Because Im Charmed

By Kadeem Ricahrds

Published on Sep 17, 2023


Kadeem Richards

Charmed: Because I'm Charmed

All rights to Aaron Spelling and the other creators of Charmed which we all

Loved and enjoyed (:

Chapter 12: Witch Are You A Friend Or Foe?

Perversely on Because I'm Charmed-

"finally you all are here time for the games to being. As you all can see this is a battle arena so that means you all well fight clearly. There are fighters from different planes and with different skills so you must be on you toes, you all well get points for how many opponents you beat and the one with the most wins. But the person with the lowest well be sent back home and is out of being charmed. So let the battles being" he said and orbs us into the arena.

"Warren is the winner of the battle arena, 2nd is Thomas, 3rd Kareem, 4th Kristoff, and 5th Henry. Which means Henry you are being sent home." And with that he orbed Henry away.

"hello everyone it's time for your next challenge." Ritta said

"do we get to pick the teams?" I asked

I look up and see the demons have surround the girl and before I can do something the demons start to blow up. That's when I looked up and saw him and I guess I found out who my partner is it's Tommy, oh why is faith so cruel to me why.

"oh great I'm stuck with you for a team mate... well at least your where you should be on the floor in dirt ahahah." Tommy laughed

I picked myself up and dusted myself off "shut the hell up okay!" I yelled and that's when I remember the little girl so I walked up to her, "hey you okay?" I ask

But she was scared and didn't say anything "it's okay I'm not going to hurt you, you can trust me okay" I said with a smile and that's when she told me "it's not you I'm scared of it's THEM!" she yelled and pointed at these nasty demons that had huge claws and razor teeth like they had been metadata. "yea those guys look scary even for demons." I said

"oh please let you don't look at that thing in the marrow and freak out." Tommy said

"okay now is not the time for this!" I yelled at Tommy and than I throw my hands up to try to freeze them but they fight it off. "okay so I can't freeze them" I said

"that's cause your weak and dumb I mean why freeze them when you just do this..." Tommy said and than tried to blow up one of them but it just moved back a little

"yea and that's why I tried to freeze cause if that didn't have much effect on them than blowing them up would only do so much..." I said as I rolled my eyes "okay plan B run" I said

"run?" Tommy asked "to where?"

"I don't know anywhere... unless you want to die let's move!" I yelled

so we ran not knowing where we were going but just away from those nasty things. Tommy stopped so we all stopped.

"what why did you stop?" I asked

"because why are we running when you can orb..." he said

"okay 1. I wouldn't know where to orb to 2. Running so we don't get killed 3. There is no 3 just run." I said

"you two fight a lot..." the little girl said

"yea I know but our life's are in danger right now so can we run now please." I said pick the girl up and throwing her over my shoulder and we all start running again. We ran until we hit a dead end.

"great mister let's run like we're chickens with our heads cut off." Tommy says sarcastically "now we're really dead!"

the demons found us and started to walk up to us and I put the girl down and me and Tommy got ready to try and blast them but two blow up but not by us. Than I saw lighten being thrown from my cousin Kris and Warren throw two energy balls and killed the last ones. I took a deep sigh of relief that they came to our aid and I saw they had a little boy about the same age as the girl.

"okay thank god you two came" I said

"why I would have taken those things on my own if you didn't want to run away." Tommy said

(yea and you would have gotten your ass killed and along with me and this little girl) I think to myself (you know it's not nice to think bad things about your friend, even if their wrong.) I heard someone say to me but in my head I looked around but didn't see anyone (I'm right here) the person said again (where and who are you and how and what are you doing n my head?) I ask (it's me hope) they said (hope who?) I ask and that's when I felt someone grab my hand and it was the little girl. I just stared at her and she just smiled, before I could ask her what was going on she just shsed me. The others were talking so I pulled her aside to speak with her.

"okay so your name is Hope and you have telepathy?" I ask

"yes." Hope say

"so you're a witch than?" I ask

"I'm not able to answer that or any other question regarding who I am but I can help you and your friend get out of here before the others do." She said and walks back to the group.

I walk up to Tommy to tell him "umm we have to get out of this maze before the others do or we'll lose."

"like I didn't know already." Tommy says I just roll my eyes

"okay we now that we're done here we got' a go win later" Kris say and they run off

"hey that's cheating!" I yell "so where to Hope?"

"this way and hurry." she says and runs off

"hey wait you should run to far from us what if those demons come back!?" I yell but she was already to far to hear so we run after her

"great you lost her." Tommy says

"no WE did." I says

just than the demons jump out oh nowhere and try to attack us. We do our best to fight them off but their way stronger so we start running again. We ran for hours and what felt like in circles until I fall into this hole in the ground that was big like 11x11 it must have been a room that lead to under ground tunnels.

