
By Dale de Leon

Published on Mar 2, 2003



by Dale de Leon


Something was definitely going on with Andres Lorenzo, I decided to myself while I was in my room. After taking my shower, I freshened up and made myself presentable for dinner with my host. One of the serving maids came over and informed me that it was time to eat. Andre was waiting for me outside as I got out of the door. He was still looking strangely at me.

As we were walking along the corridors, I cleared my throat, looked Andre straight at the eye and asked him, "Okay... what's the matter? You're making me uncomfortable with your staring. And awhile ago... what was that?"

That caught him off-guard. Andre took a full minute to think of a reply. Then he laughed dryly. "Jeez... you caught me there. Uhm.. haha... yeah, I, uh." Then he cleared his throat.

"Uhm... see, the thing is Jules..." then he looked at me straight in the eye and said seriously, "So help me God, you look so much like Joni, I keep forgetting that you aren't. I... I'm sorry Jules. It's just that..."

At that point, Andre looked away... as if he didn't want to see me. We both just stood there, waiting as Andre's shoulders started heaving and his hands slightly trembled.

Andre's voice was quivering and tense. "...I miss her Jules." He kept quiet. I just stood there awkwardly, not knowing how to react. Andre just stood beside me, his face turned towards the wall. "I miss her so much. God, I should have died with her..." From his gruff voice, I could tell that he was holding it in. It was all the man could do to hold in the tears.

I didn't know what to say. Or to be exact, I knew the hundred and thousand things that he wanted to hear, but it would all be a lie and I didn't have the heart to tell him.

I placed a hand on his shoulder, tapping it... trying to console him. Andre flinched initially but he made no move to evade me. I spoke up, "...yeah man. I know... I know.." I kept my hand on his shoulder for a bit of a time. We both kept quiet for a couple of minutes while he slowly gained his composure.

"Joni and I look alike huh?" I asked the guy slowly just to break the silence between us.

Andre turned towards me and gave a light smile. He rubbed his hand over his eyes and grinned at me embarrasingly.

"It's like looking in a mirror," he said, as he started to recover, "how come I never noticed that before?"

"Hehe... yeah, well I have my suspicions," I told the guy.

Andre's eyes narrowed and he asked me accusingly, "Suspicions of what?"

Keeping my best poker-face on, I replied, "I'm not sure, but I think Joni Vallejo and I are twins."

Andre looked at me confusingly until he got it. He gave out a weak laugh. "Schmuck! Hehehe. Yeah... you're definitely related." Andre gripped my arm. I guess it was his way of saying thanks. Then we both walked on towards the dining hall. "Joni always knew how to pull the rug out from under me," he admitted and smiled.

We had gone on for about a few steps when Andre asked, "But seriously now, I don't remember you looking this much like her. Am I that dense?"

I smiled. "No, you're right. I didn't look like this when you met me. I was going through a whole punk-underground phase back then. I dyed my hair jet black and grew it long and unkempt. Plus, I was wearing those thick Buddy Holly glasses. Man... Joni and I were both 22 back then. I guess we---" I stopped and corrected myself. "I mean, I've grown more mellow with age." It was my turn to be introspective.

Joni will never mellow. She will forever be young and beautiful. I just kept quiet... pondering on that. My sister. Forever beautiful.

Andre grinned, not noticing my mood. "Oh yeah, that's right. It's a good thing you got cleaned up man. I honestly thought you looked like a mutant freak," and he hesitated, realizing what he just called me. "Uhm... that is..."

I just laughed out loud, forgetting my moment of introspection. "Hahaha, mutant freak. Well excuuuuse me! You forgot good looking." I said in jest.

Feeling chummy, Andre draped his arm around my shoulders. We both walked together closely like childhood buddies. "Haha, that's right," he said. I was going to crack another quip when I noticed him looking appraisingly at me again.

"Good looking." was all he said.


Eventually the feeling of chumminess floated away and things started feeling awkward. So Andre and I just walked over to the dining hall without saying a word to each other. I walked ahead, not sure what to make of Andre's pensive silence. I too was lost in my thoughts.

To keep myself occupied, I took note of the rich and ornate interiors of the hacienda. This was one of those old houses that existed during the Spanish colonial era. Along the walls were old gas-lamps that looked like they could still work, despite the electric light fixtures overhead. Portraits of different people lined the various hallways. Mostly, the pictures were of ancestors clad in old styles of fashion... the women looking haughty with their stiff coiffures and starched pinya blouses. The men had either twirly moustaches or bushy beards and wore somber dark suits.

