
By Dale de Leon

Published on Mar 5, 2003



by Dale de Leon


Tired as I was, I nonetheless had a fitful sleep. Although my eyes were closed, my mind was in overdrive. Images collided into each other... memories of the events which transpired that day. I tried to make sense of everything, see the bigger picture, but there was too much to consider for my poor, overworked brain. As much as I wanted to shut down and lose myself to slumber, my mind just refused to cooperate. I kept thinking of everything over and over until I just got too tired of thinking and fell asleep.

I did not wake up refreshed. Sunlight was already streaming in the window and my body felt as drained as it was the other day. What was happening to me? Why was Andres Lorenzo acting the way he's been towards me? What was I trying to find here in San Isidro? Will it resolve anything or will it lead me to more conflict... more problems?

I wearily trudged my way to the bathroom but, thankfully, there was no Andres Lorenzo barging in to annoy me. I locked the door, just in case. As I got out and changed, I saw a message taped on the cabinet door. "Breakfast is waiting at the porch. We leave at 10. Andre." I looked at my watch. It was 8:30.

I got out and found a servant who directed me to which porch Andre was referring to. A table was laid out with food and Andre was already chowing down while looking at a newspaper.

I timidly took my place across him. Not looking up from what he was reading, Andre told me in an impassive tone, "Just tell the maid what you want to drink and she'll prepare it for you." I tried to read into what he what he was trying to say. Was he angry at me for last night, was he indifferent, or what?

Keeping quiet, I just politely told the maid to prepare me some hot chocolate, while I buttered some toast. Andre and I both kept quiet during the entire meal. It was as if last night never happened.

Having finished breakfast, I deliberated on whether I should go back to my room or make some idle chit-chat with my host. I didn't want to seem rude but at the same time, all the conversation I had seemed awkward at best. I decided to stay at the table, taking out a pack and lighting up a stick.

Andre looked up from what he was reading and wordlessly took out a stick from my pack. Then he lit one up and blew out a stream of smoke, never once looking at me. "Fucking rebels are afoot today. I don't think they'll give us any trouble though. But I'm gonna bring some men, just in case."

I just nodded and tapped my cigarette on an ashtray, while blowing out some smoke.

"It's gonna be another 6 hour trip before we get to my dad's place," Andre continued, sounding indifferent. Now this was the Andre Lorenzo I knew and was familiar with. I wondered what led him to switch into that other person last night. Or what made him switch back to being a stranger.

"Okay, I'll be in my room until we go," I said. I took a long drag on my stick before I stubbed it out on the ashtray. Then I stood up and got to my room. Andre never looked up from the newspaper nor said another word.

I managed to take a restful nap before one of Andre's men came in and informed me that we were going. He took my bags and together we walked all the way back to the beat-up truck. Two equally beat-up looking jeeps with armed men rode in front and behind us.

Again, I was seated at front with Andres Lorenzo. We mostly kept quiet for the first leg of the trip while Andre just listened to his collection of tapes. Neither were of his own band.

After an hour, he finally spoke up. "About last night..." he said, never taking his eyes off the road. "...we both had a lot to drink," I cut him off. We both looked at each other.

"I wasn't drunk," Andre told me squarely.

"So what the hell was that last night?," I asked squarely in return, but he never answered. Having already lit a cigarrette, I just took a long drag and hung my arm out the car window.

Andre took out an album and put it in the cassette. It was Splinter.

Soon the guttural strumming of electric guitars filled the truck and filled the empty silence between us. Andre's voice sung out from the speakers.

"Come take my hand, guide me through the park/ Tell me about myself, lead me in the dark/ No I can never see, where this is leading me/ Fuck it all, I don't care/ Damn your mouth feels so good..."

"Is this supposed to mean anything?," I asked.

"Fuck no. It's just a song. It doesn't mean anything man. It's just a fucking song," he replied irritably.

The song continued, "Do you mean what you say, do you care what you mean?/ Your words now uncover the spaces in between/ But these lies you meant, they steal my breath away/ Don't fucking tell me how, your words get in my way..."

