Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Jun 24, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 24 By Jeff Ennig

"Good morning, Jeff! Good morning, Ollie!" Phoebe chirped as we walked up to work to open up the place.

"Hey, Phoebe. Glad someone is bright-eyed and bushy-tailed this early," I slurred, still waking up.

"Yeah, well, you fuckers won't get any sympathy from me. Hope you enjoyed your vacation, because today is gonna be busy!" she quipped as I unlocked the doors.

We got the place ready in short order, and from the first moment when I opened the doors to customers, the flow of traffic didn't really let up the whole rest of the morning. None of the usual lulls came, as new students, visiting families, returning faculty, and others joined the usual flow of regulars. We had an oversized crew to handle the busy day ahead, so although we were all hustling, it was still manageable. I even found time to chat up several regulars and fill them in on the PG version of my camping adventure. Eric, the pervy English professor with one eye permanently fixed on Ollie's backside, saw through me, of course, and asked for some of the more risque details of our trip.

"I'll fill you in later, my friend. But suffice it to say, a good time was had by all."

"Uh huh, that's what I thought. Well, I'll be back for lunch, so I'll expect a little more than that," Eric replied.

"I'll see what I can do. Now get your dirty mind out of here," I said as I passed him his morning caffeine.

"Bye, Jeff. Byyyyye Ollie!" Eric flirtatiously called out toward Ollie as the boy ran back and forth behind the counter.

By the time lunch came around, we had enough crew on hand to allow me to step aside and work with Kai on some office tasks, preparing her to fully take the reins of the place after we got through the weekend. After we got a few things done, I took her around with me on some rounds to visit with customers. I let several of the regulars know of the upcoming change as we visited their tables. Once we got to Eric's table, I let Kai continue on without me while I took a seat by him.

"Are you ready to fill me in a bit more now?"

"Two words: spit roast."

"Holy shit! You lucky bastard! I had no idea you were so kinky."

"I'm not, normally. But the situation called for it, I guess. And I think I accomplished my side mission of helping Jake and Ollie grow closer to each other."

"Did they...?"

"No, not that. But I think they're pretty close with each other now, like brothers really. So I'm a happy man."

"Good for you. I wish I had your moves."

"Oh, stop. You're gonna make me blush. But anyway, there was something else I wanted to talk to you about."

"Yeah, what's that?"

"Well, Ollie is planning on taking something of a gap year this year, before thinking about college next year. I support that decision, but I'm concerned that he'll fall a bit behind in the meantime."

"I'm a big fan of gap years. As long as the kid has some sort of focus during that year. I think it makes for more mature and well-rounded students. But yes, that can be a risk. So what can I do to help?"

"I was wondering if I could arrange for Ollie to audit one of your English courses this semester. Give him a little bit of a challenge. Plus, who knows, I might be able to convince the school to give him retroactive credit for it if he ends up as a student there next fall."

"I think that's a splendid idea! I could treat him like any other student, and write a letter on his performance afterwards. I'm sure between your recommendation and mine, they'd be happy to give him credit."

"I hope so. I think I'll have a little more pull with them now anyway, since I'm doing another history course there this semester as an adjunct again."

"Oh! You didn't tell me you'd be doing that again! I hear the history people talk about you every so often, wishing they could get you back somehow."

"Maybe I'll have some clout to leverage for Ollie after all. Nice to know what people say about me behind my back."

"No need to be so humble. You know perfectly well there aren't too many who'd say anything but nice things about you in this town."

"Don't go inflating my ego, now. You've already got me bragging about my sex life. Isn't that enough?"

"But it's because you're not an arrogant ass that people like you, Jeff."

"Thanks for saying that, man. You're a good friend. I'll talk to Ollie about auditing that course and let you know."

"Just let me know by Tuesday, so I can make room for him."

"Will do. Thanks again."

I took my leave and returned to the office with Kai to keep going on preparing her for Tuesday, her first official day as chief. She knew most of it already, and I had complete confidence in her, but I wanted to be sure she was well prepared.

