Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Feb 16, 2011


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that,

I do not know ANY of the celebrities depicted in this story, even though I wish I did, nor their actual sexuality. This is complete fiction, and is meant purely for entertainment purposes.

Finally, this depicts male/male sexual interactions and relationships. Not to mention supernatural stuff as well. If anything like this is offensive, then go somewhere else.

I sincerely want to apologize for my extreme delay in the updating. I have been VERY busy with work, school, and life amongst other things. One of those things being very extreme writer's block. I very much intend to pick up right where I left off with the story.


Because of Drew - Chapter 35

Everything was going great. I spent the day recuperating from the battle the night before, and later in the evening, Drew and I went to see the one and only Lady Gaga in concert. Of course, about an hour before we had to be there, we had just started getting ready. We had spent most of the day in each others arms. No sex, I was far too tired after what I had been put through. Well, no sex, YET..........

"Steven! Have you seen my shirt?" Drew yelled across the room.

"DREW! I can hear you! And which shirt? You own every bit of about a thousand articles of clothing." I half yelled back.

"You know which shirt. Its the shirt that I had worn on our first date!" he half yelled back at me.

"No, I don't seem to remember where that particular shirt is. Why don't you just conjure up a new one, considering that old one probably won't fit you all that well. YOu have gained much more musculature on you since the last time you wore that." I retorted to his back as he continued to search through the closet. From there I added, "Keep digging in the closet like that and you may very well end up gerring lost in there and not remember how to 'come out' again."

"Ha ha. That's so funny I forgot to laugh." he commented back to me. "Would you mind so much if I conjured up another one? This is a special night, and I want that shirt cause it reminds me of our first date!" he said.

"I don't care. Conjure the damn shirt if it means that much to you! But you are gonna be responsibe for the reprecussions of using that magic like that!" I practically boomed my voice out against my will. I know I had first suggested it, but I had practically sworn off my magic after the battle. It wore out my body and my mind far too much. I couldn't risk that sort of physical and mental exhaustion again. So, I decided to abstain from using my inner power unless and only if the situation called for it. To tell the truth, I had felt more and more of a mental strain with every spell that I had cast.

"If you are gonna be THAT pissed off about a quick conjure then I won't do it. GOD I wish you would for once just lighten up! We aren't gonna be around forever and we have these powers. Since we have them, we might as well USE THEM!!" he yelled back at me.

"REALLY? So now you are gonna question the way I feel? YOU DO REALIZE that all the power I put out last night ALMOST KILLED ME!!!" I yelled back at him angrily, finally turning to face him.

"What I know is that YOU wouldn't have almost died IF FOR ONCE you had decided to USE your power before we met. YOu said it yourself you hadn't used the power much before we got together, and I feel that if you would have actually USED it, then you would be much more SKILLED at it than you are now, and maybe have been MORE powerful than him last night." He practically hit me with his words.

"That's not how it works with me. And if YOU would have paid ANY attention to me at ALL today then you would have NOTICED that I look every bit of about 7 or 8 years older!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. That last little comment got him to turn around from the closet and face me. I hadn't been lying. I was still at age 24, however I looked every bit of 30.

"Oh dear. I had no idea this was happening. We spent the entire day together and I didn't even notice that physical change. What happened?" he asked.

"Exactly why I don't use my powers too often. My body wears down. That's exactly WHY I try to stay in the best physical shape I can. My powers wear down my body when I use them too much." I said back to him.

"I thought the same thing that is happening to me would have happened to you. I have never been more energized in my ENTIRE life." he said.

"And that's exactly how I felt once upon a time. But after I cast my first major spell, I noticed my entire body and shape begin to weaken. I spent two days in bed recovering from it. And the ONLY thing I could do to make myself look remotely close to the age I actually am was to work out EVERY DAY. With limited magic use on top of it. I never told you this because I never thought you would have to deal with it." I said.

"Well I wish you would have told me. Then I would have NEVER tried to get you to use your power that much." he said as he crossed the room and gave me a quick peck on the cheek. "Why did Jonathan not have any of the same problems you did?" he asked. It was a valid question.

"Well here's the honest reason. I obtained these powers from an unnatural source. Not evil by any means, but I was not born with them the way most witches are in these times. Natural magic users draw their power from them and become energized by it. Unnatural magic users have their bodies slowly weaken and deteriorate over time." I said calmly to him. "I had always wished I had powers to use, however I had come across a stranger who had the same problem I am now dealing with. He was MORE than happy to get rid of what he had. THats how I came into what I have made for myself." I finished.