It seemed that Andre's penetrating gaze and dark looks was inherited from them. It made me feel eerie, as if those people in the pictures were staring right through my soul.

The moulding, the furniture and the rails were made from intricately-carved hardwood. These things were probably old by over a century but they were made of sturdy material and looked like they could withstand a couple of centuries more. Wood and plaster statues of various saints were likewise placed on top of a lot of counters.

Eventually, we got to a dark and candle-lit verandah where a long table laden with lavish food arrayed buffet-style was located. I looked at Andre and asked him, "Does your uncle always spread this much out every night?" Andre shrugged and replied sardonically, "The price of being a well-loved politician."

I took a plate and lined up with the rest of the political toadies and hangers-on and filled my plate with food. Andre likewise did the same, loading his plate with more food than mine. After making our choice of drinks, Noel Lorenzo motioned for us to come sit at his table.

"So how do you find San Isidro so far, Jules?" the Governor asked.

"It's beautiful," I told him honestly. "The beach and the farmlands... it took my breath away."

"Yeah... it is, isn't it?," Noel said. "Joni wanted to live here, that's why she stayed a long time."

I looked suspiciously at him. He was wrong. Joni wasn't here because she wanted to live here. I knew that much about my sister... she could never stay in one place for a very long time. The reason why Joni was here was because she was covering the San Isidro expose, involving the notorious Lorenzo political clan. And for reasons that were quite beyond me, my sister lost her common sense and fell in love with one of them, a Lorenzo. That was why she was staying longer than she should have. I wanted to say it to Noel Lorenzo but I reminded myself of my place and just kept quiet.

Fortunately for me, Governor Lorenzo found someone else to talk to and hence he launched into his usual political spiel. "Yes, I agree. And that's what my administration is trying to attain... as you can see..." Noel went on and on, trying to bowl over the person he was talking to with the usual B.S. But he suddenly faced me and included me in the conversation, "Wouldn't you agree Jules?," he asked. I just kept nodding politely while I methodically worked at my plate. I've heard all that bull before, but politicians will be politicians. This family has always been a force on this island and yet things, as they were back then in the Spanish era, have only improved by not much under this dynasty's rule. Every once in a while I would glance at Andre who seemed to sense my boredom with Noel's topic. He just grinned conspiringly at me and shrugged.

"...and that's what this project can do for San Isidro," the Governor finally finished.

By his speech alone, I could find a hundred loopholes to render Noel's arguments worthless but I didn't want to insult my host. I might not have a place to sleep tonight. So I just kept quiet and resumed eating. Eventually, I shifted topics, "You know sir, I find your home very elegant and impressive. I must say that you have a respectable grasp of the past."

Noel looked over at me and beamed with pride. "Thank you very much Jules. My family has been around for generations, dating even back to the Spanish era."

"Yeah, I can see that. I'm wondering if you'd let me do a feature on it one of these days. You see, I'm an editor of City Magazine back in Manila. This place would make a great piece on culture and tradition," I said.

At that point, the Governor's ears seemed to perk up. "A magazine piece, you say? Why, I'm sure my wife would be delighted to accommodate that, hijo. And when did you say this piece would come out? Would it also feature... ummm, it's inhabitants? How soon can be published, do you think?"

I could almost hear the whir of political gears spinning in the incumbent Governor's head. He was calculating if the piece would come out before election time and what political advantage he could spin out of such publicity. "I could make it early," I said with a smile. "As for a feature on its inhabitants... why, Governor, that's a great idea! I think you'd make a great model for the cover!" His ego was putty in my hands. I could almost laugh.

Noel Lorenzo preened. "Really? You think so hijo?"

"I'm sure of it. I'll sell the idea to our editor-in-chief and see what'll come out of it. But I'm sure she'll love the idea."

"Good, good," he said, clapping my back. The Governor looked at Andre who kept silent all this time, just eating and listening to our conversation. "I like this boy a lot Andre. He's less controversial than his sister."

My ears perked up as I heard that statement. Trying to appear nonchalant, I was going to subtly lead the Governor into explaining what he meant when one of his aides rushed by his chair and whispered something into Noel's ears.

"Uhm, excuse me gentlemen but I have urgent matters to attend to. Please enjoy yourself Jules and feel free to make use of the facilities, Andre will attend to your stay here," and with that he stood and walked out of the verandah.

That left me alone with Andre, who just sat there and finished his meal. Then he looked at me and winked.


Finally, the meal was over. Andre and I just lounged at the table, lazily observing the people around us and enjoying a couple of cold beers. Then my host stood up.

