Becoming a Chinese Dog

By Kai Anderson

Published on Dec 9, 2020




This story is a fantasy, yet it is based on things I've done in the past.

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I had been chatting with AznDogHandlr on-line for two weeks. We met on Recon when I viewed his profile and he messaged me almost instantly.


His profile indicated he was mid-fifties, average build, 100% Active, lived in San Francisco. His bio said he was looking for a young, slim, muscular, White dog slave to collar and keep in his store basement and use as often, and for as long, as possible. LTR towards 24/7. His bio also laid out some of what he was into, which very much matched my own kinks. Dominance, total control, nipple torture, CBT, anal fucking, face fucking, fisting, sounding, electro, slapping, kicking, biting, stomping, spitting, watersports, stress bondage, steel chains and collars, forced nudity, public forced nudity, sex-whore, forced sex, control of your mind and body. First session will need at least 48 hours. You will be naked, collared, and used hard in any way I want with no safe-word and no way out. Up for it?

The profile had a few pictures which I could see of a very dark room with a few posts running from floor to ceiling. Another showed two steel dog bowls on the ground, next to an empty dog collar with a chain that was padlocked around one of those posts. Yet another showed a solid looking metal dog cage sitting next to a white toilet and a small washbasin. My cock got hard just looking at the images, thinking of 48 hours of submission, and imaging myself with that collar locked around my neck.

"Woof, Woof," I replied, and waited excitedly.

A few moments passed and I saw the reply pop up.

"Good dog. Like your profile and look. Are the photo's accurate. Two Woofs for yes, one Woof for no?"

"Woof, Woof," I replied quickly, stroking my cock as I did.

"Is the dog owned by anyone else?" he typed.

"Woof," I replied.

"Does the dog want to play?"

"Woof, Woof, Woof, Woof" I replied.

"You read my bio and understand the rules dog?"

"Woof, Woof," I replied beating my meet hard and getting close to climax.

"Meet me for inspection this Friday Dog?"

I hesitated. I had never met this Master, had no idea if he was sane or a sociopathic murderer looking for his next victim.

"You will be safe, but you will stay with me from Friday until Monday morning at 6 AM dog," he added after a short time, clearly understanding my doubts.

My heart was beating, and I shot a huge load of cum all over my chest at the idea. I was SO tempted to immediately say yet, but I wasn't sure it was good or safe to be so fucking whoreishly eager. Two days with a complete stranger could be fucking awful.

"DOG?" he typed.

"Woof, Woof ??" I replied after a few moments.

"Send me your email for more instructions, Dog."

I sent him my email address, and in moments I received an email which included pictures, some which I recognized from Recon, and additional ones clearly in the same place, but showing a very white, twinky guy, on his hands and knees by the dog bowls, with four naked Asian guys around him, pissing all over him. Another picture showed a different twink with dark curly long hair, naked in the steel cage giving someone a blow job though the bars of the cage. Yet another showed another naked white twink, standing with his legs spread wide apart, hands behind his head, and his head down facing to the floor. Around him were eight guys, all dressed, but all groping, stroking, touching, and exploring his naked flesh.

I had just exploded over myself, but I was rock hard again looking at these images and imaging myself the naked twink in each of them. I started jerking myself off once again.

"Report at 6 PM to my store -- and he provided an address in China town in San Francisco. Be clean and showered. Wear a t-shirt, shorts, and sneakers -- NOTHING else. Bring your house key -- NOTHING else. You will be released at 6 AM on Monday morning. If you satisfy, you'll have something to wear when you leave. If you don't, you'll only get your house key back."

I was jerking furiously again, when a new message popped up.

"Yes, or no, Dog?" he typed.

Despite significant reservations and doubts, my horniness took over completely. I reached for the keyboard and replied:

"Woof, Woof - Woof, Woof - Woof, Woof,"

"Good Boy," he typed. "If you don't show up at exactly 6 PM you will not get a second chance. See you on Friday." And with that, he logged off.

I shot my second load, and started to jerk off again thinking of what may be waiting for me this coming weekend.

It was three days to the appointed date and time, and I found that short wait almost intolerable. As so often happens with me, my nerves about meeting someone entirely new, to whom I'm going to submit and debase myself completely, is always opposed by my imagination and excitement about what I will experience and what I'll be put through. My fantasy, of course, is always perfection while reality rarely ever is.

