Beat it Out of Him

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Apr 17, 2002




by Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It's always a surprise what you find on the Lost Worlds. Ever since the fall of the Empire, we've been coming across worlds with no contact for many years. Some of them got lost after being nearly wiped out. Others were just strange to begin with. And when you throw in the native life, it can get downright ridiculous. Doesn't mean you don't have to deal with it.

Take Wazi-Lu, which is where we went on our last trip. Group of African nationalist tribes went there to re-establish their old ways and customs. When we arrived, we were about as welcome as mice at a ladies' tea party.

Still, we made some progress among the natives that first week. At the end of that week, Bill Breckinridge, who we called "the kid", caught some native bug. First sign was blue fingertips. I told him to wash his hands, he goggled like any new recruit, said he didn't know how it had happened, and walked off to wash it off. Came back and said it wouldn't wash off. I watched him wash them again, and he was right, it wouldn't wash off.

Then he got clumsy, dropping things and tripping over his own feet. In all the confusion that caused (his primary job was trainee, which included a lot of step-and-fetch-it), we barely noticed the blue color crawling up his fingers until his hands were entirely blue. And useless. He couldn't flex his fingers or anything. He couldn't move anything that had turned blue. That's when we got nervous.

I had a meeting with the rest of my crew, Doc Long, James McCannon and me, John Wachs, after Doc had finished examining him. It took half an hour, but it can be boiled down to one question and answer.

"What is it, Doc?"

"I don't know." he said.

All tests indicated some sort of infection, but Doc couldn't isolate the virus. That's when I insisted on bringing in the local witch doctor. I was remembering curare, and other medications. Also what they taught us back in the Academy. Primitive cultures aren't ignorant, just lower-tech than we are. They might have the answer.

Well, the witch doctor came easily enough. He danced around Bill's bed for a half hour, Bill lying there with the blue up past his elbows and now covering his feet.

James translated his answer. "Wait."

So we waited. Bill got worse. Doc tried every kind of antibiotic we had, but it was like feeding the kid sugar pills.

We sent for the doctor again. Again the dance, again the answer, "Wait." We argued and got a little more. Bill couldn't be treated his style until the blue had crawled up and covered his arms and legs.

We waited. Bill was okay, alert and everything. Just that the virus (we started calling it the Blue Bug) sort of turned parts of his anatomy blue, and when it did, Bill had no control over that part of his body; it just lay there like a dead thing.

The third time, the witch doctor came without being asked. He walked in and insisted we strip Bill naked for him to look over. We did, Doc protesting all the time let me mention here, Doc hated that witch doctor getting equal billing with him, and the doctor looked at him carefully. Bill's arms and legs were entirely covered and the blue was working onto his shoulders and groin. And he was suffering another, rather embarrassing effect, priapism. Kid had a permanent erection on him. Nice hunk of manmeat, I remember thinking. If I'd had a cock like that, nine inches of uncut cock, maybe my wife wouldn't have left me for that flyer salesman.

"Now you can begin." came the answer.

"Great!" Doc said. "What do we do?"

The answer shocked the hell out of us. The witch doctor wanted us to beat Bill's meat for him. That's right, masturbation. Every hour or so, around the clock.

We had another meeting over that. During it, Doc put his foot down.

"If you follow that shaman's advice, I'll declare both of you mentally incompetent." The doctor's sole command prerogative was that he could strip us of our duties. And Doc was steadfast, he would do just that.

We had a second meeting after Doc left, in my cabin. "What do you think, James?" I asked quietly.

"Doc's medicine isn't doing any good."

"I know, but isn't he right? What good is it going to do Bill to sit there and flog his meat for him. Again and again, no less?"

James chuckled. "Kid wouldn't mind. Admitted to me that erection of his isn't just ornamental, or due to not pissing in a while. He's horny as hell, and not able to move his arms to take care of it."

"So we'd give the kid his jollies."

"One more thing. I checked on the village. Young fellow there had it, too, only affects the men for some reason. That's what they did for him. I watched them. And it went away."

"Maybe it goes away all by itself."

"Somehow I doubt that."

