Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Apr 11, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 16 By Jeff Ennig

The intercom buzzed, loudly alerting me that a sexy science nerd stood at the front door to the building waiting to be let in.

"Come on up, Brett. We're on the fourth floor," I half-shouted into the intercom before pressing the button to unlock the door.

Less than a minute later, a knock on the door let me know our visitor had arrived. Tom and Jerry, in a particularly social mood, were scurrying around my heels as I opened the hall door.

"Hey Brett! Welcome. Thanks again for doing this."

"Don't mention it. It'll be fun. And who are these little guys?"

"Oh, these little turkeys are Tom and Jerry. I found them in the alley behind my shop a few months ago, and they agreed to hire me as their permanent staff person.

"Yeah, that's cats for you. They sure are cute little buggers," he remarked as I motioned him into the living room to sit down. Once he was seated on the couch, and I had placed a glass of water for him on the coffee table, Ollie came bounding down the hall still wearing only his jockstrap.

"Hi Brett! I'm super excited to play soccer tonight! I just started getting changed." He finished his explanation of his state of undress just as he stepped fully into view in the living room, standing with his front facing Brett. As hoped for, I watched out of the corner of my eye as Brett sat wide-eyed for a brief second before collecting himself.

"Glad you're excited, dude. The guys will be happy with me for bringing someone who can play."

Ollie did a little leap for joy at this, and as he did so, his delicious and hefty package tucked so tightly into the pouch of the jockstrap did an enticing little bounce, causing Brett to again grow wide-eyed for a fleeting moment.

"I haven't played in a while, so I'd better do a few extra stretches now," Ollie said excitedly as he began to stretch one arm across his chest then the other. He turned to the side and braced one hand against the wall as he pulled one leg up then the other as he kept up the barrage of excited chatter. "How many guys will be there?"

Brett cleared his throat and reached for his water glass, taking a quick sip before answering, "Should be probably 20 or so. Not really sure. But I'm sure you'll fit in well."

"I hope so!" Ollie chirped as he turned to face the wall and lean forward to do a back and a calf stretch. As his perfect, taut, jockstrap-hugged buns came into full view, Brett practically choked as he clung tightly to his water glass and took another sip. I was really beginning to enjoy this little show, but kept my eyes on Ollie, giving no indication that I was noticing Brett's reactions.

Driving a final nail into the coffin of Brett's ability to maintain decorum, Ollie stood straight up, still with his back to us, spread his feet slightly, and leaned over and down to stretch his hands down to his ankles. His tight cheeks parted just enough to expose the dark valley of his crack and a little glimmer of the pink rosebud with which my penis was now well acquainted. The little tease held this lewd pose for at least 30 seconds before standing back upright.

Brett had been trying to look anywhere but in Ollie's direction after nearly choking earlier, but once Ollie stretched to expose the entrance to his love tunnel, he sat dumbfounded, with his eyes fixated on the boy's perfectly toned soccer butt and the little hole that practically winked at him. I pretended to be looking at something on my phone in that moment, so with neither of us very obviously watching him, he may have felt that he had gotten away with gawking at this nearly-nude teenage beauty standing before him. Really the absolutely perfect outcome for the situation. I marveled to myself at how Ollie had so expertly handled himself.

"Oops, sorry! I guess I better go put the rest of my soccer outfit on. Didn't mean to flash you guys there," Ollie said sheepishly as he turned around and began to walk back down the hallway. I got up to go into the kitchen as he did so, and noticed Brett surreptitiously turning his head to keep checking out Ollie's mouth-wateringly beautiful bare ass as he strutted back down toward to the bedroom.

"Dinner's almost ready here. Have a seat at the table here, Brett. We're having fish, so would you like a beer or a little white wine maybe?"

"Oh, a little sip of wine would be great, thanks. Boy, Ollie sure isn't shy, is he?"

As I poured the wine, I responded, "No, he's definitely not. It's a good trait for a kid working with customers in a cafe. Maybe not such a good trait when parading half-naked in front of company. But now I suppose at least you can see that he really does have the build of a soccer player. I mean, his legs and his glutes sure have great definition. And he's got lots of energy!"

Brett tried to act cool, nodding along as I spoke euphemistically of how firm Ollie's ass was. I knew then that it was only a matter of time before I got into this sexy buff nerd's pants. Might still take a lot of work, but at least I now knew it, or rather he, was doable.

