Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 4, 2020


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 8 By Jeff Ennig

This chapter is narrated by Jake

Friday! I love Fridays. Even though I often worked some on the weekends, I still lived it up with my frat bros as much as possible on the weekends. There were fewer of us sticking around over the summer, but enough of us to still throw great parties for everyone who stayed in town over the break.

I walked into work for my shift at the Apollo Cafe just before the start of the lunch rush, dressed in marginally more appropriate short-shorts and a tight polo that actually went all the way down to my waist. I still looked pretty damn good in it, but I wasn't looking to playfully torture Jeff again today. My attire earlier in the week was absolutely deliberate. I always liked to build Jeff up a little built, letting him drool over my hot jock bod for a couple days, before I invite myself over for another one of our periodic sweaty bonding sessions. It made it more fun for both of us, and that's really what it was all about. But now that we had gotten that out of the way, I could go back to being a touch more professional. I knew it was borderline pornographic of me to have shown up to work dressed like that, but hey, the tips were great on those days, and if you've got it, flaunt it, right? Sorry if it sounds cocky, but I know I'm pretty hot, and Jeff warns me that I won't look this great forever, so I should take full advantage of it now.

I had swapped shifts with Wyatt so I could work through the dinner rush but not have to stick it out through closing. On the Apollo crew, we were all pretty cool with each other about helping out where and when we can. It was such a great place to work, and actually paid pretty well, so I was honestly not totally sure I'd even want to leave the job and move on to what others would consider a 'real job' once I finished my degree. I'd even taken a lighter course load to extend my time at college so I could focus more here. It allowed me to use my half-ride lacrosse scholarship and the money I earned here to pay my way through school debt-free. Jeff had really pushed me to focus on that as a goal, and I chose to follow his advice. I had learned early on that it was pretty much always a good idea for me to follow his advice, and I trusted him completely.

"Good morning, everybody!" I cheerfully shouted out in the temporarily near-empty cafe, greeting the rest of the crew, including Jeff, Kai, Phoebe, Josh, and the new kid Ollie as we would all prepare for the onslaught of the lunch rush at Spartanville's hottest joint.

"Good morning, Jake. How are you doing today, kiddo?" Jeff asked, as he peered into my eyes with his trademark hybrid of paternal affection and lightly erotic bonding. I found it reassuring, and maybe a little kinky, that he still always called me kiddo, even after we began our occasional rounds of wild, passionate sex where I use my big jock body to completely dominate him. Our roles there just seemed like the natural fit for both of us to express our closeness, but I still definitely had the deepest respect for this man to whom I owed so much, looking at him as a mentor, guide, and friend whom I occasionally liked to make happy by smothering and conquering with my entire body. It was a pretty unique bond we had, I guess, although with as many young guys as he has taken under his wing over the years, I was pretty certain it was much less unique for him than it was for me. Because ours was very much not a romantic bond, I didn't feel the slightest pang of jealousy about that, and in fact, made me respect him that much more for how good he was at being there for young guys like me, guys in need of someone to look up to, to feel safe with, to feel close to, to trust.

"I'm great, boss! Happy it's Friday. I guess you noticed that I switched shifts with Wyatt so I could leave earlier?"

"Yeah, I saw that. I'm hoping that's because you're planning on taking Ollie out with you and your friends? It's his 18th birthday today."

"Yeah, I haven't forgotten, boss. You picked a, ah, memorable moment to bring that one up to me," I smiled wryly at him, referring to him asking me for this favor while I laid on top of him, smothering him with my sweating body post-coitus, playfully licking his ear while my pride and joy remained rock hard and fully inserted inside him.

Not showing the slightest bit of embarrassment at my reference, he smiled and said, "Excellent! I really want the kid, er, man now, I guess, to meet some guys closer to his own age."

"I'm sure he doesn't mind you still calling him 'kid', boss. I know I don't mind it when you call me that," I said, smiling at him.

