Becoming a Chinese Dog

By Kai Anderson

Published on Dec 21, 2020




This story is a fantasy, yet it is based on things I've done in the past.

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I drifted in, and out, of sleep as I lay on that strange table, splayed out spread-eagle and vulnerable. The fitful drowsiness was a pleasure, but all too soon the cramping in my outstretched legs or the pins and needles sensation in my feet or hands would bring me suddenly back to reality, and I would struggle and wiggle to return some blood flow and feeling. It was now quite bright, relatively speaking, in the dungeon as I lay on the table hearing the faint sounds of normal life above me. Looking under the table and behind me I realized I had released a lot of "gunk" from my bowels which was slowly running away to the drain at the rear of the room below the skylight. I hoped I would not be punished for making a mess.

I laughed to myself. Punished? I hope I don't get punished for letting the piss and cum of those seven guys make a mess on the dirty, cold, rough, concrete floor that I had already laid naked on. I hope I don't get punished, as I still felt the burning points all over my naked flesh from the single-tail whip, and the stripe marks from the flogger. How much more could they punish me I wondered? I chuckled quietly to myself. Fuck it. I let a stream of piss flow from my cock as it pointed down directly to floor. The stream washed away some of the crud that had come out of my ass, pushing it towards the drain far behind me. It felt SO GOOD to relieve my bladder of the piss I had drank.

I drifted away to other dreams again, until I heard footsteps running down those creaky wooden steps. Lifting my head, I saw the smaller, more muscular Asian boy with Tattoo's bounding effortlessly down the stairs. He was about five feet six inches, with short, spiky jet Black hair, a really youthful and smooth, and attractive face, and large muscled that seemed to want to rip out of his super tight t-shirt and shorts. He was actually very hot, and my cock for the thousandth time since I arrived, it felt like, sprang to life, growing to full length, hard and painful and so frustrating as I could not reach it to jerk it off.

He watched me, his head turned slightly to one side as he slowly walked toward me. I was not sure if I was allowed to stare back at him, or if I should avert my eyes from this clearly superior being -- yet -- I could not take my eyes off him. His muscles flexing and relaxing as he walked towards me. His dark eyes boring deep into me. His White teeth showing as he smiled and his tongue appeared just between his teeth. He stopped about ten feet before the table I was secured to, and slowly, teasingly, pulled off his t-shirt over his amazing torso, rippling with muscles and emblazoned with an intricate Tattoo of dragons, and fish, flowers, and -- oh my god -- his large dark nipples had two silver rings hanging from them. How had I missed that earlier? Did I miss them? Were they really there earlier? He threw his t-shirt on a table to the side, then unfastened those incredibly tight shorts which left very little to the imagination. I swallowed, my mouth dry with anticipation.

As he pushed those tight shorts down, over his incredibly muscular thighs, his hard seven inch cock bounced free but stood up at attention. I could see his dark colored balls, and his dark mushroom cock head. He was shaved completely, and he had two steel rings hanging from his ball sack. His shorts dropped to the floor, and he kicked them up on to the table with his t-shirt in one single motion. He was completely naked, save for the flip-flops he still wore.

I was in total awe, of his physical stature, of his incredible Tattoo's, of his solid and gorgeous cock, of his nipples with the rings, of his handsome and still smiling face. I wanted him. I really, really wanted him. He walked towards me, pointing the head of his cock towards me, and I opened my mouth willingly, invitingly, begging to taste that gorgeous, hard, delicious cock, extending my tongue in anaticipation. He grabbed my hair as he got within inches of me and said "Drink."

A stream of warm, delicious, dark pee flowed from his cock hitting my tongue and flowing to the back of my throat. Keeping my mouth open, I started gulping the liquid down my throat. His flow was strong and steady, but not overwhelming. I could taste the slightly bitter, slightly herbal taste of his pee on my tongue as my mouth would fill between each gulp. I closed my eyes and focused only on trying to consume everything he wanted to feed me. I forgot entirely about the chains digging into my wrists and ankles. I was no longer aware of the painful welts all over my flesh from the flogger and single-tail whip. I didn't care about my degradation and humiliation earlier this morning that this young God assisted in. I was in total bliss in this moment, as this guy pissed into my mouth, and I drank it all, willingly, eagerly, appreciatively.

The flow of piss lasted a long time, but it was also over all too soon for me.

"Good?" he asked,

"Woof, Woof," I barked back enthusiastically.

