Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Apr 19, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 18 By Jeff Ennig

Pulling in to park the car below my condo building, I looked over at Ollie, who met my gaze. As I put the car in park, we both flashed the other an understated lip curl in the shape of a smile, a warm gesture to acknowledge the other's presence. I returned my right hand to the back of Ollie's neck, then pulled him in to my for a side arm hug, now holding the top of his head and lightly stroking his hair.

"I'm glad we are able to do that this morning, kiddo. And I think it'll be good for you to spent a little more time out there again."

"Yeah, that place was pretty amazing, boss. Thank you for setting that up. Can we still go smash stuff this afternoon?"

"Pretty sure that won't be a problem. Let's go to the Apollo for lunch. We'll probably run into Stu and his construction crew there, and we can ask them then."

Sounds good. I guess I am getting kind of hungry."

"Me too. I don't think we need to go get changed. Let's just head there now."

We casually strolled the one-block distance to the Apollo Cafe from my building, me keeping my hand possessively on the back of my Adonis's neck as we went along.

The crew was well staffed for the busy Friday lunch rush, including Phoebe, Kai, Sondra, Jake, and others all in the front, and Josh, Diana and others in the back. Thas was good, because then neither of us felt any compulsion to jump in and help.

"You just here to eat, boss?" Sondra asked as she walked by the door on her way to a table.

"Yup, we're both just regular customers today."

"One of my tables here is open, have a seat."

We took our place at one of Sondra's tables, and waved to both Jake and Phoebe as we sat. Kai was too preoccupied to wave, and that wasn't really her personality anyway.

"How's the special selling today?" I asked Sondra as she came by our table.

"So-so. We've still got plenty to get through."

"Ok, give me one of those. Ollie?"

"Same here."

"Easy enough. I'll let them know in the back. Want me to send Diana out to say hi?"

"No, I'll pop my head back there later. I don't want to disturb her now," Ollie replied.

"Ok, hon. So where were you guys this morning? You look like you've been out bailing hay or something."

"We took a drive out to Devonte's place. He's got a nice little shooting range out there."

"Oh yeah? He didn't tell me that. Troy, that's my nine-year-old," she added as an explanatory aside to Ollie, "is kind of obsessed with shooting right now. His uncle has taken him a couple times."

"Well, that's cool! Maybe Devonte will show him around the place."

"Maybe. We'll see how things go."

"Oh? What, do you two have a date or something?" I asked as if I didn't already know the answer.

She blushed at this and reverted to a giddy school girl momentarily. "Yeah, tomorrow night. Don't tell him, but I've been trying to get his attention for years now. He doesn't come in here often enough though."

"Well, don't tell him I told you this, but he was asking me questions about you the other morning. And don't worry. I didn't tell him anything you don't tell any old random customer you meet."

"Jeff, you're a sly one!"

"Thank you very much. Ok, now scram, or your other customers will resent me taking up your time."

As Sondra was returning with our meals, the construction guys came in. Today's group was nine guys in total, led by Stu, their foreman. Stu was an imposing figure, 6'8", with hulking muscles and just a hint of middle-aged paunch in the usual places. Maybe a year or two older than me, he always seemed to have a number of stunningly hot young guys working for him. They sat down at two of Jake's tables.

Jake was again outfitted in his pornstar get-up, making his assets work for him as he raked in the tips. I let them get settled while we took our first couple bites, before I got up to go visit with them.

"Hang back here a minute, kiddo. I'll be right back."

I walked over and said hi to the rest of the crew before kneeling down beside Stu.

"Hey there, friend. How's it going today?"

"Not too shabby, Jeff. What's up?"

"Well, I got a favor to ask. You guys are still demo'ing that house over on Maple today, right?"

"Yeah, me and the new kid here are heading over there after lunch. The rest of the guys are working on that new apartment building up near the campus."

"Cool. Any chance I could come by in a couple hours and bring my young friend Ollie with me? The kid could really use the chance to smash some things today."

"Heck yeah. Wouldn't mind the help, and I'm always happy to let a handsome boy like that come and break stuff."

"Great, thanks, man. You'd be doing me a solid."

"Happy to help."

I looked over to the new kid sitting next to him. In fact, sitting so close to Stu that he was practically in the big man's lap. He wore a pair of stylish glasses, had a cute little mousy face, rippling arms and a bulging torso, and scrawny legs. A typical gymnast's build. Probably at most 5'2", and had the look of a kid still in high school.

"And who's this new kid you've got here, Stu?"

He placed his massive paw high up on the kid's thigh as he looked over at him and then back at me.

