Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Jun 30, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 25 By Jeff Ennig

Arriving for tea time with Sarah and Carol, my athletic young bedmate in tow, we were both greeted with big, squishy lesbian hugs as we entered. They had only briefly met Ollie a few times previously, but that didn't stop them from greeting him like an old friend. Sarah, Ollie, and I set ourselves around the coffee table making small talk while Carol busied herself bringing out the tea and treats. Once we were all seated, we seemed to get down to business.

"So I know you wanted to talk to me about something, Jeff. What's on your mind?" Sarah asked.

"Well, Ollie here is taking a gap year right now before starting college in the fall," I explained, as the gorgeous Adonis sat close to my side, with my hand resting around the base of his neck in a paternal fashion. "He's working a lot at my cafe, playing a little soccer with Brett from choir, and now auditing an English course with Eric Collins to keep his mind sharp. But I'd really like to push him a bit more though to keep his brain active this year, so I wondered if I could persuade you to tutor him in literature over the next few months?"

"Oh, yes, I'd love to! My poetry group is wonderful for keeping me a little busy in my retirement, but even for an old broad, I'm honestly a bit bored."

"Wonderful! Could you mimic somewhat the curriculum of one of your freshmen courses you used to teach?"

"I could do that, sure."

"Good. I'm planning on tutoring him in history as well, probably next semester, and I'm hoping to pull some strings with the college to award him credit for Eric's course and our literature and history tutoring, if he decides to enroll there."

"Not a bad idea. I don't think they normally do that, but I have a feeling they'd do it for you, Jeff."

"Yes, and if you need a music professor to chime in and help persuade them, let me know," Carol offered.

"So what do you say, young man? I'm a pretty tough instructor, and you'll have a few papers to write for me. Can you handle that?"

"Yes, ma'am!"

"Good. But we won't be in a classroom, we'll just be in my living room. So you can call me Sarah."

"Ok, thank you Sarah!"

"Your first assignment is to read some Chaucer. I'll write down for you what I want you to have read before our first meeting next week. How about we meet on Monday mornings?"

"Works for me! I don't usually work then, but I'll let Kai know not to schedule me then."

"And I can assume you have that in your home library, Jeff?"

"Sure do. So he'll be all set for now. And you know, as I sit here, I'm wondering if maybe he could audit your music theory course next semester, Carol."

"Absolutely! Have you played any music before?"

"I'm not much of a singer, but my parents made me take lots of violin lessons when I was younger, and I played it in school for several years. Plus, my dad shoved a guitar into my hands when I turned 13, telling me it would help me get girls. I used to play it quite a bit, but haven't for a couple years."

"I can work with that. Even if you don't want to be a musician, it's good to understand it better," Carol offered.

"Sounds good to me! I think I'll want to pick up both the violin and guitar again someday."

"The violin is my favorite instrument to listen to," I said. "I didn't know you used to play it, kiddo. I think we'll have you nice and ready to go by next fall," I added reassuringly as I kneaded my fingers into the base of his thin, strong neck. He rested his hand on the inside of my knee as he turned his head to me and gave me a warm smile, before turning back to face our hostesses. He then rose to excuse himself to the restroom.

While he was gone, Sarah smiled as she remarked, "My, you certainly have that kid glued to you, Jeff."

"I'd like to think I'm someone he feels safe with and trusts. Trust isn't an easy thing to establish."

"No, it's not," Carol chimed in. "It's nice to see you happy to have a new boy to care for. He is certainly a special one."

"Yes, that he is, my friends. That he is."

When Ollie returned, I suggested it was time for us to be going. We both thanked our gracious hostesses for everything, and I told them I'd see them shortly at choir rehearsal. I let Ollie walk slightly ahead of me as we walked back to my place. He knew full well why I had fallen back, as I marveled at the sight of his glorious, firm jock buns flexing within the tight confines of his cute little blue shorts, still evident despite that he had clearly kept his underwear on under the shorts this time.

"Enjoying the view, boss?"

"Always. I don't know that I'll ever get tired of that."

"I guess I'll just have to stay fit then, so my ass stays a nice shape for you."

"Your efforts are most appreciated."

"So you're sure I can borrow your car tonight?" he asked as we now walked up the stairs to my condo, my eyes still mesmerized by the motions of his chiseled ass flexing in their tight confines as they strained to ascend each step.

"Yeah, kiddo. I trust you. Just remember you both have work early tomorrow, so don't keep that poor girl out too late," I said as I unlocked the door.

"We'll be good little kids, uncle," he said with a twinkle in his shimmering brown eyes, as I tousled his hair and handed him the keys while shaking my head slightly.