He smiled warmly back at me. "I'm just glad it'll be you taking him out. I know I can trust you to show him a good time without letting him get out of control. 18-year-olds are not exactly known for their self-restraint."

"No, that's true. But neither are 21-year-olds! Just kidding, I promise I'll watch out for him. No one is gonna mess with a kid under the wing of the lacrosse captain."

"Like I tell you all the time, it sure is a good thing you're not full of yourself," he said, playfully punching my shoulder as he turned around to continue on with work.

I went in the back to grab a few things, and found Ollie cleaning up. "Hey man, how's it going?"

"Oh, hey, Jake. Yeah, going pretty good. You? It's been a couple days."

I leaned in closer to him so no one else could hear me, and spoke softer this time. "Yeah! Last time you saw me, I was kneeling naked on the bed where you sleep and driving my big cock balls deep into the boss."

The poor guy was at a loss for words as his face turned beet red. Just the reaction I was hoping for.

"Sorry, buddy, I was just messing with you." I lightly punched him on the shoulder to emphasize my jest. "Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"I have no life right now, man. So, in other words, nothing. Why do you ask?"

"Well, a little bird told me that someone became a man today, at least in the eyes of the law. And I was thinking, you seem like a cool dude. You interested in hanging out with me and a few of my buddies tonight? We could even work in a little embarrassing birthday celebration for you."

"Yeah! I mean, sure, that would be cool," he said, quickly pivoting his tone in a macho stud kind of way, so as not to appear too enthusiastic about anything. I chuckled a little at this, knowing full well I probably do the same thing.

"Ok, cool. We'll talk more after the rush. I better get back out there. Keep up the good work, dude." I playfully patted him on the ass, teammate-style, as I threw him my words of encouragement.

"Ok, cool."

The lunch rush went by quickly, and I shamelessly flirted my way into raking in north of $200 in tips through it. My best lunchtime tipper was always Eric, a nice but kinda pervy professor whom I've never taken a course from. I always gave him the chance to grab my ass a little when no one was looking, and occasionally I even let him briefly fondle my junk too.

I probably would have done even better in tips had I dressed like an all-out man-whore like earlier in the week, but my overall take was still a respectable showing by my standards. I threw half into the communal jar and kept the rest for myself. That was one thing I really thought was cool about Apollo. We're really a close team. I hear that in a lot of places, only people who whore themselves out directly to the customers get any tips, screwing over the people who work the thankless jobs in the back, and of course disadvantaging ugly people too.

Jeff drills it into my head all the time, even after I drill my spongy head into him, that I should use my looks to benefit more than just myself. I liked benefiting from this body I work so hard to maintain, and from the ample package that I inherited and liked to shamelessly flaunt, but I also liked the idea that my whorish flirtations helped out my uglier co-workers too. Jeff's compromise solution of having us front-of-house whores pocket half and share the rest made a lot of sense to me. Wyatt, my only real competition for hottest male employee here, agreed with me on this. I'm sure once Ollie starts working out front more, giving me and Wyatt a little competition for the title, he'll come to agree with us too. He may be a short little fella compared to me, but he sure seemed to make heads turn when he walked in the place.

I made my way into the back as Ollie and Josh were still working on dishes from the rush. "Mind if I steal Ollie for a few minutes, Josh?"

"Yeah, no worries. I got this."

"Cool, thanks," I said, as I pulled Ollie outside with me for a non-smoker's 'smoke' break.

"So, Ollie, I gotta say you're really fitting in well here, man. How do you feel like it's been going?" I asked, wearing my management hat first.

"Thanks, Jake. Yeah, I mean, I've never actually had a real job before, but yeah, I really like being here. Everyone has been super cool and welcoming."

"Good, glad to hear it. We all really try to be there for each other on this team. Every once in a while, we get a bad apple in here, but we all tend to quietly but ruthlessly gang up on them until they GTFO, so we're able to maintain such a solid crew. It saves Jeff from ever having to fire anyone. We never actually discuss it with Jeff, although I suspect that he knows what we're up to. Now that you know our strategy, we'll expect you to be a part of the enforcement team, should the need arise again."