He laughed and petted my head as you would a dog. He then walked around behind me. I tried to turn my head to see him, but the leather collar made it difficult, so I looked under the table, to see his feet in those flip-flops walk between my legs. His cock pushed in to me gently at first, and I groaned in pleasure and satisfaction. I had felt a bit, empty, since the seven guys had left. It was really good to have a cock filling my hole again. I felt his hands grip my hips, and his strokes slowly increased in pace and depth. It felt WONDERFUL and I groaned like a true Bitch in heat. He stroked in and out of my hole for what seemed like an eternity before I finally felt him increase his pace and ferocity, then, suddenly the thrusting stopped and I heard him exclaim as he shot his load deep into my hole.

I was sweating, and my cock was throbbing painfully and leaking pre-cum all over the floor. I desperately wanted him to reach down and jerk me off, but instead I felt his gorgeous cock leave my hole. I whimpered and he chuckled on hearing me. I watched his feet under the table as he walked around to my face once again. He held his softening cock out in front of me, and I took it into my mouth and sucked it clean, using my tongue to explore the mushroom head and piss slit. He finally pulled away, patted me on the head and walked back towards his clothes.

"Good boy," he said, contentedly.

"Woof, Woof," I barked in thanks. I was elated and energized. Happy to have pleased this young God, and hoping he would return again, and again, and again.

He glanced back at me as he pulled on those super tight, White shorts, with a smile.

"You don't recognize me?" he asked.

I was suddenly brought crashing down from my Mount Olympus high to the depths of my reality at this moment. Do I recognize him? Do I KNOW him? Does HE know ME?

My stomach clenched in apprehension, and my foggy brain started racing. My confusion and fear was clearly evident on my face, as I lay naked and splayed on that table, my mouth filled with the taste of his piss, cum, and of the cum and piss of the seven men before him. I searched and wracked my brain trying to place this God, standing before me, but I did not seem to recognize him.

He smiled as he pulled on his super tight White t-shirt, his gorgeous chest and six pack slowly disappearing behind the white material, only to leave their form still present below the clinging cotton. The nipple rings standing out, and the v-shape of his torso leading down to those tight shorts, and the arms with the two Dragon tails running around his biceps and forearms -- two Dragon tails running around his arms. There was a guy in my Integrative Biology class at Berkeley with similar. No. What were the chances? He sat behind me, and I'd seen him a dozen times in class, but, not really paid him much attention. Is this?

"I couldn't believe it when Master posted the video," he smiled as he walked back to me, bent down level with my head, and raised his cell phone screen. I could see a video cued up which he started with a tap of his finger. I saw myself, walking into the Office above and Master asking me to verbally confirm my submission. A new camera angle from behind showed me quickly stripping naked. Another camera angle showed the same moment from the front, my face and cock clearly visible for anyone watching to see.

I stared at him dumbfounded, my eyes huge I'm sure and my mouth dropped open, as he smiled happily back at me and laughed.

"I thought you were cute when I first saw you in class, but, different circles, you know," he said as he stood up again. "OR, at least, so I thought," he laughed as he walked away.

He bounded up those creaky wooden stairs as quickly as he had come down them and as the door slammed above, he was gone, and I was left to contemplate what my life had just become in those few moments.

My fantasy of being publicly exposed as a sex-whore slut was no longer just a fun jerk-off fantasy. Master had made it a fucking reality. A video of me fucking barking to confirm I was ready to be Masters cum-slut whore, and then stripping naked, getting on all fours, and letting him collar and leash me was, was being shared around with others. A fellow student from Berkeley had not only received that video, but recognized me, and had now used me as a fucking whore. How many people would HE share that video with? How many others are Berkeley have seen the video by now? Can I ever go back to Berkeley?

I felt almost physically sick. It dawned on me quickly that not only was there video of me submitting initially. Master took film of me bound under the skylight as he flogged the shit out of me, and as he face-fucked and ass fucked me before forcing me into the tiny cage. The seven fucking guys this morning filmed me being hosed down, whipped, and then as they fucked me bound to the same table I'm currently dying on. How many different people had already seen those videos?

Emotions welled up inside me uncontrollably. I had fantasized for years about being a porn star, being fucked by hundreds of studs every year, and everyone recognizing my face instantly. It was a fun fantasy to explore and jerk off to. I had also fantasized about being used and humiliated in public, in front of others I didn't know. I had let those desires and fantasies lead me, pull me, draw me into submitting to others. To strangers. I had blown strangers in parks and alleys and in cars before. I'd been fucked by guys I'd just met hours before. I had been fucked in parks and rest stop restrooms. But I had wanted, more. More humiliation, More use, More degradation. More dominance with no way for me to Chicken out. I had sought out this path. But now it was here, real, inescapable, I realized the absolute finality of it.