"hey Tommy help!!!" I yelled

"help you sorry but your just slowing me down, I have to win this so later!" he said and ran off

I was in shock that he did this but that didn't last long because two of those things jumped down in the hole with me. I try to blow one up but it was no use it just got pushed back and I think the more I do it the more use they get. one came flying at me and knocked me down I tried to fight it off and hold its claw from ripping off my face. I some how manage to push it off me when I thought if I wasn't strong enough to kill it I would have to try to get them to kill each other. So I dodge their claws and I pushed one into the other one killing one of them, which now leaves me with one more I have no clue how to kill. I try to blow it up again but noting, I try to dodge the claws but it slashed me and I fell to the ground. Just when I thought it was the end for me I saw someone that was bathed in light, they told me to get up and focus all me energy into the center of the demon so I got up and closed my eyes and focus hard I felt a wave up power come over me and just was the demon was about to develiver the final slash I opened my eyes and blow it up. Just than I remember Tommy left me to die, but I remember that I wasn't the first time he did this. I should probably take this time while I found my way out of here to tell the story of why we are the way we are today. This stories take back to when we're we little kid growing up, I used to live in San Francisco before I moved to New York and grow up with the Halliwells and the Jones, and back in the day Tommy and I were best friends but to those around us we were like brothers. I remember that all changed the day I realized I was in love with Wyatt I mean can you blame me he had the cute face killer smile, eyes as blue as the ocean, and a hot body and personality, even as a kid he had the package. Now I know it's dumb for you and your best friend to fight over the same guy and especially at the ages of 9-10 I mean you're a kid, but I did and I knew I'd never find someone like him. So at night Tommy and I did what we always do and climb the ruff and looked at the night sky and talk.

"that's what I'm going to be someday." I said pointing up "what?" Tommy asked

"a star, well not like those ones in the sky but like a TV. and stuff." I smiled

"really I bet you'll do it you can do anything you're the best!" Tommy said okay so he didn't say that but hey. All he said was "oh that's nice." That's the thing about Tommy something he just doesn't seem to into things that seem so far out of reach but I'm a dreamer and dream big. And than he asked me something I was shocked that he would ask, he asked "do you believe in love?" now I'm not to sure if anyone at that age believes in much other than Mc. Donald's being the best thing and wish they could play video games forever so to ask about love was like whoa. But I did but I couldn't tell him so I lied and said "no I don'tÉ" and he asked "why not?" and that's when I got up and walk to the edge of the house and said "cause I don't want to die a broken heart". My parents got devoiced so no need to explain why I don't believe in love but deep down I did. Tommy was shocked that I said that and asked "what if someone in the future tells you they love you and want to be with you? what would you do?" it's so funny we would be having a convo like this after we watched Practical Magic for like the 100th time and that's when I did the spell the Sandra Bullocks did when she was a little girl. but I did tell him "I believe I like someone" "who?" Tommy asked "mmmm Wyatt" I blushed, but something was weird after I told him I just felt it and than next day changed everything . Tommy was acting weird like not himself , he was more distance from me and kind of mean but I blow it off. I told him last night that I was going to tell Wyatt I liked him just to see what would happen but I really wanted to know what was wrong with Tommy so I pulled him aside and asked him but all he said was "nothing" and I was going to ask him if he was sure when demons shimmered in and attacked us we try to freeze them cause at the time that was the only thing we could do but it only froze their attacks . Just than Tommy pushed me and ran away I was so terrafiled I didn't know what to do. I just froze until my mother came in and killed the demons, after the attacked finally ended we all get together to much sure everyone and the kids were fine but I wasn't at least not inside. That's when I saw Tommy and Wyatt in the back yard and Tommy kissed Wyatt, I knew from there on we're were no longer friends. I couldn't believe what was happening, first my best friend left me for dead, and than he kiss the boy I liked, this was all too much I felt like the inside of me was going to pour out of me in any and every way it could but the only thing that happen was my crying uncontrollable. Now this was my first time being in a demon fight or anything I mean I grow up with this so everyone knew something was wrong but I just couldn't stop crying enough to say anything. When Wyatt and Tommy came back inside Wyatt came over to see what was wrong but I didn't say anything, but when I saw Tommy next to him the tears stop and my sadness turn into rage and I got up and I punched Tommy dead in the nose and broke it and he fall to the fall bleeding. Now I wanted to do more and I almost did but my mother grabbed me and Tommy's mother grabbed him. After we all clamed down and stopped Tommy's nose from bleed I went to him in the bathroom and told him I saw him kiss Wyatt, but more importantly I couldn't believe he almost got me killed and told him from these day on we're no longer friends and I want nothing to do with him! I told my mother I wanted to move back to New York but she didn't so I casted a spell and we moved but not before I casted another spell and I called it "a lose touch spell" which I thought would only effect Tommy but it also effected the Halliwell's, thus bringing us to the now and where we are in everything. But now I have no choice but to work with my foe but I'm playing for myself now I mean isn't Tommy so why not me to but the differences between us two from who I was to now I don't look the other way so Tommy WATCH OUT!!!

Next: Chapter 14

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