Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Jun 10, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 23 By Jeff Ennig

Jake and Ollie practically sprinted back to our campsite, while I opted to stroll at a more leisurely pace. I think they were more excited by the idea of another menage a trois session than I was. The hazy red and orange light of dusk lit my path as I smiled to myself at their youthful exuberance.

By the time I got back to the campsite and walked up to the tent, I saw both sets of boots stationed outside. I took off my own boots to place them beside Jake's. Opening the flap, I was greeted by the heart-stopping sight of both Jake and Ollie already kneeling without a stitch of clothing on and sporting their big hard-ons pointing northward with anticipation.

"Ready for us, boss?" Jake asked with a Cheshire cat grin plastered on his face, reminding me of a big puppy excited to be taken out on a walk.

"You're way ahead of me, boys. Give me a second to catch up."

"No, let us do that," Ollie said as he knee-stepped forward and took hold of my shirt, while Jake reached for my pants. I laid down to let Jake slide my pants and shorts off, while Ollie tore off my shirt, leaving me naked and at their mercy.

They both leaned down toward my crotch from either side, and they began agonizingly slowly to lick up both sides of my lengthening shaft. Reaching the spongy summit of my erection, they drifted their upper lips over my tip and melded together with the other's, while their tongues began to dance together along my tip and around the edges of my head, an erotic lingual dance with each other as they teased their prey. After a couple minutes of this, Jake pulled away from the dance and went southward, licking down to and then sucking in my balls, while Ollie took me into his mouth until I hit the back of his throat.

Satisfied that they had gotten me ready for more, they pulled away from me while Ollie grabbed two pillows, laid himself down on the sleeping bag on his back, and put the pillows under his hips to prop himself up for entry. Jake grabbed the lube and applied a generous helping onto my dick, stroking it onto me before turning his attention to his own much larger member.

"Ready, little bro?"

"Ready. Come on, Jeff, bring it on home."

Jake nudged me forward as I lined up the head of my stiff, lubed-up prick and began to push. Ollie met my entry attempt with a push outward, and I slid easily inside of him once again. I continued to slide forward until I was fully impaling his velvety smooth, mind-blowingly tight fuck chute. I held still buried inside of him while Jake inserted one, then two lubed up fingers into me to prepare me to once again accept his 9 inches of delight. He removed his fingers and lined up the bulging head of his huge tool to tap on my rear entrance. Still without anyone needing to exchange words, Jake pushed forward and popped easily back into the hole he had been inside of earlier that morning. He didn't let up until he was balls deep within me, as I felt the end of his searing hot poker deep inside my bowels.

Jake began a slow rhythm of pulling out halfway, just far enough to brush against my prostate, before pushing back in again in an artfully fluid motion. I began a similar rhythm in and out of Ollie, pulling out just far enough to pass his love button and pushing back in again. Jake's athletic prowess directed his thrusts as he adapted his rhythm to my motions inside Ollie.

I brought my mouth over Ollie's, and leaned down further to meet his waiting lips. Soon I was shoving my tongue into his, tasting bits of fish and whiskey from dinner as he met my tongue with his. Jake leaned over to suck on my shoulder as he filled me up, then pushed forward, remaining still and buried fully within me while he strained to bring his head to meet ours. I laid sandwiched between them, Jake's massive rod fully implanted in my ass, my own buried deep within Ollie's tight, magnificent ass, while Jake brought his face toward Ollie's. I released Ollie's mouth and leaned my head to the side while Jake flung his mouth down to meet Ollie's. They practically devoured each other with flaming passion as their nostrils flared in a desperate attempt at breath while their tongues mashed together.

They inhaled each other's faces for a couple minutes or more. Lying motionless inside Ollie, I might have feared losing my erection, but the sight of these two exploding with passion turned me on more than enough to maintain my hardness. Jake finally lifted his head away from us, put his hands on my back as he pushes himself up to return to our previous rhythm. We soon recovered the same pattern of smooth, easy thrusts and continued to enjoy the intensity of our three bodies in contact.