I kept my nose to the grindstone for the rest of the long holiday weekend, working long hours alongside my hard-working crew, breaking pretty much only for food, sleep, and church.

By the end of the dinner rush on Labor Day, the traffic had finally died down, and it was time to take stock of where things stood as my final hours as manager wound to a close. Kai and I agreed that she was as ready as she possibly could be. It was a powerfully bittersweet moment to be walking away from the day-to-day running of this place that had become the center of my working life for the past seven years. It was because of this place that I had met so many wonderful people in my life, most especially Jake and Ollie.

I had a lanyard in the college colors of blue, white, and gold on which hung my store keys. I ceremoniously removed my keys from it and handed the lanyard to Kai, as though passing a baton.

"The place is yours now, lady. I'll still be around, but you can count on me not to be hovering over you. Be good to this place."

"I will, Jeff. And thanks for always believing in me, even when no one else did. I promise I'll make you proud," Kai said with astoundingly uncharacteristic warmth and sincerity.

"I know you will, my friend."

She reached out and pulled me in to a big, warm, squishy lesbian hug, again surprising me with such an expression of genuine affection. We then shook hands before I took off for the night, leaving Kai and a few more crew members behind to finish closing up for the night.

Ollie had gotten home an hour or so before me, and had already attended to Tom and Jerry. Jake was there too, looking just as excited to be there for a little celebration. They had three glasses on the counter, with unopened cans of my favorite raspberry sour waiting.

"Welcome home, uncle!" Both boys called out together as I came in the door.

"I took the liberty of pulling out some of your favorite beers for us to celebrate," Ollie said, motioning to the glasses on the counter.

"Thanks, kiddos. I do like you calling me uncle. Just, you know, still not in certain situations."

"Don't worry, we haven't forgotten about that. Now, let's toast to your retirement, old man!" Jake said with a cocky smile, as he poured the beers into the glasses.

"You're really trying to make me feel ancient!" I joked. "But yes, please, let's drink, to new beginnings."

"To new beginnings!"

"So how does it feel, boss?" Jake asked.

"Honestly, kinda bittersweet. Can't believe this day has really come. But I'm extremely proud of you at how you're stepping up there."

"Thanks, boss."

"And I'm really proud of you, too, Ollie. You really know your way around there now."

"Thanks. I'm having fun there. And speaking of work, I don't have to be in until late morning tomorrow, and Jake doesn't have work or class until later either. We were hoping you might be awake enough to curl up on the couch and watch something or other with us."

"I'd love to, boys. Let me just go change into some sweats. Jake, I think you've got a pair of yours in the closet, too."

Once we all three were dressed in lounging attire, we made our way back to the living room, poured ourselves another round of beers, and went to take our seats on the big sectional sofa. I placed myself in the corner, spread my arms along the sofa backs, and waited for Jake and Ollie to take their places at my side. Jake sat down on my right, slouching down slightly to fit into my side embrace, as he rested his left arm on my right leg, his elbow nestling near my crotch. Ollie took a mirror image position on my left side, except that he didn't need to slouch his 5'7" frame to fit into my arm.

Ollie fired up an episode of some mindlessly entertaining show, while they both nuzzled close into me. Halfway through that first episode, as our beers were emptied, Jake flung his legs onto the couch beside him, and turned himself on his side, resting his big head into my lap, while Ollie moved his arm out of the way, and tilted himself slightly to bury his head further into my arm as I held him close. I began to gently rub Ollie's firm chest through his T-shirt, while resting my other arm along Jake's side, with my hand in his hair, softly stroking his head with my fingers while we melted peacefully together.

Here were my two favorite boys, feeling safe enough with me and with each other, to let go of all grown-up tough guy pretense and revert back to vulnerable youths in need of simply being held and protected. The innocence of the moment filled my heart with pure joy. I wanted to say words to express what I felt for them, but ultimately realized that no words really needed to be said.

