Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Nov 6, 2023


All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all

Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 15: This is Halloween

I'm sitting at in my room on my bed using my laptop and just listening to music when I hear something hit my window, so I turn my music down to make sure I heard something. Something hits my window and I go and look and it's Wyatt throwing pebbles at my window.

"ummmm you know you could have just text, call, or ummm I don't know orb in" I smile

"yea well I wanted to try something different what you don't like?" Wyatt asks and looks down trying to hide his smile but I can so see so I play along

"ugh you call that different like if I got a dollar for every boy that came my house at almost midnight and throuw pebbles at my window to get my attention I'd be rich." I said with a serious face

"ohÉ" Wyatt's smile left his face and now he was really disappointed

"I'm so joking Wyatt hehehe." I chuckle

"oh yea I so knew you were ehehhe" he's such a bad lair

"I thought it was a cute way to get my attention mister." (wait I can't believe I just said that) I think to myself ( like come on he has a boyfriend)

(he thought it was cute!) Wyatt thinks to himself and just smiles

"okay well are you going to stay outside until the sunrise or come in?" I ask

"nahh I love watching the sunrise, why don't you join me?" Wyatt smiles

"ummm very tempting mister Halliwell very tempting, but I'm going to have to pass you on the offer at least this time!" I smile

"awe well I'll see you around than." he said and just before he can orb I stop him

"waitÉ that's why you came here just to ask me watch the sunrise with you?" I ask puzzled

"yup." he smiled and orbed off

"ummm Wyatt what am I going to do with you?" I smile and close my window and turn off the lights and go to bed.

(outside my house)

"look at them pathict, they think because they stopped Riix and a few demons I sent after them that they can act like high and might and live peacefully!" a Voice said in the shadows

"with all due my lord maybe it's time to take a different aparch to the witches." the seer says

"and how do you suppose that happens?" the shadow man asks

"these new Charmed ones aren't like the old ones their young children and still finding who they are and are living different lives which is their biggest desraction they have if we use that and attack the witches one by one they'll sure mess up and we'll get the upper hand." the seer explains

"yes you rise a a good point sparate them and attack them when their at their weakest alone." the shadow man says

"and this Sunday on all Hallow's Eve is the perfect timing they'll be so busy that if we send different attacks at different locations it'll draw them out and force them to sparate and that's when we attack!" the seer says with a evil grin on her face

"perfect and to think on a night when they can be at their strongest they waste their time dressing up and running around. Get a large group of demons ready for tomorrow!" the shadow man says and the both leave

(the next morning)

"AHHHHH" I scream

"What, What's wrong?" Myisha a little worried but not so much

"it's Halloween and I don't know what to be or wear to the ball tonight! Like hello huge problem!" I sigh

Myisha just rolls her eyes "ugh just go out as yourself." she sighs

"what?" I ask her

"as in a witchÉ" she answers with a hint of sorcasam

"blah I'm a witch every other day and Halloween is about being something or someone your not for like a day" I roll me eyes at her "plus I was that last year"

"whatever that's what you get for waiting long to find something to be" Myisha says

"well I'm sorry I don't have as much time as other people because I'm Charmed and demons have been after to me and Wyatt and Chris like a super sale at the mall, and with me robbing back and fort I don't get much me time." I tell her as if she didn't know

"yea so what you saying we sit home and chill all day long? Hello we have are own demons to take care of like the ones you over look. Phylicia says as she walks into my room with shopping bags

"as if! Like I can't get all the demons just the big one." I smile and throw myself on my bed "what's in the bag?" I ask with my head in a pillow

"what?" Phylicia asks

I pick my head up and ask her again "I said what's in the bag?"

"oh my costume and some candy I'm going to leave in a bowl for the trick or treaters." Phylicia says

"what are you going to be again?" Myisha asks as she see red wings with black dots on them

"I'm going to the ball as a lady bug but of crouse the sexy kind" Phylicia tells us

"oh right you stold that idea from me and than I changed my costume to a butterfly" Myisha says and Phylicia just sticks her tong out

"ugh at least you both have costumes I even bet Kris has one too. speaking of I haven't seen him in like two days where is he?" I ask

"well if you'd come home once in a while you'd know he's seeing someone new." Phylicia tells me

"wait what?" I ask shocked

"yea this girl name Tina." Phylicia tells me

"well I'm sorry again for saving people and using all my time for good." I say, just than we hear something break and we all jump up and rush to see what it is and it's Kris on the floor with food splited over the floor.