From a slut and sex hound who gave up my hole to strangers fairly easily but mostly anonymously, my face and whorishness was now going to be spread all over campus, all over the Bay Area, FUCK, probably all over the fucking WORLD on the internet. FUCK, it probably already was spread all over the world. Young Asian God had the video loaded to his fucking cell phone.

I went through widely swinging emotions as I lay there. I was incensed that Master had shared my fucking image without my consent and had fucking wrecked my entire life. I would kick the shit out of him as soon as I got a chance to. I'd fucking kill the asshole. My anger would then morph into fear and depression as I realized my life was gone. If that video was all over the campus, it would not take long for my friends and class mates to find it, view it, and realize what a disgusting whore I am. I'd be shunned. I'd probably be kicked out of school. I'd lose my scholarship. I'd lose my friends. I'd probably lose my apartment. My life was over.

I cried a bit, got super angry and plotted my revenge, only to get depressed, and totally deflated and defeated. I laid naked on that table, listening to the faint sounds of normal people, going about their normal day above me. I felt the occasional cold breeze flow over me from the broken tiles in the skylight and wondered what those normal people above would think of me, down here, in hell.

I must have finally dozed off, exhausted and mentally anguished. When I woke I heard the rain falling heavily on the skylight behind me, felt the cold gusts of wind blowing over me, and heard the rain as it came through the skylight onto the floor below. I shivered, and for the briefest of moments, forgot about the utter destruction of my life. I wiggled my feet and hands to return blood flow, rolled my head around a little above the leather collar and tried to stretch a little. The Young Asian God flooded into my memory, and that fucking video. It was pretty dark in the dungeon by now. As I went over my situation, I found myself strangely resigned to it now. Whatever happened now, happened. I had absolutely no control over anything anymore. I had willingly given up that control to Master. What a fucking moron I had been. My only moronic stipulation had been no blood, no scat, no long term injury. I had actually told him I wanted to be exposed and publicly humiliated and used by lots of guys in my wilder fantasies. I had brought this on myself. This was my fault.

I dozed off, only to wake, shiver, forget momentarily where I was, then my wrists and ankles and my strange position on the table would remind me. As my senses noted the cold, the breeze, the shapes slowly becoming more visible in the darkness, that video would suddenly pop into my head, and I'd remember, my life is now this. No more college student. No more school friends. No more school. In twenty-four hours, Master had changed the course of my life entirely, completely, irreversibly. I would feel depressed, anxious, I'd close my eyes to contemplate what would come next, and I'd doze off to sleep -- alone -- naked -- cold -- bound -- Masters new play-toy, for the rest of my life maybe?

My eyes opened again, and I realized I had dozed off yet again. I was still naked, cold, bound to the table. My life was still gone. I began to wonder what would happen to me after this weekend. How long would it take for Berkeley to kick me out? How long before my friends found out and ostracized me, or worse? What would I do? How would I survive? Maybe, become the porn actor I'd always fantasized about? My fucking hole twitched and my cock started to harden as that though crossed my mind. It wasn't my plan at all. It wasn't my vision of my future. But, that plan and vision was shot to hell now, I was absolutely certain of that. Master had ensured that. Was this his long-term plan? Did he want to completely destroy my life, so he had complete and utter control over me? Would that be so bad?

I heard the door open, and the lights came on, flooding the dark basement dungeon in sudden brightness. I squinted my eyes and blinked repeatedly trying to let them become accustomed to the light, while also trying to figure out who was coming down those squeaky wooden stairs. My heart began to race with, was it fear or anticipation? What time was it? Who was coming? What should I do? Should I demand to be released? Should I demand to know how far the video had been shared? My mind was racing, but at the same time, my back and leg muscles were aching from being in the same position for so long. My wrists and ankles were killing me from the chains digging in painfully, and my fucking cock was getting hard again.

