Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Apr 15, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 17 By Jeff Ennig

When the movie was over, Ollie slowly pulled himself off of my lap, extracting my semi-hard cock from inside his tight soccer jock ass. After a quick trip to the bathroom, we made our way to the bedroom to hop into bed for the night. We quickly assumed our normal positions, and drifted off to a comfortable sleep.

Both of us had the morning off from work the next day, and I woke up at a leisurely time, with my morning wood poking into Ollie's partially clenched crack. The hard-bodied boy curled up against me still slept soundly. I found myself somewhat horny that morning, and helped myself to entering him again slowly. I met a bit of resistance at first, but holding onto his hip, I gently continued pressure on his sphincter until it gave way, allowing my head to pop inside. I slide all the way past his prostate and rested fully sheathed by his velvety warm chute. I held still inside of him like this while I began to softly caress his side, abs, and chest, lightly kissing the back of his neck and nibbling on his ear until he began to stir.

"Thought you'd just help yourself to my ass again, eh boss?"

"Yeah, sorry, it was just there for the taking, and I'm a little bit randy all of a sudden."

"Want to finish yourself off in there before we get up? I could probably use a little release myself."

"I won't say no to that!"

I began a slow, gently motion, pulling halfway out before sliding back in again, rubbing my head against his button every few seconds as I slid past it in both directions. I reached one hand down to begin feeling along his stiffening teen cock while with my other hand I began stroking his nipples. With my tongue, I began exploring his cute little ear all along its smooth, salty edges. The boy always tasted amazing.

It didn't take long before he began to buck backwards to meet my slow thrusts, and soon he was egging me on to go faster. I squeezed at his tip and rubbed along the underside near his circumcision scar continuously as I began more forcefully and quickly jostling my hips into his backside, bumping repeatedly against the magic button buried inside his anal cavity. I slid my other hand down to begin massaging his balls while I continued my manipulation of the tip of his hard penis.

I felt myself approaching release as a moved his hair on the back of his neck aside with my cheek to get at a spot I could make a concealed mark on with my mouth. I sucked at bit at the skin on the back of his neck while I slammed hard into him once, twice, three times, then drove in as deep as I could go, squeezed a little harder on his shaft as I stroked up to his tip, and kept up the massage of his balls. He pushed his butt back into me and clenched hard with his sphincter muscles as I let loose a torrent of cum deep within him at the same time as he shot a volley of spunk that landed all the way on the pillow above his head, then another that landed on the sheets, and another immediately after that dribbled onto the bed just below my hand.

We stayed locked together as I soon deflated and fell out of him, as much as I would have loved to remain hard enough to stay buried within his lovely body. We laid together like this, our breathing returning to normal and my heartbeat against his back slowly returning to normal. I placed one hand on his hard chest, over his own heart, and felt as his heart once again beat in sync with mine. It may not have been possible for me to feel more closely bonded to this boy at that moment.

"Well, that was a nice way to start the morning. Thanks for giving it up again, kiddo."

"Anytime, boss. It was good for me too. I'm really happy to be here in your arms like this."

My heart filled to bursting with affection for this young creature sharing my bed. I wanted to protect him from the whole world, forever. I knew that wasn't possible, but it was the feeling rushing over me right then.

"I love seeing you happy, Ollie. Are you happy?"

"I really am, Jeff. Life has really taken a big shit on me lately, and I just don't know where I'd be without you and everything you've done for me."

"You've done a lot for me too, kiddo. I really am filled with joy at having you in my life."

He wiggled his whole body as he nestled back into me, then held still as we laid there in silence, wide awake, holding each other, my cum dribbling out of his hole and his drying on the sheets, hearts beating as one, completely content. Neither of us spoke or attempted to move for at least a half hour, before Ollie finally broke the silence in the air.



"Thank you for yesterday, you know, when we just cuddled in our underwear like that? I really needed that."

"Anytime, Oliver. I just want to make you feel safe and protected."

"You did. You do. I guess it let me feel like a kid again. I don't know if I'm totally ready to be an adult and face the world on my own yet."

"I'll let you in on a little secret. No one ever really feels like their ready for 'adulting'. Especially if we think we have to do it alone. But if we have people in our lives that we care about, and that we know care about us, it makes all the difference. I hope you know how much I care about you, Ollie."

