Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 4, 2020


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 7 By Jeff Ennig

Apparently neither of us had moved an inch the whole night. I didn't have an alarm to disturb me, since it was my day off, so I just gently drifted awake to the feel of the sunlight streaming in the open windows and the sounds of activity on the street four stories down. It was an absolutely blissful way to wake up, still tightly wrapped around Ollie's warm, naked body, my left cheek nestled against the right side of his neck, my right arm draped over him with my right hand against his chest, my own chest and stomach pasted up against his strong, smooth back, and our hips firmly enmeshed, with my morning wood protruding along the lower end of his crack and my tip still gently nudging itself against his sack, leaving behind a sticky residue of dried pre-cum. It was absolutely idyllic to be wrapped up so closely with this perfect boy, feeling every inch of his body pressed against and intertwined with mine. I took a slow breath inward, taking in his intoxicating scent once more, as I vowed to savor every night that I got the pleasure of sleeping like this, resolving never to take it for granted for a second.

I let out an audible exhale of contentment, and the feel of my hot breath against his cheek caused him to stir. "Good morning, Ollie," I whispered, as I lightly kissed his neck, pressed against his left pec with my right hand, moved my chest forward and his backward, leveraged my feet and legs against his, and thrust my hips slightly forward to meld us more tightly together, emphasizing our closeness for a brief moment. "Did you sleep, ok, kiddo?"

"Mmmmm, yeah, I did. Good morning, Jeff," he whispered back, as he returned the tight embrace by using his legs, hips, and torso to press back into me momentarily, before relaxing comfortably back into our spooning cradle.

The weather had cooled somewhat overnight, and the slight chill of the morning gave us all the more reason to continue lying there, sharing our body heat and savoring our closeness.

"Cuddling like this is a pretty nice way to wake up, isn't it, kiddo?" I again lightly kissed the back of his neck.

"Mm, yeah, you can say that again," nestling against my lightly-stubbled face as he said this. "We don't have to get up soon, do we?"

"No, I'm sure in no rush."

We proceeded to lie like this in comfortable silence for twenty more minutes, until one then the other of us let out a long, slow sigh of utter contentment, I gave one more light peck on his neck, then we stretched our limbs, and slowly, reluctantly rolled toward either side of the king-size bed and got up to face the day. While Ollie was standing up from the bed, I glanced over and feasted my eyes again on the sight of his bare ass. The view was even more tantalizing than even the best performance those basketball shorts had thus far put in, although the erotic mystery of clinging cloth coverings certainly had its place. His smooth, firm, perfectly round, slightly-protruding, creamy buns had a smattering of small, light-brown hairs, tightly hugging that mysterious dark valley, the lower half of which had kept my equipment warm through the night as we cuddled together. I wanted to leap across the bed and maul it right then and there, but I continued my disciplined pace of bonding with this beautiful creature, one step of trust at a time.

Now as we each stood beside the bed, I looked across the room at this naked, athletic teenage Adonis I had recently taken into my home, and a smile stretched its way across my face, a mix of intense desire, deep satisfaction, and even quasi-parental pride. He cut a partially-shaded athletic profile in the morning light as he stood with his side toward me, stretching his body upward like a cat, the silhouette of his package protruding outward, his perfectly-proportioned penis sloping gently over his plump balls, further emphasizing how every part of him came together to make an absolute masterpiece.

He looked back over at me, squinting slightly at the beams of morning light streaming in around me as I stood near the window, and seemed to be smiling a smile of similar contentment. Now that we had cuddled and slept nude together, we were just that much more comfortable around one another, as he began to make his way to the bathroom, and I, without a second thought, followed him. He stopped at the sink to brush his teeth, while I took my position in front of the toilet to answer nature's call, a somewhat challenging endeavor in my current 'state'.

