Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Sep 2, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Sorry so late I've been moving and ready to start college but I'll try to keep posting as much as I can I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Chapter 8 : A witch in need

A it's Saturday morning and it's time to do all my choirs, like clean my room, clean my bathroom, basement, mow the lawn, and anything else that needs to be done. In the middle of all my cleaning my sister hands me my cell, I see its the guy name Alex that I saved from Wyatt's party the other night

"hello" I speak through the phone

"mmmm is this Kadeem?" Alex asks

"yes it is Xander?" I ask

"yes I mean no I mean it's Alex..." he replays

"okay sorry whats up bud?" I ask

"mmm nothing never mind... bye" and he just hangs up

"huh that was weird..." I say out loud

"what was?" Phylicia ask's as she walks in my room

"well that Alex guy called and didn't ay anything... maybe I should go and check to see if he's alright." I tell her

"oh well I was going out to the store and was going to ask if you wanted to come." Phylicia tells me

"yea well I'm still kinda cleaning so that's a no go." I frown

"well I'm coming I need to pick up some thing." Myisha says

"oh hey where's Kris?" I ask

"I think he went for that job interview at Barns & Nobles" Phylicia answers me

"oh Kadeem...Justin's car just pulled up in front of the house..." Myisha as she looks out the window

"oh boy this can't be good." I sigh and walk outside to his car

"get in!" Justin says

"Justin I'm busy..." I try tell him

"get in the dam car we need to talk!" he hiss at me

I just stare at him and look back to see Myisha, and Phylicia walk out the house and be hide Phylicia, Wyatt walks out and stand there and smiles at me.( not the best best timing Wyatt) I think to myself and sigh.

"who the hell is that?!" Justin yell at me and starts to walk up to Wyatt but I move in his way and stop him.

"Justin stop okay just stop, it's not what you think, he's just my friend" I tell him

"don't try to lie to me okay don't try to make me look like a dumb-ass" he yells at me

I start to shake and my heart is racing and before I know it I just blurt out "Justin I can't do this anymore..." he just stares at me "I'm sorry I just can't do this anymore I can't take this."

His eyes are blood shot red full of rage and I think he's going to hit me but he just yells "so this hole time you've just been wasting my time playing with me, making me do shit to fix us for nothing!"

"no I wanted it to work but..." but before I could finish he cut's me off

"no don't try I'm over your shit and hey buddy good luck with Kadeem I hope he's wroth it cause I'm done with him and his games!" Justin yell and gets in his car and speeds off.

Wyatt runs up to me "hey Kadeem what was that about are you okay?" he ask and see's a tear drop from one of my eye and wipes it.

"mmmm yea I'm fine..."i lied and wipe the other tears that start to fall and try to force a smile on my face and ask him "whats up what you doing in my side of the coast"

"I came to see you" he smiles which makes me really smile

"well mmm I'm kinda cleaning but I think I'm going to see if Xander I mean Alex is fine cause I need to like just clean my head and focus on something else." I tell him

"well do you mind if I tag along I'm not doing much and you look like you could use a friend." he smiles

"yea I sure do but let me go change first" and at that moment I realize I'm still in my pj's which only is a part of boxer briefs and a tang top and I kinda get a little embarrassed. It's pretty chilly today so I throw on some sweat pants and a tight cute hoodie and we orb off.

( At Alex's house)

"I can't believe you bumped into David!!!" Ashley screams

"Yea I know!" Alex smiles

"and Kadeem to! Like how lucky are you!" Ashley screams again

"you have know idea..." Alex sighs as he re-plays what happen that night

"hello... hello earth to Alex come in for a landing to earth buddy" Ashley breaks Alex's re-cap

"huh?" Alex ask

"are we still going to the movies tonight?" Ashley asks

"ah sure I guess..."Alex answers

"okay I'll meet up with you at the movies at like 7ish?" Ashley asks

"yea sounds good" Alex says

"okay bye" and with that Ashley leaves

"I think I'm going to grab me some tea and read some before anything...." Alex says to himself and than he feels like someone else is in his house..."hello is someone there..." but there was no answer...

Wyatt decided to stop at his house and get the car to drive over to Alex's, the ride wasn't long due to the fact Alex only lives a few blocks from him but we thought it would be best to not freak him out with more magic. The way to Alex's was pretty quite I was still thinking about what had just happen with me and Justin but being around Wyatt made me feel better like he just gives you this feeling like your safe. When pull up to Alex's house it looks so much different in broad day light,his house is all cozy like a little cottage house a lot of trees and flower beds it's pretty. We walk up to the door and knock and the door just ups, Wyatt and I share a look and just walk in.

