Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Apr 23, 2021


Opening with a brief recap as we spring forward a few weeks in the story of Jeff, Ollie, Jake, and the other residents of a small college town in Heartland USA.

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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 19 By Jeff Ennig

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding.

The little bell above the door to the Apollo Cafe was getting quite a workout this busy Saturday. College students and faculty had begun streaming back to town for the new term set to begin in a week and a half. The next week would see the town humming with freshman orientation, alumni events, and faculty and staff meetings, not to mention the same end-of-summer scramble of activity that any other town sees. Business had been steady throughout the summer, but now the hustle-and-bustle of the coming school year was in full swing. A town of around 25,000 outside of temporary student residents, Spartanville swelled by another 10,000 once the school year ramped up. And our little cafe certainly felt that impact, being only a few blocks from campus and set right off the main town square.

It was all hands on deck for staffing for this weekend and the next. My assistant manager Kai, the no-nonsense butch lesbian who doubled as my sensible right-hand in running this popular hangout, would be right beside me working practically open-to-close through the weekend, and the rest of my regular staff were more than pulling their weight as well. I was far too busy to enjoy watching my favorite pieces of eye candy on staff as they strutted about, nor did I have the wherewithal to take stock of all the hot college stud customers streaming in wearing their skimpy summer outfits.

Among the staff I enjoyed watching was Wyatt, the 6'2" swarthy, sexy Mediterranean 20-year-old soccer jock stud who periodically liked to take me for a ride on his 8" cock. There were also several mouth-watering part-timers recently returned from summer break, none of whom I had yet consummated that same kind of relationship as with Wyatt, but all of whom thankfully took their cues from Wyatt and others in how little of their hard, sexy bodies they concealed with clothing. Their attire was an excellent strategy for maximizing tips, but was also a most welcome sight for their boss.

Then there was Jake, who I thought of as a kind of quasi-nephew, and who was the first stray I had taken into my home, my heart, and my bed since coming to Spartanville nearly 10 years ago. Now 21 and beginning his final year as a part-time college student and full-time assistant manager here, he paraded about in a revealing outfit of short nylon shorts, his massive package loosely hanging commando within, and a skin-tight cutoff shirt flaunting his eight-pack abs and heart attack-inducing 6'4" lacrosse jock physique. As he swaggered around the cafe, more than a few eyes fixated upon the outline of the snake-like soft version of his mighty 9+ inch hard monster. Their lurid gawking made me smile to myself, knowing I was the only man whose ass would ever be lucky enough to have this otherwise-straight sex-god showing off his magnificent skills, beginning with the very first day he had become of legal age. Although he and I enjoyed equally as much simply cuddling together on the sofa, as I remained the only person in this tough, horny straight jock's life toward whom he ever felt enough trust to be emotionally vulnerable.

Last but very much not least was young Oliver, or Ollie, who had come into my life as the latest stray into my home, heart, and bed only a couple months prior. When I first laid eyes on his prize-winning ass, framed by a pair of loose-fitting nylon basketball shorts that clung to the crack between each tight mound of firm muscle in the sweaty summer heat as he bent over attempting to steal food from my cafe late one Sunday night, I knew that I had to work to plant my flag inside of it. Just one week shy of 18 when he and his ass first entered my life, I had immediate compassion for this boy who had found himself in desperate enough circumstances that he had made the uncharacteristic move of breaking into my shop for food. That first night, I steered him toward a nearby shelter run by friendly Franciscan monks, but the next night I took this beautiful burglar boy into my own home while also putting him to work in the shop. He immediately showed himself to be hard-working and honest, quite in contrast to how we first met. His momentarily fragile vulnerability drove him into my bed almost immediately, cuddling into me for warmth and safety. Then, after accidentally witnessing a steamy hot session between me and Jake one day and later consulting with the older jock about it, he decided to allow me access to his ass merely one night after his 18th birthday. I was lucky to be the only man allowed entry inside of him. And thanks to the open-mindedness of his lovely young girlfriend Diana, he continued sharing my bed for now, as well as allowing me regular access to his backdoor, as this act had become an integral part of the close physical and emotional bond we had cemented between us.

All these beauties and more great staff were all on hand for this weekend, one of our busiest of the year. I now had such a great staff that I was increasingly able to step away from running this place and focus on other endeavors. But I would be on hand this weekend and next, Labor Day weekend, easily our busiest all year. In between, during the actual week of orientation at the college, things were a bit more manageable for the shop. That was why I was planning and looking forward to a three night camping getaway with my two favorite stray jock boys, Jake and Ollie. And judging by how often both boys were talking about the trip, I could tell they were pretty excited about it too.

