Beard or Balls David's Choice

By Sinsored

Published on Aug 27, 2024



Beard or Balls David's Choice

Lord Alexander (

Summary: Set in the near future, David's story takes place in San Francisco. He's committed a crime first thing in the morning while on his way to work. His arrest and trial happened immediately. As we join David and his attorney Robert in a conference room, David has to make a choice. The judge has found him guilty and sentencing is in just over one hour.

--- Included Story Text --- (also attached as a text file)

"Beard or balls?" Robert looked at me with one eyebrow raised and his finger ready to check the appropriate box on his court tablet. Suddenly it all seemed too real. "But, you said you'd get the judge to rule not guilty."

"I know this isn't the outcome you'd hoped for but..."

"I'd hoped to go home today with a sentence of a few hours of picking up trash on the road while wearing only an orange vest and no pants. Losing my manhood wasn't even a consideration. I can't believe this is happening so fast. I was only arrested two hours ago and I'm already a convict!"

"This judge is a hard ass. Any other judge would have gone much lighter. It's your first offense. Nevertheless, you have to choose an option on the pre-sentencing report." Robert was the best criminal defense attorney in the state and David had felt lucky to get him. David wasn't feeling very lucky at that point, however.

David continued complaining about the justice system, "The AI was set to sensitive. Even the tech said it could have been wrong. I mean it. Robert, this isn't fair. Can we appeal this ruling?"

"David, look. It's not ideal. But, really, it's not so bad. You're just now 18 years old and have a four-inch pecker. With the new law going into effect in January, you'd have been unmanned then anyway, right?"

"With only a chastity cage. And, that law is unconstitutional. How can the government simply decide that any male with a donger shorter than 7 inches shouldn't be allowed to reproduce?" David was frustrated. But, mostly, he was sad to have to lose either his beard or his nuts.

"David, we both know you did the crime. This judge is known for making sure convicts receive the highest possible punishment. She'd have put you in prison as well but, he had to select between prison, castration, or facial deforestration."

"But..." David trailed off. If he didn't choose, the judge would impose both the laser hair removal of his beard and his castration. Castration barely describes that choice. Sure, his nuts would become history but that's where castration normally ends.

"David, I know. It's not just having your balls chopped off. The castration option also includes permanent pubic hair removal, a tattoo where your pubes used to be that says "EUNUCH" in bold letters, circumcision, and a large Prince Albert ring welded into your cock head. Still, it could be thought of as the better option."

"What? Getting deballed, denuded, and tattooed is better than just getting my beard removed?"

"It's a bit more than that. Once the beard is removed by laser hair removal, a large septum ring is installed with a charm on it that says, 'UNMANNED'."

"What the fuck? Why would they need to do that? Isn't that cruel and unusual punishment or something?"

"They don't want people to think your smooth face was your choice. Not having a beard is uncommon but, some men prefer it. Just to be sure that it's evident that you've been unmanned and are not just clean-shaven, the septum ring is required."

David looked at the clock. Court started in one hour and ten minutes. The judge had made it clear that she wanted his choice one hour before the hearing. David had ten minutes to decide how to be humiliated for the rest of his soon-to-be sad life. "I can't decide. How could any man make such a choice? Can you decide for me?"

Robert looked conflicted. Legally, the client had to make the decision. However, Robert really wanted David to choose castration. David had been there when Robert was stripped-searched and knew how huge his client's balls were. David's low-hanging huge balls sat nicely behind his four-inch cock.

"Okay, I sent the report," Robert said as he closed the cover to his tablet.

"Oh fuck! It's getting real now. Which is it?"

Robert didn't have a chance to answer before the door opened and two very large guards came in to fetch David for his sentencing hearing.

Grabbing David under each arm the two officers had no problem picking David up from his chair and putting him on his feet facing the wall.

"Should we just strip him here or wait until he's about ready to go in?" The guard asking the question looked like he was about 19 years old.

The older guard answered with a shrug and said, "Here is as good as any place. After all, convicts have to report to court nude. So, let's just get it over with."

This wasn't the first convict these two had stripped down. One lifted David off his feet and the other pulled off David's pink plastic prison-issued sandals. Underpants were forbidden in jail and David was wearing a pair of shorts that were two sizes too large. After a fast tug, the pants were flung onto the chair in the corner.