We waited until morning. The Blue Bug crept across Bill's shoulders and onto the kid's balls. The erection damned near pulsated, jerking about like you can do if you put your mind to it, but Bill didn't seem to be controlling it.

I told James, "Take Doc down to the rec room and keep him occupied. Talk to him about rugby, he loves the game."

"What are you going to do?" James asked me.

"Follow the advice we were given. Kid's getting weak. At the very least, he'll have some fun before he dies."

"You're a better man than I am, Captain Wachs." And James saluted with a wide grin. "Hey, Doc, let's get a cup- of-joe. You need a break."

Doc went along with it, trundled off down to the rec room. I waited until they were at the coffee maker before I went into Bill's room.

Bill had only a coverlet over him, and a tube of some kind of fluid running into him. I checked the chart; Doc was trying a stimulant. I yanked the tube out of Bill's arm and woke him up in the process. That schlong of his was tenting the sheet out even in his sleep.

"How's it going, kid?" I asked him.

"I feel worse, Captain. Captain, what did that witch doctor tell y'all to do? Doc won't tell me other than to call it nonsense."

"That's what I'm going to find out. Kid, if you ever breathe a word of this to anyone, I'll tear your tongue out and hang it in the control room as a trophy." And I lifted back the sheet. Bill wore one of those silly paper hospital robes they insist on putting on you. I tore it off from him, and had the kid naked.

Kid had a nice bod for a nineteen-year-old. Well developed muscles, the beginning scraggle of hair on his chest but only fuzz on his face after a week in bed. I sat down by him and said, "Are you ready for your treatment?"

"Go ahead." he said. "Whatever it takes. I don't want to die." And he squinched his eyes up tight.

I wrapped my hand around the kid's prong and he opened them again in a hurry. "What are you doing?"

"The native cure." I said, and I pounded the kid's pud.

He didn't protest, he must have been really horny. At that age, going a week without jerking off is sheer misery. He just sort of groaned and muttered, "Oh, Captain, thank you. Thank you."

"Shut up and enjoy the ride, kid."

He probably would have squirmed around if he'd been able to. As it was, he just tossed his head back and forth and grunted like a pig. I felt the salty slop of precome dribble onto my hand and it got inside his foreskin and made a sort of sucking noise. Sh-lop, sh-lop, like that.

"I'm going to come, Cap'n." he groaned.

"Do it, kid. Shoot it hard." I urged him.

He did, there was a fucking gallon of the stuff that rocketed out of his pud and soaked him and me. I should have watched the angle, but the only pud I'd ever jerked before this had been my own. You expect to get it on yourself, but from another guy? Come on!

Jism hit my face and I jerked back while not letting go of the kid's pud. "Oh, jeez, kid, watch that stuff." I groaned.

"Uh, uh!" Kid was too busy spurting his wad to worry about me.

I laughed at the whole situation. When the kid quieted down, I said, "That's the cure, kid, every couple of hours. What do you think of it?" I wiped my face with the sleeve of my uniform and groaned, there was more of the stuff on my sleeve than my face. "God, kid, how much of that stuff did you have in you?"

He lifted his head and looked down at the wad all over his chest and stomach. "I guess it'd been a while. That's more than I usually shoot." I covered him back with the sheet then headed for the door, but he gave a grunt and I looked at him, he licked his lips, "Uh, Captain?"

"Yeah, kid?" I needed to get back to my bathroom, wash off and change.

"Uh, I'd rather whisper it."

"Okay, kid."

I went back in and leaned over and he whispered to me, "Captain, I feel I owe you something for doing this. I can't move my hands or nothing, but, well, I still got control of my lips. And, uh, I'd really like to, you know, pay you back."

I didn't get mad. Hey, I know I'm a big, good-looking hunk, with my jet-black hair and eyes everyone called "piercing blue". I worked out as much as anyone in the Force, and had been at it for ten years now. I'd been lusted after by cute boys before along with the normal allotment of women of all kinds. And I'd seen the kid's psychological profile when he joined us. If the military didn't care, neither did I.