We kept at our slow, steady, fluid rhythm for twenty minutes or more, during which I was bent over far enough to rub my stomach against Ollie's leaking cock as it lay pressed between us. It was just enough stimulation for him to moan as a signal that he was approaching climax at the same time I began feeling the same. Jake's guttural grunts indicated he was in a similar condition.

Jake thrust hard into me, releasing one powerful blast of jock jizz after another deep within me as he let out a low grumble. The feeling of his big cock pulsing in orgasm within me pushed me over the edge, and I released my own pent-up load inside Ollie's tight teen ass. Seeing us reach climax and feeling his own cock pressed between us, Ollie then let loose, moaning as he soaked the skin of his and my torsos with several volleys of young cum.

No one moved much for several minutes, silently enjoying the afterglow of such an amazing and passionate session. Jake remained mostly hard inside of me, while I had begun to soften. Thanks to the angles, I was able to remain inside Ollie nonetheless. Jake kept his hands on the ground, propping himself up so we wouldn't be crushing Ollie with our weight. We all three lightly kissed each other while we continued to catch our breath and savor the moment.

"I hate to pull out of you, boss, but I gotta stretch out a bit."

"Go ahead kiddo. I'm sure Ollie wants to put his legs back down too after that."

"Yeah, I think I'm ready for you two to get off me now," Ollie said with an exhausted chuckle.

Jake slowly pulled his still hard prick from my body as I felt some of his cum dribble down my inner thigh. He plopped down and let out an exhausted huff on the far end of the sleeping bag while I reached for a couple towels for my and Ollie's butts. I pulled my softened cock out and away from Ollie as he took the towel to clean up. I rolled over and laid down on my back by Jake's side, with my towel beneath me to catch any of Jake's babymakers as they leaked out of me. Ollie did the same as he laid down on my other side.

I took a pillow for my head, while Jake moved his head to rest on my chest, and Ollie then rested his head on the other side of my chest. I took my hands and slid my fingers into their soft blonde and brown hair, lightly massaging their scalps while we lounged in afterglow. They laid there facing each other, and Ollie placed his hand midway on my chest, while Jake rested his own larger paw atop the smaller youth's hand.

"That was really hot, huh?" Ollie said, mostly directing it to Jake.

"Hell yeah. Can I make a confession? For a few minutes there, I was pretending it was you I was fucking."

"Really? I did the same."

"Do you boys want me to make myself scarce so you can go at it?"

"No, no, it's not like that. It was just really hot to imagine, that's all. I just like being around my little bro. Jeff's body is still the only male one I want to stick my dick into."

"And I like being around my big bro. But same here. It was crazy hot to fantasize about while we were all going at it, but Jeff's is still the only penis I want to let inside of me. Especially since yours is a massive fucking donkey dick!"

"Hey! You say that like it's a bad thing."

"Well, if it's going to try and fit up my poop chute, it is."

"Fair enough."

"This is nice," I sighed out in satisfaction as I held each of their beautiful heads beneath my fingers. "I'm so glad my two special boys are getting along so well that they're even fantasizing about screwing each other."

"Yeah, aren't we just one big happy, horny family," Jake laughed.

"Well said. Alright, boys, Uncle Jeff is getting a little sleepy."

"Me too. Good night, Uncle Jeff. Good night, little bro."

"Good night guys," Ollie echoed with a contented sigh.

I quickly fell into a deep, peaceful sleep, flanked by my two hunky 'nephews' with their heads resting against me. Life doesn't get much better than that.

The next morning, I picked up the same routine from the day before, gently pulling myself free of the sleeping youths, slipping on pants and a shirt, and stepping outside to make some coffee and breakfast. Like before, I stuck my head back in the tent a while later to announce that breakfast was almost ready, finding Ollie snuggled up to Jake's side, with his head resting on the big lacrosse jock's muscular chest, his leg draped over Jake's, and his semi-hard penis pressed against the side of his 'big bro'.

"Rise and shine, my beautiful boys. Breakfast is almost ready."

