Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Jul 30, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 27 By Jeff Ennig

On my first day working as 'just another employee' at my shop, I stayed to work through the lunch rush, splitting my time between actually helping out and simply visiting with customers. I figured both were important functions.

After the lunch rush, I was done for the day, and Ollie had a little break time. We took some unsold lunch specials and staked claim to a vacant snug to sit and eat together. As we were settling in, Jake came in as well, an hour before he was needed for work.

"Hey, 'Uncle' Jeff, hey little bro, mind if I join you? I'm pretty early and was just going to sit and eat anyway."

"Hey, kiddo! Absolutely! Go fix yourself a plate and saddle up."

Jake soon joined us, and we took the rest of this in-between time to sit together eating and visiting.

"Did you have soccer practice last night, little bro?"

"Yeah, it was great to be back out there playing."

"I bet you ran circles around the rest of them, superstar," Jake said as he playfully punched the younger boy in the shoulder.

"No comment. But it was pretty fun. Plus, Wyatt and a couple of his buddies from the college's team came and watched us. After practice, they even came on the field and some of us played around for a while."

"Oh yeah? Did they like what they saw? I bet they tried to recruit you," I chimed in.

"As a matter of fact, they did. Wyatt said he'd be talking to the coach about letting me come practice with them this season. I couldn't play in matches, of course, but still, that would be awesome to get to practice with them."

"Wow! Not sure such things happen very often. You're quite the stud, little bro."

"Thanks. Means a lot, coming from a lacrosse stud like you, big bro."

"Would you still keep playing with Brett's team then too, kiddo?" I asked.

"Yeah, of course I will!"

"Brett, that's the dude in your choir whose pants you want to get into, right boss?" Jake asked with a smirk.

"Um, yeah, you could say that."

"Little bro, are you talking up our pervy uncle to this guy or what?"

"Yup! I know he likes hanging out with you, uncle. And we also know he liked checking out my hot bod on the sly, so we know it's possible."

"What's this? Did you put on a little show for him or something, little bro?"

"Yeah, when he came over for dinner this summer, I 'accidentally' came into the living room wearing only my jock strap, and even did a few stretches. Jeff said Brett couldn't keep his eyes off of me."

"Well, if you were flashing him that fine ass of yours, who could blame him?" Jake said semi-jokingly. "So it sounds like you've got pretty good chances with him, bossman."

"Yeah, probably. He seems to have really high walls around him, and I can't resist the challenge of breaking those walls down and helping him be close to others. And if I get some action out of the deal, that'll be a nice bonus. I think it'll be a long-game situation, but I'm patient."

"You're quite the humanitarian, boss. And you certainly were patient with me."

"You were underage, so of course I was patient."

"You weren't very patient with me, boss! What was it, six days?"

"Something like that. But you're different, kiddo. Your ass is so incredibly spectacular that it's in a category all its own. I wasn't capable of such patience once I laid eyes on it."

"You still slammin' my little bro's ass every chance you get, boss?"

"Haha, no. Lately I've been giving him a few days to recover each time."

"Helps me keep things nice and tight back there for the boss that way," Ollie added with a smile.

"Man, all this talk is making me want to run back to your place and do you right now, boss," Jake said.

"Tempting. I'd invite you over tonight, but I've got a date tonight with Maria."

"That's cool. I got me a date tonight too, with a fine freshman co-ed tonight. If all goes well, I don't think I'd have had anything leftover for you after I'm done with her anyway."

"You're a dog, big bro. When are you gonna try having a real relationship?" Ollie kidded.

"Not as long as I'm the campus stud, little bro. This is my last year of that. I've gotta take advantage of it for as long as I can."

"Well, I'm just glad you're so good about wearing your raincoat when you're out tom-catting around like that," I said in a paternal tone.

"Always. Wouldn't want to go spreading anything to you, boss. And then you spreading it to my little bro. I got tested again just the other day, by the way, and passed with flying colors."

"Good, good," I said, nodding.

"How about tomorrow night then, boss? Can I come over?"

"That'd be perfect. Ollie here is going out with Diana again tomorrow, so we'll have the place to ourselves."

"I doubt I'd see anything I haven't seen before from you two, anyway!" Ollie chimed in.

"True. But still, I like having each of you to myself when we're bonding together like we do," I said.

