Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Apr 28, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 20 By Jeff Ennig

After working all the way to closing time with Ollie, Diana, and others, I felt exhausted as the night crew soon were ready to lock up for the night and retire. Jake had worked another long day, but I had let him go home shortly after the dinner rush had begun to wane. I wanted him nice and alert the following morning, as I planned to let him do the bulk of the driving as he, Ollie, and I made our way up to our island camping adventure.

Ollie and I fell quickly asleep once home, cuddling in our usual position with our nude bodies melded together and my soft penis nestled beneath the radiating heat of his tight teen ass. I had made sure we both were packed already on Friday, as I knew we would both be too exhausted after the crushingly hectic weekend to do anything extra on Monday morning. Because we had an eight-hour drive, a one-hour boat ride and a one-hour hike to reach our campsite on the island in the Great Lakes where we would be camping for three nights, we needed to leave as early as possible so we would still have plenty of daylight left at the site.

The next morning, I ignored the sensuality of my morning wood nestled along Ollie's perineum and simply extricated myself from our entangled limbs to make my way to the bathroom. I made my way into the kitchen to start some coffee as I saw Ollie stumble into the bathroom shortly after. I set out large bowls of food and water for Tom and Jerry while Ollie cleaned and filled their litter boxes so they would be prepared to be without their human staff for a few days. I didn't arrange for anyone to stop and check on them, as they had each other for company, and we would be back Thursday evening. Their self-sufficiency is one of the great things about having cats.

After we got dressed, I filled up three thermoses of coffee, filled up the cooler, and made one last check around the place before making my way downstairs. Ollie was already down there, helping Jake load up the car and securing the luggage carrier to the roof. We all moved with the utmost efficiency, and a blink or two later and we were on the road, just a few minutes after 6 o'clock. Ten minutes later, and we were out of town and driving at speed on the two-lane country highway heading up to the North Woods.

With Jake at the wheel, and Ollie seated in the passenger seat, I sat comfortably in the back seat behind Ollie, the seat next to me piled up with supplies, as I checked emails and caught up on news. Jake and Ollie chatted away, laughing now and again as the car rolled down the road over the rolling farmland. The tree coverage was getting thicker and the evergreens more prevalent, consistent with our northbound motion.

With Ollie's music playing on the car speakers, I really wasn't able to hear their conversation much from the backseat. Every once in a while, one of them would turn down the music and ask me a question, but otherwise, we were all content to let me sit back in my own little world. After all, I wanted my two favorite stray jock boys to spend a little time getting to know each other better on this trip, so I figured we were off to a good start.

A couple hours down the road, still several hours before we'd be stopping for lunch, an email notification popped up on my phone. It was one I had been waiting for, from my lawyer Kasey. I opened it up and quickly scanned it, shaking my head to myself as I reached the punchline.

A couple weeks prior, I had asked Ollie to trust me to look into something for him without telling him what it concerned, and for him to sign representation with my lawyer. Without hesitation, he signed up and went about his day. It had to do with the accident which had killed his mother and brother earlier that summer, but I didn't want to burden him with thinking about it until I had some answers. Now I had those answers, and they weren't exactly what I was hoping for.

Kasey let me know that she had been in touch with the insurance company which covered the semi-truck that had crossed the median and struck the car carrying Lydia and Ethan Schmitt-Rhys, killing both instantly. I wanted to know if there was any hope of getting a settlement out of them for young Oliver. Bottom line: there wasn't.

It wasn't just that the accident occurred because of bad weather, as opposed to the driver being tired or under the influence, thus potentially lessening the liability of the trucking company. It was that, in a rare moment of lucidity, Ollie's alcoholic grandfather, Lydia's father, had called up the insurance company immediately after the accident and demanded money, unbeknownst to Ollie. As Ollie was still a minor at the time, the drunken asshole saw his opportunity and took it. The insurance company saw their opportunity as well, offering a quick but paltry cash settlement of $25,000, and promptly sent Mr. Schmitt papers to sign to settle the matter. I could only presume that in the ensuing weeks, he had either gambled or drank away most of that money, leaving Ollie with nothing.

I was at a loss for how I would present this information to Ollie, but I knew I had to wait for just the right moment when I could get him alone again. Knowing this boy as well as I now did, I knew he wouldn't be overly angry about the money per se, but he might have a hard time not resenting his abusive drunk of a grandpa for having so coldly taken advantage of his own daughter's and grandson's deaths in that way.