They both emerged buck naked, walked over to a bush, stood arm in arm, and relieved themselves, before shaking loose the last few drops and traipsing over beside the campfire.

"Y'all got something against clothes? Sitting bare-assed on that log bench can't feel too good."

"I like the lake breeze blowing on my big, heavy balls, boss," Jake said.

"Fine. Couple of savages, that's what you two are."

We ate our breakfast and drank our coffee, and I volunteered to clean up this time so the two nudists could go get some clothes on at last. Once they emerged fully clothed in their tight jeans and skin-hugging shirts, we were ready for the day. It was clear that they both were going commando, as the bulge in Ollie's pants was fairly obvious, and Jake's soft 6-inch snake formed a prominent outline along his thigh.

I suggested we hike back to the visitor's center where we first checked in, to see about renting a canoe for the day. Both boys enthusiastically agreed. As we later approached the building, we saw Henry and Cynthia standing near the dock with their bags all packed, waiting for their ride back to the mainland.

"Hey there, boys!" Cynthia called out as she waved at us.

We made our way over to say hello.

"Thanks again for last night, gentlemen. That was quite a show you put on for us," Henry said with a smile. "I'm hoping it did the trick, and that we got us a kid or two growing in there now," he said as he patted his wife's belly.

"Glad we could do our part. Maybe someday we'll all be up here again and we can meet little Jake and Ollie," Jake replied.

"Haha, maybe. We probably wouldn't tell them the reason they got those names, though," Cynthia laughed.

Just then, the ferry boat pulled up along the dock, and it was time to say our goodbyes. We all shook hands and wished each other well. I was grateful that no one ruined the fun of vacation strangers by putting up the pretense of swapping contact details and promising to stay in touch. Everyone seemed to know the score. We waved goodbye to them again as the ferry pulled away, while we walked back to the center to rent a canoe.

We spent all the late morning and through the afternoon on the canoe, paddling around the island. We ran ashore near our campsite in the early afternoon to grab a bite to eat before continuing on to circle around the other end and return the canoe. The scenery was truly magnificent as we went. None of us were in a big hurry as we paddled, and often found ourselves simply drifting as we gazed around at the clouds, birds flying overhead, and even a mama bear and her cubs a good distance away from us on the shore. Both mom and babies stared at us for as long as we stared at them, probably equally fascinated by this sighting of three full-grown humans sitting in a floating banana holding funny looking tree branches. We paddled on, leaving the bears in peace. The lake was fairly placid again, particularly as we hewed close to shore. Being under the open sky and exploring with these two gorgeous boys, it just couldn't have been more wonderful. A truly idyllic day.

Once we made it back to camp for our final evening, we were famished enough to eat a heaping meal before sitting back to enjoy the fire and one another's company. We passed around the flask as we relaxed by the fire, and began to tell stories and jokes.

"Jake, how did you meet Jeff anyway?" Ollie asked as we sat around.

"Well, I had just turned 14. I was a lot smaller than you are now, and I was pretty nervous to be working my first day of work as a busboy. An assistant manager, who isn't there anymore, hired me while Jeff was out of town. Anyway, I wasn't really paying attention as I was carrying a tray of dirty dishes into the back room, and I ran right into Jeff while he had his back turned. His white shirt was covered in all sorts of shit, and some of the dishes fell to the floor and broke. So that was Jeff's first impression of me."

"What Jake's leaving out is that he was this really adorable little blond-haired kid who was so obviously nervous, not to mention mortified by crashing in to the boss, on his first day. I couldn't help but laugh. It wasn't the first time I'd had stuff spilled on me, nor the first time dishes broke, so it wasn't a big deal. But his little face made it look like he thought it was the Apocalypse. I liked the kid immediately. He was my scruffy little busboy."

"Jeff was really good to me right away. Made me feel better about it, and took me under his wing from then on. My home life wasn't that great, which is a story for another time, so he started letting me stay in his guest room off and on. After a while, things got even more rough for me, and Jeff and my mom agreed to have me just move in with him. I lived with him all through high school."

"Wow, so you started screwing him early then?"