About a minute later, when we were ready to switch positions, Ollie grabbed a couple of tissues and wet them in the sink, then took his position for a morning piss, while I took the sink to brush my teeth. I was a bit jealous of his hand right then, handling that delectable piece of equipment. As he stood there and let loose, Ollie took the wet tissues in his free hand and reached under and behind his balls, looking over at me and shaking his head slightly as he smiled. "It's pretty sticky under here. Thanks a lot, Jeff!"

"Yeah, sorry not sorry, kiddo. Just learn to be less sexy next time."

We both had a little chuckle as we wrapped up and left the bathroom. Getting out into the hallway, we both seemed to silently acknowledged that it was chilly enough that morning to want to put something on, and so went into the closet in the bedroom, and each slipped on a T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants worn commando-style.

We made our way to the kitchen where I prepared a little light breakfast while Ollie found his way toward the coffee. I hadn't been aware that the kid knew how to make it, but I suppose it isn't that complicated. We worked in near silence, not because we were tired, but merely because neither of us felt the need to fill the air with mindless chatter.

We stood leaning together at the center island in the kitchen, slowly sipping our coffee and eating our breakfast. Finishing the food, we placed the dishes in the sink, and walked back out of the kitchen with our coffee in hand. "Do you want to sit out on the porch and people-watch over the town square, Ollie, or do you want to sink into the sofa and watch something silly on TV?"

"Ooh, tough choice. Um, I'll go with the sofa."

"Good choice." I picked up the remote from the coffee table as I climbed into the deep corner of the sofa, propping my right leg along one side of the sofa, with my left leg draped over the edge and onto the floor, and my right arm stretched over the sofa back, my right hand clutching my coffee cup. Happily for me, Ollie took the bait and headed toward the corner as well, turning his back toward me as he sat down and scooted back into me, stretching both legs across the one length of the couch, his right leg intertwining with my own and his foot resting on mine. I flipped on the screen and asked him if there's anything in particular he might want to watch.

Just then, Tom and Jerry hopped on the sofa and cuddled together on top of a throw blanket at our feet, and Ollie chuckled lightly to himself. "You know what I suddenly want to watch? Cartoons. Specifically, see if you can find some Tom and Jerry."

I chuckled at his silliness. Despite his recent hardships, whatever those were, and even though he turned 18 the next day, it was nice to see him be able to show some childlike sweetness. "You're goofy, kiddo. I like it. The clever irony will be lost on the kittens, but that's ok. Watching cartoons somehow seems like the perfect thing on a cool, lazy morning."

Thankfully, I found some Tom and Jerry episodes, and picked one at random. Hitting play, I set the remote on the cushion next to me, reached over to grab a throw blanket, and draped it over Ollie and me as I took my left arm across his tight little four-pack abs and hugged him through his T-shirt to pull him closer to me. In our slightly reclined position, his tailbone and lower back came into contact with my stiffening penis.

Feeling the warmth of my hardness against him, he wiggled his tail slightly, sighed, leaned his head back to nestle into me, and took another sip of his coffee, while we enjoyed our morning cartoons.

We must have gone through four episodes of silly Tom and Jerry cartoons before I decided it might be time to start the day. It was after 9 o'clock, and I still had a few errands to run before having lunch at Sarah and Carol's. And Ollie had to get ready for work at 11. I went and hopped in the shower while Ollie cleaned up in the kitchen. Next to his ass, and now his newly-unveiled package, my next favorite quality of Ollie's was easily his eager willingness to clean up in the kitchen. Oh, who was I kidding? I hadn't found a single thing about him yet that didn't make me desperate to spend as much time with him as I possibly could.

Heading out the door, I saw Ollie pick up a book and head for the porch to soak up the rest of his lazy morning, my heart filled with happiness that the boy seemed to feel so at home.

I ran a couple small errands, briefly returned home, after Ollie had left for work, to drop off a few things, then made my way down the street to Sarah and Carol's place for lunch, a bouquet of daisies in hand.

"Hello, my friends," I greeted them each with a hug as I stepped inside their house and handed Carol the daisies. They lived close to the college, as Carol, in her early 70s, was a semi-retired music professor there, and Sarah, a retired literature professor in her early 80s, often still led extracurricular poetry groups there.

