Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Sep 19, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all

Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 13: Final Showdown

Perversely on Because I'm Charmed-

"oh great I'm stuck with you for a team mate... well at least your where you should be on the floor in dirt ahahah." Tommy laughed

the demons found us and started to walk up to us and I put the girl down and me and Tommy got ready to try and blast them but two blow up but not by us. Than I saw lighten being thrown from my cousin Kris and Warren throw two energy balls and killed the last ones. I took a deep sigh of relief that they came to our aid and I saw they had a little boy about the same age as the girl.

"okay so your name is Hope and you have telepathy?" I ask

"I'm not able to answer that or any other question regarding who I am but I can help you and your friend get out of here before the others do." She said and walks back to the group.

just than the demons jump out oh nowhere and try to attack us. We do our best to fight them off but their way stronger so we start running again. We ran for hours and what felt like in circles until I fall into this hole in the ground that was big like 11x11 it must have been a room that lead to under ground tunnels.

"hey Tommy help!!!" I yelled

"help you sorry but your just slowing me down, I have to win this so later!" he said and ran off

Flash back* When Wyatt and Tommy came back inside Wyatt came over to see what was wrong but I didn't say anything, but when I saw Tommy next to him the tears stop and my sadness turn into rage and I got up and I punched Tommy dead in the nose and broke it and he fall to the fall bleeding. Now I wanted to do more and I almost did but my mother grabbed me and Tommy's mother grabbed him. After we all clamed down and stopped Tommy's nose from bleed I went to him in the bathroom and told him I saw him kiss Wyatt, but more importantly I couldn't believe he almost got me killed and told him from these day on we're no longer friends and I want nothing to do with him! I told my mother I wanted to move back to New York but she didn't so I casted a spell and we moved but not before I casted another spell and I called it "a lose touch spell" which I thought would only effect Tommy but it also effected the Halliwell's, thus bringing us to the now and where we are in everything. *

But now I have no choice but to work with my foe but I'm playing for myself now I mean isn't Tommy so why not me to but the differences between us two from who I was to now I don't look the other way so Tommy WATCH OUT!!!

I started running after I heard what sounded like Hope's voice screaming down a tunnel I wonder around, when I got to where she was she was surrounded but demons and I jumped right into action and started blowing them up but I don't know what happen I just manage to send them flying. I grabbed her and told her to get on my back and we ran. When we got far enough I let her down so she could walk.

"we have to keep going" Hope said

"okay you carry me than while I rest." I said out of breath, just than we heard someone else scream and it sounded like Tommy Hope ran towards where the screaming was coming from and I followed. As we ran it started to rain and hard like a storm was about to hit , when we got to Tommy he was near the edge of a cliff and the demons were closing in on him. He try to blow them up but nothing just a little push, that's when one of them crawled him on his arm and he fell back but grabbed on to the edge. His arm was bleeding and was tired from ranning and in pain he could hold on much longer. I told Hope to stay back and I went and blow up the demons but only it pushed them two of them fell off but one turned around and came charging at me, I jumped to the side out of it's way and tried to blast it again but nothing. I dodge it's crawls as best as I could but it hit me throwing me near the edge I got up and waited for it to charge at me and when it did I jumped out the way and it went over the edge. I started to walk away when Tommy cried out "HELP" I looked back and saw that he was slipping and still bleeding and I kept walking away. He cried out again "HELP KADEEM PLEASE!" and I walked back and stared him straight in the eyes, I couldn't tell if he was really crying or it was the rain that hit his face but I could sorry the disperst look on his face. I simple ask "WHY?"




"THAN I THINK IT'S TIME TO LET GO!" I told him and started to walk away again I thought how funny history has a way of repetting it's self and how much karma is a bitch, I mean he left me to die both now and in the past and he thinks I'm going to help him nowÉ you can't be serious.