So I didn't get mad, just said, "Kid, you don't owe me anything. Just try to get well. And never say something like that to me when we've been out for four months like we have."

I went back to my room, smirked in the mirror. Good thing the Doc hadn't seen me, I had a smear of white on my face the size of Asia. I wiped at it with my fingers, and sniffed the stuff. Smelled about like I'd expected, salty, and somehow masculine. I touched the stuff to my tongue and got a taste, tasted about like it smelled. Then I caught myself, said, "Shit!" at the mirror, and washed it off. I was slipping. I HAD been out too long. That and this screwy planet.

I'd been out too long. You beat another man off for the first time, you got to expect a few thoughts off the beaten track, eh?

I looked at my watch, changed my uniform and walked to the rec room. The look on James' face was absolutely hilarious. Lunk wanted to ask me so bad he could taste it, and didn't dare. Which suited me fine.

Doc rambled on about rugby for a time (once he got started, you didn't have a conversation, you had a sports monologue) and then got to his feet when he talked about the Hawks' "new kid." "Speaking of kids, I'd better check on ours."

James waited until the Doc closed the door on Bill's room. "Well?" he asked.

"Well what?" I gave him a blank look.

"Did you do it?"

"I said I would, and I did."

"How did it go?"

"About the way I expected it to. Were you expecting a fireworks display or something?"

And we both burst out laughing. James wiped tears from his eyes, and said, "No, I mean, how did the kid take this little service from his captain?"

"Wanted to pay me back the only way he had left. Charitable little cuss."

"Yeah?" James seemed curious. "Want me to take the next shift? I could use a little service myself."

We laughed again, for James has four children back on his home world of Nova Terra.

"I'll take care of this duty. You just keep Doc distracted at the right times."

James turned serious. "Every couple of hours. I'm just worried about how long we can keep this up."

"Long enough to see if it works. After that, we'll worry about Doc."

Doc was weary, and willing enough for another chat with James when I suggested it early that night. I got them down to the rec room and then slipped in to Bill's room.

"Hi, Captain." Bill said.

"Ready for your second dose of native medicine, kid?"

He managed a smile. "Born ready, Captain."

I lifted back the sheets, which stuck to the kid's body from the previous load of jism. That erection of his was still going strong. I didn't remember seeing it go down a bit after that first time. "Then let's milk you down again."

Bill managed to waggle his hips as I grabbed a hold of his cock again. I watched his face as I clamped on tight, he closed his eyes and kind of groaned to himself. Really getting into this. At his age, that's easy. I flogged him and damned if the kid didn't watch my face the entire time. Kind of smiling gently at me through half-open eyelids. I tried to keep looking back at him, keep it friendly, but I had to tear loose from that look. Last time I saw that smile on a woman's face, I ended up married to her.

"Thought any about my offer, Captain?" he said tentatively after a while, between grunts while I milked his monkey.

"Uh, you'd better concentrate on getting off, kid. My arm's getting tired. I ain't used to this." I said gruffly. "Yes, sir." he kind of sighed, and close his eyes entirely. His lips made these kissing motions, and I realized who he was probably kissing in his mind's eye. I flogged him hard and fast all of a sudden, kind of angry- like, and he gasped, groaned, jetted it again. This time I kept that monster aimed away from me, but it was just as powerful as before. Jism hit the wall over his head, making thick splatting sounds when it did (metal is all hell for sound vibrations), and really got all over his face. When he was done, I wiped my hand off on his balls just to remind him of who I was, and said, "I'd better wash your face. Doc's going to wonder about how you're getting off."

I fetched a washrag from the basin in the niche near the kid's bed, what he had to use for both a sink and shower area. His one chair, though designed like a cozy armchair, had a toilet built into its seat when you lifted the cushion. The greatest luxury aboard ship was having a bathroom separate from your living quarters so you don't have to live with your own farts. I made sure the water was warm before I dunked the rag, and said, "Now, hold still, kid." while I washed his face.

He really had a pretty sort of face on him, the kid did. Bill had that androgynous look, the kind of face that would suit a woman pretty good. Not effeminate, Bill wasn't that, but just sort of, female, if you see what I mean. That soft look to the cheeks, that gentleness in the eyes, that sort of guff.