He smiled at me letting him in on our little secrets, as he nodded and said, "Ok, yeah, I think I can do that."

"Good. Now that you're initiated, it's time to talk about your other initiation, into partying like a madman. I'll come by Jeff's place to collect you around 9 o'clock. You should probably take a nap after work so you're geared up, and then plan on crashing at the frat house. My roommate is gone for the summer, so you can just pass out on his bed."

"Sweet. Ok, I'll be ready."

Not long after that, Ollie punched out for the day, and I continued on to the dinner rush. Wyatt and I, along with Sondra the smokin' single mom waitress with a healthy rack and a total lack of interest in college boys like us, had a little competition going for which one of us could manipulate our way into the most tips that night. Wyatt, that asshole, lucked out by getting a table full of cougars and a table full of old queens, both of which he strategically allowed to grope him on the sly, while I got stuck with a bunch of nice but boring families with small children. The best tip I got was from the family where the mom paid the bill instead of the dad. Side note that married cougars can be a really great lay. In fact, a couple of the babies in this place might actually be mine.

Sondra more than held her own, easily beating me out thanks to the table full of skeezy finance bros she masterfully teased into blowing their (cash) wads. But nonetheless, Wyatt won in a landslide, raking in over $700 for the night. He was proud to win, but equally proud to bring home so much bacon to the rest of the crew, as he threw his results up on the leaderboard in the back.

I still held the all-time record on there, $1,400 on a Saturday night a couple months back, one of those times when I was dressed to torture Jeff, strutting about like a walking wet dream, leaving almost nothing to the imagination in my skimpy commando running shorts and mid-riff exposing muscle shirt, shamelessly showing off my 6-inch soft cock, huge cum-filled balls, thick thighs, built calves, bulging biceps, hulking chest, rippling 8-pack abs, prominently-defined V, and tauntingly-trimmed treasure trail to all those lucky townsfolk.

That night, I followed Jeff home and fucked him all night long, mostly slow and sensual, but some fast and furious too. At one point, I was fucking him so hard doggy-style that I thought I was going to knock his teeth out. But we spent most of the night in our favorite position, missionary, with my tongue dominating his throat and my 9+ inch cock dominating his guts while I smothered the rest of him with my 6'4" ripped lacrosse jock body. I stayed hard just about until sunrise, fucking him senseless until I finally gave his ass and my spent balls a break so we could catch a few Zs.

I fell asleep with my semi-hard dick lodged inside him, and when I woke up, I was hard again up inside his fiery warm and miraculously tight velvety fuck chute, so I started fucking him again until he woke up, and then continued pumping him awake until I had bred him for a sixth time. Then we hopped in the shower, where I pinned him against the wall and fucked him in a slow but forceful rhythm for another half an hour before breeding him for a seventh and final time. That might have been our hottest bonding session ever.

He walked ever-so-slightly funny and had such a glazed-over look of total happiness on his face the rest of the morning while we ate our breakfast and cuddled on the sofa. Cuddling on the sofa is the one place we revert to earlier times, before I sprouted up to 6'4" and became a sexpert stud, when he would sit big-spoon and hold me and caress me non-sexually, comfortingly, and protectively in his arms. Even though I was so much bigger than him now, it was nice to sit like this and feel like a safe and protected kid again, even after I had just fucked my protector senseless all night.

Ok, enough reminiscing on Jeff's and my sexcapades. He's always coaching me on not dwelling on the past, but living in the present, so I suppose that applies to this as well. Still, I was glad to give Wyatt the glory tonight, knowing I still remained the all-time champ.

