Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on May 5, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 21 By Jeff Ennig

Ollie kept his naked backside snuggled up against me tightly while with my arms, I held him tightly around his chest and stomach. I loved the feel of his flawless and firm teen body wrapped up in my own. Covered by the sleeping bag, and with the summer evening sun streaming down around us, we were by now quite warm, fully recovered from our brief plunge into the frigid water of the great lake. I knew that thanks to our earlier chat, he was struggling with his thoughts drifting back to the recent sudden loss of his mom and brother, his resentment of his grandpa and dad, and the entire upheaval of his life that summer. I also knew that all he needed from me in that moment was simply to keep silently holding him like this.

After a while, we heard the heavy footsteps of the big lacrosse jock we had come with, returning with firewood. We didn't move our positions immediately. Once I heard his footsteps getting closer to the campsite, I heard a light-hearted chuckle from his direction.

"Pull your dick away from the kid's tight little ass, boss. We gotta get dinner ready!" Jake called out, loud enough to make an impact, but probably not loud enough to carry across to neighboring campsites.

I rubbed my hands quickly and affectionately around on Ollie's chest and abs and pecked my lips on the back of his neck before pulling myself away and maneuvering to get up. Ollie followed closely behind.

As Ollie walked toward him, Jake smiled at me and joked, "I thought for sure with me gone for twenty minutes that you'd have the kid walking all wobbly by now, boss."

"Haha, very funny, kiddo. No, Ollie and I just had something serious to talk about."

"Oh yeah? Were you guys debating again over which is my best feature or something?"

"Yeah, you guessed it, dude. Jeff said it was your tiny chicken legs, but I said it was your itty bitty girl's penis."

"Ha! You know you're jealous of the size of this weapon, man," Jake retorted, gesturing Michael Jackson-style with a handful of his jeans-clad crotch.

They continued their young men's banter as Ollie and I proceeded to get dressed again. Jake went back into the woods to haul more of the firewood he had gathered, while I sent Ollie to fetch lake water to begin filtering, and I started fishing out the dry meal packets and the sauerkraut Frank had given to Ollie, figuring it would go well with the rest of our campfire meal.

Jake returned with the firewood and Ollie with the water. Jake got the fire roaring in short order while the water was filtering. As our stomachs grumbled waiting for the water to boil, we each took out a granola bar to tide us over. Finally, the food was ready. Dinner was satisfying and pleasant. Nothing like a simple campfire meal out in nature.

"Ok boys, now that we've had our fill, there's something I've had on my mind for a while that I want to talk to both of you about. I figured sitting around a campfire would be the perfect place for it. First, Jake, pass around that flask of brandy, please."

Jake took a big chug from the booze flask I had made sure to pack, then passed it to Ollie. He took a less desperate swig, then passed it to me. I took a decent gulp, handed it back to Jake to hold on to, and started in.

"Now, as you know, I don't often engage in mushy talk."

"Yeah, and we appreciate that, boss," Jake offered.

"Yes, especially since one part of the bond we share involves playing around with our special parts, I'm reluctant to confuse you boys with such talk."

"You mean like what happened with Jesse?" Jake asked.

"Wow. I had no idea you had picked up on all that, kiddo. Yes, pretty much exactly like that."

"I just remember how much he clung onto you for a while there, like a lovesick puppy. And then after I walked in on you slamming into him that time, he seemed to get all embarrassed and neurotic, and it was like three days later that he up and disappeared on us."

"I'm always amazed at how perceptive you are, kiddo. Even as a young teenager, you weren't as oblivious as other boys your age. But yeah, I think I ended up really confusing that poor kid, and I think it was too much for him to handle. He was a good kid, fun to have around. And a pretty incredible ass too. Not as amazing as yours, though, Ollie."

"Thanks for adding that in. My ass was about to start getting jealous! Just kidding, boss."

"Well, anyway, you know I've played around with a lot of boys over the years, and usually those bonds are a little emotional too, but I need you two to know that you both mean more to me than any of the rest. I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love you both very much."

"I love you too, Jeff. Lord knows what my life would be like if it weren't for you," Jake said with uncharacteristic sincerity as he sidled up next to me and rested his head on my shoulder.

