Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jul 25, 2011


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that,

I do not know ANY of the celebrities depicted in this story, even though I wish I did, nor their actual sexuality. This is complete fiction, and is meant purely for entertainment purposes.

Finally, this depicts male/male sexual interactions and relationships. Not to mention supernatural stuff as well. If anything like this is offensive, then go somewhere else.

I sincerely want to apologize for my extreme delay in the updating. I have been VERY busy with work, school, and life amongst other things. One of those things being very extreme writer's block. I very much intend to pick up right where I left off with the story.


Because of Drew - Chapter 36

"So, What did she mean by that whole 'next member of my staff' stuff last night?" I asked Drew the next morning. "Did she talk with you or did she just announce it out of nowhere?"

"I have been wondering the same thing myself. I wonder why we haven't been contacted by her after that little announcement last night." he commented.

Stefani was never known to break a cue. Just after our little discussion, she appeared in a small cloud of smoke and caught us both by surprise. Mainly due to the fact that we were both lying naked in bed.

"Hello again lovers! I can see you two enjoyed each other quite a bit last night." she said.

"Just a few times. Really..." I started.

"Just a few? I lost track after 5..." Drew finished.

"DREW! She doesn't need to know that!" I practically yelled.

"I Second that boys." Gaga finished that conversation. I was still staring at Drew like he was crazy for telling her that. "Well, Drew, you need to get up and get ready for your new job honey!"

"Um, we both have been wondering, what exactly is this new job as 'the next member on your staff'?" I asked.

"Well, my lead coreographer quit, and I know that Drew has some sick dance moves, much better than myself. I talked it over with my staff and backup dancers, and they would love the chance to work with you." she said.

"Okay, but what does this mean as far as tours goes? I really am quite pooped out on the whole traveling around the country..." he started.

"Not the country, the world. My little monsters are everywhere on this planet and I have to perform for all of them." she said.

"Okay, world, but that means that I spend little to no time here with my fiancee because I am busy traveling with you making decisions on dancing." Drew said.

"Its not traveling with me. Its doing everything here in the off season. We use a lot of the same dances in my concerts, you never really have to leave LA." she said.

"Well, okay, um that sounds pretty good. When did you want me to start again?" he asked her.

"Like right now. I used up all the good dances and now I need better ones. We have the next week to work before I go back out on the road again." she said. "So, get up, get dressed and get your ass over to the studio." she finished before she vanished.

"Like I really need this right now. We should be planning a wedding, not having both of us be at work for the next week and hardly seeing each other." he said, obviously disgusted about the situation.

"Well, if it makes you feel any better, I am going to be working this week too. Like I do every week." I said.

"That does help a little, but now we have no time to plan a wedding, because we both will be too busy to do anything with it. This sucks balls." he said.

"Get your booty out of bed and get to work. It's only the next week and then we can get back to planning the wedding together. In the mean time, since I work the 9-5 job, I will plan around the work and while I'm here. It's not like I actually WORK at work anyways. Thats why I am a manager, people do work and come to me if they have problems. And I practically rigged my staff to where they never have problems." I finished my little speech and practically kicked him out of bed.

"Fine, I'm gonna go, but I still don't like it." he said. "And before you have time to object..." he started, then did a quick spin and got cleaned up, dressed, and pressed. "I would say 'I will see you tonight' but I'm not too sure that I will."

"Honey just do a good job. Its not like we need the money or anything." I said, and he vanished and went off to work.

"Let's see. It's Sunday, my fiancee is at work, and I am left alone here. What to do?" I said. I heard a small 'meow' in the distance. "Ah crap. I forgot about my cat." I said as I magically unlocked and opened the door. She scampered in and hurled herself on the bed and just laid down on my chest. "I'm sorry that we locked you out last night, but when we are together like that, you have a very bad tendency to interrupt." She just looked up at me like I was crazy.

"Okay, so I could be doing one of two things. Planning this storybook wedding thing, or hanging out with my friends. Which one sounds more like the practical thing to do?" I said, out loud, to myself, yet again. I used to talk to myself all the time, and I just haven't so much recently. "Let's see, Brit? It's Sunday, so she's probably spending the day with Nick." Just as I finished that thought, I got a call on my cell.

