Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Sep 4, 2020


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 13 By Jeff Ennig

The music of crickets filled the dark, early morning summer air outside my open windows as I slowly awakened from my delightful slumber. With my body remaining tightly wrapped around young Oliver's smooth, nude body, my morning erection once again had found a home between his legs and poking against his heavy teen balls. What bliss it had been to fall asleep cradling this boy with my hard cock motionlessly impaling him, listening to the gentle rhythm of his slumbering breath. I had begun softening as sleep overtook me, and had clearly flopped out of that tight, velvety chute shortly thereafter. Now I took a deep breath in to savor the intoxicating scent of his athletic teenage masculinity as I stirred awake.

Becoming conscious of once again leaking precum onto the underside of his sack, and knowing I still had some time before absolutely needing to get up for work, I reached down to smear the fluid around my tip, inch my hips back, and aim at his tight entrance. It took a few moments of knocking on his back door with my rock-hard tip before his tight sphincter muscles gave in and accepted me back home. Methodically and gently, I slid myself back inside until I was again fully planted within the body of this sweet young Adonis. Merely wanting to feel the warmth and incredible tightness of his ass around my cock, but without waking the boy up too early, I held myself still while I wrapped my arm back around him and held him tight, giving only miniscule thrusts in and out to maintain my hardness within him.

I held this position, cherishing the feeling of our bodies bonding together, for about ten more minutes until I could no longer ignore life's responsibilities. He let out a soft, almost imperceptible moan as he was suddenly left empty again once I had withdrawn from him, although he seemed to continue to sleep. I rolled out of my side of the bed, and reluctantly dragged myself through the routines of getting ready for the day, including leaving out extra food for Tom and Jerry, before making my way to the cafe to start another day.

"Jeff! Happy Monday! You're practically on time!" Phoebe giddily chirped at me from her post outside the back entrance to the cafe.

"Good morning, Pheebs," I replied, with a lesser level of early morning enthusiasm.

As I opened the door, disarmed the alarm, and went inside with her to begin opening the shop, my slight tiredness did nothing to conceal the look of sexual satisfaction on my face from the inquisitive eyes of my cheerful and perceptive employee.

"You look like you've been gettin' some lately, Jeff."

"I can't hide anything from you, Phoebe."

"Nope, you sure as hell can't. So is this smokin' hot new boy a pretty good lay?"

"Not gonna lie, his is probably the best ass I've ever had."

"Ooh, that cute little tooshie is really something. You weren't kidding, Jeff. The kid is absolutely stunning! How long did it take you to get him to give it up?"

"Six days. I'm not sure, but I think it was a record."

"I just don't know how you do it, Jeff."

"I have my ways, I guess. But he's not just a piece of ass to me. I really like having the kid around."

"You do seem a little different with this one, Jeff. Maybe you'll be able to keep the puppy this time."

"Well, I've kept Jake all this time, haven't I? Ollie's a bit of a keeper, too."

"Jake is more dog than puppy, but sure, I guess I see some similarity to how you look when you talk about Jake. Glad to see that having this kid around is making you happy, Jeff. Plus, the rest of us don't mind having him around here, too. I mean, for an 18-year-old who's that hot to also be a hard worker and not be full of himself, that's a rare find."

"You're telling me. Oh, and when he gets here, don't let on that you know I popped his cherry this weekend. Although he'll probably be pretty chipper when you see him. And not just because I gave him a good and proper fucking this weekend. He's like a love-struck puppy with this girl he just met yesterday, too. She'll be here at 11."

"We're taking in another stray?"

"Oh, don't be so judgmental. Give her a chance, Pheebs."

"Ok, for you I will."

"Good, thanks."

By then, it was time for me to go open the doors to the hordes of under-caffeinated denizens of our fair town, bringing our banter to a halt. The morning rush, as usual, really energized me, as I busily made drinks and caught up with many of my favorite regulars. I'd need the extra energy that day, as I planned to be there until closing, with a few breaks in between. Wyatt would be closing, and I intended to have Ollie staying to close with us for training. I didn't mind the occasional 16-hour workday, but I needed all the energy boost I could get.