My eyes finally adjusted, and I was able to see Master, the same two Young Asian Gods from this morning, and, and, oh fuck. I counted nine guys, following Master walking towards me. I looked at each as they pointed their inevitable cell phones at me. Two looked familiar, from this morning, but dressed more casually. The other seven I had never seen before. One guy was younger, maybe in his late twenties. Most were mid-forties or fifties, and two looked to be closer to their later seventies or eighties. In that moment, as they approached, filming my utter submission, cold, naked and exposed in this cold and damp basement, I dropped my head in resignation and acceptance of the inevitable. Hell, the inevitable had already come to pass. I was already exposed and humiliated on-line. These seven new guys were probably here as a result of that exposure. This was probably all my life would hold for me from now on.

With my eyes shut tight, I expected to feel a cock forcing its way into my ass, as another invaded my mouth. I waited, hearing my own breathing and feeling my heart pounding in my chest. Instead of cock, the padlocks were removed one by one from each wrist and ankle, and the chains was pulled away. I was lifted completely off the bench and put on my hands and knees on the cold, hard, concrete floor. I was shaking, and my legs, arms, and back ached. I opened my eyes and looked up, towards those creaky wooden stairs, the open door at the top, the Office beyond, the store beyond that, and freedom if I made it. For the briefest moment, I contemplated making a run for it. I saw myself, running barefoot up those stairs, dashing naked through the front door of the store out onto the street in the middle of China town. I imagined for a brief second what the reaction of people on the street would be. This stark naked White boy, with welts all over my body, a very strange haircut, running through China town with -- I looked down along my naked body and saw my cock was leaking pre-cum, AGAIN !! I resigned myself, to my self-inflicted fate.

The table was removed from the middle of the floor and the now familiar hiss of the hose gave me a fraction of a second to prepare before the freezing cold water hit my naked and aching flesh. I groaned, but really did not have the energy to move much in the beginning. I simply dropped my head, closed my eyes, and allowed my young Asian God to ply the water over me. As the flow of water continued it seemed to get colder and colder, and as the stream would move from my head, down my back, over my ass, I did start to flinch, and move to avoid it. I was literally shaking all over and my breathing had become shallow gulps of air, as the freezing flow moved from point to point. When the water finally stopped, my cock had softened and shrunk considerably. I lifted my head, opened my eyes, and shook my head from side to side -- just as a dog would. I heard chuckles and glanced up to see the nine guys pointing their phones at me and smiling and nodding, chatting to each other quietly.

Hands on my hips brought my attention back to the young Asian God. The other young Asian guy was holding my hips firmly, as my Asian God started to push something through my hole. The pressure on my hole continued and continued, expanding outwards painfully, until finally the plug popped inside my hole. I grunted, relieved the pressure had disappeared, but I was conscious of the plug filling me, and a strange wobbling feeling around my ass cheeks. The observers chuckled and nodded to each other in appreciation. I had never had a but plug tail before, but I was sure that is what I was now sporting as my Asian God was flipping the tail with his hand causing my ass to flutter excitedly. My cock grew hard and excited once again.

The other young Asian guy appeared in front of me with, mitts, which I quickly realized were shaped like dog paws. He snapped his fingers and ordered "Beg," sternly. I knew precisely what he expected, so leaned back to sit on my heels, which instantly put the tail on the ground and pushed the plug inside my hole. I grunted to the delight of the observers who could now see my rock hard cock standing upright and leaking. Both young Asian guys placed the mitts on my hands and buckled them to fix them securely before stepping away. With my leather collar, paws, and tail, I truly felt like a dog, begging for Master's attention.

I realized in that moment, that I was focused on Master, waiting on his command, largely irrespective of the nine strangers and two young Asian guys all watching me, focusing their attention and cell phones on me. If my life before was truly gone, then I should put my all into my new life now. I should be the best dog I can be, if that is what Master wants.

Master walked the few steps to me and clipped a chain leash to the D ring on the front of my collar. With a gentle tug, Master pulled me forward onto my new paws and led me to the line of waiting spectators. Walking me down the line all were encouraged to "pet" my naked flesh and flip my tail as I passed. All did so energetically, reaching between my legs to stroke my cock, grab my balls, pinch my nipples, slap my ass, and bounce my tail as I passed by. When I reached the end of the line Master turned me around and walked me back along the line, but this time I was commanded by Master to lick the shoes of each observer. As I reached each new person, I bent down and licked feverishly along the top and sides of each shoe. A few had leather shoes which were pretty easy to lick, but a number had running shoes with lots of design which was rough on my tongue to lick. But lick I did as other hands continued to explore my ass, tail. balls, and cock as I passed by. Reaching the end of the line once more, Master turned me again to face the observers.