"Arms up, Sunshine," the guard behind David pulled David's t-shirt over David's head. "Quick and easy," the guard said as the unmistakable sound of handcuffs clicking filled the room.

The guard that had stripped David's lower half whistled and said, "Don't be shy cunt. This will be your last opportunity to show off those huge low hangers before you're unmanned forever." Then the guard half smiled and added, "Damn, bitch, you're all potatoes and no meat."

Being called a bitch and a cunt stung David's ego. Once convicted, there was no protection against hate speech for the convict. Any insult could be used on any felon. David knew he'd have to get used to being insulted to his face but, nothing could make him like it.

As he was being led into the crowded hallway, the handcuffs behind David's back prevented him from covering his junk.

As his balls were swinging from the guards's rough handling, David realized he didn't know which option his lawyer had decided on. It was at that moment when David finally realized what being unmanned would mean. From now on, he'd never have the legal status of being a man.

(One hour later)

"Since the introduction of the Criminal Unmanning Mandate (The CUM Act), crime has seen a dramatic 80 percent reduction," the judge was giving one of her normal long drawn out lectures before announcing her sentence. She continued to go on about the wonderful accomplishments of the various new punishments created in the CUM Act.

Finally, she got to the point and David would learn how he'd be unmanned.

"Having been found guilty of jaywalking, this court sentences you to the following. You shall be taken into custody by the State Department of Corrections (DOC). The court orders DOC to hold the convict until its pubic hair has been permanently removed, a tattoo with the word EUNUCH is placed above its pubic region, its scrotum has been sliced off, both its testicles have been surgically removed, and it has undergone a total penectomy that includes all internal penile structures. After completion of its unmanning, the DOC is ordered to update the convict's public record to change its gender from male to eunuch and to change its pronouns from he/him to it. Once its sentence is completed, the convict shall be released with orders to remain nude at all times in both public and private. This court warns you Mr. Scarton, if you appear before this court again, the sentence will not be so light. With no further business before the court, court stands adjourned."

David looked at Robert as if to say, "What the fuck?" Robert attempted to use a reassuring voice, "I'll see you in the back holding cell in a few minutes."

David was walked back to a holding cell and kept naked. As he was being marched down the empty hallway in the back of the courtroom the guard teased David, "I bet you're missing the crowds in the front hallway. This would have been the very last time you could have shown off those two giant stones in your bag that you call your balls. Well, soon they won't be your balls anymore - they'll be in a jar on display"

David was placed alone in a holding cell that had a bunk with no mattress. There was no other furniture. It didn't even have a toilet and David desperately needed to take a piss.

As Robert entered the holding cell to visit his client, David was there with his head held low looking defeated. David looked up at Robert with just a hint of hope. The look on Robert's face told David to abandon any thought that he'd be able to keep his genitals.

Robert was shaking his head, "A penectomy isn't part of the standard punishment for jaywalking but, legally, she can include it if you select the castration option."

"My whole cock and my balls too?"

"Look buddy, your cock wasn't going to be all that useful after a radical circumcision, castration, and with a giant ring in its head." Robert offered nothing in the way of encouragement for David to grasp onto.

"Do you know when," David asked.

"It's up to the prison warden. Overcrowding hasn't been much of a problem since the CUM Act was passed. So, they normally do the castration right away and then take their time with the hair removal. Even though there was no prison time included, they can hold you until the entire process is done."

"How long," David moaned.

"I've been seeing it take five to ten years. The only prison with castration facilities is run by a ball-busting warden who likes to draw out these things. She could have the doctor do all the surgical procedures at once. But, she seems to enjoy slowly emasculating a man rather than one slice and done."

David couldn't speak. He'd stepped off a curb exactly half a second before the crosswalk light had changed. The AI that issued jaywalking tickets caught him and the police arrested him at work about an hour later.

Two transport guards arrived at the holding cell to take David to the prison he'd stay at until the prison warden certified that he was completely unmanned. "Up out of the chair," the guard barked.

Robert's job as David's attorney was over and he simply walked down the hall in the opposite direction as David was being led to the loading dock for transport. Robert and David would never meet again. Knowing his job was done, Robert smiled at the thought of David's balls displayed in a jar in the public museum where all convict's nuts were displayed. Robert decided he'd make sure to visit the museum after David's hube nuts were taken.