With the dinner rush over, I made my way home to prep for the party and pre-game a little with my frat bros. We got the kegs set up, the beer pong tables arranged, the coolers stocked with tallboys, and the playlist edited to rock it out into the night. The college and the town had made sure no other residences were within a couple blocks of frat row, which helped make this such a great party school, but I suppose also helped keep the rest of the town livable for those who weren't currently in the wild binge-drinking phase of life. And not having any busybodies living close by, the cops had far fewer noise complaint phone calls they were forced to respond to, allowing them to stick to their preferred mode of just leaving us the hell alone and letting kids be kids.

Getting close to 9 o'clock, I started making my way over to Jeff's to collect the birthday boy. I used my key to let myself in, comfortable in the knowledge that Jeff didn't feel the need to keep secrets from me. The living room was quiet, and Tom and Jerry turned their heads briefly to begrudgingly acknowledge a human presence before turning back to their duties keeping watching over the town from the porch. I made my way to Jeff's bedroom, still not hearing a sound. When I opened the door, I saw Jeff and Ollie naked, cuddled tightly together, without a sheet needed in the warm summer air. In their curled up position, I could see Jeff's stiff cock nestled under Ollie's ass and poking into the kid's balls, and his hands resting gently on the boy's chest and abs, squeezing the kid into him. Jeff was awake, and turned his head to see me standing there.

"Hey, Jake. Ollie is looking forward to partying with you guys tonight. Remember to watch out for him," Jeff whispered. "Hey, Ollie, wake up! Jake's here!" Jeff spoke up, loud enough to stir the boy from his peaceful nap.

"Oh, hey Jake! I'll be ready to go in a little bit. I kinda want to keep cuddling just a little bit longer." After catching me fucking Jeff's brains out, the kid didn't seem to mind having me catch him with Jeff's leaking dick nudging against his nut sack.

"Mind if I join in on this cuddle session, guys? I call biggest spoon."

"Yeah, hop on in, kiddo," Jeff said in a kindly paternal tone, as I stripped off my shorts and shirt and crawled behind Jeff. I know Jeff isn't into threesomes, always saying he preferred to bond with one boy at a time, but it felt kind of nice to lie here like this with him sandwiched between me and Ollie for a few minutes. I reached my thick arm under Jeff's head and along his smaller arm, forcing Ollie to lift his head a bit before resting back down on my big, firm forearm, and then reached my other arm up over Jeff and rested my hand in a brotherly manner on Ollie's shoulder. I didn't get hard, but just enjoyed resting my heavy package up against Jeff's bare backside while we all three sighed contentedly.

After maybe twenty minutes of lying cuddled together so comfortably like this, Jeff piped up, "Ok, boys, I think it's time you got going. Otherwise we might just stay like this all night."

"Yeah, I guess you're right, boss. Ok, Ollie, let's get going. You probably need to run and clean up that sticky mess Jeff is probably leaving on your balls as we speak."

"Yup, sure do. Jeff leaks a lot."

"Haha, boys, very funny. But can you blame me with an ass like that? Now shake your beautiful butts on out of here."

"Yes, boss!" Ollie and I chimed in unison, laughing.

I slipped my shorts back on while Jeff watched me tuck my big dick back in its home. I flashed him a wink, and then tilting my head toward Ollie as the kid walked bare-assed over to the bathroom, I looked at Jeff and raised an eyebrow quizzically.

Jeff just shrugged and smiled mischievously. I shook my head and chuckled at that, and then slipped my shirt back on before heading out to the living room to wait for the birthday boy to be ready to go.

I sat and waited on the sofa while I checked my phone and saw a couple messages from some girls I had banged a few times, letting me know they'd be there tonight. Ollie emerged only a couple minutes later, dressed and ready to party.

Once we arrived to the frat house, we still had a little time before party-goers started to arrive, so I had time to give Ollie the grand tour and show him my room where he'd be crashing on my absent roommate's empty bed. Ollie also had a good chance to get to know some of my bros while we all continued pre-gaming. They were all super cool toward him, and all wished him a happy birthday once I let that little bit spill out. He was smiling and having a great time, nursing a single beer while we waited for the craziness to begin.

