Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 2, 2020


Not sure if I'll continue the pace with new installments or not, but so far I haven't been able to put this one down, as I myself wait to see how things unfold.

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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 6 By Jeff Ennig

After taking another minute to recover from my quick but wild session with Jake, I peeled myself up from the bed, clenched my cheeks together, and picked up my clothes, holding them bundled together in front of me strategically, as I walked down the hall to the bathroom. I could see the back of Ollie's head as he sat on the couch, presumably watching something to pass the time and avoid the awkwardness. I mounted the porcelain throne, unclenched to release the souvenirs Jake had so expertly deposited up my backside, finished cleaning up, rearranged my hair, and got dressed again.

Now that I once again resembled a respectable person, I walked back out again and made my way to the living room. I sat myself on the sofa, a couple feet from Ollie, and stared silently at the screen. After a few minutes of silence passed between us, I broke the ice with, "The, ah, bedroom is, ah, safe again if you wanted to go get changed," self-consciously brushing the back of my head with one hand as I stumbled with my words. I didn't usually struggle like that.

Ollie burst out in hearty laughter. "Oh good! I didn't know how long it would be 'off limits'!" He continued rolling with laughter as he sat facing me.

I was relieved that I had guessed right as to his mature and open reaction, and that he found humor in it. That nagging doubt that he would somehow have been scared off by it just evaporated away. I joined him in a bit of laughing, as he continued to giggle along.

"You know, I thought the sock on the door handle was a more widely understood 'Do Not Enter' signal, so I'm sorry for assuming wrong. You looked pretty surprised!"

"Oh, jeez, that's what that was for?" he asked as he continued his giggling.

"Yeah, kiddo. Maybe you're just too young, but now you know. Anyway, I, um, wouldn't lay down on the bed anytime soon. I'm gonna need to change the bedding first."

"Ha! Yeah, I bet you will. It, uh, looked like y'all were having a pretty good time."

I chuckled softly now. "Yeah, you might could say that. Well anyways, thanks for being cool and rolling with things, kiddo."

"Hey, I'm the houseguest. I'm just sorry I came back early from my run and interrupted things. Well, almost interrupted things."

Ollie got up just then and went off to the bedroom to get changed out of his running clothes and back into those cute plaid shorts. To my pleasant surprise, he came back out without a shirt to go with the shorts, and plopped himself back down on the sofa. My, oh my, even after that powerful release with Jake earlier, the sight of this kid's body could drive me completely wild. Did he know that? Was he just teasing me? I again noticed the bruises fading, and his torso more tan than the day before. I wondered if he had done some of his run sans shirt. That reminded me, note to self to buy him a pair of skimpy running shorts like Jake's.

"It's a little warm in here, don't you think, Jeff?"

"I'd be a pretty poor judge of that. Any room would feel a little warm to me right now."

"Haha. Oh, I get it, because of the, yeah..."

"You catch on quick, kiddo."

"Hey, you mind if I ask you something?"


"Is Jake gay? Cuz I wouldn't have guessed that."

"Oh, goodness no. That man is the classic straight frat boy. But like me, he's, you know, complicated. He and I just have our own special bond is all."

He nodded along at that answer, looked briefly down at the floor, and then looked back up at me. "Can I ask another question?"

"I'm in a rare question-answering kind of mood right now, kiddo, so fire away."

"I couldn't help but notice that Jake is, um, a pretty, um, big guy. Doesn't it, ya know, um, hurt?"

I was delighted at the direction the kid's curiosity seemed to be taking him. "Well, did I look like I was in pain to you?"

"No, I guess not."

"But yeah, Jake is definitely a big boy, no doubt. That wasn't the first time, and probably won't be the last time, he and I mess around like that, so he's not new to me. But if you don't prepare things properly, then yes, it can hurt. That, and if the giving partner doesn't know what he's doing, it can cause harm to even a well-prepared receiving partner. But Jake DEFINITELY knows what he's doing. I had to teach him everything he knows, of course, but now he's an absolute master." In fact, I was immensely proud of Jake in many ways, but specifically when it came to the bedroom, that young stud might really be my greatest creation yet.

Ollie's eyes widened slightly as I spoke. I wasn't sure if he was just surprised at my candor, or if he was intrigued for other reasons. "What do you mean, prepare?"

My heartrate quickened slightly with excitement at his continued curiosity. I tried to remain calm and think through my word choices in how I responded. At this point, Ollie was looking straight at me with his beautiful brown eyes, with rapt attention.