"This here is Lance. He's staying with me for the summer. I've been working him real hard," he said with a wink. "His parents are friends of my sister's up in the big city, and they wanted the boy out of their hair for the summer."

"Nice to meet you, buddy. You saving up your money for college?"

"Nice to meet you, sir. Yeah, I'm planning on coming to school here when I graduate next summer," the charming, adorable little fella said back to me with a broad smile.

I figured then that the kid had to be about 16. It was probably best not to ask Stu exactly what he meant by 'working him real hard'. But at least the kid's body language seemed to say he was pretty content to be this big man's plaything for the summer.

Returning to the table, I told Ollie the good news, and got a big smile out of him as a result. We carried on eating our meal, and soon it was time to go. Ollie popped his head into the backroom to say hi to Diana while I briefly checked in with Kai to hear how things were going. Both content that everyone was doing fine without us there, we made our way up to my condo before heading over to the house we would be helping to demolish.

After taking a brief rest on the couch, cuddling up to each other fully-clothed, with Tom and Jerry ignoring us while they patroled the sun porch, we decided we would walk the 14 or so blocks from the condo to the demo house. When we walked up to it, Stu's pickup truck was parked on the street outside. I knocked loudly on the door a few times before opening it and calling out to let them know we had arrived.

"I'm coming!" Stu roared out from another room.

Ollie and I gave each other a knowing smile as Stu emerged from down the hall of the house looking slightly sweaty but otherwise in control.

"Come on in, guys. Lance will be right out. He's just finishing up something. Here's your tools, goggles, and a mask for each of you. You ever swung a sledgehammer before, kid?"

"No, sir."

"No worries. Lance and I will show you the ropes. We're gonna put you gentlemen to work on demolishing the bathroom upstairs."

"Sounds great!" Ollie piped up with an eager tone. Just then, Lance emerged, looking even sweatier than Stu had, his hair slightly disheveled, and walking a little bow-legged. I took this as a good time to mark my territory a bit in front of Stu, so I walked up behind Ollie and placed my one hand on his skinny jeans-clad hip and one hand possessively on the sexy boy's shoulder while I planted my crotch up against his tightly-wrapped buns.

"Hey there. I'm Lance," the boy said to Ollie, reaching out his hand.

"And this here is Oliver," I said first.

"Nice to meet you," Ollie said as he took the boy's hand, while he simultaneously pressed his butt back against my crotch.

Stu followed my lead as he took the same possessive posture behind Lance, although each of his massive paws on the boy's much smaller hip and shoulder covered over to his throat and around to his teenage crotch. The whole scene was like a bunch of dogs sniffing each other out. Once we were all sure that we had set the proper non-verbal boundaries, we proceeded to walk up the stairs.

Ollie caught on quick to the task, and soon Stu and Lance left us to our own devices. As Ollie was gearing up to take a big swing at a bathtub, I grabbed hold of the sledgehammer he was wielding and stopped him.

"Hold on a sec, kiddo. Before you really go to town on this stuff, I want you to stop and gather your thoughts again. Same routine as this morning, ok? Summon whatever rage or anger you have buried deep down and channel all of it into the handle of that sledgehammer. Take your time."

He took a deep breath in as he nodded in agreement. I went about tearing things apart with a crowbar and hammer while he stood silently staring at the floor for a full two minutes or more. Finally, he picked up the sledgehammer again, lifted it high up, and took a massive swing into the bathtub. Then another, and another, and another. Once the pieces were a bit smaller, he began to take smaller swings with it until he worked himself up to a frenzied pace of destruction. I thought for sure the bathtub would be turned to dust by the time he was done, but I gave him space to work it out however he needed to.

"Yeaaaaaaaaah! Fuck yeah! Take that!" he screamed after he had successfully pulverized the poor bathtub. He spit onto the pile of rubble he had generated, and then let the sledgehammer slip from his hands onto the floor.

His knees began to wobble slightly, so I dropped what I was doing and rushed up behind him. Wrapping my arms under his and around his chest, I squeezed him tightly to me. He quickly collapsed into me as his knees gave way. He caught himself on the counter, using one hand to support some of his weight while I stood there propping him up.

"Holy shit, Jeff, that felt fucking great."

"Yeah, I bet it did. You really went to town on that darn bathtub."

"That fuckin' piece of shit had it comin'."

"I suppose it did. That jerk looked like it had a pretty bad attitude."

I felt his body tremble with an exhausted laughter that soon gave way to a roaring belly laugh, and shortly after, morphed into a chuckling sob. I continued to just stand there holding him up while waves of raw emotion washed over him.