Ollie came out soon after, wearing his tight little Jake-style running shorts and a tight T-shirt that left most of his abs exposed, and carrying his soccer cleats which he placed by the hall door.

"Dinner ready?"

"Yeah, kiddo. Hurry up and take a seat. We don't want you to be late." I ran us through a quick table prayer and we dove into our meal.

We made light conversation as we ate. I learned that Brett was from a state several states away, that he didn't have any family nearby, and in fact hadn't know a soul in town when he arrived the previous fall to begin his job at the university. He had been in choir at his parish back home, so it made sense to him to join the St. Bonnie's choir that past spring, after he spent the first semester getting acclimated to his new job.

"I didn't know anyone in town here either when I arrived last week. If it weren't for Jeff, this place would probably be pretty lonely for me," Ollie chimed in, subtly keeping up his role as wingman.

"Yeah? Well, I'm glad that Jeff here has pushed me into getting out and socializing a bit more lately. I get so wrapped up with work and things that I forget to be around people."

"It's nice having you around, Brett. Just glad you took me up on the invitation," I spoke with a warm smile.

"Thanks, Jeff. And thanks for a great dinner. I don't cook much myself, so this was a treat. We better get going though, Ollie, if we're going to be there on time. Jeff, do you know where the field is in case you get the chance to come watch us for a bit?"

"Yeah, I know the place. Pretty sure I'll make it down there," I said as we all got up from the table. I placed my hand on the base of Ollie's neck again in that elder's posture of protection and possession as we walked toward the hall door. Looking at the both of them and giving Brett a pat on his upper arm, briefly copping a feel of his strong muscles as I did so, I wished them well. "Ok, guys, you go have fun. And kick some ass too. I'll see you in a bit."

"Alright, see you soon, Jeff."

"Bye, boss."

After they left, I cleaned up a bit, made a couple phone calls, played with Tom and Jerry a little, and went to get changed before heading out. I showed up to the field just as the teams were heading onto the field to begin play. I imagine they had spent the rest of that time talking, stretching, and warming up after a couple months of not having played together. Both Brett and Ollie waved at me when they saw me sitting in the grass at the edge of the field, and I returned the wave.

It was a nice view sitting there among the four other spectators and watch Ollie in his skimpy shorts and Brett in his shorts confidently striding up and down the field, legs flexing as they navigated the game. I was very happy to see Ollie in his element, beaming from ear to ear the whole time. And I cheered as he scored the only goal of the match that I witnessed.

Truth be told though, unless I was in a large crowd of exuberant soccer fans whose energy I could feed off of, and whose shouts and screams could give me hints as to when I was supposed to be excited by something, I found soccer to be about as exhilarating as watching paint dry. Even all the time I spent in Wales as a kid, hanging out with my soccer-crazed cousins and their friends, the game never really did a thing for me. And not even drooling over Brett and Ollie sweating and running on the field was enough to keep me entertained sitting there. Another 45 minutes of this and I might lose it.

So I was relieved when they called a halftime and both of my objects of desire came over to see me. After congratulating them both on playing so well (even though, except for Ollie's one goal, I really couldn't tell whether they had or not), I made my excuses and left for home. Well-attended matches with a big crowd of excited fans would be bearable, but not this. Hopefully it wouldn't somehow be a prerequisite to getting into either of their pants going forward that I be present at such sparsely attended matches in the future. I was glad to have seen Ollie so happy, but I was nearly as glad to be going home.

It was close to 9 o'clock already by the time I got home, so I immediately started getting ready for bed. I read for a while in bed before finally giving up on waiting for Ollie and went to sleep. I didn't hear Ollie when he came back in, but I did wake up at 6:30 to find him curled up next to me. I had fallen asleep lying on my back, which I only do when I'm extremely tired, and this time I found Ollie's sexy naked body facing me, his left leg draped over mine, his soft cock pressed against my hip, his left arm spread across my chest, his statuesque face resting on my shoulder. His slow, relaxed breath warmed my neck while little endearing bits of drool moistened the skin on my shoulder. From my angle, I had a face full of his boyishly disheveled soft brown hair, which successfully tempted me to reach my right hand over to sensually stroke and tousle through my fingers as I lie otherwise still, savoring the warmth and joy of this physically flawless boy's presence next to me. I again vowed to myself in that moment never to take a single day for granted of this time I got to spend waking up with him in my arms.

