Beau's Song

Published on Jun 28, 2006



Disclaimer: This story is a work of adult fiction. If any viewer is not allowed by local, state, or federal/national law to view such material for any reason, including age, he or she should leave immediately. The following work of homoerotic fiction is in no way, form, or fashion based on any real persons and is therefore a purely conceived story of the authors. Any similarities between the characters or events of this story and those in real-life are purely coincidental and should be ignored. You have been warned. Please enjoy. E-mail feedback is very much welcomed!

Beau's Song: Chapter 1 - Buses and Planes

Beau started down the road to his apartment when he noticed the passel of sweaty jocks trudging up the incline leading into campus. This part of summer usually brings out the sports teams, ROTC recruits, and other fitness gurus who all wish to burn off the calories they took in over the weekend at the local bars. And Old Baylor Road was one of the main access roads to campus, so it wasn't completely odd that Beau would pass such a crowd. He also liked passing by these groups from time to time, specifically enjoying the well-toned bodies that seemed to gleam in the sunlight. The sight of these guys, most of whom he recognized from the college baseball team, gave Beau a slight tingle.

He put the runners out of his mind soon after they passed, and focused on his goal for the day - packing his clothing for the coming choir tour to Washington, D.C. and New York City. New York was a long way away from Tennessee, but Beau had been to New York before and could guestimate what things he would need for the trip. Excited about being on a trip with some of his closest friends to what was considered the city of cities, he chose to pack a variety of clothing - appropriate for all types of events and situations.

When he returned back to the music building, he parked his car in the open parking lot and quickly toted his belongings up the hill to the buses parked in the rear of the building. One of the graduate students, Herb, helped him load his things. Beau hopped on the bus to find that only a few of the seats had been taken. He chose wisely when trying to decide where to sit; he didn't want to sit in the very back of the bus with the noisy crowd, but didn't want to seem lame by sitting in the front of the bus near the choir director and the typically conservative type, either. So, he took a seat toward the rear but close enough to the center so that he could easily find his way into any number of conversations that might arise. God knows that the University Singers consisted of quite a few personalities.

Beau reached in his backpack and pulled out his Moleskine notebook and began to write about nothing in particular - some of his thoughts for the day, the group of runners, goals and dreams that he wanted to fulfill at some point in his life. The crowd of choristers poured onto the bus, and Beau smiled and acknowledged many of them who came near or passed by when seating themselves. One guy in particular - Mike, a graduate voice student - always seemed to intrigue him.

Mike was your typical looking midwestern guy from Missouri. There definitely was nothing extremely special about him: he stood about 6'2" tall, weighed in at about 210 pounds, had dark brown hair, and looked like the typical college student. One thing about him that wasn't so common was that he was 22 years old - pretty young for a Graduate student, but Mike was a July kid and had actually graduated from his undergrad institution in four years. Mike was also a true bass - easily hitting the low Ds, Cs, and Bs without growling or frying the voice like a lot of guys who try to sing those low pitches. Needless to say, Mike was a great asset to the choir.

Beau sang tenor I in the choir and was a senior at 21 years old. He was looking forward to the following May when he would graduate after 5 years of hard work. He had plans to move either to Columbus, OH or to New York for graduate study at Ohio State or at the Manhattan School of Music. His dream was to become a professional singer. Beau had done well in college, so far. He had won a few small vocal competitions, competing with other college students his age.

Beau had thought many times that Mike was wasting his time staying in school; Mike's voice was so rich in tone and wide in range that he could easily have found work singing professionally in small opera companies or with professional choirs. But, at the same time, he was glad to have Mike around - a guy who seemed to like Beau and didn't have any of your typical Music egos that came with all the wanna-be divas that came and left the university every year.

To say that Beau liked Mike was an understatement. Beau, first of all, found Mike handsome in the non-traditional way. Plus, Beau loved bass voices, mostly because it was such a contrast from his high tenor. Beau only wished that Mike could possibly be gay so that they could live out his fantasies he kept to himself and his Moleskine.

Anyway, Beau managed a toothy grin and went back to his writing while Mike stuffed his carryon in the overhead across the aisle. Kallie, a good friend of Beau's, arrived at her usual time - about five minutes late, and took her seat with Beau before they pulled out of the parking lot heading to Nashville to catch their flight to Washington. Allison and Natalie Ann were sitting behind Beau, and the foursome engaged in conversation that covered everything from sex to music to excitement or lack-there-of of the trip up North. Beau glanced over to see Mike snoozing in his seat, wrapped in his pullover green hooded sweater that always gave Beau the hotts. Beau noticed the stubble on Mike's face and sighed as he went back to his conversation with the girls.

When the bus reached the airport in Nashville, everyone unloaded off the bus, and Beau politely nudged Mike, who woke up abruptly as if someone had sounded an alarm. He yawned and stretched and grabbed his things and headed into the lobby with the rest of the gang. He and Beau started chatting about the baseball team and how they'd just pulled off an amazing 3-2 victory at in the last game of their three game series the weekend before. Mike also congratulated Beau on his singing the anthem at the game.

"You sang the hell out of the Star-Spangled Banner the other day at the game."

"Thanks. It was overwhelming."

"You wailed the hell out of that high note at the end! What was that, a C?"


"Man, you kill me with your high range."

"You do well yourself with the low. I can't sing anything low to save my life."

By this time, the two had made it to the luggage check-in and followed with the security clearance. They both reached the terminal. However, Beau's spirits sank a bit when he realized the choir's tickets were arranged alphabetically. So, he'd be sitting towards the back of the plane while Mike was in the middle. Luckily, Natalie Ann and he were next to each other on the roll, so Beau cheered up at the consolation prize of having someone to talk to. They boarded the plane; Beau pulled out his Moleskine once again, and began writing. He hardly realized he'd been in the air at all between his writing and gabbing and laughing with Natalie Ann. They landed at Reagan National about ten minutes ahead of schedule. The students all gathered their luggage and headed for the buses.

Please feel free to e-mail the author at with comments and questions. I do plan on writing more on this story. However, please keep the e-mail's content pertinent to the story.

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