Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 7, 2020


At long last, a crescendo. Feedback appreciated.

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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 9 By Jeff Ennig

After I saw Ollie and Jake come in to the shop for their hangover brunch, I trudged on with a somewhat long afternoon of dealing with administrative nonsense and hassle. I got it all straightened out, and made my way home around 3 o'clock.

Walking in the door, and peeking my head into the bedroom, I saw the sweet young rascal passed out in bed, sleeping off a bit more of his hangover. I'd let the boy sleep a touch longer, while I started on making a special dinner for him and me as a continuation of Ollie's 18th birthday celebration. I had stopped by a pastry shop earlier in the day to pick up a special dessert, and popped open the fridge to check that it was still intact. It was.

An hour or so into my playing around in the kitchen, Ollie came walking out of the bedroom, bleary-eyed and bare-chested, wearing only a pair of sweats.

"Mm, what smells good, Jeff?"

"Just a little surprise for my very special young friend Oliver. I thought one day was simply not sufficient for celebrating an 18th birthday. You feeling better?"

"Yeah, much. That extra nap did wonders. Wow, I drank way too much."

"Well, that's what frat parties are good for. I'm just so glad you had fun. And I suppose you spent most of the night drinking nothing but piss beer, am I right?"

"Yup, pretty much. Jake told me you're kind of a beer snob and that I should act my age and be like the cool kids. So now I'm torn."

"Yeah, that sounds like him. Jake is all frat boy, and proud of it. What is the beer staple of that species these days? It was Natty Ice the last I heard."

"Well, I shotgunned PBRs, but I'm not sure what was in the keg."

"Ooh, yeah, PBR is an acquired taste. And it doesn't matter what was in the keg, I guess. They're all the same. Here, ignore his advice and let me corrupt you back into beer snobbery. You can hold your nose and drink that piss when you're around frat parties. But that's not gonna fly at my place. Just take a sip of this and tell me what you think. It's what we'll be pairing with dinner."

"Wow! That is kinda funky, but... really good! What is it and why is it red?"

"It's a raspberry sour. One of my favorites. And it'll go really well with what we're having. Glad you approve. We'll keep that set aside for when we're ready to eat. In the meantime, I think you need a manly cocktail to start a little happy hour with. Ever had a Manhattan?"

"No. What's in it?"

"Simple drink, just whiskey, a little vermouth, and a dash of bitters. You're a man now, time for you to drink like one."

I poured us each a glass from the cocktail mixer, and raised my glass to the birthday boy. "Here's to you, kiddo. Every time I look at you, my heart is full of joy for having you around."

"Cheers! Thanks, Jeff."

I watched intently as he took a small sip of his drink, taking in the full vision of his beauty in that moment as I savored my own drink. Now that I've had a chance to explore the rest of him, I know that every square inch of the boy was simply flawless, from his golden-tanned, teenage smooth skin to the perfect symmetry of his face, his chiseled jaw and chin, gently sloping nose, cute little tucked-in ears, and heart-stoppingly rich brown eyes, to his strong, thin neck, his broad young shoulders, his thin but toned and developing arms, his lightly-defined, smooth chest and tantalizingly flat and partly-defined four-pack abs, his shapely V and mouth-watering treasure trail leading down to -- Dang it! He was wearing sweats. I wanted to rip those off him right then and there. -- I interrupted my own lost-in-thought trance with this jarring realization as I looked back up to meet Ollie's eyes looking back at me as he smiled before taking another sip.

"Checking me out again, Jeff?" He chuckled as he looked back at me.

"What do you mean, again? I'm never not checking you out, Ollie. Not to embarrass you, kiddo, but you're quite possibly the most beautiful boy, er, man I've ever laid eyes on. And it doesn't hurt one bit that I've been learning more and more about just how beautiful you are on the inside too."

"Normally I'm not a fan of being called 'beautiful', but it somehow sounds right coming from you, Jeff."

"Good. It better. Because it's the right word for the situation."

We continued making pleasant small talk for a bit as we savored our cocktails, before I realized that I really needed to return to my work in the kitchen. "Ok, kiddo, I need to hop to it here. So let me top you off here, and you take your drink and enjoy it somewhere where I can't see you. I get too distracted if I keep looking at you. Go play with Tom and Jerry or something."