At some point during the second or maybe the third episode, we all seemed to nod off, not moving from the positions we had taken together. I opened my eyes perhaps a couple hours later, seeing Jake with his head flat in my lap and looking straight up at me, smiling weakly as he saw my eyes open. Ollie began to stir as well, eyes still half-open. The screen was showing a prompt on the streaming app asking if we were still watching, a telltale sign of having dozed off.

"You want to sleep here tonight, Jake?"

"Yeah, I'm too groggy to stumble home."

"Ok, come on, kiddos, let's go lay in a real bed."

We all stripped down and crawled into my bed, re-creating an arrangement from the camping trip, with me laying on my back in the middle, and both boys resting their heads against me, their soft penises pressed up against my bare sides. Despite their bare, smoldering hot, rock-hard jock bodies being pressed up so close to me, I remained unaroused as well, being immersed in the innocence of the moment. It didn't take long for us to fall back asleep, and we slept soundly well past the point of 'sleeping in' the next morning.

I repeated the routine from the trip, getting up and slipping on my sweats while I went to make coffee and a little breakfast, letting the boys linger in bed as they slowly returned to wakefulness. When I came back to the bedroom to let them know breakfast awaited them, Jake was this time curled up next to Ollie, resting his head on the younger boy's tight teen chest, his large hand resting on Ollie's lower abs, just above the tip of Ollie's morning wood, and his own large erection pressed up against Ollie's hip. I thought I could make out a little drool dribbling out from Jake's mouth onto Ollie's bare chest.

"Ugh, do we have to get up? I'm comfortable right where I am," Jake mumbled, barely moving.

"I'm gonna have to get up to take a piss soon, big bro."

"Dang, now that you mention it, I gotta race like a piss horse."

"Beat ya there!" Ollie called out as he whipped away from the grip of his 'big bro' and shot up to bolt down the hall for the bathroom.

Not to be outdone, Jake jolted upright and flung himself out of bed with lightning speed, meeting Ollie at the doorway as they wrestled to be the first one through the door.

It was truly a sight to behold, watching these two naked jocks as they ran and wrestled their way through the door; tanned, toned 5'7" 18-year-old Ollie with ass cheeks tight enough to bounce a quarter off of and a rock hard 7" cock jostling to and fro like a phallic metronome; and tall, ripped 6'4" 21-year-old Jake with bulging muscular glutes and a giant 9" cock thwacking heavily against his rippling abs. Acting like little boys, they stood at the toilet and struggled to finagle a position to point their big boners at the bowl so they could find relief, all while playfully pushing each other around.

Despite such savage behavior, they nonetheless were both civilized enough to return to the bedroom and pull on their sweats before coming out for breakfast. As they walked toward me, bare-chested and bare-footed, their still mildly chubbed-up young cocks forming outlines in the fabric of their sweats as they free-balled it. I inadvertently licked my lips at the delicious sight before directing them to dig in to the bacon and eggs spread out on the table.

After we all uttered nothing but wordless grunts as we dove into the first few bites, I opened up a little conversation.

"Ollie, I've gotta ask you something. I'm glad Jake's here too, so hopefully he can back me up on this."

"Ok, what is it?"

"I know you're taking a gap year this year and trying to save up as much money as you can before thinking about school, a decision I'm fully on board with, but I'm thinking it would be a good idea for you to maybe engage in a little bit of academics this year, just to keep fresh."

"How would I go about doing that?"

"Well, for one thing, you could audit a course or two at the college. If you do well in them, I'm pretty confident I can convince them to award you some credits for that if you do decide to enroll there next fall."

"I don't know. I was kind of looking forward to a year completely free of school."

"I hear what you're saying, little bro. But bossman might have a point. Just doing a little bit could help you a lot. And also, it's a smart move financially. Jeff pushed me to take a lot of college credits while I was in high school, and let me tell you, that saved me a lot of money. Well, that and my lacrosse scholarship."

