Because I Was Bad

By moc.oohay@04_loocllat

Published on Apr 7, 2004



I am driving down the road and you have been home from your trip a couple days. We have talked a couple times since you have been back and you have expressed your unhappiness with my behavior. My phone rings and it is you calling me. I answer and you tell me I should come to visit you. I am so excited and tell you I will be there in a couple hours. You tell me to wait in my car when I get there for you would like to talk to me before I go into the house.

I arrive in your driveway and wait as you come out of the house and walk over to the car. I open the door and step out of the vehicle. I extend my arms out to greet you and you give me a big hug. Kissing me softly on my cheek. You tell me I have been a very bad boy lately and you have been thinking of how you were going to handle this.

I apologize and tell you how sorry I am for my behavior and that I hoped you would forgive me and if i could make it up to you in any way I would do my best to make it up to you. You smile and touch my face with your hand. It feels so warm and nice on my cheek. You stroke my face with your hand and smile and tell me , ohhhh Darrell you are going to pay for what you have done. This is why I have asked you here.You then slap my face just enoughfor me to feel the sting of your slap. You then say, So you like to play with your cock and not stop when you are told. You know you have to be taught a lesson for this nasty behavior now don't you. I smile a little and yes, yes ma'am i certainly do. And what ever my punishment is to be I will take it like a man.

You walk me to the door of the house my hand in yours. As we enter into the home you stop me and tell me that you have thought about this and if I do not do as Iam told and exactly as I am told you will punish me ver severely. Again you take my hand and walk me into the other room where I find Alice, Donna, Debbie, and a number of your other friends. I feel very uncomfortable at this point knowing many here do not approve of me. You walk me to the center of the room and stand me there telling me not to move. You are all sitting in a circle around me now. I feel the looks from everyone as if I were to be burned at the stake any minute. You introduce each person to me and then ask me to tell everyone why I was there. I tell everyone that you had called and asked me to come. This is not a good answer Darrell you say. Tell everyone why I asked you here. Tell them exactly what you did for me to have asked you here. My heart beats faster and I swallow hard as I think of how I am going to tell everyone what I had done.

My head lowers to the floor and I start by saying , I was very bad while Janis was at her parents house. Donna's voice rings out and tells me to lift my head and speak clearly as I confess my wrong dongs. Then I hear your voice saying, you do as you are told Darrell. Just as you are told. I respond, yes ma'am exactly as I am told. I then tell everyone that you had called me and how I was so excited to hear your voice. I tell them how I felt you were unhappy with the way things were going at your parents house. And that I thought maybe I could do something to cheer you up and how I teased you and played with my cock. How I heard you a number of times telling me to stop and not to tease you. But I continued to ignore your requests and took my cock out of my jeans and jacked off until I came. Knowing your parents were there and your sister and the girls. Alice now speaks up and says, you are a nasty boy aren't you!! Don't you think you should have stopped when Janis told you to? I think Janis is right, you do need to learn a lesson here. You ask then, and Alice how do you think we should teach Darrell a lesson? Alice ponders for a moment then say I think Darrell seems to like to cum and play with his cock. I think he should show us all how he does this. You smile and ask the others if they think that is what should be done. They all agree and you turn to me. Darrel I think you should unbutton that shirt you are wearing. I hesitate for a second and I hear you again tell me I told youto undo the shirt now Darrell. I undo the buttons till my short is open and stand waiting for yournext order. Your hand reaches up and pinches my nipple lightly at first then with more pressure until my teeth are clenched tight and you ask me, you like that don't you my bad whore. Yes ma'am I do like it I say with my voice shacking from the hard pinch I feel.