Ollie took his refilled cocktail glass and disappeared into the library, and I saw the kittens follow him in. It was nice the little turkeys had taken such a shine to the boy.

As I busied myself in the kitchen, I sipped away at my Manhattan while I read up on the latest news from my phone, keeping a watchful eye on the food as I read. Yup, I successfully verified that the world was still screwed up. Check. A little more than an hour later, as evening set in, dinner was ready.

I called out to the young beauty in the library, and he came out into the hallway and made his way to the dining room, still bare-chested and in sweats, obviously commando. He flexed his biceps and pecs a few times as he walked, making my nether-regions stir a bit. I was struck by how gracefully he was moving, sauntering his way almost seductively toward the table. Normally, if I was setting out a formal meal for a special occasion, I would expect the 'No Shirt, No Shoes, No Service' rule to apply, but for Ollie, I was more than willing to make an exception. Don't mess with art, I am fond of saying.

Once we were both seated, I raised my glass to another toast to the man of the hour and wished him bon appetit.

"Ooh, thank you, Jeff. This looks great." As he took the first few bites, he cried out, "Wow, that's amazing. What's in this?"

"It's just a little chicken, risotto, and asparagus I threw together."

"Oh, come on! There's gotta be more to it than that!"

"Well, a little of this and a little of that. I don't like sounding pretentious. I just like making things that taste good, especially when it's a special occasion for someone I care about."

"Well, you succeeded. Thank you, Jeff. Best birthday dinner ever!"

"I'm glad, kiddo. So how does it feel to be officially an adult?"

"Pretty good. I felt kind of adulty just now, sitting in the library with a Manhattan and finishing up a British novel."

"Yeah, that does sound pretty 'adulty'. Was it Brideshead you finished?"

"Yeah. I couldn't put it down."

"I had no idea you were such a fast reader. That's cool. Well, I hope it goes without saying that you should help yourself to whatever you want to read next."

"Ok, yeah, thanks. I think I can see why that's one of your favorite books, too. I really got sucked in. But, um, question, are we supposed to think Charles is gay?"

"I guess the question isn't really that interesting to me, really. At least no more interesting than when people try to throw around labels like that for me or people close to me. For me, the Brideshead story carries so much appeal because I relate to the intense passion that Charles seems to feel toward Sebastian. The ins and outs of reading between the lines to guess at how they may or may not have expressed that passion is just like unnecessary extra gravy to me."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I guess I think the same, I just didn't have the words for it."

"Well, I have read it three times through, so I've had time to formulate an opinion or two."

"Good point. So, Jeff, speaking of passionate relationships, I had a really long talk with Jake out on the porch of his frat house last night."

"Oh yeah? That sounds pretty deep."

"It really was. He helped me to understand about the bond you and he share. I've watched you guys together, more than just, you know, that one time, and I can see he really has a lot of respect for you, and I can see you really care about him."

"Yeah, I'd say that's a pretty fair description of what he and I are all about."

"Well, it got me thinking. I'd really like to have that kind of passionate bond too. Like, with you," he said as his eyes darted downward with uncertainty for a brief flash, before slowly coming back up and meeting my gaze squarely.

"I'd like that, kiddo," I said as I held his gaze and peered back into his heart-meltingly beautiful brown eyes, staring deeply into his soul as he stared back into mine. We sat like this in silence, looking into each other's eyes for what seemed like days, although it was probably only a few seconds.

My heart began to beat heavily, nearly bursting out of my chest, flooding my entire body with passion and excitement at the prospect of at last fully consummating the bond that was developing between me and this stunningly gorgeous 18-year-old boy who sat before me.

At last, Ollie broke the silence first. "Jeff, you should know, you'll be taking my virginity."

I was blown away by this. I had assumed the kid had been a bit of a player back home, before whatever drama that befell him had upended his existence and landed him at the door to my cafe last Sunday night. I had felt increasingly certain that I was getting closer and closer to being able to mount that spectacular tight little teen ass of his. But now I was faced with the responsibility of deflowering this beauty. I was indescribably excited about this, but also grounded by the solemnity of it.