"Come with me, I wanna show you around," he said, as he started walking towards the northeast.

I yawned and call out to him. "I don't know Andre, I don't think I'm up for a tour." I yawned sleepily again. "I'm getting really sleepy," I told him. It has been a long day. I just wanted to get hit the sack and let it end.

"Come on, it won't take long. Besides, I'm beginning to get a little drunk. The walk would do us some good," he insisted and looked like he couldn't be dissuaded. Well, I guess a walk it is.

Andre and I started walking towards the gardened area, following a path strewn with river stones and crockery. It was very beautiful. There were a few lanterns or lamps placed strategically at the path, but mostly it was only the light of the full moon to guide us. The sky was covered with stars.

Andre just walked ahead thoughtfully, his gaze diverted to somewhere afar. In passing, we began talking casually.

"So... are you involved with anyone right now?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? Romantically? Hmmm... no," Andre murmured while picking a twig from a nearby guava tree and using it as a toothpick. "I haven't gotten over Joni yet, Jules. I don't think I ever will."

I nodded. Then he asked, "How about you?"

"I broke up with someone shortly before Joni's death. I've been too depressed to go dating ever since," I replied. Andre glanced at me thoughtfully.

"You're really close to her huh? So there's no one special?"

I looked Andre in the eye and smiled shyly. "My one true love has always been Joni. I've had some girlfriends but I've never been in anything serious... just casual flings here and there, some great friendships. I've never loved anyone more than I loved my sister."

Andre was looking at me weirdly when I realized what I just said. "Err.. not that way... you know what I mean, how a twin brother loves his twin sister? She and I share the same soul, or something like that.. you know what I mean," I tried to explain. Andre accepted it and nodded.

I looked ahead and we kept on walking quietly. The white round moon hung over our heads lighting our way. Then I spoke up, "To be honest Andre, I got jealous of you when you were going out with my twin. You are the only person who's ever managed to make Joni forget about talking to me for a couple of days. I guess you were really special to her."

At that point Andre smiled at me and looked ahead thoughtfully. "I... loved her. Probably more than you did," he said but I gave him a friendly but doubting smile. "Or maybe not," he shyly added, "But at the very least, I loved her as much as you did. I already asked her to marry me, did you know that?"

"You did?? When?"

"On our first date. I don't know Jules, I was just that CERTAIN Joni was 'The One,' you know what I'm saying? Maybe she didn't take my proposal seriously but I meant every word I said. I would've married her right there and then if she wanted to..."

"Okay," I said. I understood perfectly. I can sense his sincerity. This man truly loved my sister. The rest of the walk was kept in silence until we finally got to a tranquil and marshy area. I looked for other people but there was no one else around.

"Well... here we are Jules. This is what I wanted to show you," Andre pointed out. We were by the rather big pond. The moon's image was floating on its still surface. Nearby you can hear a sonata of frogs croaking, bugs buzzing and night birds warbling a cautious song.

"I wish I brought my camera," I told him sincerely. Andre picked up a stone and made it skip three times on the water, breaking the still reflection of the moon.

"It's funny isn't it Jules?" Andre asked. "Here we are... we both love the same woman. And she... goes away. Where does that leave us?"

I just glanced at him, thinking on what he just said, trying to figure out what he's trying to say. "... I guess." I replied uncertainly. "We're just left to pick up the pieces." Whatever that means. Andre just nodded.

Suddenly, Andre took off his shirt. "I feel hot. Come on, lets take a swim," he said as he also chucked off his shorts and sandals. He was left with his briefs which did nothing to hide the crack peering out from his generous butt cheeks.

"What? Here?! But our clothes..." I replied incredulously, "...or the people nearby... or..."

"My uncle chops the hand off of anybody who dares steal anything on this farm, so I can assure you that we have no thieves. As for watchers, well... they're used to me doing this by now," he answered nonchalantly as he also took off his briefs and slipped into the water. I had a good view of his back portion, full moon and all.

"What??? No, you go ahead, I'll just watch. I don't want to get wet," I replied, shaking my head in disbelief. Andres Lorenzo was one queer guy. Was he always this chummy with perfect strangers?

"Aw come on... you're missing out! The water's fine!" Andre replied, his head sticking out of the water. That was one deep pond.

"No thank you! I'm not..." I replied when something seemed to alarm Andre as he suddenly squirmed and thrashed in the dark water.

"WHAT THE? FUCK, GET AWAY---" he shouted while thrashing his hands about until finally he suddenly got pulled in the water.