"So do I, boss," Jake said. "The camping trip was fun, and I like it when we all cuddle together too, but I prefer to have you to myself when I'm pounding your old ass."

"Yeah, me too. I like having the boss to myself when he's creaming my tight ass," Ollie said.

"So then it's settled. Ollie, no need to rush home from your date tomorrow night."

"Haha, ok. Hint taken, big bro."

"Now that you're finished scheduling my sex life, I think both you boys are needed back at work. But this was nice to have this time here. How about we make it a routine for the semester?"

"Good idea, uncle. We all have pretty busy schedules this fall, so it'll be good to have something to stick to. What do you think, little bro?"

"I like it!"

"Ok, it's a plan. Now, off to work with you two."

After luridly gawking at the tight, muscular asses of both my young studs as they strode off back to work, I proceeded to pull out my laptop and try to get a few things done before heading home. Not working on anything terribly pressing, I allowed myself to be interrupted now and again by customers who would stop by my table to chit chat for a few moments at a time.

Before I knew it, it was after 4 o'clock. I had accomplished only a fraction of what I had hoped to, but wasn't terribly worked up about it. Now it was time to head home and prepare for my date with Maria.

My beautiful lady friend was headed to my place for dinner after wrapping up in her chambers and stopping by her house to freshen up. I had just enough time to have everything prepared when I heard the buzz to let Maria in.

The evening went great. The meal turned out just as I hoped, and Tom and Jerry were reasonably friendly to the still somewhat-unfamiliar intruder. She was nearly ready to head home when Ollie and Diana popped in. Diana had worked the shop until close, and like the doting little boyfriend, Ollie had stayed behind to keep her company after his shift had ended. We all chatted briefly before the ladies made their way to the door and wished us good night. Both us boys got ourselves a nice good night kiss and a smile.

"See you tomorrow around 10?" I said to Maria as they left.

"Yes, that'll be fine. Just come by my place and we'll head out."

While the kids worked the next day, we had made plans to run a few errands together and prep for co-hosting Sunday brunch at Maria's after mass the following day. We seemed to be wasting no time in settling in to a "grown-up" routine together.

By the time Sunday morning rolled around, I found myself almost giddy with excitement for the choir to be singing at mass again after having the summer off. As I made my way across the town square to St. Bonnie's that morning, however, I found myself walking with a slight wobble.

As promised, Jake had come over the night before and gave me an incredible ride, keeping my up well past my bedtime as he pounded my ass for all he was worth. The stud must have orgasmed inside me at least three times, staying hard virtually non-stop, until I finally passed out from exhaustion. He spent the night sidled up behind me, and proceeded to wake me up early by thrusting inside me once more.

Shortly after that, while Jake and I were just getting a smooth rhythm going, Ollie came in to the bedroom. He had spent the night at Diana's, a first for them. I didn't ask for any details, not least because I was distracted by the campus stud whose massive cock was buried deep inside my bowels, but I could tell by the silly smile on the boy's face that things had gone well for him.

"Don't stop fucking the boss on my account, big bro," Ollie said with a smirk as he came in. "Dang, it smells like sex in here! Don't mind me, I'm just grabbing some clothes and hopping in the shower."

Neither of us responded, continuing to focus on the task at hand. The big stud carried on with his methodical massaging of my prostate and stretching of my bowels. Once Jake's balls churned out one final load, he slowly withdrew and I eased out of bed to get going. I hurriedly got myself ready and headed out the door. After a wild night and that last session of languid, sensual, early-morning wake-up sex, I was definitely a bit shaky on my feet.

Our choir performed swimmingly throughout the mass, and many were in a jubilant mood at having pulled it off so well after several months away. Maria and I invited several choir members and a few of the monks over for brunch. Among those who took us up on the invitation were Brett, Sarah, and Carol. Neither Jake, Ollie, nor Diana would be on hand, as they all were working at the Apollo through the busy Sunday rush. With all the time I'd been spending around energetic young people, it was nice to do a little socializing with a slightly more mature crowd.

I spent the bulk of the brunch by Maria's side, but whenever I could, I made time for Brett. As an introvert, he was clearly out of his element, but after a couple mimosas, he had begun warming up to others around him. He and I made plans for the following evening to hang out at his place. My place would be free too, as Ollie would be visiting a soccer practice with Wyatt and the college team at the same time, but Brett was eager to cook for me, so I couldn't refuse the invitation.