With those many quick moments of fun banter with my favorite regulars, the morning rush flew by once again, and like clockwork, the lull hit at 8:59. And right then, Ollie strode in for his 9 o'clock shift, sporting those tight little orange shorts and form-fitting baby-blue polo. Dang, that kid was sexy! I watched as a couple customers again followed him with their eyes as he walked past. Once his backside was in view for me, I caught my breath again at the sight of his perfect ass so tantalizingly framed by those tight little shorts. And I smiled to myself at the thought of how many times I had now claimed that ass for myself.

"Good morning, kiddo! How'd you sleep?"

"Good morning, boss!" he chirped, loudly enough so others could hear as he walked by me. Then, smirking at me as he leaned in to whisper out of range of eavesdroppers, he added, "Maybe I was having a weird dream this morning, but I could have sworn someone stuck their dick back in my ass before they got out of bed."

"Guilty as charged," I whispered back. "Sorry, kiddo, I just don't have the willpower to resist your ass."

"Well, my ass is happy to be of service," he whispered back, before returning to a louder volume as he continued. "Now, I better get my ass to work. Looks like lots of dishes back there." He punched himself in and quickly got to work. I also stepped off the floor, handing the reins to Erin, a capable and pleasant part-time supervisor. She was on hand that day to help give both Kai and Jake the day off after the amazing job they did the day before with the big brunch event.

Soon, I was settled into my back room desk, ready to get some work done while I savored the view over toward the dishwashing area. The scene was reminiscent of one week prior, when he had stood there as a scared youth fresh off of a night in the church shelter, his body displaying bruises, his athletic teen ass temptingly displayed in those loose, clingy basketball shorts. The scene was different this time because I could see in him now a sense of calm, self-worth, and safety, which I felt proud to know I had helped restore in him.

This time was also different because Ollie clearly decided to use the opportunity to tease, flirt, and torture. He twisted his back and turned his head to look at me, catching me with my eyes firmly glued to the firm mounds of muscle encased in his little shorts. He winked at me, flashed a little grin, and then turned around to resume washing the dishes. Every so often, he would back slightly away from the sink, lean down and over toward the dishes and feign an intense pursuit of scrubbing some spot. To others, he just looked like a hard worker, but from my vantage point, I could discern his true intent, namely to cause me maximum distraction as he afforded me a better view of his spectacular ass. He cast one more furtive glance in my direction, knowing full well he was torturing me. I took more mental snapshots of the scene as I looked forward to driving myself hard into those tight buns later that evening.

Finally, I managed to regain a little focus and get a few things done. Before long, it was 11 o'clock. I could hear from outside the door to the backroom, as Diana approached Erin and asked "Meester Heff... is here?"

"Yes, sweetie, he's right through there," Erin cheerfully replied.

Like the amorous teen he was, Ollie nearly leaped away from the sink as he excitedly turned to the side to face the beautiful girl with whom he was newly infatuated. "Hola, Diana! Que gusto verte de nuevo!" He certainly wasn't subtle with the girl as he giddily let her know he was happy to see her again.

She just giggled and looked down at her feet as she continued to walk over to my desk. I invited Ollie to join us in case I'd need help translating anything. I explained that we'd first go fill out some paperwork and put together her schedule, and then I'd send her off to shadow Ollie for the next several hours, learning everything she needed to know about the place.

We took our time filling out the paperwork and making the schedule, spending a good deal of time chatting and getting to know each other, with the help of Ollie as partial interpreter. I was impressed by how much English vocabulary Diana had been building up, even if she had a ways to go before she felt confident.

I learned that Diana was only a few months older than Ollie, that she was from Guatemala, and that her mother tongue was a Mayan language, rather than Spanish, making English her third. We bonded briefly over the parallels with her people struggling to keep up their language in Guatemala and my mother's people's struggles with Welsh in Britain. We shared a few laughs over it, and this bonding seemed to put her more at ease to open up as she sighed and said "I meess my mama and papa very mucho."