Then again, after he had run away from his grandpa's abuse and hitchhiked his way an hour and a half down the road from Corinthia to Spartanville, he just as likely would have no interest in looking back in any way whatsoever. There was nothing back there for him but abuse from his grandpa, pain from his mother and brother's deaths, and shame from the notorious embezzling misdeeds of his father now in prison. He had even gone so far as to let me and Maria, in her capacity as a judge, help him to change his name and drop his father's name "Rhys" to cut ties to the shame and pain.

My thoughts drifted off as I stared out the window at the trees flying by as we sped down the road. Jake resisted the young man's urge to slam down the gas pedal and shatter the speed limit, out of respect for the old man in the back. Nevertheless, we made good time to the town I intended us to stop at briefly for lunch and gas. We opted for the same small diner I normally stopped at on road trips up north, including more than a few trips with Jake in tow.

"Dude, you gotta try their brats here. They're fantastic," Jake enthusiastically told Ollie as we walked up to the door.

Over the years, I had befriended the owner of the place, a jovial, rotund middle-aged German named Frank who was the third generation of his family to run the joint. We had hit it off on many levels, not least over the excitement and stresses of the restaurant business. Naturally, when the waitress came by with our menus, I asked her to bring Frank out so we could say hello. I had phoned ahead to let him know we'd be stopping in that day.

"Jeff! Great to see you again! I've been taking Mondays off lately, but shuffled my schedule around to make sure I could be here today," Frank beamed as he wandered over to our table.

"Frank! Glad you were able to make that work. You remember Jake?"

"Yes, how are you, son? Done with school now I suppose?"

"No, sir. I'm starting my final year next week," Jake responded.

"Ah, so I guess this is a last hurrah of summer trip for you boys then?"

"Something like that," I answered. "And this here is Oliver."

"Nice to meet you, young man. How do you know these two jokers?"

"Nice to meet you, sir. I just kind of wandered into Jeff's place one day, and the next thing I know, he gave me a job," Ollie explained, leaving out a detail or two.

"And I'm sure you're as hard-working as Jacob here, right?"

"I try to be, sir."

"Don't let him fool you. While Jake is busy flirting with the customers, Ollie more than pulls his weight," I chimed in.

"Hey, boss! I only flirt to make as much money for the team as possible!" Jake jokingly protested.

"Boy, you sure do know a number of handsome young men, Jeff. You boys are lucky to have this guy looking out for you."

"We know, sir," both boys said with a smile.

"So what should we get you to fill up these strong young boys?"

"Jake told me I need to order a couple bratwursts here, so I'll have that."

"With our homemade sauerkraut, right?"

"Yeah! I love sauerkraut!" Ollie enthused.

"Oh, we got a German boy here?"

"Yes sir, the name's Schmitt."

"That is a good German name. Alright, brat it is. How about for you, son?" Frank asked Jake.

"Same for me. And is it cool if I get a beer, boss?"

"You're of age now, kiddo, so that'd be ok by me. I'm driving the rest of the way anyway. And I'll have the same, Frank."

"Talk about an easy order. Coming right up, boys."

The food came out in short order, and both boys dove into their food with gusto, while Jake polished off one tall stein of beer and ordered another. Before his next beer arrived, Jake lifted his second brat to his mouth, looked at me with a gleam in his impish eyes, and slid it suggestively in and out of his mouth a few times while he winked at me. I delivered a mild kick to his shin under the table so as not to scandalize the small town folk around us while I smiled back at him and shook my head. He shrugged slightly before proceeding to eat his brat. Ollie, seeing the comic scene unfold, gave a slight chuckle before shaking his head along with me.

Frank brought out Jake's second beer himself, carrying a beer for himself as well, which he set down on our table in front of the chair he pulled up for himself. He and I continued to banter and catch up while the boys chimed in now and again.

Our stay ended up taking a bit longer than I had allotted for, but since we had made such good time that morning, I wasn't particularly stressed about it. Frank was really a joy to visit with. And he seemed to have a similarly warm rapport with his staff as I had, albeit without any signs of anything 'extra'. Then again, I was pretty sure I didn't let on to my customers just how many of the sexy young boys prancing around my place had shared my bed over the years. Or at least I hoped not.

