Becoming a Locked Slave

By Steve Mills

Published on Aug 13, 2023


Please consider donating to nifty to keep this great resource going. Apologies for the delay in getting the second part written. Real life has got in the way. Thanks for the great feedback and always welcome your comments on the story,

Part 2

Night 1

I walked back to my house that night not sure what I had done or what I had agreed to to be honest. I sat there questioning every single decision. I even gave it a second thought as to whether I had been raped, given that I actually hadn't consented to putting the device on. And then the thought went through my head, should I report this to the police.

As I approached the house with my head swimming, I heard a text message come through on my phone. I opened it up and it was a voice recording. I listened to it.

"You were a good boy. A sexy boy. In time, I think you will make a very good slave."

I listened to the message as idly walked through the door, captivated by the sound of his voice and his overall look. My cock attempted to get hard in the chastity cage but obviously it wasn't going to do.

I went to bed content that night. I sat there and thought to myself, the worst thing that happens is I can say no after a week and be glad that I tried it. But one thing for certain I knew this was going to be hard night. In only one way.

Day and night 2

I didn't sleep fantastically well, all the thoughts of Scott went through my head, alongside the boyfriend, whom I never actually met. I imagined them having fantastic, bordering, illegal orgiastic sex, but as soon as it was clear that I wasn't getting hard, I soon rolled over and went back to sleep. This happened about four times throughout the night.

I woke up around 7am and developed a slightly different routine. Normally I would have stayed in bed and masturbated, but got out of bed and decided to make use of the much neglected gym membership. While I wasn't in bad shape, I could be in better shape. It was only when I got into the locker room that I realised I might have to have a slightly awkward exposure of the chastity cage around my cock.

I did the embarrassed wrapping around the towel thing as I changed into some swimming shorts and went swimming. The water felt wonderful and felt better for it.

Work progressed as normal. No one said anything. It was almost like everything was exactly the same although I was the only one who knew it wasn't.

After work, I heard a text message asking for a picture of my caged cock complete with the number 549817. I remember that number like the back of my hand. The amount of times I took a sneaky look trying to get closer to the member I once held and that was just in the one night. I took the picture and sent it on to Scott. Knowing full well I was going to stay locked.

From there, I did some chores around the house and then went to sleep.

Day and night 3

I had a better night's sleep, less waking up in the middle of the night and another boring day in the office. The day was only perked up from a message by Scott at around 11.30am demanding a picture of my chastised cock.

I got back into the house and after I had started packing in anticipation of moving, I was looking at the laptop and looked at some porn. It was the first time since the lock up began that I had attempted to look at porn. I tried to get hard in the chastity device and despite looking at some majorly arousing material.

In my frustration, I carried on doing some more stuff around the house because I couldn't get an erection.

Day and night 4

Had the first uninterrupted night's sleep in the cage since it was put on me. Although the lack of sleep was clearly catching up on me as I ended up being almost late for work. Woke up at 8.30am, rushed to put a suit on, and arrived at my fairly boring administration job at 8.55am. Even though it was a job I couldn't stand, I didn't like the idea of being late to any job, especially given that I had only started it six months ago.

Although my day started badly when at 9.05am, my boss came up to me and asked me to see him privately. I'll spare you the details, I suspect you want to know more about the feelings of frustration than my lame ass administration job, but suffice to say I had to travel to Edinburgh for a meeting due to start at 9am. I was warned it might be a long one.

After getting through the mundane parts of my day, I got on the train and headed to Edinburgh. Not a lot was happening. I caught up with some TV shows on the iPad while I was on the train. In an ideal world, I would have tried to find some cock while I was in Edinburgh. Fat lot of good that would be while I had a chastity cage around my cock.

I checked into the hotel room which was surprisingly nice although I was exhausted. A hard on tried to escape but suffice to say the cage was making sure I didn't reach full potential. It was then that my phone pinged with about a dozen alerts at the same time.

I looked at my phone and found the majority of them were from Scott. They read:

I want a picture of your cock boi? It's been two hours boi, where's my picture? Now two-and-a-half. Three now. Naughty naughty. Four hours boi. That's brave boi. I have to admit. Clearly you aren't taking me seriously.

