Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Mar 30, 2021


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 15 By Jeff Ennig

I left the shop in the hands of those three sexy studs as I made my way home for the evening. I was exhausted. Following the wild ride with Jake, not to mention the thorough draining with Ollie the last few days, all I wanted was to hang out with the kittens, maybe read a book, and just relax.

Once home, I made myself a little cocktail, fed the kittens, made a snack, and went to camp out on the porch with a book. Tom and Jerry joined me soon after, curling up together on the seat next to me, basking in the late afternoon sun.

My thoughts drifted to all the wonderful boys I had had in my life. Some came and went, becoming close with me while rolling around together for a season, before we both moved on. We would remain friends, able to call on each other in times of need, but the distance would grow, and certainly the sex would fade away or abruptly stop. Wyatt would surely to fit into that pattern, as many before him had done so.

Things with Jake, tough, big stud that he was, were not like that. Even after three years of our occasional intense sessions of passion, he could still revert to the vulnerable, innocent little boy he was when I first met him.

And with Ollie, although right now I was the only person in the world the poor kid could feel close to for the moment, I had a strong feeling that the bond we had so quickly formed would not simply fade away as he moved on in the world. With both of these boys, we had formed a deep bond of trust that I knew would stay with us for years to come. My heart filled with affection for them as I said a silent prayer of thanks for having the chance to be a positive force in their lives, and for how much fuller they made my own life.

As I sat and reflected on the last several days, my mind spun in circles at the thought of just how many times I had gotten off with either Jake, Wyatt, or Ollie. Far more action than I'm accustomed to, or if I'm being honest with myself, really more action than I actually prefer.

Certainly, I don't pass up the opportunity when a smolderingly hot college stud wants to have his way with me. And I won't pass up the opportunity to have my way with Ollie's spectacular, tight little soccer jock ass when he's in the mood to offer it up. But now that I'd established that level of intimacy with Ollie, and hopefully reassured Jake of his own continuing place in my life, I found myself hoping to settle into a less wild routine. Maybe it was age, or maturity, or just my temperament, but I knew I couldn't keep up the pace I had had those last few days.

After I made myself some dinner and did a few light chores, the time was approaching 9 o'clock and I was feeling tired enough to get ready for bed pretty early. As I made my way down the hall to my bedroom, the door opened with Ollie coming back in after his closing shift with Jake and Wyatt.

"Hey kiddo! How did it go?"

"All good, boss. Pretty good-sized dinner crowd for a Tuesday, but we managed it fine. Jake asked Josh and Elise to stay an extra hour past their shifts to help us catch up so we could close on time."

"Well, I'm sure that was the right call. If you're still hungry at all, there's some leftovers of what I made for myself in the fridge. Help yourself."

"Nah, I'm good. I think I'm just gonna grab a quick rinse in the shower and turn in. I know we both work early tomorrow. I'll see you in bed in a few minutes."

"Sounds good, kiddo."

Curled up naked under the sheets, I waited for Ollie to return from his shower and climb into bed. Tom and Jerry had already camped out at the foot of the bed curled up together, ready to go to sleep. When Ollie strolled in, stark naked and with his towel over his head drying his hair, I again drank in the sight of his beautifully sculpted 18-year-old body, lightly-tanned with developing muscles and that mouth-watering four-pack abs and pronounced V leading down to his soft, plump cut cock hanging over his adolescent testicles. I smiled to myself that this delightful young boy had given me free access to caress, explore, and even penetrate this work of art at my leisure.

Lowering the towel from his face, Ollie looked over to see me staring glassy-eyed at his nude form, probably drooling slightly.

"Checking me out again, boss? I guess I must be pretty damn sexy to have you trying to eat me up with your eyes all the time."

"You darn sure are that, Oliver. Just remember not to let it get to your head."

"I promise I won't. I just really enjoy the fact that I can turn you on like I do. Makes me happy, I guess."

"That makes two of us."

As I said this, Ollie climbed into bed and made his way to the middle again, sliding his back into me to curl into our now usual sleeping position. I felt like pinching myself that this had become my life at night for the moment. It was a moment of tender intimacy rather than raw sexuality, with my little lieutenant remaining decidedly soft against his hard buns. I savored the feeling of the whole of this lovely boy's warm, firm body being enveloped by my own body from head to toe, and I slowly breathed in his scent before letting out what was on my mind.

"Listen kiddo, I've been thinking..."

"Thinking how much sexier I am than Jake or Wyatt?"