While Frank continued visiting with us, I made eye contact with our waitress and mouthed 'check please' to her. I handed her my card when she came by with the check, and when she returned with the signature slip, Frank rose to his feet and let us know he had something to give us before we left. I quickly signed the receipt and left an extremely generous tip, minimizing awkwardness by turning it face down before Frank returned. Frank came back and handed Ollie a large double-bagged package of sauerkraut.

"Here ya go, son. Take some extra of our sauerkraut to have by the campfire. It will keep just fine."

"Thank you, sir!"

"My pleasure. Always happy to meet Jeff's young fellas. Hope you all be safe and have fun up there. And you boys be good to your old boss now."

"We will, sir," my boys said in unison, each with a mischievous twinkle in their eyes.

We said our goodbyes and went on our way. I took the wheel, with Ollie still in the passenger seat, and Jake plopping down in the back behind Ollie to nap off his food and beer coma. I tilted the rear-view mirror as I drove so I could glance occasionally at the peaceful, sleeping face of the beautiful, buff, 6'4" lacrosse jock in my backseat. I marveled at his rugged, strong features as he rested his head against the window.

"Wow, he's really out cold, boss!" Ollie said softly after he glanced behind him at the sleeping jock.

"I figured he could use a couple extra winks," I said with a paternal smile as I reached my hand over to rest it midway on Ollie's jeans-clad left leg. I gently squeezed the bulging muscles of his soccer-toned thigh, and began to lightly rub my hand up and down his thigh, stopping only briefly by the bulge between his legs before running my hand down to his knee and back again. Although this might have been a bit more fun to do with him wearing his typical summer attire of tight, skimpy shorts, such attire wasn't exactly practical for North Woods camping, with mosquitoes, ticks, and other hazards.

Ollie flashed a warm smile at me as I absent-mindedly fondled his leg, before letting out a soft sigh and turning to gaze out the window. I really appreciated how neither of these boys felt the need to constantly fill the air with idle chatter and could often simply allow themselves to be content in my presence.

Less than two hours after leaving Frank's diner, we reached the ferry docks to take us out to the island. Jake woke up as I put the car into park and shut off the engine. We were about thirty minutes early for the 4 o'clock departure, plenty of time for us to unload and rearrange our three large hiking packs and go check in for the boat. Jake had volunteered to strap the modestly-sized tent to his pack, with Ollie and I taking our share of other heavy items on our packs.

Approaching the dock, I gazed out across the massive lake as it spread beyond the horizon. I took a deep breath in to savor that first whiff of air around this freshwater sea. It was a bright, sunny summer day, with the waves lapping steadily against the rocky shoreline. The water farther out on the lake looked fairly placid, which I hoped foretold of a smooth boat ride ahead. I had never experienced anything but a smooth ride out, but nevertheless, this lake could be unpredictable.

"Wow, it's so beautiful here!" Ollie bubbled with excitement as he looked at the lake. He had been to the Great Lakes before, but it apparently had been a few years for him. We still had over fifteen minutes before departure, so I offered to sit with our packs waiting on the boat to pull up while Jake took Ollie down to explore around the rocky shore.

Some of my favorite childhood memories were from family trips to this part of the world. I was perfectly content to simply sit by the dock near our packs and look out over the glorious view of God's creation. The natural beauty around me was enhanced by the stunning beauty of the two perfect specimens of male beauty I observed hopping along the rocks. My mouth watered slightly at watching as Jake's bulging legs and muscular ass clung to his tight jeans, flexing as he hopped effortlessly from one rock to the next, followed closely by Ollie's shorter body, with his equally tight jeans showing off the athletic, soccer-toned legs and deliciously tight little buns.

I watched as Jake took a long leap to a taller rock before moving slightly aside, bracing himself, and reaching a hand back for Ollie to grab as he leapt onto the same rock with him. Once he was sure of foot, Ollie released his grip on Jake's mighty hand and stood by his side on the large rock that jutted out into the water. There they stood facing out to the horizon, side-by-side, nearly motionless for several minutes. I wondered to myself if they were standing in silence or chatting away about this or that. Either way, I was happy to see them so comfortable around each other.