Bill kind of nuzzled my hand as I washed him, and I turned it into a sort of stroking of his face. Kid deserved some fun, seeing how if this didn't work, he wasn't going to be around much longer. Would it be so terrible to let him slurp on my pud if this was his last chance for sex? I thought about it as I gave his body a quick once-over as long as I was at it. Really a nice body. Bill took care of himself. Damn these thoughts. Why didn't the natives try to cure it by dabbling the patient with chicken's blood or something?

I shifted my cock in my trousers and hung the rag out to dry neatly the way you learn to in the Academy and never lose as long as you live. When I was done, I pulled the covers over him again.

"Captain, that offer I made?"

"What about it, Scrub?" I asked scornfully.

It didn't work. "I just want to say Captain, I mean, if I don't get better..."

"Yeah, kid?" I turned gentle-father in a hurry.

"Would you let me do it before it got too late? I mean, I'd hate to have to die without doing it just one more time."

"I think about it, kid." I promised him. You'll promise a dying man damned near anything.

"Can I whisper to you again, sir?"

I sighed and leaned over, my ear to his mouth.

The brat kissed me on my cheek. "Just always wanted to do that. Thank you, sir." And the bastard went right to sleep.

I went out, rubbing my cheek. Doc was on his way back despite James' near tugging at his arm to pull him back, and they looked at me quizzically. "I can't figure some people out." I informed them disdainfully. I went back to my cabin. I wouldn't do the kid again until almost midnight.

It was easy to set it up that night. Doc was exhausted from trying to do everything for the kid around the clock, and I pleaded insomnia. When I offered to sit up with the kid for him, he accepted gratefully. I trundled him off to his bedroom.

Then I was stuck with the kid all night. He kind of grinned when the door closed on us again, and he said, "Done some thinking, Captain?"

"You're taking a lot of advantage of your illness here." I warned him.

"I'm feeling a lot better. Look." Bill shifted and his right arm tugged upwards. Seemed to me the blue color had, not shrunk in area, but lost a bit of its hue. It was darker somehow. (Could have been my fatigue. I'd lied like a sonofabitch to the doctor, and was dog-tired. But Bill was my responsibility.)

"That's great, kid. Ready for your booster shot?"

"You bet, Captain. And you didn't answer my question, sir."

"What question was that?" I asked, cunningly timing my answer to the point when I grabbed his cock and immediately began pounding it hard and fast.

He loved it like that, no doubt. He grunted, groaned, and sprayed his wad in about three minutes' time. I was amazed how much jism there was in this kid. Even when I had been his age, I wouldn't have been able to shoot like that.

While Bill caught his breath after his load, I sleepily played with a pool of it on his stomach, kind of circling it around and making odd shapes with it. His stomach was taut and flat, like a blank canvas and I could paint on it with his sperm. Of course, when I got that far, I realized how it was looking to the kid, and got up.

And my cock was hard as a rock! "I see you could use a little of the treatment yourself, Captain." Bill said. Should have known the kid would be looking there.

"I'll be okay, kid."

"Aw, Captain, why not?" he begged. "I mean, I'm getting all the fun out of this, and you're getting nothing but a lot of sticky jism on your hands. I'm grateful as hell, and think you're a swell guy, and I think you're cute as all get out, and I've wanted to from the day I first stepped on board this ship and saw you. I could die tomorrow, so why wouldn't I ask you?"

"Ask me what?"

He made a wry pucker. "You're right, I haven't asked you anything, have I?"

"Not a single thing." I assured him.

"Captain Wachs, can I please suck your cock? Please?" he looked earnest as all hell when he said it, and there wasn't a trace of smile on his face.

Or mine. Maybe it was the lateness of the hour. Maybe it was how I'd been pounding his pud non-stop. But I didn't see anything too wrong with what he was asking.

But damn it, you keep sex off the base and off my ship! That had always been my policy!