"I'm going to look around over here you check out here." Wyatt says as he walks off leaving me to look around the living room.

As I walk around I see all the family photos and how happy they all look in them but I wonder if their really happy like I think of my family and all the flaws we have and how some times we're all unhappy but in a photo we look as if nothing is wrong and I wonder if he feels the same way. Wyatt comes back into the room but just stares at me smiling and before he can say something I speak "so did you find anything?" I ask without turn to face him

"(yea I sure have) he says to himself as he see's me bend over, mmm no... how'd you know I was here?" he asks

"mmm I don't know" I turn to him and smile which he just smiles back. We hear something up stairs and a go up to find out what it was, we get up stairs and see 6 six rooms "you check these three rooms and I'll check the other ones." I tell him. Two of the rooms were empty one being a bathroom the other being an offices, the last room was Alex's I knew it was his because he was in there sitting b y his window drinking tea and reading his back was facing me and before I say hey Alex someone just appears out of nowhere behind Alex and was about to do something because his hands were glowing and I was thinking why doesn't Alex sense anything or get the feeling that someone or anyone is in his house with him. But I dismiss it and blow up the cup of tea after Alex puts it down as a warning sigh. They both jump and Alex's shield pops out pushes the masked guy who I would say was dressed in a ninja outfit with the same moon bracelet as Alex. The ninja crashed into his book shelf knocking over it and the books and other things around it, Wyatt heard the nose and came running in, before we could do something else the ninja dude he disappeared. Wyatt and I run over to Alex to make sure he's fine which he is for the most part aside from being scared.

"what the hell my tea my book shelf, my room!" Alex yells

"okay let's not do this again please..." I sigh, Alex just stares at me

"Wyatt can you get Alex some water or another cup of tea please?" I ask him and he smiles and goes to get it."so your okay right?" I ask Alex again

"yea I think so...but why and how did you come here? Alex asks

"well after that phone call you gave me you sounded a little worried about something so I thought maybe I should go and see whats going on and see if your okay." I answer

"really you did that for me?"Alex asks in shock

"aha yea I told you that if you ever need to talk or help was just to call." I smile

"thanks...but aren't you busy modeling and all the other things stars do..." Alex ask

"star... ah aha I'm so far from that title" I laugh "but some day I hope to be but..." I stop and think

"but what..." Alex asks and Wyatt comeback in with some hot tea "thanks" Alex smiles and Wyatt just smiles back.

"but being a witch usually comes first and puts that dream on pause... none-magical people aren't suppose to knew about us and magic which leads me to a word we all have grown to hate and you shall to exsposer. Bad things can happen when magic is exposed to the wrong people or to anyone who's not magical, so you can't tell people your witch." I explain to Alex

"ah magic 101 nicely done I couldn't have said it better than myself" Wyatt laughs

"i doubt that mister I went to magic school" I smile and he just smiles back

"so I can't tell my parents that I'm a witch or my best friend Ashley?" Alex ask "mmmm chances are that your parents already know that your a witch due to the facts they might be or it skipped their generation and it happen to you, as for your friend maybe you shouldn't... unless only if she can really be trusted." Wyatt tells him.

Alex looks puzzled like an overloaded computer and jut crashed because of all the info, "don't worry there's a lot more rules we have to follow like no personal gain is 2nd on the list" I say

"personal gain?" Alex asks

"mmmm like you can't use magic to make yourself rich, have someone fall in love with you, get a job promotion, or like mmm" I try to think of more

"or like clean my room..." Alex ask as we look at the mess

"yea well I mean I guess everyone gets a free-be so" I look at Wyatt and he nods I grab a pen and paper and write a spell down and hand it to Alex.

"The Vanishing spell?" he ask puzzle

"yup.... just read it and watch." I reassure him

"let the object of objection become but a dream as I cause this scene become unseen..." he says not sure anything would work but soon enough little lights flouted around the room and his room was clean if not cleaner than before the attack. "oh may god that was awesome!" Alex says with a smile on his face.