"Fuckin' what--- ?! Andre???" I shouted running to the edge of the bank of the pond and looking for Andre. I hastily glanced around for any nearby help.

I didn't notice the pair of hands snaking out from the water, grabbing my ankles and pulling me in.

"FUUUUCCCCKKKK!!!!," I shouted in surprise before SPLASH!, I was in the water and fighting for my breath as something dragged me down into the bottom.

My opponent released me. I hurriedly swam up to the surface and gasped for breath. The laughing face of Andres Lorenzo greeted me up. That bastard!

"Hahahaha... you should've seen... you should've seen your face..." he laughed aloud as he kept threading on the water.

"You ASSHOLE!," I shouted angrily and swum my way back to shore. I got up, crossly took my shirt and pants off, and wrung them dry.

"What is your problem???" I muttered angrily.

The idiot was still laughing at my expense but eventually started gaining his composure. "...heee... I'm sorry. Hehehe... I... I couldn't help myself. Come here... now don't be mad, it was only a joke. Nobody got hurt," and Andres playfully splashed some water my way.

I started calming down. Normally, I wouldn't get mad if one of my friends did this to me in one of our excursions. I'd play along. But that's just it. Andres Lorenzo was not my friend, or rather, he's not a person I'm familiar with. I guess I just felt flabbergasted that someone I barely knew would play such a prank on me. This was totally unexpected, especially considering that Andre didn't seem to be the kind of person who would play juvenile tricks on perfect strangers. He always seemed brooding and silent.

This was the first time that I saw him without the chip on his shoulder.

"Aw come on, you're already wet, you might as well enjoy a dip. It's just you and me Jules. Live a little." Andre called out, again splashing me with some water.

I never could stay angry for long. Yeah, why not indeed? I'm here on vacation, aren't I? I began to grin and looked at the water.

I dived into the pond and swum up close to Andre.

"You're an idiot, you know that?" I stated wryly at my host, splashing some water on his face. Andre just grinned idiotically in response.

"I did this to Joni once. She reacted the same way you did, except I think she knee'd me in the nuts for pulling that stunt. Good thing I didn't take my shorts off when I did that to her."

I guffawed. "Yeah, that sounds like my sister alright. She's smarter though. I should've thought of that. I could've grabbed the opportunity and hit you where it hurts. You're not wearing any protection this time buddy boy."

Andre laughed and swum some distance away from me. "Oops. Better not take any chances."

I laughed and splashed some water at his face. He retaliated and pretty soon we got into a splashing war.

"Okay, okay, I quit! I surrender! Mercy!," Andre begged mockingly as I gave him another splash-down for good measure. I stopped eventually, and we both just floated lazily and kept quiet for a few minutes.

I floated on my back and just stared up the night-sky, listening to a nearby frog croaking to nothing in particular.

"Can we be friends Jules?" Andre suddenly asked.

"Hmm...? Why sure...," I replied lazily.

Andre swum over to me. Since I was pretty close to the shore, Andre sat up on the bank facing me, totally un-selfconscious about his nudity. I politely diverted my eyes somewhere else but he started talking and I couldn't help but glance his way and stare curiously at his body. Fortunately, it was dark and because of the shadows and silhouettes, I couldn't make anything out except his gut.

"No seriously... I mean it. Can we be friends? I mean... like buddies. Good friends. Pals. Brothers even," he says, looking earnestly at me.

"Uh... I barely even know you Andre and you barely know me. Why the sudden intimacy between us? I mean, I'll be blunt here. I might not even like you if I got to know you better. The same goes for you. Just because I'm Joni's twin brother doesn't mean you're under any obligation to like me. All the more now that my twin is dead."

"What are you mean by that Jules?," Andre asked with a hint of anger. Just a hint.

"Nothing. You know... I'm just surprised why you suddenly want to make me your buddy when we haven't even gotten to know each other for that long."

"I don't have to get to know you any longer to know that I like you. You're a swell guy. And besides, you're Joni's brother. I love everything about Joni. Everything. That means I love you too Jules." Andre replied earnestly. Was this guy pulling my leg??? I looked him straight in the eye and he seemed really sincere.

"Uh... okay Andre. If you say so. Sure, I'll be your friend. But I'll be honest with you, I don't immediately... uhm... trust people I've just met. To me you're just another one of Joni's boyfriends. I want to get to know you better before I can call you a real friend."

"Sounds fair enough," Andre nodded seriously. "Okay then, let's get to know each other a little better. But this is like when I proposed to Joni, Jules. I already have a sense of KNOWING that you're gonna be someone real close to me... very close. I'm basically a good man Jules. You're gonna find that out and you're going to love me."