A compromise was in order. "When you get better, kid. I promise you then. We'll fix up a picnic basket, go out into the jungle away from the ship, and you can suck me absolutely raw. But not here and now."

"Okay. In that case, can I see it?"

I groaned. What was I getting into here! Why had I said anything about letting him suck me?!

"Can't you wait until you're better?"

"I might not get better." the cad reminded me. He was using every weapon he had, fair or not.

"You're getting better."

"Maybe, maybe not. I want to live now, more than ever. Ain't the same thing as getting better. Either I get to see it after I get better, or just before I die. Or maybe I'll die in my sleep and never get to touch it at all. I just want to look at it. Anything wrong with that?"

"I guess not." Was that me talking? Me, John Hubert Straight-As-An-Arrow Wachs? Was I really undoing my fly so a raw recruit could look at my schlong? I was!

I fished in and tugged that hard betrayer of mine out. This kid would get a good look at what he'd be sucking one day. I pulled out seven inches of thick, cut, genuine Earth-American cock, and waved it before his admiring eyes.

"Wow!" he breathed. "I sure want to get a hold of that with my lips, sir. Give you a good, hard suction and take you down my throat, sir. Keep you buried deep from beginning to end, and swallow every drop, sir."

"You want this?" I teased him, stroking it slowly, letting my foreskin pucker mockingly as I stepped nearer, closer but out of reach of his clutching mouth. You could see the kid wanted it more than anything in the world. Well, I wouldn't let him touch it until he got out that bed under his own power! I told him that.

"That's okay, sir, I can wait. I'm going to get better, I can feel it. Stroke it a little more for me, sir."

I did as he asked, fitting my hand around the shaft and giving it gentle, slow, long strokes.

"That's nice. Now, a little faster. Please?"

I speeded up my hand a little faster, and a clear pearl of precome glistened on my slit.

"Yeah, that's doing it, sir. That's just perfect, but just a little faster, please, Captain."

I put a little more speed on it, and lost all my control just like the rascal knew I would. I was horny, too busy flogging him to pay attention to my own needs, and he had teased and coaxed me into my current position, flogging my cock near his hungry, licking lips. Just a quick step forward and he could gulp it down. Just a quick step...

No, he'd have to get out of bed before that. I could tease, too. I flogged my cock for him, determined to let him think I'd shoot it all over him, then turn and spurt it into the sink at the last second. Two could play a cocktease game.

"Oh, yeah, sir, that's wonderful. Really give it hell, sir. Faster, faster!" he urged me. "Shoot it all over my face, sir. All over me. Shoot it now!"

And I was lost. Somehow he'd taken control of my orgasm instead of me. He gave me that command to shoot it and I was immediately thrust into climax, groaning, trying to move my feet like I'd planned, but too late, I jerk- spurted and my come flew across his youthful body and caught him in the face just like he'd asked for.

Bill tried to move around, to catch my flying jism on his tongue so he could get a taste of it earlier than I'd planned. I suppose he succeeded, I couldn't see too well at that time. By the time I could see, all I saw was Bill licking at his cheeks with his tongue as far out as it would go, and nearly catching a blob of thick white come I'd shot there.

I knelt down quickly and grabbed his head with both hands, thrust my face to his, nose-to-nose, still panting from the exertion, and said, "Damn it, kid, you tricked me!"

"It wasn't too hard." he said confidently. "Now, could you sort of push the come on my face over so I can lick it off?"

"You lick my come? You haven't done anything to earn it yet." I said. And I licked my own come off of his face. The taste of my sperm adorning his soft downy cheeks with their own tang of human sexuality. "There, that's better." I said when I was done.

Bill looked disappointed. "That's not fair."

"Life isn't fair, kid. You'll get used to it. I got to give you something to look forward to." I yawned. "Damn, I'm sleepy."

"I thought you couldn't sleep."

I laughed wryly. "Just said that to get rid of Doc overnight. We got to keep milking you dry every couple of hours, according to the native witch doctor. Only way to cure you."

"Then why not set the alarm for an hour from now and get in with me?" Bill suggested.

"I don't know. What if Doc comes in and sees us like that."

"Or you could trade off with the Commander."