You now instruct me to undo one of the buttons of my jeans. I do without hesitation this time. then another at your request then again another until the are all undone. I stand before you and your friend now my shirt open and jeans unbuttoned. You walk up close to me and reach your hand into the front of my jeans. You look at me and ask why is your cock not hard Darrell. I am ashamed and embarrassed and my eyes and head look to the floor. You take my ponytail in your hand and pull my head back up straight and tell me to answer your question. I Am sorry mistress I am embarrassed and my cock will not get hard. You laugh and tell me to drop my jeans to my knees and show everyone my little cock. My face flushed and red i slowly pull them down until the are around my knees. Debbie speaks up and says Darrell has no underwear on. My little soft cock dangles there as i feel the heat of my embarrassment overwhelm me and a bead of sweat runs down my forehead. I stand there feeling so embarrassed and foolish. You ask me if i feel dumb with my little cock hanging out for everyone to see. I say yes ma'am I do. And how do you think I felt when you wouldn't stop playing with your cock. You pull my shirt off of my shoulders and throw it to the floor. Now show us how you play with it Darrell. Make it nice and hard for us.

I take my soft little cock in my hand and stroke it. Trying hard to make it erect. You walk off into the kitchen and tell me not to stop playing while you are gone. I stand before all and play with my cock as you are away. i feel myself getting slightly hard now. Donna speaks and says, off look he is getting hard now. Janis's little slut is getting hard. You now come walking back into the room carrying something in your hands. It a wooden flat spoon from the kitchen. You walk up to me and ask me if I know what this is for. I say yes ma'am I think I do. you ask again what is it for then Darrell tell us why you think I brought this out here. I tell everyone I think Janis has brought this wooden spoon out here so that she can punish me for being such a nasty, dirty , bad boy. You agree and say very good Darrell. And what do you want me to do with this now Darrell? I look into your sexy eyes and ask you to please slap my cock with your spoon. I lean back some so my cock is in a position so you can slap it with your spoon. You slap it with a crack and smile. Please do it once again Janis I ask. And why should I do it again you ask. I am a bad and nasty boy and I deserve it Mistress. Yes you do slut yes you do comes your reply.

Still standing my jeans down around my knees I hear a door close in the other room and wonder who is here. You all look and are wondering to. You tell me not to move and go to see who has come in. I hear your voice greet someone and wait to see who it might be. Within a couple minutes you are coming back into the room and say Look everyone john is here. You are guiding him into the room by the hand. As he enters into the room his eyes stare at me with wonder. You smile and tell him this is Darrell and he has been a very bad boy. We are teaching him a lesson in behavior. He will learn today to do as he is told. Maybe you should observe and maybe you will learn a lesson to. you stand him right in front of me and tell me to take my jeans completely off. I do as I am told and now stand naked. You look to your friend Donna and ask if she has brought what you asked her to bring. She nods and say yes Janis I surely did. She reaches for a small hand bag and reaches inside. I look in wonder thinking what could she have there. I know it can't be good for me. She pulls out a long thick dildo and a strap to fit it on. I know now its a strap on and I surely am going to be taught a sever lesson for my misbehavior. You look to me and ask do you know what that is Darrell? I say yes ma'am I know. Tell john what it is and how we are going to us it. I look at john and tell him, Janis has had Donna bring a strap on so she can fuck me in the ass for being, and you interrupt me and say, Janis Darrell. We are all going to fuck you in the ass with that big cock. I look with a worried look to you and you smile and say do you not think you deserve to be fucked for what you have done. Yes ma'am I deserve what every my punishment should be because I know it for my own good.

John with curiosity asked if he was to watch as you all fuck me. No you answer to him you will have your cock in Darrell's mouth as we fuck him. You have never had your cock sucked and I think its time you did. And Darrell likes to suck cock and he will suck your cock really good for you. You then hand me the strap on and tell me to help Alice on with it. I do as I am told. Alice pinches my ear in her fingertips and pulls it close to her mouth and whispers, I am going to fuck you so hard you slut.

You then have me stand again in the middle of the room and bend forward with my hands on my ankles. Spreading my legs wide. As I lean forward I feel your hand on my ass. You slide it over my buns warming them with your hand. I feel your finger run down the crack of my ass and stop at my asshole. You push your finger in my ass and push it in deep. You like that don't you Darrell? Tell everyone how you like this Darrell. As your finger fucks my tight asshole I tell everyone yes I do like my ass fucked. Yes you do DarrelL don't you? you say. You now pull your finger from my asshole and stick it in my mouth telling me to clean your finger for you. I suck it into my mouth and my tongue licks around it cleaning your finger good for you.

