Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jun 30, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 7

Drew looked up at me and asked, "Whats wrong hon?"

"Hold on a sec." I told him. "Can I help you?" I replied into the phone.

"We need to talk" my cousin told me. "What are you doing now?"

"I'm on a date. Hang on a sec." I turned back to Drew. "What is going on after this?" I asked him.

"I thought we could go dancing. That is if you know of a place." he told me.

"Okay, gimme one more sec." I replied. I turned my attention back to the phone. "Meet us on the Landing, and bring your sister."

"Okay," was her reply. I hung up the phone.

"Who was that?" Drew asked. "Another one of your friends that I need to meet?"

"After what happened, I wouldn't consider her a friend much less of anything. That was my cousin." I replied.

Upon my response, Drew started to get a little shaky. "Why, after four years, are they trying to contact you?" he asked.

"Not a clue. That is why I decided to meet someplace public. I don't want her to start going off about why I haven't tried anything to get back in touch with my family." I replied.

He just stood there. "Let's go finish dinner. I need to talk to them about this too. Or at least Brit." I said to him.

"Okay" was all he could say.

We returned to the table to find the other 2 kissing and feeling each other up. "EWW! Straight people confuse me." I said to knock them out of it. They returned the favor by giving me their middle fingers. To that end I replied "Maybe from Nick, but I don't touch women." Everyone laughed at that one.

"What took you guys so long? You have been gone for a while." Nick asked.

"He got a call from his cousin after four years." Drew told them. They looked at him in shock.

"Why did she call you?" Brit asked.

"She says that we need to talk. I am not sure about it though. And again, I have something to tell you." I replied

"More secrets?" Nick asked.

"Yeah, but this one, I actually changed. Sam is not my real name." No one even blinked. "My real name is Steven A. Mulikey. S A M. After I was kicked out of the house, I changed it as a part of starting my new life. That way no one could find me from my family. Too bad that it didn't work."

"It did work. They didn't find you until now. Maybe you can talk to them now that the scars have had time to heal?" Drew asked me.

"I am not sure. I didn't think that I would ever be able to face them again. I have no idea what has been going on in my family. I was my grandma's favorite out of the 5 of us. Myself, my brother, and my 3 cousins." I replied. "I am sure that mom told them about my secrets. Or fed them some lie about my running away because I had something to hide."

"All right. Let's go and find her. However, we are all coming with you. You need all the support that you can get." Nick demanded.

"Thanks Nick. I am glad that you care that much." I replied. I was not about to refuse support from people that actually cared.

"I actually want you to think of me as the brother that yours never was." He replied to that. Then I stared crying.

"Thank you," was all that I could muster out.

Drew paid for the over $300 bill for the four of us, then we left for the Landing. Upon arrival, they looked glassy eyed at the places there. I just told them "It's okay, go and have fun. No one will charge you a cover because you are famous."

Nick and Brit left, leaving me and Drew to wait for my cousins. We didn't talk, he just stared at me. Then after about 10 minutes, he finally said, "I love you. I will not leave your side through this."

"Thank you. I love you too." I told him. Then they showed up. Even though he told me he would not leave my side, I told him to hide because he was to be a surprise. Upon seeing me, Sarah wrapped her arms around me saying, "I am so happy to see you." Then her sister Tammy did the same thing.

"I thought you guys were going to try to kill me. What is going on?" I asked.

"Well, your mom simply told us that you ran off. Nothing more." Tammy said. She looked great. Their storied are a lot like mine. They had weight troubles, but over the four years that they haven't been around, they slimmed up a bit, a lot, and looked like models. Tammy having blonde hair and Sarah with her part brown-part blonde hair.

"I figured that much. I will fill you guys in on the details of that later. But first, I would like to introduce you guys to my boyfriend." When I said that, they didn't even flinch. "You guys know that I'm gay, right?"

"We have known since high school. Is that the reason that you left?" Tammy asked.

"No, but I will not get into that now. That is to be saved for later. First, Drew!" I called out.

