Beautiful Burglar Boy

By Jeff Ennig

Published on Aug 27, 2020


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Beautiful Burglar Boy - Ch. 12 By Jeff Ennig

The hot summer air enveloped us as Ollie and I walked down to the church. Even though it was warm and quite humid out, I kept alternating between lightly holding my hand on his lower back and gently wrapping my hand along the base of his neck as we walked. In making these subtle possessive gestures, I had an almost fatherly desire to make Ollie feel safe and cared for, while also wanting to show off a little as I walked with this gorgeous teen jock at my side. Plus, it was just plain difficult to keep my hands off of him.

We made it into the choir room with a couple minutes to spare. I guided Ollie toward some chairs at the side of the room where guests sometimes sat in on our rehearsals. On the way, Brother Juniper stopped us.

"Good morning to you, Jeff. Lovely to see you arriving early this morning! I see you've brought a visitor with you today."

Knowing full well this wily monk most likely already knew Ollie from the previous Sunday night he had spent in their shelter, I played along with his respectful sense of discretion and introduced Ollie to him, loudly enough for others within earshot to hear.

"Br. Juniper, this is my young friend Oliver. He's new to Spartanville, staying with me while he gets himself established. He claims he's not a singer, but we'll see about that."

"It's a pleasure to meet you, young man. You are most welcome to visit anytime."

"Thank you, sir."

Sexy AND respectful. I silently gave thanks for having this wonderful boy in my life as I continued to guide him toward the visitor chairs. Sitting in another visitor chair was a diminutive, adorable-looking young Latina woman, her features causing me to guess at some kind of Central American indigenous background. She looked down at her feet while Maria stood over her speaking to the girl in what, by my limited knowledge of the language, I could tell was a stilted Spanish Maria had acquired in adulthood.

"Si, Maria, si," I heard the girl say softly.

Maria held her hand on the girl's shoulder as she looked up to see me and Ollie approaching.

"Good morning, boys! I'd like you to meet my friend Diana. She's also new to town, staying with me while she gets settled. I'm afraid she doesn't speak much English yet, but she's a fast learner."

The girl shyly, hesitantly looked up in our direction, not quite meeting our eyes as she spoke. "Mucho gusto, ay, nice... to meet joo."

"Mucho gusto, Diana. Bienvenidos aqui. Welcome here. My name is Jeff, and this is my amigo Oliver," I said, trying to mix in a little English to help her learning along. I consciously avoided being condescending in any way. I knew all too well the experience of being an adult struggling through mastering another language and being aware that you didn't always sound intelligent or intelligible, having spent a good deal of time in my mother's homeland of Wales, struggling to get a hold on the difficult Welsh language.

Ollie then surprised everyone by speaking to Diana in a more confident Spanish than either I or Maria possessed, "Puedo sentarme contigo? Tambien soy nuevo aqui." Asking the shy girl if he could sit next to her and explaining he too was new, Diana let out a small smile, nearly allowing herself to make eye contact with him.

"Si, si," she gestured to the chair next to her.

Ollie smiled at me as he sat down next to the shy girl. I flashed him a quizzical expression, and he offered up, "My family used to spend time in Honduras. Now go rehearse. We'll be fine here."

"Good idea. Now that the kids are settled in, we should really get to our seats," Maria said as she smiled warmly at me.

Our warm-up mini-rehearsal went well. Even though this mass was an important event for the parish, with the archbishop visiting, all of our music selection came from our normal repertoire, so we didn't need all that much rehearsing. I kept looking over to the visitor chairs and saw Ollie occasionally whispering with Diana. They looked so cute sitting there together, 5'7" Ollie and Diana at maybe 5'1". We donned our choir robes, and I snuck over to Ollie to explain that he should duck out with Diana and head upstairs into the sanctuary to grab a pew. Ollie nodded, whispered to Diana, and they rose and left. I took one final chance to check out his mouth-watering backside as he walked off, before I returned my focus to taking my place in the queue for the choir processional.

