Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 2, 2020


Next installment. A little surprise twist in here to heat things up and move the story along. Hope it works.

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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 5 By Jeff Ennig

My day started in much the same way the previous one had, with my phone wresting me from my Ollie-spooning sleep. Perhaps forming a new morning routine, I reached behind me to turn off the alert and returned to my position holding Ollie, savoring the feel of his shorter but somewhat sturdier frame cradled in mine and my morning erection nestled between his hard buns, separated by two layers of fabric. This time, though, Ollie stirred awake as well.

"Mm, good morning, Jeff," Ollie raspily mumbled as he wiggled and snuggled deeper into the warmth of my embrace, either ignoring or enjoying my hardness poking beneath his rear entrance.

I gave him a little squeeze with my right arm, and lightly rubbed my hand back and forth across his chest, as we lie there, content to remain cuddled together.

After several minutes, Ollie reached his hand up to gently grasp my wrist and stop the motion. "Jeff, I want to say something about our talk yesterday in your office." Even at the mention of this, as he continued to hold my wrist and face away from me, he remained snuggled up against me, easing my worry that somehow an unspoken distance had grown between us.

"I'm pretty sure you get why, you know, 'it' bothered me so much, but I am sorry I got so upset. I know you were just doing your job. And it's not like I've forgotten what I was doing when we first met. I might not ever be okay with talking about my past. Like you said to me before, I think I want to just live in the present and look to the future. Of course, I'm grateful for everything you've done for me so far, but I'm especially grateful that you don't push me to talk about things I don't want to talk about."

"Thanks for sharing what's on your heart, kiddo. I'm here for you."

"Thanks," Ollie sighed back happily.

We remained in that position for a few more minutes before I knew I had to get up and get going. "Time for me to get to work, kiddo. Remember, you're coming in at 7 this morning so you can get broken in by the full morning rush. I think you're ready for it." I patted his shoulder as I pulled away and got up to get ready.

The morning rush went by pretty smoothly, with Ollie more than pulling his weight, and Phoebe joining me in eyeing up the new kid's backside, this time hugged by a pair of tight but knee-length plaid shorts. Eric didn't make another morning stop that day, but I assumed we'd see him at lunchtime to harass Ollie again. The rest of the time breezed by as well, complete with a little lunchtime nonsense from Eric, and soon enough it was time to make our way over to the courthouse to meet with Judge Gonzales. I had asked Jake to come in on his day off for a couple hours to help out in my stead while I went with Ollie to see the judge. I had covered for Jake on that fateful Sunday night, so it was only fair. He strutted in with a Cheshire-cat grin, wearing another pair of indecently small running shorts, this time quite clearly going commando, and paired with another midriff-exposing muscle shirt. Half the place turned their heads and drooled as he walked by. He may have looked cocky, and he certainly was that, but he was also incredibly bright and caring. Between he, Kai, and one other, they helped keep me sane in the running of the place.

"Thanks for coming in, Jake."

"You got it, boss. And hey, when you're done with whatever appointment you have, stop back by here again. There's something I want to ask you," he said with a familiar goofy grin on his face.

My insides tingled, thinking I knew what was on his mind, but I played it cool. "Sure, will do. See you soon."

Ollie and I made it to the courthouse with a few minutes to spare, checked in with the judge's clerk, a dashing, ambitious young 20-something fresh out of law school named Paul, and sat in the back of the courtroom waiting for her hearing to wrap up. Just as the clock struck 2, she adjourned and got up to walk back to her chambers, motioning for us to follow her in. Closing the door behind us, we each shook her hand and took a seat.

"Thank you for seeing us, Your Honor." I spoke formally, with none of our usual airs of mild flirtation, since we were in her chambers. "I'll cut right to the chase. Young Oliver here needs to discreetly change his name, actually just dropping one of his two last names."

"Ok. Well, I'll want to hear more before I agree to order the change sealed. How old are you, Oliver? And where are you from?"

"I'm 17, Your Honor. And I'm from Corinthia."