Then there was a voicemail from him. I played it, he called at 10.38.

"If I don't hear from you in the next half an hour, the deal is off and you can't live in the house. You will stay in the cage forever."

I checked my watch, it was 11.05pm. I rang Scott that second. He answered after three rings.

"Hello boi, only just in the knick of time."

"I'm sorry sir," I responded. Breathlessly, even though I hadn't made any exercise. "I was asked to go to Edinburgh with work and...

"I'm not interested in your excuses boi. Yes, you might have been going away, but you had a duty to tell your Master where you were going.

"I know sir but..."

No but's boi," he spoke calmly but with an authority in his voice. "You will be punished when you come back here boi. Do you understand. Answer me with a yes sir."

"Yes sir." I complied.

"Good, now you will take a picture of the cage and send it to me."

"Yes sir."

"Good boi" And he hung up the phone.

I took a picture of the cage with my cock in it, sent it to Scott and then went straight to sleep as I was so exhausted

Day and night 5

The meeting was long and boring. Went on for the best part of eight hours starting at 9.30. It didn't help that there were a lot of hot guys in suits, tailored to perfection. Most of the meeting I didn't listen to the old man waffling about future projections, I was mentally undressing all of the men with my eyes.

It was hard been in the cage, I had got to the stage where even if I had wanted to do something with anybody.

One guy who did really did catch my eye was an Italian guy by the name of Giovanni. Tanned but with dazzling clear blue eyes. He was wearing a blue suit and a white shirt. The very definition of a hunk.

I suspect that I was staring at him a little too long and that he probably noticed a couple of times. Oh well, I was unlikely to see him again.

Meeting over and after grabbing a bite to eat. I got a message from Scott asking to see my cage. I was told I had five minutes. The sad thing is that I was outside and there was no chance of getting back to the hotel. I quickly ran into a park and found a tree. I quickly took my cock out, my balls had got noticeably bigger in the five days and snapped a picture and sent it to him.

"Good boi" was the text I had as a response. "And you risked doing it in public as well. How do you feel boi?"

"Exhilarated sir. I felt a rush when I got my cock out and knowing I had got away with it."

"Good boi. Two days time and you will be visiting us again."

I got back to my hotel room and tried to have a wank. I knew it was futile, but was so aroused. I played with my nipples and bought them up to a stiff peak. I needed some sort of release but I wasn't sure how I was going to get it.

I loaded up Grindr on my phone, and it was only then that it hit me. What was I going to say when a guy turned up and I couldn't get hard? Between logging on and thinking about my predicament, there was a couple of messages. One was from a guy who I had zero interest in and the other was a blank profile apart from the words dom top. Normally I would have been too scared to approach this guy, but I was in a different part of the world, I thought why not?

I sent him a respectful "hello sir" message back.

He responded with nice picture boi. Followed by a drop pin. It was the hotel next door to mine. And then the number 305.

Everything that was sensible and rational inside my head was saying, don't go, and yet I found myself getting ready to go and see this guy.

I messaged him back and said I was on my way and that also I was wearing a chastity device. He replied with good, and that he didn't have any use for my cock. Another message came up and said I was to walk straight into the room, strip and then stand naked by the window. I was to shout ready when I was done.

I arrived at the hotel room, nervous but full of anticipation of what was about to happen. I knocked on the door and told I could enter. I opened the door and with a big intake of breath, I walked straight into the room and to the side with the window. It was exposed and a big open window. While it was high up, with enough of a concerted effort, there was nothing to stop someone from looking in.

When I was at the window, I took another sharp intake of breath and then started to take my clothes off. First the blazer and then the shirt. I decided to look around and there was no one in the room. And then I heard a voice coming from what I assume was the bathroom.

"Look back and keep undressing boy."

There was such sterness and authority in his voice that I agreed without a second's thought. After I looked back. I got out of my trousers, work shoes and boxers very quickly. I was exposed and naked. I the heard the voice.

"Close your eyes and put your hands by your side."

I complied. I felt the soft sound of footsteps approaching me. Part of me wanted to look around but I dared not to. I opened my eyes briefly only to see an approaching blindfold put over my eyes. It obviously had a strap at the back as it was secured into place.

