Bear Meinhard in Barovia

By Bear V.

Published on Oct 30, 2018


Bear Meinhardt in Barovia Recruiting new members

We watched the eerie ghost procession make its way from the cemetary up to Castle Ravenloft high above us. They entered the castle and then reemerged from high atop one of the towers and plunged off the tower to fall in a eerie green light, plummeting back to the base of the mountain before disappearing into the mist. We watched in silence until the last falling ghost winked out of existance.

I turned to Aerick. "We definitely are going to need more help."

Aerick looked at me. "We need to recruit some help. The undead in the church alone nearly killed both of us. We should round out of some the skills we are missing."

I grinned at him and tried to lighten the mood, "You aren't missing any skills..." I gave him a leacherous look.

He laughed, "You know what I meant."

I did. "We need someone that is good with locks, the gambler that popped the church's lock showed potential. I liked Hayden, as an archer and for other reasons."

"Maybe we can find a rogue, ranger, archer or something along those lines back at the inn. We should go there to look." Aerick suggested.

I turned to head back towards the inn, but Aerick caught me and pulled me close and ground his hips into my ass, "and for other reasons."

"I hope so." I grinned at him.

"You better believe it." He kissed my neck and I blushed.

I was glad that he couldn't see my blush in the dim light. I strode with purpose towards the inn. We passed several zombies that had collapsed and just lay where they fell. Ashlyn and her crew was rounding up the dead bodies and burning them. It would be only a matter of time, and the undead would be gone from the streets and houses.

I stopped in the town square to speak with her. Without a priest or cleric, the church and village didn't have a spiritual leader. I persuaded her, with a bit of compulsion and thought magic, that she should take up the role until someone better suited arrived. She would take over the church and begin to rebuild it, until someone would replace her, then she wanted to continue her quest for the sunsword.

Aerick and I moved on into the inn. "You know with some of the villagers dead in the undead attacks, there are bound to be a couple of houses in town that are abandoned. We could easily move into one of them. Establish it as a base of operations...and it would be a bit more private for other things as well." He slapped me on the shoulder and it hurt. The guy was really strong and while he was being playful, he didn't know his own strength sometimes.

They inn had a few new adventurers in it, and surprise, they all had received a letter. Some of them identical to ours, but all in the strange handwriting. There was a small halfling in crimson armor telling folks that he was the "Scarlet Phantom", a renowned adventurer. I nodded to him, and Aerick leaned over and whispered to me.

"If I shot my seed in that one, it'd come out of his nose. If he's facing me and smiles, I'd see my own cock in the back of his throat." He chuckled softly.

I hissed back at him, "You're supposed to be helping me decide based on their skills, not if you want to fuck them." But I couldn't keep a straight face and smiled. "You're right though."

A mountain dwarf was in the back of the inn, staying to the shadows. "Rogue?" I pointed out to Aerick.

"Maybe, worth investigating."

An exotic female wearing red silks and gold bracers with an elaborate feathered headpiece. "There!" I pointed feeling my cock throb as I gazed at her. "That one."

Aerick looked and shook his head. "I don't really trust magic and she's a sorcerer or witch for sure. Best avoid that."

I looked at him. "Yes, I know, you do finger wiggle stuff." He gruffed. "But you're different."

"How?" I asked him.

"You keep my cock warm."

I didn't have an answer for that, so I searched the crowd again.

"There!" Aerick spun me around so fast, I nearly lost my balance. He strode forward with me in tow. "Ho! Kinsman!" He called out.

A large muscular man, wearing furs and loincloth spun around. "Aerick! I've found you, thank the gods!"

"Haddick!" Aerick grabbed the man in a bear hug and swung him up and around. "What the devil are you doing here?"

"I came to find you when you didn't come home. Then got surrounded by this accursed mist and found my way here." Haddick grinned and as his feet touched the ground, he picked up Aerick and spun him around in the opposite direction. They ended up laughing as Aerick was sat back down.

They looked almost like twins except Aerick had changed his furs for the catskin leather and Aerick's hair was more brown while Haddick's was as dark as a raven's feather.

Aerick turned to me, "This is my cousin, Haddick. He's my aunts son. He's an archer and touched by the gods with a bear spirit. We are more like brothers than cousins."

"We are only a month apart and we were raised together." Haddick growled. His voice was deep, rough and seemed to linger in the back of his throat.