"I see. And your full legal name?"

"It's ok, Ollie. Go ahead," I said, reaching over to hold my hand on his shoulder reassuringly.

"Oliver Francis Schmitt-Rhys."

"Spelled R-H-Y-S?"

"Yes, Your Honor."

"I see," she nodded knowingly. Remaining stone-faced and without the slightest hesitation, she continued, "Yes, we can keep that record sealed. The next thing I need to know, since you're a minor, is who is your legal guardian?"

He looked over at me with fear in his eyes. I wasn't sure where that fear came from, but I gently squeezed his shoulder and nodded. "I'd rather not say, Your Honor. But my 18th birthday is on Friday."

"Ah, well that simplifies things. And I assume you don't have a certified copy of your birth certificate?"

"No, Your Honor."

"That's fine. Let's check with Paul to see if we can sneak you onto the docket for Friday. That will give us time to order a copy of the birth certificate from Thrace County. What we effectively do in these cases is issue new birth certificates, placing the previous ones along with the name change document under seal. In a way, it is like erasing history. So I'd like you not to answer me now, but just to think about that over the next two days and make sure that is what you want."

"Yes, Your Honor."

"Good. I'll hope to see you both on Friday. Hand these notes to Paul on your way out and see about getting on the docket. Now I have to return to some papers here."

"Thank you, Your Honor," we chimed in unison as we rose to leave.

We stopped by Paul's desk, handing him the judge's notes and arranging for a time Friday afternoon to slip onto her docket.

"Thanks for your help, Paul. And hey, we haven't seen you for a while in the mornings. Hope you're not becoming a Starbucks guy?"

He flashed me his perfectly-straight, gleaming white smile. "No, no, I've just been getting in my workout before work in the mornings lately. I'm sure I'll be back to my old routine again when the weather cools down some."

"Good. I, er, we miss seeing your smiling face in the mornings," flashing him a half-smile as we turned and walked out. Paul had become one of my favorite bits of morning eye candy.

Ollie and I began the short walk back to my place. "Thank you for arranging all that, Jeff. I know I would have had no clue how to do any of that, or even that it was possible."

"It's never a bad idea to benefit from someone else's experience, kiddo. And I've been at this adulting thing a lot longer than you have."

"But, um, Jeff? How much is all that going to cost? I don't know if I can afford it."

"Oh, I can't imagine it will cost more than a couple hundred in miscellaneous court fees. You may not have done the math yourself yet, but just in the last three days, after taxes, you've got yourself a paycheck of over $200 built up, not counting your share of tips." I paid all my inexperienced starting employees $12/hour, which was my approximation of a living wage for the cost-of-living in Spartanville. And all of my people did a pretty solid job of generating tip money for both themselves and for the half they threw in the communal pot for the whole team. Whether it was Jake the hot exhibitionist, Kai the reliably steady presence, Phoebe the quirky charmer, or any of the other eclectic personalities I kept around, the customers liked to show their appreciation.

"Yeah, but I'm just going deeper in the hole with you, and I'm mooching food and a place to stay."

"Well, it's pretty cool that you seem to have a decent grasp on the value of things at your age, kiddo. But for your first couple paychecks, I'm considering you a guest in my home. All discussion of paying for room and board while you're a guest is off the table, am I clear?"


"Good. After you've had a chance to earn a couple paychecks and pay me back for our earlier shopping excursion and for our courthouse adventures, then we can talk about what might be next for you, but not until then, ok?"

"Ok." He stooped over, looking slightly worried at the mention of 'next'.

As we walked side-by-side, I closed the gap between us, wrapped my arm around his shoulders, and with my free hand, I turned his chin upward and slightly in my direction as we kept walking. "Hey, I don't want you worrying about what's next, either, ok?. If, after those first two checks, you decide you want to start paying me rent and stick around my place for a while longer, we can talk about that. If you decide you'd like to branch out on your own, I'll help you find a place, or help connect you with guys closer to your own age with whom you can share a place. It'll all work out, I promise."