Almost simultaneously, Ollie moved into the same position on my other side, and spoke his agreement with what Jake had said. "Same here. I love you, Jeff. I'm incredibly lucky to have found you."

I wrapped my arms around both boys as they snuggled into my side, mussed up their hair slightly, then squeezed them into me while we stared silently into the fire.

After ten or more minutes of blissful silence, Jake finally broke the stillness. "So if we're not just fuck toys, but we're not lovers either, what are we?"

"Well, you are almost like sons to me. But that's a little too kinky probably. Maybe even nephews is too kinky."

"Nah, I've liked that one before. Let's stick to nephews. Nephews with benefits," Ollie offered.

"Nephews with benefits. I like it. Well, nephews, now you know that your Uncle Jeff loves you. I hope you know that I'd do anything for you both."

"Same goes for me, Uncle," Jake said.

"Yeah, me too, Uncle," Ollie said.

"Do me a favor though. Please don't call me 'uncle' while we're playing around."

"Haha, deal," Jake said with a smile as Ollie nodded in agreement.

We continued to sit by the fire for a couple hours as the sun fell, telling stories, passing the flask around, and even roasting a few marshmallows. There was just enough of a gentle breeze coming in off the lake to keep the mosquitoes largely in check. Once it was truly dark outside, and the we could look up and see the bright expanse of stars above, concealed only by trees and the smoke of the fire. We couldn't have asked for a better night.

"How about we take a walk down by the shore and get a better view of the stars?" Ollie suggested.

"That's a great idea, kiddo. Let's put the fire out first, though."

Without hesitation, Jake sprang to his feet and pulled out his 6-inch soft cock through the fly of his jeans and started to pee on the fire. Ollie quickly followed suit, fishing out his own 3-inch soft dick to join in the effort. I tried to join in, but had emptied my own bladder a short time before and so gave up, stuffing myself back into my pants. I did, however, enjoy the sight of these two young studs standing there with their ample dicks in hand, the rest of their bodies covered in tight-fitting jeans and shirts, dousing the flames as they went. I'm not one for water sports, but it was a pretty erotic sight nonetheless.

Once the task of dousing the fire was complete, Jake and Ollie squirmed and jostled to stuff their hefty equipment back into their tight denim jeans and zipped themselves up again. As one does when camping, they both simply wiped their hands on their pants and started to walk to the shore in search of a good view of the stars.

We didn't bother bringing flashlights, as the night sky was crystal clear, with the bright, nearly-full moon and the thick blanket of stars lighting our way as we walked the few paces from our campsite to the shoreline. We continued on a short walk down the shore before reaching an elevated rock formation jutting out slightly into the water, forming a kind of miniature peninsula, with several small ledges perfect for sitting and a couple flat patches of smooth rock ideal for stretching out supine.

Upon our ascent to the top of the rocks, Ollie headed for a smooth surface to stretch out and look straight up to the heavens. I took a seat a few yards from Ollie, on a small ledge beside the highest point, using the higher rock as back support, facing out toward the water. Jake gently nudged one of my legs aside as he sat down between my legs onto another ledge a few inches below my own sitting perch. My own ledge was barely deep enough for me to sit on, so when he leaned back into me, his lower back pressed tightly up against my crotch. He propped his elbows up on my legs and nestled his head against me, just under my chin. It wasn't often we could sit in a position where this 6'4" hunk would be effectively shorter than my 6'0", so it felt nice. I half-relaxed my chin onto the top of his head, feeling the tickle of his thick blonde hair on my skin. I hinged my elbows on his broad shoulders and dangled my forearms down across the rippling muscles of his firm chest, lightly pressing down with my hands to pull him into me.

"This is nice. I like when I get to be little spoon again with you, 'Uncle' Jeff."

I lightly massaged his hard pecs through his tight shirt as I held him against me. "Me too, kiddo. I still sometimes like to think of you as the scruffy, runty little teenager who first came crashing into my life."

"Yeah, remember how I spilled all those dirty dishes onto your nice white manager's shirt?"