Once the ferry boat began closing in on the docks, the boys turned around and looked toward me, waving at me with huge grins on their faces. I returned their wave, and then motioned for them to head back. Jake leapt down off the tall rock, again stepped aside and held out an arm to prepare to catch Ollie if he stumbled. Ollie leapt down as well, and sure enough, wavered slightly upon landing. Jake quickly caught his arm around the younger boy's back to steady him before they both continued on their rock-hopping path back to me. The final stretch of their return walk was on more solid ground, at which point Jake draped his long, thick arm around Ollie's shoulders and hung his hand loosely down as they walked together. But for the complete lack of familial resemblance, they seemed like brothers.

"You boys ready to go?"

"Ready, boss!" both young men said as they hoisted their heavy packs onto their strong, youthful backs.

"Ok, let's go," I said as I led the way to the boat. We waited with about 20 other anxious campers for the returning passengers to disembark, before the captain waved us on board.

"Welcome aboard, folks. Toss your packs into the luggage hold, grab a life jacket and settle in for the ride."

"Thanks, captain. How's the lake treating us today?" I asked.

"She's been in a good mood all day, so we should be in for a smooth ride."

"Sounds good," I said with a smile. "Come on, boys, let's sit over here on this side." I ushered Jake and Ollie to the starboard side, knowing the boat's path as it approached the dock on the island would give us the best view from this side.

The ride was indeed pretty smooth, with only mild rocking of the waves as we got out onto the open water. The air was refreshing and the sun beamed brightly down upon us, keeping the chill of the cold lake water at bay. I knew we were close to the dock on the island once we passed what I affectionately called 'Bird Shit Island', a small rocky outpost a half mile offshore from the island, dominated by large numbers of exuberant seagulls.

Past Bird Shit Island, we looked out at the sandy shore of one end of the main island and waved at a group of preteen kids skipping rocks into the water as our boat passed by. Behind them was a stand of bright white birch trees, whose leaves would very soon begin to turn yellow, heralding the coming autumn. To the left of the trees was a small rocky hill down which a trickling stream cascaded like a tiny waterfall, before running into the lake. It was truly a spectacular place to come any time of year, but particularly when the leaves turned their colors. Of course, everyone else knew that too, which was why, if we had taken the trip even two weeks later, we would have a far slimmer chance of securing a decent campsite. I considered this last week of August to be the perfect time to come.

"Where's our campsite, boss?" Ollie asked with excitement in his voice as he sat with mouth agape and eyes wide at the island unfolding before his eyes.

"Actually, on the other side of the island. We have about a three mile hike once we reach the dock. It's a pretty flat hike though," I explained.

"Yeah, dude, it's a super easy hike. We couldn't expect the old man to do more than that," Jake chimed in, ribbing me a bit.

"Hey, you big punk. Just for that, you're sleeping outside tonight," I joked.

"Yeah right," Jake muttered with a sly smile, speaking quietly enough for only Ollie and me to hear. "You know darn well, boss, that you won't be able to resist having my big hot bod curled up behind you tonight."

"Cocky bastard. Guilty as charged. I won't be letting either of you sleep outside the tent on this trip," I conceded quietly.

"Yeah, I know you wouldn't pass this up," Ollie said with a smirk as he gestured up and down his body.

"Alright, enough harassment of the boss now, boys. We're almost there."

As we waited for the boat to pull up to the dock, I looked around briefly at our fellow passengers. I spotted a handsome 30-something couple making glances in our direction, with both the man and the woman seemingly undressing Jake and Ollie with their eyes and firing jealous glances my way. I noticed somewhat the same from a group of three girls in their 20s, as they seemed especially fixated on Jake. And a father in his 40s with two reasonably handsome, lanky teenage sons, seemingly picking up on the fact that neither Jake nor Ollie were my sons, eyed Ollie with a particularly lascivious look. I imagined he carried some sort of suppressed desire to bang one or both of his sons, and sat there imagining Ollie in any number of compromising positions.

"Tough luck, these hotties are all mine," I thought to myself as I surveyed these onlookers and smiled to myself. I gave a fleeting thought to whether any of them had overheard any bits of our conversation, or otherwise could tell the nature of my bond with these two gorgeous boys. Then I decided I didn't care. Our campsite would be remote and these were strangers anyway. Let them envy me. Plus, though it would normally be in my nature to strike up conversation with complete strangers on such a boat ride, becoming best friends by the time we docked, I decided I preferred to keep them as strangers and selfishly keep my two beautiful travel companions to myself.