He perked up at that, and exhaling in relief, said "Yeah, that sounds good. Ok."

We continued chatting away as we ascended the steps in my building. Ollie had since learned about the elevator, but he still opted for the stairs anyway, and always walked in front of me. I was pretty sure I could get behind these plaid shorts, pun intended. Though I wasn't sure if he just liked the activity of the stairs, or if he did it for my benefit to give me a nice view as I walked. I'd honestly take either one.

After we got in and I paid a little attention to Tom and Jerry, I let Ollie know I needed to return to the shop and that he should make himself at home.

"Yeah, ok. I think I'll go for another long run to clear my head."

"Not a bad idea. Oh, and hey, if you want some music while you run, feel free to borrow my old iPod. It's in the key basket there by the door. In the drawer below it, there should be a set of headphones that I've never used."

"Really?!? Thanks! I've missed having music while I run."

"No prob, kiddo. See you in a bit," I said as I closed the door and ran down to the shop.

Walking in, I found Jake, busying himself alongside the other PM assistant manager Wyatt, helping the evening crew prep for the dinner rush.

"You all good to let Jake go, Wyatt?" Wyatt was a smoldering-hot 20-year-old soccer jock at the college who had found his way through Apollo's doors shortly after Jake had. Jet-black hair, coal-black eyes, olive skin, and a 6'2" buff frame that he lithely moved with a confident swagger, he was quite the vision of sexiness himself. More studious and less of an exhibitionist than his frat-boy colleague, he still more than held his own in causing heads to turn.

"Yup. Unless a tour bus pulls up outside unannounced, we should be good to go for the dinner crowd, boss."

"Sweet," I said, as Jake and I stepped aside, out of earshot of others.

"So boss, after you filled in for me so I could take Sunday night off, I was thinking..." Jake muttered with a silly grin spread across his chiseled face.

"I bet I know what you were thinking, but go on."

"It's been a few months since I last went that extra mile to show my favorite boss how much I appreciate him," he continued, speaking softly as he briefly tickled his fingers across my elbow.

"Well, how can I say no to that, kiddo?" I whispered, as I scanned my eyes over his tall, scantily-clad, rock-hard body. After several days of pining after Ollie and his perfect, firm little behind, I jumped at the chance for some release. "Just give it a few minutes, and then come on over. You still have a key, right?"

"Of course, boss. I'll be right BEHIND you." He is less subtle than he thinks he is.

I darted off down the block and into my building, bounding up the stairs and into my place. It wasn't exactly the first time Jake and I had had a little romp, so I knew that I had to spend a few minutes to prepare myself for rear invasion by the weapon Jake was packing. The thing grew to at least 9 inches long and 6 inches around, and he knew how to use it.

As I entered, Tom and Jerry were there to greet me. I love the little guys, but I wasn't looking for an audience, so I picked them both up and put them on the porch, closing the doors behind them. That's their favorite room, anyway. There's even a box out there for them. I hurried off into the bathroom to prep myself. Ten minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom in my boxer briefs, just as Jake was coming in the front door.

"I see you're ready to go, boss," he said as he kicked off his shoes.

"Yup. We have to be quick about it though. Ollie is staying with me for right now, and he is out on a run and will be back in an hour or so. And I have to get ready for church choir rehearsal tonight."

"I can't say I totally understand how you manage to screw around like this and still happily go to church. After a great weekend of partying and banging sorority girls, the last place I'd feel like I belonged was in some judgmental church."

"I guess I just don't overthink it. And I accept that I'm human. If a '10' like you wants to mess around, I don't think I'm capable of saying no. Now, enough chit-chatting. Get your fine ass in here," I said, walking backwards as I pulled him into the bedroom, licking my lips at the sight of his soft six inches tucked along his hip inside his running shorts. Before closing the bedroom door, I hung a 'Do Not Enter' sign in the form of a sock on the doorknob.

