Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Nov 24, 2010


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that,

I do not know ANY of the celebrities depicted in this story, even though I wish I did, nor their actual sexuality. This is complete fiction, and is meant purely for entertainment purposes.

Finally, this depicts male/male sexual interactions and relationships. Not to mention supernatural stuff as well. If anything like this is offensive, then go somewhere else.

Also, as a final little warning, I am gonna put the last little bit of the last chapter at the beginning here in order to remind everyone what has been going on.

I sincerely want to apologize for my extreme delay in the updating. I have been VERY busy with work, school, and life amongst other things. One of those things being very extreme writer's block. I very much intend to pick up right where I left off with the story.

By the way, I will be using some Charmed references in this chapter and probably in some of the rest of the chapters from now on. I so not own Charmed or anything affiliated with it.


Because of Drew - Chapter 34

"Don't worry, you won't actually be hurting me, let's just get the book and get downstairs and get him the hell out of our lives, permanently." I said. I removed the protective charms on my book, grabbed it and said, "I'm gonna go down first, by phasing. Go with it." That being said, I phased downstairs, to where the bigger battle was going on.

Stuff had been demolished everywhere, there were miniature fires, shards of broken glass, and bits and pieces of debris everywhere. The two in question, were nowhere to be seen.

"Stefani? Where did you run off to? Did you kill him?" I said out loud.

No answer. Dead silence.

Drew, don't come down here yet. Something's not right. I said telepathically.

You got it babe, just give me a signal when you need me. he replied in my head.

"Stefani?" I called out softly. I was more or less trying to summon her, but I wasn't entirely sure what I would be summoning.

"Oh, she won't be joining you anytime soon sorcerer." I heard from the darkness of the debris.

"What have you done with her evil asshole!" I yelled into the dark.

"Well, since you seemed to have broken my mind control on your husband, I decided to screw with your chances of destroying my powers like you seem so intent on doing." he said as he emerged from the shadows of the destruction. "See, I AM and WILL ALWAYS be more powerful than you. We both know that it's the truth, by the fact that I am willing to, and capable of using the spells that you refuse to. Mind control for instance, I know you can do it. We have the same amount of powers, but I am the one who uses them do do what I need to in order to get what I want. And right now, I want your powers added into mine, to make ME the most powerful wizard of all time!"

"Ah, but you seem to be forgetting the cardinal principal of Magic users fool. 'In at harm none, do what ye will.' Your powers need to be stripped for the rest of eternity for the way you abuse magic." I said.

As soon as I said that, she emerged from the shadows, evil radiating from her aura. I could sense it, like the smell of decaying flesh in a landfill of garbage. After she made her appearance, she started with the spell slinging right in my direction. At that moment, Drew phased down and took the brunt of the spells from the assault of the newly-reformed Stefani.

"Drew, keep her busy. I know how to block HIS mind control spell. You remember the spell from the book, you have been studying it. Use it on her, then we can all go after him together. Power of three." I said

"I got her, you go after him. And think of a spell in the meantime that can get rid of his powers." he told me.

"Oh, I have a much better plan than that." I said flatly.

I phased behind Jonathan and started with the physical assault. Punches, kicks, blocks, and all the while the mental onslaught into his brain. Breaking through the mental barriers to try and crush him mentally. Spells going rythmically through my mind as the barriers weakened more and more which almost gained me access to his mind and the utter chaos it seemed to radiate.

I finally started to use magic on the offensive. Telekinesis being the easiest to use, sending him flying across the room and crashing against the mirror. Shards of broken glass flying everywhere, which he sent right toward me. I thought of a quick spell to change the glass to sand, especially as it came closer to me. I was more surprised that the glass didn't pierce him. I was expecting to see at least a little bit of blood.

In the meantime, I could feel his thoughts in my head. He was trying to get in my mind the same way I was trying to get into his. However, he had no idea what I had in store for him.

"You won't be able to get into my head. You are far too weak to use the Mind Control spell that I seem to have mastered on your friends tonight. And for the record," he said, as he moved in a little closer, "We would have made the ultimate magical couple."

"The one thing you seem to misunderstand. I don't NEED another person to make me feel powerful. You seem to be the kind of person who relies on the anguish of others in order to get by. I have made my life better by being alone. Drew completed me on a personal level. He had no powers in the beginning, and he doesn't want them to boot. Feeding on the powers and emotions of others is disgusting, and the sad part of it is, you used to feel the same way as me. Power has corrupted you Jonathan." I told him, as blank faced as I could, showing no emotion at all.

While all this is going on...

"Stefani, don't do this. You're a good person, and you know it." Drew said to her.

"I am whoever I want to be, ans being bad is better than being good. You can do way more if you're doing everything the EVIL WAY!" she shouted as she threw him across the room and phased behind him started with the magical onslaught. Seeing as Drew was stronger physically, she had to rely more on magic in order to get her way.

Drew wasn't quite as trained in the magical arts as Stefani was, so he wasn't faring as well as I hoped he would. And that was the worst part of it all. I needed her to get the spell on Jonathan to work.