"I guess I should take a cue from both y'all's experience. Ok, I'll do it."

"Excellent! I already talked to Eric, the English prof you expertly flirt out of tip money on the regular, and he'd be happy to have you audit one of his courses this semester if you'd like. Also, Sarah, my friend who's a retired literature professor from the college, would probably be willing to tutor you, and I'm back to teaching another upper-level history course there this semester, so I could tutor you too. I'm pretty sure I could twist a few screws on the administration to have all three count for credit for you."

"So I could flirt my way to an 'A' in English, read good books that I'd want to read anyway, and hang out with you, all for college credit? That doesn't sound so bad."

"That's the spirit! Just for the record, it would entail a bit more work than all that, but yes, that's the general idea."

"Always a good idea to let bossman steer you in the right direction, little bro. He knows what's best."

"I'm realizing that more and more. He certainly knows what's best for my prostate, so I guess he'd know what's best for my academic future, too."

I practically snorted coffee through my nose, laughing at his lewd little comment, and Jake laughed along with me.

"Yup, nothin like giving the ol' love button a good pounding, right boss?" Jake said with a smirk.

"You two are something else," I said, shaking my head. "Now, can we finish our breakfast?"

As I sat there finishing my coffee after breakfast, and the boys rose to clean up, I fired off a text to Eric.

J: Ollie would love to audit one of your courses.

E: Great! Can he come to my ofc tmrw 9:30? Class starts 10.

J: He says yes. Thx, Eric.

E: My pleasure. I'll email you what he needs to buy.

J: K.

E: Just hope he's ok sitting front row. I want my eye candy close by ;).

J: Lol, perv. Sure he won't mind sitting wherever you tell him to.

E: How about in my lap then?

J: Ur crazy.

E: Come on, we were both thinking it.

J: Whatever. Thx again, c u around friend.

E: Sure thing Jeff :).

Ollie soon was heading off to work, while Jake headed home. I spent the rest of my day preparing for my first lecture of the semester. It would be an evening seminar on the History of the British Isles, pre-1688. It was one of the areas of history I was most passionate about. Enough that I had pursued a master's degree in it over several years to keep myself sane during my soul-sucking earlier career. Plus, by teaching the course rather than letting others teach it, I could make sure students learned more "British" history than just the history of the English, which I knew would make my Welsh family proud.

I took a break to join a little weekly Zoom meeting with a Welsh language group I had stumbled across. They met on Tuesday evenings at 20:00 GMT, so early afternoon for me and a sprinkling of other random Welsh enthusiasts in the New World, and first thing in the morning for Welshmen living Down Under. I offered to start doing 10-15 minutes of history tidbits told in Welsh within some of the meetings, and the group whole-heartedly agreed to let me. It would take me a bit of time to prepare, but I was happy to be in a place in life now where I had the time for such 'passion projects'.

The Welsh meeting was great fun, and the rest of my afternoon I felt very productive in readying my lecture for Thursday. I made myself a simple dinner, leaving some leftovers for Ollie in case he didn't eat at work. The rest of my evening was taken up by a couple of committee meetings at St. Bonnie's, one planning the parish festival, and the other sitting on the finance committee. Both were things I had long wanted to be involved with, but hadn't ever really had the time.

When I came home from my meetings, I found Ollie already asleep. I soon slipped into bed next to him, pressing my soft penis against the warmth of his tight crack as he slept, and fell right into a blissful sleep. When I awoke the next morning, Ollie had already slipped off to work the first few hours of the early morning shift before he would make his way off to the college for his first English lecture with Eric.