Jake picked me up and tossed me on the bed like a ragdoll. It's not that I'm very light, just that he is very strong. He crawled onto the bed slowly, like a tiger stalking his prey, and climbed on top of me as I lie on my back. With his large right paw, he grabbed the bottom of my shirt and practically ripped it off of me as I lifted my arms behind my head for him to pull it away. With his left hand, he began feeling his way up my now-bare torso, licking one nipple, then the other, as his right hand finally pulled my shirt free and then pinned my arms together over my head.

A jolt of electricity shot from my nipples up to my brain and down to my groin, as my dick strained against my briefs. I took a sharp breath in, and smelling his musky jock scent, my brain kicked into overdrive. I writhed beneath him in lustful passion as he continued licking his way up toward my neck, his tall frame pressing against mine. I felt his big snake begin to inflate inside his skimpy running shorts, rubbing against my knee.

Still pinning my arms over my head with his right hand, he stroked his left hand along my side as he began to lick, kiss, and gnaw at the nape of my neck, driving me wild as I continued to writhe beneath him. That is definitely my foreplay 'spot'.

I felt him continuing to grow against my lower thigh, his cock now steel-hard. Fully hard, the man exceeds a pornstar-level nine inches, from six inches soft. One of those rare guys who is both show-er and grower. My own 'boyfriend-sized' dick still strained against the fabric of my boxer briefs.

Still holding my arms back and driving my neck wild with his mouth, he reached down with his left hand to peel off his tightly-stretched muscle shirt. He paused the assault on my neck and the restraint of my arms just long enough to pull the shirt free, then resumed the assault, all while grinding his rock-hard dick against my lower thigh through the thin fabric of his running shorts.

Running his tongue up along my jawline, he reached my earlobe and began to tease it with soft nibbles while his left hand stroked along my side, brushing up toward my nipple. While his tongue began a valiant effort to penetrate my ear canal, he began to pinch and tweak my nipple with his left hand, still pinning my arms with his right as I writhed and wriggled uncontrollably against his dominating force.

At last, releasing my arms, he moved both hands to my face, wrapping his massive fingers behind my head as he held me steady while he enveloped my mouth with his. Thrusting his hips and moving his huge, hard cock against my thigh, he forced open my lips and in one quick motion, shoved his tongue as far back toward my throat as he could, drawing my breath into him as though drawing the life from his prey.

Growing wild with lust, I threw my arms over his back, pulling him further into me as I clawed my fingers into his flesh. I wrapped my legs around one of his tree-trunk-thick legs as he thrust his hips against my upper thigh. I stared into his piercing blue eyes as he conquered my mouth, and let out a long, low, passionate moan.

Each time we came up for breath after he penetrated my mouth with his powerful tongue, we panted a few rapid-fire words back-and-forth.

"Have you been a good boy lately, Jake?"

"If you mean have I been safe, yeah." (Pause as he shoved his tongue back down my throat and sucked the air out of my lungs again) "I always wear my raincoat when I'm traipsing through the sorority gardens." (Another pause) "And you know you'll always be the only guy for me." (Pause) "What about you?"

"I don't mess around much these days." (Pause) "And I was tested recently."

"Excellent." (Pause) "So nothing will get in the way" (pause) "of me showing my favorite boss" (pause) "how much I appreciate him."

That was a relief to hear. If I was fooling around with someone I even remotely cared about, I really disliked having a latex barrier come between us fully bonding on that physical level, regardless of whether I played pitcher or catcher.

Re-asserting his dominance over my mouth, he next reached down to the waist band of his running shorts. He used both hands to fumble and struggle with that small piece of fabric confining his weapon, finally freeing the beast and sliding the shorts over his hard, protruding glutes and down his legs. I at last felt the bare flesh of his stiff cock, protruding against my thigh, sticking straight up and stabbing me in the groin just above my own equipment. He thrust so hard against my flesh there that he could have either fixed or caused a hernia with the force of his powerful rod.

He continued to wildly dominate me with his tongue as he reached toward the waistband of my own boxer briefs. He roughly pulled down, releasing my dick with a snap against my abs, dragging them down as I unfurled my legs and kicked the briefs free.