The prison wasn't far from town and the transport arrived in about 45 minutes. Thumbprints were exchanged on the transport team's tablet and David was now officially known only by his prisoner number.

A handsome guard who was about 19 years old and had a body that showed how much time he spent in the gym handed the transport driver his tablet back and looked at two of his fellow guards. "Take him to processing room four," he calmly said. Despite David having an anxiety attack from hell, for the guards, this was just another day at the office.

In the processing room, David had been handcuffed to the wall facing the corner and was unable to see what was happening behind him. The door clicked loudly as it opened and the same handsome buffed guard entered.

"I wanted to process you myself." The guard said in a way that made it difficult to tell if he was thinking out loud or talking to David. To be safe, David remained silent.

"First, I'm going to allow you to lose those handcuffs," the guard commented as he slipped a lightweight bright blue metal collar around David's neck. "Before I uncuff you, let me warn you that his collar has a built-in shock system. The lowest setting will knock you on your ass. The highest setting will leave you in agony for a few weeks. It's just easier all around if you do exactly as you're told."

Without waiting for a confirmation that he'd been understood, the guard reached around David from behind to unlock the cuffs. To get to David's wrists and the cuffs, the guard was standing behind David. The handsome stud's crotch pushed against David's naked ass. Taking longer than was required to undo the cuffs, the guard made sure his nine-inch cock rubbed David's ass crack.

"I'm Mr. Tugger. Everyone calls me Tug. Of course, that's not my real name. As a matter of security, none of the prison staff use their real names. Now, turn around and face me, cunt."

Being called cunt told David everything he'd need to know about the way he'd be treated while in prison and the word sent chills down his spine.

David turned to look Tug in the face. Tug's face looked like it had come right off a fashion website page. Tug wore his dark black hair in a military high and tight, his eyes were a striking wolf's grey, with an aquiline nose, square jaw, and cheekbones that were placed perfectly by God himself, Tug might have been the best-looking man David had ever seen.

"You can get away without calling me Sir this one time because it's the first time. When told to do something, you answer with 'Yes, Sir' or you'll be shocked on level one. Do you understand me, bitch?"

Even the idea of being shocked on his neck with enough force to knock him down sounded horrible to David who quickly answered, "Yes, Sir!"

Tug took his finger and put it under David's chin. Pushing David's head back so that he could see up to Tug's 6'5" height, Tug whispered, "There is nothing I can't do to you bitch. Nobody cares about you. I don't give a shit about a bitch like you and I'm the best hope you have for a delightful stay while in prison. Well, delightful might be a bit much to hope for, bitch. But, you should understand that I can make your life a living hell if you cross me. You will do everything I tell you to do. Right, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir," David croaked as his body started to shake in fear.

And, it happened. David started to piss onto the floor and Tug's shiny black leather shoes. Knowing David hadn't had an opportunity to use the toilet in hours, Tug expected the flow of piss and didn't move an inch until David's bladder was empty. The realization that prison would be worse than the 12th layer of hell normally caused prisoners to either lose bladder control or vomit.

In a voice that would have been more appropriate in the bedroom, Tug smiled and whispered, "It's okay bitch. It happens a lot. Knowing they'll soon be a eunuch causes lots of faggots like you to piss all over the floor."

David wasn't gay. Yet, since he was arrested that morning, he'd been called queer, fag, homo, bitch, and a host of other insults intended to reorient his sexuality.

Continuing to hold David's chin up and looking David right in the eyes, Tug pushed the button on his radio's microphone, "Send in team yellow to processing four."

A few seconds later the door clicked open and three naked prisoners came in. They each had the same kind of collar David was wearing except theirs were yellow.

Tug turned David's head so he could see the three nullified prisoners standing at parade rest. All three were completely hairless except for a short mohawk of shocking yellow hair. Each had only the thinnest of scar lines between their legs where their genitals had once swung. Their nipples, septums, and ears were pierced with large anodized titanium rings that were a bright yellow color. Each man's skin was so white it looked like they'd never seen the sun in their entire lives. Above each of their empty crotches was the word EUNUCH tattooed in large bold letters.