We quickly attended to Tom and Jerry before each going to freshen up a bit for the evening. I grabbed my music folder as we both headed for the door. Ollie headed for the car while I headed in the opposite direction to cross the square and get to St. Bonnie's for choir rehearsal.

"Have fun tonight, kiddo!"

"You too, boss!"

I practically skipped across the square as I approached the church. I was excited to be back to singing again, but also of course to have a lovely view from my tenor section as we sang, both of the breathtakingly beautiful, elegant, mocha-skinned Maria in the altos and the pale, brooding, incredibly sexy science nerd Brett in the bass section. I would be spending my evening surrounded by beauty, in the music, in the art and architecture of our magnificent church, and in these stunning examples of female and male creation. Not a bad way to spend a Wednesday evening.

Br. Juniper, our Franciscan monk choir director, had us dive right in to some very difficult new pieces, pushing us to be our best. We were the premier adult choir in town, and really in our part of the state, so we had a reputation to live up to. I thought briefly about becoming more involved with the choir this year too, volunteering for some leadership position or another, but I ultimately cautioned myself against spreading too thin. I still had a couple other projects I wanted to pick up on now that I was free from running my cafe day-to-day, so I knew I had to draw the line somewhere. I resolved to politely but firmly decline if asked to serve in some way beyond simply showing up to sing.

During our break, Maria and I agreed to go back to her place and spend some time together while we waited for the kids to get home. With those plans in place, she and I continued to mingle with others in the choir during the short break. I made my way over to Brett, and boldly decided to greet this tightly-wound, muscle-bound science nerd with an exuberant hug. He jumped a bit at having his personal-space bubble burst, but quickly let his introverted guard down and returned the hug.

We hadn't seen each other since a few weeks earlier, when he had come over for dinner with Ollie and me, before taking Ollie with him to play a pickup soccer match with his intramural club. That was the same evening that Ollie had 'carelessly' (ie. strategically) emerged into the living room wearing only his jock strap, and proceeded to chat us up while he did stretches in front of us, testing Brett for where his interests might lie. As I had suspected, this smolderingly sexy 20-something science professor definitely appreciated the stunning beauty that was Ollie's exposed ass, not to mention the rest of the teen's perfect body then on display. He had tried his best to disguise himself, and I had tried my best to play along with that, but it was fairly obvious.

"Good to see you again, man! How was the rest of your summer?" I enthused.

Returning my enthusiasm with the skittish enthusiasm of an extreme introvert, he gave a half smile, looked briefly at his feet, and responded. "It wasn't too bad. I went home to visit family for a bit. I don't have a lot of friends around here, except for you and the guys on my soccer team."

"Well, I count myself lucky to be called a friend, man," I said as I touched his arm as much as possible, maintaining a constant yet non-threatening level of contact. "I'd love for us to hang out again sometime, maybe when Ollie is out, so we can have it a little quieter."

"Yeah, I'd like that. You could come over to my place. It isn't as nice as your awesome condo, but it's home. I do know how to cook, for the record."

"I'd like that. I'm sure we're both busy this week adjusting to things, but let's talk next week and set something up," I said, still tapping or patting his arm or shoulder every so often as I spoke. I was determined to achieve default access inside his personal space bubble.

"Sounds good to me. Hey, do you know if Ollie is still interested in playing soccer with my team?"

"Oh, I guarantee it. He's talked about it pretty regularly. You meet up tomorrow night for your first practice, right?"

"Yup, that's right. Same field as where we had that pickup game. 7 o'clock."

"I'll make sure he knows when to be there."

"Great. We want to be in good shape for our first match of the year, in three weeks. Will you come watch the match?"

"I wouldn't miss it!" Detecting the bit of hopefulness in his voice as he asked if I'd come to the match, I knew I didn't have any other choice if I hoped to break down his walls and get into his pants at some point. I really hated watching soccer, but thankfully I am a half-decent actor, so I feigned as much enthusiasm as I could muster. I hoped that at least this time there'd be enough other fans watching the match so I could have half a clue when the hell I was supposed to be excited about something. I preferably needed beer, and scores of screaming fans, to even give the smallest of shits. This was one of the few areas of life where I showed just how American I am. A good American sport like lacrosse was an entirely different matter, especially when I got to watch Jake prance around in his skimpy, sweaty gear. But even watching hotties like Ollie, Brett, or Wyatt in action was not enough by itself to make watching a soccer match palatable to me.

"Good. I'm glad. We usually have a decent group of spectators as well, unlike what you saw this summer."

Phew I thought to myself. I wouldn't be the only one there.

"Ok, I'll remind Ollie about tomorrow, and we'll talk next week about hanging out at your place. And I promise to be there in three weeks cheering you guys on."