We must have stood there for 10 minutes at least before Lance came up the stairs to check on us.

"Everything ok up there, guys?"

"Yeah, it's all just peachy. The bathtub's done," Ollie said with a hint of spite in his voice.

"I guess so! You guys let me know if you need a hand at all."

"Will do, bud, thanks," I said back to him. Turning my attention back to the boy in my arms, I asked, "Well, kiddo, you ready to get this train fired up again and wreck the rest of this bathroom?"

"Yeah, let's do it, boss."

We worked up a decent sweat as we finished up our tasks, and then made our way downstairs to report our progress. Stu and Lance were working away in the remains of the house's kitchen.

"You guys all set?" Stu asked as he turned to look at us.

"Yeah, Stu, I think we got it all. Thanks again for letting us crash this smash party."

"Yeah, thank you! I think it was just what I needed," added Ollie.

"No problem, guys. Glad it worked out," Stu replied.

"Nice to meet you, Oliver!" Lance chimed in excitedly.

"Nice to meet you too, Lance. I'll see you around."

"And lunch on Monday for you and your crew is on me, Stu. Thanks again. Later!"

We walked back from the house at a bit slower pace than when we were coming there.

"How are you feeling, kiddo?"

"Good, boss. I know I needed to let out some of what I had been bottling up all this time about my dad and everything, and that might have been just what I needed. But I think I'm gonna be pretty sore tomorrow though."

"Yeah, I was just thinking that. I had a lighter job myself, so I should be fine. but you were wielding that sledgehammer pretty passionately. I promise not to make any other parts of you sore tonight," I said with a sly smile as I quickly grabbed his ass with one hand. I released it just as quickly, considering we were walking down the street in broad daylight.

"That a promise, boss?"

"Yes, I can resist the temptation to ravage you."

"Ok. We better get home soon though. We gotta get cleaned up for our dates tonight. Where are you taking Maria?"

"We figured we'd rather eat in for our first date. We're both a little too well known in town here. So after you and I meet the girls at Maria's place, Maria and I are coming back to my condo for dinner. What did you have in mind with Diana?"

"I don't really know the places around town. What would you suggest?"

"Well, the weather is so nice today that I think you should grab dinner from a food truck and stroll through a park. Women go for that kind of thing."

"Really? Ok, I think I can handle that."

I gave him a couple ideas of good strolling spots. On the sly, I pulled out my phone and shot off a text to a friend who had a food truck, other than Juan, to find out where he'd be that evening. I arranged with him to put whatever they ordered on my tab and to play it cool. I then let Ollie know that I knew of a great food truck he should try out and where I thought it 'might' be later. He seemed to feel confident now in his plans for the evening.

We both headed straight for the shower once we got back inside the condo. We washed each other as we stood under the cascade of water, although it was a more routine and practical gesture than anything particularly erotic just then. We spent longer than usual primping in front of the mirror before going to pick out our outfits for the evening. Ollie opted for his plaid, longer shorts and his baby-blue polo shirt. One of his less-revealing outfits, but nonetheless form-fitting. He would honestly look sexy in a burlap sack.

Satisfied that we were both ready for the evening, we went out to the hall, down the stairs, and out into the early evening summer air to stroll the four blocks over to Maria's, cutting through the town square and past her workplace at the courthouse as we went. Conveniently, there was a girl and her mother selling flowers in the square, so I bought a small, cheerful bouquet for each of us to carry.

Maria and Diana were sitting out on the front porch of Maria's cozy looking white-with-green-trim bungalow as we walked up. They rose to wave at us as we approached.

"Hello, boys! Oh, look, Diana, they brought us flowers!"

"Ay! Very pretty!"

Ollie beamed at the girl's excitement, and I glance down toward him with a quasi-paternal smile as I saw this. I turned my head back up to see Maria doing the same thing toward Diana, and then she turned her head toward me and met my gaze. We flashed each other a smile and both gave a gentle laugh.

"Where are you taking Diana this evening, Oliver?"

"I thought I'd make it a surprise," Ollie said with a smile.

"Una sorpresa! I like the surprises," Diana chimed in with excitement.

"When you two kids are done, I thought you might want to come back to the condo and we can all four have a little visit together as well," I suggested.

"I think that's a lovely idea," Maria added approvingly.

"Ok, will do, Jeff."

We all went inside briefly while the ladies put the flowers in water. They gave us a quick tour of the place, and then we all went back outside. The kids walked in one direction, we in the other.

