Bear Meinhard in Barovia

By Bear V.

Published on Nov 5, 2018


Thank you to anyone and everyone that reads this story. It's probably my favorite one to write on right now. I appreciate all feedback. Please send comments and suggestions. Also, please consider donating to

Bear Meinhardt in Barovia

I woke up feeling Haddick's warm arm over me and his body snuggled up tight against me. His cock was hard and excited to be resting against my ass. I lay still a moment enjoying the feel of his warmth and the feeling of being protected his strong arms gave me. I startled to wiggle away and felt his lips against my neck.

"Good morning." He whispered in my ear giving my earlobe a gentle nip before pulling me tight against him. His hand went to my hip and he ground his erect cock against my ass. "You told Brachle last night that if he wanted to use your ass, you'd let him but you wanted to enjoy it. Does that go for me too?" His hand slid along the back of my body and lowered my breeches just enough to expose my ass as his cock slid between my ass crass. He continued to push my breeches downward and I pushed the front to free my cock and balls.

I only managed to help Haddick get my pants to my knees when his cock slid into my ass. He worked his cock slowly into me. He was large enough to take me on my side, and he felt full and firm in ass as I gave my body to him. He kissed my neck and explored my body with his hands. His own hand came around to stroke my cock while own rested inside me.

It felt good laying there in his arms, his cock working in and out of my body while his hand slowly caressed along my shaft. He took his time. His hand slid off my cock to massage my balls while he slide a bit lower along my body to change his angle. He bumped my prostate with the head of his battering ram and a surge of pleasure coursed through my body. He pistoned in and out, pumping slowly his head continuing to bump my prostate while he massaged my churning balls.

I felt my balls growing tighter as I was about to orgasm. His cock working it's own magic in my ass. I groaned softly and bit my lower lip to try to keep from crying out my pleasure. My cock throbbed and shot four thick wads of cum onto the bed and down my hip as he rode me.

He began to push me over onto my stomach and let his weight rest on my back and ass. He began to thrust a bit more aggressively into my ass, his balls slowly slapping against me. He bit my neck hard and drove as deep as he could inside me. He stopped thursting and I could feel his cock throbbing inside me as he bred me. When he began to soften a bit, he pulled out. He turned me onto my back and leaned down to kiss my lips and then slid up my chest to push his cock into my mouth.

I growled and smiled up at him and then pushed my forked tongue deep into his piss slit licking and tasteing as much cum as I could get before sucking him deep into my mouth. He tasted of cum, ass and sex. I savored the flavor and then began to lick him clean. I swirled my tongue over his head and looked up into his eyes and winked at him.

He smiled and punched my shoulder. He looked over to Aerick laying beside us. Aerick was awake and watching us. Aerick smiled at me and then looked to Haddick.

"Best bit of treasure I've found in a long, long time."

Haddick looked down at me and nodded. "I agree. It was a good way to wake up." Haddick climbed off me and offered me to Aerick. Aerick just shook his head. I'm good this morning. He pointed to his stomach where he had jacked off watching Haddick breeding me.

I crawled over to him and licked his seed off his stomach and cleaned his cock. Aerick just reached down and ruffled the hair on my head. The two cousins crawled out of bed and began to get dressed. I watched them and purred at my fortune to find two such manly and sexy men who wanted me. While they were dressing, I told them of my chat with Ismark the Lesser and his request to have his sister taken to another village away from the castle.

When and if we return, there is a small house near the church that is supposedly "haunted". We can have the title and deed to it, but we'd have to cleanse it. It would be a good base of operation for the rest of the things we are needing to do.

"What else you all got to do?" Brachle had awoken and asked while rubbing his eyes.

"We had letters to help heal people, help with some werewolves, help with the undead, help with some witches, help with who knows what." I grumbled to him, still not happy with the way he used my ass during the middle of the night.

"You sound like a dwarf when you grumble." Brachle laughed and tossed his pillow at me.