I held his gaze as I began to explain, "Well, when looking to receive, especially if it's someone Jake's size, but really even someone average like me, it's a good idea to, ah, clean up a little inside, stretch things out a bit, and apply a little grease, or 'lube', to ease the friction. Unlike when I'm with a woman and entering through the front door, the back door is more accustomed to being used as an exit rather than an entrance. So it just takes some patience and a little extra coaxing to make it smooth and enjoyable for my partner when I enter him."

I let my words hang in the air for a moment, holding his stare while I looked behind Ollie's eyes to see the wheels turning inside that flawlessly beautiful head of his.

"So you do... both?"

"Yes, absolutely. It really just depends on the dynamic of the relationship. Like with Jake, he's a wonderful young man I care deeply about, and I can be quite protective of him, but even if Jake were ever willing to switch roles, I'm not sure I'd want to. It just doesn't seem to fit our dynamic. Jake's really a great kid, but he knows how to use his large masculine stature to take control, and that's, well, that's pretty hot. And when he wants to physically bond with me and show me how much he cares, that is the role that feels most natural for him."

This seemed to really get the wheels spinning in his mind, as I let the silence hang for a minute until the kid looked back up and asked, "But, so, you enjoy it too with Jake?"

"Of course! Jake isn't really interested in guys. I think his whole motivation is because he wants to make me happy. And the same goes for me with him. When I was younger, I used to have one-off flings here and there with women and guys who were total strangers, and the whole thing was purely physical. It would be fun for a few minutes, but then afterwards, I just felt empty and alone. I finally figured out that I didn't want to separate the physical from the emotional and spiritual aspects of bonding with someone. So since then, I've only ever been with women I'm in a serious relationship with, or men with whom I have formed a solid emotional and spiritual bond."

He nodded as if he understood, but then, looking almost embarrassed by his ignorance, asked, "Yeah, but, physically, what's in it for you with him?"

"Oh, now I see what you're getting at. Well, most guys your age think they only have one piece of equipment that brings them that kind of pleasure, right? Well, that is very much not the whole picture. The other main one is your prostate, which is connected to your balls, and is best reached by the head of a hard penis coming in and hitting it from behind. Jake is an absolute magician at manipulating that, even though with his length, when he's fully inside me, the head of his penis is actually pretty far past my prostate. And then there's your nipples, your ears, even sometimes the nape of your neck, that in the right hands can really drive you wild. People tell me feet can be, too, but I'll just take their word for it."

That foot bit got a chuckle out of him. "Nipples? Really?!?"

"Yeah, haha, that's the one that always seems to surprise young guys. Oh, and then there's the biggest spot of them all. How could I forget? Your mind! That's the real reason that being with someone I care so much about, like Jake, can be so hot. We care for each other, and we enjoy bonding emotionally and spiritually with each other. So even if I had no erotic feelings up my backside whatsoever, it would still be really hot for me to have him looking into my eyes while he's fully inside me, just knowing we were melded together in that moment."

He stewed on that for a moment, before looking up again. "Thanks, Jeff. Normally I'd feel so awkward to even talk about this kind of stuff. You just make it so comfortable for me to ask things, because I don't feel like you're judging me."

"No matter what it is, I just want you to feel safe and trusting here, kiddo. Don't ask me to explain it, but I care a lot about you, kid, and that's all I ever want to make someone feel when I care about them."

"Thanks, Jeff. And I do," he said, as he moved over toward me and snuggled into my side while we resumed watching a few more minutes of a show. I stroked his arm softly as we sat pressed together, enjoying this moment of complete safety and trust with this beautiful boy.

After a few minutes of such bliss, I looked at the time and moved away from the boy. "Crap, kiddo, I better hustle if I don't want to be late to my choir practice again tonight." Jumping up from the sofa, I bolted into the library to grab my music folder, hurried back to the kitchen to grab a banana and down a glass of water, and turned to the boy as I ran out the door. "You've got the place to yourself for a couple hours, kid. There's some food in the fridge you can warm up when you're hungry. See you soon."

"Have fun, Jeff!" the boy called out after me.

I hustled across the town square over to St. Bonnie's. We normally didn't have rehearsals in the summers, but Sunday was a special event for the parish, and we were gathering for this one-off Wednesday rehearsal to prep for the big performance. I made it just in time, maintaining my reputation for nearly always arriving right on the dot. I took my spot among the tenors and joined in on the vocal warm-up exercises.

It wouldn't be a difficult rehearsal, as all the pieces for Sunday were ones we all were familiar with, but since we hadn't gathered for several weeks, the director wanted to make sure we weren't too rusty. The archbishop would be there Sunday, so the director felt a bit of pressure.

Probably half or more of the choir seemed like we were some ill-defined flavor or another under the big queer umbrella. Not sure if it was just the intense attraction to beauty in art and music so many of us experience, or if it was that choirs often seem like one place within the Church that is a kind of refuge for those who don't fit the mold. Maybe a little of both. At any rate, without the choir, I wasn't totally sure I would've stuck around so long there.