At last, there was no fabric between us as he pulled my legs around his waist, sensually frotting against me while he continued to own my mouth with his meaty tongue. The pre-cum we each generated was smoothing the friction as the heads of our penises pressed and danced together in harmony.

I released my grip on his mighty back and reached behind me toward the nightstand. I began fumbling with the drawer, until he reached over past my hand and with his massive paw, reached in and seized the bottle of lube that I had been seeking.

He leaned up on one hand, no longer smothering me with his torso, keeping our hips pressed together while he quickly spread a glob of lube onto both of our dicks and proceeded to slowly jack us off together.

As he hovered over me, he looked down at me with the same cocky grin he flashed at the shop earlier, winked at me with his blue eyes, let out a breathless chuckle, and continued to stroke us together.

After a tender minute or two of rubbing us together, he reached behind me to grab a pillow, placing it under my hips while he released our cocks and grabbed hold behind my knees. He pulled my legs back, and as I reached up to take hold of one knee, he freed his hand to grab more lube and slick up his massive schlong to ready for the main event.

We both looked into each other's eyes, smiling through a breathless, lustful laugh as my eyes glazed over in anticipation.

"You ready, boss?"

"Yes," I panted in reply.

He locked his eyes on mine as he wrapped his fingers around his shaft and pressed down, aiming for my quivering hole.

He quickly darted his eyes down to check his aim, returning to meet my stare as I felt the gigantic bulb of his tip press against my entrance.

I strained to push out as he began to press forward, both of us determined to be joined together. He continued pressing until at last I felt his head break through the barrier. I winced a bit in pain at the familiar but enormous intrusion, but having put in the time to prep myself earlier, I quickly adjusted to his girth.

Seeing my face soften, he continued his onward march to complete union with me. He released his grip from around his shaft, and returned his hand to the back of my knee. I reached down with both my hands to hold onto his hips as he rocked slowly back-and-forth, inching bit by bit into my canal, his sparkling blue eyes meeting my own, boring into my soul with his gaze as he slowly overtook me.

When still half of his length remained outside of me, I felt his head brush up against my prostate. He instantly knew he had found his mark, and began hammering at a forceful, medium pace, in and out to that point, repeatedly pressing against my button.

My eyes rolled into the back of my head, my vision went black, and I began to see stars, as I dug my fingers into his hips and let out a slow, soft moan.

Jake knew I wouldn't last if he continued this motion, and unlike his 21-year-old balls, I only ever had one round in me at a time. He continued pushing inward, until finally I felt his heavy, low-hanging sack flop up against my tailbone and his neatly-trimmed bush scratch against my perineum. With him now buried fully inside me, we stared into each other's eyes and in unison exhaled a satisfied sigh of relief that our union was completed at last.

Remaining embedded in me, he released my knees and leaned down to press his chest against mine, while I wrapped my legs tightly around his lower back. I returned my arms to his strong upper back, digging my fingers into his solid muscles while I pressed my heel against his lower back to keep him lodged where he belonged.

His sweat dripped from every pore, drenching me in his dominant masculine scent. He returned his hands around my head and his mouth to mine, again forcing his tongue into my throat and sucking in my breath, his conquest final.

Keeping his face pressed over mine with our eyes closed, he began to slowly thrust an inch or two of his length in and out, the head still inserted well past my prostate. Fully impaled like this, I felt as though his cockhead would break through into my lungs while his tongue snaked its way down to the same. We continued in this rhythm as long as we could, our bodies fully melded together, him the predator and me the prey. It was the favorite position for both of us.

Jake could probably have gone all night with me, but we both knew we had to finish soon. So, finally he set his hands on the bed on either side of me and pushed himself up, without moving from inside me. He grabbed hold of my hips and slowly and carefully spun me around.

As he spun me like a rotisserie, I put my knees down to prop up my hips, while remaining fully impaled by him. Now positioned doggy-style, he took a firm grip on my hips and moved us both until we were perpendicular with the bed.