The mass went off without a hitch, and Br. Juniper was quite pleased with us. As we sat in the choir loft, I could see Ollie and Diana sitting out in the pews. Diana looked more comfortable with Ollie now, even sitting close to him. It suddenly occurred to me that there might be a little spark between these two little cuties. If that were the case, I sure hoped she'd be the type not to block what Ollie and I have going.

The special event for the parish was that it was the 'feast day' of the parish's namesake, St. Bonaventure. All throughout the week, various groups in the parish held little celebrations for it. For my part, I had begun to establish a little tradition of cordoning off a section of my cafe for the choir, and treating everyone affiliated with the choir to brunch. As we recessed out of the sanctuary and down to the choir room to remove our robes and prepare to leave, I caught up to Brett, the sexy, brooding, nerdy young science professor who sang in the bass section. Since he was new to the choir, and relatively new to town, I used that as an excuse to make sure he knew about the brunch and felt welcome to come.

"Yeah, um, I'll be there. Thanks for organizing that. Do I need to bring anything?"

"Nope, it's all set. I'm glad you'll be there," I said flatly but sincerely, not wanting to scare off this tightly-wound stud by being too exuberant.

"Ok, cool. I'll see you there. Thanks," he said, managing to sound both awkward and direct at the same time.

I slowed my pace slightly to return to walking with my tenor section as we returned to the choir room. Once I had my robe stowed away and had gathered myself to leave, Ollie and Diana came in. As they approached me, Maria came up from behind me, and we all four suddenly stood assembled together.

"Well, what'd you think, kiddo?" I asked the young beauty when he came up to me.

"Wow, boss. That was really something. The church I used to go to didn't have a choir anything like that! It's a really beautiful sanctuary too."

"Jes, eet... was... boo-tee-full," Diana offered, working her way bravely through her new language.

"Good, I'm glad you kids liked it! Now I hope you're hungry, because I think Jeff has his crew at the cafe ready with brunch for us to celebrate," Maria chimed in. "Vamanos!"

I saw Ollie whisper a quick translation for Diana to fill in the gaps of what she hadn't caught, and Diana looked up at us and nodded. "Si! Jes, I hoongry! Vamanos!"

We all began to make our way across the town square to the cafe. Our young charges walked a few paces ahead of us while Maria and I chatted away about nothing in particular. My eyes kept wandering to Ollie's tight teen butt to which I had now repeatedly laid claim. But while doing so, I thought I noticed Maria doing the same to the cute little brown girl walking beside my beautiful golden-tanned little white boy.

Perhaps Maria and I had even more in common than I thought. While the kids were beyond earshot, I leaned over to Maria as we walked, and spoke. "So I was thinking, I'd really like to spend more time with you, you know, away from the cafe, the choir, or the courthouse. Could I take you to dinner Friday night?"

"Yes, I'd like that, Jeff. I was beginning to think you'd never ask!"

"Well, believe it or not, but I can be a little shy sometimes."

"Funny, you don't seem too shy around all the studly young boys who float about in your orbit."

I laughed lightly, finding her directness refreshing. "I guess they just bring something out in me."

"I think I can relate to that. I'm sure we'll have more than enough to talk about on Friday," she said as she smiled at me while I held the cafe door open for her. I was immediately greeted with the imposing image of the tall slab of grade-A college beef known as Jake, mercifully looking less like a porn star and more like a professional young man, in a semi-loose polo shirt and not-obscenely-tight slacks. I had no idea that boy even owned such attire. I felt so proud as I thought that maybe my 'little' frat boy was finally growing up.

"Hey, boss! We've got the room all set for you. Kai's keeping everyone in line, and we'll be right in to check on you all."

In our event space, Kai had arranged things perfectly. I told her I wanted people to easily mingle, so she set up several tall 4-5 person tables for standing, a couple long buffet tables for grazing, and most importantly, a beverage table practically blocking the entrance behind which stood Sondra, the Apollo's toughest female contender for Jake's title of hottest employee. Smiling broadly to greet us as we entered, Sondra cheerfully asked "Would you like a mimosa or a bloody mary, Maria? Boss?"