"Oh, hello, Jeff. So nice to have you over again. It's been a while! Would you like some tea? Carol is making some wonderful herbal tea we picked up on our last vacation," Sarah offered, sitting with me in the living room as Carol returned to the kitchen.

"Yes, please, Carol!" I called out toward the kitchen.

A short moment later, Carol returned, tea tray in hand. "Lunch is in the oven, ready in about twenty minutes."

"Thank you, Carol. You ladies sure know how to entertain!"

As Carol settled in, they both looked at me, smiling. "So, what's new with Jeff?"

I smiled sheepishly. "Oh, you know, this and that."

"Uh huh. 'This and that' wouldn't happen to include a newly-adopted stray, would it?" Carol asked, laughing lightly.

"I seem to have a revolving door of that, so yes, it does. But this kid is really something special. Showed up in my life even more desperate and wounded than most. My heart breaks for the kid. I think he's hurting, and he just needs someone to show him he's cared for, I think."

"You know, no offense, but you're so attuned to the emotional that we sometimes forget you're not a lesbian, Jeff. But then we see all the cute young things you keep circling around in your orbit, and we're reminded that you're not," Sarah chimed in.

"Um, thanks, I guess? But enough about that, I actually have a burning topic on my mind that I really wanted to pick your brains about, then I want to hear all the latest with you both."

"Ok, sure, what is it?" Carol asked, as they both leaned in, intrigued.

"Well, there's an alto in choir I'm curious about."

"Maria? Wow, are we good at reading you, Jeff," Sarah smiled, self-satisfied.

"Yes, you got me."

"Oh, I think we know what you're wondering about. You want to know if she is similarly 'complicated', as you like to say, and therefore maybe understanding of your, shall we say, varied interests," Sarah continued.

"Again, you know me well."

"Well, as luck would have it, yes, she has actually attended some of my poetry sessions, and we can confirm for you that she is, as you like to say with your aversion to labels, 'complicated'. So if she's showing interest in you, I'd say go for it."

"I agree with Sarah on this one, Jeff."

"Excellent. My instincts were right on that one, then. That's all I really wanted to know. Ok, now I can stop monopolizing the conversation. What's new with y'all?"

From there we continued having a lovely time together, enjoying our tea and lunch and getting caught up, with Sarah reading me the latest poem she had composed, and Carol playing out a few tunes on the piano for us, while their cat Stormy rested on my lap. I always felt re-energized after spending a relaxing afternoon with these two ladies.

It was late afternoon when I left their place, so I decided to briefly duck into the shop to check on my people as they busily prepared for the dinner rush. At this point, Wyatt was left running the show, with Jake off that day, and Kai having gone home for the day. Ollie seemed to be doing a fine job keeping busy, and Wyatt looked to have things well under control, so after making the rounds to all the various folks working right then and greeting them, I headed back home to enjoy a few hours to myself.

I made myself a light supper, and took it out onto the sun-filled porch with a glass of wine, joining Tom and Jerry in surveying the town square below from our fourth story perch, the tallest building in town except for the church and courthouse steeples. I had left big city life behind years ago, coming to what I considered a small town, with its 25,000 or so delightfully eclectic residents. It also helped that it was actually a good deal bigger than my Welsh-speaking mother's home town in Wales, where I had spent a good chunk of my childhood off and on. But living here also made for a three hour drive when I wanted to see family, which I was only partially ok with. My parents, my sister and her husband and kids were all great, but nonetheless I was content to create my own life here in this quaint little town. The college had brought me here in the first place, a story for another day. But the town quickly wormed its way into my heart, and now here I was, a fairly well-known member of the community, peering down from above as I enjoyed my peace and quiet on this pleasantly warm summer evening.

After spending a bit of time reading on the porch after my supper, I set about doing a little light housecleaning, then changed into a pair of sweats worn commando, and went shirtless out to the living room to relax on the sofa and watch something mindless for a bit until my young model-in-residence returned from work. The episode was nearly over when Ollie came in after his 10-hour shift at work, the longest the kid had worked there yet.