He came around the corner of one of the buildings, and my cousins only glared at him. "How do you know Drew Lachey? I didn't know that they were in town already! The concert is not till Friday." Sarah said.

Drew proceeded to wrap his arms around me. The girls finally got it. "YOU'RE WITH HIM????" they said at the same time.

"No, he just likes to be touchy feely with me." I retorted.

"Not funny! You totally buried the lead! I thought he was married! OMG! OMG! OMG!" Sarah looked like she was about to hyperventilate.

"Calm down. Drew is my boyfriend. He will give you the details about himself and I will give you the details about me later, but now, let's have some fun." I said tho them. Without anymore hesitation, we walked into the club that Nick and Brit went into just moments before.

We all started having fun. I never thought that my cousins would be this cool about my being gay. 'Oh well, at least we are all having a good time together.' I thought.

We all found a place to sit down after almost an hour of dancing and drinking. I stayed sober cause I knew the area. We all started talking about the past and our lives. Drew and I shared our story and he shared his fake marriage story for the eleven-teenth time. I shared my story about my life and what happened after I left. I left out the 'witchy'part, for now. I felt better that I was re-connecting with my family. After about 10 more minutes of talking, I finally piped up and said, "You guys aren't going to tell mom that you came and found me, are you?"

"No, we wanted to surprise you." Tammy said.

"Good, cause she is the last person that I want to talk to now." I replied. "Or talk about for that matter."

"And you met him at his work?" Sarah asked Drew.

"Yeah, and I started to fall for him. He looks hot in a uniform. Hell, he looks hot period." Drew told her.

"He didn't always," Sarah said. "He used to be really different."

"I know, he told us both. Nick knows about us, and he is great. I never thought that he would be that accepting about me, or us, for that matter. Nick told me that he already thinks of Sam as a brother. Or would you prefer Steven?" Drew asked.

"Gimme some time on that one. I need to re-sort my priorities about this name change thing now. For now, I am still Sam." I said.

"Sam? You changed your name? Really?" Tammy asked.

"Yeah, I thought that it was a good thing to do. Break all ties of my old life and start new." I replied.

"I understand." Sarah told me. "After what happened, I would have done the same thing."

The topics of conversation bounced back and forth from Drew and I to Nick and Brit to my family and how everything has been going with everyone. They left out my mother. I was ecstatic that they had nothing to say about her.

"Well, I think that we should call it a night. I need to go to work tomorrow, and I am sure that the guys have things to do as well. It was great to see you again girls. Here is my cell number. Call me soon, and maybe you guys can come to the concert?" I then looked at Drew. He nodded.

"Okay, we need to get home too." Tammy said.

"Wait, you two live together??" I asked stunned. They usually couldn't stand each other.

"Yeah, we have moved past our petty problems, and we are cool now." Sarah said.

"Okay then. I will see you soon." I replied.

Then we exited the club. All of us took different cars. Drew was kinda toasted. And he wanted to come back to my place. "It's cool," Nick said. "Just make sure that he is back tomorrow by noon. We have a redio show to do at 1:00."

"Got it" I replied.

We then got into my car and headed to south county where my apartment was. We arrived about 15 minutes later and Drew couldn't keep his hands off of me.

"Drew, I am not ready for that." I said hastily. I didn't mind the attention, it was just that I was not used to being touched by someone else.

"Okay. I respect that. After all, we have only known each other for a couple of days now." He replied. "However, I still want to at least sleep in the same bed as you."

"I wouldn't make you sleep on the couch. However, you need to keep your underpants on." I replied.

"Okay," he replied. We climbed into bed, and we cuddled for a couple of minutes, and started kissing. Then we just fell asleep in each others arms. I was the happiest that I had been in a long time.

End of Chapter 7

Again, I would like to hear feedback from you guys. and I appreciate all forms of feedback. I will continue this story because I love to write. Also, I know that it is a little fast paced, but that is just the way that I do things.

Next: Chapter 8

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