From my perch high in the back corner of the choir loft, I had a great view down to the alto section in the middle and over to the bass section across. In both sections, I wandered my eye upon objects of growing desire. In the alto section, Maria sat, next to my friends Sarah and Carol, an old grumpy lesbian couple who had long ago adopted me as their quasi-nephew, and who had recruited me into the choir in the first place. Maria was already looking up at me when my eyes wandered over to her, and as our eyes met, we both smiled and I gave her a little wink. She was so incredibly beautiful. Perhaps she wasn't out of my league after all. I'd have to gather a little intel from Sarah and Carol first.

Next, my eyes subtly wandered over to the bass section. Being a further distance away, it was easier to stare over there without it being quite so obvious what my eyes were set upon. In the back row sat Brett, a shy, brooding professor of some sort of science at the college. He was fairly young, maybe 30, and oh my word was he sexy! Not like a model, as some of the boys in my stable of young straight jocks were. More like the runner-up in a rom-com kind of sexy. But his whole shy, brooding shtick was like catnip for me, egging me on to work out a way to break through that shell. I didn't exactly score a lot of points on the hotness scale myself, so I had to rely on my ability to maneuver my way into a guy's pants through emotional bonds. And once a guy was in my crosshairs, it worked out for me surprisingly often. Guys are so walled off from each other these days that they are often just desperate to connect.

During the break time and in the few minutes of loitering afterwards, I was able to exchange a few words with Brett, but he really was an awkward nerd type, even if he was also buff and sexy. So my progress was only slight. I also chatted a bit with Maria, thanking her again for her help, careful not to touch on the nature of that help, lest we be within earshot of anyone else. I wasn't quite ready to make the jump and ask her out though, as I wanted to gather a little intel from Sarah and Carol first. Running into my favorite old lesbians as I left for the evening, I asked them if I could come visit for lunch the next day, since it was a day off for me from the shop. They smiled and happily agreed.

Walking back home after rehearsal, I felt light on my feet. It had really been a great day so far, starting off with waking up to Ollie in my arms, an easy work day, then a productive visit with the judge, another mind-blowing romp with Jake, an awkward moment for Ollie that ultimately led to a very revealing conversation, and finally a successful choir rehearsal complete with some nice interaction with both Maria and Brett. And I could think of no better way to top it all off than to hold Ollie in my arms again as we fell asleep.

I made my way up the stairs, walked back into my condo, set my music folder down, and looked up to see Ollie still lounging bare-chested on the sofa, cuddling with Tom and Jerry. His dazzling eyes and perfectly chiseled face sparkled with a smile as he held the kittens and looked up to see me standing there. I was almost moved to tears in that moment by how much I wanted to keep this boy safe.

So many of the strays I've taken in over the years have been like the boy who falls off his skateboard and severely scrapes up his knees, with me there to nurse him back into full vigor. But with Ollie, he was more like a wounded baby bird, and my heart beat that much harder in wanting to take him in and make him strong again. All my guys ultimately showed me their inner little boy once I broke down their barriers, but Ollie just had this extra quality of sweet innocence that filled my cup to overflowing.

I went into the kitchen and made myself a plate of leftovers, grabbed a couple beers, and went out to the living room to join Ollie and the kittens. Since it was a warm night, I had selected a couple kolsches, and handing one to Ollie, I raised my can in a toast. "To another day of having a great kid here to keep me and the fur-boys company. Here's to you, kiddo."

Ollie smiled at this, gently stroked Jerry's head with one hand, and reached up with his other hand to meet my toast. "Thanks, Jeff. I still can't believe I'm here with you. I'll never be able to thank you enough for saving me."

"Oh, nonsense. You're a smart, strong kid. You would have figured it out on your own eventually. But all the same, I'm glad you're here."

"I really don't think I would have, but thanks for saying so." We each downed our beers fairly quickly, and after pointing out that I had the day off, and he didn't need to be at work until 11, I asked him if he'd like another.

"Yeah! Can I try something different though? I like kolsch, but I feel like I have a lot to learn."

"Well, I did just pick up a few sours, and a good pilsner. You might not be quite ready for sours yet, plus they might be a little strong for you. But how about a pilsner? Nice and light and refreshing like the kolsch."

"Yeah, that sounds good."

I went to fetch the beers, this time grabbing the glass mugs, to class it up a notch.

"Here ya go, kiddo." We clanked our mugs together lightly, and started to down them. As we laughed our way through the goofball comedy movie Ollie had been playing, it didn't take long before we had that round polished off as well. It was starting to get late, for us morning folk anyway. But the movie still had a ways to go yet. "One last round?"