"Welcome back, kiddo! You must be exhausted! Go put on something more comfortable, grab yourself a beer, and come join me and relax for a bit!"

"Oh, that sounds perfect, Jeff. I am exhausted. Although Wyatt went pretty easy on me and did a lot himself."

"Sounds like him. Now hurry up and come join me."

A minute later, he came strolling over to the sofa, clad identically to me in sweats and nothing else, the outline of the tip of his penis pushing against the gray fabric indicating he too was going commando. I sprang an instant boner at the sight of him. We resumed the same reclining position again, with him fully backed up against me, snuggling his whole body against me and feeling my hardness poke against him.

I had both hands free this time, so I wrapped both my arms around the boy, my right arm tight around his abs, my fingers around his left waist, keeping his hips and the lower half of his torso pressed into me, while my left arm held him protectively across his chest and my hand laid squarely over his right pec. I leaned my head over his left shoulder, taking in a breath of his delirium-inducing teenage scent, and softly spoke into his ear.

"Did you have a good day, kiddo?"

"I really did. Some more of the customers are starting to recognize me, and I'm really feeling like I belong."

I began to rub both hands gently up and down on him as I continued pressing his bare back into my chest and my stiff rod kept his lower back and tailbone warm as my breath came past his left ear and cheek.

"That makes me really happy to hear, kiddo. I hope you feel safe now in your life here."

"Yeah, I really do, Jeff. Thank you," he said, leaning his head leftward and slightly back, to meet me cheek-to-cheek, and reaching his left hand up to rest atop my left hand as it pressed his right pec and his right hand to rest over my right. His smooth teenage skin (he seemed to lack the genetics for growing facial hair) rubbed gently against my two-day stubble before he returned his head to an upright position, keeping his hands in place over mine as we continued to watch an episode of some mindless action series.

The show soon ended, and I flipped the screen off. We remained reclined in our tight embrace for several minutes of silence, before I spoke up.

"We both have to get up and be to work by 7 tomorrow, so we should probably get some shut-eye, kiddo."

The boy shyly spoke back to me, "Can we do the same arrangement again tonight, Jeff?"

"Sure, kiddo, if that's what you want."

He leaned his head back and leftward again, rubbing our cheeks together as he let out a soft sigh. "Mm, yes please."

I had to put all my inner strength to work to resist the urge to just run into the bedroom, pulling him along, and dock myself under his tight buns again that instant. We made our way into the bathroom together and mimicked our morning arrangement of one at the toilet and one at the sink, then switching. Next we made it to the bedroom, walked to our respective sides of the bed, simultaneously dropped our pants onto the floor, and climbed in, crawling forward to meet each other in the middle. My heart beat faster and propelled a rush of blood into my instantly hardened dick as he dropped his pants, and then practically burst as he laid his fine head down on my left arm and backed up into me as I used my right arm and my legs to intertwine with him and lock him safely into my protective embrace. My hard-as-steel erection happily returned to its increasingly-familiar post, nestled along the lower end of the crevice between Ollie's tight, firm buns, running along his perineum and nudging up against his teenage sack. My heart pounded against the boy's back while my cock once again leaked out onto his balls, while my left cheek nestled against the right side of his neck, and my hot breath tickled his adorably-undersized, tucked-in ear.

"Good night, Jeff."

Good night, kiddo."

We both drifted off gently to sleep, him faster than me, as my heart rate took a little extra time to cool down.

We again enjoyed a blissful rest nestled tightly together, and shortly after 5:30, my phone began gently rising us from our slumber. Once again, we seemed not to have moved much in the night, and once again, my dreams had returned me to a state of fiery arousal down below, my tip straining to unstick itself from the adhesion of my dried pre-cum against the underside of his sack.

I heard Ollie begin to stir to the alarm sounds, and after shutting off the alerts, I gently whispered into his right ear, "Good morning, birthday boy."