"Everything will get clearer once we get there," Andre said, his hand suddenly holding mine. I flinched instinctively but he held it close and brought it to his heart. I tried to jerk it away but he held on to it even more.

"What the fuck is happening Andre Lorenzo?," I angrily demanded. "Why the fuck are you doing this to me?"

Andre just held my hand against his cheek and kissed it tenderly. I can feel the grizzly stubble of his beard growth against my skin.

"You will know..." was all he said and then let go of my hand.


Another three hours of silence passed by. Andres Lorenzo kept his eye on the road, never once looking at me. I kept looking out the window, but checked out of the corner of my eye what my host would do next. I wondered what was going on inside his cloudy head. The man was a puzzle to me... warm and intimate one moment, cold and aloof the next. How easily he could switch his emotions on and off.

I kept thinking that he was gay. That has got to be the only reason why he's so into me. It wasn't natural the way he kept touching me like I was some pin-up porn starlet. It made me feel dirty and cheap. But I guess it wasn't the fact that he lusted after me that scared me the most... it was the fact that I was beginning to respond to his touch. That I felt aroused whenever he invaded all the personal boundaries surrounding me. I'm not gay. I've never had gay sex. I've never even considered having sex with a man, and neither was I currently entertaining of thoughts about that.

But I can't deny the uncomfortable erection I was having nor the heavy sensation pooling in my groin and stomach. I can't deny the warmth burning through my ears and the trembling of my inner thighs. The sex sensation was powerful and it was all I could do to control it.

How could I lust after this man? He was big and hairy. He obviously had personality disorders and was a bit nuts. He had a huge chip hanging over his shoulder. He was another MAN!

But for crying out loud, I'm still getting hot and bothered looking at him frowning seriously at the distance. I found myself drawn to the dark stubble on his jowls and to his heavy, cloying scent hanging in the car. This is not happening to me!!! I cannot be falling for another guy!!! I refuse to let my hormones get the better of me!!! I refuse to let this faggot win this mind game over me!!!

I refuse!!!

My thoughts were interrupted as the truck suddenly stopped. I turned to look at Andre. There was a look of worry and concern on his face. Before us, the jeep convoy had stopped and one of his men disembarked. The man came before our vehicle and barked out something I couldn't comprehend. Andre cursed something in their language. He suddenly opened the glove compartment and pulled out a gun. Looking at me, he said tensely, "Get out Jules. Hurry!"

I glanced all around us and looked for the danger which wasn't there. "What's going on? Why are we stopping?"

"Just get out, dammit, and do what I say... Move!," he ordered. There was fear and anxiety in his voice.

I got out and felt afraid. In a panic, I tried looking around for the nearest thing within my reach that could reasonably be considered as a weapon. There was nothing. I felt so scared.

Behind us, Andre's men were quickly preparing the tarpauline covering the truck's loading area. Wooden boxes were piled at the back, with a space in between them. "Get in between that space Jules. Now!" Andre said as he shoved me urgently to get moving. I quickly clambered on the truck and got in between the boxes. Andre followed behind me and held me close. His men then covered the space behind us with another box and concealed the whole thing with the tarpauline. Then the convoy moved onward.

Everything was dark. I was squatting in that dark, humid area... Andre's arms closing in around me protectively, cradling my head. He had no choice but to do so. The space around us was very confined. I could smell the scent of fear on him. He was breathing deeply. Andre was also gripping the gun tightly in his hand.

"Don't make a sound. There are rebels ahead. They might stop us. Just don't worry... I won't let them hurt you," he hissed tensely. I didn't feel reassured.

Soon enough, the truck did stop. Through the muffled cover of the tarpauline, I could hear a harsh male voice speaking the guttural vernacular of San Isidro. One of Andre's men responded nonchalantly. I imagined he was saying, "There's nothing to find."