"Oh, a mimosa for me, please, and I'm guessing... a bloody mary for Maria here?" Maria smiled and nodded. "You look very nice today, Sondra."

"Thanks, boss. Kai forced us all to go a little upscale on the attire for today."

"Yeah, I noticed even Jake was dressed a little, ah, out-of-character."

She laughed and rolled her eyes a bit as she finished assembling the drinks and slid them over to us. She got along with Jake professionally, but she certainly wasn't impressed by him. Who she did seem impressed by, however, was Maria. I noticed they both seemed to be making plenty of eye contact and smiling while we made small talk. Interesting.

We carried our drinks to stand at a table by Diana and Ollie. Maria asked Diana in Spanish if she would be okay with Maria sharing some of her story with us, telling the girl that we could be trusted. She nodded hesitantly at this. Maria went on the explain that she had met Diana through a friend who runs a nonprofit rescuing young women from 'difficult situations', and that Maria had taken her into her home for the past three months. Maria had enlisted a friend who worked in immigration law to help Diana obtain asylum, and now was helping her get on her feet and learn English. She was from Guatemala, 19 years old, and had no family to go back to.

I immediately chimed in, looking at Diana, and asked "Quieres un trabajo? Do you want a job?" I wasn't completely sure where we'd fit her in, but I had a good sense about her, and I was sure Kai could help me figure out a role for her. Being tapped into the goings-on in town by knowing so many judges, cops, and other local leaders, I knew that in the last couple years, the cartels had attempted to set up shop in Spartanville as a sort of way-station between bigger cities. I guessed that Diana's misfortune somehow had something to do with those sociopathic assholes, but I didn't feel the need to find out more. Thankfully, the town had successfully quashed the cartels' attempts to gain a foothold here, and they had moved on. The way I figured it, if this girl had survived whatever the hell they did to her, she must be a pretty tough cookie.

Diana looked surprised at my question, and then smiled and said, "Si, por favor! Jes, please, meester Heff, thank joo. Joo name es como jefe!" She smiled as she made a little crack about my name resembling the Spanish work for 'boss'.

"Good! Can you start tomorrow? Mañana?"


"Ollie, I'll put you in charge of showing her around tomorrow until Kai and I figure out what would be a good fit for her."

"Okay, boss! I can do that!" The boy was quite adorably excited at taking on this particular responsibility.

"That is such a relief for me, too, Jeff," Maria said as she smiled at me. "I love having Diana around, but now that I'm sure she's safe from danger and her asylum status is nearly secured, I've become very interested in seeing her get out around other people more."

"Then it sounds like a win-win to me," I concluded, as Ollie whispered into Diana's ear to fill in the translation gaps. I was also happy to see Ollie expand his circle a bit more, although I was nervous about what this all might mean for my future ability to have regular access to his amazing ass. We all stood and chatted, bits of both languages flying about, as we continued to eat.

Maria and I went back to Sondra to get another round, and I proposed that we start mingling a bit and let the kids have a little more time to themselves. She agreed, and we stopped by the kids to let them know before walking over to where Sarah and Carol sat at the side of the room in the chairs Kai set up for older guests.

"The tenors sounded quite good this morning, Jeff!" Sarah blurted out, skipping other pleasantries.

"Why thank you, my friend. I can same the same for the altos."

"We may not get the spotlight as often, but we pull our weight," Carol said with a smirk.

"I see you and Maria both brought a young friend with you today. They seem like very fine young people," Sarah said, her words blatantly dripping with subtext.

"Oh yes, Diana is a lovely young woman. And Jeff's young friend Ollie is a delightful young man. It looks as though they're hitting it off!" Maria chimed in enthusiastically.

We continued visiting with my favorite pair of old grumpy lesbians for several more minutes, and were even joined by Apollo's resident young grumpy lesbian, Kai, for a couple minutes. Sarah and Carol had long considered themselves co-chairs of the Kai Fan Club.