I must've laid there absent-mindedly stroking his hair for 20 minutes before I realized how much time had passed, and winced at the thought of Kai and Phoebe's annoyance at my tardiness. Thankfully it was Kai's morning to open the shop with Phoebe and I wasn't expected in until 7, but still, that morning rush on the espresso machine can be brutal if you're understaffed.

Moving as quickly as I could while being careful not to wake my slumbering Adonis, I ran into the bathroom for a couple minutes to do the bare minimum on myself, ran back to toss on some clothes, and shot out the door, down the stairs, and up the street on my block-long commute to my cafe.

I arrived only a couple minutes after 7, greeted by the slightly sour, slightly bemused expressions on Kai and Phoebe's faces and the bright smiles on the faces of the three regulars waiting on their drinks who had realized that I would be there to make their drinks after all. Kai does an equal if not actually better job on the machine, but there's a certain psychology to a regular's expectations and routines that makes them think that only 'their' barista makes their latte right. It's endearing, but also can be a little frustrating for both me and Kai. The only difference is that only one of us wants to stab that customer to death because of it, and that someone isn't me.

"Good morning, Jeff!" the regulars cried in unison.

"Mornin', princess. Did we disturb a good dream or something?" Kai asked with a sly, sarcastic smile. After first coming on board with next to zero self-confidence, I had worked over the years to build Kai up while she took on more and more responsibility. By that point, she knew that she was valuable enough to me that she could get away with not speaking to me with the deference of a subordinate.

"Very funny. Sorry, friends. How'd the morning go so far?"

"Nothing we couldn't handle. We did have to answer several hundred excited questions of 'where's Jeff?', but other than that, it was fine," Phoebe replied.

"Oh, I doubt it was several hundred. 80 at the most," came my witty retort.

"Plus, it gave Kai and me a chance to gossip about you, so that was good."

"Oh?" I asked with a tinge of worry in my voice.

"You're in the circle of trust here, boss. No worries," was the reassurance from my in-charge, no-nonsense assistant manager.

Once there was a brief lull in the stream of customers, Kai playfully elbowed me in the ribs and teased, "So have you been having fun with your new puppy, boss? He sure is a cute one. I mean, if you're into that sort of thing. More into pussy... cats myself."

We were all three rolling with childish laughter when the next wave of customers came in.

"Mornin' everybody! Did I miss a funny joke?" asked Fred as he bounded up to the counter. Arriving earlier than usual, he was a jovial regular who normally camped out between the morning and lunch rushes and shot the breeze with us while we worked. A bit of a Norm-like figure around the shop.

"Fred!" we all cried out together, with Josh poking his head out from the back to join in the cheer.

"We were just making fun of the boss before you came in."

"Boy, you sure let your employees get away with murder, Jeff."

"Meh, they pretty much manage themselves, so I give them a lot of slack. If I have to take a bit of verbal abuse in return, so be it."

"Well, I think you should put up a medieval torture device or two in the basement to keep them in line."

"Who says I haven't already?"

"If you had, boss, you know I would have used it on a few former-employee punks several times over by now," Kai said as she joined the banter while only half joking.

"So if you're in this early today, does that mean we won't be seeing you later on, Fred?" I asked.

"Just a doctor's appointment that'll probably take the rest of the morning. I don't want to be thinking of coffee while I'm sitting there, so here I am."

"Well, I hope all goes well. We can't be losing you, Fred, so you take care of yourself," I said with a firm smile as I handed him his drink and sent him off.

We continued on through the day's routines, and before I knew it, it was nearly 11 o'clock. Ollie came in, although he had the day off, and sat by my backroom desk to say hello.

"Good morning, kiddo. Did you get in pretty late?"

"Good morning, boss. Yeah, I guess. It was after midnight at least. I went with Brett and a few of the other guys back to one guy's house and we hung out and played a little poker. They even let me have a beer with them. It was really fun."

"Did you guys win?"

"Yeah, 1-0."

"So I didn't miss much action in the second half, I take it."

"There was tons of action! Just no goals. I guess you're not a soccer fan?"

"Not really. I can get into it when there's a lot of other fans around me cheering, but otherwise I have a hard time with it."

"That's cool. Probably good for us to have our own things, right?"

"How'd you get so wise, boy?"

"Well, I think I've experience more than most my age."

"No kidding. Well, I gotta get back to work here kiddo. You hungry? Have Josh tell you what's up for grabs and then help yourself. You could even ask Diana to take a short break and sit with you. Ask Josh, but I figure he won't really need her back here again until 11:30."