"That was some first impression you made!"

"Well, I'm just glad you didn't fire me. I don't know where I'd be in life right now if it weren't for you."

"I know my life would be a good deal lonelier without you in it, kiddo. I meant what I said earlier, you know. And I'm really impressed at the man you're becoming. Not just that you're almost finished with school, and you're stepping up your responsibilities at the shop, but you're genuinely decent to people. I'm very proud of you."

"Thanks, boss," he sighed as he relaxed and sank further into me. He allowed all of thirty seconds worth of such sincerity and tenderness to linger silently in the air before his impish tendencies emerged again. "But back up a sec. So you still think of me as a runty teenager?"

"Well, sometimes, yeah. I think I always will a bit."

"Even when I'm smothering you with my strong, hot jock bod and pumping my big, hard cock into your ass?"

"Dirty boy. No, certainly not then. 'Runty' would be last word on my mind in those moments, stud."

"Good. I'd hate to think my efforts were wasted on you."

"No, no, your efforts there are much appreciated. But being serious again for a moment, you do know that even if we never did anything like that ever again, I'd still be proud of you, and love you like a nephew, right?"

"Yes, I know that. But I have no plans to stop fucking you anytime soon, boss."

"No objections here. Ok, that's enough sex talk. Let's try sitting here and just appreciating nature a while, eh?"

"Ok, I try be good boy, Unca Jeff," he cheekily replied in a mock child's voice.

I chuckled slightly and shook my head, just enough so he could feel my chin move through his hair, and continued to gently, absent-mindedly massage his chest while we both sat looking out at the starry sky, the moonlit waters, the soft lapping of the waves, and the sounds and shadowy motions of the wildlife around us.

Looking over toward Ollie, there was just enough moonlight to see that he had his eyes wide open, hands folded under his head as a pillow, staring straight up into the stars, seemingly deep in thought. I could only imagine what thoughts were running through his young mind. He had experienced such upheaval in his young life in the preceding few months, yet on the surface seemed to be able to take it all somewhat in stride, putting one foot in front of the other, day after day. Occasionally, cracks in this facade would surface, through which I'd catch glimpses of the broken and troubled soul storming within him. His frantic fury with the sledgehammer a few weeks prior was a great example of that.

Without vocalizing our thoughts, Jake and I both seemed to intuit in the moment that it would be good for Ollie if we not only left him to his thoughts, but also ourselves simply maintained a little silence while we sat nearby. Jake fell uncharacteristically quiet, allowing himself to simply be content to sit there, being held by me, without needing to deflect by throwing up some witty comment or lewd remark.

I proceeded to massage Jake more intentionally on his bulging pecs, swirling around those mounds of muscle, then drawing my fingers up to his broad, muscled shoulders, kneading my fingers into his warm, firm flesh. Next, I moved my hands along his upper arms, digging my fingers into his sinewy triceps and biceps, marveling at the strength he had developed over the years in his arms as I worked to relieve any tension and savor the feel of him. I ended up with my fingers affectionately wrapped along his thick, strong neck, gliding to and fro along his smooth, youthful skin, sliding into the wavy, fine blonde hair at the back of his head, and around to his ears, lightly running my fingers teasingly along the edges of his ears before returning back again to slide along the smooth yet manly skin of his thick neck. I continued that cycle, sliding painstakingly slowly around the back and sides of his head with my fingers while we sat in silence. He let out a soft moan as he seemed to melt into me, perfectly at rest and content to remain silent.

Big, strong, and sexy as he was, Jake was in many ways still like a little boy; rambunctious, jocular, boisterous, seemingly always in motion, and incredibly impulsive. Yet, like a little boy, there would be those rare moments when he would finally slow down and turn into this incredibly peaceful, sweet creature just wanting to be held. This was one of those rare moments, and I drank in every second of it.

Perhaps an hour or more went by like this, and I felt my eyelids get heavy on a couple of occasions. I had continued my gentle manipulations of the parts of Jake's body I could reach without effort, and I was pretty sure he had dozed off once or twice as he sat snuggled into me. Ollie, meanwhile, had remained virtually motionless the entire time, with his eyes remaining wide open. Finally, he propped himself up on his elbows, and turned toward us, as if suddenly remembering he wasn't alone.

