Beautiful Tragedy

By moc.loa@66yrdsraeT

Published on Jul 5, 2007


Hey everyone. Well, judging from the prologue this story is going to be doing pretty good. So, we'll see. Here is the first chapter, which goes back a few months before the prologue. The story its self will work it's way up to where the story started, so tune in and keep an eye out for it, I hope you enjoy, and I hope to hear from all of you who take the time to read. Enjoy.

Beautiful Tragedy: Through His Eyes

**************************** Chapter One ****************************** Summer = Freedom




"Hello?" I whisper half asleep as I place my cell phone up against my ear and try to let my eyes adjust to the darkness of the room. I listen for a long silence but hear no answer. I take a deep breath, clear my throat and sit up slightly. "Hello?" I say again as I rub the sleep from my eyes with the back of my right hand.

"Hey babe." The sound of my boyfriend's voice makes my heart skip a beat.

"Alex? What time is it?" I ask as I glance over at the clock on the bedside dresser. "Shit... it's 2:30 am. Is everything alright?" I ask starting to feel a little worried.

"No. Nothing's wrong. I just wanted to call you. I like the way you sound when you first wake up." He says.

I take in another deep breath and lay back down in bed. "Alex, I have finals tomorrow. I really need to rest to be able to pass them. I can't afford to fail them or my GPA..."

"Will lower and you wont get into Princeton, I know." he says cutting me off and laughing softly. "You're so cute when you're serious. I'll let you get

back to sleep."

"Okay..." I whisper softly, although now a part of me doesn't want him to hang up now that I'm awake.

"Oh hey, before I hang up. Tomorrow's the last day of school and all, do you want to hang out? We could catch a movie, or get something to eat... or both?"

Alex says.

"That's fine." I answer as I wipe my eyes again and yawn.

"Okay. I'll meet you in the student parking lot at three then. I love you River." he says.

"I love you too." I say back before hanging up and placing it back under my pillow.

The first day of summer vacation officially began fifteen minutes ago. The whole student body at Easton High cheered and applauded when the dismissal bell rang. Another school year had come to an end and now the long, hot days of summer would consume our lives. To most of the students and teachers in Easton, they were more than thrilled to have finally finished off the year. No more

homework, grading papers, gross cafeteria food or studying for exams. Normally for me, the first day of summer vacation marked the first day of hell, but not this year. Not only was today the last day of my high school life, but it was also my eighteenth birthday. I make my way out to the student parking lot to meet up with Alex, like I said I would last night. A moment later a black sedan pulls up beside me.

"Hey you." Maya says smiling as she rolls down the passenger side window. Lena and I have been friends since the six grade. She's pretty much the only preppy friend I have, but that doesn't make me love her ant less. "Want a ride?"

I smile back at her as I approach the car. "No, I'm waiting for Alex." I answer as I drop my messenger bag down in front of me.

"You sure?" she asks as she glances up at the rear view mirror and runs her fingers through her strawberry blonde hair.

I bite at the metal ring in my bottom lip. "Yeah, I promised him we would hang out today." I answer as I stand up straight and quickly scan the parking lot for his car, but it's nowhere to be found.

"Alright then sweetie." she says as she reaches for her purse and pulls it into her lap. "You'll call me later and fill me in on your date right?" she says with a smile as she takes a piece of gum from her purse then returns it to it's place on the floor.

"Yeah sure, Maya." I answer as I pick up my messenger bag from the floor and throw it over my right shoulder, slowly taking a step back from her car. She

looks at me and winks before turning the key in the ignition. "I'll be waiting." she says playfully as she puts the piece of gum in her mouth. "Oh, and lover boy is right behind you." she points at something behind me.

I turn around just as Alex's midnight blue Ford Mustang turns into the student parking lot. A moment later, the car pulls up beside me, boxing me in between his and Maya's car. "Hey you." Alex says as he leans over to open the passenger side door. "Hey Maya."

"Hey there, sexy." She says flashing him one of her flawless pearly white smiles.