Conversation flowed easily with Maria. We talked briefly of our mutual joy to see the kids so excited, but we quickly went back to focusing on one another. Dinner went well, as I fixed up something light and quick while we visited. Tom and Jerry seemed to approve of her as well. As I had suspected might happen, we hit it off immediately and seemed to click on every level. I made us a small dessert and an after dinner cocktail and we sat on the sofa, flanked by two kittens, and visited more. It didn't take long before we shared a tender kiss and held hands for a time while we sat sipping our cocktails.

We sat back comfortable and content and continued to visit for another hour at least, only moving to refresh our drinks. After more than three hours had passed, and after a few cocktails apiece, I decided to broach the subject hanging in the air.

"Before the kids come back, I thought maybe we should clear the air on something," I began.

"I think I know where this is going," Maria said with a smile. "Go on."

"I think it's safe to say that we both have enjoyed one another's company tonight, and I for one very much hope this to continue."

"I'd agree with that," Maria said as she gave a shy smile.

"So that brings us to the kids. I believe we are on a similar wavelength already as to the place they hold in our lives."

"I think we are."

"And that we might want to continue with the type of bond we've formed with them in some fashion?"


"Good. Then how about let's not dwell any further on the details of that for now, and just enjoy things as they come?"

"I'd like that."

"Excellent. Cheers!" I said as I lifted my glass to hers.

She met my toast, and we both laughed heartily. She set her drink down and leaned into my side, as I draped my arm around her. We held silent for another minute like this until the door opened and Ollie and Diana came walking in, holding hands. Looking at the late hour on the clock, I smiled as I presumed the evening had worked out well for them.

"Hey, kids! Have fun?"



"Great! Have a seat. Either of you want something to drink?"

"Just a soda for me, boss."

"Me too, por favor."

I returned quickly with their drinks, and we all sat around the coffee table and visited. We let them know that Maria and I intended to continue dating, and to my utter lack of surprise, the kids let us know there would be future dates for them as well. Then I dove right in to the matter at hand.

"We've also talked things over, and assuming it's what you both would want as well, we'd both prefer to allow our relationships with you to continue as they are."

Ollie quickly translated a few things for Diana, and they both looked up at us and nodded eagerly in agreement.

"Then it's settled. Now, I don't know about the rest of you, but it's getting kind of late for this old guy. MAy we walk you ladies home?"

"Oh my, handsome and a gentleman. Lord, be still my heart," Maria beamed as she jokingly put on the airs of a Southern belle.

Our quirky little foursome strolled down through the square and down the street to Maria's house, Ollie and I each holding hands with our girls as we went. We each got a good night kiss and expressed our longing for the next time, then made our way back home. As we walked, I kept my hand at the base of Ollie's neck, gently massaging him and smiling down at him. At several points, he leaned his head onto my shoulder for a few paces before lifting it again.

"I don't know about you kiddo, but this night has gone even better than I could have imagined," I said as we walked into the condo.

"Same here, boss. I know I'm young and it's so soon, but I think I might be in love."

"Well, I'm supposed to be the level-headed older adult in the room who doesn't let himself jump into such things, but I think I might be too."

"So, what, we could like all share a house, and the husbands would be in one bed and the wives in the other?"

"Hahahaha, what a picture that would be! We'll just have to see how it goes. But speaking of sharing a bed, I do look forward to snuggling up to this sexy body of yours tonight."

"Yeah, that sounds nice, boss. I'm just so on cloud nine right now."

In a flash, we were both naked and crawling into bed.

"Hey, kiddo, how about I give you a little massage before we go to sleep. I don't want you too sore in the morning from your adventures earlier today."

"That would be great, boss."

"Hold that thought while I go grab my massage oil."

I bolted out of bed and into the bathroom to retrieve my large bottle of seldom-used massage oil, grabbed a couple towels as well, and came back to bed. I rolled back the sheets to expose the golden-tanned nude form of young Oliver, lying face down on the bed. He turned his head to the side and smiled as he saw my mouth watering. I couldn't help myself as I stared down at the masterpiece that was this boy's body. I slowly moved my eyes down from his soft brown hair, to his fine neck, broad shoulders, mildly-bulging biceps and lightly-haired arms, protruding shoulder blades peaking out among his toned back muscles, curved spine leading to the dark crevasse I loved so much which separated the two solid, perfectly ripe mounds of muscle that formed the world's most perfect teen boy ass.

"Like what you see, boss?"

"You know I never tire of looking at your beautiful ass, kiddo. And the rest of you ain't bad either."