Jake had been in my life for nearly seven years, and drilling into my ass for the last three, while Ollie had only been around for a couple months. Jake's behavior when Ollie first arrived, as he saw how quickly and deeply I had bonded with this special and beautiful new boy, made me think he felt somewhat threatened by the place this boy was occupying in my life. We quickly came to an understanding, however. Apart from a few brief trio sessions of cuddling, both clothed and nude, this trip would be the first time the three of us would be alone together. It was an important chance to make both these boys understand how much they each meant to me, and perhaps even to help them grow closer to each other as well.

This trip wouldn't be the first time I had taken either Jake or one of my rotating cast of other sexy young things on a camping trip, but it would be the first time I had ever taken two. Over the years, I had found my way into the pants of several vulnerable or insecure mostly-straight boys by being a friend and mentor offering emotional support, slowly building a bond of trust that would ultimately grow into an intense physical bond. But I found I preferred to focus on one in my bed at a time, making that particular bond my focus in the moment. So this would be new territory for me, and of course new territory for Jake and Ollie as well.

I finally snapped out of my daydreaming about this upcoming sexy camping trip and returned my focus to the swirling bustle of the busy afternoon. I made the rounds again to greet all the customers, only briefly lingering with any regulars, and instead focusing my attention on any newcomers. There were several families eating together after moving their precious 18-year-old freshmen into the dorms, a few groups of new students who had just met one another, and even a couple of new faculty members to greet.

The rest of the day truly flew right by me, and before I knew it, it was 10 o'clock and time to close up the place to customers. Ours was not a late night establishment, and we normally stopped serving by 8 o'clock and closed the doors by 9 o'clock, making an exception only for a few extra busy weekends like this one. Much of the crew had been working double shifts, including Ollie, Jake, and Wyatt, backroom regulars Josh and Ollie's girlfriend Diana, Sondra the hot single mom waitress newly dating my cop friend Devonte, Kai my trusted sidekick helping to run the show, and a few returning-student employees. In fact, the only regular employee not present was my weekday morning shift bestie Phoebe, as she steadfastly refused ever to work weekends.

I had everyone, backroom crew included, come out to the dining room to huddle. We all cheered and high-fived each other at having gotten through our busiest Saturday in quite some time. We pulled several tables together and I had all the crew sit down while Jake, Kai, Sondra, and I went to grab platters of appetizers and desserts, along with bottles of prosecco and sparkling pear juice.

"Time to celebrate our survival, everyone!" I called out as I returned to the tables carrying a tray of several bottles. Jake, Kai, and Sondra passed around the champagne glasses and trays of food, while I remained standing, hovering over the tables, surrounded by my wonderful team.

"I'm really proud of you all for pulling together to get through today. Special thanks to our people who've just come back into town. Color me impressed by how you all managed to jump in and hit the ground running after a few months away. Now, everyone pour yourselves a glass of prosecco or sparkling juice and let's make a toast. I trust that everyone not of legal age will know which bottle to pour from," I said with several obvious winks and a smirk.

Once the glasses were all poured, I raised my glass and hushed the crowd. "I'd like to make two toasts tonight. First, let's toast to each other and the beginning of another great school year. Cheers!"

I was proud to have my crew trained to toast in a more formal style, tilting glasses at one another and making eye contact, rather than tackily and awkwardly clanking them together as though in a Bavarian beer hall. Once the round was complete, I continued.

"Now, for a second toast. This one comes with a bit of a surprise announcement. You know that we now have an absolutely incredible team here. You all do such a great job looking out for each other, taking care of each other, and also challenging each other to do your best to maintain the Apollo Cafe as Spartanville's number one community gathering spot. Thanks largely to that, I have felt comfortable enough to slowly reduce the amount of time I spend here, which many of you have already noticed. But now, it's time to make that official. So I'd like to announce tonight that beginning after Labor Day, I am making Kai, Jake, and Sondra part owners, with Kai becoming full-time manager, Jake becoming evening and weekend assistant manager, and Sondra becoming morning assistant manager. Wyatt will also be scaling back his responsibilities as weekend assistant manager, as he is looking at a heavier course load and a busy soccer schedule, so if any of you are interested in extra weekend responsibility, please let Kai know. I plan to work a couple weekday morning shifts and an occasional weekend shift, as well as pop in fairly regularly to say hi, but Kai will ultimately be in charge of how the place is run. I'm always happy to chat with any of you about anything, but please be clear that if you don't like a decision she makes, do not expect to be able to 'go over her head' by coming to me. So, with that, let's raise a toast to the new leaders of the Apollo, Kai, Jake, and Sondra!"