"No, silly boy. And you are extremely sexy, but I will never get into comparing your sexiness and Jake's. As for Wyatt, he is very, very hot, but you are so much more to me than that, so yes, you are sexier than him to me. Just don't tell him I said so."

"Deal. So what's on your mind?"

"I just wanted to say that I know you know how much I've enjoyed the exciting physical intimacy we've had these last few days."

"You mean you've actually enjoyed fucking my tight ass senseless? Could've fooled me!"

"Haha, very funny. I'd be crazy not to enjoy getting inside that amazing ass of yours. I'm very thankful you've allowed us to become close in that way."

"Well, it's not like it hasn't been good for me, too, Jeff. I had no idea it would feel so good, but I think it has more to do with the fact that the dick moving inside me is a part of you, not so much the fact that it is a dick. It's like Jake and I discussed at his frat house on my birthday. I don't stress about it because I don't think it makes me gay or anything. I just really like being close with you, and I like that you want to be close with me, and that's all there is to it."

"I'm glad to hear that you look at it that way. So what I really wanted to say was that, as much as I've had fun drilling your ass relentlessly the last few days, I hope you aren't expecting that I'm going to want to pound your tight little tushy every day or anything. I'm really not wired that way, and I mostly will just enjoy being close to you like this."

"Yeah, I kinda thought that might be what was on your mind. Once it was just the three of us left at the shop tonight, Wyatt, Jake, and I actually talked a little about this. Once we compared notes and realized just how much of a workout your balls have gotten these last few days, we figured we'd need to ease up on the old man a bit."

"Hey, I'm not that old! And sure, it's partly to do with age, but also, I just really want the focus of our relationship, like my relationship with Jake, to be more about intimacy than passion. I mean, hot boys like Wyatt are different, that's really more about passion with a little intimacy. But I want you to know you and Jake are both special to me, and I want the intimacy to outweigh the passion. Passion fades, but the trust that comes with intimacy does not. So please just let me know if ever you're really in the mood for a good pounding, and I'll let you know if I'm so ever so horny that I absolutely have to have my way with you. Deal?"

"Deal, boss. This ass will be available to you anytime you need it, but otherwise, I really like just lying here with you holding me like this. You make me feel safe and remind me I'm not alone in this world."

I started to stiffen against his crack a bit at this moment, but decided to ignore that and just hold him tightly to me as we both relaxed into each other.

"Good. That's what I wanted to hear. Now let's get some sleep. Good night, kiddo. Sweet dreams."

"Good night, boss."

That night, I slept better than I had in quite a while. Ollie reported the same thing as we both woke to the alarm at 5:30 the next morning.

We moved about in harmony through the bathroom and bedroom to get ready quickly for the day. Once we were both ready to go, Ollie quickly went to clean to litter boxes while I got their food ready. Tom and Jerry poked their furry little heads out to meow a thanks at us both as we walked out the door and down the stairs to face the early morning chilly air.

I again placed a possessive hand at the base of his neck and gently massaged him as we casually strolled toward the back alley behind the Apollo. I was quite relaxed by the fact that we would actually be on time to meet Phoebe at the door and have enough time to do a thorough job of prepping the place before opening the doors to undercaffeinated customers at 6.

"Yay! You're on time, Jeff!" Phoebe chirped. "And good morning, Ollie! You're going to shadow me while I run around getting the place ready. Just keep up."

"Ay ay, captain! And good morning, Phoebe. Or should I call you Pheebs?"

"Well, sweetie, I guess I like you enough to let you call me Pheebs. Now follow me."

I smiled as I watched his cute little buns, the buns I was now very well acquainted with, as the muscles flexed inside his tight blue shorts to propel him in a scurry behind Phoebe, hurriedly prepping the upstairs while I made my way downstairs to the safe.

After a little more banter back and forth, we opened the doors and let the morning wave of customers begin. I enjoyed my usual post at the espresso bar, while Ollie floated around helping Phoebe. The early morning regulars seemed to respond well to Ollie and Phoebe together. I was especially amused to observe when most of the top cops in town came in, which didn't happen every morning.

Chief Phil Barrett, a tall, barrel-chested silver fox with an appropriately commanding demeanor, Sergeant Jim Jenkins, a kind, handsome, mildly overweight man who came in daily with a different patrol officer for lunch, and Det. Linda Rodriguez, a young, beautiful, tough-looking Hispanic woman, all seemed to linger at the register talking up Phoebe and Ollie. But mostly Ollie.

