Becoming Daddys Bitch

By Paul Vanden boogard

Published on Apr 20, 2021


Becoming Daddy's Bitch -- Chapter 1

This is purely a work of fiction.

I wouldn't say my mom's a bitch, but she kind of is. She's a big wig corporate manager, and does a lot of travelling, and can be gone for two to three months at a time. When she's home, she's always busy, and when she isn't busy all she wants to do is relax, so all in all she's never really paid much attention to me. My dad, on the other hand, is a handyman. His shop is in the garage, which is huge, and there's a big shed behind the house where he stores all of his materials and works on his projects. Dad's the one who pretty much raised me. We get along okay, and spend a lot of time together. With my mom gone all the time, the two of us pretty much take care of the house. In fact, I don't think I ever saw my mom do any of the housework. Dad takes care of the yard and the laundry, and does most of the cooking, and I pretty much do all of the house cleaning.

We lived on a ten acre wooded lot just outside of the town, and during the fall and the spring, when the weather was still warm, I would bike to school, but once winter rolled around my dad would drive me in in the morning, and would be waiting to pick me up again right after school. I was always expected home at four, regardless of what time of year it was, so I didn't get to hang out with my friends much during the school year.

I was fifteen when I got my first dirty magazine.

It was the middle of summer, and Collin and I had been biking the trails that ran through the woods in the park down by the river, then stopped to watch some of the younger kids who were playing baseball, and some of the older kids who were playing disc golf. We were on our way down the sidewalk on Main Street when Collin suddenly turned between two of the buildings. I didn't know where he was going, so I followed him. When I got to the alley, Collin was already getting off his bike, leaning it against a dumpster behind the dirty book store. Pulling up his pants leg, he reached into his sock and pulled out a cigarette, digging in his pocket to get a lighter.

"Wha...I didn't know you smoked!"

He gave me a smirk and lit it up.

"Don't tell anyone."

"I won't."

"You want one?"

I shook my head.

Just screwing around, he opened up the lid of the dumpster, nearly dropping it again in surprise.

"Hey, there's dirty mags in here."

I set down my bike as he reached in and pulled one out.

"Oh, this one's for you," he handed me the magazine. I looked at the cover and realized the magazine was full of naked men.

"Fuck you." I threw the magazine back into the dumpster and we each fished out another one, flipping through them quickly before grabbing our bikes and high tailing it out of there. We didn't want to be caught with them, so we decided to head for home, but as soon as Collin turned down his street and disappeared around the corner, I spun around and headed back for the dumpster to get the first magazine, the one with all the naked men.

As I said, my dad and I did all the housework, and one of my jobs was to make the beds and change the sheets, so I didn't worry about hiding the magazine under my mattress. I couldn't believe what was in it the first time I flipped through it. Not only were the men naked, but some of the men had their mouths around another man's cock, and some of them had their cocks pushed up inside another guy's asshole.

I was fascinated.

I had heard other boys talking about blowjobs, and wanting to fuck the girls, but I didn't really know anything about sex. I did know that I wasn't interested in girls, though, and it was really hard not to look at all the naked boys in the shower after gym class. I had only gotten to the third page in the magazine, and already I had a hard on. Peeking out of my room, I listened for my dad, and was happy when I heard him clunking around in his shop. Shutting the door, I kicked off my pants, and I jacked off for the first time in my life. It hurt, but I really liked it too, and for the next two weeks I would flip through the magazine and jack off almost every night. Being a handyman, my dad often went out in the evening to do jobs while his clients were home. He had only been gone about twenty minutes, so I figured I had plenty of time, so I went into my bedroom and stripped myself naked and took out the magazine. I was lying on my back with my knees in the air and my legs spread, pumping on my cock with the magazine open to one of my favorite pictures; a shot of a smooth, hairless ass with a big, thick cock stuffed inside of it, and the guy doing the fucking had a thick, dark patch of pubic hair that trailed all the way up to his naval. That was all that the picture showed, but that was all that I was interested in. I was just starting to come close to climax, my eyes rolling back in my head, when my dad walked in.