"Oh, Ollie, that is a really special moment for anyone. Are you sure?"

"Yes, Jeff. I've thought a lot about it, and I'm sure. I turned down a sexy coed last night, one who was pretty wet for me, because I knew I wanted my first time to be special. I feel really close to you, and I want to feel even closer. I trust you."

"Oh, kiddo, that is all I really want for you. Ok, you're on. But let's not rush it, ok? Let's enjoy the rest of our dinner, and then I've got a special dessert for us too. And after dessert, we can talk about how we'll prep ourselves for that, ok? It's really important to me that it be very special for you."

"Thank you, Jeff. That sounds good. I know I've made the right decision. Oh, and Jake taught me some lingo. In case it wasn't already clear, I'm going to be 'catcher'."

"Well, I guess that makes me 'pitcher'! Batter up!"

We both laughed as we broke the tension of the moment and returned to our meal. I brought out the dessert, which Ollie loved, and we continued looking up at each other and smiling as we ate every bite.

"So has this been an okay birthday dinner, Oliver Schmitt?"

He smiled at the mention of his newly-shortened name. "It really has! But enough talk now, let's get down to business."

"Ok, kiddo. Please let me do the dishes tonight. Come with me." I led the boy into the bathroom, where I fished out an enema kit and handed it to him.

"What's this?"

"Step one, that's what it is." I explained what to do with it, and left him to take care of it in private. I went out to the kitchen to clean up, and as I was wrapping up, he emerged from the bathroom in his birthday suit, with his sweats draped over his shoulder. "Whoa, kiddo! You look crazy sexy right now."

He beamed at the compliment, then did a runway model's turn to show off his every angle. I thought I was going to have a heart attack.

I dropped what I was doing and started walking into the bedroom, Ollie strutting in in front of me. It gave me an up-close view of his bare ass as he walked. Seeing the object of my desire, what I had obsessed over for six days now, displayed in all its glory, was a breathtaking sight. He seemed to be flexing the muscles in his tight, firm, round cheeks as he walked, emphasizing the strength and vigor of his young teen body. The two globes of muscle, wrapped in oh-so-smooth creamy skin, pressed tightly along the dark crevice of his crack, withholding access to my target for now. My heart beat faster and I let a mischievous smile creep across my face as I thought how good that tightness was soon going to feel wrapped around me.

He stopped at the bedside, his backside facing me, and looked over his shoulder to wait for me to catch up. I came up behind him, still fully-clothed, and wrapped my arms around him, my left arm reaching to caress his abs and my right arm reaching to caress his chest, and I bent my knees slightly so my hardness straining to break through my loose-fitting slacks and boxer briefs could push up against and between his tight, firm cheeks. I thrust forward into him as I squeezed tightly, brought my head over his right shoulder, nibbled slightly on his ear, and whispered to him, "This is going to be really hot, kiddo. I know you're going to enjoy it."

"Mm," he moaned, "I trust you, Jeff."

"Good. Climb on the bed."

As he crawled onto the bed, laying on his stomach, arms folded above his head, my heart raced with anticipation. I reached into the nightstand and pulled out the lube for me and the special relaxant lube for him, threw them on the bed, quickly discarded my clothes and climbed on top of him. Docking myself along his crack, I leaned down slowly, making contact between my chest and his strong back, my legs running along the outside of his, holding them together, my arms stroking along the undersides of his and my fingers reaching his and wrapping our hands together, as I slid my hard dick back and force ever so slightly along the outside of his tightly-clenched crack. I leaned again over his right shoulder, licking along his neck and reaching his ear to slowly caress the edges with my wet, hot tongue.

"Relax your buns, kiddo. It's ok," I whispered.

"Mm, unh, that feels good. But, um, Jeff, could I have another beer or something first, to loosen up a bit more?"

I rolled off of him, turned him on his side to face me, grabbed his ass to press our hips together and held his still-soft cock against my rock-hard dick, while with my other hand I reached up to stroke his face as I looked into his eyes.

"Afraid not, kiddo. I think it's really important for your sake that you be completely present to the moment for your first time. Your first time will stay with you for the rest of your life, and I want you to enjoy every moment and not have any regrets. So maybe let's just slow down a bit here and let you make sure you're really ready for it, ok?"