"James? Why, what was he said to you?"

"Nothing. Just a suggestion."

"Getting tired of me already, kid?"

"Well, you did steal that come from me."

"You'll get plenty when you're better." I said sleepily. "I will set that alarm, just in case I nod off." I made myself comfortable on the chair and I did in fact nod off.

The alarm woke me and I sleepily performed my duty for the kid. His capacity for sex was astounding, and I was wondering if maybe the witch doctor really knew what he was doing after all, for that blue color was definitely off its normal tint. It used to be almost a royal blue, now it was dull dark blue. I got the kid off, who fell asleep right afterwards, thank God, and sleepily got the alarm set for two hours after that. Another nap, another alarm, and I again milked the kid dry. He seemed to be losing potency, each load was smaller, though none was quite the bare dribble you'd expect from empty balls.

I set the alarm for 8:00 a.m. but was awakened by the good doctor himself at 6:30 a.m., with jovial good humor. "He's better, definitely, Captain! The stimulant combined with the sulfa must have done it!"

"Really?" I managed to look astounded. "Congratulations, doctor."

"Well, son, let's get you out of that bed. Captain, if you'll help me carry him, we'll get him to the lounge area where he can sit up and watch some movies with us."

I groaned. Our good doctor was going to ruin all my night's work with his kindness.

The doctor ran test after test. Everything kept him happy. James came in sleepily at 7:30 a.m., and I explained my dilemma. "The kid's getting better, but Doc has him in the rec area."

"The rec area? My God, there's no privacy there. How will we continue the treatments?"

"What do you mean we, paleface?" I asked him. He didn't catch the reference, but got the idea.

"How can we distract him?"

"I don't know. The kid doesn't need any time to get off, so we'll stick with him, and wait for a chance."

Breakfast took forever, Doc spoonfeeding Bill, who watched me with helpless eyes. I stuck around despite needing to do several things around the ship, waiting for something, anything.

James was no help. "What was that you were saying about the Vikings, Doc? Here, have another cup of coffee and tell me about it."

"What are you doing?" I asked after I'd had a chance to whisper to him during Doc's monologue.

"Getting us a chance. Keep quiet, and stick close by."

"I got to get moving soon." I told him.

"So will he. You'll see."

Doc did indeed have to get moving. "Back in a minute, folks. Keep an eye on my patient for me, will you, James?"

"Glad to, Doc."

And Doc ambled off.

"Where'd he go?" I asked as I sprinted across the room toward Bill.

"Where anyone does after four cups of coffee. Strong coffee. To the can. Hurry up and beat the kid off. He won't be long."

"I sure hope you're extra horny, kid." I yanked aside the robe and pulled out the kid's cock from those pajamas the doc had put on him for his "convalescence." It was 8:30, and the cock was hard and waiting for me. I didn't waste any time looking, leaving guard duty for James, just grabbed Bill's cock and started flogging it.

Bill slid back onto the couch and I knelt on the floor to get a better purchase. A hard, fast flog on a teenaged dick, it works every time. Bill was gasping, whimpering in no time.

"He's done in there." James hissed urgently. "Get the kid off, fast."

"I'm trying. Shut up." I snarled.

"Come on, John, flog that young dick! Make it shoot high and wide." I knew what James was doing, trying to turn the kid on.

And it worked. Bill shot his wad all over the couch and all over me. I'd forgotten in my urgency to aim that damned schlong of his where it'd do no damage. Now I was soaked with teeenaged come, and there's nothing stickier or more obvious than that on a midnight-black uniform like mine. My last clean one!

"He's coming down the hall."

"Well, the kid's finished coming. Come on, Bill, sit up again." I yanked him back into sitting position. "Gulp air, you can't pant or Doc'll think you're having a relapse."

I tugged the robe back over the kid and had no more time for myself, just tried to keep my left profile facing Doc, so he wouldn't see my right profile drenched with come. Only way to do that was to be standing when he came in, and from the way he walked, I had to sit down on the right side of Bill when Doc took Bill's left side, leaving the three of us side-by-side on the couch. And I hate couches! My own easy chair beckoned to me, but it faced the couch, and Doc.