"No, no. I wanted to, especially once I had sprouted up into the amazing sex god you see before you, but Jeff insisted we wait until I was legal. I managed to wait about five minutes after I turned 18 to start pumping away on his ass. That's also a story for another day. But ever since then, I've been long-dicking him every once in a while so he doesn't forget me."

"Do you still see your mom?"

"She lives with my step-dad and half-brothers in Spartanville, but I see them about as seldom as I can manage. They're probably about the only people in town who never come into Jeff's cafe."

"No need to say more, man. Family is... complicated."

"You can say that again. How about you?"

"I'm sort of an orphan, I guess. My mom and twin brother were killed in a car crash earlier this summer. The rest of my family is a story for another day, but yeah, I kind of ran away from home and came to Spartanville."

"Whoa, that's heavy, dude," Jake said as he took a swig from the flask and passed it to his 'little bro'.

I stayed silent, allowing them to open up to each other at their own pace.

"Yeah, I try not to think about it most of the time, but I was thinking a lot about them the other night while I was looking up into the stars."

"Wondering if they're up there looking down on you?"

"Something like that. Ethan, that was my twin, was a Down's kid. He was pretty much the coolest kid ever. A handful, but you guys would have loved him. And my mom was a really great mom. She spent most of her energy taking care of Ethan, but she was great to me too."

"So how'd you find Jeff?"

"Funny story. Only Jeff and I know this part. I actually broke into the Apollo late one night in search of food. I hadn't eaten in like two days, and I was a little desperate."

"Whoa! He was robbing the place, and now you're fucking him? Dang, Jeff. You've got some moves."

"Haha, yes. He's my beautiful burglar boy. I know you won't tell anyone else about that part, but yeah, that was my first impression. I felt so bad for the kid, and so thoroughly enjoyed looking at his ass, of course, that I went easy on him. Got him fed, and took him over to St. Bonnie's to stay for the night."

"That sounds like the Jeff I know. You take in these poor, pathetic strays out of the goodness of your heart, and the next thing you know, they're letting you into their pants."

"It's not why I do it, but it's definitely been an occasional a side benefit that I don't object to."

"Well, whatever your reasons, I'm just glad you took me in," Jake said.

"Amen to that. Here's to Jeff!" Ollie toasted as he tilted the flask in my direction and took a sip, before passing it back to Jake.

We stayed around the campfire like this until well into the night. It was a cloudier night, so we couldn't see many stars anyway.

"I'm thinking it might be time for this old man to turn in, boys."

"I guess I'm getting pretty tired too. Jake and I will put out the fire and clean up a bit, then come and join you."


As we all snuggled up naked together again in the sleeping bag, none of us seemed to be interested in any hanky-panky. We just held each other close, enjoying the feel of our bodies pressed tightly together. As usual, Jake's big cock and heavy balls nestled into place beneath my crack, while mine nestled below Ollie's. Jake again snaked his arm under both of our necks, with his hand outstretched by Ollie's face, as Ollie took hold of it with one of his hands. With his free hand, Ollie held onto my hand as it rested against his tight teen abs. Jake's other hand rested on Ollie's hip, while his one foot rested between Ollie's. Tangled up together like this, we all fell quickly asleep.

Birds chirping and singing to each other woke us up again on our final morning of camping. I quickly went about making coffee and breakfast while I let Jake and Ollie continue sleeping. Once again, I found them curled up together when I returned to the tent to announce breakfast.

"Mmm, I'm gonna miss these mornings like this, big bro."

"Me too, little bro. I could always come over to Jeff's place and re-create this."

"Nah, let's leave it as a camping thing. More special that way."

"Good call, little bro. Now get your fine ass moving, Jeff is waiting for us!"

"Don't hurry on my account, boys. Hurry on the boat's account. We have about thirty minutes to eat, get dressed, take everything down, pack up, and clean the campsite before we need to start hiking back to the docks. Otherwise we have to wait another three hours for the next one."

"Ok, boss, we're coming," Jake called out as he slipped on some pants, with Ollie not far behind.