"I am SO sorry I said anything. I wish I could take it back." he said softly as he crossed the room and hugged me soflty. "If you got your powers from an outside source, then does that mean the same thing could happen to me?" he asked. Again, another perfectly valid question.

"Probably. YOu got the powers form me, then we all got a hit of magic from a natural born user. All three of us are on overload right now. I have learned to use magic from others to try and restore my body to the way it is supposed to be, but it has never had an effect like this. In fact, I am highly suurprised that you dont look like youre about 40, OLD MAN!!" I shouted in his face, jokingly of course.

"Okay, well enough about magic right now, we have a concert to get to, and this conversation has taken up a lot more time than we needed it to, because the concert starts in about 10 minutes." he said, as he smiled at me.

"SHIT!! Why in the world do we let ourselves get away with these conversations that seem to last forever. Okay, magic it is." I said as I got both of us ready, and tried my hardest to revert my body aging in about 30 seconds so we could make it to the concert on time.

I managed to conjure up the same things that we wore to our first date, and in no time flat we were out of there. At the same time I managed to revert my body appearance back a few years, although I still looked about 2 or so years older than my true age.

Finally we get to the concert. Since I heard of her rise to stardom I have wanted to go to a concert performed by my old friend Stefani. I haven't been able to, unfortunately, but now was the time for me to go APE SHIT like the monster I was!! (FOr those of you who don't follow the ways of Gaga, Monsters are her BIGGEST fans) Even though Stefani and I didn't talk much, I always believed in her talent and followed her career. After she released her Fame Monster album, I became even more intoxicated by her and everything she does. The glitz and the glamour only made it that much better. And as for her sense of style? That hasn't changed. She has always worn the most extravagant shit anywhere she went.

"I wish I could have gone to a concert before this!" I yelled at Drew who was sitting next to me. We were front row center, so I could barely hear myself say the words, and even though he was staring right at me, he still pointed to his ear like he couldn't hear what I said. So I repeated what I said telepathically. Which was followed by a simple nod of the head from him. She has a way of getting everyone wound up at her concerts. She performed all of her songs, starting with Just Dance, and Poker Face. After a few more familiar songs, she broke out into song with a tune that I have never heard before. I was hearing unreleased songs, and was ECSTATIC!!!! Some of them were Disco Heaven, Glitter and Grease, and Fashion.

She had gotten down to just about the end of the concert and took to speaking something.

"As normal, I want to thank ALL of my little monsters for showing up tonight to this SOLD OUT SHOW!!! However, there is one person, actually two people, that I want to truly thank for showing up. THe first one is the next member of my staff, Monsters welcome the hottest member of 98 Degrees, Drew Lachey!!!" she said into her mike as the crowd, being mostly gays, uproared in a giant applause.

"The second person is sitting right next to him, and he is the person that I feel is truly responsible for getting my career in the music industry off the ground. Without the initial push from you baby, I wouldn't be standing up here performing tonight. Give it up for my long time friend Steven!!" More applause. Heaven forbid I was responsible for her being famous. Fame is a state of mind. You stop being famous when you want to. Did I get her on to the stage at karaoke night 5 years ago, absolutely. But never once did I feel like I had anything to attribute to her rise to stardom.

"This next sone is dedicated to the two of you. I know you all know it, but they really deserve it." she finished, and the lights went out. And stayed out for about a minute. THere was all but dead silence in the stadium.

"Ho-oooo-ooo-OH, ohhh oh oh oh, ohhhhh. Caught in a bad romance." then everyone in the stadium went ape-shit again. Bad Romance. My ALL TIME favorite song from the fabulous Gaga. The song continued, and of course I sang along to it, because I knew all the words to it. Halfway through, during the quiet parts, she said "Drew, and Steven, get your asses on this stage, NOW!" So of course, we did. The two of us continued to sing the song and performed the dance steps as best we could with her professional backup dancers.

The song was finishing up, and she brought us over to the center of the stage where she was. "Monsters, I am done here for the night! You have heard everything I have to give. As normal, remember me until next time we see each other." and as she was saying this a fog machine started to cover all three of us, and suddenly I felt a tug from behind as we were being transported out and back to her dressing room.

"Well boys, what did you think of the concert?" she asked rather nonchalantly.

"Firstly, I loved it as I do all of your work. Secondly, you used magic on stage? How many exits have you done that way?" I asked mildly flabbergasted.