Aerick grabbed me and thrust me between Haddick and himself. "This is Bear." Aerick said. "Figured, you might find that interesting since you're totem is a bear." Haddick looked at me. "He's fun in bed too." I looked at Aerick. "Don't worry, Haddick and I have shared everything since we were like born." He chuckled. "We even shared our first experience in bed together," he chuckled. "I was a natural, but he took some coaxing to life."

The fist moved so fast I didn't see it but it caught Aerick on the shoulder and knocked him back. "You talk too much cousin." Haddick winked at me. "He is right though. He was a natural for all of a second, and I did take some coaxing to life as I was nervous, but I lasted longer."

Aerick's face grew red, but he laughed and they settled into that close I-know-everything-about-you-and-it's-okay type of relationship.

"Haddick, you've been here a moment. If you needed a rogue or lock expert which one here would you pick?" Aerick asked

"The dwarf, Brachle" He nodded towards the dwarf in the corner. "I found him in the mist and he's good with his fingers."

"And?" Aerick pushed.

"And, that's it. I haven't bedded him, but he's nicely put together. But if I know you, and I do, then you've already fucked Bear, and he'll be nice and broken in. So I'll use his ass and throat too."

If they were as identical as the looked, I would enjoy it. I perked up but I didn't want to seem too eager, so I scowled at him. "You two share everything? Isn't that weird?"

Aerick was quick to the defense, "No. Of course not. Our tribes are very intermingled and we live a hard life, so we share nearly everything anyway. The children and families are tracked by the mother's bloodlines. A woman can have two or more lovers, so the dad may not always be known, but the mother is always known." They looked at each other and grinned. "It's our we're used to it." He leaned down to whisper in my ear, "I saw you share me with Hayden, I know you're going to love it. So stop being such a girl."

I looked at him and wasn't sure which I was more upset with that he knew I would like it and enjoy it, or that I was sulking pretending to be insulted and he called me on it. He shouldn't know that much about me in just a few days.

The two went to drink some ale and catch up, and I wandered over to the dwarf. Just like Haddick had said for a dwarf he was really well put together. Unlike some dwarves, who looked stunted with their legs being small and the rest of their body being overly large and muscular hidden behind a dirty beard and mustache, this one was proportionate.

"Hello, I'm Bear." I said. "Can you I get you an ale?"

"Why cause all dwarves are ale swilling pigs?" He snarled at me. "Doesnt' matter. I'll not turn down an ale."

I nodded got an ale and returned to him. He took it. "What? You bought me an ale, I'm drinking it. Go away." He turned his attention to his mug.

"I was hoping to ask you to join our party of adventurers."

"You got a healer? A wizard? Someone to take the heat off me in battle?" "I kind of have a barbarian, his cousin who is supposed to be an archer, and myself. I've got a bit of healing ability, a bit of compulsion magic."

"You're a bard." He said. "Doesn't matter. I'm in. Nothing else here looks promising. You got a room?"

I nodded. "The barbarian is named Aerick. He and I have a small room."

"Great, I'll move my things in there. They are out of rooms at the moment."

"We um, have sex. You might be uncomfortable."

"Doesn't matter. I snore."

"You don't have key..."

"Doesn't matter. I won't need it."

He got up and went to get his things. He then went to talk to the two barbarians. They talked only a moment, before he shook their hands and took his things up to our room. He paused on the stairs and winked at me, looked at the barbarians and then pointed at me and made a slapping-of-the-ass motion with his hand and chuckled. He continued his way to our room. I could him chuckling until he closed the door.

I sat at my empty table and drank my ale. It was rich and warm, tasting a lot like beer. I enjoyed the flavor of it. Aerick and his cousin made their way towards me and sat down.

"Brachle is going to join our party." Haddick grinned at me. With his cousin already being with me, he had automatically assumed that our party was his. I guess it was.

"What did he talk to you guys about?" I asked.

"He wanted to make sure what his share of his cut of any anything we received as treaure. We assured he could have a third of whatever we found in our adventure." Aerick took my ale and turned it up and drank the last of it. He signalled the bartender for three more drinks.

"You mean a fourth?" I corrected.

"No, a third..." He grinned at me.

"Are you two sharing your share?" I looked confused.

"Naw, we just found you on our adventure and decided you'd be considered "treasure" since we're sharing you already." They fist bumped each other.

"No!" I spluttered choking on my new ale. "Don't worry, he'll only get to use your ass or throat, a third of the time....when we're not using it." Aerick laughed, tossed me over his shoulder and carried me upstairs to our room.

Next: Chapter 8

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