Brachle crawled out of bed. He had slept naked and it was the first time I had been able to look at him fully. He was muscular like most dwarves but his body was lithe and trim. He had fur all over his chest and abdomen which was taught and showed a six pack underneath his fur. His fur was a golden brown, his beard and hair being more blonde with the sun's highlights. He had the smallest cock in the group that had fucked me, but it was still thick. He was a grower not a shower and it rested above a nice set of balls that stayed up tight by his body. I knew from experience that it would be thicker and longer when erect and in girth. He was probably the thickest cock of my recent lovers.

He moved with grace and deftly put on black leathers and a black cloak that hung nearly to the floor. I watched as he dressed. I was almost nearly fascinated by his movements. Haddick hit my shoulder again.

"You getting dressed this morning?"

I quickly got up and pulled my linen breeches back up. I grabbed my own black leathers and put them on. I thought about Hadyentaul when I wore them. The feel of him and texture of his skin. The way he moved inside me and how the leathers fit his body showing off his ass. Besides my whip, the leathers were probably the best thing I owned.

Everyone was dressed and ready to go by the time I finished getting everything together. I let them lead the way down the inn's stairs watching their walk and the way they moved with strength and confidence. I let Brachle go before me as well, since I didn't trust him behind me. My ass still remembered his attack from the shadows. But as I watched them moving in front of me, I wasn't upset at all and I found myself smiling at my luck. I had some amazing males in my life, human and dwarf.

Ismark the Lesser had already left for the Burgomeister's estate to get his sister Ireena Kolyana. I obtained directions and we set off to find Ismark and his sister. The streets didn't look much different this day from the days with the zombies roaming around. The houses remained shuttered. The village remained quiet. The streets remained mostly empty.

The sun was hidden by clouds and the day was overcast. Everything seemed gloomy.

"Would be nice is the sun burned off some of the cloud cover and we got some sunlight for a change." I chatted as we walked south towards the home.

Haddick nodded, "The sun hasn't been shown fully since I've arrived here. It's always overcast, raining or dark of night. It's like we are in a perpetual twilight."

Brachle grunted, "Lots of shadows to sneak in...or to hide in. You never know if you're being observed or not." He looked around and shuddered. "Doesn't matter," he grumbled, "I'm ready for whatever jumps out or into the shadows."

Aerick listened but didn't join into the conversation. He strode with purpose towards our destination and wasn't about to be side tracked by light conversation. The village itself wasn't that large so it wasn't long before we found our destination.

A weary-looking mansion squatted behind a rusting iron fence. The iron gates were twisted and torn. The right gate lay cast aside, while the left swung lazily in the wind. The stuttering squeal and clang of the gate repeated with mindless precision. Weeds choked the grounds and pressed with menace upon the house itself. Yet, against the walls, the growth had been tramped down to create a path all about the domain. Heavy claw markings had stripped the once-beautiful finish of the walls. Great black marks told of the fires that had assailed the mansion. Not a pane nor a shard of glass stood in any window. All the windows were barred with planks, each one marked with stains of evil omen.

I saw Aerick shudder, an almost involuntary reflex for the superstitious barbarian. He didn't say anything though nor hesitate, but I saw him reach for and touch his great axe reassuringly. Brachle had slipped away from our party without my noticing, but he soon strode across the grass to us.

"Nothing about the house or any danger about the building at present. I made a full circle. The ground about the house showed some older footprints, some wolf prints and some human."

I took in the information but with no signs of danger or creatures about at the present went to the door of the building and knocked. Ismark the Lesser opened the door and waved us inside. He looked out the door in both directions, then closed and locked it carefully. He pushed a small table in front of the door as an additional barricade. He then took us into a small parlor just inside the entrance.

The interior of the mansion was well furnished, yet the fixutres showed signs of great wear. Noticable oddities are the boarded-up windows and the presence of holy symbols in every room. A striking young woman with auburn hair was introduced to us as Ireena Kolyana.

I dug in my backpack looking for all the letters we've received and finally found the one I wanted that indicated that "the love of my life, Ireena Kolyana, has been afflicted by an evil so deadly that even the good people of our village cannot protect her. She languishes from her wound, and I would have her saved from this menance."