Everyone cheered and raised their glasses in salute to all three. There had been a few surprised looks around the table when I made my announcement, including from Ollie. I soon saw him give an especially hearty congratulations to Jake amidst the commotion around the table. It warmed my heart to see them interact like this.

I was happy for Kai and Sondra, but I was especially proud of Jake. He had an extremely light course load for his final year in school, thanks to my encouragement while he was in high school to take on extra work to gain college credit in advance. He was therefore able to milk his lacrosse scholarship over four years with a light course load, work as much as he wanted, and still have plenty of time for fun. I knew he planned on staying on at the Apollo even after he graduated in the spring. Some might judge him for completing a liberal arts degree and proudly moving in to being 'just an assistant manager' at a cafe, but the Apollo was a pretty special place, not to mention a very successful place. His new salary and potential for a share of the profits as a soon-to-be part-owner would undoubtedly provide him with a good living.

Mingling among my celebrating crew, I felt at peace to be stepping away to this extent. I was filled with such gratitude for having a group of people I could trust enough to turn over day-to-day control of this place to which I had given so many years of my life, the blood, sweat, and tears of countless long work days. I made my way over to Jake, who was looking to his left and mildly flirting with Emmy, a pretty young college sophomore who was among the returning student part-timers. Ollie sat to his right, deep in fluid and dreamy-eyed Spanish conversation with Diana. I put my hands on Jake's rock-solid, broad, lacrosse jock shoulders to massage a greeting to this young man of whom I was so proud.

No words needed to be spoken between us, as he simply glanced back up at me and smiled before returning his attention to Emmy, while I too looked over to her to join in the chat for a moment. I released his strong, muscled shoulders, tousled his hair affectionately, nodded to Emmy, and made my way down the tables to settle into a chair next to Kai.

The whole crew mingled like this until well after midnight. Conscious of the fact that some of the crew, myself excluded, would be up early again the following morning to tackle the Sunday crowd, I rose to my feet and clanged on a glass to get attention.

"Once more want to thank everyone for being a part of such an incredible team here. Can't tell you how glad I am to see the confidence you all clearly have in a future led by Kai, Jake, and Sondra. It's getting a little late though, so I think we need to wind this party up, friends. Some of you have to be back here again early tomorrow to open up. Let's everyone pitch in and we can get this place cleaned up and ready for closing in short order. Ready? Break!"

A mad dash ensued with two dozen bodies flurrying around the dining room, behind the counter, and in the back room, cleaning up, rearranging, and more. It was a seemingly chaotic scene, yet really a well-oiled machine. Twenty minutes later, everyone huddled back in the middle of the pristine dining room, ready to leave the sparkling-clean cafe behind for the night.

"Great job, everyone! I think that was a new record. Ok, time to go."

Outside, Ollie and I both said our goodbyes to all before making our way down the block to my condo building. I wrapped by right arm around his shoulders to draw him close to me as we walked, before sliding my hand back to his neck to allow for better mobility. Ollie flashed an exhausted but happy smile as he walked at my side.

Once inside the condo, I went about feeding and playing briefly with my two rascally cats, brothers Tom and Jerry, while Ollie took the less pleasant task of cleaning up their messes. With the furbabies attended to, we both went through the routines of getting ready for bed, then crawled into our respective sides of the bed, clad in our usual birthday-suit pajamas, and snuggled up together.

Nestling my bare crotch into the dark crevice between the tight globes of muscled perfection on Ollie's backside, feeling his warmth emanating onto me, I sighed contentedly. Ollie let out a similar moan of peaceful contentment, feeling the whole of my body wrapped up behind him. He gently placed his right hand over mine and pressed it into his firm left pectoral muscle.

"Good night, kiddo."

"Good night, boss."

Neither of us felt the need to exchange any further words beyond this. Not only were we both pretty exhausted after such a long day, but also, we had settled into a comfortable routine of sleeping cuddled up together like this. Only occasionally did we actually carry it forward into sexual bonding anymore, and we were both perfectly happy with that.