I realized by flexing each of my butt muscles, one at a time, my tail would wag from side to side. Kneeling on my paws and knees, watching the observers, my cock hard and leaking, I actually really enjoyed this moment of service and humiliation.

Master unclipped the leash, then produced a red ball and squeezed it in front of me a couple of times. It made the all too familiar squeaking sound that dog toys make. Master threw the ball behind me, towards the skylight.

"Fetch," Master commanded.

"Woof, Woof," I barked and turned immediately, using my front paws and the balls of my feet to scramble in what felt like a very ungainly way towards where the ball was rolling away from the corner it first hit, down the slight incline towards the drain in the middle of the floor. I grabbed it easily in my mouth, and scrambled back to Master as quickly as I could, biting the ball a few times to generate the squeak. I sat on my ankles, upright, my front paws by my chest, my head up to present the ball in my mouth, my eyes fixed only on Master.

Master smiled, removed the ball from my mouth, and threw it again, this time in the opposite direction, towards those stairs, towards the door, towards -- freedom? I started to scramble for the ball, but Master shouted quickly and I froze in my tracks.


I waited in front of the nine observers, as they took the opportunity to explore my naked flesh once again. Hands roving all over me.

"Fetch," came the command from Master and I bounded after the ball which had bounced off the stairs and rolled to the edge of the room under a table. I scrambled under the table, retrieved the dust covered ball in my mouth, and scrambled immediately back to Master, presenting the ball to him just as I had done before.

The ball was then handed to the first of the nine observers, and for the longest time, I just seemed to be scrambling mindlessly after this red bouncing, and increasingly dirty and wet ball. I'd scoop it up eagerly in my mouth, tasting the dirt and grit that was accumulating more and more each time the ball was thrown, and I'd scramble back as quickly as possible to the group, where I'd be petted and groped and told "Good boy," before the ball would be thrown again. After what seemed like an eternity of chasing that ball, Master finally snapped his fingers and pointed to the ground at his feet as I was returning with the grimy wet ball for the Millionth time. I scrambled to the point on the floor, knelt on my haunches, raised my paws to beg and presented the ball to Master in my mouth. I was panting from the exertion, and somewhat red and sweaty also, despite the dungeon being cool.

"Drop," Master commanded and I dropped the ball from my mouth into his waiting hand. He petted me with the other a couple of times. I felt elated and happy. I had made Master proud.

"Is the dog thirsty?" Master asked and I quickly replied with two barks.

The second young Asian guy who worked for Master appeared with a stainless steel dog bowl and a bottle of water. He was taller than my Asian God, and he was thinner and not as muscular, but he was beautiful. His hair was dyed blonde, and styled haphazardly just as in the Japanese Anime cartoons. He placed the bowl in front of me on the floor, cracked open the water cap and poured the water into the bowl. He then stepped back behind Master. I waited for Masters command, which seemed to please him. He smiled and nodded.

"Drink," he finally said, and I bent down, pursing my lips to suck up some of the cold, delicious, fresh water. The water was a blessing, cleansing my mouth of the grit and dirt from the ball, and clearing away the stagnant taste of the piss and cum that seemed ever present. I swirled the water to try to cleanse my mouth completely before swallowing each mouthful.

"Is the dog hungry?" Master asked.

Even the mere suggestion of food got my stomach rumbling. I had not eaten anything since Thursday. Friday I only drank water, in preparation for the weekend, as I wanted to be as "clean" as possible. It was now Saturday evening, and yes, I am hungry. I barked twice to indicate yes, but I knew for certain this was not going to a burger and fries.

My young Asian God stepped forward with a second stainless steel dog bowl and placed it next to the water bowl. He then produced a small can with a pop-top. The writing on the can was in Chinese characters, but I could clearly see the image of a small dog, and images of steak and carrot and peas. Of course, I would be fed on dog food from a can. The top was peeled back, and the contents were poured into the bowl. There were definitely chunks of dark brown "meat" and some liquid gravy looking liquid. My Asian God was smiling, no beaming, as he shook the can to ensure every drop of goodness was in my bowl, his eyes catching mine as he stood up and withdrew behind Master.

I could smell the contents of my food bowl, and it certainly was not a burger and fried. It smelled so, strangely artificial and pungent. So, I've been reduced to chasing balls around the dungeon naked with a tail butt plug for the amusement of the observers, and now I would be fed on dog chow for them to film and laugh about. How much lower could my humiliation and degradation go this weekend, I wondered. An I quickly answered myself -- likely a lot lower and a lot further.