Meanwhile, Linda's partner Lt. Det. Devonte Hodges, a tall, chiseled, late-30s Black man with an authoritative presence and a strong resemblance to Taye Diggs, stood by the espresso counter chatting with me while he waited for the lattes for all four of them. With no one else within earshot, Devonte and I shared a laugh at how Phil, Jim, and Linda all seemed to salivate at the sight of the gorgeous youth standing behind the counter.

"I see you got some new eye candy for the Chief to enjoy. And for Jim and my partner too. Maybe they'll both be coming in here a little more often."

"Haha, yeah, having him here certainly doesn't hurt business, that's for sure! He's really a great kid. Name's Ollie. New in town."

"That's cool. Does he have people here?"

"Our Apollo crew has pretty much become the kid's family here. I'd like to think he's being well taken care of."

"He got a place to stay?"

"I took him in myself for now, actually. I'll set him up in his own place when the time's right."

"Jeff takes in another stray, eh? Man, we should get a medal for you or something."

"Look who's talking! With all you're involved in, you're practically Superman!"

"Let's not get carried away. I do my part."

"I'll say."

It was particularly fitting to be having this talk with Devonte. He was pretty active with the youth in town, as an assistant coach in the youth sports program, in the Big Brothers program, and I think he even volunteered with the youth group at his Baptist church. He always seemed to have an eye out for troubled kids. And he ran his home property like a kind of youth camp. But unlike certain coffee shop proprietors or police chiefs, he really didn't seem to have an eye for mentally undressing all the sexy looking youths. He was just a caring guy. I had almost thought he might even be asexual or something, until his next question.

"Hey, so, different topic. Can you tell me anything about that waitress of yours, Sondra? I'll talk to her myself, but you know, it's nice to get a little intel first."

"I hear ya. She is a great lady. Let's see, let me think what she'd be ok with me sharing. Hard worker, single mom, loves her kids. They're 7 and 9, I think. Boy and girl. I don't see her date much, but you never know. Go for it, dude. If she doesn't go for a handsome and caring detective, then I just don't know who would have a chance with her."

"Thanks, man. Oh, and thanks for making my favorite cookies today. You know I love these Elvis cookies you make."

"You bet. I don't know why more people don't. Who doesn't love peanut butter, banana, and bacon?"

"Some people just don't have no sense."

"Agreed. Alright, there's the drinks, my friend. Now go and catch us some crooks."

"Will do, Jeff. See you around."

I briefly watched him as he left. Devonte wasn't really my type, but he is a fine-looking man. I waved goodbye to Phil, Jim, and Linda as well, as a new wave of customers streamed in. Eric was among them. I wasn't all that surprised to see him choose this morning to stop in early again. Somehow he must have known Ollie would be here. I was a little too busy to chat, but I gave him a quick wink and a smirk as I handed him his cortado.

Who I was surprised to see was Brett. Besides the Sunday brunch event for the choir, I had never seen him come into the Apollo before. He made his way down to the espresso counter to wait for his cappuccino.

"How are you this morning, Brett?" Before I asked, he seemed to be looking around or staring off into space, still half-asleep. He looked up, almost like he was surprised to hear me talking to him. So painfully shy!

"Oh, good morning, Jeff. I'm good. A little tired."

"Well, I'm glad to see you in here. Hope it becomes a regular thing!"

"It seemed like a cool place when I was in here on Sunday. Haven't had to get up this early all summer, but I've got an early faculty meeting this morning to prepare for the fall semester."

"I hope you'll be awake enough for dinner tonight, and for that pick-up match that Ollie's tagging along for. I think he's pretty excited about it."

"Yeah, I should be fine by then."

"Want to come by about 5:00? I'll make something light but filling for you boys."

"That sounds good."

"Any allergies?"

"Just Starbuck's."

"Ah, a man of taste. I like it. Ok, see you tonight around 5. And hey, thanks again for bringing Ollie along."

"It's my pleasure. If the kid's any good, it'll be nice to have him on my team!"

"Yeah, I'm curious about that too. Might even drop by for a bit myself to watch a little."

"You're welcome to. We aren't much good, but we have fun."

"Cool. Later then."

"Yeah, see ya."

Once he turned to walk out the door, my eyes feasted on his well-muscled back and thick arms framed by an appropriately tight polo, and strong, hairy legs exposed by his dress-shorts and boat shoes. Didn't care for boat shoes normally, but just about anything would look sexy on that hot, brooding science nerd. Turning back to the bar, I caught Ollie's eye and saw a smirk on his cute face, knowing he had caught me drooling over Brett. I just smiled and shrugged my shoulders slightly as I went back to work.