"oh come on I just clean the hole kitchen!" I yell

"clam down I'm going to clean it up." Kris says

"you dam sure are cause I was about to." I tell him

"shut up that's why you don't have a costume for tonight and I do." Kris snaps at me

"omg I told you both he would." I groan "so what are you going to be a gop monster!" Phylicia and I brust out in laughter

"ahahaha fun and no you dumbass I'm going as a cowboy." Kris says

"really you to I think that's what Chris is going to be." I say

"yea that's because we planed it and I invited them." Kris tells me

"WHAT!!!" I scream

"stop screaming dam it!" Myisha yells at me but I act as if she never said it

"WHY" and I stop and look at Myisha and smile "okay I was just joking I'm not going to scream anymoreÉ but why would you invite them?" I ask

"why not your not the only one who is friends with them you knowÉ and plus I thought you'd be happy to see Wyatt." Kris says

"well I would but I don't have anything to wear and if you did invite them why didn't Wyatt say something to me last night when he was here?" I think out loud

"wait Wyatt was here last night?" Myisha asks

"yea he came byÉ" I tell them

"what time and how come we're just now finding out?" Phylicia asks

"it was like going on midnight and he just happen to stop by just to see meÉ" I say looking at them who are now smiling and rolling their eyes at me "oh please it's not ever like that."

"yea sure so you and Wyatt had some alone time huh..." Phylicia nugdes me

"please he was standing outside my window and we just talked." I say nugdding her back

"you know he's dating Tommy rightÉ" Myisha says as she walks away

"duh I know." I tell her

"good lets hope so for you both cause as I recall you and him are friends againÉ" Myisha says

"whoa first of all we're not we're just on okay trems nothing more nothing less it's just about respect." I reassure everyone in the room "but great now I'm not going to the ball thank you nerd." I say and start walking to me

(at the manor)

"you went to his house at midnight?" Chris asks

"yea no big deal." Wyatt says

"yea to you but if Tommy finds out whoaaaaa you better be on the look out" Chris says as he shakes his head no smiling

"and he's not going to find out right little brother" Wyatt says as he walks behind Chris and starts to pretend to chock him

"yea yea yea well at least not from me he won't" Chris says

"good!" Wyatt pats Chris on the back as Tommy walks in Wyatts room

"what's good?" Tommy asks and kisses Wyatt on the lips

"mmmm your lips tastes like vanilla" Wyatt smiles and licks his lips all seadectively "and good you came by I was going to tell you we're going to this Halloween ball tonight and to wear your costume ." Wyatt says and kisses Tommy

"oh really a ball and where well that be?" Tommy asks with a smile

"it's with Kadeem and the gang." Wyatt smiles but Tommy's smile is now gone and he pulls away "what Chris is the one who told me cause Kris invited him."

" and you just couldn't say no could you?" Tommy asks annoyed

"why would we we're not doing anything tonightÉ" Wyatt says

"well we could be if you would have asked me to do somethingÉ" Tommy says and starts walking away but Wyatt pulls his arm and turn him to face him

"what's wrong I thought you and Kadeem were friends again and cool?" Wyatt asks

"ummm when did you hear me say any of that?" Tommy asks pissed

"I don't I just assumedÉ" Wyatt shrugged

"well don't cause were not and what's wrong is that my boyfriend is spending a lot of time with someone who isn't meÉ" Tommy says

"what are you talking about we're saving people fighting demons nothing more... we're just friendsÉ" Wyatt tell Tommy

"sure if you say so like Wyatt he likes you and don't you act like you don't know he does, it's just a little annoying and I feel like I'm losing you and I don't you mean the world to me and I love you!" Tommy says with a sad face

"awe baby I love you too and you mean so much to me but you have nothing to worry about so why don't you put on that cute smile I love so much and let's go get lunch and than go to the ball with me." Wyatt smiles the million dollar smile that I don't think anyone can resset

"fine but I'm picking where we go this time you always pick hooters and I'm tried of sluts hitting on you in front of me." Tommy says and rolls his eye and walks out the room

"deal but you know it's cause of me we eat free there just saying why spend money when we can have a nice free meal ahahah." Wyatt laughs

"if chicken wings are a nice meal to you than I think I'll pick the place from here on." Tommy says

(later that night at the ball)

"so wait he's really not coming like he's really staying home and watch the horror movie marathon?" Phylicia asks Myisha

"that's what he texted me." Myisha answers

Phylicia picks up her phone and starts to dial a number

"don't call him he's pretty bummed" Myisha says but Phylicia already dialed the the number and I already picked up