"I think I do now. And same goes for me. It was also just really nice because it felt like I was in my dad's arms again. He and I used to cuddle like that a lot. I was close with my mom too, of course, but Ethan took so much of her energy that she didn't seem to have a lot left over for me. I didn't resent her for that or anything. Ethan was the center of all of our worlds, really. But my dad and I talked about everything. Or at least I did. Apparently, he kept quite a bit from me. The last time we got to cuddle like that was a week before the cops came to arrest him. I had just been dumped by a girl I thought I was in love with, and he was there for me."

"I know it must hurt to talk about your dad, mom, and Ethan like this, kiddo, but I'm glad you feel safe sharing with me."

"Yeah, I mean, of course it hurts, but I feel like if I at least talk about my mom and Ethan, then they're still kind of here with me, you know?"

I squeezed him more tightly into me as I rested my chin over his shoulder and responded, "I know, kiddo. And you're right, it's good to talk about them. And it's good to talk about memories of the good times with your dad, too."

"I suppose so. But I just can't get over how he didn't tell any of us about the hole he had dug himself into, you know? Why couldn't he trust us enough for that?"

"I don't know the answer to that, kiddo. But I do know that sometimes people feel so ashamed of themselves that they are consumed with the fear of being found out and they stop thinking rationally. Shame can be a powerful, ugly emotion."

"Yeah, I guess."

"We don't have to keep talking about that now. We can just stay like this a while longer if you'd like."

"Yes, please," he said, exhaling a deep sigh of relief as he said so.

Another half hour went by when I heard his tummy begin to rumble, by which time I could feel with the tip of my softened cock that the cum running down his butt cheek had dried onto his skin.

"You ready to get cleaned up and have some breakfast?"

"That would be a good idea. It really smells like splooge in here."

We both chuckled at that as we got up, went to the bathroom, took turns relieving our bladders and brushing our teeth, then walked into the shower and Ollie turned on the rain faucet to rinse away the evidence of our early morning sex session.

We lingered luxuriantly under the warm cascade of the water, occasionally holding each other from the front or the back and gently soaping each other's bodies. While I stood pressed up against his backside again, holding one arm around his waist while with my other hand I was washing around his chest, he suddenly flung one arm out and struck the wall of the shower with an open palm as hard as he could.

"Whoa, what was that for?"


"Let it out, kiddo. Let it out," I gently urged as I set the soap back and began lightly caressing his shoulder while continuing to hold him around the waist.

"All the fucking times he said 'we don't keep secrets in this house, Oliver'. WHAT A FUCKING LIAR! AAAAHHHHH!" he yelled, as though a deep roar emanated from the very recesses of his soul.

I stayed silent, continuing to gently stroke his shoulder. I offered no patronizing 'hush now' or 'there there'. I just stood there and held him while he vented. Once I thought he had gotten everything out that he had to release in that moment, I quietly steered him to a suggestion I had in mind.

"You know what I like to do when I have something that is really enraging me?"

"What's that?" he huffed with a frustrated voice, not really directed at me.

"I go shoot stuff. One of the cops that comes into the shop owns quite a few acres outside of town, has enough guns to raise an army, and his own personal target range. Besides the Apollo, it's the other favorite hangout in town for all the cops, not to mention the county sheriff's department, and pretty much any law-abiding citizen who likes guns. What do you say? Want to blow some shit up today?"

"Hell yeah!!! Wow, you really meant it that first night we met when you said you knew a lot of cops."

"Yes, I do. Ok, let's do it. And if you still feel like breaking shit after that, we can hit up the construction guys that hang out at the shop. I happen to know that there's a house they're demolishing this afternoon. I bet they'd let you wield a sledgehammer and just annihilate stuff."

"That sounds amazing! Can we really do that?"

"Hey, you happen to live with the guy in town who basically knows everyone. So you've got the hook up. Let's try to get as much of our anger out as possible before our dates tonight."

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot it was Friday today! Are we going to do a double date or something?"

"No, I was thinking more that we could all four meet up after a little bit. If things go well, then we should really clear the air on a few things with them from the get go."

"You know Maria and Diana have sort of the same thing going on that we do, right?"

"I kind of figured as much, and if you had the same impression, then it's probably a pretty good bet." I didn't let on that I had eavesdropped on his conversation with Diana the day before.