After the morning rush had faded, Diana came in for another day of training. Ollie perked up upon seeing her. If he were a puppy, his little tail would have been wagging furiously. I decided to pair them up again to help Diana get the hang of things, and sent them in the back to work with Josh on clean up and lunch prep.

I sat at my desk in the back room, watching them work out of the corner of my eye, pleased to see them hitting it off so well and to see Diana catching on and working hard. When Ollie led Diana back out to the dining room for a moment, I called Josh over to get his take on how Diana was working out. I couldn't ask Ollie because he wouldn't exactly be neutral.

"Yeah, boss, I think she'll work out great here. There's a bit of a language barrier, but she's smart enough to catch on anyway. I don't think she'll slow anyone down if that's what you're worried about."

"Not really worried, just was hoping to have someone else confirm my own impressions. Thanks, Josh."

"Sure thing, bossman."

We were lucky to have Josh, in that he seemed completely happy to stick to his backroom dominion, not overly inclined to socialize, neither ambitious nor lazy, just content, reliable, and honest. A patient teacher of the many lost young creatures that came through our doors. Completely average looking, never flirted with any of the many hot-looking employees of either sex, and kept to himself. Never called in sick, and took the same six weeks off every year like clockwork. It was an absolute mystery to all on staff as to what on Earth he did in his free time, and I'm sure that's just how he liked it. My own silent theory was that he was either a Beautiful Mind-type genius or a Dexter-style serial killer, but I figured it wasn't my job to find out which. He was also by far the longest-serving employee at the Apollo, first starting nearly 20 years ago as a 14-year-old busboy, two owners ago. Thus, he also sort of doubled as a walking history book. Couldn't really ask for a better back-of-house employee.

As the lunch rush rolled around, I pulled Ollie out onto the floor to shadow Sondra, hoping to get him ready to be on his own in the 'front of house'. He was too good with people and too good looking to be stuck in the back. Diana was by that point in good hands with Josh. Several customers seemed to follow either or both Sondra or Ollie with their eyes as they roamed about, including Eric the pervy professor (eyeing Ollie), Sergeant Jenkins (eyeing both), and his lunch companion and new young rookie cop, Heidi (eyeing Sondra). I think they did pretty well on tips for that shift.

Not long after the sergeant and the rookie had left, toward the tail end of the lunch rush, Lt. Det. Hodges came in for a quick bite, something he rarely did. I caught him at the door and steered him toward one of Sondra's tables. And being the good wingman, I took Ollie aside to send him in the back to check on Diana for a while. My matchmaking efforts did not seem wasted, as they seemed to strike up a good banter while the frenzy of the lunch rush died away. Devonte lingered well after most lunch customers had left, and looked as though he had gotten her number by the time he made his way out.

"How was your lunch today, Devonte?" I asked as I met him again at the door.

"I'll let you know after this weekend. I got me a date Saturday."

"Alright!" I said as I playfully punched the solid muscles of his shoulder.

"And don't think I didn't notice you playing wingman there. I won't forget it."

"As you'd say, I do my part."

"Haha, ok. See you around, Jeff."

I figure it's never a bad idea to have the local cops be in your fan club. One of the perks of running the town's favorite hangout. It's also a good idea to have happy employees. And Sondra seemed pretty light on her feet suddenly. Still, I didn't want her to know of my meddling in case things didn't work out.

Before long, it was time for me to head home and begin to prepare dinner. I left Ollie to finish up working with Diana in the back, telling him to head home before too long so he could give me a hand.

While I was pulling ingredients out for a light little Mediterranean fish concoction I planned to make, Ollie came home, darted into the bedroom, then the bathroom, and emerged a few minutes later wearing only his jockstrap. He sauntered into the kitchen and asked what he could help with.

I practically dropped the onion I was holding as I stared at this boy Adonis strutting in his jockstrap and spinning around to give me the full view of his beauty.

"Whoa! Hello there! Nice to see those beautiful buns again. And you trying to distract me, kiddo?"

"Maybe. Just wanted to thank you for pairing me with Diana so much today. And this is the best way I know how to thank you."

"You know, some people give thank you cards. But I'll take this thank you show anytime. Do you want to help by chopping some vegetables for me?"

"Sure thing, boss," he said as he stationed himself in front of the cutting board and got to work.