Fear's cold fingers gripped my heart as I heard the tarpauline being hoisted up. Light shone through the cracks and spaces of the wooden boxes. Andre gripped me tighter into his arms until my head was cradled on his chest. I could hear the fearful and rapid breathing of his heart. His tense breath was warm on my sweaty flesh.

Through the cracks, I could make out someone inspecting the boxes, carrying with him a long-muzzled automatic rifle. I heard a click as Andre released the safety lock on his gun. There was no other sound.

A few minutes passed by but those minutes seemed like hours. One... then two... then three armed figures walked on by near the cargo. I was paralyzed with fear and silently willed them to just go away. The rebels kept questioning the men. I wish I understood what they were trying to say.

Andre just held on to me tight.

After what seemed like forever, the rebels were finally convinced that nothing was amiss and the protective darkness of the tarp was finally brought up over our heads. Andre and I both breathed a sigh of relief. The truck got moving again and pretty soon, we recovered our sense of safety. After much moving about to alleviate our cramped positions, Andre finally had his back against a crate and had his leg stretched out on the floor. My back was against him, my legs similarly outstretched. Andre's left arm was hung around my back.

I heard him whisper. "I'm sorry I had to put you through this Jules, but we both had to hide."

I answered back softly, "I can understand why you can't show them your face, Lorenzo. But why me?"

The hairs on my neck stood up as I felt him plant a soft kiss on my nape. "Because, Vallejo, you're fair skinned and you look like a rich man's son. They would have caught you and put you up for ransom. And also...," he paused and kissed my nape again, "...and also because I couldn't protect you if you weren't by my side," he said quietly.

We both kept silent for some time after that. Andre's arm was still draped protectively around my shoulder. All I could smell was his sweat. But I had to ask him the question. I spoke out quietly, "Andre... why are you doing this? Are you... are you gay? Because contrary to what you think, I'm not and I..."

Andre just silenced me by placing his finger on my lips and whispering tantalizingly close to my ear. "Hush... hush... don't let that bother you now. I promise you, the answers will all be clear... just... be patient. Everything will be explained. And as for my sexuality, all I can say is that my love is blind. And I have never been with a man...."

I had to know. "Then why...?" But he shut me up again with a finger on my lips. "Shhhh... patience Jules. Patience. Just... keep quiet, sit still. Just let me hold you... like this," Andre just said. And he held me, both arms circling my waist. Then he kissed me at the side of my head.

So I did nothing. I just closed my eyes, and willed my fool heart to stop beating so fast. Patience, the man said. Patience.


Eventually the truck stopped and Andre's men both let us out of the vehicle. Andre resumed driving at the helm and we were soon on our way. Not another word was spoken between us for the rest of the journey.

My stomach was rumbling by the time we got to our destination. We had been driving four hours straight but Andre refused to allow us to take a pitstop.

The most we could do was disembark every now and then and take a piss but that was it. The rebels were still about and Andre wanted to get home before it got dark.

Finally, his parent's home came into view. Though not even half as large as his uncle's estate, it was still pretty impressive. In fact, it looked even more elegant and appealing than Governor Noel's mansion. However, aesthetics was one of my lesser concerns as the jeep convoy and our truck finally stopped. Everybody disembarked.

I could smell the delicious scent of food wafting through my nostrils. Lechon de leche... grilled fish... rice... hot soup. It was the scent of heaven. My stomach rumbled.

Andres must have heard it because he smiled. Clapping me at the back, Andre led me inside to feed. "Come on, let's eat." I needed no further convincing.

Like in his uncle's home, there were servants about who rushed to meet to our comfort. Leading me to the dining room, Andres bade me to sit down and dine with him. I was surprised that there was nobody else in the house. "Isn't your family here with you?," I asked.

"My parents are vacationing in Europe. All my other siblings are in Manila, studying," he replied as a plateful of steaming rice was carried in by a servant. Andre surprised me by spooning out some rice on my plate. "Here... eat up. I know you're hungry."

I got embarrassed but I thanked him anyway. When the other courses arrived, I hurriedly took some for myself before my host went out of his way to feed me.