"Hello?" I said into the receiver.

"Hey, brother-in-law to be. What's going on today?" Nick Lachey asked me.

"In all honesty, not a damn thing. Your brother got a job working with Gaga, so I am here by myself." I said flatly.

"Well, I guess we can use this time to get to know each other a little better, Brit had to go back home for a while to visit her family. So, for the next 2 weeks I am here, alone. Damn the luck." he said.

"My alone time is just for the next week, but come on over. I do need to get to know my soon to be brother a little better before becoming part of the family." I said.

"All right buddy, I'm gonna be there in about 10 minutes. I felt like getting a head start, so I left the house already." he said.

"Cool, 10 minutes, that will give me plenty of time to get ready after what I did last night..." I commented.

"Don't finish that statement, I have a pretty good idea of what you and my baby brother did last night. Now get up, I will be there soon." He said, then hung up the receiver and I moved my cat off my chest and started getting ready to spend the day with Nick.

"10 whole minutes. Not enought time to shower and shave, more magic I guess," I said to myself, out loud again. After a snap of my fingers, I was cleaned and ready to go out, minus the clothes. I couldn't very well be going out stark naked. Do I have anything to wear? Well my wardrobe has significantly expanded since I started dating a celebrity. But as a gay man going to hang out with a straight man, I was kind of lost. I never really had the opportunity to hang out with straight men too much, it was either 'out with the girls' or 'a family affair' and that's life as it used to be.


"I guess spending too much time thinking to myself wastes a lot of time." I said out loud, yet again. "COMING!" I yelled downstairs and looked for a pair of pajama pants and a t-shirt. Found them both, put them on, and headed downstairs to let Nick into the house.

"Hey shorty, whats up?" Nick said as he walked in the house. All I gotta say is DAMN!! Hair all fixed, black t-shirt with blue jeans, accentuated every single little detail of his body. 'THINK OF DREW, THINK OF DREW' I repeated to myself over and over in my head. I did NOT want to think of my soon to be brother-in-law in a sexual manner, but all I could see in my head was a naked Nick.

"Hey Nick, what ya got planned for today?" I asked. I had something else in mind, like 'why are your clothes so damn tight' or 'why are you trying to be sexy'.

"Nothin really, just got bored at home and thought we could chill for a while. Got anything to drink around here?" he asked.

"What are you in the mood for? We have plenty of stuff." I said.

"Got any alcohol by chance?" he asked again.

"Nick, its just after noon on a Sunday. Why are you wanting something to drink thats got alcohol in it?" I asked in retort.

"Cause my fiancee is out of town, and nothing is gonna happen. If I have a few drinks here and just chill for a while, then we can talk about stuff. Or just drink the afternoon away." he said, pretty calmly. I was surprised that he didn't get pissed at me or retort something back.

"Okay, since I don't know what you drink how about you come over to the bar here and mix yourself up something?" I said to him. He got up off the couch, walked over to the bar and looked at the selection we had. Most of it was stuff to be mixed with other stuff, from good to great. Meaning, the least expensive thing was about thirty bucks a bottle to multiple hundreds.

"How about Grey Goose? Goes down like velvet." he said.

"And gets people pretty drunk really quick." I commented.

"We're both adults, lets get drunk." he said.

"Why do you want to get drunk with me of all people?" I asked somewhat anxious about it.

"That way I won't feel like its my fault when I do this." he said, as he took off his shirt, turned around, bent down, and kissed me square on the lips.

End of Chapter 36

Okay everyone, I have come to a point where I simply can't continue the story without some feedback. This could go either way with the current situation.

A) He could give in and the story could come to a crazy and dramatic end in the next chapter.

B) He could turn Nick away and they could get into a fight about something.

C) Drew could show up immediately after.

Those are the choices. I really don't have much else to go with cause of this damn writers block. Also, I am still taking suggestions on whether or not I should write something else. Im better with celebrity stuff, but I can do anything.

Sorry again for the delay on this, new job sucks ass.

Next: Chapter 38

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