Satisfied with the position, he slowly pulled himself out until only the head remained inside, revved up to begin his brutal assault, and then in one rapid, powerful thrust, he shoved his entire length back in, knocking the wind out of me and making me see stars as his bulbous head breezed past my love button. He set about a rhythm of withdrawing all but the head and thrusting back in, as he reached around and began roughly jacking me off.

I began incoherently babbling, delirium taking its hold as every nerve in my body fired off in ecstasy. Just then, the door opened. Ollie stood frozen in the doorway, wide-eyed at the scene before him. He had his headphones in, playing music, so he obviously hadn't heard the passionate noises coming from inside. And he clearly wasn't in-the-know as to what a sock on the doorknob meant.

I was way too far gone to react to much of anything at that point outside of the task at hand. Jake kept pulling out to the tip and thrusting in again all the way, showing off the size of his equipment to his unwitting audience as he winked toward the boy and grunted out, "Almost done, almost done!"

Ollie darted back out of the room, closing the door behind him.

Not that I didn't care about the kid, but I was not about to let that distract me from the moment, and clearly, neither was Jake. As Jake continued his pumping, I felt the air repeatedly forced out of my lungs at each thrust, and nearly blacked out at the dizzying and powerful stimulation of my prostate by the tip of his magnificent tool. I began to focus on the sensation of his fingers as they roughly stroked up and down my shaft, and moments later, I shoved myself backward against my conqueror, clamped my muscles down around his cock and spurted out five, six, seven shots onto the sheets below. In perfect sync with me, Jake let out a low, guttural animal groan as he pushed forward to meet me hip-to-hip, digging his fingers into my sides and holding himself buried deep inside as he let loose his own massive load. I had no idea how much he shot deep inside me, but it felt like about a gallon of his juices had just flooded my insides.

He stayed stiff as a flagpole as he used his hips to push me downward onto the bed and he collapsed on top of me. Keeping our bodies melded together, he began absent-mindedly nibbling my earlobe while he intertwined his arms with mine, totally enveloping the full length of my body with his massive jock body, making me feel entirely possessed by this incredible young man.

"That was so long overdue, boss, that we didn't let anything interrupt us, huh?"

We both chuckled at this, and with the motion of his laughter, I felt his dick quiver inside me. Then we both sighed a deep sigh of contentment at having renewed our peculiar bond.

I'm not usually one to chit-chat with a dick up my ass, but lying there in post-coital bliss, still smothered by Jake's massive frame and impaled by the nine-inch cock of this 21-year-old athlete who never seemed to lose an erection, feeling his heart pound against my back and his hot breath on my cheek as his head now hung over my shoulder, my mind somehow wandered to thoughts of Ollie. I'm never comfortable being 100% of anyone's social life, and I wanted to ask Jake to take the kid under his wing a bit.

"Jake?" I panted, my heartrate still elevated.

"Yeah, boss?" he whispered back. It was so hot to me that he kept calling me boss, even after so thoroughly making me 'his'.

"I wonder if you could do me a favor."

"Like, besides be a great employee and throw you an occasional bone?"

"Yes, haha, besides that. Could you take Ollie out this weekend to hang out with some of your friends? It's his 18th birthday on Friday, he's new in town, and knows hardly a soul."

"Odd thing to ask while you lie beneath me with me buried inside you, but ok. Yeah, I can do that. He seems like a cool kid. Even if we did just scare the hell out of him."

"Oh, I'm sure he'll be fine."

"So, is he the latest stray you've taken in? Wasn't all that long ago that I was your stray of the moment. Thanks again for that, by the way," pressing his hips down into me as he said 'thanks', to emphasize his point.

"Yeah, something like that. He's a good kid."

"And I bet you find his tight little ass pretty sexy, too, don't you?"

"No comment."

"Oh, come on. If I were interested in other guys besides my favorite boss, I'd probably find the kid sexy."

"Ok, fine. Yes."