"Mmmm, good morning, Jeff."

"How'd you sleep?"

"Like I didn't have a care in the world. Thanks to you."

"You have no idea how happy that makes me to hear that, kiddo," I said as I bent my left elbow to reach my forearm over his throat and across his neck and my left hand onto his shoulder, while my other hand pressed his firm, smooth chest back into me, my legs squeezed his, and my hips thrust forward to squeeze up against his butt and my cock rubbed slightly forward along the lower part of his crack, rubbing his perineum as my tip poked into his sack.

Finally, the day had arrived when the magic number would appear on his government ID. Despite my burning attraction toward hot young straight guys, and my superhuman ability to slowly build up their trust to the point of being able to get them into bed and keep them coming back for more, I had long ago resolved not to play with fire on the whole age thing. As far back as high school, when I lusted unsuccessfully after the hot jock crowd of which I was very much not a part, I thought that someday I would run for political office of some kind, and I wasn't about to have to carry around that kind of baggage. Setting aside any discussion of the morality of such laws, and just thinking in terms of cold strategy, it was not a chance I was willing to take. No sir, no one would be catching me on a Jeffrey Epstein plane or at a Bryan Singer pool party. Now, with my reputation solid and widespread in the Spartanville community, I knew the day was fast approaching when I actually would make that leap into the swampy world of politics somehow. So yeah, even though Ollie was the most beautiful creature I had yet encountered in life, there was not a chance in hell I was going to take things too far with the kid until this day came. Now that it was here though, it was finally time to take my game to the next level.

"How about I start your birthday out with a special gift?"

"Oh, yes please."

"You trust me to make you feel good?"

"I do."

"Good, ok, now just hold still and trust me."

"Oooooooook," he moaned as I began to nibble softly on his right earlobe and lick along the edges of his ear as my hot breath came down on him. I took the fingertips on my left hand and began gently stroking back and forth along his clavicle, while with my right hand I began the rub his left pectoral muscle, and with two fingers I lightly massaged and pinched his left nipple. With my longer legs and recently pedicured feet, I began rubbing my toes slowly back and forth over his strong, smooth feet, curling my toes slightly along his as I reached the ends of his feet before sensually stroking my toes along his foot again back up to his ankles.

"You're such a handsome, strong young man, Oliver. I'm so happy you're here with me in my life. You are very special to me," I whispered into his ear as I reached my right hand up toward me, built up a generous pool of saliva in my mouth, and slowly drooled out a pool of spit into my cupped palm.

"Just relax and enjoy," I whispered again into his ear before replacing my breath with my tongue, slowly probing his ear and back out again along the edges of his tucked-in cartilage while I carefully drifted my cupped hand downward to his penis. Once my hand reached his crotch, the edge of my hand could feel that he was already getting hard. A hopeful sign for me with this straight boy. I swiftly tipped my palm toward his shaft, just below his head, and began slowly massaging my lubricating saliva up and down his shaft and around the tip of his circumcised and perfectly-shaped now-fully erect cock. My hand went up and down his full length, and I estimated that he was indeed somewhere around 7 inches hard, and decently thick around. Once his delectable young dick was evenly lubricated, I reached down to collect some of the pre-cum leaking from my tip out onto the underside of his balls, and returned my hand to his head with this added lubricant. I continued playing a sensual footsie with him, grinding my hips into his butt as my dick rubbed along beneath him and poked into his balls, while my fingers continued seductively tracing along his clavicle and I returned to softly nibbling his earlobe.

"You're such a wonderful young man, Oliver. So strong and tough. Thank you for starting your birthday here with me," I gently whispered as I continued to nibble his earlobe. My right hand began to focus attention on his upper three inches, gently stroking up and down, then wrapping just my fingers around his large, hard but spongy, bulbous circumcised glans, then gently tickling beneath the head along the frenulum, while snaking my tongue into his ear and tightly wrapping my legs around his and thrusting forward beneath him.