We got through everything fairly quickly, working well as a team, and we were on the path back to the docks with a few minutes extra, sparing us the need to hike quickly.

Once on the boat, we all looked back longingly at the island as it faded away from view.

"Man, I'm gonna miss this place," Ollie said as he sat by my side. "When can we go again, 'uncle'?"

"Well, it's pretty much impossible to get out here in the winter, but I was thinking at the very least that the three of us could head up here in the spring, maybe to celebrate Jake's graduation."

"Yeah, that sounds great! But you're still getting me other graduation gifts besides that, right?"

"Haha, of course, kiddo. Anything for my special little guy," I said, with a tinge of sarcasm.

"Pfft, who are you calling little? We BOTH know that's not true."

"Point taken."

The rest of the boat ride was uneventful. Once we got ashore and within range of a cell tower, we turned on our phones to reconnect with the world, and all received a flurry of texts, emails, and other notifications popping up on our screen. From what I could tell, nothing had caught fire, so I resolved to look at the messages later. The boys seemed to do the same with theirs. I was grateful that neither of them seemed pathologically incapable of looking away from their devices, unlike many their age. With Jake, I had had a direct hand in preventing him from forming such a dependency as he grew into a man. With Ollie, apparently his parents must have felt similarly and raised him accordingly.

I let Ollie drive for the first little stretch, with Jake in the passenger seat, and me lounging again in the back. We stopped to top up the gas tank and pop into Frank's diner to grab a quick lunch. Thankfully, we were able to see Frank himself while there, and enjoyed a quick visit with him before hitting the road again.

Jake took the wheel for the next few hours, and I took over for the final couple hours, as we pulled into Spartanville in the early evening hours. We dropping into the Apollo Cafe to say hello to the crew and to grab a bite. Everyone was happy to see us, but they seemed to have the running of the place pretty well under control. That is a most liberating feeling, to drop into a place you own and find it running well without your constant supervision.

After dinner, Jake grabbed his pack out of the car and hoofed it the few down the road to his frat house, while Ollie and I grabbed the rest of the gear from the car and hauled it up to my condo. Tom and Jerry were pretty excited to see us when we walked in the door, frantically rubbing against our ankles for attention as we stood barely inside the doorway. We tossed the packs in the bedroom, then Ollie set up cleaning up after the kitties while I checked on their food and water. After we were done, we went out and sat on the porch overlooking the town square while the kitties each chose a lap to hop up into. Tom seemed to prefer Ollie right then, so Jerry was stuck with me.

"So did you have a good time camping, kiddo?"

"Jeff, that was the best camping trip I've ever been on. And not just because of, the, you know..."

"All the hot sex?"

"Yeah, that."

"I'm glad to hear it. And I can't tell you how happy it makes me to see you and Jake becoming so close. I hope you always look at each other like brothers. He doesn't really get to see his other brothers, and, well, it's good for both of you to have a brother you can count on."

"Do you wish you had a brother, Jeff?"

"Sometimes, yeah. My sister and I are fairly close, but they live a ways away from here, and it's also just not the same. So please, hold onto that brotherhood thing. Be there for each other when it counts."

"Ok, Jeff. I will. And I'll make sure Jake does too. He better, or I won't let him use my name anymore."

"Your name?"

"Yeah, you haven't noticed that he has my last name?"

"No, that's weird I hadn't noticed that. I guess I never asked. When did that happen?"

"I'll let him tell you the rest of the story sometime, but it was one of the first things he did after he turned 18. He begged me to come down to the courthouse with him to help him change his name."

"That makes him more of a nephew to you than I am."

"That's not true. But we do have more history than you and I do. Hard to believe I've only known you a couple of months now. I just know in my soul that you'll be in my life for years to come, God willing."

"Yes, amen to that."

"Alright, 'cmon kiddo, let's get those bags unpacked and start getting ready for bed. We're up at the crack of the dawn tomorrow for work."

A short while later, we had everything unpacked, and we were back in our usual nighttime position, lying naked and curled up tightly together in my bed.

"Good night, kiddo."

"Good night."


Next: Chapter 24

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