Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Apr 6, 2010


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that,

I do not know ANY of the celebrities depicted in this story, even though I wish I did, nor their actual sexuality. This is complete fiction, and is meant purely for entertainment purposes.

Finally, this depicts male/male sexual interactions and relationships. If something like this is offensive, then go somewhere else.

Otherwise, enjoy!

Hey guys! Sorry for the extreme delay in this, but super super busy combined with a new job and family does not an on time story make. Everything has seemed to calm down quite a bit, so I should be posting more to this on a regular basis.

On a side note, I am going to start making the chapters longer. And since it has been such a long time since I last posted, time will be sped up a bit. Don't worry, I will still get things done like I promised to my faithful readers, but every so often, I will skip a couple of months in order to catch up to current time.

Because of Drew - Chapter 31

"What are you talking about? Who would be against us getting married?" Drew asked me.

"That is a long list of people, but it's nothing that I, I mean we, can't handle. They were talking about picketing, meaning human stuff. Naturally, anything that comes up, we should be able to handle no problem." I replied.

"Can't we just charm the place so nobody we don't want there can't be there?" he asked me.

"Excellent idea sweetie!" I said as I kissed him. "The only concern that comes into my mind is, who told the insane person on the phone that we were getting married? We havent even told anyone as of yet. However, we can worry about it later. Now, I have to go to work, and you can start planning a wedding."

"I already have some ideas picked out, but I wanted to run them by you before any decisions were made." Drew said.

"We will plan this together, but we both have to think of everything before we can start anything. Do you happen to know any wedding planners for gay couples?" I asked.

"Nope, we are on our own dear." he replied.

"Okay, fine. I am going to work now. Bye dear!" I said.

Work is, well completely boring. Nothing unusual actually happens, it's just my way of making money. I have gotten questions like, "Can't he afford to provide for both of you for like, ever?" And to this question, I replied, "Of course, but then I just feel useless."

Hell, I feel useless anyways.

So, this is my first official day with powers again. Not gonna lie, it feels a little weird. not entirely used to it. I wasn't expecting it to happen, but now that it has, I have to live with it. But still, I feel like Samantha Stephens, "Bewitched", endlessly trying to find a life separate from magic.

Enough about the powers, Drew and I are getting married! Its about time! It took so damn long to get this far, but we still have so far to go.

Okay, so I have stuff planned for the wedding already, as I have been asking people, cause I have no creative spark whatsoever. And I have a list of things that I hope we will do, but if Drew doesnt like them, than it's not gonna happen.

Next thing, working on spells and charms to get us through this wedding in the first place. Can't have a wedding if we are gonna be picketed by crazy humans who have closed minds.

I know what you are thinking, does he actually work at work? Not really. I pay people to do the work that I should be doing. Only when I am actually being audited do I do any sort of work, which is once a month. So, now that all of that is said and done, I guess I should get back to the planning.

Well, I guess I should call Drew to find out what stuff he has planned so far, because I really dont have much of a creative mind, like I said earlier. Reach for the phone, and as my hand touches it, I get a very disturbing vision.


Drew and I are sleeping together, and by sleeping together, I mean we are going at it, as usual. Freaking rabbits. Just after we get done with it, he collapses on top of me. After a couple of minutes, he gets up, and I am shocked to be looking in the face of Nick, yet again.


"Oh great." I mutter to myself as I come back to reality from my middle of the day nightmare. Don't get me wrong, Nick is wuite the looker, but there are 2 very big matters in the way of anything happening between us. Nick is currently keeping Brit alive, and I have eyes for Drew more than Nick. Damn these disasterous visions of mine!

I reach for the phone yet again, this time hoping that another latent vision doesnt spark up when I touch it, and thankfully nothing happened. However, just before I could actually pick it up to try to call him, it beeped at me, and my assistant was on the line in a moment.

"Hey boss, call on 1." he said through the speaker.

"Thanks," I replied as I pushed the button. "This is Steven, how can I help you today?" I said to the mystery person in my ear.

"Hey there stranger, long time no talk," said the mystery voice in my ear.

"I wish I could say the same thing, if I had a name to mystery voice number 1 that is ringing in my ear, maybe I could even place a face to that voice!" I replied sarcastically.

"It's Jake, as in the one you put together with Justin a couple of months ago." he told me.

"AHHH! whats shakin Brokeback?" I asked in a comical sort.

"Very funny," he replied. "You know that being with Ledger in that movie turned me over to the dark side, right?"

"I had a feeling, but nothing more than that." I replied. "What can I do for you today dear?"

"Dear? Since when did we hook up?" he asked, somewhat amused.

"Oh, well I just call everyone dear now. Kind of part of my charm." I replied.

"Well, I guess that makes more sense." he said. "Anyways, I have a bit of a problem, and I was wondering if I could get a little help with it."

"As a matter of fact, problem solving just so happens to be one of my best qualities. Whats your drama?" I asked.

"Bear with me, because I am going to be brutally honest here." he started. "I am having 'performance' problems." he said, rather matter of factly.

"Performance as in acting? That happens to be one thing that I have no experience in. Wish I could help you though!" I replied.

"Performance as in sexually." he said, and said nothing more.

"Okay, firstly. Way too much information for me. Secondly, you know damn good and well that I have to tell Justin about this. And lastly, why in the hell am I getting a call? Why not go to your boyfriend about this?" I rambled.

"Firstly and thirdly, I know that this seems like something you shouldn't be finding out about, but I HAD to come to you first, since you put us together. And finally, you can tell him, but I have to tell you something else first. The reason that I came to you is because I found my sexual feelings going more toward you over him." he rambled.

That was enough for me to hear out of this conversation. I was starting to get mad at him, but more mad at what caused this spark of truth to come over him.

"Why are you telling me this first again? Why not at least tell Justin about this first?" I asked him

"Because I have a truth spell cast on me." he said, then the line was cut, and I heard a dial tone.

Something weird was happening in the magical world, and now that is just one more thing that I have to figure out before I go through with my wedding.

As if this damn premonition I keep having isn't enough. Something is going on with Nick, but what? And now with Jake, but what? Should I tell Drew about my findings? Who cast the truth spell? What kind of force is trying to drive Drew and myself apart?

And so my next chapter has come to an end. Again, I apologize about the delay guys, but I have been super busy, and I just got my own laptop recently. Naturally more will be coming out at a faster pace, since I have something of my own to put the story on.

If there have been any new readers that have joined in, please read the stuff about the wedding. I have all of the previously received suggestions kept, and have been devising a way to incorporate them into the wedding itself.

Thank you so far for the suggestions, and keep them coming!

Next chapter will be posted as soon as I get it finished.

Next: Chapter 33

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