After we've had a sumptuous dinner, I was led to my room by one of the servants. It was bigger and better furnished than the room that I had in Governor Lorenzo's. Better... I had a bathroom all to myself.

I smelled like I hadn't bathed in weeks. So I took a long but thorough bath. Feeling a lot more refreshed, I took out a smoke before turning in for bed. Dressed in only my undershirt and a loose pair of shorts, I felt more comfortable than I have had for days.

Then, there was a tap on my door.

"Jules? Got a minute?" Guess who.

"Andre... yeah, what's up?," I told him.

Andre was wearing a worn white t-shirt and a natty pair of cut-off shorts. "Well... I wanted to show you Joni's room. Some of her stuff were stored here." There was a look of peace and ease about him. We had gone through a lot today. Andre was finally safe in the comfort of his own home. I likewise felt more at ease.

"Yeah man... sure. Lead on." Stubbing out my cigarette, I followed right behind Andre.

"You feeling better now Jules?," he asked as we were making our way to the other part of the house.

"I'm feeling much better now, thanks for asking. And thanks for the hospitality and for getting me here safe," I answered in return.

"Yeah, well... I want you to consider this as your own house. Joni did," he said, as he suddenly held my hand and led me to a corridor.

I let go and he eyed me for a moment and resumed walking. "I promised you answers, didn't I Jules?" he said seriously all of a sudden. We stopped before a room and he opened it. Switching on the lights, I was surprised to find that it was quite spacious. Noting the easels, paints, frames and brushes, I walked in. On one corner was a piano, some guitars and some percussion instruments. On another corner was another door... I looked inside and found out that it was a dark room.

"This was.... our art room Jules. This was where Joni and I collaborated and worked together. Joni on her paintings and photographs... me on my music. We had... happy times in here." Andre said as he leaned on the wall beside the door. He was eyeing me intently.

I went inside and explored the surroundings. There were many paintings... landscapes and still-life pictures of the many things found here in San Isidro. Photographs were likewise strewn all over. Pictures of the various inhabitants of the barrio. Farmers, laborers, children, soldiers, rebels, politicians... and Andres Lorenzo. There was an oil portrait of Andres standing up looking defiant... he was shirtless with a guitar held close to his chest. There were various other pictures... Andre reclining on a sofa, nude. Andre performing onstage. I was surprised that some nudes were of Joni herself... her pale flesh, immortalized in black and white.

I stood near a blow-up of Joni clad in a simple white dress, sitting down a French window... a dreamy look upon her face as she stared out at the distance. I ran my fingers adoringly on her face and wished I was there when that picture was taken. I've never seen her as happy as she did in that shot.

Joni and her life and her world was all around me. Everywhere I looked, things and people that she love surrounded me and filled my world with the fullness that was her. I embraced it all. I sucked in all that this room had to offer of my sister. I willed her spirit to unite with mine and to share this one sacred moment with each other.

"Joni..." I whispered. A tear rolled down my eye. "Would I have died instead of you...."

I didn't hear Andre walking up behind me. "Jules..." he said gently as he tapped my shoulder, "...put this on."

I turned around and was surprised to find him carrying a white dress. It was the one Joni had on in the picture I was looking.

"What??! I can't --," I sputtered in a shock. A dress???

I was even more shocked when Andre pulled out a gun from behind him and aimed it at my head.

"Put it on now," he just said firmly. I looked him in the eye. He meant it. The man had snapped.

Without any other word, I put on the dress and warily watched Andre as he kept on pointing the gun at me while I changed. There was a look of resolute certainty on his face. I was beginning to panic. Did I escape danger this afternoon just to face certain death in the hands of this madman?

I finished changing and Andre just grabbed me by the arm and pulled me to a nearby closet. He swung the door open so that I faced before me a full-length mirror.

And then I saw. Oh yes, did I ever see.

It was the same.... the same arrogant tilt of the chin... the same almond eyes with the same hazel irises. The same elegant nose and the same sensuous lips. Even the way the dress was worn was exactly the way I remember it.