"Enjoy," Master said, crouching down beside me and patting me on the head. "Make sure to eat everything, and leave that bowl spotless."

I barked twice in response, then moved forward and lowered my face to the dog food. Fuck it smelled awful, and looked dark brown and totally unappetizing. It looked like a bowl of chunky diarrhea to me, and it smelled just about as bad. I tried not to breathe at all as I reached down for a chunk of what I hoped was meat, in the thick gravy. I grabbed it with my teeth and slurped it into my mouth. The taste was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was powerful, tasted a bit like kidney which I hate, and despite trying not to breathe the aroma seemed to invade my nostrils. I briefly gagged, but held it together. I chewed into the "meat" and realized immediately I should have taken a smaller morsel to begin with. I could not just swallow this as it was too large. I had to chew it to break it down into more swallowable portions. I twisted and turned and shook my head as I chewed, as though this would somehow make the meal more palatable. It didn't. I swallowed hard and managed to get the first disgusting chuck down my throat, and I immediately gulped up four mouthfuls of water to clear the taste. I heard the audience laughing and speaking animatedly as I glanced back to the food bowl.

I yelled in pain, and jumped forward as the belt hit my naked and exposed thighs.

"Hurry up, DOG," Master commanded. "We don't have all night."

I recovered and stuck my snout into the food bowl again, sucking up the "gravy" and moving the chunks around the bowl, trying to decide which one to choke down next. I selected one, lifted my head out of the bowl, chewed it briefly and swallowed as hard as I could to get the large chunk down my throat. I paused to catch my breath, feeling the gravy on my nose and lips. The belt slicing across the back of my thighs again brought me back immediately to the task at hand. I yelped and immediately pushed my face into the food dish, as the audience clapped and laughed. Four more belt marks on the backs of my thighs, and a dozen or so gagging moments and I had finally eaten the contents of the food bowl, and licked up the gravy sufficiently to satisfy Master and the audience.

As I returned to the begging position at Masters feet, Master nodded approvingly and seemed pleased with me. Despite my stomach churning and complaining, I felt accomplished and pleased to see that Master was happy with my efforts. The nine started to undress, and I guessed what was coming next, but resigned to my new life I accepted that they would fuck me, use me, abuse me, in any way they desired. This was my role and function. This was my reason for being here.

The blonde Asian guy appeared in front of me. He carried a leather strap which had a stainless steel circle in the middle. Forcing the stainless steel circle into my mouth behind my teeth, the strap was quickly fastened tight behind my head. My jaw was now fixed open and spread almost to its maximum. As I was just getting used to this new addition, I was pushed forward onto my front paws, and my tail butt plug was pulled out in a swift upward motion making a strange sucking sound. My Asian God then walked past with my tail in his hand.

The nine now naked observers started to circle me, walking slowly around me, dragging their flip-flops along the rough concrete. They were stroking their hard cocks as they circled me. One of the older guys was the first to stop in front of me, pull my head up by my hair and push his hard cock into my mouth. I felt hands grab my hips and pull me up to my feet, and fingers invading my hole. Other hands were grabbing at my cock and my nipples and my balls.

The old guy came down my throat and was immediately replaced by one of the middle-aged guys who thrust his cock viciously to the back of my throat causing me to immediately gag. His second vicious thrust caused me to gag again, as a cock forced its way into my hole. The thrust in my ass pushed me forward onto the cocks third stroke and I puked as the cock forced its way down my throat. The continued to fuck me. They rotated around me, moved me around them, held my hair, grabbed my ears, slapped my ass, fucked me hard. They came in my ass and down my throat. The spat on my face and in my mouth. They used me as they wished. I was on my knees, flat on the ground, standing bent at the waist, as they fucked and used me. I was on my back, on my stomach, in every conceivable position as they used me, manipulated me, toyed with me.

One by one, they finished with me, walked back and began dressing. As they dressed, they left, one by one, until finally the last guy came in my ass, then simply walked over and began to get dressed. He and Master exchanged some words as I lay exhausted and spent on the floor. My Asian god padlocked the chain around the column to my collar and handcuffed my hands behind my back, then they left, walking up the stairs, plunging me into darkness as the lights went out and the door closed. I could reach the water dish, so drank a few gulps to rid the taste of their cum in my mouth. I farted and felt their cum leaking from my hole.

Once again, I was naked, lying on the cold, rough concrete floor, in darkness. It was only Saturday evening, or was it early Sunday morning?


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

Next: Chapter 5

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