Friday finally came, and I finished my last class at UC Berkeley and caught BART back into San Francisco around 3PM. I rushed home, shaved, trimmed my bush, cleaned out my bowels, showered, and brushed my teeth. I contemplated putting on deodorant and cologne, but reasoned that I was about to become a dog, and dogs don't wear cologne, so I decided not to.

At 5 PM I pulled on my short, nylon running shorts that had an insert like underwear. I pulled on a baby tight fitting blue t-shirt, and pulled on an old pair of Vans. I took my house key off the keyring which had other keys on it, and I started the slow walk from my small apartment, to China Town. It was October and the sky blue, but it was a bit chilly and the wind was blowing off the ocean. I felt my nipples sticking through the tight t-shirt, and the wind blowing over my naked arms and legs, yet, that just got me turned on.

Arriving in Chinatown by 5:40 according to the clock within a grocery store, I wandered around for fifteen minutes before walking the short walk to Masters store. The store was pretty small, as most are in Chinatown. It sold health foods and supplies, vitamins, body-building powders and so on. It was brightly lit inside, compared to the darkness of the streets now as night fell. The store had two shelving units on the floor creating three corridors that led to the main glass counter at the back of the store. There were four Asian men who seemed to be browsing through the store when I entered, and one young cute Asian guy being the glass counter in the back of the store acknowledged me with a quick nod of his head as I came in. I nodded back and walked slowly through the middle corridor, between the shelves of products, walking toward the young Asian guy behind the counter. My nerves and heartbeat rising as I got closer.

As I reached the counter, and the young Asian guy behind the counter asked "May I help you," I noticed a glass door open directly behind him and Master stepped out, smiling. I recognized him from the photo's we'd shared on Recon, and clearly he recognized me also.

Without a word, he pointed to the end of the counter in a circular motion, which I interpreted as "come around." I walked behind the counter and Master indicated I should enter through the door he had just come from, which I did. As I walked toward the door, the cute young Asian server looked me up and down with a smile on his face. I blushed, certain he knew precisely why I was there, and what I had agreed to. Behind the door was a fairly small office, with a cluttered wooden desk, a flat screen computer monitor and computer keyboard on the desk, and shelves filled with boxes and canisters of powdered food supplements and pills, just like those outside in the store.

Master closed the door behind me and I turned to face him. He was precisely as he looked in the photo he had shared with me. Around five feet ten, to my six feet. Short jet black hair that was graying on the temples, compared to my full head of dark brown hair that reached to just above my shoulders. He wore a yellow dress shirt, open at the neck, and black dress trousers with a black belt and gold buckle. I was in my t-shirt, shorts, and Vans as instructed. He seemed somewhat thin, while I was fairly muscular -- but not a gym bunny by any means. To anyone seeing us from the outside, it would probably have appeared that I was the dominant and he the submissive in this moment, but nothing could be further from the truth. As his eyes drank me in, with a growing smile, I felt my confidence shrink and I slowly lowered my eyes to the ground.

"I must document this to protect myself," he said as he pointed his cell phone at me, and I presumed he was going to take a picture, but as he continued to point it I realized he was filming me.

"You are here of your own free will?" Master inquired. "Respond only with one Woof for NO, and two Woof's for YES."

"Woof, Woof," I replied, suddenly feeling extraordinarily self-conscious and stupid for replying like this in Master's presence -- despite the fact I had done so many times by email. I glanced at him as I replied and he smiled and nodded approvingly.

"You surrender your body to me, for my use as I see fit, from 6 PM Friday until 6 AM the following Monday?" Master asked.

"Woof, Woof," I responded, still feeling really stupid.

"We both agree and stipulate that you will follow all of my orders without question. In turn, I agree and stipulate that you will leave on Monday at 6 AM healthy and well, with all of your body parts intact. Is this correct?" Master asked.

I had thought that sentence of "all my body parts intact" was strange in the contract I had already signed on-line for Master, but Master had reassured me by letting me know I may be bruised, I may be sore, I will be fucked repeatedly over the weekend, but that I would definitely leave with my cock, balls, arms, legs, fingers, and toes exactly where the were when I arrived.