After the guests had left, Maria and I spent some time cleaning up and then took a walk around town. We never seemed to run out of things to talk about, and both of us felt completely at ease with each other. Once we walked up to my building, we said our goodbyes and she made her way back home. Each of our resident sexy strays would be coming home from work soon, and we each planned to spend a quiet Sunday evening at home with them.

Ollie came home just before dinnertime, looking sexy as ever in his skin-tight slacks and form-fitting polo. At the sight of his glorious ass as he bent down to take off his shoes, I was half-tempted to rush over, yank down his pants, and slam my way inside his mind-blowingly tight hole right then and then. But I knew I didn't really have the energy to sustain such an assault right then, so I allowed the boy to go about his business unmolested for the moment.

Ollie went out to the porch to play with Tom and Jerry while I headed for the kitchen to get started on a little dinner for us. Soon after, my favorite young soccer boy came roaming into the kitchen, cats rushing along at his ankles, beaming at me.

"What are you so happy about, kiddo?"

"Just everything. All of this. You, Tom, Jerry, Diana, Jake, the Apollo, soccer, life."

"You spend five minutes with the cats on the porch and you're consumed with deep thoughts, eh?"

"I guess. Those furballs have a way about them. I know I have a lot to be sad about in life, but I find myself not interested in dwelling on any of it."

I held open my arms to welcome him into an embrace. He took the bait, and folded his sinewy arms around my back as I wrapped one arm around his shoulders and another with my hand resting on the back of his beautiful head. I squeezed him tightly into me, and then drew my hand down from his head onto his lower back, holding his waist into me as I pulled my face away to look down at him.

"I'm glad to hear you say that, kiddo. Plenty of people in similar situations wouldn't have the strength to even get out of bed and face the day."

"Well, it's thanks to you, Jeff. I've found a place to belong here in this town, when I didn't know if I'd ever have a place to go ever again."

"And you've paid me back for that in more ways than one, kiddo." As I said this, I slid my hand down the small of his back, onto his tight ass, and gripped one of the rock-solid globes of muscle in my fingers as I held his smiling gaze. "So, are you looking forward to soccer practice tomorrow?"

"Yeah! Wyatt says they haven't exactly given their official blessing to it yet, but the coach said that I can at least show up and meet the team and work out a bit with them. Hopefully after that, they'll let me keep coming back. Probably just for their Monday evening practices, but that's a great way for me to my foot in the door."

"Absolutely. So it sounds more and more like you've pretty well decided on starting college here then next year?"

"Well, between the courses you're helping me possibly get early credit for, and inching my way onto the soccer team, plus everything else, I feel like it's kind of inevitable, right?"

"You always have choices, kiddo. I don't want you to feel forced into anything."

"No, I didn't mean it like that. I should've said that it seems 'meant to be', I guess."

"Ok, then I guess it's settled! At this rate, you might never escape Spartanville."

"Who says I'd ever want to?"

"You and me both, kiddo," I replied as I pushed at his shoulders and ass to press him firmly into me one last time before releasing his tight, gorgeous young body from my grasp. "Now, let's eat up. Jake said he wants to come by in an hour or so, after work is done, and do a little Netflix and chill with his uncle and little bro. Sound good?"

Ollie raised an eyebrow at my comment. "Hahaha, not that I'm afraid to get naked around my big bro, but I assume you mean actually watching Netflix and literally chilling, right?"

"Yeah, but it was fun to see your reaction! But speaking of sexy times, did you have fun last night at Diana's?"

His beautiful, tanned, and chiseled masterpiece of a face instantly turned a deep shade of red at this. "No comment, boss," he finally managed to say, with a big goofy grin across his face."

"Ok, kiddo, I won't press you on it. Glad you kids are having fun together."

"It's more than that, Jeff. I think I might be in love with her."

"You two are really great together. Just please remember that you're both still young and there's no need to rush anything, kiddo. Just like Elvis sang, 'only fools rush in' or something."

"Ok, I'll try to keep that in mind. But weren't his next lyrics 'I can't help falling in love'? Pretty sure it was."

"Wow, impressed you're such an old soul that you can call up that lyric just like that."

"I don't know if I'm an 'old soul' really, but I have had an old guy plant his seed deep inside me several times. Does that count?"