"You guys are still here? Sorry, I got pretty lost in my head there for a while," Ollie said.

"It's all good, kiddo. A setting like this is bound to inspire that kind of mood. Jake and I are doing just fine here, aren't we, bud?" I said as I tapped my hand on Jake's shoulder.

"Yeah, we're all good. I could stay like this till sunrise."

"Ooh, yeah, I don't think my old bones could handle that. What do you say, boys? Time to make our way back to the tent?"

"Sounds good to me, boss. And speaking of bones," Jake said with a sly grin that twinkled in the moonlight, "I do have it in me to give your ass a go tonight if you're still itchin' for it."

"Is that what you want?" I asked with a degree of skepticism in my voice.

"I'd probably prefer to just cuddle up together, but I told you earlier that I would, so consider me at your service."

"Thanks for the offer, kiddo, but no, I don't need it that bad. I think this night calls for just a little innocent spooning."

Ollie joined the conversation as he walked up alongside of us. "That sounds nice. No offense, boss, I know I said earlier you could put it in me after dinner, but I'm not really in the mood for any frisky business tonight."

"I don't know what kind of horndog pervert you two take me for, but I mean it when I say that if I never had your dick in me again Jake, or had mine in your ass again, Ollie, I'd still love you both and be proud of you both." As I said this, I draped an arm around Ollie's shoulder and another around Jake's taller torso, reached up to muss up their hair, and returned my hands to holding them as we walked.

"Oh, you can still have my ass, boss, just not tonight."

"Same goes for my big, fat cock, boss."

I just chuckled as we continued on our shoreline stroll back to the campsite. Finally reaching our site, Jake went off to inspect the bear bags hoisted in the air away from our tent while Ollie crawled in the tent and began to undress, while I began to undress standing outside the tent, looking over to the firepit to make sure the fire remained extinguished. Jake walked back toward me after checking on his handiwork, and began to matter-of-factly strip off his tight shirt. I marveled at his huge, smooth barrel chest and 8-pack abs that glistened in the moonlight as he shed his shirt.

We both took off our boots and left them outside the tent and then pulled our pants off, standing next to other each stark naked, our light skin illuminated by the clear night sky. I licked my lips inadvertently as my eyes darted down to the shadowy silhouette of his thick, low-hanging cock. I bundled up my clothes in my hands and ducked into the tent. Ollie had switched on a flashlight, resting it on the sleeping bag as it pointed toward the opposite side of the tent, providing just enough light to see that Ollie had bundled his clothes in the corner and now lay naked inside the sleeping bag, patiently awaiting his sleeping companions.

I crawled in behind Ollie first, then big Jake crawled in, stuffing his large frame into the sleeping bag feet first, as he slid in behind me. It was a snug but comfortable fit for us. We resumed similar positions to what we had earlier when we had crawled in to warm up from the frigid waters of the lake. I pulled in on Ollie's chest and abs so that his back pressed tightly against my chest. Not yet satisfied by how much of our bodies were in contact, he then wiggled his narrow hips to shimmy his tight, soccer-jock buns backward until he felt the warmth of my soft penis and hanging balls press into and below his crack. I nuzzled his shoulder slightly with my chin, while I felt Jake do the same with mine as he pressed the full length of his muscular body into mine. He maneuvered one leg in between both mine and Ollie's, rest his foot near Ollie's ankle. Jake's arm that stretched across my side, extended further across to cover Ollie's side, with his hand hanging over near my own. I felt Ollie's movements as he bent one arm across my hands to rest it on Jake's large hand, while I felt Ollie's feet move to either side of Jake's visiting foot, seeming to hug against it. With Ollie's other free hand, he intertwined his fingers with Jake's from the arm Jake had snaked under both my and Ollie's neck. A smile grew across my face as I felt these two grow more comfortable with each other and even affectionate toward one another, almost like brothers.

"Good night, boys," I whispered.

"Good night," they both whispered at the same time.


Next: Chapter 22

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