"I always make my exit that way. Usually I use a trap door, but tonight I got a little excited and accidentally transported us out. Thankfully I got my bearings together and got us back here, otherwise we would have ended up somewhere out in the crowd." she said.

"Good point," I said. "You know you were fantastic tonight. As usual! I wouldn't expect any better from one of the greatest performers in the world. Seconded only by my fiancee."

"I knew you were gonna say that." they both said at the same time. We all started laughing at that one. It was funny after all.

"Stefani, you know I would love to sit and play and party with you, but I am very tired after what we went through last night still, then the forced dancing by a witch on stage." I commented.

"I wondered how we knew the steps so well." Drew commented. "We were bewitched into knowing the steps, with only a couple of slip ups in there."

"Guilty. I couldn't let you guys crash and burn up there!" she commented. "Anyways, I have an after party to get to, and apparently the old man is getting tired. How did you guys get here?" she asked.

"Well, we teleported." I said somewhat softly. It didn't feel right for me to say it since I had just yelled at her for accidentally doing it.

"Sounds like a plan. Boys, have a great night. Invite me to your wedding, or I will be highly depressed." she said as she flicked her wrist, and we were sailing through space back to the house.

We landed with our asses on the couch.

"You aren't really tired, are you?" he asked me as I was standing up and walking towards the kitchen. I was parched from all the screaming.

"Hell no. Her music always gets me going, and you know that. I just wanted to have some time to make up for our little argument from earlier." I commented, followed by downing a complete glass of water. "And you know how I TRULY enjoy making things up to you, right baby???" I aksed him, doing a quick eyebrow flick. He got the message loud and clear and bounced off the couch, quickly came up behind me, and closed the space between us in all of 3 seconds. His lips were on mine, and within moments we were removing each others clothes. He had me pressed up against the counter of the kitchen, and we continued furiously making out. Another 30 seconds go by and I suddenly found myself without any clothes on, even though my arms were wrapped around him, and his around me. I knew he had used magic again, but now I didn't care all that much, because I had filed something away to do later. But for now, it was just about the two of us.

"Do you think we should take this into the bedroom?" he asked me.

"Not really. We havent had sex in the kitchen yet, just don't stab me with anything that I normally wouldn't get stabbed with." I said, and we laughed a bit. Then he got a little rough, and went straight down on my fully hard and ready cock. That is something I wasn't really especting. Normally I would go straight for his monster, and we would end up a hot tangled mess with his dick somehow in my ass. Every time was a different position. I hadn't gotten a decent blowjob in quite some time, so I was enjoying every minute of it.

"God I miss going down on you babe," he said as he came up for air quickly, then plunged himself back down, getting my dick lodged in his throat somewhere. I was lost in a place I didn't even know its name. I think there were stars in my vision, but I really couldn't tell. Since it had been so long, I was reaching the boiling point rather quickly. I didn't know how much longer I was going to last, but I knew it wouldn't be that long.

"Keep that up and your throat is gonna be covered in no time baby." was all I could say, then he stupidly pulled off. "What the hell?" I said and then he walked me back over to the couch, and laid be down on my back.

"Tonight is all about you baby." he said as he sat his fantastic looking ass down on my abs for a moment. Then with his legs he raised himself up and set his ass down right on top of my still rock hard cock. Slowly he inched it in. Considering I am normally on the receiving end, it took him a couple of minutes to get all the way down on top of it. I was just lying there like a rag doll being used. I had forgotten how it was to be the butch as opposed to the bitch.

"I'm still not gonna last that long, especially considering how tight your ass is clenching me right now." I managed to say quietly. And I knew it was the truth. Heaven forbid after about another minute of the best pleasure I have had in a long time, I was an erupting volcano. I had shot out so much that I could see some of my own cum leaking out from Drew's precious ass.

"I forgot how much for being on bottom actually can be." Drew said, before he held me in his arms and we were whisked off to the bedroom, for round 2, 3, and 4.....

End of Chapter 35

HI its me again, and I have returned from slumber to make your lives a little more interesting once more!

As before, if you like or don't like what you have read, just let me know.

ALSO...I had a reader comment on my situation with the visions of Nick Lachey, saying that it should be made part of the story, and it should be more of a double penetration scene. COMMENTS ON THIS ARE MORE THAN WELCOME AND NECESSARY!!!!!!!!!!!!

Until then, I hope you enjoyed my latest installment.

Next: Chapter 37

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