Sometime around 10:30, friends and randoms alike started streaming in, with all except the hottest coeds paying us a $10 cover to get in. Since we were the only game in town over the summers, and since we only ever bought the shittiest beer, our house made a tidy little profit on our summer parties.

By 11, the place was jam-packed and really hopping. Ollie had done a keg stand already, and was now three sheets and grinding with some hot redheaded senior chick who seemed super into the idea of getting with a guy on his 18th birthday. I was pretty sure I had sampled those wares before, and I was even more sure she wasn't a wise choice for the birthday boy. I did a keg stand of my own, played a little beer pong, and danced up on the Sigma Sisters, the same three who had messaged me earlier, as they all three felt me up and down while we gyrated along to the beats. Looking over at Ollie with the redhead's tongue down his throat, I started to get worried about the kid, so I shook off the Sigma Sisters, went over to Ollie, shooed away the redhead, and dragged the kid out onto the porch where we could be alone for a few minutes.

I knew I only had to focus on Ollie for a little bit, and I knew I could always go back into the party and hit up the sisters again, so I wasn't worried. They were sorority sisters from Sigma Nu. I couldn't keep their names straight, so I just called them Sigma Red, Sigma Blonde, and Sigma Black, after their hair colors. They didn't seem to mind. Most of the time, we ended up in a foursome, which I suspected might have been an excuse on their part to get to mess around with each other. But I damn sure didn't mind!

Once we got out onto the porch, Ollie looked at me and grinned. "Man, Jeff said you were a ladies man, but now I've seen it up close! Those chicks were all over you."

"Yeah, but I've already dipped my wick in those wells a few times. Plus, I'm pretty sure at least one of them has the clap, so I always have to wear a double raincoat, which makes it less fun for me. I might wait to see if some fresh meat shows up tonight before I settle for the Sigma Sisters. Sorry to drag you away from the hot redhead, buddy, but take my word for it, you don't want to plant your flag there. And speaking of Jeff, there's no secrets now between us about me and Jeff. Now it's your turn to confess."

"Full confession? Ok, well, even though we were only cuddling together when you came in tonight, I did let Jeff jerk me off this morning while we laid in the same position. I feel like I should be bothered that it happened, but I'm just not. I don't know, it just felt right, you know? And plus, it was, um, really, really, really fucking hot."

"Hahaha, yeah, I know exactly what you mean. Jeff is just, I don't know, Jeff. Sounds like you've already got it figured out, but yeah, just keep not overthinking it, man. I just think of myself as straight with an asterisk, and that asterisk's name is Jeff. Just stay out of your own head and accept that the rules are different around him. Trust me, you'll be glad you did."

"Yeah, sounds like we're on the same page there."

"So, now that we seem to have no boundaries here between us, let's get even more personal. Have you thought about kicking it up a notch with Jeff?"

"Yeah, it's been on my mind the last couple days. I've kept brushing it aside, afraid what it might mean or whatever, but after talking it out with you, I guess I'm less confused about it."

"Good. Let me tell you, it's really fun to do your part to make that man happy. He's done a lot for me, and I'm just happy I get to return the favor. Have you, um, thought about what position you'll be playing?"


"Pitcher or catcher?"


"Giver or receiver. Top or bottom. Dickor or dickee."

"Oh! That. Duh. Well, that's why I was a little hesitant, because it just seems to make sense with him as, well, the 'pitcher', as you say. I mean, he really seems to get a charge out of my ass. I've been giving him as many opportunities to enjoy looking at my ass as I can think of the last few days. I even bought several pairs of shorts mostly because they were tight enough for him to enjoy the view. Not to mention letting him snuggle up against my bare ass now and rest his dick in my crack, as you saw earlier. I guess it makes me happy that I have something to offer him, ya know?"

