by a few minutes after that, then he called to me from the laundry room.

"Get in here, boy!"

Wiping my hands dry, I hurried down the hallway.

"This is going to be your job from now on. You will be doing all the cooking, the cleaning, the laundry, everything."

He proceeded to sort through the clothes, explaining which items were to be washed with which items. His clothes were to be washed separate from mine, and both of ours separate from my mom's. Clothes were to be washed every Friday, sheets every Sunday, and the towels and washcloths and everything else were to be done on Wednesdays. He had me start a load of clothes, and told me he would show me how to iron them and fold them once they came out of the dryer, then sent me back to finish the dishes and start my cleaning. I did the whole kitchen first, and had just started in the bathroom that he and I shared when I heard him come back into the house.

"Boy, get in here!"

I went back into the kitchen to find him sitting at the table, and he started instructing me on how to make our lunch. By the way he barked at me, I could tell that he was still mad at me, or, at least, still very disappointed. I hadn't done very much cooking, so I was very careful to do everything just as I was told as I made the sloppy joe's and set the table. When I set his place in front of him, he grabbed my crotch, wrapping his fingers around both my cock and my balls.

"I can't believe you have such a tiny little fucking dick. You're never going to fuck anyone with that pathetic little thing."

I was so hurt that I almost burst into tears. I couldn't even believe he had said that! I knew my cock wasn't as big as most of the boys at school, but I didn't think it was that small, and I was still hoping that it would grow some more. I turned away and went back to the stove, stirring the sloppy joe's and scraping them into a bowl to serve with the buns and the chips, sniffing and swallowing and trying not to cry.

I felt as though my dad hated me, that I wasn't even good enough to be his son. It was bad enough that my mom didn't care about me, hadn't even wanted to give birth to me, but now I was a disappointment to my dad as well. Not only had I failed most of my classes, but even my body fell short of his approval.

I served him his lunch and sat silently at the table. My ass still hurt from his belt, and I was afraid to even look at him as he ate. Not saying a word, he finished his lunch and left the table, the door to his workshop in the garage closing a few moments later.

As soon as the door closed, I started to cry. I felt completely inadequate, and I didn't know what to do make things better. I didn't want another spanking though, so I got up and cleared the table, and cleaned up the whole kitchen again, then went to start cleaning the rest of the house.

I didn't like that I was naked, that my dad saw me naked every time he looked at me. Especially now, after what he had said about my cock. Now, when I looked down at it, I was embarrassed by it.

I had barely started to vacuum the living room when my dad walked in again, glancing at me once before making his way down the hallway.

"Boy, get your ass in here!" he called from the laundry room.

I shut off the vacuum and hurried in there, knowing I was in even more trouble than I was before.

"Why aren't these clothes in the dryer?"

"I...I forgot about them," I mumbled, starting at the floor and turning red.

"You forgot about them SIR! Do you want my belt across your ass again? Every time you speak, you end your sentence in SIR! Do you got that, or do I need to beat it into you?"

I stumbled over how to answer.

"Yes, Sir...I...I...I will Sir."

He had me move his clothes from the washer to the dryer, instructing me on the settings before having me start another load of his clothes in the washer.

"How much time on the dryer?"

I glanced at the digital readout.

"Forty-five minutes, Sir."

"In forty -five minutes I want you in here waiting for further instructions."

He glanced at his watch and walked out, and I went back to finish the vacuuming, making sure that I knew the time, and forty-five minutes later I was back in the laundry room. It was another fifteen minutes before I heard him come back into the house, and for the next ten minutes I was taught how to iron is pants and his shirts, and which were to be folded and which were to be hung and how. Leading me down to his bedroom, he then explained where and how they were to be put when I was finished.

"I'm going to inspect your work when you're done. One mistake," he held up his finger, "and I'll be taking my belt to your ass again."

I was almost crying as I returned to the laundry room. My dad had never been this strict before, but I knew that he meant what he said, and if he found even one thing he didn't like, I would get punished again. I hadn't been punished often in my life, but enough to know that he would carry through on his threat.

The washer was finished by the time I was done, so I moved those clothes to the dryer, then went to finish the vacuuming. I still didn't know why I had to be naked, and was embarrassed by the tiny dick that kept flopping around in front of me.

"Can I please put some clothes on?" I asked when my dad came back into the house about an hour later, "Sir!" I remembered to say at just the last moment.

No. You'll be staying naked. Today, tomorrow, for as long as you are in the house. And you won't be going anywhere until I tell you to."

I swallowed back a lump in my throat.

"Can I at least put some socks on? My feet are cold."

He waited and waited without answering.

"Sir! Can I put some socks on, Sir!"

"Yes. Is the dryer finished?"

"Yes, Sir. I was just waiting for you to show me what to do, Sir."

Everything in the load was to be ironed except for his socks, which were all of his t-shirts and his boxers, and his socks were to be matched and everything was to be folded just a certain way. Once again, he brought me to his bedroom to instruct me just where and how they were to be put away, inspecting the job I had done on his pants and his shirts at the same time. Seemingly satisfied, he walked back out again, and I returned to my work.


Was I always going to be naked? Was I going to still be naked when my mom came home? I just didn't understand why all this was happening.

I will appreciate any feedback on my story :

Next: Chapter 4

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