"Good idea! Thanks, boss." He practically sprinted across the back room over to the prep area to talk to Diana and Josh, and after they grabbed some food, the two little cuties were excitedly making their way out to the dining room chattering in rapid-fire Spanish and smiling broadly. I sighed to myself with a mix of bittersweet joy and resignation, as the sight of it confirmed that the day would not be far off when I wouldn't have him lying next to me in bed every morning.

"You ok over there, Josh?"

"Yeah, we'll be fine here. I told them we can handle it well enough for them to sit out there till noon."

"That's good of you. But if it suddenly gets too busy, don't be afraid to change your mind and pull her back in."

"No worries, boss."

I gave him a thumbs up and went back to work. Once I had wrapped up the most pressing matters, a few minutes past 11:30, and the lunch rush now underway, I made my way out to the dining room to make my rounds checking on my crew and greeting customers.

As I kneeled down tableside, chatting with Sergeant Jenkins and his patrolman lunch companion of the day, I could overhear bits and pieces of Ollie and Diana's conversation at the next table. They were speaking in slightly hushed tones, and the few words I plucked out told me they must have been discussing the intimate nature of their respective arrangements with me and Maria.

I did make out one clear phrase from Diana to Ollie, asked in what I heard as a flat, non-judgmental tone, "activo o passivo?" Top or bottom. She didn't sound shocked or concerned at Ollie's honest answer.

At this point, I tried to nod politely as the sergeant spoke while tuning my attention fully to the kids' conversation. I knew it wasn't polite to eavesdrop like this, but I couldn't help myself.

I was fairly certain I heard Diana say I was "muy simpatico," very kind, and that it made sense I would want that because Ollie was "muy guapo," very handsome. I pictured Ollie blushing at this as I heard him say back to her that she was "muy linda," very pretty. They each sounded quite smitten with the other.

I shook myself out of my impolite eavesdropping and focused back in on Jim and his lunch companion again, then excused myself to go around to the next table and check in.

After Ollie left again for home and Diana returned to working in the backroom, I stayed for another couple hours before making my own way back home. Once there, I found Ollie curled up on the couch, wearing only a pair of tighty-whitey, ones I had forgotten we had bought at the drug store the other day. He was holding tightly to Jerry while Tom nibbled at Ollie's wiggling toes. I did not find feet sexy at all, but I still found myself almost envious of Tom just then.

"Hey, kiddo. How's it going?"

"Oh, hey boss," he said, looking up at me with slightly puffy, reddened eyes.

"What's wrong, bud?"


"Ok, hold it in if you feel you must. But if you're ready to let it out, let me know."

"It's just that..."

I sat down next to his feet and silently began stroking his bare, lightly-haired calves, still leaving room for Tom to remain at his post.

"It's just... I was thinking about my family again. It was all just hitting me again."

"I'm sorry, kiddo. I'm here if you need me."

"Actually, do you think, um, this is gonna sound kinda weird..."

"You won't get any judgment from me, kiddo. You know you don't have to be shy around me."

He reached back and playfully slapped my hand as he chuckled in between sniffles, "Yeah, I'll say! I think you 'know' every part of me pretty well by now. But no, it's, well, whenever I was bummed out about something, my dad and I used to sit together and cuddle in our briefs and watch tv together."

"You want to do that now, kiddo?"

"Could we?"

"Sure thing. I'm pretty sure I have a pair of briefs somewhere. I'll be right back."


I came back to the living room a couple minutes later, wearing only the pair of tighty-whiteys I found stuffed at the bottom of my drawer, a pair I hadn't worn in several years. I was pleasantly surprised to find that they still fit pretty well.


"Perfect. Come sit behind me."

I positioned myself in the corner of the sofa, with one leg stretched along the length of the one side, and the other bent over the edge. Pretty much the same position I sat in as big spoon for the innocent cuddle sessions with Jake.

"Like this?"

"Yes. But Jeff?"


"No funny business this time."

"Deal." I took that to mean that if I was going to play stand-in for his incarcerated father, I shouldn't also be fondling his junk or humping against his backside while I do so. Without either of us needing to say a word, I simply folded my arms across his torso, between his chest and stomach, and he put his own arms over mine as he melted against me with his head resting against my shoulder. Grabbing the remote, I then flipped on to stream some Tom & Jerry cartoons.