"Sure. Could I get another IPA this time?"

"Yeah! Glad you like that stuff." I rinsed out our mugs, grabbed some hipster label IPA I had picked up that had a 12% ABV, and poured it into Ollie's mug, and selected something less offensive for my own mug.

"Here ya go. Last round for the night, probably. I don't know about you, but I'll be ready for sleep when this movie is through."

"Same here."

I reclaimed my spot on the sofa, a couple feet away from Ollie, this time with each of us having a cat on our laps again. After the show, with our beers empty, I pushed Tom off of me and rose to head to the bathroom. With that last beer of his packing a triple punch, Ollie seemed to stumble a little as he got up, but still made his way into the kitchen to clean up, as had become his routine.

I poked my head into the living room, looking toward the kitchen as Ollie wrapped up the cleaning. "You want the same arrangement again tonight, kiddo?"

"Yeah, that'd be nice," he said, slurring his words slightly as he spoke.

"Ok. See you in there, kiddo."

I readied myself for bed, stripped down to my boxer briefs, and climbed in on my side of the king-size bed, switching off the bedside lamp on my side, leaving the lamp on his side the only light in the room, and made my way to the middle so I could meet this brown-haired Adonis when he slipped into bed beside me. A couple minutes later, Ollie came in, stark naked, carrying his soiled boxers, and after throwing the boxers in the hamper, turned toward the bed to get in.

Man, was this a sight to behold! I feasted my eyes upon the radiant beauty of this golden-tanned Adonis standing before me. Moving my eyes up from his strong, veiny size-10 feet, to his lightly-haired shins, his smooth kneecaps, and his creamy, medium-thick, tapering thighs, my eyes landed upon the ultimate glory. His perfectly formed package made my mouth water, as I saw his 3-inch soft cock hang over a large set of balls hanging low as they generated his raw teenage hormones. He was indeed circumcised, showing off a large head that I imagined only got larger with excitement. If I had to guess, I'd wager he reached 7 inches. And it was the perfect shape, round and smooth, thick and nestled in a nice little bush that reached an inch or so above his package, to his treasure trail and that magnificently prominent V that lit the way to happiness. His glorious, smooth, hairless torso, with the developing four-pack abs and firm but growing pecs topped by his nickel-sized smooth brown nipples, glistened with a thin layer of sweat in the summer heat.

My eyeballs nearly fell out the sockets. "Whoa, are you trying to give the old guy a heart attack there, kiddo?"

"Huh?" Looking down at himself and suddenly becoming somewhat aware of his situation amidst his tipsy stupor, he replied, "Oh, oops. Heh heh. I, uh, usually sleep naked. Hope that's ok."

I chuckled a little. "Yeah, kiddo, that is a.o.k. with me. Hop in." Now I suddenly felt a little more daring. "You know, I usually sleep naked too." (Total lie) "Would you be ok with it if I did too?"

"Yeah, sure, do what you want, Jeff. It's your place," he slurred back.

I quickly slipped off my briefs and tossed them on the floor by my side of the bed. Ollie climbed in, and without a word, crawled into the middle, turned around, and scooted backward toward me. Following our new nightly routine, I held out my left arm for him to rest his soft, beautiful head upon, and draped my right arm over his chest, this time bending my elbow and placing my hand squarely on his firm left pectoral muscle. I playfully pinched his nipple once and then began to gently massage his pec, pulling only a light sheet over us while he backed up his waist to lock into my lap.

At last, we had found our way into a spooning position without those pesky undergarments to keep us apart. My heart beat loudly in my chest as I pressed up against his back, and I nestled my face alongside his, breathing my hot breath onto his ear. Ollie kept himself in position as I quickly became rock-hard, poking my way past the underside of his tight, smooth cheeks and nudging the underside of his sack with my tip.

"Um, Jeff, I think you're leaking on me," Ollie slurred, as he felt litte drops of warm pre-cum drip out of me and stick beneath his balls.

"Sorry, kiddo. I don't want to make you feel unsafe or anything, but you know full well I find you incredibly sexy, kid, so my body can't exactly help itself."

"It's ok, Jeff. I trust you not to do anything I don't want. And it feels good to be close to you." He slurred again, smacked his lips

This time I softly kissed the back of his smooth, golden-tanned neck with a little peck while quietly inhaling his delectable scent. "Good night, kiddo." I briefly gave him a tight squeeze, and relaxed again as I settled in. Once my little lieutenant realized he wasn't going to be getting any more action that day, I began to soften, nestled comfortably below Ollie's warm, tight cheeks, listening to the sound of his gentle, contented breathing as I fell sound asleep.


Next: Chapter 7

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