He practically beamed at me with a smile as we shook hands. I hadn't really seen him smile before, and it was worth the wait. His whole handsome, manly, yet still youthful 26-year-old face lit up as he flashed me his pearly whites.

The second half of the rehearsal was equally challenging, and by the end of it, I found my mind swimming with new music and other thoughts. Afterwards, I walked with Maria back to her place to spend some quiet time together while we waited for our sexy young people to return from their date. We chatted away freely as we went, making some small talk and recounting the PG details of my camping trip with Jake and Ollie and her weekend trip to the big city with Diana.

Once back at her place, she poured us both a little wine, and we sat relaxing together on a couch in her living room, where she began catching me up on some of the more interesting public-knowledge aspects of judicial proceedings she had conducted, while I updated her on my new slate of community involvements. After listening intently, she set down her wine glass and looked me straight in the eye.

"I have to say I am impressed by your ambition to be involved, Jeff. Have you ever considered running for office of some kind?"

"As a matter of fact, I have. I'm not sure whether or not I'd call myself ambitious, I'm just really passionate about doing everything I can to make this town a strong community."

"I feel exactly the same way. Of course, as a woman, it's harder for me to be seen as 'ambitious', but I do have aspirations of being able to do more for this town."

"Once again, I find we're like kindred spirits on so many levels."

"Me too," she said with a shimmering smile.

"Is it time we talked more about where this thing between us is going?"

"I think that'd be good, yes."

"Well, I for one would like for us to be a little more serious with each other. It may sound juvenile, but I'd like to be able to introduce you as my girlfriend to others."

"First, yes. Second, I think we should project a little more sophistication than that around town. How about you call me your 'lady friend' and you my 'gentleman friend'?"

"Much better. I like how you think. Ok, milady, it's official, we're going steady," I laughed as we held hands and I leaned in for a kiss. We continued to laugh, make out a bit, and chat as we sat together.

Later on, she turned again to me and asked, "Have you thought about what office you might run for?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe city council?"

"I, for one, think you should aim a bit higher than that. I happen to be good friends with Mayor Applebaum's wife Gladys. We've become good friends through the bar association, and she's told me that Oscar is planning on this November being the last time he runs for reelection."

"Really?!? He's been mayor for forever!"

"This will be his 15th 2-year term, to be exact. Not a chance he loses in November. But I know he and Gladys both really like you, and I think we can get them to back you as his successor in two years."

"Whoa! Mayor? Really?"

"Oh, come on, you're well known in this town, and you'd be good at it. Besides, it's not like it's mayor of New York City or anything. This isn't that big of a town."

"True. I guess I just hadn't considered jumping right to the 'top' like that. But now that you mention it, it makes sense."

"Excellent. I'm going to set up a dinner at my place here with the Applebaums sometime soon, so we can get that ball rolling."

"I think we make a pretty great team, milady."

"I think so too."

I felt my heart flutter as I looked into her captivating dark brown eyes, and we kissed a bit more. I pulled away just as we heard my car pull up on the street outside.

"Oh, our favorite young people are back from their little date!" Maria enthused.

"Aren't they just adorable? Like two sexy little puppies in love," I said as I watched Ollie run around the car to open the door for Diana, and held her hand as they walked toward the house.

"I'm not sure I find puppies 'sexy', but yes, I agree," Maria joked.

"Good point, Your Honor."

"Just try to keep up with me, Mr. Mayor."

"Should we let them know we're sitting right here and can see them?"

"No, let's just watch what happens," she whispered conspiratorially.

We couldn't hear their conversation, but we watched as Ollie walked his little girlfriend to the door, and kissed her as they stood on the front porch. They sucked face for a minute or more, before coming back up for air. Ollie slowly walked backwards, down the stairs, as he drew his hand along her arm, drawing out the moment until their fingers would separate. Diana looked only slightly embarrassed when she came inside and saw us sitting on the couch, within view of the front yard and porch, then just turned to a silly schoolgirl smile as she wished us good night and headed upstairs.

"Oh, I think she's being shy. I'll have to say good night here then, so I can go get the lowdown. Promise to text me tomorrow so we can compare notes?"

"You're bad! Yes, will do. I doubt we'll hear anything different, but yes, I'll text you tomorrow."

We kissed goodnight, and I began to walk home. I felt about half my age, floating on cloud nine, skipping down the street like a silly nincompoop and not caring in the slightest.

I returned home to find Ollie curled up on the sofa with Tom and Jerry, waiting for me.

"How was choir practice?" he asked when I came in.