"Clean it up," Tug barked at the inmates. In a coordinated movement, all three slowly lowered to the ground. David would learn that inmates were not allowed to move quickly. The guards wanted to make sure they knew exactly what a prisoner was doing at all times and forcing inmates to move in slow motion made sure nothing unexpected happened. If an inmate moved too quickly, the collar would issue a warning shock. If the inmate didn't immediately slow down, it'd be knocked backward at setting five by the AI control system. Almost no inmates ever made the mistake of moving quickly after its first shock.

The three inmates crawled to the puddle of now cold piss and began to slurp it up. They sucked up what they could and then carefully licked up every drop of David's piss. Most importantly, Tug's shoes were spotless by the time they were done cleaning the floor.

In an attempt to gain approval, the inmates looked up at Tug while still on all fours. "No, leave the bitch's feet wet. It made the pissy mess, it can stand in it. Now leave you fucking cunts. I'm sure there's a guard out there that needs to piss. Go be the urinals you've been trained to be."

Team Yellow then very slowly stood up and turned to leave. It was at that point that David noticed a QR code tattooed on each of the inmate's ass cheeks. It didn't take much to realize it was one there for he AI control system to keep track of inmates.

"Now, bitch, I can finish your processing." Tug, reached over and picked up what looked like a piercing gun. Tug knew that it was a device used to implant an RFID chip under a prisoner's skin. However, Tug couldn't think of any reason to tell David what the device did. "Turn around and face the wall, faggot."

"Yes, Sir," David firmly said as he turned. Instantly he felt Tug grab the skin between his shoulders and pull it outward. Then a sharp pain similar to getting five flu shots at once stung David's back as the RFID chip was embedded under David's skin.

"Don't worry bitch. Most inmates forget it's there after a while." David wondered what it was he'd forget was there.

Not sure if he should or not, David decided to be safe and said, "Yes, Sir."

To show his approval, Tug reach over and lightly slapped David's ass cheek - the kind of ass slap athletes give each other on the ass when naked in the locker room. "Good bitch. I thought I might have to shock you for failing to say 'Yes, Sir.'"

Tug continued David's processing with a mohawk haircut to which he applied hair dye that turned it a bright blue color. As Tug was shaving David's hair into its new style, David could see Tug's nine-inch cock harden in his guard uniform pants.

Then, Tug had David lay on the table and pierced David's nipples. In each nipple was a bright blue titanium ring. David had no idea what the meaning of the bright blue color was and was smart enough not to ask.

When Tug said, "Stick your tongue out," David did so immediately and then instantly remembered to say, "Yes, Sir," which sounded stupid as hell with his tongue hanging out. Tug just shrugged at how ridiculous that made David look and sound.

The gun used to pierce David's tongue was larger than the nipple-piercing gun. But in one loud bang, the tongue gun pierced a hole in the tongue and placed the blue titanium bar. Tug tightened the balls on the end of the bar and then with a click locked them in place forever.

"Ears next. Turn your head away from me. They both have to be done. So, just pick either side."

This time the "Yes, Sir," from David was even more muffled as his now swollen tongue made speaking difficult.

"Oh, shit, bitch! I forget to ice your tongue." Tug reached into the freezer and pulled out a frozen popsicle. "You'll be sucking on a frozen piss pop until your tongue isn't swollen which takes about a month for the swelling to go down and another two weeks before medical will clear you for your cock sucking duties."

Earlier that day after David had showered, taken Muni downtown, and was ready for work, the idea of being told he'd soon be a cock sucker would have pissed David off. After his arrest and trial all in the morning, David realized that the prison system could make him do anything the guards wanted him to do.

Then, the left ear piercing was followed by the right, Tug put a large blue ring into each of David's earlobes. "Getting close to done."

"Look me in the eyes and then tilt your head all the way back."

"Yes, Sir," which now sounded even more like David had a sock shoved in his mouth as his tongue was continuing to swell. Tug handed David another frozen piss pop to suck on.

David didn't know if it was really frozen piss or if Tug was only messing with his head. Either way, it dulled the pain from the new hole in his tongue and David was happy for that tiny bit of relief.

A clamp was placed on David's septum. Tug picked up a needle and a cork. Holding the cork on one side of the septum, he jabbed the needle through and followed it with the last bright blue ring. After it was snapped into its locked position, the piercings were done.

"Most guards give their bitches shaving cream and a razor and have them shave off their own bodies. But, I like the act of beginning your unmanning myself. You'll enjoy that won't you bitch?"

"Yes, Sir," David muffled.