James got a clear view, though, from his chair on my right. He saw his Captain with come splattered all over him, including one errant wad that had hit me in my temple, and clung to my small sideburns with tenacious dignity.

I gave him careful looks, and the look on his face was incredible. What must he be thinking about me right now?

James finally pulled out his handkerchief and said, "Hold still, James." And made a swatting motion that just "coincidentally" swiped that wad of come. "Got it."

"What is it?" Doc asked.

"Just a bug. Must have slipped in from outdoors."

"Really? What kind is it?"

"Couldn't tell. It crushed easily when I grabbed at it. Yuck! Hold still, Captain, it's falling apart." And James managed to clean me off while "cleaning off" the bug.

"Must have been a large bug. Why didn't you feel it, Captain?" Doc seemed suspicious.

"I don't know."

"It was in his hair. Probably just landed there when I saw it."

"Why didn't we see it buzzing around, then?"

"Come on, Doc, I can't think like a bug." James said, exasperated.

That quieted Doc, but he seemed ill at ease. I cast a careful glance at myself, I was clean enough to get past Doc if I hurried. I felt my temple and it was still sticky, but only slightly so. I was as decent as I'd ever be, and the engine room waited to be inspected. I made a dash and noted the time. I'd have to do this all over again at 11:00 a.m. or so.

Doc was getting suspicious, no doubt. He wouldn't leave Bill alone with us no matter what any of us said. Our offers to cover while he went to the bathroom met with refusals, as did our attempts to discuss any subject, even rugby. That should have made US suspicious.

Around 12:00, when I was about ready to confess all to Doc and try to make him see reason, Doc stretched and yawned. "I have to take a time out." That was his euphemism for the bathroom. Thank God! "You'll be all right for about ten minutes or so, son?"

"Sure, Doc." Bill's voice was heavy with relief.

So was mine. "We'll watch him for you."

"Good." Doc got up, yawned again, looked at all three of us carefully, and ambled out.

"Thank God he's gone." Bill breathed. "I'm horny enough to try to suck myself off."

"Well, that won't be necessary." I smiled. "We have plenty of time this time."

"Yeah." James said, taking station near the door, but facing us. "I want to see this better. Not every day you see a Captain playing with a recruit's dick."

"Well, he does it wonderfully." Bill said to my intense embarrassment.

"We could always see how the Commander would manage such a task." I said pointedly.

"Ah, but the welfare of your crew is your job...sir."

I laughed and lowered Bill to his back. "Now, don't move around too much." I warned him and he laughed. I manipulated his pud with an increasing ease born of familiarity.

"How much does that thing measure?" James said, coming over for a closer look.

"Get back on station, Commander. The Doc may change his mind." I said while I stroked the kid deftly. "Hey, kid," I said, shifting my grip to a different hold, "how does this feel?"

"It feels great."

"Who changes their mind about taking a crap?" James wanted to know.

"Someone who thinks his crewmates may be trying a tribal cure." came Doc's voice from the doorway.

I turned my face, but didn't stop what I was doing. Doc had me dead to rights, I might as well finish the kid off one last time. "And what's wrong with that. It's working, isn't it?" I said.

"I see my Captain engaging in inappropriate activity." the doctor said. He really was a damned prude. "And I doubt the Court of Inquiry will listen to your explanation of why you're taking advantage of a young recruit. Damn it, sir, at least stop what you're doing while I'm speaking to you."

I gave the kid a hard, fast jerking while I formulated my answer. "I'll take my chances with the Court of Inquiry." I assured him. "Especially when we prove it saves lives. Future expeditions to this planet will be spared a lot of agony and possible fatalities due to my willingness to listen to a tribal shaman."

Bill was grunting and groaning, distracted beyond belief by what was going on around him, but still controlled by his priapism.

"If that is in fact true."

"Tell me, doctor, if it does work, how would that mean the virus attacked the human body?"

"I'm sure I haven't the faintest idea." Doc said loftily.