"No, it's for sure. Diana and I kind of talked about it yesterday. She's cool with it, and she thought Maria would be too."

"Well, that's good news. I think I really like Maria, and I can tell you sure like Diana, but I would very much hate to give up being able to plunder this epically spectacular ass of yours," I said as I licked my lips and kneaded one of his tight cheeks.

"You talk it up too much, Jeff. It's just my butt."

"No, kiddo. If anything, I don't talk it up enough. Yours might be the sexiest ass in the world."

"Oh, stop, boss. You'll make me blush."

"Haha, ok. Now let's get going on the day," I said as we shut off the water, dried off and walked out into the hall. "Could you go change the bedding while I fix us some breakfast?"

"You mean you don't want to sleep in a pool of our dried up jizz?"

"No thanks. Don't get me wrong. I like shooting my load deep inside you, and I like making you cum, too. But I don't like sleeping on dirty sheets."

"Just kidding. I don't either. Deal. I'll get right on that."

On the way into the kitchen, I fired off a quick text to Devonte, then set about prepping breakfast. He replied almost immediately, and we exchanged a few texts until we got the morning all sorted out.

J: Devonte, need a favor. Got somebody urgently needs 2 go blow shit up. Cool if we drive out & use ur range this AM?

D: Jeff! Heck yeah, no prob! Owe u 1 anyway. The new kid?

J: Yup, good guess.

D: He know his way around guns?

J: Not sure.

D: Ok. I wanna b there 2. Partner & I just workin papers this AM. Lemme check w her quick.

J: Ok.

D: K, we good. Told her was 4 u, she ok'd me ditchin her. Goin home now. Meet u there. Unless major detective shit goes down I gotta run to, we shud b good.

J: Lol, thanks, man. Big help.

Ollie came into the kitchen after throwing the bedding into the wash, wearing a pair of boxer shorts and carrying a clean pair of my boxer briefs.

"In case you want to be civilized while we eat breakfast, boss," he said as he tossed the underwear at me.

"Oh yeah, forgot I was standing here naked. Thanks. Got good news. I lined it all up this morning for us to go out and shoot stuff. We can leave as soon as we've eaten and dressed. He'll be there waiting for us."

"Awesome! Who is it?"

"Not sure if you've met him yet. Lt. Det. Devonte Hodges. He was the tall handsome Black guy in the group of cops that came in Wednesday morning, but he was mostly standing down at my end visiting with me while the others were down by you and Phoebe." What I left unsaid was that those other three were all basically drooling over the fine piece of young eye candy who was currently sitting in his underwear eating breakfast with me while remnants of my dried cum clung to the walls of his rectum.

"Oh yeah, I saw him, but I guess I didn't really talk to him right then. Didn't he come back later and have lunch at one of Sondra's tables?"

"Yup, that's him. And yeah, that morning, I saw the other three were pretty much hogging your attention. You're getting pretty good at schmoozing customers, kiddo."

"Thanks, boss. It's really pretty fun, I think."

We hurried through the rest of our breakfast. Ollie went about cleaning up while I fed Tom and Jerry and grabbed some earplugs for us, then we both went and quickly dressed for the shooting range, me in normal jeans and a plaid short-sleeve shirt and Ollie in mouth-wateringly indecent skinny jeans and his tight-fitting salmon-colored polo shirt. I was so grateful that the only piece of baggy clothing the boy owned were those basketball shorts that themselves did a great job clinging to his tight butt cheeks at the slightest presence of moisture.

The drive out to Fort Hodges, as we all jokingly called it, was only about 20 minutes. Nestled among rolling hills and dense forest, it was a great retreat from the hustle-and-bustle of 'big city' life among the 25,000 denizens of our town. Ollie marveled at the scenery as we pulled up to the gate blocking the long driveway in. I motioned to Ollie to hop out and hit the buzzer.

"Come on in guys," came Devonte's strong voice through the intercom as another buzzer sounded while the gates swung open. He had bought this property years ago, shortly after moving to Spartanville, and used his financial savvy and handyman prowess to add bit by bit to it to make it the impressive estate it was today. He had the property effectively doubling as a kind of camp or retreat center for the young people, mostly boys, whom he mentored in town, having them stay out here for however long they wanted, and putting them to work to keep the place running.