Love him? What is this, a freaking soap opera? I smirked and offered him my hand. "If you say so. Well, okay then, let's be friends."

Andre good-naturedly gripped my hand and patted it with his other hand. The sucker.

"Have a nice trip... friend," I said, giving him an evil smile while I pulled the bastard into the water and gave him a good drowning.


Andre and I were still chuckling as we made our way up back to our rooms.

"For a slim guy, you're pretty strong," Andre muttered in mock resent. I poked him on his big gut and quipped, "Yeah, well the bigger they are, the harder they fall."

"Geez, you sound as bad as Joni. I'm gonna diet Mother. I swear!"

I laughed. "Yeah I can see why Joni stuck with you. She always liked guys who can make her laugh."

"You mean she didn't love me for my dastardly good looks??? You hurt me with your words," the buffoon replied in pseudo-misery. We finally got to our rooms. I stopped him right before he went in the door and formed my hand for rock-paper-scissors.

"Whoops, stop. We gotta resolve who gets to use the bathroom first. I don't want what happened earlier to happen again, that was really embarrasing," I said.

Andre just looked at me incredulously, "Whaat? You wuss, let's take a shower together. I'm too tired to wait for you to finish... you're like a girl, you take too long. And trust me, you don't want to use the john after I take a crap... like.. phew!"

"I'm really not comfortable being naked around you Andre," I replied bluntly.

"Well... you've already seen me naked, so what's the big deal? I've also seen you in your skivvies. Embarrassed to show me your little ding-a-ling? Come on, it's no big deal... it's not the size that-"

"-yeah yeah, alright already. So we'll shower together. And for your information, the pond was real cold." I shook my head in resignation. This guy really invaded my private space.

"Excuses, excuses, get into the shower... you smell like a frog," Andre opened his door, draped his arm around me and hustled me in. He started taking his shirt off with his other hand.

"And whose fault was that?" I shot back and sighed. Self-consciously, I turned my back against him and started stripping.

Andre whistled. "Nice ass. Do you jog?"

I smirked and turned around. Andre was completely naked. So was I.

I couldn't help but stare at his nether region. His groin was profuse with pubic hair and so were his balls. His cock looked pretty impressive.

"I didn't know they came that thick," I couldn't help but reply. It was ruddy, dark and topped with a big and purplish cock head. Andre's dick just hung rudely on top of his balls... looking like an elephant's snout.

"Hey, what can I say? It's good to be a Lorenzo. Although yours isn't pretty bad. Maybe I shouldn't call you a ding-a-ling... more like a dong-a-long," Andre offered, unabashedly looking at mine.

"Whatever. I'm getting in the shower," I said as I hurriedly got in. The truth is was that all this attention on my weiner got it excited. I didn't want him to see me pop a woody.

Andre followed right behind me and chuckled. "Hey what's that??!! Are you getting an erection??," he pointed out. I turned my back against him, embarrassed.

"Hey, let me see! Hee hee, Jules no shit, you're getting a boner!" the idiot kept babbling, which got made me feel even more awkward and got me harder and harder. Andre kept giggling, "Mr. Vallejo, you bad boy! Are you happy to see me? Stop it now or you're gonna poke me in the eye with that thing!"

I just got all the more flustered and turned around to face him when I felt something warm hit my thigh. The bastard was also getting a hard-on!

Andre just grinned at me. "See? Nothing to get embarrassed. I'm getting hard too. Go ahead, look!"

I didn't want to but I couldn't help myself. Heaven help me but I was getting turned on by his nudity. Andre's intense dark eyes were locked into mine and I'd be damned if I didn't think he looked so sexy. His round earnest face with his shaved head, smiling at me with those clean white teeth. His rugged jaw with the perpetual 5 o'clock stubble and his sensuous lips. The maleness of his scent... cologne, cigarettes and sweat.

I began to notice how broad his shoulders and chest were... how thick his arms. And the water dribbling down on his ruddy skin, getting caught in the mat of his chest and stomach hair.

I could hear his every breath... so close were we to each other. And he just looked at me intently... his lips parted just so.

"Wanna jack off?" he suddenly asked, smiling honestly at me. He was so near... so near...

I looked him straight in the eye and shivered. I hope he didn't notice that. I closed my eyes and exhaled slowly. The shower was cold around me... and Andre's body so hot.

"Idiot." I spat out angrily. Then I opened my eyes and glared at Andre.

And with that, I got out of the shower and toweled myself dry, locking the door behind me.

Next: Chapter 3

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