I was still prepping the fish when he turned toward me and flirtingly shook his bare butt as he sighed, "I don't think I'm chopping this right. You'd better come over here and show me how to do it right."

"Tease. I know what you're doing. Give me one minute and I'll be right over."

As I tossed the fish in to steam, he leaned slightly forward so his butt stuck out slightly, and kept up the slow swaying of his tight, picture-perfect jockstrap-framed ass. I could wait no longer. I kicked off my shoes, dropped my pants and underwear and tossed them aside as I made my way to standing behind Ollie. I planted my hardening rod between his oh-so-tight cheeks as I slid my hands down each of his arms, putting my left hand over his as it gripped a green pepper, and my right hand over his as it held the knife. At a methodical and far-slower-than-necessary pace, we sliced the pepper, as I slid my now rock-hard cock up and down along his crack, savoring the warmth emanating from my favorite part of this boy's body.

"We may not have time for you to give me a proper fucking right now, boss, but maybe you want to just put it in me for a bit while we work here? I'm already cleaned and lubed up for you."

"Wow, you're so prepared, kiddo!" I exclaimed as I reached one hand down to aim my tip at his rear entrance.

I slid in to the hilt with ease, and just held it there while I reached my hand back around to his bare abs, and released my other hand from his as I placed it on his firm, smooth chest. I wasn't really in the mood to take him hard and fast right then, nor would it have been wise while he wielded a sharp knife. But it was such an incredibly erotic, sensual moment to stand there embedded fully within his gorgeous teen body, holding his taut four-pack abs with one hand and lightly-sculpted smooth pecs with the other, just squeezing myself to him as he worked away on the vegetables.

Keeping my semi-hard cock planted up his rectum, my pelvis firmly pressed against his ass, I lightly kissed his ear and whispered how much I enjoyed standing there planted inside him, melding together with him while he worked.

"I thought you might like this, boss. Oh, and I've come up with a little wingman plan for when Brett gets here."

"Oh, and what's that?" I went fully hard inside of him again as the conversation took this turn. There was something particularly hot about having him talk about being a wingman while I stood impaling his jockstrap-framed buns.

"Well, I thought I'd be in the bedroom, ready to emerge still wearing the jockstrap when he arrives. I can play it off that I was in the middle of changing for soccer, but then strut around for a bit in it and you can see how he reacts. How does that sound?"

"You are a devious little creature. But I think it might work. If he just laughs or seems only just a little embarrassed, I'll know not to waste more energy on him. But if his eyes pop out of his sockets at the sight of you like this, which any man even remotely interested in man-sex would do, then I'll know I should keep working on him."

I resisted the urge to thrust in and out of him just then, holding still inside of him and squeezing tightly to his silky-smooth 18-year-old torso while he chopped away.

"Ok, I'm ready to saute these vegetables now, boss. Walk with me over to the stove?"

"I like how kinky that sounds, but you'd better put an apron on first! Even in pornos where they do this kind of scene, they're wearing aprons."

"Oh yeah, good idea."

After he donned the apron, I helped reach between my stomach and his lower back to tie its strings in place, all while still keeping him impaled on my again semi-inflated dick. I returned my hands to his abs and chest as I began to slowly walk with his body plastered to my own, toward the stove, while he moved the bowls of vegetables to the counter beside it.

I quickly got to full mast inside him again, as my mind flashed to a few different porn scenes that this moment reminded me of. The big difference was this was real, and this boy was even hotter than the hottest barely-legal twink pornstar I'd ever seen, and most of all, I actually cared about this boy.

Now that he was no longer holding a sharp knife, I felt safer in making small thrusting movements inside him while he worked at the sauteing, allowing me to maintain my erection and keep our bodies melded together. Although I was now at least partially tempted to really take him now, I didn't think I wanted the sight of my cum dribbling down Ollie's jockstrap-clad backside to be the first impression Brett got when he came in.

Once the fish, the vegetables, and the couscous were all ready, I told Ollie to place everything in the oven to finish things up. When he bent forward slightly to place the dish in the oven, his firm, warm buns pressed against my pelvis while he tightened his sphincter muscles to squeeze my fully-engorged cock as it rested inside the warm sheath of his anal cavity, and I nearly lost control.

With dinner safely in the oven, I gave a couple more thrusts into my boy Adonis before I slid out of him and proceeded into the bathroom with my underwear and pants to clean myself up and prepare for company, while Ollie made his way into the bedroom to wait for his moment to strike.


Next: Chapter 16

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