We continued this rhythm for what seemed like hours but was probably only fifteen minutes, when Ollie let out a quiet, high-pitched moan as I continued manipulating the head of his stiff cock, thrusting my own beneath him and into his balls, gently tickling his feet with my own, softly tracing the contours of his clavicle, and licking slowly along the edges of his ear.

"That's it, kiddo. You're almost there. Just relax and let it out. You're such a strong, brave young man, Oliver. That's it. Let it out."

His high-pitched squeals grew louder and almost shrill as he threw his head back into me, thrust his hips backward, tightly squeezed his legs into mine, wildly flung his right arm up and wrapped his hand around the back of my head, shoving the side of my face into his, clenched his ass cheeks around my stiff cock, and shot out a volley of cum into the air, flying across the bed and onto the floor below.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh!" I looked down to watch as another load, and another, and another, burst forth out of his gloriously perfect cock as I squeezed the top third of the shaft tight around my right hand, pulled his shoulders into me with my left, panted and huffed my hot breath onto his cheek, dug my feet into his, and thrust into his underside, hugged between his tightly-clenched, firm and smooth buns.

I was so deep in passionate madness that, without having touched myself, I let out my own ample load beneath him, landing on the underside of his balls and onto the sheet below. I let out a big huff of release, breathing onto the cheek of this wonderful, gorgeous boy I had just brought to the best orgasm of his young life.

I moved my right hand to begin gently massaging his ample, heavy teen ball sack as he dribbled out a final load onto the bed sheet beside him. I softly and repeatedly kissed the side of his face and neck as I used my left hand to continue rubbing his shoulders and chest, my right hand softly stroking along his side, my legs and feet continuing to press into his as I gently and almost imperceptibly rocked my hips back and forth, moving my dick ever so slightly along his underside as I rapidly softened.

We continued lying together intertwined like this for several minutes before I started to feel the pain of needing to take a leak. "Time for a shower, birthday boy?"

"Mmmmm, yeah. Race ya!"

He bolted up from the bed, and I sprung up and ran behind him into the bathroom. He had begun releasing a stream into the bowl when I came up and stood beside him hip-to-hip, put my left arm around him, grabbed my softened dick in my right, and let loose my own stream. Once we were done, he turned around to turn on the shower, then turning to look at me, asked "Want to shower together?"

As if I could be any more excited this morning than I already had been, my heart leapt into my throat as I looked at his flawless, firm, perky young teen ass, his strong back twisting to look back at me, and his chiseled, perfectly-proportioned young face gazing back at me with the biggest, most heart-stopping smile I had ever seen.

"Yeah, kiddo, let's do that."

We walked into the shower together, a large, tiled walk-in shower I had remodeled when I bought the place, a rain shower faucet on the ceiling and two shower hoses hanging on the sides, making it large enough for three adults, even though I was firmly a one-on-one kind of guy. We positioned ourselves below the rain shower faucet as it sprayed a warm cascade of water down upon us. I walked up to Ollie as he faced me under the water, reached one arm around his hips and lower back and one arm around his strong upper back, and pulled him up onto his tiptoes and into me. Our soft dicks kissed gently as the warm water cascaded down our bodies. Looking down into his face, his eyes mostly closed to shield him from the water, I gently kissed his forehead before releasing my upward pull on his hips as I asked, "Are you having a good birthday so far, kiddo?"

"The best! And Jeff, that was, um, the best fucking orgasm I've ever had. Thank you."

Ah, there was a hint of that same potty-mouth I had encountered that past Sunday night, less than five days ago now, though it seemed like years. "You just make me want to make you feel safe and special, kiddo. Because I think you deserve it."

"Even though I tried to rob you?"

I spun him around and backed myself up against the wall of the shower, pulling him with one arm and pressing us together again at the hips, his soft and spent penis rubbing my thigh while mine nestled below his firm four-pack abs, as we stood just outside the stream from the rain shower spout and I took my free hand up to brush the water free from his eyes.