"Could we watch Animal Planet instead?"

"No problem." I take it that had been their routine. They were running a program about veterinarians on the savannas of East Africa. I was trying to pay more attention to the tv than to the warmth of his hard teen body pressed into mine, his smooth, golden-tanned skin resting against mine, the boyish scent of his soft, unkempt brown hair, the firmness of his athletic teenage torso as I squeezed him into me, the light hairs on his muscular soccer-player leg tickling against mine, his veiny, soft-leather foot resting against mine, his gentle hands lazily interwoven with mine, or even to the sight of Tom and Jerry curled up now between Ollie's legs, inviting further envy as they snuggled up against the warmth of the boy's temptingly ample package. If I focused too much on all of this, I knew I would be hard as steel pressing against his rear-end, and I might ruin the moment for him. So I focused instead on the sick elephants, pregnant giraffes, and injured rhinos. We didn't exchange a single word for nearly two hours. I just sat there holding him, allowing him to feel like a boy again, consoling him as he sat wrapped in the arms of his protector.

Finally, after a program on sharks wrapped up, Ollie turned his head up to look at me and asked, "Want to go for a run?"

Content to leave this cuddle-time undiscussed, and aware of my need for exercise, I readily agreed.

I took my cues from Ollie upon seeing that he opted for the basketball shorts rather than the Jake-style porno running shorts, knowing that I should actually focus on the run this time and not checking out his ass the whole time. In fact, we ran side by side the whole time, in contrast to previous runs where he would tease me by running just far enough ahead of me for me to stare at the tight muscles of his amazing ass as he ran.

We had a great four-mile run along the river, and on our way back, we walked through the town square to find the popular taco truck run by my friend and former employee Juan. I suggested we stop there for dinner.

"Hey Juan! Can you hook me and my young friend here up with a few tacos? I'll have to run back down with money in a bit though. Didn't carry any on our run."

"No problem, jefe!" I liked that Juan still called me 'boss', and a play on words for my name. Neither of us really looked at the other's business as competition, and we still got along great.

Ollie proceeded to order for us in Spanish, and Juan perked up when he could shoot the breeze with the kid in Spanish. I threw in a couple words myself, but I was nowhere near as fluent as Ollie.

We continued walking around the town square to keep our legs moving after the run, while we wolfed down several of Juan's incredible tacos and a bottle each of Jarritos, Mexican soda.

I let Juan know I would be right back with money, and Ollie and I headed back up to the condo. Ollie headed for the shower while I went to grab some money and return to pay Juan. Once I returned, the sexy boy was already mostly dry and sitting naked on the sofa waiting for me.

"Hey boss, go take a shower and join me. Can we watch a movie?"

"Sounds good, kiddo. I'll be right back." I hoped that I took the right hint that he expected me to return wearing the same birthday suit he wore. It turned out I was right. I sat down next to him, bare leg pressing against bare leg, while he hit play on the movie he had queued up. It was a pleasant enough movie about nothing.

"Can I sit in your lap, boss?"

"Heck yeah, kiddo? You can sit in my lap any time you want. No complaints from me."

"Pervert," he chuckled back at me. Once he settled in, my inflating cock squeezed against the tight crack separating the two muscled melons of his fine ass, he began to rock his ass slightly back and forth against me. It didn't take long before I was hard as a rock.

"Do you want to put it in me while we sit and watch this?"

"Kinky. I like it. You ready for me?"

"Yeah, I used my time in the bathroom wisely."

He lifted his butt up from my lap enough for me to position the head of my stiff penis against his puffy pink hole. Once he felt me gently knocking on his back door, he lowered himself in one slow, smooth motion until his firm cheeks came to rest against my waist. He straddled his legs on either side of mine and leaned back against me, exhaling with contentment as he felt my full length inside of him.

"Mm, that feels nice, boss. Can you just hold me like this?"

"Sure, kiddo. I just like being inside of you."

We continued to watch the movie like this, with Ollie periodically flexing the muscles of his sphincter against my invading cock or stroking slightly up and down a few times to masturbate me with the warm, velvety glove of his rectum, keeping me in a permanent state of half-to-full erection inside of him. Whenever he would make these small motions, I would lightly kiss his shoulder to encourage him, while I squeezed my arms around his hard teen abs. Neither of us sought orgasm, content to simply sit with our nude bodies melded together as we passed the time.


Next: Chapter 17

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