He seemed fully determined to go through with it. "No! I'm ready. I'm just a little nervous, is all."

"Well, of course, you're nervous! Everyone is their first time. Anyone who tells you different is lying through their teeth. But first times are also notorious for sparking a wave of emotions afterward, which can include feelings of regret. I probably already gave you a little too much to drink, and making yourself even more tipsy for it just increases your chances of feeling regret, and that's the last thing I want for you," I said, as I brushed aside his hair hanging on his forehead and gently stroked his jaw line and cheek.

"Ok, Jeff. That makes sense, I guess. Can you just hold me for a minute?"

"Of course, kiddo."

I held us tightly together at the hip, gently kneading his left cheek with my right hand, while my throbbing erection smushed into his soft, warm cock, while our chests lie slightly apart and I continued to stroke his beautiful face softly with my left hand, looking into his beautiful brown eyes.

"I'm so proud of you, kiddo. You've really shown yourself to be an amazing, tough young man since I first met you."

"Yeah, met me robbing you!"

"You have done nothing but impress me ever since then. You've got what it takes to make it in this world, kiddo."

"Thank you, for everything, Jeff. I don't know where I'd be without you."

"I'm glad you're here, in my arms, tonight, kiddo. You ready?"

The boy nodded.

I reached behind me to grab the relaxant lube, poured a tiny dollop out onto my left fingers, wrapped my left arm under his head and behind his shoulders to press us together, held my face against his, whispering into his left ear for him to wrap his left leg over me and finally get a little distance between those two tightly-clenched teen buns of his. As he wrapped his leg over me, I reached down with my right hand and felt for his hole, and finding the prize, I began to massage the relaxant gel on the outside of his smooth, red-hot, sweat-soaked pucker.

I began to nibble his ear gently as I whispered, "Just relax, kiddo. This is going to help you loosen up and relax so we can be together."

After a minute of gently massaging the gel into the outside of his tight hole, I squeezed more lube onto my fingers, reached back to his entrance, and began with my index finger to slowly press inward as his entrance fought to remain an exit.

"Just relax."

I felt the boy tremble with a wince as my finger got past his outer sphincter and pressed against his second defense.

"That's it, good boy," I whispered as I continued to tease his ear.

The inner sphincter gave way, and I began to move my finger in and out slightly, rubbing in more relaxing lube to his muscles as it went.

My mind raced and I fought against my own impatience, wanting to just roll the boy over and begin pounding him right then. I didn't necessarily bother with the painstakingly slow process of applying a lot of relaxant and using copious lube when I was with a more experienced partner, particularly since I'm not exactly huge, but when a straight boy is willing to give it up to me, especially one as perfect as Ollie, the stakes were sky high to make the entire process painless and smooth for him, in the hopes he would keep coming back for more.

My self-discipline won out, and I continued my slow manipulation of his sphincter muscles with my index finger. I began to rub his back in small motions with my left hand, reassuringly, as I kissed and sucked the side of his neck, lightly enough not to brand him obviously as my territory.

I pushed more lube toward his entrance with my other fingers, and pulled my finger out to collect it and push it up inside him. After massaging his barrier muscles for long enough, I pushed my middle finger in to join in the fun. This time, the intrusion was met with barely a whimper. The gel was doing its job. I pulled the fingers in and out, all the way to the last knuckle, continuing to loosen and stretch his anal muscles. Before long, I added a third finger, sliding it in without much reaction from the boy, who was distracted by my gently biting behind his ear. Now, with all three fingers in up to the last knuckle, I began to feel around for Ollie's magic button. Finding my prize, I pressed hard against it with the tip of my middle finger.

"Oooooohhhh! Was that my prostate?"

"Right on, kiddo. That's gonna add to the fun for you."

I went about stroking firmly back and forth with my fingertips along the protrusion of his prostate, getting the boy fired up.

"Mm, yeah, I like that."

"Good, kiddo. You ready for me?"

"Oh yeah."