[what do you want?] I ask her

[what I want is to know why your not coming?] she asks me

[umm cause I don't have anything to wear that's why] I answer with a deep sigh

[of stop it okay youÕre a witch just conjore up something and come] she tells me

[wow hello that's called personal gain] I tell her

[oh stop trying to be mister I'm to good for that and bring back the old party animal] she says

[ahaha those days are long goneÉ look I'm just gonna stay and watch the marathon okay have fun see you guys later.] I say and hung up the phone and look around me and see all the junk food I have in front of me and pick of the gummie bears and start eating them as Friday The 13 starts and my cat jumps up on the couch with me "I guess it's just you and me catty." I says and only get a moew and my cat jumps off and goes outside. "wow even catty has somewhere to go."

(at the the ball)

Phylicia is in her lady bug costume but it's only a black corset with red bloomers and cute red and black dotted wings, Myisha is in a purple corset with black bloomers and blueish purpleish wings, Kris and Chris are in cowboy suits, Tommy an angel with a small robe on and small wings, Wyatt is a very hadsome prince, and Mel is a pixie. Everyone is dressed up cute, sexy and even scary dancing eating talking and enjoying themselves. Wyatt notices I'm not there and walks up to Myisha and ask's her where I am.

"oh Kadeem's home." she tells him

"what why?" Wyatt asks worried

Myisha just looks at him "of cause he's being dumb he's all like ugh I don't have nothing to wear and blah blah blah"

"ohÉ" Wyatts says a little disappointed just than Tommy walks up and grabs him and pulls him to the dance floor.

(back at home)



She closes the door, and turns in the direction of the


REACTION SHOT: ALICE. She is riveted with horror,

unable to move or turn or run. The SOUNDTRACK screams

with the THEME, the insistent STINGER, a shriek and a


ALICE finally gives voice to her terror--again and again.

She turns, leaving the lantern, and runs back towards the

main cabin.



Help! Help!



ALICE bursts through the front door into CAMERA.


Jack! Marcie! Help me!

my phone goes off making my jump and spil my popcorn and I see it's a text from Wyatt saying {wish you were here happy Halloween} and than I start to think maybe I should have gone to the ball but dressed up as what? So I get up and turn the lights on and head from the basement to my room "maybe I can make something up ugh but what?" I groan I look in my clothes and than I see old small wings that I had when I was a angel last year and think maybe I could go as something with wings and it hit's me "OMG I know what I could go as CUPID!" yell and I look in my underwear draw and find these small cute boxer briefs with hearts on them and put them on and my wings and look in the morrow. I must say thanks to swimming my body has never looked so good my six pack showing whenever I breath in and out my dermils on my V line shining and my tattoo that goes down my side look so good just as I was about to get my phone and go the lights shut off. "ugh it's not even raining or anything" but the wind it howling strong it must have hit a tree and the tree hit the power boxes so I grab my phone and walk outside and see that nothing fall on the power but the power box is fried open and just as I turn demons are around me.

(at the ball)

"you think someone should go check on Kadeem to make sure he's okay?" Wyatt asks Phylicia

"huh?" Phylicia asks

"you think someone should go and see if Kadeem is okay I asksed?" Wyatt said

"oh someone like you?" Phylicia asked with a smrik on her face

Wyatt blused " I mean you can if you want I'm just asking eheh." Wyatt says

"right I bet you are but I'm sure he's fine" Phylicia says

just than Myisha walks over but stop short when she see's me walking in the room only wearing wings and boxer briefs. I walked in to Lady Gaga's Just Dance song ending and see Myisha and walks up to her.

"well well well look who finally come to the ball and dressed as wowÉ."she said shocked at what I have on

"cupid and yea that's not why I'm here." I tell her

"oh sure you didn't come here in a costume for no reason and to get noticed I think you did a great job at that everyone is staring at you!" Myisha says looking around and I look around and it's true everyone was.

"okay so I did change my mind and came to have some fun but than demons attacked me at the house so now I'm here to warn everyone." I say

"great I know it was to good to be true lets get everyone. I'll find Phylicia, and Kristoff you get the Halliwells." Myisha says and walks off before I could say something. So I walk around the place looking for Wyatt, Chris, Mel, and Tommy but I only find Mel.