"Nice looking lad aren't you boy," he said.

"If you say so sir."

He made me turn around and grabbed my chastity cage forcefully.

"I like this," he said twisting it in a way that hurt slightly. "Faggots like you don't deserve cocks."

With that, I got something put around my neck and something clipped to the neck. It was disorientating having to rely on the sound for what was about to happen to you. It was then that I began to question the wisdom of exactly what I was doing. But nonetheless, this was happening.

After being moved around the room in silence, a strong hand was placed on my shoulder and was forced to my knees, after that, a hand was placed on my back putting me on to my hands and knees.

"Don't speak," he said. And after that, he simply sat down and proceeded to put his feet on my back. I could hear the sound of a phone taking pictures, presumably of me, with his feet resting on me. This continued for a little while, the only noise I could hear was from a porn film which I assume that he was watching. I could hear the sound of a guy roughly fucking another guy. This carried on for around 10 minutes.

"That's the thing about faggots like you, you don't even deserve to be looked at by alphas, let alone be used by them. You should be grateful to be used how you are."

"Yes sir," I replied.

I then felt a chain and my collar yanked up on to the bed. I was told to put myself on all fours. I could smell the aroma coming from his crotch, masculine and full of testosterone. He then slapped his boner around my face, it was clearly big and very hard. I tried several times to get my mouth around and all to no avail.

"You're not worthy of sucking my cock," he said, during one of my unsuccessful attempts to wrap my lips around his shaft. However, he did pull the chain closer and closer to his balls. I had to work and stretch my tongue to reach them but it was worth it. There was something amazingly dominant about this man, I found him irresistibly alluring even though I had never even seen him. I pictured him in my mind as this strong, dominant force ready to ooze his masculinity all over the place. I imagined him with handsome features.

My concentration was distracted by the sound of the camera clicking. Not entirely sure what he was taking pictures of. I was going to question but thought better of asking any questions and carried on licking his balls.

He clearly liked what I was doing for him as I could hear him wanking himself off furiously while I licked at his balls.

"Close your eyes faggot," he said. Dutifully, I did and felt the blindfold been undone. I wanted to open them.

"Keep them closed," he said. Firmly as I heard him continue to wank himself. He was enjoying himself a lot and started to shout and grunt.

Normally guys give you a warning that they are about to cum. He didn't. I felt stream after stream of hot cum all over my face. The first went in my hair, the second on my left cheek, the third all over my right cheek and the rest was put on my nose.

The camera clicked again, taking several pictures as he contently chuckled to himself. I wondered what he had done. He then took the collar and bought me off the bed.

"Watch yourself," he said. With care in his voice. He guided me across the room and towards the bathroom. I knew it was because I could feel the tiled floor beneath my feet.

"I like anonymous hook ups. I prefer the other guys not to know who I am. I have to do it on a need to know basis because I have a high powered job and people will talk. But I enjoyed using you, and if you are in Edinburgh again and I am in the mood, then I will use you again. Keep your eyes closed until I tell you to. Your clothes are in the bathroom. When I tell you to, you can open your eyes, put on your clothes and leave quietly.

He moved towards the door and heard it shutting. I thought, he clearly likes and values his privacy. I opened my eyes and saw myself covered in cum, over my face and running down my chest. I never felt more alive and sexually excited despite being denied the chance of an orgasm. I got changed completely before leaving the hotel room. As I was leaving and just about to text Scott, I got a message on my phone. Speak of the devil, it was from Scott.

"Did you enjoy being a submissive bitch?"

"How did you know?" In the head rush of being caught without thinking of the long term consequences?

"Check your chastity cage."

I rushed back to my hotel room and looked at my cage. But how did Scott know what I was upto. It was then that I looked at the back of the plastic lock. It had in need type, if you are using this boi, text this number. It was Scott's number.

I realised that I would have no freedom from it. And yet, I had just given up control to a guy whom I had never met. I got another message.

"So did you have fun?"

I considered my response before typing back very quickly.

"Yes sir. And I think I am ready to be your sex slave."

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