Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Oct 27, 2008


Because of Drew

Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment purposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 22

And so the months went on. I eventually ended up getting a very nice job, but after the three month training required for the position, I had to be transferred. Where to, you ask? Los Angeles. Drew and I were moving to California!! Everything was going great. Drew and I were happy together, and we were moving to a state where they allowed the two of us to actually get married.

Anyways, many things have happened over these past few months. Christmas was rapidly approaching, and that one was easiest. Nick and Brit were finally engaged, Jeff and Andy moved in together, and for once, there were actually no problems. I hadn't spoked to my mother since that day, and I had no intent on speaking to her again, so long as she felt the way she did. I had no more room in my life for drama!!

About a week after Drew and I moved into our new house, yes I did say OUR house, he got a call on his cell. The number...belonged to his mother. Please keep in mind, that he had been strategically avoiding his mother, because he didn't have the guts to face her.

"Hello?" he said into the phone. There was a long pause, and I could hear shouts coming from the other side of the phone. They were too inaudible to make out from my distance, but I could tell that she was livid. His face, where normally adorable, turned a new shade, chalk white. I knew what that meant. His mother had found out something about him, although I had my ideas about how, I wasn't too entirely sure.

"She knows." he told me after he hung up the phone.

"I can tell. Your face has never turned that color before, and I assumed that was the reason for the call." I replied. "My only concern is, how the hell did she find out?"

"TMZ. Someone told the media, and they have been following the two of us around." he told me.

"Well, we have been ultra discreet here, you know that, maybe this will all just blow over." I replied.

"Highly doubtful. My personal life and my 'secret lover' are everywhere. I need to put these rumors to rest. I need to make our love public, if we are to ever truly be together. I need my damn brother to call me!!" he ranted.

"Well, I can help with everything. And in about 3, 2, 1..." I said, and his phone started ringing.

"It's about time! Do you know anything about this?" he said. There was a short pause, and Drew got this half evil looking smirk on his face. "Thanks for the info. He won't be around to mess with me for very much longer."

"What happened, who squealed?" I asked.

"I dont know if you are going to believe this or not, but it was Jeff! I loved him like a brother, and he fucking outed me to the world!!!" he said.

"You know, I never really liked Jeff, especially after he threw himself at you, multiple times. However, are you sure that you really want to make your personal life public? I can keep us shielded from the view of the press, but it won't be easy." I told him.

"No, this needs to happen. I need to stop this. And I need you there with me. I can introduce you as my new publicist. I need to call Lance. He knows and I could use some advice on how to get this going. Maybe I could call Jonathan too. He has been there for me a few times, and I need all the support I could get." he kept on.

"Jonathan? Who is Jonathan?" I asked him.

"I think you may remember him as JTT." he told me.

"Jonathan Taylor Thomas? The hot shit from Home Improvement?" I asked.

"Hot shit? Wow. Makes me feel so much better." Drew said.

"I would be lying if I said it wasn't true, but I used to have a crush on him. And I mean used to. As in past. I thought he denied that he was gay?" I asked, remembering the Jay Leno show.

"I met him at a party before, and he told me that he was. Or at least, he told me he was bi. Good enough for me. He didn't make it public, but since he is another one that I know, I am sure he will be able to help me." he told me.

"Sounds like a plan. Call them later tonight. We need to finish un-packing." I said.

"I don't know why we couldn't just do that the easy way." Drew whined.

"One, it wouldn't be WE, it would be ME doing that, because you don't have any powers. And two, I am going magic light these days. I feel horribly like Samantha." I admitted.

"Bewitched! Loved that show. Don't you have the seasons?" he asked.

"Yeah, they are in with the DVD's. Right next to my seasons of Charmed." I said.

"Anyways, what do you think about the coming out thing?" he asked me, getting back on track with our original conversation.

"I think that it is a great idea. But, only if it is truly what you want to do. I can help too. I can use my gifts to let the entire world know about it. Know this though, you will be crushing the dreams of plenty of girls about my age who are totally infatuated with you. Or at least, those who remember you!!"

"I will have you know, I still have quite the impressive fanbase. So, sit on that!!" he yelled from the other room.

"I did, for three hours last night! Or have you forgotten about that already?" I yelled back.