Once David was completely shaved, Tug started the laser hair removal process. "Settle in, bitch. This takes time." To David's horror, Tug started on David's beard. Realizing he'd be losing both his junk and his beard, David's eyes started to tear up.

"Ahh, bitch. Don't worry, I'm tossing in the free beard removal as a bonus. I'll get to the rest of your body hair soon enough."

"Yes, Sir," David barely could get the air past his tongue to form what would have sounded like "Yes, Sir" if David didn't have a giant wad of swollen tongue in his mouth. Tug handed David another frozen piss pop.

Two hours passed as snap after snap of the laser hair removal wand turned on and off. Each time it was activated it felt like a rubberband was snapping David's skin.

Between the pain in his nipples, ears, and tongue, the snaps of the laser wand were more annoying than painful.

After hundreds of snaps and more snaps, Tug announced, "There, hair removal treatment number one is done. I'll need to do the entire body every six weeks until the hair stops growing back. Normally it takes between four to eight treatments. But, I can keep you here in prison as long as I say you need more hair removal treatments. The inmate that was sucking my cock was released yesterday and I need a new best bitch."

"Yes, Sir," this time it sounded like a muffled attempt to cough up a hairball.

Your EUNUCH tattoo will be put on after your nullification surgery. But, I need to tattoo your ass cheek with your QR code. Hold still, it's fast. Tug brought over the auto-tat. The QR code had to be perfect to work and the auto-tat could secure the skin and make a perfect tattoo every time. With thousands of tattoo needles built in, the entire code was done virtually instantly. David felt like his ass had just been branded.

"One last thing and then processing for surgical genital nullification will be complete. Get on all fours on this pad."

"Yes, Sir."

Tug fixed a strap around David's waist and one strap around each leg right where the legs meet the butt. David couldn't see what was shoved up his ass. All David knew was that it felt cold and huge.

"The straps will hold in the machine as it flushes out your guts completely. Remain still and the machine does all the work. Understood, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir."

The machine felt like a frapachinno maker had been shoved up David's asshole. Relentlessly it flushed water in, stirred it up with a sonic wave, then sucked out the water and any waste that came along with it. Time after time it squirted, spun the water around, and emptied David's guts.

After 45 minutes a bell rang and the indicator said the cycle was complete.

"Fuhhh, I love processing a newbie, bitch. You cannot have anything to eat until after your surgery this afternoon. The surgical team will install a feeding tube in your abdomen when they cut off your junk. It makes keeping you fed easier while your tongue gets back to normal. The food you process from the feeding tube absorbs almost completely. The only bits that aren't absorbed are water-based slime that is identical to lube. Think about how great that is bitch. Your asshole will be self-lubricating."

Tug continued, "Once you're healed up, I'll be the first to shove my cock in your pie hole. I saw in your file that you're a gay virgin. I can't wait to pop your queer cherry. Exciting, right, bitch?"

"Yes, Sir," David tried to say it as clearly as possible but with the frozen piss pop on his tongue it just sounded like a noise.

"Once you're processed, you belong to the officer that processed you. That means that you and my nine inches of man sausage will be getting very familiar with each other. I wanted to process you because you are the only inmate ever to come in with balls bigger than mine and I wanted to get a good look at them. Once you're a eunuch, I'll have the biggest balls in the prison again. Stand up, bitch."

"Yes, Sir."

Tug keyed his mic and said, "Transport to processing room four." The door opened and two inmates with purple mohawks and rings appeared. They said nothing.

"Take his ass to pre-op. He'll be nullified before the prison announces lights out."

The two transport inmates said, "Yes, Sir," and reached over and seized David by the arms.

There were no thoughts in David's head. He was broken. He thought that every bit of humanity and hope had been stripped from him. But, he'd yet to meet the surgical team.

David was led to swinging doors marked "Surgical Suites". Neither transport inmate spoke to David. They waited with him until a nurse came out and took David inside.

After the surgery doors were sealed shut again, one of the transport inmates looked at the other and said, "I wonder which he selected beard or balls."

Answering with a wry smile, the answer was, "Does it matter? They always do both either way." With that, each of the transport inmates looked down with their perfectly smooth faces to see each other's empty groins tattooed EUNUCH. They then returned to the duty room to wait for their next assignment. Neither knew when or if they'd get out of the prison.

--- End Included Text ---

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