I left Maria to her continued chattering with the ladies as I made my way over to a table of four basses, including Brett. As I approached, two of the four went off to grab more food, leaving Brett and one other. The empty bloody mary glass in front of him indicated Brett had loosened up a bit by now, and his manner proved that out.

"Hey, Jeff! Great party! Thanks for pushing me to come, man. I don't get out much."

"I'm really glad you could make it, Brett," I said with the faintest hint of flirtation. We continued to make a little small talk, partly ignoring the other bass by the table, until that third wheel rolled off to mingle elsewhere. Brett then leaned in closer to me as he continued to chat away, clearly getting comfortable around me. Just then, Jake swaggers up to my other side at the table, and asks how we're doing.

"Everything looks great in here, kiddo. Thanks to you and Kai for doing such a great job putting it together. Jake, I'd like you to meet my friend Brett."

Jake flashed me a knowing smile, as if to let me know he knew what I was up to. He made an excellent wingman for helping me get in guys' pants. "Nice to meet you, man," Jake confidently shakes his hand. "I've seen you around campus. What's your major?"

"Haha, thanks for the compliment, dude, but I'm actually a professor, teaching my first year of Physics." The college had nearly 10,000 students during the regular school year, and Brett was a very young professor of 26, so Jake could be forgiven for the mistake.

"Oh, my bad, professor. I try to steer clear of science as best I can, no offense."

"None taken. You're on the lacrosse team, right?"

"Sure am. Captain, to be exact."

I grabbed hold of Jake's massively muscled shoulder as I looked over to Brett. "Jake here is a real star, but he'd be WAY too humble to let you know that himself," I said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I thought so. I watched a match this past spring, but I have to admit I didn't totally follow along with it all. Soccer is my game."

"That's cool. If you ever want to learn about a real sport, let me know and I'll explain the game to you," Jake said half-jokingly and with a big grin. "See you around, Professor Brett. Be nice to my favorite boss here. Now I better get back to work before I get in trouble. My boss really likes to ride me hard."

I nearly choked on my drink at his double entendre as Brett and I both laughed at Jake's antics before resuming our chat.

"So do you still play soccer?" I asked after I'd regained my composure.

"Yeah, actually, a few professors and some students formed a couple of intramural teams, and we play against two other random adult teams in the area. We don't practice or play real often, just often enough to have fun."

A light of inspiration flipped on in my brain. "Hey, I should have you meet my young employee Ollie. Would you consider taking on a player who isn't yet a student there?"

"I'd be happy to meet him, but does he play?"

"Yeah, he apparently used to be captain of his high school team in another town. He's new to Spartanville, taking something of a gap year, and I'm hoping to convince him to go to college next year. But I think it'd be good for him to have some people to play with." I played it off as though I barely knew the hot young teen whose ass I had just plowed earlier that morning over my kitchen sink and whose cock I had had buried in my throat shortly thereafter.

"Oh, in that case, he might even be too good for our little team! But seriously, I think we could accommodate that."

"Ok, follow me," I motioned, then grabbed on to his upper arm to guide him toward Ollie and Diana's table. My little lieutenant did a little dance down below as I felt his muscles. I could tell this hunky, awkward science nerd was in pretty great shape.

I introduced Brett to Ollie while Diana excused herself to rejoin Maria.

"So, kiddo, professor Brett here plays in an intramural soccer league in town. Their team is really terrible and good use a player with a little talent," I said as my hand lingered, fast approaching the brink of impropriety, on the rippling muscles of Brett's arm as I winked back at the shy, sexy, booze-loosened nerd. "Do you think you could help them out?"

"Seriously?!? That would be awesome! I've been really itching to play. When do y'all start up again?"

"Not till the first week of September, but I'm meeting some guys for a pick-up game at a field a little ways out of town on Wednesday evening at 7pm, if you're interested."