"Woof, Woof," I responded.

"Do you have any questions, or any doubts at this time?" Master asked.

Without lifting my head or delaying I responded.


"Excellent," Master said, and I lifted my eyes to see him smiling and nodding his head in agreement.

"DOG!" he said in a stern voice which made me jump slightly. I lifted my head and looked at his frown, uncertain what I had done to suddenly displease him. He smiled at my reaction.

"Do dogs wear clothing or stand on their hind legs all the time?" Master asked sarcastically.

"Woof," I responded quickly, and with trembling hands I pulled my t-shirt off over my head as I stepped out of my Vans. I dropped my t-shirt to my side and pushed my shorts down, my cock bounced up and pointed directly towards Master. Dropping them on top of my t-shirt, I dropped to my hands and knees and dropped my head, seeing myself kneeling on the dusty hardwood floor, my cock rock hard and pulsing. I had fantasized of this moment for weeks while chatting with Master, and now, I was living the fantasy. My heart pounded and my mouth was dry with excitement.

Master came over, picked up my Vans and clothes, walked to the corner of the office and dropped them into what looked like a garbage bin. I quickly looked down at the floor again as he turned and walked back towards me. I suddenly felt cold, and I shivered as I knelt there, now completely naked and docile. Master went behind his desk, and I saw his black dress shoes as he returned and stood directly in front of me. I saw the thick, black leather collar in his hands as it passed in front of my face before it was attached around my neck, pulled tight and I heard the unmistakable click of a padlock securing it in place.

Involuntarily, I turned my head and hunched each shoulder to feel and gauge this new tight, cold, collar around my neck. I swallowed hard and felt my Adams apple move against the thick leather collar. My hard cock twitched, and I felt my sphincter tighten and release as it twitched again. The collar felt really, really good to me. Despite being cold in the small office, it seemed right. It seemed appropriate.

Master explored my naked flesh. His hands roved all over my back, ass, chest, arms, stomach, cock, balls, my hole, my thighs, and my lower legs. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the warmth of his hands and the excitement of his touch. My breathing deepened and I lifted my head, enjoying the sensation.

The office door, leading to the store, suddenly opening shocked me instantly from my ecstasy, and from being relaxed and pliable to Masters touch, every fiber of my body froze and tensed, my eyes shot open, huge and wide, and I looked directly into the dark eyes of the young Asian worker as he stood in the doorway, staring back at me with a smile on his face that only broadened as he saw me on my knees. I dropped my head in embarrassment, but then caught site of a customer standing at the glass counter in the store, bending down and to the side, to look around the young employee to catch a better glimpse of me, kneeling stark naked on my hands and knees, wearing a collar on my neck.

The young employee said something very calmly and causally to Master in Chinese, who in turn responded in a very calm and casual manner as he continued to run his hands up my back before reaching my head and rubbing his hands through my hair from side to side, as you would pet a dog. Turning sideways, the young employee returned to the store, but in doing so he left a clear view of me for the customer who also had his phone pointing directly towards me. The door slowly closed as the young employee returned to the customer.

Master grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head up, so we were face to face.

"Dog's don't get embarrassed," he scolded me.

"Woof," I replied, though I could still feel my cheeks burning red.

I had told Master that I really wanted to be humiliated and displayed in public, and I agreed to be used by others as he ordered. I fantasized about this, but I did not expect it to happen quite so quickly after just meeting Master for real. My heart was racing now.

Master attached a short, chain leash to my collar using a D ring on the front. The leash had a leather handle which he gripped tightly. A quick tug and I was scrambling to keep up, shuffling along the hardwood floor on my hands and knees as Master crossed the room and opened a door in the corner of the room. Behind the door was a set of wooden stairs which led down. Master flipped a light switch just inside the door, and started descending the stairs, tugging on my leash, but giving me ample time to negotiate going down them, naked, on my hands and knees, which was not a simple task.

As we reached the bottom of the stairs I saw it was a stock room, with boxes lined up on each side of the room. Master tugged me forward, past the boxes, and I saw the posts, the skylight letting in a little light at the end of the room, the cage, the toilet -- all of which were included in Master pictures on Recon. My heart raced and my cock got incredibly hard.