"yea and your powers too!" I smile

"really you think so... it's kinda lame how it only happens when I get scared and not like yours I wanna do that." he frowns

"hey I have that power and it's pretty handy in tight spots" Wyatt smiles "and as for getting a power like Kadeem we have no control over that your powers grow in time s you do and control comes with it too, so seeing how your new to all this who knows what other powers you might get... maybe something better than Kadeem's" Wyatt say and winks at me when he say that last bit

"you really think so..." Alex asks

"only time well time... oh by the way I'm Wyatt Halliwell." he says and puts out his hand to shake

"yea... and I know who you are we went to school and had a class together last year, and I went to your party the other night where I met Kadeem, I'm Alex Smith." he says shaking his hand

oh wait aren't you the school best new archery?" Wyatt asks

"2nd best but thanks yea that's me." Alex smiles

Before Wyatt can say something else he is cut off by his phone ringing and it's Tommy "oh shit I forget ..." he gets two stares from Alex and I "mmm I forgot I have something to do really quick, mmm Kadeem are you going to be okay if I leave for a while?" "yea I'll be fine, I'll stay with Alex and chat about some other rules and maybe work on some power control so he doesn't freak out if someone scares him and throws up a shield." I smile at Alex and he smiles back.

"okay just call me and you both feel free to stop by he manor later okay" we both nod and Wyatt takes off.

So Alex and I chat for awhile like just to know each better like he runs a lot but not as much as he plays archery for his school, loves plants and stones ,baking and sweets and is somewhat of a bookworm. I told him I swim for my high school, draw anime, dance, go out partying, shopping is a must, close with my family especially my sister and two cousin's, and I love to cook just hate the clean up part. After that chat we had he was ready to practice using his power. So he takes us to the back of his back yard which is covered by trees so no one can see anything.

"okay so we know you can put a force field when you get scared I mean thats pretty much how it works when you first get a new power I mean when I first started freezing thing it was fine I guess but when my power grow to me being able to blowing up things that got messy but is there any other feeling or something you think of, cause when I blow things up it's cause I'm mad or piss but you get it, and when I freeze it's sometimes cause I'm scared too..." I tell him

"oh well no I'm pretty much scared and just pretend I'm not there..." Alex answer

"mmm well than in that case..." I act like I'm going to blow him up but I just freeze around us but he puts up the shield.


"no I wouldn't I was just trying to make you scared and look your shield is up..." I reassure him

"oh I get it" Alex says

"ya so did you feel anything else this time?" I ask

"mmm kinda... I felt something or heard someone tell me I was going to be alright and just think about the moon..." Alex tells me

"mmm the moon... your really draw to the moon huh?" I ask

"yea I don't know there's just something about the moon I feel so draw to it..." Alex smiles after a deep breath

"i get it, it like the same way I feel about the sun and the star... I just feel the sun wash over me and it makes me feel so alive and safe. Not that I'm dead at night cause I live to party the night life ahah but yea... oh and I think I'm from the planet Venus ahahah." I laugh

"so I guess we're like oppsites day and night, sun and the moon, fire and ice...." Alex says

"huh.... well I never thought of things like that cause things aren't always so black and white but I guess your right." I say "hey Alex when you called early was it because you found out who I was..." I asked "well kinda but... it was more along the lines that I felt someone was like watching me..."Alex tells me

"well you should trust your gut feel it's right most off the time, and as you can see it was someone was that ninja dude, which brings me to my next thing you didn't know that guy right either? I mean he did have the same moon bracelet as you or at least an emabelle like you..." I tell him

"no I have no clue who he was." Alex answers

"well we'll just have to look out for demons and ninja's now aren't we ahahah" I laugh and he kinda laughs

"OMG WHAT TIME IS IT?!" Alex asks

"mmmm 6:50 why..." I ask

"Ashley is going to kill me if I don't get there soon...mmmm we have to go well I do and I can't just let you stay here like what if my parents come home and you see you a guy they've never meet in our house..." Alex tries to explain but I just nod in understandment

"so where you going?" I ask

"the movies but it might be my funral if I don't make it there soon" Alex says as we rush to his car.

"wait what about that ninja dude and if he comes after you or demons?" I ask

"I"ll be fine... I'll just listen to that voice and think of the moon" he says and drives off waving bye

"Oh so now your not sacred ahaha..." I laugh and than my phone goes off and it's my sister texting me saying demons lets go.... "well a witch in need is a witch indeed." I smile and orbto my sister and cousins to fight some of Riix's demons


sorry so late I was moving for school but I shall keep writing .

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 10

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