"Exactly. That's what it's about for me, too. Don't let it be any different than how it is for me. Honestly, if it felt natural to me for our roles to be reversed, I wouldn't hesitate for a second to take it up the ass for Jeff. There is not another man on Earth I would even so much as entertain such a thought about, but, you know, it's Jeff. And I don't know, the chemistry is just kind of natural for us the other way around. Like I say, I just don't overthink it, and simply accept that the rules are just different with him."

"That makes sense. I mean, there has never been a guy I've thought about like that before, and I still don't think of any other guy like this. I guess I just really like the idea of being close to Jeff, is all."

"Same here, man. Spot on. I mean, look at us. I'd say we're both pretty hot guys. But I feel not the slightest tingle in my underparts when I look at you."

"Yeah, no offense, man. I know you're pretty proud of your shit and all, but same here."

"Hahaha, I like your style, dude. So, are you, like, scared at all? It's ok if you are," I said as I lowered my voice to a non-judgmental, soft tone.

"I mean, not really. A little nervous, I guess. But the way I figure it, if Jeff can handle taking your fucking enormous donkey-dong, I should be able to handle his more reasonably-sized piece."

"Are you making fun of me? You little shit."

"Hahaha, no! Not at all, donkey dick!" he giggled at me.

"Oh yeah, and what are you packing down there? A little girl dick?" I taunted as I playfully grabbed at his crotch for a brief second.

"If you must know, when I'm excited, which is not when some lacrosse-playing asshole grabs my junk, it's an impressive but not obscene size, somewhere between you and the boss-man. I'm proud of it. Besides, I bet most girls are afraid to take your big stick."

"Fuck you, man! Yeah, some are, but I still manage to find plenty of slutty coeds, and a few horny sugar-mamma cougars, willing to take me on."

"Haha, you're such a slut, man!"

"Hey, shut up, dude! I'm just not the romantic type like you seem to be, right now at least. I'll get around to it later. In the meantime, it's my duty to let as many lucky ladies as possible take a ride on this," I bragged half-jokingly, clutching my junk.

"Whatever, man. I'm going back inside to the party."

"Good idea. I'm sick of talking to you, anyway," I laughed as I playfully grabbed his shoulders and pushed him back inside.

The party was going great, I had more chicks hanging on me, and Ollie still seemed to be having a good time. Just before midnight, while it was still technically his birthday, I had the birthday boy shotgun three tallboys while the whole room sang Happy Birthday. That's the frat house version of a birthday cake.

We kept at it like that for at least a few more hours, and I saw Ollie doing some hard-core making out and heavy petting on the dance floor with at least four different coeds, plus a brief but lewd session with the Sigma Sisters who wanted to brutally maul the birthday boy themselves for a bit. I wouldn't be surprised if the kid had creamed his shorts a couple times by that point. I was once again crowned the Beer Pong King of the party, and by 4 o'clock, things were starting to wind down. A cute, petite little buxom brunette I had silently nicknamed in my own mind as Tight Squeeze, because she had turned me down once after seeing the size of my endowment, was rolling around on a couch going hot-and-heavy with Ollie. Ollie was dry-humping and feeling up Tight Squeeze while I was on an adjacent sofa, working to seal the deal with Pom-Poms, my nickname for the blonde football cheerleader I had just met an hour before while dancing. I had turned away the Sigma Sisters in favor of this new chick, and I hoped I had made the right call. I could overhear Ollie and Tight Squeeze from the other sofa.

"Ooh, you're so hot, Ollie. I really want to take you upstairs and give you a special birthday present."

"Mmm, hmph, you're really fuckin' hot, babe. But this is a little fast for me. Can I get your number and take you out tomorrow night?"

At this, Tight Squeeze pushed Ollie off of her and sat up on the sofa. "I'm not looking for a fucking husband, jerk. You just looked like you'd be a good lay. Jeez! Nevermind! I'm out of here!"

The poor kid sat there, briefly dejected, then quickly shook it off and made his way up the stairs to my room. I shrugged it off and continued working on Pom-Poms.

"Wanna come up to my room, baby? I promise I'll show you a real good time."