Not wanting to press further into a topic that was clearly painful for her, I quickly chimed in with, "Lamento escuchar eso, Diana. Sorry to hear that. I hope you feel welcome here. Now, I think it's time to get to work, so Ollie, could you take her upstairs and start showing her the ropes?"

"Sure thing, boss!" He looked so happy, like a puppy, that I half expected to see a tail wagging. The kids bounded down the hall and up the stairs while I wrapped up a couple more things before getting back upstairs to help with the lunch rush. As the mid-afternoon lull set in, I returned to my back room desk to take care of a few more things. Moments later, Wyatt waltzed into the back room and approached the desk, ready for our closing shift.

The 20-year-old soccer stud with the smoldering-hot Mediterranean-looking body was dressed to make heads turn and mouths water. He had squeezed himself into a pair of short green mesh shorts, free-balling as his five-inches-soft sausage hung along his left leg. The waistband rode low enough to display the top of his neatly trimmed pubes, with a white T-shirt so tight it looked painted on, cutting off just above the rippling six-pack abs, showing off the black hair of his treasure trail. His olive skin glistened with sweat, and I drooled slightly at the sight of his well-defined V drawing my eyes down to his tantalizing bulge. He clearly intended to get my blood pumping that day, and he flashed a satisfied grin as my face showed him he had accomplished his mission.

I gazed longingly into his passionate coal-black eyes as I greeted him. "Hey there, stud. You look like you're ready to get down to business today."

With no one else within earshot at the moment, he lithely moved his muscular 6'2 body to the side of the desk, thrust his groin in my direction, and seductively scratched himself below his belly button. The scent of his jock sweat wafted into my nostrils, driving me wild with desire. In a husky, hormone-filled voice, he replied, "You know it, boss. I'm especially looking forward to when it's just us left in the shop. I have something I need to show you in your office."

As if it were possible, he might even be less subtle than Jake when he's in the mood to take me for a ride. He knew I never messed around upstairs, but I considered my basement office fair game.

"Well, in that case, maybe we should just close the shop right now so we can head downstairs."

"We'll see, boss. I wouldn't want to short-change Ollie on learning how to close up the place. But we can keep him busy upstairs while we go downstairs for a little show-and-tell."

The day continued on as customers began to stream in during the early evening hours. Wyatt went about successfully liberating a hefty stack of cash from the wallets of awestruck customers as he worked his tables through the dinner rush. As closing time approached, Diana had already headed home, along with the rest of the crew, leaving only a few stragglers in the dining room and just Ollie, Wyatt, and me remaining to close up.

I headed first to the bathroom to prepare myself for later. Back out again, I saw Wyatt showing Ollie a list of things to take care of upstairs, then left the new kid to work away as the big soccer stud followed me downstairs to my office. He practically shoved me inside the office as he whipped the door shut behind us, grabbed me by the waist and thrust me up against the wall. He pressed himself up against me, sensuously rubbing his body up and down against me as he began to kiss the side of my neck.

"You sure are a horny one, today, stud."

"Just been looking forward to showing you a good time, boss. I can't let Jake have all the fun, can I?"

I could feel his cock harden against my thigh as he continued to slowly rub up and down against me while he licked and kissed along my neck and up toward my ear. He had an incredible talent for using his eight-inch meaty cock to drive me to the heights of pleasure, and this time would be no exception.

"Well, Jake's not here right now. Show me what you got, stud." I knew it really turned him on for me to talk about Jake and me, and to call him 'stud'. Our dynamic was pure physical passion, driven for him by a need to compete with Jake. I was more than happy to benefit from that competitiveness. There wasn't the same deep emotional bond like I had with my lacrosse jock. Though Jake, like the reliable wingman he is, allowed Wyatt to think that our thing was also purely physical. Their respective performances as lovers were truly on par, and I didn't feel the need to make this stud think there was anything with Jake that I didn't also have with him. The sex was just too amazing to say anything to make this stud feel in any way inadequate.