"Of course not. It was, for lack of a better term, magical." he told me, sneaking up behing me and wrapping his arms around my waist. How ever much shorter than me he was, he still managed to turn me on constantly. "Not to mention, you seemed to like it last night. Maybe we should wait a few days before we do it again."

"That would be safe. Give my ass some time to rest before another pounding." I retorted.

"Or, we could let you be on top!" Drew told me. And that ended that conversation. "Hey, do you want to find a martial arts studio around here? I haven't really been at it that long, but I would like to keep it up." he asked me.

"You can, but I don't need to. I talked with my insturctor, and he allowed me to take my blackbelt test early. That night, that you and Nick were out, I took my test, and passed it. Also, thanks to my gifts of photographic memory and muscle memory, I can replicate anything I have seen. I can technically teach you now!" I told him.

"Totally cool. The only man that I love will be teaching me. Much better than that hard ass of an instructor that we had before." he told me.

"Hey, just cause you are sleeping with me doesn't mean that I will be taking it easy on you. If you are truly serious about this, then I will probably end up driving you worse than he did." I told him.

"Okay, I am exhausted. Can you please put this stuff away now?" he asked, wheezing.

"Fine. But just so you know, using magic for everything will not get you anything but spoiled rotten." I retorted.

I thought of a spell to put everything away. It only took me a couple of minutes. "Everything in this house has a place, put it away, and do it with haste." I recited. "You may want to hit the deck. This could be messy."

Everything started zooming around the house, going in different directions, and setting down in places where they should be. A couple of minutes later, everything was settled down, and Drew and I collapsed on the couch.

"Thanks. You know I don't ask you to do that too often. Anyways, I need to make some phone calls. Thankfully neither of them live that far away, so they should be here sometime soon." Drew stated.

"Right on. I am going to take a shower, and you make the phone calls. Be back in about 15 minutes." I said, and I got up and went to the bathroom.


After my shower, and Drew made the phone calls, we had a room full of people. Apparently, both Lance and Jonathan knew some people who could help out, so we had a lot of different people there, ranging from actors to models, to others who weren't gay, but supportive.

Then I felt a familiar twinge. Only happened once other time in my life. The twinge of another magic-user in the midst. I smell drama!!

The room was awfully noisy. People were talking everywhere, and I couldn't even find Drew anywhere. I needed a megaphone. SNAP

"Can I have everyones attention please?" I said into the megaphone. The entire room went quiet at that. I dropped the megaphone, and just talked in my normal voice. "If I would have known about the party, I would have made snacks." Everyone laughed.

"I assume you all know why you are here. This is a very serious matter, and we need to be very cautious with the information. Tomorrow morning, I will have the conference set up, and that will be that. Tomorrow night, you are all invited back here, for the after party. I don't know any of you personally, but I am sure that I will by the end of the night." I announced.

In the midst of my little speech, Drew came up to me, and kissed me after it was overwith. "There, everyone knows now, even if you didn't before. This is Steven, my fiancee. The conference is for me to tell the world that I am gay, and extremely happy." he announced to the crowd.

There were thunderous cheers and applause from everyone. I still wasn't settled yet, that other witch was around here, but because of the mass of people, I couldn't exactly tell where.

The night was a success. Drew mustered up the courage from others support. It was one of the greatest nights in my life, just to see him so ready. The last two people that were here were Jonathan and Lance.

"Thanks for everything guys. You set this up you know." Drew told them.

"No problem. We have always actually been very fond of you." Lance said.

"We? Why do you say we?" I asked.

"The tow of us have been together for a couple of months now. We weren't together when you called us, but Lance called me a few minutes after I got off the phone with you." Jonathan announced. There was something different about his voice. I couldn't quite place it.

"Well then, thanks again guys. See you tomorrow night?" I asked.

"We will totally be here!" Lance said. "Your house is way nicer than mine!"

"It was great meeting both of you." I said as I shook both of their hands. Lance just shook my hand. Jonathans hand lingered a little bit longer, not enough for anyone to notice but the two of us. Then I felt it. He was the other witch!

"Good night guys." Drew told them at the door. He came back and sat down on the couch with me. "What's wrong? You look like someone just slapped you in the face."

"Jonathan has powers" I told him.

End of chapter 22

Hey there! not too much of a delay this time, that happens when I get time away from everyone and can sit down to write.

If you like what you read, let me know.

Next time, the big outing!!!

Next: Chapter 23

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