"Uh, oh, oh!" Bill yelled as his orgasm struck. Come flew into the air, and this time I deliberately aimed it to land all over me, splashing my face and chest with the copious flood.

It upset Doc a lot, and he spluttered to pull out an answer, but I answered first. "Well, you'll have plenty of time to find out. Get him, James!"

James had circled Doc in all the confusion, and attacked now, wrestled him to the ground. We settled for locking him in his bedroom with its extra room for a laboratory/examination room. Doc could work on the problem there easily enough. He insisted on scraping off a sample of Bill's sperm from my face.

Bill got better day by day. He regained the use of his arms and legs and could wobble around the ship by the end of the week, and before the end of the next week, he was fine, all the blue color gone, a fully recovered patient.

That next day, we had our promised picnic. We took off into the jungle, and two miles from my command, I felt free enough to spread the blanket on the ground.

Then I just lay back and said, "Well, Mr. Breckinridge, your Captain is waiting for his promised blow-job."

Bill grinned and undid my pants, took out my cock and went right to work. I lay there under the warm jungle sun, looking up at exotic flowers adorning the trees, while my recruit sucked my cock for me. Every attempt I made to help, such as to grab his head, he would slough off. "You just lie there." He ordered me. "You promised me I could suck you raw, and I'm going to."

For five hours, he kept right at it. After my first wad, which took about five minutes (I felt incredibly horny that day), Bill suckled on the limp schlong until it rose again in his mouth. A true expert, Bill kept it up until he had milked six loads from me in those five hours. I was kind of impressed. I didn't think my body still had it that way.

And I'll be honest with you, my gentle readers. After the second one, I begged Bill, yes, the Captain begged his lowest crewmember for the opportunity to reciprocate. I was curious, and felt that this was the perfect chance to satisfy my curiosity. So my third load was matched by one of Bill's loads shot down my throat in return.

My cock felt raw by the end of that session, and I gingerly tucked it back into my pants.

"You told me I could suck you raw."

"Well, you certainly managed that, son." I said, and gave him a warm kiss. I stooped over and picked up the picnic basket, and fell right on my face. Damned embarrassing, Bill laughed. I told him he'd worn me out. I didn't care, our ship was warping for home the next day.

Back at the ship, I asked Doc about the tribal theory, and Doc admitted it, "Well, Captain, you were right. I checked on your theory, having nothing better to do. Turns out the virus replaces part of the testosterone in the body rather than attacking the cells. Testosterone count goes 'way up, resulting in the priapism."

"Why does the constant, uh, release of sperm cure the victim?"

"Because the nature of the virus alters as it takes over the body. You might say it has to have hormone levels in the body at certain levels at certain stages. I don't understand it entirely yet, but the orgasms and release of sperm lower hormone levels, and the virus is weakened, permitting the body to manufacture its own antibodies. So the patient is cured. Mostly."


"Yes, while permanently resistant to future contagion, he continues to infect future sex partners. It is a purely venereal disease. Women carry the disease, but aren't subject to the virulent form, insufficient testosterone levels. Contagion is quick, striking within a few hours from the stories told me by the villagers. I went out and interviewed a few of them.

"Really?" I said.

"What's that on your hands, Captain?" Doc asked me.

I looked at my fingers and groaned. Blue fingertips.

"I can't do anything for you, Captain. I suggest you confront whoever gave you this little problem of yours.

I went to Bill's room and showed him. "You gave it to me, Bill. You did." I moaned. I hid my face in my hands, my eyes seeing blue instead of redness between my fingers. "What in hell am I going to do when Doc turns in his report?"

"Don't worry, Captain." Bill said. "I'll do what I have to to help you get all better."

He flexed his fingers. "I'd better practice now while I still have time."

I felt my cock stir in my pants. I wondered if horniness was a preliminary symptom. "I'll give you lots of practice. In fact, I order you to practice with me." I undid my pants and let my cock flop out.

Bill knelt at my feet and wrapped his warm hands around my emerging cock. "It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it." he said.

Warp to the base would take us six weeks in overspace. It was usually an extremely dull trip, but this time, I wouldn't be bored.


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E-Mail me at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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