"OMG!!! Look at you hot stuff!" Mel says as she hugs me "I'm so glad you changed your mind and came here, you know Wyatt has been asking about you all night." she said with a grin

"really he has!?" I smile but shake it off "we need to find him and everyone else demons!" I tell her

"great well looks like your sister find both Chris and Kris and Phylicia." Mel says

"okay now we just need to find Wyatt and Tommy." I say

"no need Wyatt found you." Mel smile and pointed to her brother who was just staring at me. Just as he starts to walk up to me I see Tommy standing on the oppsite dierection as me and behind Wyatt putting him in the middle of both of us and just as he's looking back and fort Bad Romance comes on and starts playing in the back ground. Wyatt is looking at me and Tommy, I just grab Mel and walk up to him and he waves Tommy over to him which makes him pissed and walk away.

"Kadeem wow youÕre here and you look wow amazing!" Wyatt says breathless

"thanks ummm where is he going?" I ask

"ugh I don't know but I'll be right back I have to get him!" Wyatt says and leave before I can say another word.

"okay where is everyone else?" I ask

"come their right there" Mel leds me to them

"okay so look who finally come to this and is showing to much skin!" Phylicia says

"oh get off it and beside I came here to warn everyone that demons are attacking like all over the place!" I tell everyone

"what do you mean all over the place?" Myisha ask

"well like I said I was attacked but about three and than before I get here I don't know why but something told me to scry and demons having been showing up in different locations.Ó I explained

Òokay so we need to split up.Ó Chris said

Òyea that sounds like the best idea, so Chris and Kris you two go check out whatÕs going on at the park, while us three girls go see whatÕs up at the school.Ó Myisha tells us

Òand where am I going?Ó I asked

Òuhmm you Wyatt and Tommy go check out the wherehouse .Ó Myisha answers

Òwhat! Why?Ó I ask again

Òlook we donÕt have time you just go with them fill them in and meet back here in the parking lot when your done okay.Ó Myisha says and before I can say something else they all leave.

I walked around the ball looking for Wyatt and Tommy and after what took 10 minutes I finally found them aurgging in the hallway to the restroom.

Òsee your just making this up and your always jeleuos of him like why?Ó Wyatt yells at Tommy

Òfirst of all IÕm not jeleuos IÕm annoyed that my boyfriend is all over someone else ass, when he shouldnÕt be!Ó Tommy yells back

Òwow like do you hear what your saying like IÕm with you not him I donÕt want him I want you!Ó Wyatt yelled

hearing that I felt like I just died like my heart stop and I was ready to cry, when they finally took note that I was there Wyatt couldnÕt look at me and I could not look at him. I finally looked at them both and told them what the deal was and what everyone was doing and just as we were about to leave demons came to the ball and started attacking.

Òugh we donÕt have time for this we have to go to help those people at the wherehouse.Ó I yelled over the panic and screams

Òdam they just keep coming itÕs going take a while before we get out of here.Ó Wyatt says

Òyou two go on ahead.Ó I tell them

ÒWHAT!?Ó Wyatt asks

Òyou two go on ahead and help the people at the wherehouse IÕll meet up with you all.Ó I tell him

Òno itÕs to dangerous here for you to take them all on your own!Ó Wyatt tells me

Òno IÕll be fine just go okay.Ó I said looking down

ÒKadeem...Ó Wyatt sigh

Òlook just go okay IÕll be fine like hello IÕm a charmed one just go help over there okay...Ó I say

Òyou sure?Ó Tommy asks

Òyea...Ó I sigh

Òlook if it has anything to do with what you heard me say...Ó Wyatt started but I cut him off

Òwhat are you talking about Wyatt this is our job we have to do like I didnÕt even hear what you said... so just goÓ I said and run off into the fight and start blowing up demons I looked back and saw Wyatt and Tommy still there, Wyatt yells ÒLOOK OUT!Ó and just as I look a energy ball hits my shoulder sending my flying back crashing on to the floor. Wyatt starts to run towords me but I yell ÒJUST GO HURRY!Ó and they orb out. I get up and see my should and its pretty fucked up, more demons shimmer in and start firing more energy balls I duck and dodge them I flap over a table and use it for some cover and start to fight back. I canÕt really think about the fight because WyattÕs words keep playing in my head over and over like I knew he and Tommy were in a relationship but was it me or did Wyatt seem to be making move on me? After I killed the last demon I looked around and saw the place was in a mess and I started to feel sick so I ran to the restroom and throw up.