Shouting in surprise, I pulled my legs together and threw my hands across my chest, losing my grip on the magazine, which went flying onto the floor next to my bed. I could tell he was taken aback for a moment, but then he just walked nonchalantly into the room. I wanted to jump up and hide the magazine, but I knew it was too late. Strolling to the bedside, he picked it up and started paging through it, pausing a few times to study the pictures before throwing it back onto the bed next to me. Looking down at me, he smiled a strange little smile.

"Don't stop on my account," he said, then walked back out of the room.

I was too mortified to get hard again, much less jack off. Pulling my clothes back on, I sat on the edge of my bed, trying to decide what I could do or what I could say. I couldn't lie, because he'd know. He already knew. But he hadn't yelled at me, or given me a big lecture. In fact, he had almost seemed as if he was okay with it. I knew I couldn't stay in my room all night, so I went to the kitchen to get a glass of milk, hoping it might settle my stomach. Dad was sitting on the couch reading the newspaper, and glanced up at me when I walked into the living room.

"There's a movie on tonight if you want to watch it."

"Uh, wha...what movie?" I stammered.

"The Matrix."

I had heard of it. It was supposed to be really good.

"I can make some popcorn."

"Uh, sure."

He glanced at his watch, and set the newspaper aside, and turned on the TV, then got up to go make the popcorn. Rather than sit on the couch, I sat in a chair instead, nervous about how the rest of the evening was going to play out. He came back about ten minutes later, sitting on the couch and resting the big bowl of popcorn in his lap ashe flipped through the channels.

"The popcorn's over here, buddy."

I got out of the chair and went to sit next to him, leaving a good foot of space between us, but when the movie started, he threw his arm across my shoulder and pulled me tight against him. It was the way we always sat and watched TV together, but this time it felt very weird. I forgot all about it once the movie started, though, and later I realized that he just wanted me to know that everything was okay, and that nothing had changed.

Well, things had changed, but I would find that out until a few days later.

My mom was home again, and everything seemed pretty normal, but one night I was just dozing off when the mattress moved beneath, and I opened my eyes to see my dad crawling into my bed.



He threw the covers off me and pulled me against him as he lay down, pressing me against his warm, furry chest and running his hand down my back caress my ass. I was so startled I didn't know what to do or say until he took my arm and pressed my hand onto his chest. It was soft and hard at the same time, his muscles bunching beneath his skin as his hand slid into my boxers and between my legs. Not even realizing it, I instinctively spread my legs apart, his fingers pulling my balls forward as his palm rubbed over my cock. Not daring to glance up at him, I began rubbing his chest, but the took my arm again and guided my hand to his crotch.

I had seen my dad naked a lot of time, but never realized how big he was until I had his cock in my hand. Even soft, it was easily twice as thick as mine, and it swelled even more as it started to grow. He pushed my hand down further so I could feel his ball sac, and again I was amazed at the size and heft of it. I rubbed them a little more, then slid my hand back onto his rock-hard cock, my own cock now hard in his hand. Reaching up, he put a huge gob of spit in his hand, then pushed my hand away so he could slather it all over his massive member, then in one smooth move he rolled me onto my stomach, yanking my underwear off and pressing his weight on top of me as his knees spread my legs apart. I felt his dick in the crack of my ass, then his hand clamped over my mouth as he pushed cock up into my asshole.

It hurt like hell, and I screamed into his hand.

"Shhh.... Just relax."

I moaned and whimpered as his cock slid slowly in and out, driving just a little bit deeper with each of his thrusts.

"Oh, god, that's good. Holy fuck, are you tight."

I was sobbing into his hand, it hurt so much, his thighs bouncing on my buttocks and his chest rubbing my back as he pushed himself in as deep as he could go.

"Mmm...mmm...mmm...oh, god...oh fuck," he moaned softly in my ear. Trapped, all I could do was lay there, grimacing against the pain as he started fucking harder and faster.

"Oh, god, that's better than pussy."

He fucked me and fucked me and fucked me, arching his back, then pressing his weight down on me again, then arching his back again, his breathing getting harder and his moans becoming grunts. Then finally he pushed himself in hard, groaning one long groan as his cock swelled even more inside of me, my abdomen aching like it had never ached before.

Then suddenly I was empty, and he was out of the bed and on his feet, pulling his robe around him as he left the room.

I hope you enjoyed this. There is more to come. I would appreciate any feedback.

Next: Chapter 2

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