"Yeah, that'd be great! Any chance you could pick me up at Jeff's? I don't have a car."

Seeing my opportunity, and knowing neither Ollie nor I worked that late, I quickly jumped in. "Why don't you come by my place around 5:00 and I'll fix a little dinner for all of us before you boys go and play."

Seemingly picking up on what I was up to, Ollie did his best to fill Jake's wingman shoes as he enthused, "Oh, great idea! Jeff's condo is pretty sweet, and he's a great chef, too. You can even meet Tom and Jerry, two other strays he took in. They're adorable little kittens."

"Yeah, sure, I can make that work," he said flatly but agreeably. Ollie and I thanked him, and I texted him my address as he went on to mingle elsewhere.

Ollie and I lingered as the crowd became to disperse. We took our farewells with Maria and Diana, with Ollie saying he looked forward to seeing Diana at work the next day, and me telling Maria I looked forward to our date Friday. My teenage beauty stayed behind with me to help the crew clean up, and then we said our goodbyes and headed out.

"So, kiddo, you seem pretty happy around Diana, huh?"

"I could say the same about you and Maria!"

"Yeah, we'll have to see where all that goes."

"Don't worry, boss. If anything develops with Diana, I'll make sure she's ok with 'our thing' too. I'm not interested in giving that up."

"Glad to hear it, kiddo. But if not, I'll be disappointed but understanding. I really just want you to be happy."

"I appreciate that, boss. Now, how about you join me for a quick run after we get home?" My athletic teen houseguest chipperly asked, egging me on like a personal trainer.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea after all that food. I've been meaning to buy you some better running shorts, though. How about we swing in to the sports shop quick? It'll be my gift to me, er, I mean you."

"You just want me in a pair of semi-pornographic shorts like those ones Jake wears to tease you, don't you, boss?"

"Guilty. Can you blame me? I mean, don't get me wrong, those basketball shorts on you are a major turn-on for me, but I think it's time you had a pair of Jake-style running shorts. And maybe while we're at it, I'll get you a pair of slightly-less-pornographic soccer shorts too. And a couple jock straps. That way you can keep any arousal disguised while still showing off your ass."

"If I didn't know any better, I'd swear you only keep me around for my ass."

"Not true at all, but it does help. Ooh, and maybe we'll get some soccer cleats, too. I'll buy those for you, too, on one condition: I get to come to some of your soccer matches and watch you run around the pitch in just the jock strap and soccer shorts, and then I get to take you home and screw your ass sideways while you wear the jock strap."

"You're kinda kinky, boss. But yeah, it's a deal."

We swung in to the locally-owned little sporting goods shop down the block, and we stocked up on the gear for my hot young jock boy.

I whispered in his ear as we walked out of the shop, "Ok, let's hurry up to the condo now, because I can't wait for you to model these for me before we go for our run."

Once we got inside, Ollie scampered off to the bedroom to change, while I gave Tom and Jerry a little attention. Not a minute later, Ollie came strutting out in one of his new jock straps, and nothing else. As many times as I've seen his flawless work-of-art body up close now, the sight still could take my breath away. I took my time as I savored this vision of beauty, slowly walking toward me. His broad shoulders, lightly-developed and golden-tanned torso, strong yet thin legs all complemented the ultimate sight, his bulging package nestled within the confines of the crisp, new, white jock strap.

He paused and allowed me to devour his front with my eyes for a few moments, smiling wryly as he stood. Then he began to spin himself around, painstakingly slowly. I salivated at the sight of his profile, ample bulge protruding in front, perky jock bubble butt protruding in back, flawless angular facial features and athletic arm. My heart beat in anticipation of seeing my ultimate prize, and soon enough, I was not disappointed. My heart leapt from my chest as I saw the wide elastic band stretching across his lower back, and the thin elastic band angling downward to hug the bottom of a mound of tight muscle. These masterfully-placed bands of elastic perfectly outlined his pert little jock-boy ass, like the frame around a masterpiece painting. If not for the limitations of my near-middle-aged libido, I would have grabbed the boy right then and had my way with him.