As my brain finished powering back on, it dawned on me that I had forgotten to watch for Eric's email with the list of materials Ollie would need to bring before his first class. I pulled up the email, and saw a few books and a reading packet listed, all available at the campus bookstore. A couple of the books I had in my own library anyway, so I grabbed those and stuffed them in a backpack for Ollie to use. I skipped breakfast, grabbed the backpack and my own things, and walked up the street to the college to pop in to the bookstore. There were of course fairly long lines in the bookstore, with plenty of others making last minute purchases like me. But lucky for me, a friendly regular from the Apollo, a young, beautiful red-headed woman named Pam, was the manager of the bookstore. When she saw me, she waved me over to her desk to ring me up on the sly, and ushered me out the door with no one the wiser.

I made it to the shop in plenty of time, with the morning rush still in full swing. I bought a pastry and ordered a cortado, which Kai made for me, with Ollie standing at her side, attempting to learn the ropes on the finicky espresso machine.

"Once the rush dies down, I've got something for you, kiddo."

"Ok, boss."

I took a seat in the dining room among all the customers. Several who had not yet heard of the leadership changes stopped by to greet me, with curious expressions on their faces. I explained that I was still the owner, but that Kai was now the manager, and I would be staying out of her way. I assured them she was in fact more skilled than I was at the espresso machine, which for some was obviously their primary concern. Once 9 o'clock rolled around and the daily lull struck, signaling a returning to normalcy after the busy holiday weekend, Ollie made his way to my table and sat down.

"What do you have for me, boss?"

"This," I said, tossing the backpack full of books on the table in front of him.

"What's in here?"

"Your books for your class this morning. There wasn't time to give you the list and have you go buy them yourself, so I went and got them for you just now."

"Wow! Thanks! I'll pay you back, I promise."

"Don't worry. I'll just add it to your rent this month."

"I'd hardly call $200 a month 'rent', but thanks all the same."

"$200 is more than plenty, so you can knock that off. You help out a lot around my place, you work your butt off here, and you make my life better by being in it. Plus, you know, the fringe benefits you offer aren't bad either."

"Ok, ok, I'll stop complaining about that. I just want to pay my way is all."

"I know, kiddo. Tell you what, start pushing me harder to go work out with you now and again, and we can call that personal trainer services. I need to be in better shape, so I might as well take advantage of living with a such a fit, athletic young guy as you."

"You've got a deal, boss."

"And before I forget, we're having tea at Sarah and Carol's this afternoon, where I'm hoping to ask Sarah to tutor you in literature. Hope that works for you."

"Yeah, that'd be great! Diana and I are hanging out tonight while you and Maria are at choir practice, but this afternoon should work fine. Which reminds me, can I borrow your car? I was hoping Diana and I could go for a drive."

"Of course, kiddo. I trust that you'll drive safe. I care more about you and Diana not getting hurt, but I'd also prefer my car to stay in one piece as well."

"Thanks! Yes, I'll drive safe. I better get going in a couple minutes now if I'm going to make it class."

"Speaking of which, is that what you're wearing there?" He was dressed in his cute, tight little blue shorts, and his form-hugging salmon colored shirt. He had no undershirt on, so the shirt clearly showed off the developing muscles of his enticing young torso, with his firm teen pecs and flat 4-pack abs. It was clear he was free-balling it as well, as the outline of his 3-inch soft cock and plump balls were quite obvious as they hung tucked against one thigh.

"Oh, this? Is it inappropriate or something?"

"Just a tad. But maybe that's what you're going for."

"I figured I'd give Eric a little show in class as a thank you for letting me audit his class. I plan to sit in the front row. I already checked it out, and if I spread my legs in these shorts, there's no guarantee that everything will, um, stay in place, so to speak."

"That is very considerate of you. I know he'll appreciate that. But you know you'll still have to work for an 'A' in his class, right? You can't just show off your goods."

"I know. Don't worry, I'm actually looking forward to doing my best in it."

"Good to hear. Now shake that money maker on out of here, kiddo."

I visited with a few other customers and staff before popping my head into the backroom where Kai was set up at the upstairs desk, staying amidst the action while getting her work done.

"How's the first day as chief going so far?"

"It's great! I love finally getting to terrorize all my underlings and order them around."