Speaking of inadequate, his massive hard-on was anything but. I slipped my hand into the tight confines of his mesh shorts and began to feel along the length of his steel rod. While he tongued along my ear, he expertly undid my pants and let them and my underwear drop to my ankles, leaving our shirts on. I kicked them aside before he reached up to my armpits to hoist me up. As he raised my body along the wall, continuing to press into me, I wrapped my bare legs around his waist while he brought his mouth over mine and thrust his powerful tongue inside.

"I'm so hot for you, boss," he panted out in between tongue thrusts.

"I can't wait for you to get that thing inside me, stud."

He used his weight pressing me into the wall and the strength of his well-muscled soccer legs to hold me in position as he fumbled in a small pocket of his shorts for a condom, ripped it open, flung his shorts down to his feet and kicked them free, and then reached down to unfurl the covering over his massive cock. Owing to his promiscuous reputation with the ladies and the purely physical nature of our relationship, I never let him in my back door without his raincoat on. One more difference from Jake which would remain unknown to this sexy Mediterranean stud.

With everything in place, he pulled his mouth away from mine so he could stare into me with his soulful black eyes while he lined up the tip of his sheathed cock and began to press. I pushed out to ease his entrance, and felt the fat, spongy head force its way in. He smirked as my eyes went wide and my mouth went agape, and I gasped out, "Oh, ooh, you feel amazing, stud."

"I love how tight you are, boss. Unlike any pussy I've been in. Your ass feels so good around my cock. Take all of it," he grunted as he thrust the rest of it inside me in one quick motion.

As his big cock shoved quickly past my prostate and deep into my bowels, I felt as though the wind was knocked out of me. I felt his swinging balls slap against my ass and his trimmed hairs scratch against my taint as he returned his mouth to mine and overtook me with his tongue. He kept his hands firmly planted on each half of my impaled ass, his biceps bulging as he did his part to hold up my weight while his cock split me in two.

With a slow, seductive passion, he wiggled and swiveled his way in and out of me at a steady pace, finding the angles to press his thick cock head against my prostate as he maneuvered within me. He established a rhythm of strokes to hit my button over and over again, his long, thick cock snaking around within me and his hips dancing like a magical sex machine.

I continued to grab his shoulders for leverage as I rocked my body along with his in a passionate dance against the wall of my office. His tongue continued to dominate my mouth while I breathed in his intoxicating young male scent through my nose. His big dick slithered around inside of me, shocking my prostate like a cattle prod as my entire body began to tingle. I dug my one heel into his lower back and squeezed his shoulders, trying to melt into him as he continued his expert manipulation of my body.

We carried on our erotic tango against the wall like this for what felt like hours. Suddenly, the door opened, and Ollie walked in, headphones on, and repeated the same startled expression on his face as he had had a few days earlier upon walking in on me and Jake.

Ollie removed his headphones, chuckled a little as he quickly regained his composure, and said, "Wow, wasn't expecting that! I was just gonna grab some supplies. Want me to come back later?"

Wyatt panted out in reply, never breaking his rhythm, "Hey, dude. No, go ahead and grab what you need. You almost done upstairs? I'm almost done fucking the boss."

Ollie doubled down on the blunt talk, adding, "Yeah, everything's done upstairs. Hey, boss, how come you haven't fucked me in that position yet? That looks like fun."

Wyatt looked back at me and smiled as he continued his methodical dancing strokes in and out, keeping up the mind-bending stimulation of my prostate. "You been tappin' the new kid's tight little ass, eh boss?"

"Can you blame me? He's got the best ass I've ever seen!"

"Yeah, little dude's got a nice ass. If I were more into dudes, I'd try to tap that, too."

Ollie had finished gathering what he needed and began to leave. "When you guys finish up, I'll be upstairs waiting."

"Later, dude," Wyatt smirked, as he continued his masterful movements within me.

Once we were alone again, Wyatt focused in on what he was doing to me. Looking into my eyes as his fat cock head repeatedly slid past my prostate, he said, "I'm gonna blow soon, boss. You want me to finish you off too, or would you rather save it for the new kid's ass?"

I liked that he was both passionate and considerate of the limitations of my libido. "I swear you have a sixth sense when it comes to sex, stud. You read my mind."