For the first several days after I had laid my eyes upon his spectacular ass, framed by his loose-fitting basketball shorts as they clung to his sweaty teen cheeks while he leaned over behind the Apollo's counters raiding my supplies late one night, the lust had built up in my mind to a furious, nearly insane degree.

When he offered his virgin ass to me just one night after his 18th birthday, a dam burst within me and I couldn't get enough of planting my flag deep within his tight entrance. Between that and Jake's near-jealous behavior at the time which drove him to mark his territory on my ass in those first few days, along with Wyatt's competitive streak getting him in on the action a bit, I quickly found my lustful desires beyond sated.

I also knew that, although Ollie certainly enjoyed the physiological responses his body generated from my expert stimulation of his many erogenous zone, he was still essentially just a lonely young straight boy who wanted to feel close to me however he could.

Sleeping in until mid-morning the next Sunday, I woke up with my morning wood poking underneath him, pressed down with my head pointed toward his knees. I adjusted myself slightly so that my tip was brushing up against the back of his ballsack. Although I felt the need to relieve my bladder, I remained as long as possible to savor this position. Ollie began to stir shortly after, reached his right hand down to his groin and felt for my tip as it leaked a small amount of pre-cum onto the underside of his scrotum.

"Making me sticky back there again, eh, boss?"


"Feel free to have a quick go if you want."

"Thanks for offering, kiddo, but I'm ok. I really need to get up and go expel more of last night's champagne, actually. I just wanted to lie like this as long as possible."

"Now that you mention it, I need to do the same. Race ya!"

We bolted to the bathroom, and proceeded like little boys to cross our streams into the bowl, giggling groggily as we went. In my semi-hard state, it was a little more of a challenge for me.

"It's nice to feel like I'm five years old now and again," Ollie smiled as he finished up.

"Well, if you were five years old, I'd be in trouble for that little sticky spot under your balls, kiddo."

"Ew, good point," he retorted as we both giggled while we washed our hands and brushed our teeth.

"Shower?" I asked.

Like some kind of wild animal, he sniffed at his armpit before answering. "Yeah, that's probably a good idea."

I turned on the overhead rain faucet in the large tiled shower before climbing in, Ollie walking in right behind me. We proceeded to quickly but gently wash each other. I lingered somewhat on his balls, making sure to clean up my own mess, but mostly, we just embraced one behind the other, affectionately running soapy hands on the other's body. I savored the feel under my soapy wet fingers of his soft brown hair, his cute, delectable little ears, his sharply-angled jaw line, thin but strong neck, tanned and lightly-muscled chest, slightly-bulging biceps and softly-haired forearms, smooth and rippling four-pack abs, and thin teen waist.

Lacking the extra time to stay under the shower engaging in further activities, we rinsed ourselves off, shut the water off, toweled ourselves and each other, groomed our hair, and went back to the bedroom to get dressed. We donned our church clothes, slacks and dress shirt, and made our way for the door. I walked a couple steps behind Ollie so I could check out his fine ass in his tight-fitting slacks. Somehow he was even sexier clothed from head to foot than he was when he wore nothing but his skimpy running shorts. Wandering my eyes around his tight, developing teenage soccer-jock body as it filled out his dress clothes flawlessly, with the tight pants showing off the muscles of his soccer-toned thighs, calves, and rock-solid buns and his narrow waist as it tapered up to his semi-broad shoulders in his form-fitting dress shirt, my heart skipped a beat.

He gave me a knowing glance over his shoulder as he opened the door to the hallway. I had learned early on, even before I had made known my desires to plunder his ass, that he was almost immediately aware of the effect his tight young body had on me and he was more than willing to give me every opportunity to enjoy the view.

We made our way down the street and across the town square, walking in our usual posture with me resting a possessive and paternal hand upon the base of his neck as my beautiful young stray walked by my side. We reached the front doors of St. Bonnie's fifteen minutes before the start of mass, as we stood to wait patiently for our beautiful lady friends Maria and Diana to join us.

St. Bonnie's was a beautiful old church overlooking the town square, across from the stately courthouse and within sight of the Apollo Cafe. Run by a group of friendly and gentle Franciscan monks, virtually everyone in the parish focused on loving and helping each other and the community, and expended next to zero energy on policing the private lives of everyone around them. Sadly, that made it a pretty unique place. During the school year, I typically had to be there for the 10 o'clock mass, as that was the mass at which we in the choir performed. In the summertime, I typically stuck to that routine, but occasionally mixed it up and went to the less formal evening mass. But this 10 o'clock mass was the formal 'smells-and-bells' mass, where dressing up was a bit more expected. I appreciated such attention to beauty, so I preferred this mass anyway.