Master pulled me to the post with a length of chain wrapped around its base. Unclipping the leash, he took a padlock and fastened my collar to the chain. This forced me close to the ground, as the chain around the post only offered about a foot of movement. Master pushed me down onto the cold concrete floor, and I shivered as the cold hit my warm flesh. I let out a gasp, and Master chuckled a little. Pulling my wrists behind my back, he quickly handcuffed them. I then felt him put ankle-cuffs on me, and just as quickly he pulled my ankles up toward my butt, and using padlocks and a short chain, the fastened my handcuffs and ankle cuffs together leaving me essentially hog-tied on the floor.

"Much better," he said approvingly, stroking my hair and running his hands all over me. "I'll be back when we close up."

With that, he walked back through the storage room, up the creaky wooden stairs and I was plunged into darkness as the flipped of the lights and slammed the door closed at the top of the stairs.

My heart continued to pound, and my cock was throbbing, as I laid there waiting for my eyes to get used to the dark. The metal cuffs were digging into my wrists and ankles, and the cold was coming through the rough, dirty, concrete floor chilling me and I found myself shivering. I wasn't totally sure if it was the cold, or my nerves, but I was shaking, as I took in my surroundings, and the situation I had placed myself in. Stark naked, bound on the cold concrete floor, at the complete mercy of a relative stranger whom I'd never met directly until just five or ten minutes ago. I had agreed that, other than physical damage, blood, and needles, I was his temporary property to do with as he pleased. That thought got me both excited, and apprehensive at the same time. Should I have set more defined limits? Fuck. Probably. Fuck Definitely. Fuck! Fuck!

My horniness has gotten me into lots of sticky and bad situations in the past, and I really should have known much better this time, yet, here I am. No-one else knows I'm actually here. Sure, a few people in the store saw me as I entered, but would they even remember me. The guy taking the photo of me, naked on my knees in the office would certainly remember me, right. As would the cute young store clerk working the counter in the shot. He would definitely remember me, but, were they colluding with Master?

As I lay there, my thoughts turning to dark nightmares of them torturing and killing me in this basement, a cold breeze blew over me and I heard the sound of heavy rain. I looked towards the light at the opposite end of the room. It was very faint light as it was dark outside, but I could tell it was one of those frosted glass panels designed to allow some light into basements. It was clearly set into the sidewalk above as I could see shadows pass over it from time to time. The skylight took up about a third of the width of the room, but I noticed one of two of the glass blocks must have been damaged as I say a steady dripping of water down on to the floor as the rain continued. I shivered again, as another wisp of cold wind swirled around my naked flesh.

I could hear very muffled and faint voices from the store above me as business continued. I had no idea what time Master would shut up shop for the night, so I just resigned myself to waiting. I'd roll with difficulty from one side, onto my stomach, and onto my other side, to try to relieve some of the pressure of lying naked on the very unforgiving and rough concrete floor. Little specs of dirt, probably miniscule and insignificant under normal conditions, seemed to constantly find the apex of where my flesh met the concrete and my bones just underneath my flesh made those specs of rock or concrete feel like daggers. I'd shuffle to try to avoid one, only to inevitably find another. With my hand and ankles bound so tightly behind me, and my neck restricted by the chain, I had very little movement available to me, but rolling every now and again helped keep the pressure of one side of me at a time. That damned concrete floor seemed like a sheet of frigid cold ice though, every time I rolled or shuffled into a new position on it.

I heard the door behind me open and the lights suddenly come on, blinding me temporarily after my eyes had adjusted to the darkness in the basement. I heard footsteps running quickly down the creaky wooden steps and I rolled onto my left side, so I could look down the length of the storage area to see who was coming for me. Blinking repeatedly, my eyes finally got more accustomed to the bright light, and I realized the young clerk was pulling some items out of a box on a shelf then placing them in a shopping basket. He turned, looked at me, smiled, licked his lips, then ran quickly back up the stairs, flicked off the lights, and slammed the door shut. I felt utterly dejected. A breeze of wind over my chest reminded me on my predicament, and I resigned myself to my fate. The fate I willingly accepted.


I would love feedback on this story, (or to hear from you if you are a dominant, aggressive, demanding Master who likes to keep his slaves naked and collared lol ) at ALL TIMES.

Next: Chapter 2

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