"It was wonderful. Brett asked me to remind you that the first practice is tomorrow night, at that same field as before."

"Oh, sweet! I can't wait to get back out there."

"That's what I told him you'd say. And then after practice, I went back to Maria's and we spent some time together."

"So, you were there when I brought Diana home just now?"

"Yup. Didn't mean to spy on you kids or anything, but we did see your little good night ceremony on the porch there."

"Ha! Well, glad we could give you a little show."

"Looks like my car might have seen some action tonight, eh?"

"A gentleman never tells."

"Good policy, kiddo. I just hope you were responsible."

"Oh, it wasn't like that. But it was still a, um, good time."

As we crawled into bed together, I found myself pretty badly horned up, after my visit with Maria, my time with Brett, and now seeing Ollie's perfect naked body before he got under the covers and snuggled his entire hard teen body into its usual position in my embrace. My erection strained against his crack and along his perineum, leaking pre-cum out onto his scrotum. I longed to plunge my stick deep inside him again and drive it home to completion. But he seemed so smitten that he didn't seem to be in the mood to offer up his ass for my pleasure just then, even though I knew he would have done so without reservation if I had asked to be allowed entry. I decided to enjoy the great beauty that I held in my arms, rather than focus on what I couldn't have in that moment, so I just squeezed his warm, firm body into me as I continued to leave a sticky mess on his balls, and tried my best to fall asleep.

I must have finally succeeded, because the next thing I knew, I was opening my eyes to the noise of Ollie's alarm, rousting him out of bed for an early morning shift. Before he moved to get up, though, he turned his head to look back at me. Seeing that I had awoken as well, and feeling my morning hardness nestled between his legs and poking into the back of his balls, he let out a slight sigh and squeezed his legs and ass cheeks together.

"Ooh, good morning, kiddo! I guess you could feel me down there, huh?"

"Kind of hard to miss. I don't have to get up for a little bit yet. I noticed you were pretty horny last night, but I was grateful you didn't ask to get inside me just then. Do you want to have a go now though?"

"Won't turn down an offer like that! I do like me a little early morning screw now and again. Pass me the lube, kiddo."

"Aren't you leaking out enough natural lube as it is?" he joked as he handed me the lube.

"No, no. I like to make sure it's good for you too."

I smeared some lube onto my fingers, and worked them into his hole as he drew one knee up to his chest to ease my entry. After I smeared my own dick and was satisfied that I had relaxed and slickened up his puffy pink anus sufficiently, I drew my fingers out and lined up the head of my swollen prick with the warm, puffy entrance into his tight passage.

"Ready for me, kiddo?"

"Yeah, go ahead and put it in me, boss."

I slid forward while he pushed out, and I felt a smooth popping sensation as my head and the first couple inches slid home inside of him. I continued a slow motion into his body as my tip brushed past his prostate until my balls bumped up against his tight ass.

"Ahhhhh, it's nice to be back in here again. You have the most amazing ass, kiddo. I can't believe how warm and velvety smooth it is, how tight it is, how your firm little ass muscles feel against my hips. Your ass was made to have me inside of it."

"It feels good to have you inside me again, boss. Now hold me tight and fuck me. I gotta get to work soon."

I held onto his chest and abs, as I swung my hips in and out, just barely dragging my tip back and forth over his prostate as I went. I reached down to his semi-hard penis and used my hand that I had previously used to prep his ass, taking the lube on those fingers to ease the motions as I began to slowly jerk him off while I drew in and out of his ass. I squeezed tightly around his cockhead before releasing it and sliding my hand part-way down his shaft before returning to the head. I used my other hand to tweak one nipple and then the other, while with my tongue I gently licked along the edges of his ear and breathed my hot breath onto his neck. I had been so horny that I felt myself nearing the end after only a few minutes inside of him.

As he began to moan more and more, and buck his hips back into me repeatedly, I knew he was getting close too. I squeezed him as tightly as I could into me with one hand while I clamped down on his fat mushroom head with the other, snaked my tongue into his ear, and shoved my hips forward for a final thrust past his prostate before letting loose a good-sized load inside of him. At almost the same time, he let out a moan and clamped his ass muscles down around the invading cock as he let loose one, two, three volleys of young jock cum onto the sheets below. I continued thrusting into him with my deflating cock while I held his chest and groin into me and teased his ear a bit more with my tongue before finally letting him go, taking his magnificently tight, cum-filled teen ass out of bed and off to the bathroom.

"Thanks for giving me a piece of your amazing ass, kiddo."

"Happy to be of service, boss," he winked back at me as he walked into the hallway.

I sighed to myself as I noticed little bits of my cum dribbling down his leg.


Next: Chapter 26

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