I showed Ireena this letter. She read it slowly and then nodded.

"It's true. Wolves and other creatures attacked the house, night after night. For weeks they tried to gain entrance. My poor father's heart couldn't stand the constant assualt and he passed away. Thanks to your help at the church, we were finally able to bury him. After my father passed away, the attacks stopped. Except, I have these."

She slowly removed a scarf from about her neck to show four small puncture wounds. The freshest of them still trickling blood although the blood loss was negligible.

"Do you know how you got those?" I asked.

She didn't have any memory of how they got there. She retired to her room at night. There were no attacks on the mansion...she did mention she had dreams, dreams of "eyes that burned with horrible hunger."

"It's the reason, I believe that she will be safest away from here," Ismark volunteered.

"I'm packed and ready to go." Ireena reached for a backpack and a longsword near where she was sitting. "St. Andrel's church is there and it's a holy place. I should be able to obtain sanctuary there or maybe stay at the inn there under an assummed name until it's safe to return." She smiled wistfully and pulled her thick hair back in a pony tail.

Aerick nodded. "We have some last minute provisions to obtain and will leave within the hour. We will get our gear from the inn and be right back. Brachle can stay here with you, while we grab our belongings."

Aerick herded Haddick and myself towards the door. Brachle was swift on the uptake.

"Any chance you have some ale?" He asked, "Doesn't matter, I have my own flask..." I watched him pull a silver flask from his leathers and take a drink and offer it to Ismark before Aerick had us back in the yard and the door closed.

He set off with purpose back to town leaving us to follow along.

"We have all our gear from the inn, Aerick. You told us to bring it this morning, so what are you up to?" Haddick questioned.

Haddick looked about to see if we were alone. He pulled us to the side of the road.

"The wound to her neck, did you see it?" We nodded, she'd shown it to everyone. He continued, "Those were bite marks. Teeth."

I didn't see where he was going with this. "I don't understand what you're getting at Aerick."

"There was no blood around the bite mark, no bruising. It was like whatever bite her, took all the blood from that location leaving her with only a puncture wound. Then all the holy symbols about the rooms, it was a warding of some type...and still the creature was able to bypass them to get to her. Whatever is after her, isn't a wolf or a zombie. I just thought we should discuss it before we took her off to whatever church through the countryside." Aerick grew quiet and looked at us.

Now that he mentioned it, there wasn't any bruising or trauma about the wound on her neck. Just four punctures. The punctures were neat and even, no ripping of the flesh. No jagged entry or worrying of the wound.

It was Haddick that broke the silence. "Regardless of what is after her or causing those wounds, we need to help her. If she believes that she is safe in a church or away from here, then we should try to help her get there."

"I thought as much," Aerick said softly, "but I don't want to go into this without everyone knowing that we're not just dealing with a mindless undead or wolf attack."

Aerick assigned each of us tasks to get ready. Haddick was to go to the church and get vials of holy water from Ashlyn. Aerick was going to the mercantile to see if Bildreth would get us a deal on silvershine. I was to go to the inn and search our rooms to see if we had left anything and make our presence known at the inn so that word would get back to Ismark.

The inn looked normal as I entered. There were the three vistani playing cards. The bartender was polishing glasses. A few patrons were in the common room. I cleared my throat and began a rowdy drunken sing-along style song common in the taverns. A few of the patrons half-heartedly joined in, but in truth it was too early for this type of song and not enough drunken commons to take up the song. I still continued to sing, but began to dance as well. I let my fascination magic loose upon the common room and drew their attention to me. I danced and kept up the performance until a few coins began to be tossed my way.

I quickly picked up my coins after the performance and moved upstairs to our room. I searched everything and there was nothing left behind. I knew there wouldn't be, but I waited for a bit and then moved downstairs to settle the debts with the tavernkeeper. I used the coins that I had just made to pay for everything and then started to leave.

"I'm sorry to see him go. He had a cute ass." It was the first time the barkeeper had ever said anything to me or about me. I turned and gave him a wink before running to catch up with my group.

Next: Chapter 10

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