Never breaking his rhythm, he flashed a cocky smile and said, "We all gotta be good at something, boss. Mine is reading people's sexy thoughts. That's how I figured out Jake was doing you on the side. Now hold on for the ride."

With that, he sped up his pace, forcefully thrusting himself in and out of me while I held myself up on his shoulders and with my legs wrapped tightly around his waist, and he still lifting me with his hands on my ass. He and Jake might be the only two I had been with who truly mastered this difficult position. His balls loudly slapped against my ass while he jammed against my love button again and again, while with his tongue, he began again to take over my mouth. I breathed in his masculine scent as he dominated me, and I started to see spots as he drove me to the edge. Just as I felt myself nearing the point of no return, he thrust hard one final time, fully burying himself deep within me, as he filled the condom with an explosion of his male essence.

I felt him shudder as he continued to pump more loads out. Once he had finished, he held still inside of me while he retracted his strong tongue from my mouth and rested his sweaty forehead against mine. "Dang, boss, you sure are a good lay. I just love how tight your ass is, even after all the times Jake and I have stretched you out.

Barely managing to come down from the high without letting loose a hands-free orgasm of my own, I hugged him tightly to me with my legs around his narrow waist and arms around his rippling shoulders. "You're a god among men when it comes to fucking, stud. My ass is honored to host you anytime."

Staying planted inside me for a few moments more, we continued to huff and breathe the same sweat- and hormone-filled air with our foreheads pasted together until at last his big, hot flesh pole softened and plopped out of me. He reached down to slip the condom off his deflated cock, and held up the cum-filled sleeve before our eyes.

"Look what your ass did to me, boss. That right there, that's how much being inside your tight ass turns me on."

With that, he released his hold on my other butt cheek, and I unfurled my legs from around his waist and slowly planted my numb and wobbly legs on to the floor. I held onto his shoulders to steady myself as I felt dizzy from the expert fucking I had just received.

"You did me so good that I can barely stand. My ass is glad it was introduced to your glorious cock, stud."

"Hey, I'm just glad my Spidey sense tingled that time I figured out that Jake secretly liked to take you for a ride, or I might not ever have discovered this. I can't let that fucker outdo me on something!"

"Well, your skills give him a run for his money."

"Thanks, boss. I suppose we better head back upstairs, huh?"

We put our pants back on and ascended the stairs, with Wyatt taking the lead so I could savor the view of his meaty, powerful ass as it flexed inside his tight mesh shorts as he walked, while in his left hand he dangled the cum-filled condom. Once we got back upstairs, Wyatt strutted up to Ollie, waving the condom in his face.

"Check out what the boss brought out of me, dude!"

"That's fucking gross, man. But good for you. Now get that out of my face!" Ollie said, laughing at the cocksure stud's lewd antics. Wyatt walked in his oh-so-tight green mesh shorts over to the bathroom to dispose of the evidence, and re-emerged as we prepared to lock up the place for the night. Once we were all outside in the cool summer evening air, we all smiled at each other and Wyatt spoke first.

"Thanks again for the great lay, boss! I'll see you dudes around." Wyatt then confidently bounded ahead of us, swaggering down the alleyway toward home.

"Good night, man. Thanks for the show," Ollie called out after him. Turning to me, he smiled, and said, "Ready to head home, old man? I bet Wyatt wore you out."

"For sure, I'm ready! Wyatt gave me a good time, but he was nice enough to leave my juices intact so I'd be ready for more fun. Hope you're ready for me, kiddo."

"I think I was making myself pretty clear all day that my ass is at your service today, boss."

As we neared the end of the alleyway, I took advantage of the remaining moments of shelter the buildings provided from any prying eyes as I grabbed hold of his glorious, tight teen ass and squeezed. "Yeah, I noticed. This thing has been calling out my name all day! Now let's get home and do something about that."

I moved my arm up and around his shoulder as we casually strolled down the block together toward the front entrance of my building, enjoying the closeness of this beautiful boy in my arms.


Next: Chapter 14

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