Andre stood behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Tears were running down his eyes while he bent down and kissed one porcelain white shoulder. "Now do you see?..... now do you see?" He just held me close while I raised my hand to hold his face.

".... Joni...." I whispered breathlessly.

"Yes...." he answered in reply.

It was my sister. It was my beautiful, beautiful sister. She was alive and breathing and standing before me. It was my sister Joni. She was alive. She was right there, smirking, breathing, laughing and ALIVE!!!

Joni laughed that warm, throaty, musical laugh and I couldn't help but respond. Turning around, Joni circled her arms around Andre's neck and looked deep into his eyes. She held her face close to his and felt his warm breath eagerly kissing her beautiful, flawless face.

"Joni..." Andre whispered softly, scarcely believing her born again before his eyes and in his arms. He just looked adoringly at her, holding her tight, willing her to never leave his side ever again.

"I missed you Joni," he said and she just drew her mouth closer to his and they stole each other's breaths.

Joni and I are one. I am her and she is I. We were united. Nobody can separate us from each other ever again. I held on to Andres even tighter with a will and love that was far greater than my own... with a power that not even death could ever contain. Andre held my face and I opened my mouth and felt his silken-smooth tongue slide into me and taste my life-giving breath. His was of a nectar that was far beyond compare. Our bodies ground into each other, melded and became one. The three of us became as one body, as one whole... two people linked by their mutual love for Joni, using the power of their love to breathe her into new life.

"God, Joni, I missed you so much baby. I missed you so much..." Andre just kept crying over and over as powerful sobs wracked his husky body. His hungry mouth kept kissing mine as the warm tears running down from his eyes stained my face and marked it with his love. I wrapped my arms around his broad chest and held on tight.

"I'm here Andre. I'm here baby... shhhhh... quit your crying. I'm here. I'm never going to leave your side," I said as my own tears kept falling down from my eyes. Those words were not mine but Joni's. I opened my mouth to speak but it was Joni's voice that Andre and I both heard. I kissed my love over and over and over. "Andre, don't ever leave me... don't ever let me go..."

"Never baby... never. I'll never let you go ever again," and with that, his kiss became more fevered with passion and his touch more insistent. It awakened a dark desire that has been lying dormant within me as well. Until now.

"I want you now," I said hotly to Andres, surprising myself with the dark, powerful lust that was controlling me. Holding my head in his big, meaty hands, Andre's tongue slipped into my opened mouth and we just kissed like we could not get enough of each other.

I felt his hands fumble down awkwardly to remove the buttons on my dress. The dress opened and slid down unto the floor. His hands slid down my side, stroking my back until it fully cupped my ass.

Holding on to his shoulders and neck, I skipped myself up and wrapped my legs around him. Carrying me by my bottom, Andre walked over to a nearby carpeted area. Our mouths never lost contact.

Setting both of us down gently, Andre and I lay down against each other side by side. Andre's hands were sliding up and down sensually on my smooth, bare chest. I myself slid my hand inside his shirt and played with his big, furry belly. We both stopped long enough for me to take off his shirt and our bodies resumed full contact. I lay on top of him and kissed his ample, stubbly jaw, running my mouth down to his neck and tracing the line of his collarbone.

Taking one meaty pec, I ran my palm smoothly to feel the hair on his chest.

Andre groaned as I held his nipple and pinched it tight. His hand went back to my ass, cupping it and sliding his hands up and down. He began stroking my thigh and I started moaning in pleasure from his silken touch. My mouth trailed even further down as I took his dark, brownish nipple in my mouth and licked and sucked it for all it was worth. Andre moaned in uncontrollable lust. My hand slipped down and felt the contours of his hardened crotch. Andre's hand slid down and unzipped his fly. I slipped my hand in and held on to his massive cock. Andre opened his pants button and I slipped his black underwear down his crotch and watched eagerly as his cock sprung to life. With eager hands, I slipped both his shorts and his underwear down until my handsome lover was as naked as the day he was born.