"Old guy? Ouch. Well, anyway, just try not to be a teenage cliche and rush things too fast, that's all I'm saying. But I'm happy you kids are so close. And I'm sure Maria would say the same."

"Well, I appreciate the advice all the same. I'll try to keep it in mind. Plus, even if we do get more serious, Diana agrees that you'll be able to come knocking on my back door now and again, for as long as you want."

"That is very generous of her. It'd be a shame to have to give that up, because after all, that is the best damn 'back door' I've ever knocked on," I grinned as I playfully slapped his tight little buns. "Ok, enough of that. Let's get these dishes cleared."

"Let me clean up, boss. You go find what you think we should watch together."


I went and changed into nothing but my loose pair of sweats, grabbed a pair of Ollie's and the pair of Jake's that he kept there, and returned to the living room, taking up my position in the corner of the couch and starting to flip through a few shows. Finally settling on something fun and mindless, I turned my attention to Tom and Jerry, who were now curled up beside me.

At last Ollie finished up in the kitchen and came out to join me. I tossed him his sweats, and without a word, he unceremoniously discarded the rest of his clothing, tossed it all on a chair, and then slowly slid the sweats up his sexy, athletic legs, over his tantalizing and hefty package, and settled the waistband low enough on his narrow young hips to leave the top bits of forbidden hair showing.

He stood for a moment to allow me to take in the sight of his incredible body. I had not yet found it possible to tire of the sight of his perfect form. I drooled slightly over his tanned, toned torso and delectable four-pack abs, clearly-defined V and treasure trail pointing down to the little portion of hairs sticking out of the waistband of his sweats. Even though I had explored every inch of this boy's body several times over by then, my heart still pounded with desire to be close to him as I feasted my eyes on his beauty.

He just smiled at my leering and walked toward me. He sat down beside me as I stretched one leg along the length of the couch, and did a half turn into me as he slid his tight little ass back into my waiting crotch. I wrapped my arms tightly around his lightly-muscled chest and abs, pressed him into me as tightly as I could comfortably do so, and clicked on the show. Tom and Jerry repositioned themselves, one at my hip and one between Ollie's legs, and curled up to join in on our little cuddle session.

My throbbing penis pressed into Ollie's backside, my heart beat steadily against his bare back, and my mouth exhaled my warm breath along the side of his face while I savored the moment. The cats purred and Ollie sighed contentedly. Before long, our bliss was pleasantly interrupted by the sound of the hallway door unlocking.

"Hi honey, I'm home!" Jake announced with a chuckle as he sauntered inside. "What are we watching, fellas?"

"Hey, kiddo. Well, first, we're watching you show off your bod while you change into official lounging gear," I answered as I tossed him his sweats.

"You got it, boss. Feast your eyes on this!" he said without hesitation, while he began throwing off his clothes. Seconds later, he stood there proudly showing off his birthday suit, with his thick lacrosse jock legs, tall frame, enormous hanging sausage and heavy sack, rippling abs, thick chest, broad shoulders, hulking arms, and ruggedly sexy face.

He took his sweet time pulling on his sweats, allowing me ample time to drink in the sight. As he made his way to the couch, Ollie and I shifted positions somewhat. I sat in the corner with my legs hanging over to the floor, while Ollie curled up to my right side, tucked in beneath my right arm as I draped it over his shoulder. He rested his left hand for support on my right thigh and settled in.

Jake hopped right onto the other section of the sofa, stretched his long body out and turned his head toward the screen as he settled the side of his face directly over my crotch. My stiff cock, protruding out from the thin fabric, pressed against the back of Jake's head. A batch of pre-cum emerged from my tip and made its mark upon the light-gray material. I ran my left hand slowly up from his hip, around to brush across his monster-sized package, up through the grooves of his rippling abs, along the cleft between his ample pecs, across the side of his face and into his hair. I absent-mindedly ran my fingers through his hair and massaged his scalp, occasionally brushing my fingers over Ollie's left hand as it rested on my thigh. Jake hung his right arm loosely off the couch, while his left hand reached across and met Ollie's right hand. They innocently intertwined their fingers as their hands held together on my knee.

In this closely interconnected arrangement, our bare skin pressing against one another's in several places, the three of us sat in perfect bliss. Tom and Jerry refused to be left out, with Tom staking claim to a spot behind Jake's legs and Jerry curling up at Ollie's side. I didn't ever want to move.


Next: Chapter 28

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