Because of Drew

By Steven Mulikey

Published on Jul 28, 2008


Legal Stuff: If you are too young to read this, go watch cartoons and be happy with that.

I do not know any of the celebrities mentioned in this story, nor their sexuality. This is purely fiction and is meant for entertainment putposes only.

This story depicts male/male relationships and sexual relations. If you do not want to read things like that, then leave. You are in the wrong place.


Because of Drew - Chapter 15

After the concert and all of the drama with the new power stuff, Drew and I ended up back in my apartment.

"Okay, so tomorrow is the beginning to the greatest weekend of your life. I hope that you have nothing planned, becuase it is just the two of us, no one else, and tons of alone time." Drew told me.

"Alone time? Please tell me that you have something more fun than that planned for us." I said.

He just glared at me.

"I am not saying that alone time with you isn't fun, I am just saying that this is our last weekend together for a while. Where I would like alone time, maybe we should be out, having a great time, and ignoring the Monday that neither of us are looking forward to." I replied.

"You are correct. And just so you know, I was kidding before. We are going to have the greatest time of our lives this weekend. And I actually have a question before we kick off the festivities." he told me.

"Okay, shoot." I replied.

"How did you know that Andy and Jeff were going to hit it off so well? I mean, they were practically inseperable after the concert." he asked.

"Well, I showed Jeff a picture of him when he showed up to work. Jeff said that he was hot, so I thought it would be my last attempt to keep him away from you. And apparantly, it worked. Now I don't have to worry about him going after you for a while." I replied.

"Good, now, it is Friday night. What do you think we should do?" he asked.

"Actually, it is Saturday morning. Look at the clock." I replied. We looked and it was after 12:30 a.m.

"Shoot, now we need to sleep. I have out first activity planned at 7:00." he told me.

"SEVEN?? I have to get up before seven on a Saturday??? You have serious issues." I replied.

"No, I have serious love issues. I want to spend every waking moment with you." he told me.

"Aww, isn't that sweet. Let's get to bed now so we can get up in about 6 hours." I said.

"Okay, but fo you mind if we do it the easy way? I don't think I can actually move to get there." Drew said.

"Fine, lazy ass." I retorted, as I grabbed his hand and we vanished from the living room into the bedroom. "Just so you know, if you start relying on my magic for everything, then we may not be able to work out. I didn't even do this much magic before we met." I told him.

"Okay, we will do things the hard way. But can we forget about this one for tonight? I was just way too tired to do anything." he replied.

"And a couple of minutes ago, you were wanting sex??" I retorted.

"No comment." was his reply.

"SLEEP!!" I told him in a deep voice. He fell asleep instantly.

"Love you sweetheart!" I told him.

I was awaken early, much to my disliking, by something that actually felt rather good. I felt a warm tongue on my stiff dick, and was moaning in pleasure. I ripped off the covers, and said, "I love you baby."

"Love you too, bro." I heard Nick's voice say.

I looked down to see Nick's head, bobbing up and down on my hard cock. "What the hell??"

"Sam? What's wrong??" Drew said as I was shaken out of my dream. "You were tossing around, what is wrong?"

"Nothing, nothing at all. Just a bad dream. Go back to sleep. I am fine." I told him. I looked up at the clock, and noticed that it was just pushing six. I decided to get up and take a shower, and make breakfast.

"Was it a dream? Or was it a vision? I need to know the truth!!" I said out loud.

"The truth about what?" Drew asked me as he walked out of the shower. I was in the middle of cooking breakfast before we started our weekend, and he heard me talking to myself.

"About how Jeff and Andy are getting along. I haven't spoken to either of them since last night. I wonder where Andy slept??" I lied in his face.

"Oh, he stayed in my hotel room. I told him it was okay last night. I am sure that those two are getting along well. They were great last night," he said.

"Yeah, and now I get the weekend to think about the two of us, and how sad I am going to be while you guys are gone." I said.

"Don't worry, I will be fine while we are away. Jeff will no longer be a problem. And if he tries anything, I can take care of him." he replied.

"Don't forget, that potion that I brewed for you is still in effect. The one where Jeff has to stay at least 2 feet away from you. Unless you guys are on stage. I know that you guys need to be close sometimes. I factored that into the mix too." I told him.