(WyattÕs point of view)

"you think someone should go check on Kadeem to make sure he's okay?" I asks Phylicia

"huh?" Phylicia asks

"you think someone should go and see if Kadeem is okay?Ó I asked "oh someone like you?" Phylicia asked with a smrik on her face

I blush " I mean you can if you want I'm just asking eheh.Ó

"right I bet you are but I'm sure he's fine" Phylicia says

After Phylicia reassured me I went to get something to drink and find Tommy I last saw him near the bar where I found him still there so as I was walking up to him I took a quick look around and saw Kadeem. Boy did he every look hot with those small heart boxer biefs on and his small wings made him look even cutier I must have had my mouth wide open when he saw me cause he smiled but that cute smile faded quick and my mouth shut closed when I looked back and saw Tommy with an upset face. I was in the middle of the both if I walked away and went to Kadeem Tommy would kill me and if I walk over to Tommy, KadeemÕs going to get hurt I must admit lately the more time I spend with Kadeem the more I want to be with him and I have been making moves and flirting but I always have Tommy in the back of my mind, IÕm so confused I donÕt know what to do but I know what I have to do so I walk over to Tommy who is storming off.

ÒTommy...Tommy... DAM IT TOMMY STOP!Ó I yell

Òwhy Wyatt why?Ó Tommy yells at me

Òwhy so I can talk to you and make sure your okay...Ó I tell him

Òoh so now you want to make sure IÕm okay?Ó Tommy yells

Òyes I do you are my boyfriend...Ó I tell him

Òoh really am I cause this hole night youÕve been off walking around looking and asking for Kadeem and where have I been oh thatÕs right by myself!Ó Tommy yells

Òwell I never told you to be by yourself if you want to dance go dance have fun like why do you always have to make a big deal over something thatÕs not!Ó I start to get angery

Òdance well I want to dance with my dam boyfriend but your so busy thinking of Kadeem like you bring me here and I never wanted to come to this in the first place.Ó Tommy says

Òso why did you come than?Ó I ask

Òwow you really think IÕm going to let my boyfriend go to a dance with someone that likes him?Ó Tommy asks

Òsee your just making this up and your always jeleuos of him like why?Ó I yells at Tommy

Òfirst of all IÕm not jeleuos IÕm annoyed that my boyfriend is all over someone else ass, when he shouldnÕt be!Ó Tommy yells back

Òwow like do you hear what your saying like IÕm with you not him I donÕt want him I want you!Ó I yelled

just than I see Kadeem standing there dam it why did I say that dam it. I couldnÕt look at him and he could not look at me. Finally when he looked at of us both and told us what the deal was and what everyone was doing and just as we were about to leave demons came to the ball and started attacking.

Òugh we donÕt have time for this we have to go to help those people at the wherehouse.Ó Kadeem yelled over the panic and screams

Òdam they just keep coming itÕs going take a while before we get out of here.Ó I says

Òyou two go on ahead.Ó Kadeem tells us

ÒWHAT!?Ó I asks

Òyou two go on ahead and help the people at the wherehouse IÕll meet up with you all.Ó he says

Òno itÕs to dangerous here for you to take them all on your own!Ó I tell him

Òno IÕll be fine just go okay.Ó he said looking down

ÒKadeem...Ó I sigh

Òlook just go okay IÕll be fine like hello IÕm a charmed one just go help over there okay...Ó he says

Òyou sure?Ó Tommy asks

Òyea...Ó I sigh

Òlook if it has anything to do with what you heard me say...Ó I started but he cuts me off

Òwhat are you talking about Wyatt this is our job we have to do like I didnÕt even hear what you said... so just goÓ he says running off into the fight and start blowing up demons he looked back and saw Tommy and I still there, and I yell ÒLOOK OUT!Ó and just as I look a energy ball hits him on shoulder sending him flying back crashing on to the floor. I start to run towwards him but he yell ÒJUST GO HURRY!Ó and I orb Tommy and myself to the wherehouse that was being attacked. the hole time we was at the wherehouse Tommy wouldnÕt look at me and I was so busy thinking of Kadeem I wasnÕt much help but we killed the demons as fast as we could and orbed back to Kadeem. when we got back the place was a mess and I didnÕt see Kadeem anywhere when I started to yell his name and look for him I stop and saw Tommy standing there in tears. And I canÕt blame him to see your boyfriend worried about someone else more than you dam it whatÕs wrong with me! I ran over to Tommy who was trying to push me away but I held on to him telling him I love him and kissing me and holding him to reassure him he has me and my heart at least I think he still does.

(back to me)

I heard my name being called and I walked out to find Wyatt holding Tommy telling him he loves him, I froze I couldnÕt move I just stand there holding my shoulder which was bleeding a lot more than it was before. I let one tear drop before everyone came back in the ballroom and when Wyatt saw me and the look on my face I could tell that he knew that things was going to be different between us three.


Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

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