Now, I had an extra reason to appreciate choosing the formal mass, as not only did I get to see young Oliver in his form-fitting dress clothes, but also Maria would show up in jaw-dropping finery. Maria was a county judge and regular customer at the Apollo, as well as being in the choir. Shortly after Ollie came into my life, and after years of light flirting in the midst of our busy lives, I had finally asked Maria out on a date. Things were going well so far, but we hadn't been in a rush to define things just yet.

Part of why we seemed to work so well was that she had her own similar arrangement to what I had with Ollie and Jake, a cute young girl she had taken in named Diana. Thus, we could each readily accept that these young people had a special place in our lives that we wouldn't let derail our budding relationship. Meanwhile, Diana and Ollie were deep in the throes of passionate teenage romance, finding solace in each other in a most vulnerable time in their lives.

Because Maria was not just a judge, but the daughter of lawyers, a Portuguese-Indian father and Black New Orleanian mother, she always dressed to the nines on Sundays when we weren't singing in the choir. This morning, she came walking up to the church with Diana next to her, dressed in a bright yellow dress and Southern belle-style yellow church hat, all of which accentuated the medium brown tone of her skin and caused her to positively radiate beauty and warmth. Diana was dressed more humbly, but nonetheless looked beautiful enough for Ollie to join me in goofily staring at our respective female companions as they approached.

"Good morning, boys!" Maria called out.

"Well, my Lord, you sure look just as pretty as a picture, Ms. Fernandes," I said with a smile as I did my best impression of a Southern drawl.

Ollie more succinctly expressed himself to Diana, "Ay, que bonita!" he said to his little Guatemalan girlfriend as she walked up.

Diana simply blushed as she took her place by Ollie's side and we all four walked in to take our seats. After mass, we made our way over to Maria's for a little brunch before Ollie and Diana had to return to the Apollo to help out with the Sunday rush of the busy weekend.

I lingered behind with Maria when our young beauties left us. We chatted idly for a time, enjoying each other's company, before I turned the conversation more serious.

"Maria, I'd like to talk a bit more seriously for a moment."

"Ok, Jeff. I agree that would be good."

"I thought you might. I know we have not really talked about where this is going. I've appreciated allowing this to develop organically, but I think it's time to decide if we want to be serious. I know I'd like to be."

"Me too, Jeff. I agree it's time. So, now for the elephant in the room, what do we do with the special young people in our lives?"

"Thank you for bringing that up. I have a special place in my heart for troubled young men like Jake and Ollie, who have no one else they can be vulnerable with and bond with. Of course we know that often takes, um, non-traditional forms."

"I hope you know by now I'm not threatened in the least by what you have with them. And you know I often have the same feelings toward troubled young women, particularly Diana."

"Would it crazy of us to think we can carry that on while we also grow closer?"

"Some might say so, but I don't live my life by what others say, so I say let's go for it."

I smiled as I again saw what a kindred spirit Maria was.

"Should we establish some ground rules though?"

"That's probably wise. I've been thinking about that. How about this: first, we agree not to recklessly put each other's health at risk or have any wild one-off flings, that anything we do actually be based around real, true, intense bonds."

"I think that's a pretty important starting point," I nodded in agreement. I knew that would probably mean an end to any kinky fun with boys like Wyatt, with whom everything was purely physical, and with whom I always insisted we use protection. But I'd be ok with that.

"Beyond that, I think it's important we trust each other to abide by that first rule, and not really ask for details beyond that. So I propose we have three more rules: we don't ask to hear about it, we don't do anything hetero, with someone of the opposite sex, and if things get to that point with us, we don't do anything in a home we share."

"We could call it the Three H's: no hear, no home, no hetero."

"The Three H's. That has a nice ring to it. Ok, I think that can be the last time we'll take about this. Agreed?"

"Agreed. Cheers to us being lucky enough to find someone who understands!" I said as I raised my mimosa glass in a toast.

"I'll drink to that!" Maria said as she chuckled softly and smiled.

I wasn't sure what I had done in life to have so many wonderful people in it, but I certainly felt extremely grateful. I stayed at Maria's for a couple more hours before making my way home to change before helping out for the evening hours at the shop. I practically floated on a cloud as I made my way down the sidewalk.


Next: Chapter 20

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