Becoming a philosopher gay/college

By Harry Broom

Published on May 18, 2024


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Becoming a Philosopher 29

I'm Eckhardt Hutter and I am glad that Tom has allowed me to tell some of the story. I'm from Namibia and studying medicine in Cape Town. My first six months have been fantastic, and my horizons have been broadened. I was quite down when I returned from the winter recess and have been staying with Tom and Martin for a few days.

The apartment was crowded with Marisa in the second bedroom and Ariel sleeping on the couch for the weekend. Tom and Martin were great hosts and created a welcoming atmosphere. I had also met Joel and Jan through Tom, and we discussed getting a house and setting up a commune. Tom and Martin liked the idea, but they said they were too busy with their studies to pursue the idea. Tom also reminded me that he could stay in the apartment rent-free until he finished his degree.

I liked meeting so many people, from so many different backgrounds. I was looking forward to meeting Tom's friends Sven and Nicolas from Sweden. I enjoyed meeting Joel and Jan and getting to know them. I was excited to meet Ariel and also wanted to get to know him better. Marisa and I got on well, she was a caring and perceptive person.

I was snuggling with Tom and Martin in their bed. I loved the feeling of my naked body against Martin's. I never experienced this kind of intimacy growing up and this was new for me. A full bladder forced me out of my warm nest to the bathroom. I snuck past Ariel who appeared asleep on the couch. He called me over to his bed when I was returning to the room, and he asked me to hop in. I was thrilled and my stomach was full of butterflies. Ariel's naked body was firm and muscular. He leaned over and kissed me. I was hard and he was too. He wrapped his fingers around my dick and wanked me slowly and told me a story:

"I grew up in a Tel Aviv suburb and went to a regular school. I joined the Scouts when I was 10, mainly because Samuel my best friend wanted to join. I liked the idea of adventure and camping, and I guess I also liked the uniform. There were always fun activities planned at our meetings and we got to meet girls and boys from other neighbourhoods.

Our first Scout camp away was near Mount Carmel and was on a Saturday night. Mount Carmel is situated between the Mediterranean Sea and the Jezreel Valley. The Carmel Forest is very beautiful, and there are historic Churches and monasteries nearby.

Even though I grew up in a secular Jewish home my parents didn't discuss sex at home. I was aware of the prohibition against masturbation and the well-known halachic teaching against the "wasting of seed" through my orthodox relatives.

But don't let me get sidetracked. The campsite was under trees, and Samuel and I pitched our tent on the edge of the camp, not too far from the ablution block. It was very exciting, and we got to choose our tent partners. We erected our tent in no time and were able to help the others who were struggling, we also helped get the campfire started. The camp leaders had arranged logs to sit on around the fire and some of the senior scouts were preparing the meat for barbeque. Akiva had taken out his guitar and played some folk songs. The sunset was atmospheric, and the firelight reflected off the foliage of the trees.

After supper, we showered and were allowed to go to our tents. Sam and I had a stash of sweets and other snacks. We were wearing our sleep shorts and T-shirts and we decided to zip our sleeping bags together. It was hot in the tent and Sam suggested taking off our T-shirts. He told me that he had a treat, and he took our two miniature bottles of whisky. I had never drunk alcohol before and opened the screw top and took a gulp. It was very strong and took my breath away. It didn't taste good, but I was determined to drink the entire bottle. Sam giggled and gulped the bottle down and said that it made his stomach feel warm. I followed his example, and my head felt a little light.

We settled into our sleeping bags and Sam continued talking in whispers. He asked me if wanked. I was eleven and hadn't. He told me that it was something I simply had to do as it was fantastic. He reached across and felt my erection in my sleep shorts. I never expected that, and he told me to take off my shorts as he removed his. I hesitantly reached across to touch his dick, and he told me not to be afraid and to hold it. He was slowly moving his hand up and down my shaft and explained that this was what wanking was. It felt so good, and I copied him, moving my hand up and down his shaft.