"Okay, now lets get to eating, because we have big plans for the rest of the weekend." he said.

We sat down at the table, and ate our big breakfast, then got dressed and ready to begin the weekend.

"I have everything planned for the weekend, so, I am going to be driving everywhere." he said.

"Fine by me, I don't feel like driving anyways. I much more prefer to teleport." I replied.

"I know. But, you get to relax in the passenger seat, and I will take over from here." He replied.

"Love you baby!!" I said to him.

"Love you more sweetheart." he said.

Over the course of the day, we had skydiving lessons, went shopping, had lunch, mini-golfing, go-karts, and all kinds of great fun things, and it never seemed to stop. We finally got back to the apartment about 9:00 p.m., and I was totally exhausted.

"How did you guess that I have been wanting to go skydiving forever?? I absolutely loved it!!" I told him.

"And tomorrow, is even more fun!! I know that you have been to this place before, but I figured it may be better with someone that you love." he said.

"Really? Where is that??" I asked.

"Six Flags??" he replied.

"I used to work there. I haven't been there in about 4 years now. That was my summer job during high school." I told him.

"Okay, lets get some sleep, and we will set off in the morning." he replied.

"Now I am too tired to walk. Take my hand, and we go off to the bedroom." I said. He took my hand, and we were whisked off into the bedroom.

"Good night lover!" I said.

"Good night," he said. We fell asleep in each others arms.

"Oh god!!" I screamed as I woke up. I had the same dream that I had yesterday morning. Drew didn't wake up, but I went into the bathroom, and showered up. I knew that the park would be fun, but the same dream twice?? It had to be a vision. I wasn't really sure if I could think about anything else for the day.

"Lost in thought??" Drew asked as he sneaked up behind me in the bathroom.

"Kinda. I am just thinking about the fun that we are going to be having today. I hope no one recognizes you." I replied.

"So what if they do. I don't care anymore." he said with a little tension in his voice.

"Yes you do. You don't want to be mobbed by any raging fans from years ago. Just gimme a minute. I can work a spell that will cloak your identity from everyone else but me." I said.

"Could you? I don't really want to be recognized that easily." he told me.

"Hmm, gimme a minute to think up something." I said. "Cloak this mans identity, hide him so others can't see, give him a new look and a new face, but not to have him now erase."

Bright lights swirled around him, then they vanished. He looked the same to me.

"Did it work?" he asked.

"Check your reflection." I told him. He did so and he had in deed changed. He looked nothing like he used to, in fact, he kind of resembled me.

"I made it to where people will think that we are brothers. We are going to a family park after all." I said to him.

"Right on, here comes the fun!!" he said.

With that said, we got in the car and left. We stopped for food on the way to the park, because we didn't have time to cook.

After we got to the park, we did everything. We went on all of the rides, and had a blast. we stopped and ate for lunch, went to the water park, and everything was going perfectly. Before we knew it, it was time to get back to the apartment.

"Oh god, do you ever feel like driving after you leave there?" he asked.

"No, I usually fall asleep in the car on the way back. So forgive me if I doze off for a while, but I need a nap." I said.

With that last comment, I actually dozed off. I slept, and slept, and slept. When I awoke again, I was back in my apartment, and it was pushing 8:00 in the morning.

"Hey lover. Nice nap??" he asked.

"Yeah, when are you leaving?" I asked.

"My flight is at noon. Sorry, sweetie, but you will be at work when I leave." he replied.

"I understand. I need to shower, I think I still smell like funnel cake from yesterday." I said.

"Ooh, then maybe I should eat you up!!" he replied. Then he kissed me, hard, and ran his hands all over my body, and that was the beginning of the most intense love making session that we have ever had.


"Love you baby," he said, with a half smile, half frown on his face.

"LOve you more, sweetheart." I replied. I looked at the clock, and it was puching 10:00. I had to be at work in an hour, and he had to get back to the hotel.

"I guess this is goodbye," he said.

"No, this is see you soon." I replied. I sent him off to the hotel, and started crying a little. Then I didn't even shower, I just got in my car, and left to go to work.

End of Chapter 15

Hope you guys enjoyed it. Remember to send in feedback, because it is greatly appreciated.

Next: Chapter 16

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