In return, Andre slipped his hands in my briefs and cupped my ass. Impatiently, he took hold of the elastic and slid it down my thighs and off my legs. We were both finally naked. Our bodies rushed against each other and pressed as close as physics and physionomy could allow us. His warm, turgid shaft felt like a burning iron rod on my stomach. We touched each other all over... what our hands or fingers could not discover, our mouths and tongues would find. I could not get enough of his dark flesh or the taste of sweat on his body.

An expert lover, Andre's mouth and tongue explored my chest and engulfed one pectoral, then another. Flicking my nipples with his tongue, I grew mad and hot with the taunting. His hand kept holding on and sliding up and down my thigh and my ass while his mouth ravished my chest.

The ultimate shock came when his hands held my turgid cock and positioned it towards his mouth. Then the unexpected sensation of the soft lining of his mouth engulfing my penis assailed my senses. My lower torso rised up sporadically from the floor in intense ecstasy. I grimaced when I felt something sharp graze against my sensitive cock head. "Teeth..." I painfully growled out.

Andre stopped just long enough to say, "Sorry," then he resumed his business, learning from his mistake. My body was awash with the sensations that he awakened in me. I never had it this good.

His mouth left my shaft before I could explode and began kissing its way upward from my crotch, to my stomach, to my chest and finally to my mouth. I took his tongue and tasted my own pre-cum in his mouth.

My hand snaked downward until it cupped Andre's dark and hairy testicles. His mouth groaned into mine while we were kissing. I squeezed it gently but tight and I felt him gasp and lose his breath for a second. I started rubbing his balls firmly back and forth. Andre lay back, closed his eyes and held on to my waist. My other hand found its way to his shaft as I held it by the base. The slick liquid of his pre-cum made it feel sticky. I began rubbing it up and down, lightly touching his cock-head. Between the pleasure of having his balls rubbed and his penis masturbated, Andre was lost in grunting ecstasy. I watch fixatedly on the lust and emotions on his handsome face as he opened his eyes and watched me hungrily.

His manhood was in my hands and with it I could cause dark desires to play within my lover's soul. The thought of that much power over Andre intoxicated me. I was drunk with desire for this man and I wanted him to take me more than I ever wanted anything in my life.

My body lay over his and I kissed his unshaven jaw, resting my hands on his chest. I felt my penis touch his and the contact was electricity. I started a slow rubbing of both our organs and it felt so good. Andre just held me by the chin and led my mouth to his. We started kissing and fencing with our tongues. The warmth of his breath on my face felt so right.

I held my mouth close to his ear and whispered, "Please... make love to me... love me... like you did to Joni..." I didn't expect the look of surprise on Andre's face. It was quickly replaced by a look of pure desire.

"Are you sure this is what you want? Are you sure because I want to..." He whispered earnestly.

In answer I kissed his mouth again and lay down on my back. Andre took our clothes, crumpled it into a mound and placed it under my lower back. Then he lowered his body over mine. I could feel his warm stomach grazing its prickly hair on my skin. Andre's hand held my pectoral and cupped it gently. Then he lay down on me and we both kissed as the head of his dick was pressed tantalizingly close to my ass.

Andre broke our kiss and spread my legs wide open. With a light touch, his fingers explored the tight opening of my ass. I gasped as he slipped one big meaty pointer finger inside. It felt uncomfortable. He started pulling my sphincter upwards and slipped in his other pointer finger. With both fingers, he opened my ass ring wide, massaging it... making it get used to the strain. Then using two fingers of his hand, he slipped it inside and slid it all in. I caught my breath as he poked some inside part of me that I never believe could feel this good. Fascinated, Andre slid his fingers in and out, until my sphincter got stretched out enough. Pretty soon, I was bucking my hips excitedly in anticipation of the real thing.

There was a tender moment of stillness as I felt his hot cock rest against the crack of my ass and Andre looked me lovingly in the eye. He whispered, "I want you to know... I love you so much..."