On site, he had an archery range, a shooting range, a boot-camp level obstacle course, a 3,000 square foot ranch house, a dorm building with 12 bunk beds for boys, a small quaint little cottage for girls or other guests, a large pole barn, a wind turbine and other off-grid power generation, at least an acre of vegetable gardens, a chicken coop, a cow barn, a pig pen, a large pond put to many uses, and even a small and conspicuous bunker for emergencies. He didn't strike me as a crazy doomsday survivalist or anything, but I did suspect that wasn't the only bunker he had built there. In short, the place was the fantasy land of my 12-year-old self.

Ollie's eyes bugged out when he saw everything that Fort Hodges contained. "This place is so cool! I hope we can come back again!"

"I'm sure he wouldn't mind that. All this stuff you see here, and his badge of course, may make him seem like a real hard ass, but he's actually a big softy. You'll see."

Ollie practically leapt out of the car as we pulled up in front of the house. Devonte stood on his front porch waving us in.

"Hey guys! Welcome to my humble abode."

"Been a few months since I've been out to Fort Hodges."

As Devonte and I chatted a bit, Ollie just stood wide-eyed and mouth agape as he looked all around him, before lighting up at the sight of the three resident Dobermans coming his way.

"Huey, Dewey, Louie! Be nice," Devonte called out as his guard dogs approached the boy with a gentle demeanor.

"So, this boy needs to shoot some stuff, eh?"

"Yeah. I figured this was the best place for him to let out a little pent-up frustration."

He could hear us talking about him, but he let himself be preoccupied with the dogs and the rest of the sights.

"Happy to hook you boys up, Step right this way."

He walked us over to a shed next to the shooting range, unlocked it, and waved us in to select the guns we each wanted to try out. I didn't need it as badly as Ollie, so I just opted for a little pea shooter .22 rifle. But we steered the boy toward a hefty shotgun, thinking the sheer power of the kickback on that thing would be just what he needed.

After some training on safe handling, I handed Ollie the earplugs and Devonte handed us some ammo and walked with us to the range to begin. Devonte stood next to Ollie, guiding him in his first few shots. We each let off a few shots toward the hay bale targets on the hillside down range from us before Ollie lowered the gun and yelled over to me, loud enough to be heard through my earplugs.

"Jeff, this is awesome!"

"Good, kiddo!" I called out. I set my weapon down and walked over to him for a moment. He pulled out his earplugs so he could hear me better.

"Ok, now that you have an idea of how to handle this thing, it's time to do what we came here for."

"What's that?"

"I want you to dig deep within and pull out all your anger, rage, and frustration, and I want you to channel that into the barrel of this shotgun here. Really focus that energy, and then blast away."

"Jeff's right, kid. Trust me. In fact, let's switch you to some more serious ammo for that. Let's make sure you can do some serious damage to the target down there."

Ollie just nodded in agreement, and put the earplugs back in. I went back to my post and continued my own target shooting. I watched as Devonte directed Ollie to lay on the ground this time, lined him up properly, patted him encouragingly on the back, and then stepped away to give the boy space.

"Boom!" came the first shot. Several seconds later he let off another ear-splitting shot, and another, and another.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" he screamed with a deep fury as he fired off the shots. Once he had fired off the last shot, he set the gun down and began to punch at the cushioned leather perch he was leaning down against, still screaming. After about a dozen punches, he just collapsed and began to sob. Devonte stood guard a few feet behind him, while I continued firing my shots and giving the boy space.

A minute went by of him just sobbing violently against the ground before he rose to his feet. I set my gun down, took out my earplugs, and stood facing him in an open, inviting stance. He took the invitation, striding forcefully toward me and seizing me into a strong embrace before continuing to sob hard against my shoulder. I just stood holding the boy in my arms while he cried his eyes out for a few minutes.

Devonte kept himself busy in the meantime, putting the equipment away and locking up, and walking down range to survey the damage. When Ollie's sobs had faded into whimpers and sniffles, Devonte came walking up to us holding the tattered remains of the target Ollie had annihilated.

"Want a souvenir, kid?"

Ollie laughed heartily in between sniffles as he looked over at the sad, pathetic sight of the shredded target. "I can keep it?"