The boat docked and all the passengers rose and collected our luggage, hoisting it over our shoulders as we disembarked one by one. Jake and Ollie were the first two to step up and off the boat. I took another quick look around to see the boat captain, the couple in their 40s, the three girls, and the father all staring with laser focus on the spectacular backsides of either or both of these perfect specimens of male beauty.

Despite the heaviness of the pack I was carrying, I felt as light as air as I walked up behind these two model-hot boys whose bodies I knew intimately well, bemused by the silent envy of the onlookers. I caught up to Jake and Ollie as we all three approached the ranger station to check in for our campsite. The ranger gave us familiar reminders on how to care for the natural surroundings during our stay, and knowing Jake and I had been there before, let us go on our way.

I was only too happy to allow Jake to lead the way through the woods, with Ollie walking between us. Although the large packs concealed much of their bodies, I could still savor glances now and again at Ollie's tight little soccer buns and Jake's powerfully muscular ass in their tight pants, flexing along with their prominent leg muscles with each step along the way.

An hour or so later, still with a couple of hours of daylight ahead of us, we arrived at our campsite. Ollie and I set about pitching the tent, while Jake worked on hoisting and tying ropes for the bear bags and a couple hammocks. We proceeded to unpack a few more supplies, and once the campsite was sufficiently set up, we all stood and surveyed our work with satisfaction.

"Ok, boys, who's up for a quick swim? I think we've all worked up a bit of a stink."

"Way ahead of you, boss!" Jake called out as he shucked his shirt, kicked off his shoes, yanked off his jeans and shorts in own swift motion and stood proudly presenting his magnificent nude form. "Come on, hurry up!" he shouted as he grabbed a towel and bolted for the shoreline.

Ollie wasn't far behind, shedding his clothes with lightning speed, grabbing his towel, and running to catch up to the naked lacrosse jock readying to plunge into the cold lake.

I lingered behind, slowly undressing as I drank in the view of these two young Adonis figures, one tall, muscular, confident, and a swinging cock that could cause a heart attack, and the other shorter, tight, tanned, and toned, with a face and ass that could sink ships.

Grabbing my towel, I jogged in my own birthday suit to catch up. Neither had jumped in the water quite yet, waiting for me to catch up. I took my place on the rock ledge, a clear view of a safe jumping-in spot below us, and stood between both. I reached out my hands to fondle each glorious ass for a moment, Jake's rock-solid bulging muscle and Ollie's tight and intoxicating mound of flesh, before urging us on.

"Ok, boys, time to take the plunge!" I grabbed them by the hand and stepped forward to the edge. "One, two, three, jump!"

Words cannot describe the jarring shock of plunging into the frigid cold of the lake. Even late in the summer, it was not exactly a pleasant temperature. It was invigorating and refreshing, but hardly inspired extended play in the water. Ollie let out a shout of surprise at how cold it felt once he surfaced for breath. We all splashed around for a few seconds, before I led the way swimming around the rock ledge and over to a spot to crawl back out again. Both boys followed closely behind. It was a mad scramble out of the water to get to our towels.

"Geez, that'll wake you up. Let's huddle for warmth," Jake suggested as he stepped towards us with his towel draped behind him, holding up the corners with either end of his large, strong wingspan. My eyes darted to his shriveled manhood, still hanging larger than most guys have when fully hard.

Ollie took up the cue and draped his towel in similar fashion, displaying his own shrunken package, also still impressive in its cold-impaired state, as he stepped forward into the huddle as well.

I eagerly followed suit, wrapping one towel-draped arm around each, as we all three pressed our naked, shivering bodies into each other, with our towels wrapping around the outside of the huddle. We shimmied and shook against each other feverishly, the friction warming us quickly. Even as my mind was distracted by my shivering cold, I enjoyed the feel of their hard flesh pressed up against mine.

We stayed like that, moving and rubbing against each other, for a minute or more. Jake bent slightly at the knees as he thrust his still soft but fully restored penis into a cozy warm cock huddle down below. The heads of our three circumcised penises danced and jostled together while we continued pressing our torsos together.

The whole scene was sensual and intimate, but somehow didn't spark arousal in any of us. We all seemed to savor the closeness of our bodies and the sharing our body heat in this semi-awkward triangular huddle. I grabbed the backs of both of their heads, drawing them toward me as I pressed my face between theirs, standing cheek to cheek to cheek for a moment, before calling the meeting to a close.