Alice now standing behind me with this big cock strapped to her she touches it to my asshole. You stand John up and tell me to undo his pants and take his cock out and make it good and hard. I do so he has a small cock and he gets hard very quickly. I play with it with my hands fist then pull him closer to me so I can take it in my mouth. It is small in my mouth and as I suck it in deep i feel Alice push the head of the dildo into my asshole. I gasp a bit as my asshole get used to its size. she then pushes with a thrust and the full length of her strap on is deep inside me. I gasp again and suck Johns cock in hard. As Alice fucks me hard my head pushes down over Johns cock with every thrust. she fucks me hard for a bit then then pulls this big dildo out of my ass. She then hands it to Donna so she to can fuck me , then to Debbie. All the while I am being fucked I am sucking John little cock. He is enjoying my mouth as he is now holding my head in his hands and fucking my mouth like a pussy. I can see you sitting in a chair out of the corner of my eye. You have a big smile on your lips and I can tell you are enjoying watching me. After all have had their turn you ow strap this cock on and position yourself behind me. I hear you say Darrell now you are going to make John cum as I fuck you. The longer it takes you the harder I am going to fuck you. With that you push the full length into my ass. Ohhhhhh I moan as I feel its full length in me. I suck John so good now licking his cock sucking it so good for him. Your stroke is slow at first but continues to gain speed and thrust as I suck his cock. Soon you are slamming that big cock up my ass and I am sucking John for all I am worth wanting to make him cum.

I feel Johns body stiffen up and I know he is close. I suck him and stroke his cock with my mouth. My lips tight around it. Your fucking me so hard now. Your friends all cheering you on.

He comes finally. He shoots his cum in my mouth and he seems to not stop. I think to myself it has been awhile since he has cum. My mouth is full of his cum and I can hardly swallow it all. I can feel it run down the side of my mouth. Dripping from my chin. Ohhh Has Darrell made you cum John you ask. Ohhh yes he says I have cum. Did Darrell do a good job of sucking you John you ask. Yes he did a good job. Would you like to fuck Darrellin his ass to John? John smiles but says nothing. You smile to and say ohhh yes I think you do John. Who whats to see John fuck Darrell you ask everyone and they all say they want to. You tell me to get on my knees and lay my head on the floor. I do my ass high in the air and my legs spread wide. John straddles behind me and his cock still hard slides up into my ass hole. I squeeze my ass tight around his small cock. You are crouched down beside me stroking my hair as John fucks me. Everyone is watching waiting for John to shoot his load in my ass. He is fucking me fast and hard. I can feel his hands shaking as he squeezes my ass. He lets out a loud moan and I can feel his hot cum squirting in my ass. When he is done cumming he rest for a moment with his cock still in my ass. You did a very good job Darrell. Have you learned a lesson today now Darrell. I say yes ma'ama good lesson yes ma'am. John now pulls his cock from my asshole and I can feel his cumm leaking from my ass. You run your finger up the crack of my ass cleaning his cum up and then stick your finger in my mouth and say I know you don't want to miss a drop do you my little slut? And I shake my head no as I lick your finger clean.

With that everyone gets up and leaves. Including John. We are now alone. You sit back in a nice soft chair and tell me how good I was and now you want me to come and lick your pussy for it is so wet. I knees down between your legs and touch my finger to your wetness. Feeling your hard clit with the tip of my finger. I rub it lightly and I can tell you are liking what I am doing by your soft moans of pleasure. I lean in close and my tongue licks up the lips of your hot pussy. I suck your Little clit into my lips and suck it like a little cock. My finger slowly fucks your pussy as I lick you. I feel you hand clench my hair and you pull me tight to your pussy. You throw your legs up over my shoulders and the rhythm of your body makes me lick and suck your pussy ummmm tasting your sweetness. I feel your legs tighten around my head as your begin to cum. You moans get louder and your hand clenches my hair tight.

You moan a long and satisfied moan of pleasure and lay back in the chair. I crawl up and lay my head onyour chest. I love you Janis and I will always listen when I am told. Thank you for teaching me this valuable lesson today. With that you stroke my hair and tell me I was a good boy.

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