I get into Alex's car and turn to look at him. He looks great today; dark blue jeans, a white and blue button down, short sleeve shirt - But then again he

always looks good. He looks at me with those gorgeous hazel eyes of his and smiles. "What? I don't get a kiss?" he asks pouting his lips which only makes me want to kiss him even more.

"Of course you do." I answer as I lean closer to him, slowly placing my hand on his right knee as I feel his lips come in contact with mine. I take a deep breath before kissing him again, only this time I can feel his hand on the lower part of my back. A second later Maya squeals which makes me pull away from Alex to look at her. "What was all that about?" I ask trying to keep myself from laughing.

She smiles. "You two are just so cute." She says putting on her sunglasses. "Well hey y'all, I got to go. I have plans with Chris later on tonight. Got to get ready for that." She looks at herself in the mirror again to make sure her hair is perfect. "You boys be safe now." She says winking as she pulls away.

I shake my head and smile softly to myself as I turn to look at my boyfriend, who is already looking at me. "What?" I ask as I lean back against the passenger seat.

"Nothing." he answers returning the smile. "Where do you want to go? Today' s your day. We'll do whatever you want."

I think for a little bit not really sure about where I want to go. Alex knows that I don't like it when he has me pick where we're going to hang out. I think that's why he makes me do it. "Um... We can go to West Point?" I say as I set my bag in between my legs.

"Fine with me." he answers as he turns the key in the ignition and pulls out of the student parking lot.

West Point is the only mall within two hours of Easton. It's actually too small to even be called a mall; it has less than forty stores and restaurants - but it does have a movie theater, even though it only plays 4 or 5 different movies depending on the day of the week. We walk into the mall, Alex's hand is in my back pocket as mine is in his. We do some window shopping for a little while, looking at the latest fashion in Easton which is a few years out-dated. It's not too crowded, even though it's a Friday night- which is fine with me. I hate being around large groups of people. But normally, West Point is


After about an hour, Alex buys me and him a pretzel and we find a bench in front of the water fountain to eat. Easton is a small town and is very religious-community-orientated. Of course that doesn't stop either me or Alex from our display of public affection. I mean, if you're going to be in a relationship with someone, why hide it? When we finish with the pretzels, we walk around a little more, take a few pictures in one of the 4 photo booths that are scattered around the mall, then find a table outside of China Garden, so we can have dinner and stare up at the stars.

I look at Alex as I place my hand down on the table. He smiles and takes my hand in his, gently caressing the palm of my hand with his thumb. "Thanks for taking me out tonight, Alex. I had a lot of fun." I say as I look deep into his eyes.

"I did too. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself." He answers now holding my hand with both of his. "Listen, River... um... there's something I've been meaning to talk to you about," I look at him and my heart feels like it's about to freeze. "I've been thinking about this for sometime now."

I take a deep breath and pull my hand away from him. "You're not breaking up with me, are you?" I say cutting him off. My voice cracks as try to remain calm.

He looks at me and laughs softly. "No baby, why would I leave the greatest thing that's ever happened to me?" he asks comfortingly as I takes my hand back into his. "No. What I wanted to talk to you about is about our relationship, but not about ending it."

I feel the weight lift off my shoulders and let out a deep breath completely relieved. "Okay..."

"You know how I got my new job working for my cousin's wife and all, and now I have my own place?" he asks looking directly into my eyes.

I swallow the large lump in my throat because I think I already know what he' s going to ask. "Yeah." I force myself to say.

"Well... I've been living there a little over a month now... and, it gets pretty boring having all this space to myself. And I wanted to know... if 'd like to move in with me?"

I look at him in disbelief as I jump to my feet. "Of course I would! I'd love to." I say as I wrap my arms tightly around him.

"Yeah?" he says as he wraps his strong arms around my waist and holds me there.

"Yes." I say hugging him again. I look up at him and he smiles at me before leaning closer to kiss me. I smile against his lips as I lean into the kiss, kissing him back. So far my summer was started out great.