Satisfied with the success of his modeling performance, he declared that we both should put on our running gear and prepare for our run together along the town's riverfront in the summer heat. Reluctantly, I agreed, as I followed behind him into the walk-in closet, my tongue hanging out of my mouth like a dog as I stared fixated upon his jock-strap-framed masterpiece of a teen soccer boy ass.

Once in the closet, I proceeded to quickly change into my more modest running shorts and shirt, staring lecherously at the teenager next to me as he shed his new jock strap, stood momentarily but proudly nude, and then slowly, seductively slid on his new pair of porno-grade running shorts. He purposely teased me as he bent over while shedding the strap, exposing his tender rosebud I had ripped apart as recently as that morning. As he slid on the shorts, he turned to his side to show the profile of his ample package while he stuffed his plump, soft cock and heavy balls into the lewdly skimpy running shorts.

"Are you TRYING to kill me here, kiddo?"

He smiled at me with a mischievous smirk, as he assured me that "I'm just getting ready for my run, boss. Take it easy."

The boy threw on a T-shirt and running shoes and joined me in my stretches. Several minutes later, we walked out the door and outside to begin our run. We had barely run the three block stretch to the river before the heat provided enough of an excuse for Ollie the tempting teen beauty to shed his shirt as he continued the run. He tucked it into the side of his hip, and continued on, the sweat glistening on his lightly-muscled chest and back, the back of his skimpy running shorts already clinging to each cheek of his perfect ass, and the front of his commando get-up leaving nothing whatsoever to the imagination, as the softened version of his 7-inch beast flopped along with every gallop of this magnificent young buck.

I nearly hit nirvana as I slobbered over the sight of this young stud as he ran a pace ahead of me, just enough to afford me a view of his glorious, sweat-drenched and near fully-exposed backside. As long as I always got to run alongside this boy as he pranced along bare-chested in skimpy shorts, sweating in the heat, I could run a marathon every single day.

Upon returning home, we hopped in the shower together. As much as I enjoyed the sight of him, I was simply too exhausted from all the day's activities to do anything other than rape him with my eyes as we showered together. After drying off, we each donned only our loose sweats. He went and sat in the library and read with Jerry curled up in his lap as I prepared a quick, easy, but filling meal for us while Tom perched atop the fridge judging me from above.

Once the kittens and ourselves were well fed, we curled up together on the couch and streamed a couple hours' worth of mindless entertainment while we snuggled together. I stuck my hand down the front of his sweats and began idly fondling him, more out of familiarity than lust. I didn't exactly ask permission, but nor did he stop me from assaulting him either.

Finally, it was getting late, and we prepared for bed. We crawled into our usual positions, with me playing big spoon as I snuggled my bare form up against his tight, firm, athletic, nude teen body. The warmth and familiarity of his ass made me hard against him, although still I lacked the energy for a repeat of that morning's wild romp.

As we both faded off into slumber, Ollie cocked his head slightly and whispered. "Hey, Jeff?"


"Do you think you could put it in me while I fall asleep? I just want to feel even closer to you while you cradle me to sleep."

Not prepared for actual sex just then, that sounded like just about the hottest possible scenario for me in that moment, so I didn't hesitate.

"Yeah, kiddo, I'd love to do that. Reach into the drawer there and grab the lube so I can slide inside you more comfortably."

He did so, and once I had slicked up my stiff cock, I slid it into its increasingly-familiar home. Ollie allowed me entrance with almost no resistance, and in moments, I was buried to the hilt inside the hot, insanely tight, velvety love chute attached to the backside of this glorious boy. I gave a couple of mini-thrusts, caressed along his sides for a moment, kissed the side of his neck, and whispered into his ear, "I'm so happy I'm inside you again, kiddo. Good night."

"Me too, boss. Good night," he whispered, as he pushed his butt back into me, trying to keep as much of me inside him as possible as he returned his focus to falling asleep.


Next: Chapter 13

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