It felt great to have someone else touching my dick and it sent tingles up my spine. Sam seemed to pick up the pace and asked me if I was enjoying it. I replied "yes" and told him not to stop. I felt a warm surge in my dick and my body trembled and I had a feeling like no other before. Some semen oozed out and my penis felt very sensitive, and I had to ask Sam to stop touching me. At that point his penis stiffened, his body jerked, and he shot some cum. I continued to wank him and couldn't stop myself from bringing my cum covered hand to my mouth to taste it. He giggled and asked me what it tasted like, and I said somewhat sweet, but hard to describe.

We lay next to each catching our breaths, and Sam told me that he wanked every day and that he couldn't get enough. I asked him where he did it, and he said mainly in the shower, but sometimes in bed at night. Sam advised me to find a private place because you didn't want people to know you were doing it. Then he surprised me and kissed me on the cheek and said thank you.

I was wide awake and couldn't fall asleep with so many thoughts going through my head. I had learned something that would be part of my life for the rest of my life, but I didn't know this at the time. I turned to Sam and asked him if he was awake and he said he was, and I asked him if we could do it again. He reached across and took my hard dick in his hand and started to wank me. I reached out and did the same to him. Sam leaned over and kissed me on my lips and I kissed him back. His hand on my dick felt sensational and I hoped he enjoyed my hand just as much. I felt my balls tighten and the feeling came over me again, and blobs of cum came out. This time Sam licked my cum off his fingers and said it tasted nice. Sam ejaculated and I got to taste his cum again."

I had my hand around Ariel's dick and gently rubbed his glans. I went down and got my lips around his head which was oozing precum. I took his dick into my mouth and moved up and down. Ariel groaned quietly with pleasure, as he erupted filling my mouth. Ariel then sucked me off and I came quickly filling his mouth. I slipped off the couch and went back to bed.

We were all up early the next morning. Tom had set out bread rolls, cheeses, and cereals on the table. Marisa had made a fresh pot of coffee, and we enjoyed chatting over breakfast. I had invited Ariel to a hike in Kirstenbosch Gardens. The weather was good, and the sky was jet blue, and vapour trails crisscrossed the sky.

I had my backpack slung over my shoulders, filled with water, snacks, and essentials, and we set off along the well-marked path. The start of the hike is gentle, winding through lush garden vegetation and occasional patches of wildflowers. The air was crisp and carried the scent of pine, invigorating my senses with each breath. As we climbed higher, the trail became steeper and more demanding. I welcomed the physical exertion and felt alive with every step walking behind Ariel, his muscular legs and bubble butt in my face a lot of the time.

The landscape changed as we ascended. The trees were no more, and we had good views of surrounding valleys and distant peaks. The trail became much rockier, requiring careful stepping to avoid slipping on loose stones. The views became increasingly spectacular, and we paused frequently to catch our breath and admire the views below. The world stretched out endlessly below.

After hours of hiking, we reached the top of Table Mountain. A feeling of accomplishment washed over me as I gazed out at the expanse before me. The city below appeared miniature from this vantage point. We found a comfortable spot to rest, enjoying a well-deserved break as we soaked in the heat of the sun and the beauty of our surroundings. As we sat in quiet contemplation, I realised again that moments like these are what makes hiking so special – a chance to connect with nature and find peace amid life's chaos. Ariel and I spoke I told him about Namibia and me:

"There are about 30 000 German speakers in Namibia. Many live in the capital and smaller towns like Swakopmund, Lüderitz, and Otjiwarongo. German Namibians are prominent in business, farming, and tourism or as governmental officials. It's a small community and everyone knows everyone. And that's why I am so glad to be in Cape Town where I am free to explore my sexual identity and who I want to be.

My parents were very involved in Church and most of our social time was spent there. I attended Sunday School and the youth group, and my parents also sang in the choir, and on Sundays we all attended church services. I knew I was attracted to boys when I was in the fifth grade, but I never told anyone. I had two older sisters, and we weren't that close.