"Stefani, why would you want to choose the evil side of life? Remember the music, remember the life you can only have if you are on OUR side. Come back to us! Please!" he started shouting at her.

"NO! Life is better when the bad side is on top. You know how that is, you were there recently. Come back to it, then we can destroy your soon to be husband forever," she said

"The evil way is the WRONG way, and you know it! Try and read my POKER FACE!!!!!" he shouted loudly.

"What.....what did you say?" she asked.

"Can't read my, can't read my, no you can't read my POKER FACE!!" he started shout-singing right in front of her. At that time, she started crying, and that's when I knew that the mind control spell was broken off her as well.

Back the other direction...

"Jonathan everything is falling apart on you!" I shouted, and I threw my hands up, and froze him in time. "Guys, this won't last long. We have to do a power transfer. not only strip the powers from him, but transfer those powers to us so he can't ever get them back."

"But there isn't a spell for that. Do you think you can come up with one quick?" Drew asked.

"He can. He is the master of spell weaving. I can't recall the amount of scrapes he has gotten us out of by quick spell thinking." Stefani commented.

"All right everyone, repeat after me.`Powers of the witches rise, course unseen across the skies, end now this grizzly fight, the evil ways and evil fright, bring his powers far and near, let them now reside here.' That should strip his powers and transfer them to us, so he can't get them back ever. The powers should be split evenly between the three of us." I said, feeling rather long winded.

We recited the spell, and finally the evil was stopped. I could feel the power surge in my system, and I'm not gonna lie, it felt good to have a boosted power level in my system. Jonathan un-froze, and I sent him back to Lance.

"Boys, we need to get out of this crazy place. I think a concert is totally in order!" Stefani commented. "I am playing in SF tomorrow night, and if you two AREN'T there, you will have me to answer to bitches!!" she finished as she vanished into thin air.

"Look at that. She helps destroy OUR house, and then leaves us to clean it up. Perfect. I don't know how she expects us to make it to a concert tomorrow night when the ENTIRE HOUSE is practically destroyed." I ranted for a bit before Drew finally piped up and spoke his mind.

"Steven, we both have powers, and since this was done by magic, we should clean it up magically." he stated very calmly.

"Drew, we just recieved a HUGE power boost. Using those powers like that right away could cause us to lose control of the powers permanently." I said.

"This place would require a team of 12 and that would take at least a week just to clean it up, and then how many hundreds of THOUSANDS of dollars in order to replace all the shit we have. Magically is the only way we can do this, and you know it bitch!" he shouted.

"Fine, no need to shout, magic, we need a spell in order to get this done." I said flatly.

"No we don't. Use those new powers, just concentrate on what needs to be done, and it should be done." he told me calmly.

"Wow, someone learned a lot about magic quick. Fine, let's just get this overwith, I am extremely exhausted and need to get some sleep. Too much magic too little time." I said, and we started to clean up the mess little by little.

After about an hour, the whole thing was cleaned up, and I practically passed out on the couch. Drew lifted up my head and set it on his lap, and that was it. Night night people!!!!

I woke up at least 12 hours later, but I had completely lost track of the time. Drew wasn't there, but I was in bed. Well, at least someone wasn't afraid of using magic, unlike myself.

"Baby, you finally woke up. Took long enough. 14 hours of sleep is really far too much. Even for you. Now come on, wake up already. I have big plans for us before the concert tonight!!" he finally stopped talking long enough for me to open my eyes and notice that lunch was made for both of us. That, and that my soon to be husband was practically naked in front of me.

"Drew, I know what you are thinking, and that's sex, but not now. Let me eat first, and get back some of the energy that I seemed to have wasted last night." I said flatly.

"I am not thinking about sex, or at least I wasn't thinking about sex. Now I am thinking about sex. And I have you to blame for that. I just didn't feel like getting all dressed up today. I look good for my age, and I feel like I have the right to flaunt it around wherever I see fit." he said.

"Fine, whatever, but no sex tonight. We have a concert to go to tonight, and I don't care what sort of plans you had made. I am still very tired. I haven't been sleeping much and then last night and all. Just let me relax today, and I promise we can have all the sex you want later." I said and after a little pause, I added, "Like next year sometime."

He laughed a bit, then served me the lunch he had prepared. Soup and sandwich? Not exactly the normal lunch for me, but I guess he knew what it was that I needed, because that really put energy back in my system. I had half a mind to question if he had put some sort of potion in the food, but I didn't really care. All I knew is that for once everything was going to be better.

End Chapter 34

All right everyone, I SO apologize for the delay in the whole story thing. Like I said in the beginning, I have been EXCEEDINGLY busy with work and school and work and life. If anyone wants to drop me a line and yell, please do. If not, let me know if I have any fans left at all. I hope that this long chapter has made up for my untimely updates.

As a little preview of what I have in store. Gaga concert, family, magic, wedding, sex, sex, sex, sex. And I would like reader feedback on this one too. I had recieved an email from a fan asking if I would elaborate the premonition about me and Nick. Should I incorporate that in the actual story, or make it a side thing?

Next: Chapter 36

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