"Haha, I know you're joking, but I trust you. Looks to me like you're doing a great job. I've got a meeting to get to, so I'll leave you alone. Have fun with the rest of your first day!"

"Thanks, boss. See you around."

I zipped back to my condo to clean up a bit and feed Tom and Jerry, both things I had somehow neglected to do in my rush out the door earlier. Once I was a bit more presentable, I made my way down the road to the luncheon event I was taking part in at the local chamber. Yet another group I had been loosely involved with up until now, which I hoped to devote more energy to going forward. After the lunch speaker, I lingered around with the leadership of the chamber, and before I knew it, I had volunteered to sit on the board.

I headed home from the chamber event with my mind full of excitement for my new involvements. Ollie returned home from the college shortly after, looking to be in quite a chipper mood.

"How did class go, kiddo?"

"Great! I was a little nervous at first, because I came into the classroom early and I saw a girl I knew from Corinthia sitting in the back of the room. I was really hoping not to have to run in to people from my hometown, still bitter about the shit my dad pulled. But when she saw me, she got up and walked over to where I was sitting in the front and sat down and talked to me. She told me she was sorry to hear about my mom and Ethan, and she even cried a little as she told me how much she loved my brother. He was pretty hard not to love. She didn't even mention my dad at all. That made me feel better, I guess, but I'm still not excited about running into people from there."

"I figured it had to happen eventually, kiddo. I'm glad to hear that it went better than you expected. I understand you not wanting to run into others from there, but I have a feeling if they have any decency at all, most of them will be more like that girl."

"Maybe. Still, though, fully planning on avoiding such people as much as possible. But anyway, Eric, er, Professor Collins, seems like a great instructor. His class will be tougher than I thought, but I think I can handle it. I even joined a study group with a couple other guys and two really hot girls, and we all hung out in the library talking and studying and having lunch."

"I'm glad to hear his class will be a challenge. Regardless of what you end up majoring in, I think the humanities is an important foundation for life. And I chose to come to this college to teach years ago precisely because they're pretty balanced and they don't let their humanities classes be filled with fluffy nonsense. You'll find all of the faculty have a pretty similar mindset."

"That's good, I guess. I remember my mom ranting sometimes about her crazy professors in college, so she'd have been happy to know I might escape that experience."

"Haha, I have a feeling I would have gotten along quite well with your mom."

"You would have loved her, and she would have loved you. She was just so intelligent and full of life. Same goes for my dad, or at least the version of himself he showed to the world before he got caught."

"I don't know the man, but I have to hope that version of him was closer to the real one. I can't imagine that he doesn't deeply love you in his own imperfect way. Besides, if we are defined by the worst things we do, then there's not a whole lot of hope for most of us."

"Maybe you're right. But I still want to punch him in the face next time I see him."

"And I wouldn't stop you. Ok, we're gonna head out to Sarah and Carol's in an hour or so. You've had a pretty eventful day already. What say we relax for a little bit on the couch?"

"That sounds great."

Thinking about how he had almost seemed to soften ever so slightly toward his father just now, I figured I'd stoke that fire a bit more and suggest re-creating Ollie's little bonding times with his dad.

"How about we change into our tighty-whiteys and watch a show?"

"Ok!" he exclaimed, practically leaping up as he bolted into the bedroom to get changed. I had to laugh at the energetic enthusiasm of youth.

We soon found ourselves curled up together on the couch, my arms wrapped around his beautiful, tanned torso, rubbing lightly into his hard flesh with my hands as I held him against me. I could feel his steady, relaxed heart rate beneath my hand as I rubbed along his lightly-muscled pec. I breathed in his teenage scent as I nuzzled my face alongside his. Despite having his firm, perfect, narrow ass pressed up against my crotch, only two layers of cotton separating us, I managed to only chub up a little bit as I held his flawless young body. I took a second to take a mental image of such a perfect moment.


Next: Chapter 25

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