"Thought so. Pervert."


We both chuckled at our good-natured taunts. Finally, his erection began to subside and he deflated to the point where I heard a plop as the large head of his softening penis fell out of me. Jake rolled over by my side, laying on his back and turning his head toward me, his blue eyes betraying his cocky satisfaction at his own performance.

"How was that, boss? Can we talk about a raise now?" he said as he playfully slapped my butt.

"Haha, very funny. And you know darn well how amazing that was. You've never disappointed me in anything you've done, Jacob. Good thing you're not full of yourself or anything," I said as I jokingly punched him on the shoulder.

"Good. You know I like to make you happy, boss."

"Yeah, same here, kiddo. And on that note, it might be time for me to call it a day. I gotta get ready to go sing a few hallelujahs at choir practice."

"What time are you guys singing on Sunday? One of these days, I'll have to actually step foot in a church so I can hear you sing, boss."

"At the 10 o'clock mass. Normally it's packed then but lots of people are away on vacation, so it shouldn't be tough to find a spot to sit."

I know it may seem strange to some that I was so comfortable hanging around a Catholic church and hooking up with a hot frat boy in the same day. I guess it just works for me. Just like the rest of the country, the Catholic world is often bitterly divided left and right. You have the long-haired, patchouli-drenched White hippies wearing Kente cloth and singing kumbaya in a drum circle around the altar, all the way over to the uptight, overdressed weirdos bizarrely paranoid about Latin, incense, and sex. My town had one of each kind of parish. No thanks. Both seemed like two sides of the same coin to me, so concerned about what other people think, that they self-righteously stumble over themselves trying to show others either how tolerant or how traditional they are. I honestly could never decide which one annoyed me more. Thankfully, in between them was St. Bonnie's, a rare gem of a place where those goofy Franciscans and almost all of the parishioners minded their own damn business and tried their best to be there for each other and help out those in need. You know, kind of like that guy hanging up there on that T-shaped thing.

Sometimes, when people of varying ideological persuasions seek to label me, they ask how I could be whatever-letter-of-that-alphabet-soup-acronym they chose to stick me with that day, and also still call myself Catholic. To which I retort, if somebody tends toward obesity and occasionally gorges themselves gluttonously on rhubarb pie, do they not belong there either, then? So what if my rhubarb pie just happens to come in the form of Jake's massive erection? I just don't overthink it, and I don't choose to associate with anyone who does. I go about my business, minding my own and doing my best not to be a jerk. Plus, I've found that by refusing to be labeled, it makes me more approachable to the occasional straight guy who ends up willing to go for a roll in the hay, like the pornstar-caliber lacrosse jock currently lying next to me. And with Jake, although his parents were church folk, or more like his mother was, it just wasn't really his cup of tea. Cool by me. I'm cool with whatever anyone wants to believe, as long as they're not a jerk. Thankfully, though, he didn't really give me a hard time about my unique choices either. We're both content to enjoy our strange bond and to let each other be the complicated people we are.

"Ok, we'll see if I'm up that early. Have fun at CHURCH tonight, boss," he teased as he grabbed hold of my left cheek and kneaded firmly, then playfully slapped it once more before getting up, pulling up his running shorts, stuffing his package back inside, and hanging his rolled up T-shirt from the waistband as he strutted out toward the living room barefoot, hair mussed-up, bare chest still dripping with sweat.

"Haha, very funny. See you tomorrow, stud."

I continued to lie on my stomach, letting out a sigh of total satisfaction. Now that Jake was gone, and once I stopped focusing on his babymakers churning in my bowels, or on how empty my backside felt without his fullness inside me, my thoughts drifted back to Ollie. The poor kid was probably sitting in his running outfit out in the living room, waiting to get in the bedroom to change, while exchanging a few awkward words with Jake as the smoking-hot, nearly-naked frat boy slipped back out into the summer evening. I didn't really think the whole walking-in-on-us thing was going to scare the kid off, but I wasn't completely sure.


Next: Chapter 6

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