Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Jun 3, 2023


All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Thanks to Jason Decade for inspiring me, "Charming the Halliwell's" I love this series so much thank you for writing it!!!

Witch say What

"Okay you didn't tell me we were going to Cali!" Myisha yells at Kris "well that's where the attacked happen" "why were you two here again?" "Demons duhhh" Phylicia answers "well I'm just saying they wouldn't have attacked you if you two didn't follow them..." "Yea well a good thing we did look now..." Kris says "good thing hello we have bigger problems now, what if these people work for that demon Riix?" Chris walks around from the corner "well I don't know who Riix is but you three have bigger problems now!" Mel "now you have to deal with us" "these them" Myisha asks "yup... well those two were the only ones at first..."Phylicia answers as she points to Chris and Tommy "look I'm sure we have a littleeeeeeeeee...." Myisha says as she is send flying because Chris use's his telekinesis. Phylicia runs to her and help her back up "are you okay?" "No why is it always me to get hit first?" "oh hell no" Kris yells and throws lightning hitting Chris and Tommy "TOMMY!" Wyatt screams and fires a blast at Kris but he teleports out the way, Phylicia tries to block it with her telekinesis but Wyatt is way too powerful and sends her and Myisha flying once again. "KRISTOFF go get my brother and drag his ass here NOW!" Myisha yells as she levitates out of the way of a potion Mel threw and then throws one of her own, "NOW!" Phylicia yells while defecliting powers

(Back in New York)

Justin and I are at TGIF eating and talking laughing but the good old times, "and he was so wasted man" Justin laughs as he tells me about one of his college party he over and the prank he and his twin brother pulled "omg wow you're so mean" I laugh so hard "hey shit happens" he laughs "I guess so mister" I clam down and wipe the tears off from laughing so hard, "so is anything going to happen with us again?" ask he's me and looks deep into my eyes (me and Justin used to date for about three years but he went to college and cheated on me but I still kinda love him that's why we're trying again) "I don't know Justin I'm different now like my life has got a lot complicated" (and I'm not just talking about finishing high school or finishing my last year on my swim team, modeling, or acting I'm talking about demons, we're been doing this since we were about 13 but it's gotten harder lately) "yo we need you NOW!" Kris breaks my trance "hell the hell did you come from?!" Justin ask him, I just smile in an awkward way "uhmm" "NOW!" Kris grabs me, Justin grabs me and I just look back and forth at them both I see the dessprett look on Kris's face and the annoyed look on Justin's, I mean this is the fourth date that is ruined when he is trying to fix our relationship. "I'm sorr..." "Don't even" Justin cut's me off "just go because I don't know why the hell I'm trying anymore!" he yells and people are starting to look at us. "I mean I yea I fucked up and your life is different with modeling and acting but I'm trying but you always run off and I'd like to know where that is with your sister and cousins?" (I running off to fight demons and try not getting killed I answer the question in my head) "I ..." "I know you wanna tell me but you can't" he cuts me off and I'm getting annoyed and pissed "okay well whose fault is that, we have to start over because it isn't my fault!" "I knew it that's what this is all about Fu..." I throw my hands up and freeze him before he can finish that sentence. "LET's GO!!!" I yell at Kris who is scared and as we leave I unfreeze Justin and I orb out and Kris teleports.

(Back in San Fran in the ally)

"WHERE THE HELL ARE THEY?!" Myisha yells at Phylicia and throws her last potion "HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW?!" Phylicia yells back and throws Mel and Ladybug back telekinetically, Chris than try to shot her with lightning but she holds it back with her telekinesis, Myisha than get up and kicks Chris after levitating but Tommy blasts her, Wyatt checks on his sister and cousin. I orb in and Kris teleports in the cross fire and we duck out the way. "Okay this is so not my day first school, than work, than my date with Justin, and now my favorite v-neck great!!" I get up and start blasting everyone and anything, Tommy, than Mel, ladybug, Chris, and then I try to blast Wyatt but he throws up his shield to block me. Our eyes meet and we get this feeling that we've met before, Myisha, Phylicia, and Kristoff comes running to my side, "okay we got them lets end this and go home" Myisha says. I just walk up to Wyatt they try to stop me but I just push them out the way "Wyatt!" Tommy yells he just looks back and then at me, we than speak at the same time "who are you..." "We're the charmed ones..."


Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 5

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