"Thanks. But are you going to stare at my ass all night, or am I going to get a massage?"

"Can't it be both?" I joked. I motioned with the towels and he rose up for me to place them down on the bed before he laid back down into position as I began to drizzle massage oil onto his back, along his crack, and onto his well-muscled soccer jock legs.

"Ooh, that's kinda chilly."

"Don't worry, kiddo, it'll warm up fast."

I poured some more oil into my hands, and then set the bottle aside and began massaging up each of his legs. I started at his feet and sexy little ankles, rubbing briefly on them before continuing up his bulging, semi-hairy calves, smearing the oil in as I went. I continued gliding up his muscular yet not overly thick thighs, up into my favorite zone, kneading each cheek and sliding my fingers along his crack and down along his taint, briefly tickling the underside of his balls before returning to oiling the rest of his ass, then up along his back, fanning out my fingers to smear the oil around his sides. He giggled slightly as I inadvertently tickled him as I went. I then kept going, rubbing oil around his shoulders and neck, and then down his arms.

Once the oil was spread evenly around his backside, I returned to his calves, kneading into his muscles, and doing the same to his thighs, giving each the full treatment. Then I slid up to my happy place, and dug my fingers into the muscles of each of his gorgeous buns, kneading and pushing and caressing as my thumbs slipped their way into his crack, rubbing and teasing around his soft, puffy hole.

As much fun as it was to play with his ass, I knew that wouldn't be the part that he actually needed massaging, so I left that post as I made my way up his back. I flipped one leg over him so that I straddled above him, my balls hanging between his knees, while I leaned forward to leverage my weight as I pressed my hands into the tight muscles of his back.

I savored the feel of his smooth young skin under my fingers as it glistened through the oil. Reaching his upper back, I dug in to the muscles between his spine and shoulder blade while my package came to rest in his crack. I worked my hands up to his shoulders and began really working into those muscles while I mindlessly rocked my hips back and forth, sliding my hardening cock along his oil-slicked crack. Realizing I was becoming aroused, I gave in to the moment and reached for the oil bottle. I poured out a large amount into my hands and smeared it all over my torso and rubbed it quickly around my cock and down along my balls before returning my attention to the boy below me.

Now I began really leaning into his upper back, shoulders, and upper arms as I dug my fingers into the muscles that would be the most sore the next morning. Ollie let out a long, low moan as I did this, and I began to slide my now rock-hard cock along his crack as I worked his sore muscles. The heat radiating off his ass and off my own crotch, aided by the oil, was making a red-hot furnace where our bodies met.

"Keep massaging me, boss," Ollie moaned. "Stick the tip in while you work me."

I didn't have to be told twice. I leaned up, bracing one hand on his oiled hip while with the other, I felt along his steaming hot, slicked-up crack to find the puffy hole that would soon be welcoming me inside. I slid a fingertip around the edge and stuck it inside to spread a little oil around to ease my entry. Then I took hold of the head of my oily cock, aiming it at the prize, and pressed in. When my head was past his first wall of muscles guarding his chute, I lifted my hands back to his shoulders and went back to work on his muscles.

"Mmmmm, that feels so good, boss."

I felt my dick leaking precum into his searing hot hole as it became as hard as it had ever been before. We kept at this position for what seemed like a blissful eternity, until he let out a deep sigh of relief and pushed his ass upwards to force more of me inside of him. I allowed him to determine how far he wanted to be penetrated, keeping my hands on his shoulders and holding my hips still as he continued to push his ass upwards. He kept pushing back until I was in to the hilt, and he let out another groan.

"That's nice, boss. Lay down on me, please."

I pushed my hips forward, leading him to lay flat on the bed again. We lay flat on the bed now, my penis remained buried inside him, pushing upward at an odd angle toward his taint. It wasn't a great position for thrusting in and out of him, but neither of us seemed in the mood to get our rocks off this night anyway. I just stayed like this, my full weight bearing down upon him, impaling him with my cock, as I rubbed my hands along the outsides of his shoulders and upper arms, breathing in the sweet smell of this teenage beauty with my nose buried in his soft brown hair.

As though a sudden curtain was pulled down, we both fell blissfully asleep, lying there together covered in oil, breathing as one. I woke up the next morning, finding I had slid off of his hard body, lying on my side with his backside turned in toward me. Our usual sleeping position, with the massage oil the only addition to the scene. The windows were open to the early morning air, and the summer birds chirped as they greeted the new day. Holding this sexy boy in my arms, and looking forward to what the future would bring, all felt right with the world.


Next: Chapter 19

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