Alex drives me home and turns the engine off. "I'm really glad you said yes. " he says.

"Alex, why wouldn't I have? I mean, this is taking our relationship to a very serious step." I answer as he starts playing with my hair.

"I was just afraid that maybe you weren't ready for that yet."

"No, I am." I say as I move closer to him. "I couldn't possibly ask to be with someone else." I kiss him softly on the lips. He smiles and pulls me closer so that I'm sitting in his lap. He puts his hands on my hips as he kisses me, my heart is pounding in my chest. My fingers slowly find their way under his shirt as I gently touch his firm, perfectly toned abs. He slowly pulls away from me to remove his shirt, tossing it in the now empty passenger seat. I run my fingers down his smooth, ash toned chest. He pulls me closer to his chest and starts playfully biting at my neck as he presses down firmly on my hips. "Stay the night with me..." he whispers in my ear as he moves his hands up and down my legs.

I take a breath and look at him. "I-I can't..." I whisper breathless as I lean down to kiss his collar bone.

"Why do you tease me like this?" he asks as I run my fingers through his thick black hair.

"I don't mean to." I answer as I place a hand on both sides of his face and kiss him softly. "I should go."

"Tomorrow then?" he whispers biting playfully at my lip ring.

"Tomorrow." I say as I feel for the door handle and open the door. Alex holds on to my arm so I don't fall as I get out of the car. Once I'm out and standing on the sidewalk, he hand me my bag, then grabs me by my shirt and pulls

me down to kiss me good night.

"I love you, River." he says as his eyes lock with mine.

"I love you too."

"Oh... and happy birthday, Riv." he says smiling.

"Thank you." I answer, kissing him one last time before walking towards the Oak Street apartment complex. When I get to apartment 2B, I reach in my pocket for my key and then open the door. All the lights are on and I see my mother standing in the kitchen wearing her night gown.

"Where the fuck have you been?" she snaps as I close the door behind me.

"Hello to you too." I say hanging my messenger bag on the little hook behind the front door.

"Don't give me that attitude." she says angrily as she walks into the living room with a glass of what looks like tequila. "Where have you been?"

"I was out." I answer walking by her.


"A friend."

"Who?" she asks getting angrier.

"It's none of your business." I say.

She grabs my arm and makes me look at her. "Who the fuck were you with, River. I demand to know right now!" she screams and I can smell the alcohol on her breath.

"I was with Alex." I say trying hard to hold back my anger. "There? Happy now?"

"I don't like that boy, he's a bad influence on you. I don't ever want you seeing him again, do you hear me?" she says putting her glass down on the coffee table.

I try to keep myself from laughing. "First of all, he's not a boy... he's 21.

Second of all, you can't tell me who I can and cannot hang out with. I'm eighteen now, or are you too busy drinking away your life to realize that." I say frustrated as I pull away from her and start walking towards my room.

"Don't you dare speak to me in that tone, I am your mother." she snaps. " And look at me when I am talking to you." she shouts.

I stop to look at her when I reach my bedroom door. "As of tomorrow, you're nothing to me." I say as I go in my room and slam the door shut and lock it. My mom pounds at the door and scream at me for a good 20 minutes before giving up. When my father died four years ago, my mother became a completely different person. She started drinking and using drugs - and on top of that she started getting abusive with me. I'd be in my room minding my own business and she'd come in and slap me for no reason at all. When I came out to her a year and a half ago, I got the worst beating of my life. I guess she thought maybe she could "beat" the gay out of me.

I open my closet door and pull out a large suitcase, I figure I might as well pack now so I can leave in the morning before she wakes up. It takes me about two hours to pack all my stuff and put it by the door. I lay down in bed, staring down at my cell phone. My life is going to be different now, I'm finally going to be away from my mother and with the man I love. What else could I

possibly ask for?

Well that's it for now. Let me know what you all think. (

Next: Chapter 3

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