Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on May 20, 2023


All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Thanks to Jason Decade for inspiring me, "Charming the Halliwell's" I love this series so much thank you for writing it!!! _

Seeing Double

"So why are we in Cali again?" Phylicia asks Kristoff "because that's where the demons ran off to", "right so why did we follow them, when they always come back to attack us?"

"look I don't want to be here either but Myisha and Kadeem took the last four demons out two days in a row" Kris sighs "ok ok we have to pick up the slack but Kadeem is like super witch shouldn't he be here, I'm just saying" Phylicia just throwing whatever on her mind. "Yea well he needs a break and plus with his modeling and acting career picking up, swimming about to start for him and school come on..." Kris tries to explain to her "I guess but he choice that life not us" Phylicia says "yea but we all were born a witch" Kris states "yea but..." she stops her sentence short "found them"

"found who?" Kris asks "the demons dummy" Phylicia yells. Just as Kristoff throws his hands up to throw lightning at the demons someone else beats him to the punch. "What the hell?" Kris asks' in shock "I don't know" Phylicia say in the same state of mind. Than the other demon blows-up "hey what gives" she ask "well Myisha did say she only saw the demons dying and us there in the premonition, but I guess she missed the part where we don't did it..." Kris states in a little disappointment, "well quick teleport us home" Phylicia demands. "Hey you two" a tan young good looking man with light brown hair like a surfer yell at them, "what are you two demons doing?" another man with brown skin and an afro yells also. "Well first of all we're not demons..."Phylicia gets cut off "yea whatever, look Tommy just blow them up so we can leave"

"sure Chris just let me do all the hard work huh?" Tommy says annoyed. Just before he can try Kristoff shots lightning at him sending him flying in a pile of trash, "Tommy!" Chris yell with rage and throws lightning at Kris but Phylicia telekinetically blocks it. Chris "Tommy are you alright?"

"No but I will be when I blow that asshole up" Tommy says pissed as he gets up. Tommy throw his hands up and try to hit both Kris and Phylicia at the same time but Kris again throws lightning and their power both collided making a shock way that send both parties flying back. "Ughhhh" Phylicia groans, "my head is killing me" Chris says as he rubs it, "Tommy...Tommy are you ok? Tommy" Chris yells at Tommy "dam it! Ooo I'm so going to feel that in the morning" Tommy groans "thank god..."

Chris sighs in relief "Wyatt would have killed me if anything happen to you!"

"Yo Kristoff let's get out of her now" Phylicia tells him he nods and grabs her hand and teleports them home.

To Be Continued

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 4

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