Pom-Poms reached down into my shorts and grabbed hold of my hard dick, pulling it up so the top few inches stuck out from my waistband and stretched past my belly-button.

"Ooh, I'd love to see if I can take this thing, big boy. Ok, lead the way, stud."

We got up to my room where we threw off our clothes and climbed into my bed. I reached over to grab protection, looked over to see Ollie passed out cold in my roommate's bed, looked back at Pom-Poms, tore open the packet, sheathed by big cock, and proceeded the fuck the shit out of Pom-Poms until she moaned and screamed loud enough to shake the rafters while I unloaded into my condom.

"That was really hot, stud. You really know how to use that thing. Is it ok if I spend the night here?"

"Yeah, of course, baby. You were pretty fucking hot yourself. I'll be right back."

I got up to check on Ollie, went to grab a tall glass of water, returned, and sat at his bed-side. I pulled off his shoes and shorts, leaving his boxers on. I slapped his face a few times to get him up, forced him to sit up and drink the water, then let him return to his drunken slumber and tucked him in, after placing a bucket on the floor by his head. Then I climbed back into bed to cuddle with Pom-Poms as we quickly fell asleep.

Sometime after noon, I woke up and shook Pom-Poms awake. "Yo, hey baby, it's past noon. Time to get going."

"Oh, good morning, or afternoon, or whatever. That was fun last night." She got up and started getting dressed, and as she started to leave the room, she grabbed a piece of paper and jotted down her number. "Here, stud, text me sometime when you want to go another round. See you around, big boy."

"Thanks, baby. You were great. I hope to see you again." I meant it. Pom-Poms was a pretty decent lay, and she was willing to take on my size. There was definitely room in my rotation for another.

I got up and put some shorts on, then walked over to sit beside Ollie and shake him awake. "Get up, big guy. It's past noon already."

"Ugh. Ouch. My head is pounding."

"Here, take these, drink this."

After he downed the Advil and the water, I coaxed him out of bed as he slowly and dramatically pulled his shorts back on and laced up his shoes.

"Hey, Ollie, let's head on down to the Apollo and get some coffee and a little food in us. I don't have to work until 4, and I believe you have the day off, right?"

"Yeah, sounds good," he mumbled.

We made our way down to the Apollo, and by the time we reached the cafe, Ollie was beginning to show signs of life again. We took a table in the corner, and Jeff came over to check on us.

"Good afternoon, boys! Did Jake show you a good time last night, Ollie?"

"Heck yeah! It was a really great party. I'm paying for it a little today, but it could be worse. I'm gonna head up and sleep it off a little more after this."

"Sounds good, kiddo. I'll be home around 3 o'clock, so I'll be seeing you then. Let me get a little coffee to start you boys out, ok? And Jake, thanks again for helping him celebrate."

"You got it, boss."

As Jeff left our tableside, I leaned over to Ollie and said, "Sorry you got shot down by that chick last night, man. I guess she was just looking for a quickie, huh?"

"Yeah. No big loss. Besides, I learned last night that I won't have any problem finding girls in this town. Nice to know. But I'll confess something to you, I'm actually kind of a virgin."

"Really? That's cool. I wasn't much younger than you are now when I handed in my V-card."

"Oh yeah? But yeah, that chick was hot and all, but I wasn't about to lose it on some random chick at a frat house, all due respect to frat houses."

"I take no offense to that."

"Good. And besides," Ollie leaned in closer, conspiratorially whispering, while looking in the direction of our boss, "I don't plan on being a virgin by this time tomorrow."

"I think I get your drift, dude. Nice. Well, I'll take whatever details you want to share tomorrow. I'm sure I'll see a big, stupid grin on someone's face tomorrow, and maybe on yours too. I'm warning you, though, if his smile is bigger than it is after I'm done with him, I might be a little jealous."

Ollie laughed at this. And just then, the subject of our whispering returned with our coffees.


Next: Chapter 9

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