Then he slipped his cock in by the head. I gasped in surprise as I felt it stretch my tight virgin ass. "Is it painful Jules? Is it... painful because I could take it out..." he whispered fearfully, holding my hips by his strong hands, controlling himself from going any further.

I answered by circling my hips and drawing his mouth closer to mine for a slow, passionate kiss. Andre exhaled one long, delirious groan into my waiting mouth and slowly, inch by inch, drove further and further into my ass. "You're so tight..." he whispered hotly as I saw him grimace from the pressure my sphincter was forcing all around his turgid penis.

The pain was so great. I could feel Andre tearing through flesh and ripping it with his violation. He could only watch helplessly as I gritted my teeth from his entry. In supplication, Andre kept kissing the side of my face tenderly, as if to assauge all the pain away. Aside from the pain, I felt so full. Andre slowly ground himself deeper and deeper in me until I could feel his pubic bone making contact with my ass. He was all the way in.

We lay there, not moving, taking shallow breaths. Andre was awash with all the pleasure of feeling his whole lenght being clamped down by my resistant virgin flesh. I however, kept gasping from the pain of his prodiguous penis. I could still feel it tearing through my insides until the pain gave way to the feeling of fullness and finally.... to a trickle of pleasure.

We just lay there, Andre on top of me, barely moving. My lover held me tight as he began to quiver from the strain of holding himself inside of me.

My hips began to buck excitedly as I got used to his penis and it began to actually feel good. The excitement was catching as Andre took it as a sign to continue. Drawing himself out slowly, I began to panic from the feeling of emptiness of not having Andre's penis inside me.

Andre however did not draw it out completely but tilted his hips in such a manner that his cock again hit a spot inside my ass that just made me groan from the intense pleasure. "Jules... I'm going to get rougher," he warned in anticipation as both our panting grew faster and louder.

"YEAH. YEAH. YEAH...." he growled in excitement as he suddenly picked up the tempo of his bucking and started going inside and out of me in a violent rhythm. "YEAH JULES... YEAH, CAN YOU FEEL THAT? CAN YOU FEEL IT BABY, HUH?

CAN YOU FEEL THAT????" he said loudly as he slammed his hips in and out of my hot, bleeding ass. His grunts became louder and louder as his sliding in me grew rougher and rougher. I could do nothing but groan and give in to the pleasure that he was making me feel. I grunted in turn with each thrust, feeling myself becoming nothing more than a superheated engine of lust.

The stimulation became too much for me to bear. In surprise, I felt myself come to orgasm despite any contact with my cock. A warm sticky wetness settled in between us and I felt it slush all the way up my body as Andre's stomach dragged all the way up and down my groin. "Yeah Jules.. yeah... I'm cumming too baby... I'm cumming." Andre just groaned out to me as his thrusts became more insistent and I could feel his penis quivering inside me.

In one large grunt, Andre finally shot in and EXPLODED! I could feel his hot, viscous seed pouring out inside of me and spreading... heating up my entire intestines. In one tired, sweaty heap, Andre just collapsed on me and I could feel his hot panting breathe down my warm, sweaty skin.

He just lay on top of me, closing his eyes while I felt his member grow soft and softer inside my ass until it just finally slipped out. I hugged him tight and I began to cry. Andre just held me in his arms and rocked me slowly like a baby.

"I'm never going to let you both get away from me Jules. Never again..." he whispered a solemn oath while cradling my head in his arms. Then silently, he kissed my forehead with his gentle lips.

We just held on to each other as we stared into nothingness. Slipping my hands near my clothes, I took out a mashed box of cigarettes. Finding one stick that was intact, I took it out and slipped it in my mouth.

Andre just took his gun and pointed it at the cigarette. With one click of the trigger, a small flame came out of the barrel and I lit my cigarette on it. I took one long drag, passed the stick to Andre and just lay my head on his ample chest. Andre held me closer and took a long drag.

Then I watched him blow lazy circles of smoke around the moon.

================================================================= That's about it folks... sorry. If you wanna read more, you gotta wait for a long time. I'm busy with work.

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