"Ok, that's enough of standing out here buck nekkid, kids. Let's get back to the tent."

"Can we cuddle for a little bit in the tent before we get dinner going, boss?" Ollie asked sweetly.

"Yeah, I'd be down for that too, boss. Let's go!"

"Curling up with you two? I won't say no to that. Come on," I said as I led the way back to the tent.

Jake and Ollie worked quickly to zip together our sleeping bags so we could all fit in together.

"Ok, biggest spoon crawls in first, then you boss, middle spoon, then you dude, little spoon," Jake said, taking charge.

He crawled his hulking 6'4" jock body into the oversized cuddle bag, laid on his side, then held up the top of it with one arm as he waited for me to crawl in. I slid down into the bag, turned my body with my back facing into Jake, and helped to hold open the bag as I waited for Ollie. Ollie crawled in last, gently sliding into place as little spoon, nestling his backside against me. We squirmed and adjusted ourselves until we were comfortably snuggled tightly together, pulling our pillows up to rest our heads while Jake snaked one arm under my neck, with me doing the same with Ollie. Jake's heavy free arm draped over both of us, resting on Ollie's side, as I hung my own arm over Ollie's tight abs so I could pull his midsection tight against me. I felt Jake's heavy, semi-hard penis nestle along my crack, while my own semi-chubbed member poked into the tight crease between Ollie's firm teen buns. Ollie took one hand and interlaced his fingers with mine, while the other rested on the ground in front of him.

"I'm not sure I'm going to want to move anytime soon, boys. I think you'll just have to both skip dinner and stay here like this with me."

"Very funny, boss. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. I'll let you keep feeling my big fat cock snuggling against your ass for a little while yet, but I'm not shoving it up your guts until I get something to eat." Jake declared.

"Yeah, I'm with Jake, boss. I'm starving! You can keep your dick poking against my ass for a while, but you're not putting it in me until after dinner."

"So that means I am going to get in there later tonight, though? I can work with that. And same goes for this thing," I said as I stuck my hand into the mashed-up jumble of cuddling flesh to grab at Jake's thick shaft.

"Hey, Jake, kiddo, when you're ready to pull away from this little snuggle fest, do you think you could go grab the hatchet and gather up some firewood for us?"

"No prob, boss."

We all three stayed locked in this position for another twenty minutes, enjoying the closeness of our bodies, before Jake began to stir.

"I think I'll go get that firewood now, boss. You guys stay a little bit. But no freaky stuff without me, though."

"Haha, it's a deal," I said with a chuckle.

Once Jake was out, dressed, and wandering off in search of firewood, I squeezed Ollie tightly against me, caressed his chest and abs gently with my hands, and nuzzled my nose into the back of his head before speaking up.

"Listen, kiddo, there's something I've gotta tell you, and I thought I'd wait until we could be alone for a minute."

"What is it, boss?"

"You know how I had you sign up with my lawyer to look into something for you?"


"Well, I wanted to find out if there was any money we could get for you out of the accident earlier this summer."

"Ok..." he spoke hesitantly as he fidgeted slightly. "I mean, I don't really want anything out of that. It makes me feel gross even thinking about it like that."

"I guess that's all for the best anyway then. Long story short, there isn't any chance of getting anything out of it for you anyway."

"Uh huh. Let me guess, it has something to do with my grandpa."

"You guessed it, kiddo. I'm sorry, bud."

"It's not your fault, Jeff. I appreciate you looking into it so I didn't have to ask, but I don't want to look back, and I definitely don't want anything to do with him in any way. If he figured out a way to take advantage of his daughter's death, fine, whatever. I bet he's passed out in a ditch somewhere, sleeping off all the booze he bought for himself."

"For what it's worth, I'm just really impressed by how strong and determined you are to forge ahead, kiddo."

"Thanks, I guess. I know I wouldn't have gotten too far on my own if it weren't for you, though."

"I won't ever think that's true. But I am glad all the same that you came into my life. You're a really great kid, smart, kind, tough, hard-working, and all of that on top of having the most beautiful ass I've ever known."

"Yeah, I'll say you've 'known' my ass pretty well by now," he chuckled as he wiggled back against me. "Jeff?"


"Can you just keep holding me like this until Jake comes back?"

"Sure thing, kiddo," I gently whispered as I once again squeezed his naked, toned teen body into mine.


Next: Chapter 21

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