Helmut was my best friend, we were in the same grade, the same Church, and the same soccer team. His parents had gone to school with my parents, and we even went on joint holidays on occasion. In other words, our families were very close. Helmut was slightly taller than me. He had light brown hair and brown eyes. He had always been stronger than me, but I was brighter than him. He got the better of me in our play wrestling matches, but I was always the brains of the class achieving top marks. We made a good team. Over the years I watched his body develop and observed every muscle and knew that I was attracted to him. But I also knew that these feelings were not right, particularly not from our family's religious point of view.

Helmut may not have been the sharpest academically, but he understood people and knew what motivated them. Helmut was what psychologists today call emotionally intelligent. He was the youngest of three close brothers, and they taught him things that small children didn't know. Over time I realised that he understood the deep desire I had for him. He knew that I would do anything for him, and on occasion, he would use this power. I did his homework sometimes, I shared answers in tests, and I promoted him to be class captain and a sports leader. I even persuaded girls to go out with him.

I am sure that Helmut knew that I had a crush on him, he saw that the way I looked at him and used this power. The night I write about happened in my last year of primary school when I slept over at his house like I had many times before. We watched a movie, and it was just before ten when we said goodnight and went up to Helmut's small room in the attic. We stripped down to our undies and climbed into his bed. I was thrilled to be so close to Helmut and to have his bare skin against mine. My dick was hard, and we continued talking in the dark. Out of the blue, he asked me whether I masturbated. I had heard the word before, but I didn't know what it was, and I said no.

`Masturbation is when you move your hand up and down your dick and get a good feeling. It's an amazing sensation. Let me show you what my brothers taught me.'

I was excited and said `Please' and pulled my undies down. I reached across and touched Helmut's dick which was also hard. Helmut leaned over me and took my dick in his hand and started to wank me. It felt very good having another person touching my dick. I was so worked up that I trembled, and Helmut had to calm me down. After a short while, I began to breathe faster, and I felt an intense feeling in and around my dick. It was something that I had never felt before and a few blobs of cum squirted out of my dick.

Helmut let my dick go and took hold of his dick and wanked it vigorously. My eyes were fixed on Helmut's dick. His body jerked a few times, and he spurted out a few blobs of cum. He gasped and he was breathing more heavily. Afterward, explained what we did was called masturbation (Selbstbefriedigung). I felt guilty and ashamed that I had done this, but Helmut said that that feeling was normal.

Helmut turned away from me, said goodnight, and fell asleep. I lay on my back reflecting on what had happened. It was an unbelievable feeling and doing it with Helmut was fantastic. The next morning, I woke up with Helmut's hand around my stiff dick. He was wanking me. I whispered good morning and wrapped my fingers around his shaft and wanked him at the same time. It wasn't long before we were both spurting cum on our stomachs. Helmut used a T-shirt to wipe us clean, and we got dressed when his mother called us for breakfast.

I will never forget this night. It was to be the first of many. Helmut would sleep at my place, and we sometimes shared a room on holiday, and we were together on one school trip. In time Helmut introduced me to oral sex and later Helmut would fuck me.

Helmut is studying in Germany now, and we don't have any contact. I am grateful to Helmut for teaching me about `Selbstbefriedigung' and for the other lessons he taught me. But my friends at university are teaching me much more about touch, intimacy, and emotional connection."

Ariel and I were sitting opposite each other on rocks. I could see Ariels' undies and he told me that my story had made him randy and that we should hike down to the cave that we passed on the way up. We tore ourselves away from the summit and followed the path back to the cave. Ariel pushed me against the cave wall and kissed me wildly. He stuck his hand into my shorts and wanked my semi-erect dick. I reached out and wanked his rock-hard dick. We didn't pull our pants off; it was too risky. But the risk made it more fun. I couldn't hold back and shot my spunk on Ariel's hand. I wanked him faster and he groaned as he shot in my hand. I brought my hand up to my mouth and licked his cum off. My boxers were sticky with cum, but the encounter was worth the mess.

Eventually, reluctantly, I let go of Ariel and we made our way back to the car park. But as we descended, I carried with me memories of this encounter and the knowledge that we'll return to Table Mountain again, drawn by its irresistible allure (and his).

Next: Chapter 30

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