Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on May 20, 2023


All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all Loved and enjoyed (:

Thanks to Jason Decade for inspiring me, "Charming the Halliwell's" I love this series so much thank you for writing it!!! _

Seeing Double part 2

Previsely in Because I'm Charmed: Phylicia and Kristoff went to San Francisco to follow these demons that Riix send after us once again, but had a little more than demons to face off after cahting up with them. Two young man name Chris and Tommy showed up ready to fight every and anything that came their way. A fight began between both parties but the mysteries thing is that they had the same powersÉ.

(The next day in New York)

Myisha is lying down and falling asleep after her kickboxing class when Kristoff and Phylicia teleports in "nooo" Myisha groans, "its SaturdayÉ can't demons chill on the weekends?" Myisha ask tiredly. "Sorry but this is about last night and we wanted to talk to both you and Kadeem last night, but we got home and crashed" Kris answer "fine, what is it?" Myisha ask annoyed, "well the demons we followed we found them in Cali but these two guys killed them É" Phylicia explains, "okay so what's the problem?" Myisha ask. "The problem is that they try to kill us also" Kris says "okay what's the problem someone is always trying to kill us?" Myisha says to Kris not shocked "yea but with the same powers as us? I don't think so"

Phylicia answers "yea this guy I think he was called Chris and had the same power as me." Kris states "and the other one Tommy right? Well he had the same powers as Kadeem." Phylicia says "ugh well we better get my brother, all though he's in the middle of a photo shot and is going to be pissed off when we show up there" Myisha worrnies them. "Yea but you might want to shower and change out of them sweats girl" Phylicia says while holding her nose and pointing up and down at Myisha "shut up" Myisha hissed and than laughs.

(Photo shot studio)

"Yes yes yes"

"more give us more" the photographer yells "how about this" I say and strike a pose, "wonderful" flash the camera goes. I see my sister and cousins and I knew its not to see how my shot is going but it's about demons "great" I say.

(Over in san Fran at the manor)

"Please mom just let me throw this party please please please" a handsome young man with blonde hair and sky blue eyes and tan skin begs his mother "I said ask your father Wyatt" Piper says "but I did and he said yes was just to ask you" Wyatt says and hugs his mother trying to butter her up. "boy if you weren't such a force of good ahah" she laughs at her son "thanks mom you're the best" Wyatt kiss her on the cheek "Melinda, Chris, Tommy" piper calls out, Melinda walks in the kitchen in a mini skirt and tang top with the word bitch on it, Chris walks in next with a new hair cut and cargo shorts and a Hollister shirt on and Tommy with a low cut hair cut ( no more afro ) plead short and a blue button up "I can't help but feel something bad is going to happen" Tommy states worried as he walks up to Wyatt and kiss's him "why you had a premonition?" Wyatt asks after he kiss's him back. "oh and I got the house for the party week"

"really sweet" Mel yells "well sorry to ruin everyone's happiness but we need to talk about last night" Chris states "speaking of last night I thought I saw my friend because this dude looked liked him but it wasn't cause I don't make-out with my É." Mel stop dead in her tracks from her mother death glares "what was that young lady?"

"Nothing mom just saying I thought I saw my friend" Leo walks in "and who might this friend be?"

"I don't remember"

"whatever hello demons and those people who attacked us!"

Chris yells to get everyone's attention. Tommy jumps a little "oh yea after the demons were vanquished there was this guy who could throw lightning and a girl with telekinesis"

"mmm sounds like trouble but nothing we shouldn't be able to handle" Wyatt says "what's trouble?" Phoebe and Paige ask at the same time as they walk in with their kids "aunt Phoeb aunt Paige" Chris says and hugs them. Tommy re-tells the story from night last "well I'll check with them elders up there too see what they know or have to say be right back" she says as she orbs out.

(back in New York)

"what but I have a date to night" I wine after hearing what happen last night "that's the fourth one this night" Myisha says a little shocked "yea well Justin and I keep getting interrupted"

"well what's more important your date or these people who try to kill us?" Kris asks me, I stare at him in deep thought "uhmm"

"forget I asked man" Kris sighs "oh whatever gop" (that's what we used to call him when he was a little bigger) "well listens here punk we have a dutyÉ" Phylicia starts but I cut her off "ya ya ya I know I know, we're the charmed one protectors of the innocents from bad hair and style" I say to her and point at her outfit, "I look hot for someone who is about to kill some ass" she defends her Gemini shirt and vingeti jeans. "whatever both of you stop" Myisha tells of as she assumes her role as the oldest "go on your date but if things get crazy we're getting you"

"so where do we start?" she asks Kris "the same place we found them I guess" he answers they nod "yea that sounds good well I'm going so if you need me which you would I'm an orb away, beside what's the worst that can happen?" I tell them but only getting death glare from them before Kris teleports them to the ally.

(At the manor)

Tommy "ready with those potions Chris?"

"yea hurry up bro Tommy and I have something better to do"

Wyatt kiss Tommy and nibbles on his neck "yea and I don't have work or I don't know a lifeÉ come on I'm done is everyone ready?" Chris asks everyone Mel and lady bug (phoebe's oldest daughter) both nods and they all orb out.

To Be Continued

Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 3

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