I couldn't believe it I mean I guess when it's life or death you think clear about the past mistakes you've made and regert them, but I didn't know if he meant it and than I saw Hope standing there looking at me. I didn't have to ask Hope what was wrong I saw it in her eyes and the only thing she said was "your rightÉ you should let go!" I hate it when you say something and than someone throws it right back in your face like dam it why couldn't I just walk or run away from Tommy when I had the chance I was thron between doing the right thing and doing what I felt was right. I saw his hand slipping as the ground benithe his turned into mud I took a deep breath and ran. Thinking to myself (I'm sorry I just can't). Tommy started to fall. I guess in times like this you hope your not going to get bit in the ass for these things but who has time to think about that I made a choice and I was sticking with it. Drove and caught Tommy's hand just in time, He looked up at me and was shocked but he was shocked but how socked I was in the fact that I choice to save him. I told him "I got you just hang on" as I tried to pull him up but I was starting to slip cause the ground was now muddy, I was trying everything but not would work and I couldn't think of anything else to do and that's when I heard "get let go." Tommy said "it's no use this is my pusnhisment for what I did to you."

"oh shut up!" I said "you really think I'm going to let go nowÉ I mean come you dummy I'm covered in mud my arm is bleeding to, and you finally said sorry to me and that's all I ever wanted well that and for you to make it up which you so are" I smiled and he just smiled, but than the ground finally gave in and we both fall but I manage to grab a brunch and held the both of us.

"dam it Kadeem it's know use for the both of us to die" Tommy yelled up to me

"oh would you shut up this is all part of my plan" I said laughing

"oh yea the plan that gets both of us killed" he laughed

"yea don't you remember that night after we watched the movie we made that same promisesÉ we'd die when were old and together and yelling at either each cause we re like deaf" I laugh

"yea before I did what I did." he smiled

"whatever it's done but I need to know something?" I ask

"yea?" he asked

"do you trust me?" I asked

"more than I trust myself." He answered

"good!" and I let go of the brunch and we both fell. Now I don't remember much or how we got back up on the cliff but I was thankful and the storm finally subsided.

"how did you know we'd be fine?" Tommy asked

"I didn't but I just hoped we would." I said and I than I looked around for her but she wasn't there.

"hey look." Tommy said "it looks like its going to be a sunny day" he laughed and so did I.

We got up and just stared at each other for a moment but this time not a foes or partners, but as friends or at least on god terms. I said we need to find Hope and get to the end and we set off. I didn't take long for us to find her she's always where the demons are, we saw her and the I gave Tommy a look and he gave me the same one and at the same time we blow up the demons one at a time. She ran up to us and smiled and that's when we saw the exit and than saw Kris and Warren running for it, so we throw Hope on my back and ran for it. We ran like our life's depended on it and it kind of did, that's when the other boys started to fight energy balls and lighten at us, but lucky for us we could freeze them and send it back. It was close so I told Tommy to make a Dive for it and we both did and the door closed with only us in the room. We laied there out of breath and just looked at each other, and than we saw Hope standing there and than she transformed into Ida the elder.

"congratulations to the both of you." She smile

"wait so this hole time it was you?" I asked

"yes." She simply said

"okay so why didn't you tell us?" Tommy asked

"why should have it was a chanllege after all." She said

"okay I guess so but was that you who saved us from falling?" I ask and all she did was smile.

"okay now it's time for the last chanellge." Odd said making both me and Tommy turn around to look at him. "you two have made it and now we shall see who is the winner. The both of you well be on one side of a pyramid the first one to the top well win but there well be things that well stop you from trying to reach the top so be ready." Before I or Tommy could ask anything we were in this room with a pyramid in the middle and a white light growling at the top of it. The only thing we heard was "BEING" and I started running up the pyramid. I was wondering what happen to Kris and Warren and hope they got home safe, but I broke my train of thought when a bolder came falling my way I rolled over just in time for it to miss me and than I found out what Odd meant when he said things would be there to stop me. More things started to fall at me like spears, fireballs, even demons, but I fought my way and when I got to the middle the pyramid started to fall apart so I knew I had to put a move on it. As the pyramid started to fall apart and the top came nearer I got to the top and I saw Tommy getting to the top just as I was. We looked at each other and just nodded and we both drove for the white light.


Thank you so much for reading my story please write me for some feedback I'd love to hear what you think just keep in mind that this is the begin of it there's more to come and I hope you all keep up with it. Thank you

Next: Chapter 15

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