I knew that if I wanted to get him hooked, he needed to be looking into my eyes the first time I entered him, so I rolled the boy onto his back, grabbed a pillow, lifted his hips, placed the pillow and lowered him back down on it as I crawled into position beneath him. I lifted his legs and placed his feet on my shoulders and began to line up. Realizing the angle wasn't quite right, I quickly added a second pillow, lined up again, grabbed the bottle of my lube, squeezed a generous helping on my 'boyfriend-sized' member, and lined up my head at his newly-prepared entrance. I held onto his ankles, stretched my neck to plant a gentle peck on his ankle, looked down into his eyes as he looked back up at me with his beautiful brown eyes full of nervous anticipation, smiled at him, and began to press gently.

My tip was met with a little resistance, and before pressing forth more forcefully, I told the boy to push out. As he did that, my gentle forward force broke through the grip of his outer muscle, then a moment later through the inner muscle, and the head of my penis had at last found its way home. My every nerve ending fired off as I looked down at Ollie with my widening smile.

The boy almost imperceptibly winced as I entered him, then, realizing I was actually inside him, he held my gaze and asked with a dazed expression, "Are you in me?"

"Yes, kiddo, I'm inside you now."

I held still for a moment to let it sink in in his young mind, and then I began pushing further into him, very slowly. I rubbed up and down his shins, from down close to his knee and back up to his ankles.

"You're a trooper, kiddo. I'm almost all the way in now. Am I hurting you?"

"No, I feel... full. It's nice."

I finally bottomed out inside him. I felt my head rub against and just past his prostate, perfectly positioned with my length to strike at the target. My balls rested comfortably against his buns, and my bush brushed up just below his heavy teen ball sack and still-soft cock. Oh, man, sooooo tight! I didn't think my cock would ever want to leave this new fiery hot, velvety smooth sanctuary.

"I'm all the way in now, kiddo. We're completely united now," I said, never breaking my stare into his eyes. Fireworks went off in my head as the tightness of his teen jock ass squeezed and embraced me as if to welcome me into my new home.

"I love feeling you inside me, Jeff. Kiss me?"

He didn't have to ask twice. Holding myself still inside his love chute, I bent his knees back toward his head slowly, tilting his ass upward to meet my changing angle as I leaned over him and lowered my head toward his. He reached up to hold his own ankles back while I placed my hands on the bed on either of his head, and went in for a kiss, our first real one. My head nearly exploded as my lips made contact with his soft, warm lips. He opened his mouth to allow my tongue to enter him, and I began to thrust in and out of him, finding his prostate and beginning to slowly knock against it. The boy began to moan and writhe, and I felt him begin to harden at last beneath me. He released his grip on his ankles, and flung his arms down to meet my hips, digging in to pull me into him.

After going like this for what seemed like hours, I tilted my face to rest my forehead against his. As I slowly thrust inward and drew back outward, rubbing his calves as I pressed his legs down and kept him bent over, my forehead held firmly upon his, dripping sweat down onto him as I stared glassy-eyed into his shining brown eyes, panting and huffing my hot breath down into him as he held his mouth agape, huffing and puffing soft, passionate moans back up at me as my hip bones struck repeatedly against his tight, smooth teen buns, and my balls swung back and forth, slapping sweatily just outside the entrance to his love tunnel and my pubic hairs scratched at the sensitive perineum between his hole and his balls, and as I struck his love button with my glans thrusting inside of him, hitting the magic spot again and again and again and again, I began to hear in my mind the sultry voice of a cover of Leonard Cohen's Hallelujah, singing along to the rhythm of my movements inside of my golden Adonis,

Remember when I moved in you, the holy ghost was moving too, and every breath we drew was hallelujah.

As I continued my rhythmic movements, gently but firmly hitting that spot over and over and over, Ollie's soft moans raised an octave and became a piercing squeal, singing a note so high it almost sounded pre-pubescent, while he thrust his ass upwards to meet me and clenched his muscles down around my invading cock. Recognizing the signs, I thrust all the way in, held myself in position, moved my mouth over his and shoved my tongue inside him and held myself over his mouth to keep the neighbors from hearing his squeals. I held still inside him and kept my mouth firmly over his, waiting for him to slowly come back down.


Next: Chapter 10

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