"Listen to me, kiddo. Ever since that one brief little mistake that night, you have done absolutely nothing to disappoint me. I am so very proud of you. Do you hear me?"

His eyes looked downward at first, lacking confidence, then as he processed his thoughts for a moment, he looked up and met my gaze, his entire face lighting up as a smile grew across his face. Suddenly he pushed upwards on his feet, dragging his soft cock upwards toward mine, as he thrust his face up into mine and planted a kiss squarely on my lips. He didn't hold the kiss there long, slightly more than a peck really, and quickly lowered himself back into his previous position, holding eye contact with my surprised wide eyes, before saying "Thank you, Jeff. Just, thank you."

"I meant every word, kiddo." I wrapped him up in a hug for a few moments before releasing him completely so we could hurriedly get through an actual shower and get on with our day.

We each quickly got dressed, he opting for a pair of light blue shorts otherwise identical to his tight little orange ones, and a feature-enhancing, torso-hugging, salmon-colored polo to pair with it. He generously walked in front of me as we exited the condo, and again as we walked down the street, allowing me to savor the delightful view of that magnificent ass I was becoming increasingly acquainted with. At this point, I was virtually certain he did such things on purpose as a favor to me.

We got to the shop a few minutes early, and went about having a busy but smooth-sailing morning rush, working with Kai, Phoebe, and the rest of the morning crew. After Ollie finished cleaning up from the rush and I finished a few back office tasks, the clock rolled close to 10 o'clock, our hearing time with Judge Gonzales. Seeing the time, I rushed over to Ollie, jostled his shoulder gently, and let him know it was time to go.

He wiped his hands on his apron, hung that up, and we began to walk toward the exit. Once we were outside and out of earshot of eavesdroppers, he looked up at me and asked, slightly unsure of himself, "Do I look ok?"

"Haha, I am the wrong person to ask that of, kiddo. To me, you look absolutely stunning all the time. But if you mean do you look presentable for the judge, then yes, yes you do," I said as I licked one hand and patted down a few stray hairs on the back of the boy's head. I then placed that hand at the base of his neck as we walked side-by-side toward the courthouse, possessively and protectively shepherding the boy along the way.

"Good morning, Paul," I winked to Judge Gonzales's cute clerk, while still possessively holding my young Adonis at the base of his soft but strong neck. "Those early morning workouts look like they're doing you good, man."

"Haha, thanks, man. I like to do what I can to stay in shape, you know?"

"Well, your hard work is paying off. We're here for our 10:00 hearing with the judge?"

"Yes, just head on up to the front there. She should be ready to call you up in just a minute."

A moment later, the judge entered the courtroom, and Paul went to lock the doors for the private hearing.

"Good morning, you two. Ready to begin?"

"Yes, Your Honor," we said in unison, still standing side-by-side, with me still possessively holding onto young Oliver.

After a few formalities back-and-forth, lasting at most five minutes, Judge Gonzales struck her gavel and declared, "Now, I declare you henceforth and from your birth to have the legal name Oliver Francis Schmitt. You may see the clerk to complete the signing. This session is adjourned."

"Thank you, Your Honor," we both again declared in unison, as she returned to her chambers. We walked up to Paul's desk, and Ollie signed a few papers and Paul notarized, while I wrote out a check and handed it to Paul for $183. Pretty reasonable fees for such a momentous change.

"Thanks for your help, Paul. Hope to see you around," I said, winking again to that fine piece of educated young eye candy.

"Goodbye, Jeff. Goodbye, Oliver."

"Thank you, sir."

I ushered Ollie out the doors of the courthouse, and as I stretched my arm around his shoulders, he sank into my side as we walked, sighing a deep sigh of relief as he spoke. "I can't believe we just did that. Thank you for your help, Jeff."

I reached my other hand over to lift his chin up and have him look up into my eyes, as I looked down into his and said "It was my pleasure, kiddo. I can't tell you how happy I am to see you so relieved right now. Now, let's get back to work so we don't leave the gang hanging for lunchtime!"


Next: Chapter 8

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