"Yeah. It's policy around here that shooters take their targets with them. It's a bit of a trophy, but also a solemn reminder to respect the power of firearms."

"I'll say! That was really powerful. Cool, but also a little scary."

"Good, that's how they should feel for you. Now, you want a quick tour of the place before we all have to go back to civilization?"

While Ollie stood outside the pig pen with Huey, Dewey, and Louie flanking him, Devonte and I stood off a way, out of earshot, gazing over toward him.

"This place is kind of magical for kids with issues, man. You really have something incredible here. When are you finally going to give this place a formal name, anyway? You can't just keep letting us call it Fort Hodges forever."

"Actually, I meant to tell you. I agree that I can't have all you crackers calling this place Fort Hodges forever," he said with a smile. "I'm naming this place Camp Mbengwi. It was the name of a hunting grounds near where some of my ancestors apparently came from in Cameroon. Seems appropriate. Last time I was back home, I had my dad take one of those ancestry DNA tests, and that's what we learned. I'm even having a big sign made for the front gate."

"That's a great name! Given its backstory, maybe you'll have to start letting some of these kids hunt pheasant or something on your land now too?"

"Maybe. We'll see. I just think it's pretty cool to be able to name this place after something connected to my dad's history. My dad gave me so much in life, and it just breaks my heart to see all these young kids running around who either didn't have that at all, or who are defining their entire lives around their anger toward their fathers. So I do what I can. Perhaps someday I'll have kids of my own, but this right here is really what it's all about for me."

"You're like a kindred spirit, my friend. And thank you for making time this morning for Ollie. It means a lot to me."

"For you, Jeff, anytime. So, tell me one thing."

"What's that?"

"You tappin' that?" he asked quietly as he nodded in Ollie's direction.

I like to keep such things private from most people, but Devonte is a trusted friend, and I make a point not to lie to cops. "Hahaha, you caught me. But just for the record, officer, it wasn't until the kid turned legal."

"I trust that you wouldn't do that, Jeff. And good for you. Not my thing, but good for you. No, I just mean, make sure the Chief doesn't catch on, because I think it might make him pretty jealous."

"Think so?"

"Yeah. Ever since the other morning when he and the sarge and my partner all stood basically eye-raping the kid, he's mentioned 'that new kid at the Apollo' at least a dozen times in conversation."

"Ooh, he's got it bad. Can't say I blame him. I'm just lucky a kid that good looking wants to be around a schlub like me."

"Well, he seems happy around you. Glad you seem to treat him well."

"I try to. I'm just enjoying spending whatever time I can with him."

"Yup, we're just here to help these baby birds fix their broken wings. Can't hold on to them forever."

"No, and I wouldn't try to," I sighed wistfully. "But I'll certainly enjoy the fringe benefits while he offers them. Say, how would you feel about letting him start coming to visit here for a couple days at a time and joining your little work crew of troubled youths? He's a hard worker and doesn't complain."

"I've seen him in action already. I can tell he isn't lazy or entitled. Yes, he'd be most welcome anytime."

"You ready to go, kiddo?" I called out toward Ollie.

"If we have to," he called back with a half-smile before making his way over to us, dogs nipping at his heels.

"Hey, kiddo, what would you think about coming back here a time or two, staying a couple days, and helping out with work around the place?"

"Really?!?" he chirped, his voice practically squeaking.

"Yeah, kid. I think you'd fit in well around here. I don't happen to have anyone here today, but most days I have at least one, sometimes up to a dozen, young folks like yourself hanging around here."

"Thanks, Mr. Hodges! That'll be awesome."

"Sure thing, kid. Now, I better get heading back to town before my partner kills me. See you gentlemen around."

"Later, Devonte. Thanks again," I said, waving goodbye as I held Ollie by the base of the neck and led him back to the car.

In the car driving back into town, I looked over at Ollie as he sat gazing out the window. I allowed silence to hang in the air while I rested my right hand on his upper thigh and made small, non-sexual movements against the leg of his skinny jeans.

"Jeff?" he asked in a soft voice as he turned his head toward me when we were only a block from home.


"Thank you."

"You bet, kiddo," I smiled and tousled his soft brown hair, then moved my hand to the steering wheel as I pulled in to park.


Next: Chapter 18

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